// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include #include #include #include "base/dcheck_is_on.h" #include "base/functional/bind.h" #include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/task/current_thread.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequence_manager_impl.h" #include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue.h" #include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/threading/thread_id_name_manager.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "base/types/pass_key.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/attributes.h" #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/dynamic_annotations.h" #if (BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) && !BUILDFLAG(IS_NACL)) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) #include #include "base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h" #endif #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h" #endif namespace base { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() namespace { // We use this thread-local variable to record whether or not a thread exited // because its Stop method was called. This allows us to catch cases where // MessageLoop::QuitWhenIdle() is called directly, which is unexpected when // using a Thread to setup and run a MessageLoop. ABSL_CONST_INIT thread_local bool was_quit_properly = false; } // namespace #endif namespace internal { class SequenceManagerThreadDelegate : public Thread::Delegate { public: explicit SequenceManagerThreadDelegate( MessagePumpType message_pump_type, OnceCallback()> message_pump_factory) : sequence_manager_( sequence_manager::internal::CreateUnboundSequenceManagerImpl( PassKey(), sequence_manager::SequenceManager::Settings::Builder() .SetMessagePumpType(message_pump_type) .Build())), default_task_queue_(sequence_manager_->CreateTaskQueue( sequence_manager::TaskQueue::Spec( sequence_manager::QueueName::DEFAULT_TQ))), message_pump_factory_(std::move(message_pump_factory)) { sequence_manager_->SetDefaultTaskRunner(default_task_queue_->task_runner()); } ~SequenceManagerThreadDelegate() override = default; scoped_refptr GetDefaultTaskRunner() override { // Surprisingly this might not be default_task_queue_->task_runner() which // we set in the constructor. The Thread::Init() method could create a // SequenceManager on top of the current one and call // SequenceManager::SetDefaultTaskRunner which would propagate the new // TaskRunner down to our SequenceManager. Turns out, code actually relies // on this and somehow relies on // SequenceManagerThreadDelegate::GetDefaultTaskRunner returning this new // TaskRunner. So instead of returning default_task_queue_->task_runner() we // need to query the SequenceManager for it. // The underlying problem here is that Subclasses of Thread can do crazy // stuff in Init() but they are not really in control of what happens in the // Thread::Delegate, as this is passed in on calling StartWithOptions which // could happen far away from where the Thread is created. We should // consider getting rid of StartWithOptions, and pass them as a constructor // argument instead. return sequence_manager_->GetTaskRunner(); } void BindToCurrentThread() override { sequence_manager_->BindToMessagePump( std::move(message_pump_factory_).Run()); } private: std::unique_ptr sequence_manager_; sequence_manager::TaskQueue::Handle default_task_queue_; OnceCallback()> message_pump_factory_; }; } // namespace internal Thread::Options::Options() = default; Thread::Options::Options(MessagePumpType type, size_t size) : message_pump_type(type), stack_size(size) {} Thread::Options::Options(ThreadType thread_type) : thread_type(thread_type) {} Thread::Options::Options(Options&& other) : message_pump_type(std::move(other.message_pump_type)), delegate(std::move(other.delegate)), message_pump_factory(std::move(other.message_pump_factory)), stack_size(std::move(other.stack_size)), thread_type(std::move(other.thread_type)), joinable(std::move(other.joinable)) { other.moved_from = true; } Thread::Options& Thread::Options::operator=(Thread::Options&& other) { DCHECK_NE(this, &other); message_pump_type = std::move(other.message_pump_type); delegate = std::move(other.delegate); message_pump_factory = std::move(other.message_pump_factory); stack_size = std::move(other.stack_size); thread_type = std::move(other.thread_type); joinable = std::move(other.joinable); other.moved_from = true; return *this; } Thread::Options::~Options() = default; Thread::Thread(const std::string& name) : id_event_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED), name_(name), start_event_(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED) { // Only bind the sequence on Start(): the state is constant between // construction and Start() and it's thus valid for Start() to be called on // another sequence as long as every other operation is then performed on that // sequence. owning_sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence(); } Thread::~Thread() { Stop(); } bool Thread::Start() { DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); Options options; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) if (com_status_ == STA) options.message_pump_type = MessagePumpType::UI; #endif return StartWithOptions(std::move(options)); } bool Thread::StartWithOptions(Options options) { DCHECK(options.IsValid()); DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); DCHECK(!delegate_); DCHECK(!IsRunning()); DCHECK(!stopping_) << "Starting a non-joinable thread a second time? That's " << "not allowed!"; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) DCHECK((com_status_ != STA) || (options.message_pump_type == MessagePumpType::UI)); #endif // Reset |id_| here to support restarting the thread. id_event_.Reset(); id_ = kInvalidThreadId; SetThreadWasQuitProperly(false); if (options.delegate) { DCHECK(!options.message_pump_factory); delegate_ = std::move(options.delegate); } else if (options.message_pump_factory) { delegate_ = std::make_unique( MessagePumpType::CUSTOM, options.message_pump_factory); } else { delegate_ = std::make_unique( options.message_pump_type, BindOnce([](MessagePumpType type) { return MessagePump::Create(type); }, options.message_pump_type)); } start_event_.Reset(); // Hold |thread_lock_| while starting the new thread to synchronize with // Stop() while it's not guaranteed to be sequenced (until crbug/629139 is // fixed). { AutoLock lock(thread_lock_); bool success = options.joinable ? PlatformThread::CreateWithType( options.stack_size, this, &thread_, options.thread_type, options.message_pump_type) : PlatformThread::CreateNonJoinableWithType( options.stack_size, this, options.thread_type, options.message_pump_type); if (!success) { DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to create thread"; return false; } } joinable_ = options.joinable; return true; } bool Thread::StartAndWaitForTesting() { DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); bool result = Start(); if (!result) return false; WaitUntilThreadStarted(); return true; } bool Thread::WaitUntilThreadStarted() const { DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); if (!delegate_) return false; // https://crbug.com/918039 base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope allow_wait; start_event_.Wait(); return true; } void Thread::FlushForTesting() { DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); if (!delegate_) return; WaitableEvent done(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::AUTOMATIC, WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED); task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, BindOnce(&WaitableEvent::Signal, Unretained(&done))); done.Wait(); } void Thread::Stop() { DCHECK(joinable_); // TODO(gab): Fix improper usage of this API (http://crbug.com/629139) and // enable this check, until then synchronization with Start() via // |thread_lock_| is required... // DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); AutoLock lock(thread_lock_); StopSoon(); // Can't join if the |thread_| is either already gone or is non-joinable. if (thread_.is_null()) return; // Wait for the thread to exit. // // TODO(darin): Unfortunately, we need to keep |delegate_| around // until the thread exits. Some consumers are abusing the API. Make them stop. PlatformThread::Join(thread_); thread_ = base::PlatformThreadHandle(); // The thread should release |delegate_| on exit (note: Join() adds // an implicit memory barrier and no lock is thus required for this check). DCHECK(!delegate_); stopping_ = false; } void Thread::StopSoon() { // TODO(gab): Fix improper usage of this API (http://crbug.com/629139) and // enable this check. // DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); if (stopping_ || !delegate_) return; stopping_ = true; task_runner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&Thread::ThreadQuitHelper, Unretained(this))); } void Thread::DetachFromSequence() { DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); owning_sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence(); } PlatformThreadId Thread::GetThreadId() const { if (!id_event_.IsSignaled()) { // If the thread is created but not started yet, wait for |id_| being ready. base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope allow_wait; id_event_.Wait(); } return id_; } bool Thread::IsRunning() const { // TODO(gab): Fix improper usage of this API (http://crbug.com/629139) and // enable this check. // DCHECK(owning_sequence_checker_.CalledOnValidSequence()); // If the thread's already started (i.e. |delegate_| is non-null) and // not yet requested to stop (i.e. |stopping_| is false) we can just return // true. (Note that |stopping_| is touched only on the same sequence that // starts / started the new thread so we need no locking here.) if (delegate_ && !stopping_) return true; // Otherwise check the |running_| flag, which is set to true by the new thread // only while it is inside Run(). AutoLock lock(running_lock_); return running_; } void Thread::Run(RunLoop* run_loop) { // Overridable protected method to be called from our |thread_| only. DCHECK(id_event_.IsSignaled()); DCHECK_EQ(id_, PlatformThread::CurrentId()); run_loop->Run(); } // static void Thread::SetThreadWasQuitProperly(bool flag) { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() was_quit_properly = flag; #endif } // static bool Thread::GetThreadWasQuitProperly() { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() return was_quit_properly; #else return true; #endif } void Thread::ThreadMain() { // First, make GetThreadId() available to avoid deadlocks. It could be called // any place in the following thread initialization code. DCHECK(!id_event_.IsSignaled()); // Note: this read of |id_| while |id_event_| isn't signaled is exceptionally // okay because ThreadMain has a happens-after relationship with the other // write in StartWithOptions(). DCHECK_EQ(kInvalidThreadId, id_); id_ = PlatformThread::CurrentId(); DCHECK_NE(kInvalidThreadId, id_); id_event_.Signal(); // Complete the initialization of our Thread object. PlatformThread::SetName(name_.c_str()); ABSL_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name_.c_str()); // Tell the name to race detector. // Lazily initialize the |message_loop| so that it can run on this thread. DCHECK(delegate_); // This binds CurrentThread and SingleThreadTaskRunner::CurrentDefaultHandle. delegate_->BindToCurrentThread(); DCHECK(CurrentThread::Get()); DCHECK(SingleThreadTaskRunner::HasCurrentDefault()); #if (BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) && !BUILDFLAG(IS_NACL)) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) // Allow threads running a MessageLoopForIO to use FileDescriptorWatcher API. std::unique_ptr file_descriptor_watcher; if (CurrentIOThread::IsSet()) { file_descriptor_watcher = std::make_unique( delegate_->GetDefaultTaskRunner()); } #endif // (BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) && !BUILDFLAG(IS_NACL)) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) std::unique_ptr com_initializer; if (com_status_ != NONE) { com_initializer.reset( (com_status_ == STA) ? new win::ScopedCOMInitializer() : new win::ScopedCOMInitializer(win::ScopedCOMInitializer::kMTA)); } #endif // Let the thread do extra initialization. Init(); { AutoLock lock(running_lock_); running_ = true; } start_event_.Signal(); RunLoop run_loop; run_loop_ = &run_loop; Run(run_loop_); { AutoLock lock(running_lock_); running_ = false; } // Let the thread do extra cleanup. CleanUp(); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) com_initializer.reset(); #endif DCHECK(GetThreadWasQuitProperly()); // We can't receive messages anymore. // (The message loop is destructed at the end of this block) delegate_.reset(); run_loop_ = nullptr; } void Thread::ThreadQuitHelper() { DCHECK(run_loop_); run_loop_->QuitWhenIdle(); SetThreadWasQuitProperly(true); } } // namespace base