// Copyright 2019 The Amber Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or parseried. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "src/amberscript/parser.h" namespace amber { namespace amberscript { using AmberScriptParserTest = testing::Test; TEST_F(AmberScriptParserTest, Clear) { std::string in = R"( SHADER vertex my_shader PASSTHROUGH SHADER fragment my_fragment GLSL # GLSL Shader END PIPELINE graphics my_pipeline ATTACH my_shader ATTACH my_fragment END CLEAR my_pipeline)"; Parser parser; Result r = parser.Parse(in); ASSERT_TRUE(r.IsSuccess()) << r.Error(); auto script = parser.GetScript(); const auto& commands = script->GetCommands(); ASSERT_EQ(1U, commands.size()); auto* cmd = commands[0].get(); ASSERT_TRUE(cmd->IsClear()); } TEST_F(AmberScriptParserTest, ClearMissingPipeline) { std::string in = R"( SHADER vertex my_shader PASSTHROUGH SHADER fragment my_fragment GLSL # GLSL Shader END PIPELINE graphics my_pipeline ATTACH my_shader ATTACH my_fragment END CLEAR)"; Parser parser; Result r = parser.Parse(in); ASSERT_FALSE(r.IsSuccess()); EXPECT_EQ("12: missing pipeline name for CLEAR command", r.Error()); } TEST_F(AmberScriptParserTest, ClearInvalidPipeline) { std::string in = R"(CLEAR other_pipeline)"; Parser parser; Result r = parser.Parse(in); ASSERT_FALSE(r.IsSuccess()); EXPECT_EQ("1: unknown pipeline for CLEAR command: other_pipeline", r.Error()); } TEST_F(AmberScriptParserTest, ClearComputePipeline) { std::string in = R"( SHADER compute my_shader GLSL void main() { gl_FragColor = vec3(2, 3, 4); } END PIPELINE compute my_pipeline ATTACH my_shader END CLEAR my_pipeline)"; Parser parser; Result r = parser.Parse(in); ASSERT_FALSE(r.IsSuccess()); ASSERT_EQ("12: CLEAR command requires graphics pipeline", r.Error()); } TEST_F(AmberScriptParserTest, ClearExtraParams) { std::string in = R"( SHADER vertex my_shader PASSTHROUGH SHADER fragment my_fragment GLSL # GLSL Shader END PIPELINE graphics my_pipeline ATTACH my_shader ATTACH my_fragment END CLEAR my_pipeline EXTRA)"; Parser parser; Result r = parser.Parse(in); ASSERT_FALSE(r.IsSuccess()); EXPECT_EQ("12: extra parameters after CLEAR command: EXTRA", r.Error()); } } // namespace amberscript } // namespace amber