/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Dagger Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dagger.internal.codegen.binding; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.asTypeElement; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.isType; import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.isTypeOf; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static dagger.internal.codegen.base.RequestKinds.getRequestKind; import static dagger.internal.codegen.base.Util.reentrantComputeIfAbsent; import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.AssistedInjectionAnnotations.isAssistedFactoryType; import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentDescriptor.isComponentContributionMethod; import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.SourceFiles.generatedMonitoringModuleName; import static dagger.model.BindingKind.ASSISTED_INJECTION; import static dagger.model.BindingKind.DELEGATE; import static dagger.model.BindingKind.INJECTION; import static dagger.model.BindingKind.OPTIONAL; import static dagger.model.BindingKind.SUBCOMPONENT_CREATOR; import static dagger.model.RequestKind.MEMBERS_INJECTION; import static java.util.function.Predicate.isEqual; import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.methodsIn; import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps; import dagger.MembersInjector; import dagger.Reusable; import dagger.internal.codegen.base.ClearableCache; import dagger.internal.codegen.base.ContributionType; import dagger.internal.codegen.base.MapType; import dagger.internal.codegen.base.OptionalType; import dagger.internal.codegen.compileroption.CompilerOptions; import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerElements; import dagger.model.DependencyRequest; import dagger.model.Key; import dagger.model.Scope; import dagger.producers.Produced; import dagger.producers.Producer; import dagger.producers.internal.ProductionExecutorModule; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; /** A factory for {@link BindingGraph} objects. */ @Singleton public final class BindingGraphFactory implements ClearableCache { private final DaggerElements elements; private final InjectBindingRegistry injectBindingRegistry; private final KeyFactory keyFactory; private final BindingFactory bindingFactory; private final ModuleDescriptor.Factory moduleDescriptorFactory; private final BindingGraphConverter bindingGraphConverter; private final Map> keysMatchingRequestCache = new HashMap<>(); private final CompilerOptions compilerOptions; @Inject BindingGraphFactory( DaggerElements elements, InjectBindingRegistry injectBindingRegistry, KeyFactory keyFactory, BindingFactory bindingFactory, ModuleDescriptor.Factory moduleDescriptorFactory, BindingGraphConverter bindingGraphConverter, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) { this.elements = elements; this.injectBindingRegistry = injectBindingRegistry; this.keyFactory = keyFactory; this.bindingFactory = bindingFactory; this.moduleDescriptorFactory = moduleDescriptorFactory; this.bindingGraphConverter = bindingGraphConverter; this.compilerOptions = compilerOptions; } /** * Creates a binding graph for a component. * * @param createFullBindingGraph if {@code true}, the binding graph will include all bindings; * otherwise it will include only bindings reachable from at least one entry point */ public BindingGraph create( ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor, boolean createFullBindingGraph) { return bindingGraphConverter.convert( createLegacyBindingGraph(Optional.empty(), componentDescriptor, createFullBindingGraph), createFullBindingGraph); } private LegacyBindingGraph createLegacyBindingGraph( Optional parentResolver, ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor, boolean createFullBindingGraph) { ImmutableSet.Builder explicitBindingsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder delegatesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder optionalsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); if (componentDescriptor.isRealComponent()) { // binding for the component itself explicitBindingsBuilder.add( bindingFactory.componentBinding(componentDescriptor.typeElement())); } // Collect Component dependencies. for (ComponentRequirement dependency : componentDescriptor.dependencies()) { explicitBindingsBuilder.add(bindingFactory.componentDependencyBinding(dependency)); List dependencyMethods = methodsIn(elements.getAllMembers(dependency.typeElement())); // Within a component dependency, we want to allow the same method to appear multiple // times assuming it is the exact same method. We do this by tracking a set of bindings // we've already added with the binding element removed since that is the only thing // allowed to differ. HashMultimap dedupeBindings = HashMultimap.create(); for (ExecutableElement method : dependencyMethods) { // MembersInjection methods aren't "provided" explicitly, so ignore them. if (isComponentContributionMethod(elements, method)) { ContributionBinding binding = bindingFactory.componentDependencyMethodBinding( componentDescriptor, method); if (dedupeBindings.put( method.getSimpleName().toString(), // Remove the binding element since we know that will be different, but everything // else we want to be the same to consider it a duplicate. binding.toBuilder().clearBindingElement().build())) { explicitBindingsBuilder.add(binding); } } } } // Collect bindings on the creator. componentDescriptor .creatorDescriptor() .ifPresent( creatorDescriptor -> creatorDescriptor.boundInstanceRequirements().stream() .map( requirement -> bindingFactory.boundInstanceBinding( requirement, creatorDescriptor.elementForRequirement(requirement))) .forEach(explicitBindingsBuilder::add)); componentDescriptor .childComponentsDeclaredByBuilderEntryPoints() .forEach( (builderEntryPoint, childComponent) -> { if (!componentDescriptor .childComponentsDeclaredByModules() .contains(childComponent)) { explicitBindingsBuilder.add( bindingFactory.subcomponentCreatorBinding( builderEntryPoint.methodElement(), componentDescriptor.typeElement())); } }); ImmutableSet.Builder multibindingDeclarations = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder subcomponentDeclarations = ImmutableSet.builder(); // Collect transitive module bindings and multibinding declarations. for (ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor : modules(componentDescriptor, parentResolver)) { explicitBindingsBuilder.addAll(moduleDescriptor.bindings()); multibindingDeclarations.addAll(moduleDescriptor.multibindingDeclarations()); subcomponentDeclarations.addAll(moduleDescriptor.subcomponentDeclarations()); delegatesBuilder.addAll(moduleDescriptor.delegateDeclarations()); optionalsBuilder.addAll(moduleDescriptor.optionalDeclarations()); } final Resolver requestResolver = new Resolver( parentResolver, componentDescriptor, indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(explicitBindingsBuilder.build()), indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(multibindingDeclarations.build()), indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(subcomponentDeclarations.build()), indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(delegatesBuilder.build()), indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(optionalsBuilder.build())); componentDescriptor.entryPointMethods().stream() .map(method -> method.dependencyRequest().get()) .forEach( entryPoint -> { if (entryPoint.kind().equals(MEMBERS_INJECTION)) { requestResolver.resolveMembersInjection(entryPoint.key()); } else { requestResolver.resolve(entryPoint.key()); } }); if (createFullBindingGraph) { // Resolve the keys for all bindings in all modules, stripping any multibinding contribution // identifier so that the multibinding itself is resolved. modules(componentDescriptor, parentResolver).stream() .flatMap(module -> module.allBindingKeys().stream()) .map(key -> key.toBuilder().multibindingContributionIdentifier(Optional.empty()).build()) .forEach(requestResolver::resolve); } // Resolve all bindings for subcomponents, creating subgraphs for all subcomponents that have // been detected during binding resolution. If a binding for a subcomponent is never resolved, // no BindingGraph will be created for it and no implementation will be generated. This is // done in a queue since resolving one subcomponent might resolve a key for a subcomponent // from a parent graph. This is done until no more new subcomponents are resolved. Set resolvedSubcomponents = new HashSet<>(); ImmutableList.Builder subgraphs = ImmutableList.builder(); for (ComponentDescriptor subcomponent : Iterables.consumingIterable(requestResolver.subcomponentsToResolve)) { if (resolvedSubcomponents.add(subcomponent)) { subgraphs.add( createLegacyBindingGraph( Optional.of(requestResolver), subcomponent, createFullBindingGraph)); } } return new LegacyBindingGraph( componentDescriptor, ImmutableMap.copyOf(requestResolver.getResolvedContributionBindings()), ImmutableMap.copyOf(requestResolver.getResolvedMembersInjectionBindings()), ImmutableList.copyOf(subgraphs.build())); } /** * Returns all the modules that should be installed in the component. For production components * and production subcomponents that have a parent that is not a production component or * subcomponent, also includes the production monitoring module for the component and the * production executor module. */ private ImmutableSet modules( ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor, Optional parentResolver) { return shouldIncludeImplicitProductionModules(componentDescriptor, parentResolver) ? new ImmutableSet.Builder() .addAll(componentDescriptor.modules()) .add(descriptorForMonitoringModule(componentDescriptor.typeElement())) .add(descriptorForProductionExecutorModule()) .build() : componentDescriptor.modules(); } private boolean shouldIncludeImplicitProductionModules( ComponentDescriptor component, Optional parentResolver) { return component.isProduction() && ((!component.isSubcomponent() && component.isRealComponent()) || (parentResolver.isPresent() && !parentResolver.get().componentDescriptor.isProduction())); } /** * Returns a descriptor for a generated module that handles monitoring for production components. * This module is generated in the {@link * dagger.internal.codegen.validation.MonitoringModuleProcessingStep}. * * @throws TypeNotPresentException if the module has not been generated yet. This will cause the * processor to retry in a later processing round. */ private ModuleDescriptor descriptorForMonitoringModule(TypeElement componentDefinitionType) { return moduleDescriptorFactory.create( elements.checkTypePresent( generatedMonitoringModuleName(componentDefinitionType).toString())); } /** Returns a descriptor {@link ProductionExecutorModule}. */ private ModuleDescriptor descriptorForProductionExecutorModule() { return moduleDescriptorFactory.create(elements.getTypeElement(ProductionExecutorModule.class)); } /** Indexes {@code bindingDeclarations} by {@link BindingDeclaration#key()}. */ private static ImmutableSetMultimap indexBindingDeclarationsByKey(Iterable declarations) { return ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(Multimaps.index(declarations, BindingDeclaration::key)); } @Override public void clearCache() { keysMatchingRequestCache.clear(); } private final class Resolver { final Optional parentResolver; final ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor; final ImmutableSetMultimap explicitBindings; final ImmutableSet explicitBindingsSet; final ImmutableSetMultimap explicitMultibindings; final ImmutableSetMultimap multibindingDeclarations; final ImmutableSetMultimap subcomponentDeclarations; final ImmutableSetMultimap delegateDeclarations; final ImmutableSetMultimap optionalBindingDeclarations; final ImmutableSetMultimap delegateMultibindingDeclarations; final Map resolvedContributionBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map resolvedMembersInjectionBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Deque cycleStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Map keyDependsOnLocalBindingsCache = new HashMap<>(); final Map bindingDependsOnLocalBindingsCache = new HashMap<>(); final Queue subcomponentsToResolve = new ArrayDeque<>(); Resolver( Optional parentResolver, ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor, ImmutableSetMultimap explicitBindings, ImmutableSetMultimap multibindingDeclarations, ImmutableSetMultimap subcomponentDeclarations, ImmutableSetMultimap delegateDeclarations, ImmutableSetMultimap optionalBindingDeclarations) { this.parentResolver = parentResolver; this.componentDescriptor = checkNotNull(componentDescriptor); this.explicitBindings = checkNotNull(explicitBindings); this.explicitBindingsSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(explicitBindings.values()); this.multibindingDeclarations = checkNotNull(multibindingDeclarations); this.subcomponentDeclarations = checkNotNull(subcomponentDeclarations); this.delegateDeclarations = checkNotNull(delegateDeclarations); this.optionalBindingDeclarations = checkNotNull(optionalBindingDeclarations); this.explicitMultibindings = multibindingContributionsByMultibindingKey(explicitBindingsSet); this.delegateMultibindingDeclarations = multibindingContributionsByMultibindingKey(delegateDeclarations.values()); subcomponentsToResolve.addAll( componentDescriptor.childComponentsDeclaredByFactoryMethods().values()); subcomponentsToResolve.addAll( componentDescriptor.childComponentsDeclaredByBuilderEntryPoints().values()); } /** * Returns the resolved contribution bindings for the given {@link Key}: * *
  • All explicit bindings for: *
    • the requested key *
    • {@code Set} if the requested key's type is {@code Set>} *
    • {@code Map>} if the requested key's type is {@code Map>}. *
  • An implicit {@link Inject @Inject}-annotated constructor binding if there is one and * there are no explicit bindings or synthetic bindings. *
*/ ResolvedBindings lookUpBindings(Key requestKey) { Set bindings = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set multibindingContributions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set multibindingDeclarations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set optionalBindingDeclarations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set subcomponentDeclarations = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Gather all bindings, multibindings, optional, and subcomponent declarations/contributions. ImmutableSet keysMatchingRequest = keysMatchingRequest(requestKey); for (Resolver resolver : getResolverLineage()) { bindings.addAll(resolver.getLocalExplicitBindings(requestKey)); for (Key key : keysMatchingRequest) { multibindingContributions.addAll(resolver.getLocalExplicitMultibindings(key)); multibindingDeclarations.addAll(resolver.multibindingDeclarations.get(key)); subcomponentDeclarations.addAll(resolver.subcomponentDeclarations.get(key)); // The optional binding declarations are keyed by the unwrapped type. keyFactory.unwrapOptional(key) .map(resolver.optionalBindingDeclarations::get) .ifPresent(optionalBindingDeclarations::addAll); } } // Add synthetic multibinding if (!multibindingContributions.isEmpty() || !multibindingDeclarations.isEmpty()) { bindings.add(bindingFactory.syntheticMultibinding(requestKey, multibindingContributions)); } // Add synthetic optional binding if (!optionalBindingDeclarations.isEmpty()) { bindings.add( bindingFactory.syntheticOptionalBinding( requestKey, getRequestKind(OptionalType.from(requestKey).valueType()), lookUpBindings(keyFactory.unwrapOptional(requestKey).get()).bindings())); } // Add subcomponent creator binding if (!subcomponentDeclarations.isEmpty()) { ProvisionBinding binding = bindingFactory.subcomponentCreatorBinding( ImmutableSet.copyOf(subcomponentDeclarations)); bindings.add(binding); addSubcomponentToOwningResolver(binding); } // Add members injector binding if (isType(requestKey.type()) && isTypeOf(MembersInjector.class, requestKey.type())) { injectBindingRegistry .getOrFindMembersInjectorProvisionBinding(requestKey) .ifPresent(bindings::add); } // Add Assisted Factory binding if (isType(requestKey.type()) && requestKey.type().getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && isAssistedFactoryType(asTypeElement(requestKey.type()))) { bindings.add( bindingFactory.assistedFactoryBinding( asTypeElement(requestKey.type()), Optional.of(requestKey.type()))); } // If there are no bindings, add the implicit @Inject-constructed binding if there is one. if (bindings.isEmpty()) { injectBindingRegistry .getOrFindProvisionBinding(requestKey) .filter(this::isCorrectlyScopedInSubcomponent) .ifPresent(bindings::add); } return ResolvedBindings.forContributionBindings( requestKey, Multimaps.index(bindings, binding -> getOwningComponent(requestKey, binding)), multibindingDeclarations, subcomponentDeclarations, optionalBindingDeclarations); } /** * Returns true if this binding graph resolution is for a subcomponent and the {@code @Inject} * binding's scope correctly matches one of the components in the current component ancestry. * If not, it means the binding is not owned by any of the currently known components, and will * be owned by a future ancestor (or, if never owned, will result in an incompatibly scoped * binding error at the root component). */ private boolean isCorrectlyScopedInSubcomponent(ProvisionBinding binding) { checkArgument(binding.kind() == INJECTION || binding.kind() == ASSISTED_INJECTION); if (!rootComponent().isSubcomponent() || !binding.scope().isPresent() || binding.scope().get().isReusable()) { return true; } Resolver owningResolver = getOwningResolver(binding).orElse(this); ComponentDescriptor owningComponent = owningResolver.componentDescriptor; return owningComponent.scopes().contains(binding.scope().get()); } private ComponentDescriptor rootComponent() { return parentResolver.map(Resolver::rootComponent).orElse(componentDescriptor); } /** Returns the resolved members injection bindings for the given {@link Key}. */ ResolvedBindings lookUpMembersInjectionBinding(Key requestKey) { // no explicit deps for members injection, so just look it up Optional binding = injectBindingRegistry.getOrFindMembersInjectionBinding(requestKey); return binding.isPresent() ? ResolvedBindings.forMembersInjectionBinding( requestKey, componentDescriptor, binding.get()) : ResolvedBindings.noBindings(requestKey); } /** * When a binding is resolved for a {@link SubcomponentDeclaration}, adds corresponding {@link * ComponentDescriptor subcomponent} to a queue in the owning component's resolver. The queue * will be used to detect which subcomponents need to be resolved. */ private void addSubcomponentToOwningResolver(ProvisionBinding subcomponentCreatorBinding) { checkArgument(subcomponentCreatorBinding.kind().equals(SUBCOMPONENT_CREATOR)); Resolver owningResolver = getOwningResolver(subcomponentCreatorBinding).get(); TypeElement builderType = MoreTypes.asTypeElement(subcomponentCreatorBinding.key().type()); owningResolver.subcomponentsToResolve.add( owningResolver.componentDescriptor.getChildComponentWithBuilderType(builderType)); } /** * Profiling has determined that computing the keys matching {@code requestKey} has measurable * performance impact. It is called repeatedly (at least 3 times per key resolved per {@link * BindingGraph}. {@code javac}'s name-checking performance seems suboptimal (converting byte * strings to Strings repeatedly), and the matching keys creations relies on that. This also * ensures that the resulting keys have their hash codes cached on successive calls to this * method. * *

This caching may become obsolete if: * *

  • We decide to intern all {@link Key} instances *
  • We fix javac's name-checking peformance (though we may want to keep this for older * javac users) *
*/ private ImmutableSet keysMatchingRequest(Key requestKey) { return keysMatchingRequestCache.computeIfAbsent( requestKey, this::keysMatchingRequestUncached); } private ImmutableSet keysMatchingRequestUncached(Key requestKey) { ImmutableSet.Builder keys = ImmutableSet.builder(); keys.add(requestKey); keyFactory.unwrapSetKey(requestKey, Produced.class).ifPresent(keys::add); keyFactory.rewrapMapKey(requestKey, Producer.class, Provider.class).ifPresent(keys::add); keyFactory.rewrapMapKey(requestKey, Provider.class, Producer.class).ifPresent(keys::add); keys.addAll(keyFactory.implicitFrameworkMapKeys(requestKey)); return keys.build(); } private ImmutableSet createDelegateBindings( ImmutableSet delegateDeclarations) { ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (DelegateDeclaration delegateDeclaration : delegateDeclarations) { builder.add(createDelegateBinding(delegateDeclaration)); } return builder.build(); } /** * Creates one (and only one) delegate binding for a delegate declaration, based on the resolved * bindings of the right-hand-side of a {@link dagger.Binds} method. If there are duplicate * bindings for the dependency key, there should still be only one binding for the delegate key. */ private ContributionBinding createDelegateBinding(DelegateDeclaration delegateDeclaration) { Key delegateKey = delegateDeclaration.delegateRequest().key(); if (cycleStack.contains(delegateKey)) { return bindingFactory.unresolvedDelegateBinding(delegateDeclaration); } ResolvedBindings resolvedDelegate; try { cycleStack.push(delegateKey); resolvedDelegate = lookUpBindings(delegateKey); } finally { cycleStack.pop(); } if (resolvedDelegate.contributionBindings().isEmpty()) { // This is guaranteed to result in a missing binding error, so it doesn't matter if the // binding is a Provision or Production, except if it is a @IntoMap method, in which // case the key will be of type Map>, which will be "upgraded" into a // Map> if it's requested in a ProductionComponent. This may result in a // strange error, that the RHS needs to be provided with an @Inject or @Provides // annotated method, but a user should be able to figure out if a @Produces annotation // is needed. // TODO(gak): revisit how we model missing delegates if/when we clean up how we model // binding declarations return bindingFactory.unresolvedDelegateBinding(delegateDeclaration); } // It doesn't matter which of these is selected, since they will later on produce a // duplicate binding error. ContributionBinding explicitDelegate = resolvedDelegate.contributionBindings().iterator().next(); return bindingFactory.delegateBinding(delegateDeclaration, explicitDelegate); } /** * Returns the component that should contain the framework field for {@code binding}. * *

If {@code binding} is either not bound in an ancestor component or depends transitively on * bindings in this component, returns this component. * *

Otherwise, resolves {@code request} in this component's parent in order to resolve any * multibinding contributions in the parent, and returns the parent-resolved {@link * ResolvedBindings#owningComponent(ContributionBinding)}. */ private TypeElement getOwningComponent(Key requestKey, ContributionBinding binding) { if (isResolvedInParent(requestKey, binding) && !new LocalDependencyChecker().dependsOnLocalBindings(binding)) { ResolvedBindings parentResolvedBindings = parentResolver.get().resolvedContributionBindings.get(requestKey); return parentResolvedBindings.owningComponent(binding); } else { return componentDescriptor.typeElement(); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if {@code binding} is owned by an ancestor. If so, {@linkplain #resolve * resolves} the {@link Key} in this component's parent. Don't resolve directly in the owning * component in case it depends on multibindings in any of its descendants. */ private boolean isResolvedInParent(Key requestKey, ContributionBinding binding) { Optional owningResolver = getOwningResolver(binding); if (owningResolver.isPresent() && !owningResolver.get().equals(this)) { parentResolver.get().resolve(requestKey); return true; } else { return false; } } private Optional getOwningResolver(ContributionBinding binding) { // TODO(ronshapiro): extract the different pieces of this method into their own methods if ((binding.scope().isPresent() && binding.scope().get().isProductionScope()) || binding.bindingType().equals(BindingType.PRODUCTION)) { for (Resolver requestResolver : getResolverLineage()) { // Resolve @Inject @ProductionScope bindings at the highest production component. if (binding.kind().equals(INJECTION) && requestResolver.componentDescriptor.isProduction()) { return Optional.of(requestResolver); } // Resolve explicit @Produces and @ProductionScope bindings at the highest component that // installs the binding. if (requestResolver.containsExplicitBinding(binding)) { return Optional.of(requestResolver); } } } if (binding.scope().isPresent() && binding.scope().get().isReusable()) { for (Resolver requestResolver : getResolverLineage().reverse()) { // If a @Reusable binding was resolved in an ancestor, use that component. ResolvedBindings resolvedBindings = requestResolver.resolvedContributionBindings.get(binding.key()); if (resolvedBindings != null && resolvedBindings.contributionBindings().contains(binding)) { return Optional.of(requestResolver); } } // If a @Reusable binding was not resolved in any ancestor, resolve it here. return Optional.empty(); } for (Resolver requestResolver : getResolverLineage().reverse()) { if (requestResolver.containsExplicitBinding(binding)) { return Optional.of(requestResolver); } } // look for scope separately. we do this for the case where @Singleton can appear twice // in the † compatibility mode Optional bindingScope = binding.scope(); if (bindingScope.isPresent()) { for (Resolver requestResolver : getResolverLineage().reverse()) { if (requestResolver.componentDescriptor.scopes().contains(bindingScope.get())) { return Optional.of(requestResolver); } } } return Optional.empty(); } private boolean containsExplicitBinding(ContributionBinding binding) { return explicitBindingsSet.contains(binding) || resolverContainsDelegateDeclarationForBinding(binding) || subcomponentDeclarations.containsKey(binding.key()); } /** Returns true if {@code binding} was installed in a module in this resolver's component. */ private boolean resolverContainsDelegateDeclarationForBinding(ContributionBinding binding) { if (!binding.kind().equals(DELEGATE)) { return false; } // Map multibinding key values are wrapped with a framework type. This needs to be undone // to look it up in the delegate declarations map. // TODO(erichang): See if we can standardize the way map keys are used in these data // structures, either always wrapped or unwrapped to be consistent and less errorprone. Key bindingKey = binding.key(); if (compilerOptions.strictMultibindingValidation() && binding.contributionType().equals(ContributionType.MAP)) { bindingKey = keyFactory.unwrapMapValueType(bindingKey); } return delegateDeclarations.get(bindingKey).stream() .anyMatch( declaration -> declaration.contributingModule().equals(binding.contributingModule()) && declaration.bindingElement().equals(binding.bindingElement())); } /** Returns the resolver lineage from parent to child. */ private ImmutableList getResolverLineage() { ImmutableList.Builder resolverList = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Optional currentResolver = Optional.of(this); currentResolver.isPresent(); currentResolver = currentResolver.get().parentResolver) { resolverList.add(currentResolver.get()); } return resolverList.build().reverse(); } /** * Returns the explicit {@link ContributionBinding}s that match the {@code key} from this * resolver. */ private ImmutableSet getLocalExplicitBindings(Key key) { return new ImmutableSet.Builder() .addAll(explicitBindings.get(key)) // @Binds @IntoMap declarations have key Map, unlike @Provides @IntoMap or @Produces // @IntoMap, which have Map> keys. So unwrap the key's type's // value type if it's a Map> before looking in // delegateDeclarations. createDelegateBindings() will create bindings with the properly // wrapped key type. .addAll( createDelegateBindings(delegateDeclarations.get(keyFactory.unwrapMapValueType(key)))) .build(); } /** * Returns the explicit multibinding contributions that contribute to the map or set requested * by {@code key} from this resolver. */ private ImmutableSet getLocalExplicitMultibindings(Key key) { ImmutableSet.Builder multibindings = ImmutableSet.builder(); multibindings.addAll(explicitMultibindings.get(key)); if (!MapType.isMap(key) || MapType.from(key).isRawType() || MapType.from(key).valuesAreFrameworkType()) { // @Binds @IntoMap declarations have key Map, unlike @Provides @IntoMap or @Produces // @IntoMap, which have Map> keys. So unwrap the key's type's // value type if it's a Map> before looking in // delegateMultibindingDeclarations. createDelegateBindings() will create bindings with the // properly wrapped key type. multibindings.addAll( createDelegateBindings( delegateMultibindingDeclarations.get(keyFactory.unwrapMapValueType(key)))); } return multibindings.build(); } /** * Returns the {@link OptionalBindingDeclaration}s that match the {@code key} from this and all * ancestor resolvers. */ private ImmutableSet getOptionalBindingDeclarations(Key key) { Optional unwrapped = keyFactory.unwrapOptional(key); if (!unwrapped.isPresent()) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } ImmutableSet.Builder declarations = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Resolver resolver : getResolverLineage()) { declarations.addAll(resolver.optionalBindingDeclarations.get(unwrapped.get())); } return declarations.build(); } /** * Returns the {@link ResolvedBindings} for {@code key} that was resolved in this resolver or an * ancestor resolver. Only checks for {@link ContributionBinding}s as {@link * MembersInjectionBinding}s are not inherited. */ private Optional getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(Key key) { Optional result = Optional.ofNullable(resolvedContributionBindings.get(key)); if (result.isPresent()) { return result; } else if (parentResolver.isPresent()) { return parentResolver.get().getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(key); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } private void resolveMembersInjection(Key key) { ResolvedBindings bindings = lookUpMembersInjectionBinding(key); resolveDependencies(bindings); resolvedMembersInjectionBindings.put(key, bindings); } void resolve(Key key) { // If we find a cycle, stop resolving. The original request will add it with all of the // other resolved deps. if (cycleStack.contains(key)) { return; } // If the binding was previously resolved in this (sub)component, don't resolve it again. if (resolvedContributionBindings.containsKey(key)) { return; } /* * If the binding was previously resolved in an ancestor component, then we may be able to * avoid resolving it here and just depend on the ancestor component resolution. * * 1. If it depends transitively on multibinding contributions or optional bindings with * bindings from this subcomponent, then we have to resolve it in this subcomponent so * that it sees the local bindings. * * 2. If there are any explicit bindings in this component, they may conflict with those in * the ancestor component, so resolve them here so that conflicts can be caught. */ if (getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(key).isPresent()) { /* Resolve in the parent in case there are multibinding contributions or conflicts in some * component between this one and the previously-resolved one. */ parentResolver.get().resolve(key); if (!new LocalDependencyChecker().dependsOnLocalBindings(key) && getLocalExplicitBindings(key).isEmpty()) { /* Cache the inherited parent component's bindings in case resolving at the parent found * bindings in some component between this one and the previously-resolved one. */ resolvedContributionBindings.put(key, getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(key).get()); return; } } cycleStack.push(key); try { ResolvedBindings bindings = lookUpBindings(key); resolvedContributionBindings.put(key, bindings); resolveDependencies(bindings); } finally { cycleStack.pop(); } } /** * {@link #resolve(Key) Resolves} each of the dependencies of the bindings owned by this * component. */ private void resolveDependencies(ResolvedBindings resolvedBindings) { for (Binding binding : resolvedBindings.bindingsOwnedBy(componentDescriptor)) { for (DependencyRequest dependency : binding.dependencies()) { resolve(dependency.key()); } } } /** * Returns all of the {@link ResolvedBindings} for {@link ContributionBinding}s from this and * all ancestor resolvers, indexed by {@link ResolvedBindings#key()}. */ Map getResolvedContributionBindings() { Map bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>(); parentResolver.ifPresent(parent -> bindings.putAll(parent.getResolvedContributionBindings())); bindings.putAll(resolvedContributionBindings); return bindings; } /** * Returns all of the {@link ResolvedBindings} for {@link MembersInjectionBinding} from this * resolvers, indexed by {@link ResolvedBindings#key()}. */ ImmutableMap getResolvedMembersInjectionBindings() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(resolvedMembersInjectionBindings); } private final class LocalDependencyChecker { private final Set cycleChecker = new HashSet<>(); /** * Returns {@code true} if any of the bindings resolved for {@code key} are multibindings with * contributions declared within this component's modules or optional bindings with present * values declared within this component's modules, or if any of its unscoped dependencies * depend on such bindings. * *

We don't care about scoped dependencies because they will never depend on bindings from * subcomponents. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link #getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(Key)} is empty */ private boolean dependsOnLocalBindings(Key key) { // Don't recur infinitely if there are valid cycles in the dependency graph. // http://b/23032377 if (!cycleChecker.add(key)) { return false; } return reentrantComputeIfAbsent( keyDependsOnLocalBindingsCache, key, this::dependsOnLocalBindingsUncached); } /** * Returns {@code true} if {@code binding} is unscoped (or has {@link Reusable @Reusable} * scope) and depends on multibindings with contributions declared within this component's * modules, or if any of its unscoped or {@link Reusable @Reusable} scoped dependencies depend * on such local multibindings. * *

We don't care about non-reusable scoped dependencies because they will never depend on * multibindings with contributions from subcomponents. */ private boolean dependsOnLocalBindings(Binding binding) { if (!cycleChecker.add(binding)) { return false; } return reentrantComputeIfAbsent( bindingDependsOnLocalBindingsCache, binding, this::dependsOnLocalBindingsUncached); } private boolean dependsOnLocalBindingsUncached(Key key) { checkArgument( getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(key).isPresent(), "no previously resolved bindings in %s for %s", Resolver.this, key); ResolvedBindings previouslyResolvedBindings = getPreviouslyResolvedBindings(key).get(); if (hasLocalMultibindingContributions(key) || hasLocalOptionalBindingContribution(previouslyResolvedBindings)) { return true; } for (Binding binding : previouslyResolvedBindings.bindings()) { if (dependsOnLocalBindings(binding)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean dependsOnLocalBindingsUncached(Binding binding) { if ((!binding.scope().isPresent() || binding.scope().get().isReusable()) // TODO(beder): Figure out what happens with production subcomponents. && !binding.bindingType().equals(BindingType.PRODUCTION)) { for (DependencyRequest dependency : binding.dependencies()) { if (dependsOnLocalBindings(dependency.key())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns {@code true} if there is at least one multibinding contribution declared within * this component's modules that matches the key. */ private boolean hasLocalMultibindingContributions(Key requestKey) { return keysMatchingRequest(requestKey) .stream() .anyMatch(key -> !getLocalExplicitMultibindings(key).isEmpty()); } /** * Returns {@code true} if there is a contribution in this component for an {@code * Optional} key that has not been contributed in a parent. */ private boolean hasLocalOptionalBindingContribution(ResolvedBindings resolvedBindings) { if (resolvedBindings .contributionBindings() .stream() .map(ContributionBinding::kind) .anyMatch(isEqual(OPTIONAL))) { return !getLocalExplicitBindings(keyFactory.unwrapOptional(resolvedBindings.key()).get()) .isEmpty(); } else { // If a parent contributes a @Provides Optional binding and a child has a // @BindsOptionalOf Foo method, the two should conflict, even if there is no binding for // Foo on its own return !getOptionalBindingDeclarations(resolvedBindings.key()).isEmpty(); } } } } /** * A multimap of those {@code declarations} that are multibinding contribution declarations, * indexed by the key of the set or map to which they contribute. */ static ImmutableSetMultimap multibindingContributionsByMultibindingKey( Iterable declarations) { ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder builder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder(); for (T declaration : declarations) { if (declaration.key().multibindingContributionIdentifier().isPresent()) { builder.put( declaration .key() .toBuilder() .multibindingContributionIdentifier(Optional.empty()) .build(), declaration); } } return builder.build(); } }