/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Dagger Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dagger.internal.codegen; import static com.google.testing.compile.CompilationSubject.assertThat; import static dagger.internal.codegen.Compilers.CLASS_PATH_WITHOUT_GUAVA_OPTION; import static dagger.internal.codegen.Compilers.compilerWithOptions; import static dagger.internal.codegen.GeneratedLines.GENERATED_CODE_ANNOTATIONS; import static dagger.internal.codegen.GeneratedLines.IMPORT_GENERATED_ANNOTATION; import com.google.testing.compile.Compilation; import com.google.testing.compile.Compiler; import com.google.testing.compile.JavaFileObjects; import java.util.Collection; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class SetBindingRequestFulfillmentTest { @Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection parameters() { return CompilerMode.TEST_PARAMETERS; } private final CompilerMode compilerMode; public SetBindingRequestFulfillmentTest(CompilerMode compilerMode) { this.compilerMode = compilerMode; } @Test public void setBindings() { JavaFileObject emptySetModuleFile = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines("test.EmptySetModule", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Module;", "import dagger.Provides;", "import dagger.multibindings.ElementsIntoSet;", "import dagger.multibindings.Multibinds;", "import java.util.Collections;", "import java.util.Set;", "", "@Module", "abstract class EmptySetModule {", " @Multibinds abstract Set objects();", "", " @Provides @ElementsIntoSet", " static Set emptySet() { ", " return Collections.emptySet();", " }", "}"); JavaFileObject setModuleFile = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines("test.SetModule", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Module;", "import dagger.Provides;", "import dagger.multibindings.IntoSet;", "", "@Module", "final class SetModule {", " @Provides @IntoSet static String string() { return \"\"; }", "}"); JavaFileObject componentFile = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines("test.TestComponent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Component;", "import java.util.Set;", "import javax.inject.Provider;", "", "@Component(modules = {EmptySetModule.class, SetModule.class})", "interface TestComponent {", " Set strings();", " Set objects();", "}"); JavaFileObject generatedComponent = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.DaggerTestComponent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.internal.SetBuilder;", "", GENERATED_CODE_ANNOTATIONS, "final class DaggerTestComponent implements TestComponent {", " @Override", " public Set strings() {", " return SetBuilder.newSetBuilder(2)", " .addAll(EmptySetModule_EmptySetFactory.emptySet())", " .add(SetModule_StringFactory.string())", " .build();", " }", "", " @Override", " public Set objects() {", " return Collections.emptySet();", " }", "}"); Compilation compilation = daggerCompilerWithoutGuava().compile(emptySetModuleFile, setModuleFile, componentFile); assertThat(compilation).succeeded(); assertThat(compilation) .generatedSourceFile("test.DaggerTestComponent") .containsElementsIn(generatedComponent); } @Test public void inaccessible() { JavaFileObject inaccessible = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "other.Inaccessible", "package other;", "", "class Inaccessible {}"); JavaFileObject inaccessible2 = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "other.Inaccessible2", "package other;", "", "class Inaccessible2 {}"); JavaFileObject usesInaccessible = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "other.UsesInaccessible", "package other;", "", "import java.util.Set;", "import javax.inject.Inject;", "", "public class UsesInaccessible {", " @Inject UsesInaccessible(Set set1, Set set2) {}", "}"); JavaFileObject module = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "other.TestModule", "package other;", "", "import dagger.Module;", "import dagger.Provides;", "import dagger.multibindings.ElementsIntoSet;", "import dagger.multibindings.Multibinds;", "import java.util.Collections;", "import java.util.Set;", "", "@Module", "public abstract class TestModule {", " @Multibinds abstract Set objects();", "", " @Provides @ElementsIntoSet", " static Set emptySet() { ", " return Collections.emptySet();", " }", "}"); JavaFileObject componentFile = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.TestComponent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Component;", "import java.util.Set;", "import javax.inject.Provider;", "import other.TestModule;", "import other.UsesInaccessible;", "", "@Component(modules = TestModule.class)", "interface TestComponent {", " UsesInaccessible usesInaccessible();", "}"); JavaFileObject generatedComponent = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.DaggerTestComponent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.internal.SetBuilder;", "import other.TestModule_EmptySetFactory;", "import other.UsesInaccessible;", "import other.UsesInaccessible_Factory;", "", GENERATED_CODE_ANNOTATIONS, "final class DaggerTestComponent implements TestComponent {", " private Set setOfInaccessible2() {", " return SetBuilder.newSetBuilder(1)", " .addAll(TestModule_EmptySetFactory.emptySet())", " .build();", " }", "", " @Override", " public UsesInaccessible usesInaccessible() {", " return UsesInaccessible_Factory.newInstance(", " (Set) Collections.emptySet(),", " (Set) setOfInaccessible2());", " }", "}"); Compilation compilation = daggerCompilerWithoutGuava() .compile(module, inaccessible, inaccessible2, usesInaccessible, componentFile); assertThat(compilation).succeeded(); assertThat(compilation) .generatedSourceFile("test.DaggerTestComponent") .containsElementsIn(generatedComponent); } @Test public void subcomponentOmitsInheritedBindings() { JavaFileObject parent = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.Parent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Component;", "", "@Component(modules = ParentModule.class)", "interface Parent {", " Child child();", "}"); JavaFileObject parentModule = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.ParentModule", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Module;", "import dagger.Provides;", "import dagger.multibindings.IntoSet;", "import dagger.multibindings.StringKey;", "", "@Module", "class ParentModule {", " @Provides @IntoSet static Object parentObject() {", " return \"parent object\";", " }", "}"); JavaFileObject child = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.Child", "package test;", "", "import dagger.Subcomponent;", "import java.util.Set;", "", "@Subcomponent", "interface Child {", " Set objectSet();", "}"); JavaFileObject generatedComponent = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( "test.DaggerParent", "package test;", "", "import dagger.internal.Preconditions;", "import java.util.Collections;", "import java.util.Set;", IMPORT_GENERATED_ANNOTATION, "", GENERATED_CODE_ANNOTATIONS, "final class DaggerParent implements Parent {", " private DaggerParent() {}", "", " public static Builder builder() {", " return new Builder();", " }", "", " public static Parent create() {", " return new Builder().build();", " }", "", " @Override", " public Child child() {", " return new ChildImpl();", " }", "", " static final class Builder {", " private Builder() {}", "", " @Deprecated", " public Builder parentModule(ParentModule parentModule) {", " Preconditions.checkNotNull(parentModule);", " return this;", " }", "", " public Parent build() {", " return new DaggerParent();", " }", " }", "", " private final class ChildImpl implements Child {", " private ChildImpl() {}", "", " @Override", " public Set objectSet() {", " return Collections.singleton(", " ParentModule_ParentObjectFactory.parentObject());", " }", " }", "}"); Compilation compilation = daggerCompilerWithoutGuava().compile(parent, parentModule, child); assertThat(compilation).succeeded(); assertThat(compilation) .generatedSourceFile("test.DaggerParent") .hasSourceEquivalentTo(generatedComponent); } private Compiler daggerCompilerWithoutGuava() { return compilerWithOptions(compilerMode.javacopts()) .withClasspath(CLASS_PATH_WITHOUT_GUAVA_OPTION); } }