#!/bin/bash # # Deploys the current Dagger website to the gh-pages branch of the GitHub # repository. To test the site locally before deploying run `jekyll --server` # in the website/ directory. set -ex REPO="git@github.com:square/dagger.git" GROUP_ID="com.squareup.dagger" ARTIFACT_ID="dagger" DIR=temp-dagger-clone # Delete any existing temporary website clone rm -rf $DIR # Clone the current repo into temp folder git clone $REPO $DIR # Move working directory into temp folder cd $DIR # Checkout and track the gh-pages branch git checkout -t origin/gh-pages # Delete everything rm -rf * # Copy website files from real repo cp -R ../website/* . # Download the latest javadoc curl -L "http://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=$GROUP_ID&a=$ARTIFACT_ID&v=LATEST&c=javadoc" > javadoc.zip mkdir javadoc unzip javadoc.zip -d javadoc rm javadoc.zip # Stage all files in git and create a commit git add . git add -u git commit -m "Website at $(date)" # Push the new files up to GitHub git push origin gh-pages # Delete our temp folder cd .. rm -rf $DIR