# Copyright 2014-2015 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init import logging from collections import namedtuple from devlib.module import Module from devlib.exception import TargetError from devlib.utils.misc import list_to_ranges, isiterable from devlib.utils.types import boolean class Controller(object): def __init__(self, kind, hid, clist): """ Initialize a controller given the hierarchy it belongs to. :param kind: the name of the controller :type kind: str :param hid: the Hierarchy ID this controller is mounted on :type hid: int :param clist: the list of controller mounted in the same hierarchy :type clist: list(str) """ self.mount_name = 'devlib_cgh{}'.format(hid) self.kind = kind self.hid = hid self.clist = clist self.target = None self._noprefix = False self.logger = logging.getLogger('CGroup.'+self.kind) self.logger.debug('Initialized [%s, %d, %s]', self.kind, self.hid, self.clist) self.mount_point = None self._cgroups = {} def mount(self, target, mount_root): mounted = target.list_file_systems() if self.mount_name in [e.device for e in mounted]: # Identify mount point if controller is already in use self.mount_point = [ fs.mount_point for fs in mounted if fs.device == self.mount_name ][0] else: # Mount the controller if not already in use self.mount_point = target.path.join(mount_root, self.mount_name) target.execute('mkdir -p {} 2>/dev/null'\ .format(self.mount_point), as_root=True) target.execute('mount -t cgroup -o {} {} {}'\ .format(','.join(self.clist), self.mount_name, self.mount_point), as_root=True) # Check if this controller uses "noprefix" option output = target.execute('mount | grep "{} "'.format(self.mount_name)) if 'noprefix' in output: self._noprefix = True # self.logger.debug('Controller %s using "noprefix" option', # self.kind) self.logger.debug('Controller %s mounted under: %s (noprefix=%s)', self.kind, self.mount_point, self._noprefix) # Mark this contoller as available self.target = target # Create root control group self.cgroup('/') def cgroup(self, name): if not self.target: raise RuntimeError('CGroup creation failed: {} controller not mounted'\ .format(self.kind)) if name not in self._cgroups: self._cgroups[name] = CGroup(self, name) return self._cgroups[name] def exists(self, name): if not self.target: raise RuntimeError('CGroup creation failed: {} controller not mounted'\ .format(self.kind)) if name not in self._cgroups: self._cgroups[name] = CGroup(self, name, create=False) return self._cgroups[name].existe() def list_all(self): self.logger.debug('Listing groups for %s controller', self.kind) output = self.target.execute('{} find {} -type d'\ .format(self.target.busybox, self.mount_point), as_root=True) cgroups = [] for cg in output.splitlines(): cg = cg.replace(self.mount_point + '/', '/') cg = cg.replace(self.mount_point, '/') cg = cg.strip() if cg == '': continue self.logger.debug('Populate %s cgroup: %s', self.kind, cg) cgroups.append(cg) return cgroups def move_tasks(self, source, dest, exclude=[]): try: srcg = self._cgroups[source] dstg = self._cgroups[dest] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('Unkown group: {}'.format(e)) output = self.target._execute_util( 'cgroups_tasks_move {} {} \'{}\''.format( srcg.directory, dstg.directory, exclude), as_root=True) def move_all_tasks_to(self, dest, exclude=[]): """ Move all the tasks to the specified CGroup Tasks are moved from all their original CGroup the the specified on. The tasks which name matches one of the string in exclude are moved instead in the root CGroup for the controller. The name of a tasks to exclude must be a substring of the task named as reported by the "ps" command. Indeed, this list will be translated into a: "ps | grep -e name1 -e name2..." in order to obtain the PID of these tasks. :param exclude: list of commands to keep in the root CGroup :type exlude: list(str) """ if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] if not isinstance(exclude, list): raise ValueError('wrong type for "exclude" parameter, ' 'it must be a str or a list') logging.debug('Moving all tasks into %s', dest) # Build list of tasks to exclude grep_filters = '' for comm in exclude: grep_filters += '-e {} '.format(comm) logging.debug(' using grep filter: %s', grep_filters) if grep_filters != '': logging.debug(' excluding tasks which name matches:') logging.debug(' %s', ', '.join(exclude)) for cgroup in self._cgroups: if cgroup != dest: self.move_tasks(cgroup, dest, grep_filters) def tasks(self, cgroup): try: cg = self._cgroups[cgroup] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('Unkown group: {}'.format(e)) output = self.target._execute_util( 'cgroups_tasks_in {}'.format(cg.directory), as_root=True) entries = output.splitlines() tasks = {} for task in entries: tid = task.split(',')[0] try: tname = task.split(',')[1] except: continue try: tcmdline = task.split(',')[2] except: tcmdline = '' tasks[int(tid)] = (tname, tcmdline) return tasks def tasks_count(self, cgroup): try: cg = self._cgroups[cgroup] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('Unkown group: {}'.format(e)) output = self.target.execute( '{} wc -l {}/tasks'.format( self.target.busybox, cg.directory), as_root=True) return int(output.split()[0]) def tasks_per_group(self): tasks = {} for cg in self.list_all(): tasks[cg] = self.tasks_count(cg) return tasks class CGroup(object): def __init__(self, controller, name, create=True): self.logger = logging.getLogger('cgroups.' + controller.kind) self.target = controller.target self.controller = controller self.name = name # Control cgroup path self.directory = controller.mount_point if name != '/': self.directory = self.target.path.join(controller.mount_point, name[1:]) # Setup path for tasks file self.tasks_file = self.target.path.join(self.directory, 'tasks') self.procs_file = self.target.path.join(self.directory, 'cgroup.procs') if not create: return self.logger.debug('Creating cgroup %s', self.directory) self.target.execute('[ -d {0} ] || mkdir -p {0}'\ .format(self.directory), as_root=True) def exists(self): try: self.target.execute('[ -d {0} ]'\ .format(self.directory), as_root=True) return True except TargetError: return False def get(self): conf = {} logging.debug('Reading %s attributes from:', self.controller.kind) logging.debug(' %s', self.directory) output = self.target._execute_util( 'cgroups_get_attributes {} {}'.format( self.directory, self.controller.kind), as_root=True) for res in output.splitlines(): attr = res.split(':')[0] value = res.split(':')[1] conf[attr] = value return conf def set(self, **attrs): for idx in attrs: if isiterable(attrs[idx]): attrs[idx] = list_to_ranges(attrs[idx]) # Build attribute path if self.controller._noprefix: attr_name = '{}'.format(idx) else: attr_name = '{}.{}'.format(self.controller.kind, idx) path = self.target.path.join(self.directory, attr_name) self.logger.debug('Set attribute [%s] to: %s"', path, attrs[idx]) # Set the attribute value try: self.target.write_value(path, attrs[idx]) except TargetError: # Check if the error is due to a non-existing attribute attrs = self.get() if idx not in attrs: raise ValueError('Controller [{}] does not provide attribute [{}]'\ .format(self.controller.kind, attr_name)) raise def get_tasks(self): task_ids = self.target.read_value(self.tasks_file).split() logging.debug('Tasks: %s', task_ids) return map(int, task_ids) def add_task(self, tid): self.target.write_value(self.tasks_file, tid, verify=False) def add_tasks(self, tasks): for tid in tasks: self.add_task(tid) def add_proc(self, pid): self.target.write_value(self.procs_file, pid, verify=False) CgroupSubsystemEntry = namedtuple('CgroupSubsystemEntry', 'name hierarchy num_cgroups enabled') class CgroupsModule(Module): name = 'cgroups' stage = 'setup' @staticmethod def probe(target): if not target.is_rooted: return False if target.file_exists('/proc/cgroups'): return True return target.config.has('cgroups') def __init__(self, target): super(CgroupsModule, self).__init__(target) self.logger = logging.getLogger('CGroups') # Set Devlib's CGroups mount point self.cgroup_root = target.path.join( target.working_directory, 'cgroups') # Get the list of the available controllers subsys = self.list_subsystems() if len(subsys) == 0: self.logger.warning('No CGroups controller available') return # Map hierarchy IDs into a list of controllers hierarchy = {} for ss in subsys: try: hierarchy[ss.hierarchy].append(ss.name) except KeyError: hierarchy[ss.hierarchy] = [ss.name] self.logger.debug('Available hierarchies: %s', hierarchy) # Initialize controllers self.logger.info('Available controllers:') self.controllers = {} for ss in subsys: hid = ss.hierarchy controller = Controller(ss.name, hid, hierarchy[hid]) try: controller.mount(self.target, self.cgroup_root) except TargetError: message = 'Failed to mount "{}" controller' raise TargetError(message.format(controller.kind)) self.logger.info(' %-12s : %s', controller.kind, controller.mount_point) self.controllers[ss.name] = controller def list_subsystems(self): subsystems = [] for line in self.target.execute('{} cat /proc/cgroups'\ .format(self.target.busybox)).splitlines()[1:]: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue name, hierarchy, num_cgroups, enabled = line.split() subsystems.append(CgroupSubsystemEntry(name, int(hierarchy), int(num_cgroups), boolean(enabled))) return subsystems def controller(self, kind): if kind not in self.controllers: self.logger.warning('Controller %s not available', kind) return None return self.controllers[kind] def run_into_cmd(self, cgroup, cmdline): """ Get the command to run a command into a given cgroup :param cmdline: Commdand to be run into cgroup :param cgroup: Name of cgroup to run command into :returns: A command to run `cmdline` into `cgroup` """ return 'CGMOUNT={} {} cgroups_run_into {} {}'\ .format(self.cgroup_root, self.target.shutils, cgroup, cmdline) def run_into(self, cgroup, cmdline): """ Run the specified command into the specified CGroup :param cmdline: Command to be run into cgroup :param cgroup: Name of cgroup to run command into :returns: Output of command. """ cmd = self.run_into_cmd(cgroup, cmdline) raw_output = self.target.execute(cmd) # First line of output comes from shutils; strip it out. return raw_output.split('\n', 1)[1] def cgroups_tasks_move(self, srcg, dstg, exclude=''): """ Move all the tasks from the srcg CGroup to the dstg one. A regexps of tasks names can be used to defined tasks which should not be moved. """ return self.target._execute_util( 'cgroups_tasks_move {} {} {}'.format(srcg, dstg, exclude), as_root=True) def isolate(self, cpus, exclude=[]): """ Remove all userspace tasks from specified CPUs. A list of CPUs can be specified where we do not want userspace tasks running. This functions creates a sandbox cpuset CGroup where all user-space tasks and not-pinned kernel-space tasks are moved into. This should allows to isolate the specified CPUs which will not get tasks running unless explicitely moved into the isolated group. :param cpus: the list of CPUs to isolate :type cpus: list(int) :return: the (sandbox, isolated) tuple, where: sandbox is the CGroup of sandboxed CPUs isolated is the CGroup of isolated CPUs """ all_cpus = set(range(self.target.number_of_cpus)) sbox_cpus = list(all_cpus - set(cpus)) isol_cpus = list(all_cpus - set(sbox_cpus)) # Create Sandbox and Isolated cpuset CGroups cpuset = self.controller('cpuset') sbox_cg = cpuset.cgroup('/DEVLIB_SBOX') isol_cg = cpuset.cgroup('/DEVLIB_ISOL') # Set CPUs for Sandbox and Isolated CGroups sbox_cg.set(cpus=sbox_cpus, mems=0) isol_cg.set(cpus=isol_cpus, mems=0) # Move all currently running tasks to the Sandbox CGroup cpuset.move_all_tasks_to('/DEVLIB_SBOX', exclude) return sbox_cg, isol_cg def freeze(self, exclude=[], thaw=False): """ Freeze all user-space tasks but the specified ones A freezer cgroup is used to stop all the tasks in the target system but the ones which name match one of the path specified by the exclude paramater. The name of a tasks to exclude must be a substring of the task named as reported by the "ps" command. Indeed, this list will be translated into a: "ps | grep -e name1 -e name2..." in order to obtain the PID of these tasks. :param exclude: list of commands paths to exclude from freezer :type exclude: list(str) :param thaw: if true thaw tasks instead :type thaw: bool """ # Create Freezer CGroup freezer = self.controller('freezer') if freezer is None: raise RuntimeError('freezer cgroup controller not present') freezer_cg = freezer.cgroup('/DEVLIB_FREEZER') cmd = 'cgroups_freezer_set_state {{}} {}'.format(freezer_cg.directory) if thaw: # Restart froozen tasks freezer.target._execute_util(cmd.format('THAWED'), as_root=True) # Remove all tasks from freezer freezer.move_all_tasks_to('/') return # Move all tasks into the freezer group freezer.move_all_tasks_to('/DEVLIB_FREEZER', exclude) # Get list of not frozen tasks, which is reported as output tasks = freezer.tasks('/') # Freeze all tasks freezer.target._execute_util(cmd.format('FROZEN'), as_root=True) return tasks