# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Methods related to outputting script results in a human-readable format. Also probably a good example of how to *not* write HTML. """ from __future__ import print_function import collections import logging import sys import tempfile from typing import Any, Dict, IO, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Set, Tuple, Union import six from unexpected_passes_common import data_types # Used for posting Monorail comments. from blinkpy.common.net import luci_auth from blinkpy.common.system import executive from blinkpy.common.system import system_host from blinkpy.w3c import monorail FULL_PASS = 'Fully passed in the following' PARTIAL_PASS = 'Partially passed in the following' NEVER_PASS = 'Never passed in the following' HTML_HEADER = """\ """ HTML_FOOTER = """\ """ SECTION_STALE = 'Stale Expectations (Passed 100% Everywhere, Can Remove)' SECTION_SEMI_STALE = ('Semi Stale Expectations (Passed 100% In Some Places, ' 'But Not Everywhere - Can Likely Be Modified But Not ' 'Necessarily Removed)') SECTION_ACTIVE = ('Active Expectations (Failed At Least Once Everywhere, ' 'Likely Should Be Left Alone)') SECTION_UNMATCHED = ('Unmatched Results (An Expectation Existed When The Test ' 'Ran, But No Matching One Currently Exists OR The ' 'Expectation Is Too New)') SECTION_UNUSED = ('Unused Expectations (Indicative Of The Configuration No ' 'Longer Being Tested Or Tags Changing)') MAX_BUGS_PER_LINE = 5 MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_CL_LINE = 72 MONORAIL_COMMENT = ('The unexpected pass finder removed the last expectation ' 'associated with this bug. An associated CL should be ' 'landing shortly, after which this bug can be closed once ' 'a human confirms there is no more work to be done.') ElementType = Union[Dict[str, Any], List[str], str] # Sample: # { # expectation_file: { # test_name: { # expectation_summary: { # builder_name: { # 'Fully passed in the following': [ # step1, # ], # 'Partially passed in the following': { # step2: [ # failure_link, # ], # }, # 'Never passed in the following': [ # step3, # ], # } # } # } # } # } FullOrNeverPassValue = List[str] PartialPassValue = Dict[str, List[str]] PassValue = Union[FullOrNeverPassValue, PartialPassValue] BuilderToPassMap = Dict[str, Dict[str, PassValue]] ExpectationToBuilderMap = Dict[str, BuilderToPassMap] TestToExpectationMap = Dict[str, ExpectationToBuilderMap] ExpectationFileStringDict = Dict[str, TestToExpectationMap] # Sample: # { # test_name: { # builder_name: { # step_name: [ # individual_result_string_1, # individual_result_string_2, # ... # ], # ... # }, # ... # }, # ... # } StepToResultsMap = Dict[str, List[str]] BuilderToStepMap = Dict[str, StepToResultsMap] TestToBuilderStringDict = Dict[str, BuilderToStepMap] # Sample: # { # result_output.FULL_PASS: { # builder_name: [ # step_name (total passes / total builds) # ], # }, # result_output.NEVER_PASS: { # builder_name: [ # step_name (total passes / total builds) # ], # }, # result_output.PARTIAL_PASS: { # builder_name: { # step_name (total passes / total builds): [ # failure links, # ], # }, # }, # } FullOrNeverPassStepValue = List[str] PartialPassStepValue = Dict[str, List[str]] PassStepValue = Union[FullOrNeverPassStepValue, PartialPassStepValue] UnmatchedResultsType = Dict[str, data_types.ResultListType] UnusedExpectation = Dict[str, List[data_types.Expectation]] RemovedUrlsType = Union[List[str], Set[str]] def OutputResults(stale_dict: data_types.TestExpectationMap, semi_stale_dict: data_types.TestExpectationMap, active_dict: data_types.TestExpectationMap, unmatched_results: UnmatchedResultsType, unused_expectations: UnusedExpectation, output_format: str, file_handle: Optional[IO] = None) -> None: """Outputs script results to |file_handle|. Args: stale_dict: A data_types.TestExpectationMap containing all the stale expectations. semi_stale_dict: A data_types.TestExpectationMap containing all the semi-stale expectations. active_dict: A data_types.TestExpectationmap containing all the active expectations. ummatched_results: Any unmatched results found while filling |test_expectation_map|, as returned by queries.FillExpectationMapFor[Ci|Try]Builders(). unused_expectations: A dict from expectation file (str) to list of unmatched Expectations that were pulled out of |test_expectation_map| output_format: A string denoting the format to output to. Valid values are "print" and "html". file_handle: An optional open file-like object to output to. If not specified, a suitable default will be used. """ assert isinstance(stale_dict, data_types.TestExpectationMap) assert isinstance(semi_stale_dict, data_types.TestExpectationMap) assert isinstance(active_dict, data_types.TestExpectationMap) logging.info('Outputting results in format %s', output_format) stale_str_dict = _ConvertTestExpectationMapToStringDict(stale_dict) semi_stale_str_dict = _ConvertTestExpectationMapToStringDict(semi_stale_dict) active_str_dict = _ConvertTestExpectationMapToStringDict(active_dict) unmatched_results_str_dict = _ConvertUnmatchedResultsToStringDict( unmatched_results) unused_expectations_str_list = _ConvertUnusedExpectationsToStringDict( unused_expectations) if output_format == 'print': file_handle = file_handle or sys.stdout if stale_dict: file_handle.write(SECTION_STALE + '\n') RecursivePrintToFile(stale_str_dict, 0, file_handle) if semi_stale_dict: file_handle.write(SECTION_SEMI_STALE + '\n') RecursivePrintToFile(semi_stale_str_dict, 0, file_handle) if active_dict: file_handle.write(SECTION_ACTIVE + '\n') RecursivePrintToFile(active_str_dict, 0, file_handle) if unused_expectations_str_list: file_handle.write('\n' + SECTION_UNUSED + '\n') RecursivePrintToFile(unused_expectations_str_list, 0, file_handle) if unmatched_results_str_dict: file_handle.write('\n' + SECTION_UNMATCHED + '\n') RecursivePrintToFile(unmatched_results_str_dict, 0, file_handle) elif output_format == 'html': should_close_file = False if not file_handle: should_close_file = True file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.html', mode='w') file_handle.write(HTML_HEADER) if stale_dict: file_handle.write('


\n') _RecursiveHtmlToFile(stale_str_dict, file_handle) if semi_stale_dict: file_handle.write('


\n') _RecursiveHtmlToFile(semi_stale_str_dict, file_handle) if active_dict: file_handle.write('


\n') _RecursiveHtmlToFile(active_str_dict, file_handle) if unused_expectations_str_list: file_handle.write('\n


\n") _RecursiveHtmlToFile(unused_expectations_str_list, file_handle) if unmatched_results_str_dict: file_handle.write('\n


\n') _RecursiveHtmlToFile(unmatched_results_str_dict, file_handle) file_handle.write(HTML_FOOTER) if should_close_file: file_handle.close() print('Results available at file://%s' % file_handle.name) else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported output format %s' % output_format) def RecursivePrintToFile(element: ElementType, depth: int, file_handle: IO) -> None: """Recursively prints |element| as text to |file_handle|. Args: element: A dict, list, or str/unicode to output. depth: The current depth of the recursion as an int. file_handle: An open file-like object to output to. """ if element is None: element = str(element) if isinstance(element, six.string_types): file_handle.write((' ' * depth) + element + '\n') elif isinstance(element, dict): for k, v in element.items(): RecursivePrintToFile(k, depth, file_handle) RecursivePrintToFile(v, depth + 1, file_handle) elif isinstance(element, list): for i in element: RecursivePrintToFile(i, depth, file_handle) else: raise RuntimeError('Given unhandled type %s' % type(element)) def _RecursiveHtmlToFile(element: ElementType, file_handle: IO) -> None: """Recursively outputs |element| as HTMl to |file_handle|. Iterables will be output as a collapsible section containing any of the iterable's contents. Any link-like text will be turned into anchor tags. Args: element: A dict, list, or str/unicode to output. file_handle: An open file-like object to output to. """ if isinstance(element, six.string_types): file_handle.write('


\n' % _LinkifyString(element)) elif isinstance(element, dict): for k, v in element.items(): html_class = 'collapsible_group' # This allows us to later (in JavaScript) recursively highlight sections # that are likely of interest to the user, i.e. whose expectations can be # modified. if k and FULL_PASS in k: html_class = 'highlighted_collapsible_group' file_handle.write('\n' % (html_class, k)) file_handle.write('
\n') _RecursiveHtmlToFile(v, file_handle) file_handle.write('
\n') elif isinstance(element, list): for i in element: _RecursiveHtmlToFile(i, file_handle) else: raise RuntimeError('Given unhandled type %s' % type(element)) def _LinkifyString(s: str) -> str: """Turns instances of links into anchor tags. Args: s: The string to linkify. Returns: A copy of |s| with instances of links turned into anchor tags pointing to the link. """ for component in s.split(): if component.startswith('http'): component = component.strip(',.!') s = s.replace(component, '%s' % (component, component)) return s def _ConvertTestExpectationMapToStringDict( test_expectation_map: data_types.TestExpectationMap ) -> ExpectationFileStringDict: """Converts |test_expectation_map| to a dict of strings for reporting. Args: test_expectation_map: A data_types.TestExpectationMap. Returns: A string dictionary representation of |test_expectation_map| in the following format: { expectation_file: { test_name: { expectation_summary: { builder_name: { 'Fully passed in the following': [ step1, ], 'Partially passed in the following': { step2: [ failure_link, ], }, 'Never passed in the following': [ step3, ], } } } } } """ assert isinstance(test_expectation_map, data_types.TestExpectationMap) output_dict = {} # This initially looks like a good target for using # data_types.TestExpectationMap's iterators since there are many nested loops. # However, we need to reset state in different loops, and the alternative of # keeping all the state outside the loop and resetting under certain # conditions ends up being less readable than just using nested loops. for expectation_file, expectation_map in test_expectation_map.items(): output_dict[expectation_file] = {} for expectation, builder_map in expectation_map.items(): test_name = expectation.test expectation_str = _FormatExpectation(expectation) output_dict[expectation_file].setdefault(test_name, {}) output_dict[expectation_file][test_name][expectation_str] = {} for builder_name, step_map in builder_map.items(): output_dict[expectation_file][test_name][expectation_str][ builder_name] = {} fully_passed = [] partially_passed = {} never_passed = [] for step_name, stats in step_map.items(): if stats.NeverNeededExpectation(expectation): fully_passed.append(AddStatsToStr(step_name, stats)) elif stats.AlwaysNeededExpectation(expectation): never_passed.append(AddStatsToStr(step_name, stats)) else: assert step_name not in partially_passed partially_passed[step_name] = stats output_builder_map = output_dict[expectation_file][test_name][ expectation_str][builder_name] if fully_passed: output_builder_map[FULL_PASS] = fully_passed if partially_passed: output_builder_map[PARTIAL_PASS] = {} for step_name, stats in partially_passed.items(): s = AddStatsToStr(step_name, stats) output_builder_map[PARTIAL_PASS][s] = list(stats.failure_links) if never_passed: output_builder_map[NEVER_PASS] = never_passed return output_dict def _ConvertUnmatchedResultsToStringDict(unmatched_results: UnmatchedResultsType ) -> TestToBuilderStringDict: """Converts |unmatched_results| to a dict of strings for reporting. Args: unmatched_results: A dict mapping builder names (string) to lists of data_types.Result who did not have a matching expectation. Returns: A string dictionary representation of |unmatched_results| in the following format: { test_name: { builder_name: { step_name: [ individual_result_string_1, individual_result_string_2, ... ], ... }, ... }, ... } """ output_dict = {} for builder, results in unmatched_results.items(): for r in results: builder_map = output_dict.setdefault(r.test, {}) step_map = builder_map.setdefault(builder, {}) result_str = 'Got "%s" on %s with tags [%s]' % ( r.actual_result, data_types.BuildLinkFromBuildId( r.build_id), ' '.join(r.tags)) step_map.setdefault(r.step, []).append(result_str) return output_dict def _ConvertUnusedExpectationsToStringDict( unused_expectations: UnusedExpectation) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Converts |unused_expectations| to a dict of strings for reporting. Args: unused_expectations: A dict mapping expectation file (str) to lists of data_types.Expectation who did not have any matching results. Returns: A string dictionary representation of |unused_expectations| in the following format: { expectation_file: [ expectation1, expectation2, ], } The expectations are in a format similar to what would be present as a line in an expectation file. """ output_dict = {} for expectation_file, expectations in unused_expectations.items(): expectation_str_list = [] for e in expectations: expectation_str_list.append(e.AsExpectationFileString()) output_dict[expectation_file] = expectation_str_list return output_dict def _FormatExpectation(expectation: data_types.Expectation) -> str: return '"%s" expectation on "%s"' % (' '.join( expectation.expected_results), ' '.join(expectation.tags)) def AddStatsToStr(s: str, stats: data_types.BuildStats) -> str: return '%s %s' % (s, stats.GetStatsAsString()) def OutputAffectedUrls(removed_urls: RemovedUrlsType, orphaned_urls: Optional[RemovedUrlsType] = None, bug_file_handle: Optional[IO] = None, auto_close_bugs: bool = True) -> None: """Outputs URLs of affected expectations for easier consumption by the user. Outputs the following: 1. A string suitable for passing to Chrome via the command line to open all bugs in the browser. 2. A string suitable for copying into the CL description to associate the CL with all the affected bugs. 3. A string containing any bugs that should be closable since there are no longer any associated expectations. Args: removed_urls: A set or list of strings containing bug URLs. orphaned_urls: A subset of |removed_urls| whose bugs no longer have any corresponding expectations. bug_file_handle: An optional open file-like object to write CL description bug information to. If not specified, will print to the terminal. auto_close_bugs: A boolean specifying whether bugs in |orphaned_urls| should be auto-closed on CL submission or not. If not closed, a comment will be posted instead. """ removed_urls = list(removed_urls) removed_urls.sort() orphaned_urls = orphaned_urls or [] orphaned_urls = list(orphaned_urls) orphaned_urls.sort() _OutputAffectedUrls(removed_urls, orphaned_urls) _OutputUrlsForClDescription(removed_urls, orphaned_urls, file_handle=bug_file_handle, auto_close_bugs=auto_close_bugs) def _OutputAffectedUrls(affected_urls: List[str], orphaned_urls: List[str], file_handle: Optional[IO] = None) -> None: """Outputs |urls| for opening in a browser as affected bugs. Args: affected_urls: A list of strings containing URLs to output. orphaned_urls: A list of strings containing URLs to output as closable. file_handle: A file handle to write the string to. Defaults to stdout. """ _OutputUrlsForCommandLine(affected_urls, "Affected bugs", file_handle) if orphaned_urls: _OutputUrlsForCommandLine(orphaned_urls, "Closable bugs", file_handle) def _OutputUrlsForCommandLine(urls: List[str], description: str, file_handle: Optional[IO] = None) -> None: """Outputs |urls| for opening in a browser. The output string is meant to be passed to a browser via the command line in order to open all URLs in that browser, e.g. `google-chrome https://crbug.com/1234 https://crbug.com/2345` Args: urls: A list of strings containing URLs to output. description: A description of the URLs to be output. file_handle: A file handle to write the string to. Defaults to stdout. """ file_handle = file_handle or sys.stdout def _StartsWithHttp(url: str) -> bool: return url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('http://') urls = [u if _StartsWithHttp(u) else 'https://%s' % u for u in urls] file_handle.write('%s: %s\n' % (description, ' '.join(urls))) def _OutputUrlsForClDescription(affected_urls: List[str], orphaned_urls: List[str], file_handle: Optional[IO] = None, auto_close_bugs: bool = True) -> None: """Outputs |urls| for use in a CL description. Output adheres to the line length recommendation and max number of bugs per line supported in Gerrit. Args: affected_urls: A list of strings containing URLs to output. orphaned_urls: A list of strings containing URLs to output as closable. file_handle: A file handle to write the string to. Defaults to stdout. auto_close_bugs: A boolean specifying whether bugs in |orphaned_urls| should be auto-closed on CL submission or not. If not closed, a comment will be posted instead. """ def AddBugTypeToOutputString(urls, prefix): output_str = '' current_line = '' bugs_on_line = 0 urls = collections.deque(urls) while len(urls): current_bug = urls.popleft() current_bug = current_bug.split('crbug.com/', 1)[1] # Handles cases like crbug.com/angleproject/1234. current_bug = current_bug.replace('/', ':') # First bug on the line. if not current_line: current_line = '%s %s' % (prefix, current_bug) # Bug or length limit hit for line. elif ( len(current_line) + len(current_bug) + 2 > MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_CL_LINE or bugs_on_line >= MAX_BUGS_PER_LINE): output_str += current_line + '\n' bugs_on_line = 0 current_line = '%s %s' % (prefix, current_bug) # Can add to current line. else: current_line += ', %s' % current_bug bugs_on_line += 1 output_str += current_line + '\n' return output_str file_handle = file_handle or sys.stdout affected_but_not_closable = set(affected_urls) - set(orphaned_urls) affected_but_not_closable = list(affected_but_not_closable) affected_but_not_closable.sort() output_str = '' if affected_but_not_closable: output_str += AddBugTypeToOutputString(affected_but_not_closable, 'Bug:') if orphaned_urls: if auto_close_bugs: output_str += AddBugTypeToOutputString(orphaned_urls, 'Fixed:') else: output_str += AddBugTypeToOutputString(orphaned_urls, 'Bug:') _PostCommentsToOrphanedBugs(orphaned_urls) file_handle.write('Affected bugs for CL description:\n%s' % output_str) def _PostCommentsToOrphanedBugs(orphaned_urls: List[str]) -> None: """Posts comments to bugs in |orphaned_urls| saying they can likely be closed. Does not post again if the comment has been posted before in the past. Args: orphaned_urls: A list of strings containing URLs to post comments to. """ try: monorail_api = _GetMonorailApi() except executive.ScriptError as e: logging.error( 'Encountered error when authenticating, cannot post comments. %s', e) return for url in orphaned_urls: try: project, issue = _ExtractMonorailInfoFromUrl(url) except ValueError as e: logging.warning('Unable to extract Monorail information from %s: %s', url, e) continue comment_list = monorail_api.get_comment_list(project, issue) existing_comments = [c['content'] for c in comment_list['items']] if MONORAIL_COMMENT not in existing_comments: monorail_api.insert_comment(project, issue, MONORAIL_COMMENT) def _GetMonorailApi() -> monorail.MonorailAPI: """Helper function to get a usable Monorail API.""" host = system_host.SystemHost() auth = luci_auth.LuciAuth(host) token = auth.get_access_token() return monorail.MonorailAPI(access_token=token) def _ExtractMonorailInfoFromUrl(url: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Extracts information for use with Monorail from a crbug URL. Raises ValueError if parsing is not possible. Args: url: A crbug.com URL to parse. Returns: A tuple (project, issue). |project| is a string containing the Monorail project, while |issue| is an int containing the issue ID/bug number. """ if 'crbug.com/' not in url: raise ValueError('Given URL does not appear to be a crbug URL') identifier = url.split('crbug.com/', 1)[1] if '/' in identifier: project, _, issue = identifier.partition('/') issue = int(issue) else: project = 'chromium' issue = int(identifier) return project, issue