path: root/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
diff options
authorSimon Ogorodnik <Simon.Ogorodnik@jetbrains.com>2017-12-28 20:27:28 +0300
committerSimon Ogorodnik <Simon.Ogorodnik@jetbrains.com>2017-12-28 20:27:28 +0300
commitcca63f7d6269193d28f5c24ea5b3a21357759347 (patch)
treec03af7f7dc36030b4190df4a91195fa22df01da5 /core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
parentf3c67082b056b0ca84c80528db4a8e2b62c5bb49 (diff)
Split JavaLayoutHtml to separate files
Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84778d00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
+import kotlinx.html.*
+import kotlinx.html.Entities.nbsp
+import kotlinx.html.stream.appendHTML
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService.RenderMode.FULL
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService.RenderMode.SUMMARY
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.NodeKind.Companion.classLike
+import java.net.URI
+import java.net.URLEncoder
+class JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder(
+ val output: Appendable,
+ val languageService: LanguageService,
+ val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
+ val templateService: JavaLayoutHtmlTemplateService,
+ val logger: DokkaLogger,
+ val uri: URI
+) {
+ val htmlConsumer = output.appendHTML()
+ val contentToHtmlBuilder = ContentToHtmlBuilder(uriProvider, uri)
+ private fun <T> FlowContent.summaryNodeGroup(nodes: Iterable<T>, header: String, headerAsRow: Boolean = false, row: TBODY.(T) -> Unit) {
+ if (nodes.none()) return
+ if (!headerAsRow) {
+ h2 { +header }
+ }
+ table {
+ if (headerAsRow) thead { tr { td { h3 { +header } } } }
+ tbody {
+ nodes.forEach { node ->
+ row(node)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun FlowContent.metaMarkup(content: ContentNode) = with(contentToHtmlBuilder) {
+ appendContent(content)
+ }
+ fun FlowContent.metaMarkup(content: List<ContentNode>) = with(contentToHtmlBuilder) {
+ appendContent(content)
+ }
+ private fun TBODY.formatClassLikeRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
+ td { a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.simpleName() } }
+ td { metaMarkup(node.summary) }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.modifiers(node: DocumentationNode) {
+ for (modifier in node.details(NodeKind.Modifier)) {
+ renderedSignature(modifier, SUMMARY)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.shortFunctionParametersList(func: DocumentationNode) {
+ val params = func.details(NodeKind.Parameter)
+ .map { languageService.render(it, FULL) }
+ .run {
+ drop(1).fold(listOfNotNull(firstOrNull())) { acc, node ->
+ acc + ContentText(", ") + node
+ }
+ }
+ metaMarkup(listOf(ContentText("(")) + params + listOf(ContentText(")")))
+ }
+ private fun TBODY.functionLikeSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
+ if (node.kind != NodeKind.Constructor) {
+ td {
+ modifiers(node)
+ renderedSignature(node.detail(NodeKind.Type), SUMMARY)
+ }
+ }
+ td {
+ div {
+ code {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.name }
+ shortFunctionParametersList(node)
+ }
+ }
+ metaMarkup(node.summary)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun TBODY.propertyLikeSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
+ td {
+ modifiers(node)
+ renderedSignature(node.detail(NodeKind.Type), SUMMARY)
+ }
+ td {
+ div {
+ code {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.name }
+ }
+ }
+ metaMarkup(node.summary)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun TBODY.nestedClassSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
+ td {
+ modifiers(node)
+ }
+ td {
+ div {
+ code {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.name }
+ }
+ }
+ metaMarkup(node.summary)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun TBODY.inheritRow(entry: Map.Entry<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>, summaryRow: TBODY.(DocumentationNode) -> Unit) = tr {
+ td {
+ val (from, nodes) = entry
+ +"From class "
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(from.owner!!, uri)) { +from.qualifiedName() }
+ table {
+ tbody {
+ for (node in nodes) {
+ summaryRow(node)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.renderedSignature(node: DocumentationNode, mode: LanguageService.RenderMode = SUMMARY) {
+ metaMarkup(languageService.render(node, mode))
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.fullFunctionDocs(node: DocumentationNode) {
+ div {
+ id = node.signatureForAnchor(logger)
+ h3 { +node.name }
+ pre { renderedSignature(node, FULL) }
+ metaMarkup(node.content)
+ for ((name, sections) in node.content.sections.groupBy { it.tag }) {
+ table {
+ thead { tr { td { h3 { +name } } } }
+ tbody {
+ sections.forEach {
+ tr {
+ td { it.subjectName?.let { +it } }
+ td {
+ metaMarkup(it.children)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun FlowContent.fullPropertyDocs(node: DocumentationNode) {
+ fullFunctionDocs(node)
+ }
+ fun appendPackage(node: DocumentationNode) = templateService.composePage(
+ listOf(node),
+ htmlConsumer,
+ headContent = {
+ },
+ bodyContent = {
+ h1 { +node.name }
+ metaMarkup(node.content)
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Class), "Classes") { formatClassLikeRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Exception), "Exceptions") { formatClassLikeRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.TypeAlias), "Type-aliases") { formatClassLikeRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.AnnotationClass), "Annotations") { formatClassLikeRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Enum), "Enums") { formatClassLikeRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Function), "Top-level functions summary") { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Property), "Top-level properties summary") { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ fullDocs(node.members(NodeKind.Function), { h2 { +"Top-level functions" } }) { fullFunctionDocs(it) }
+ fullDocs(node.members(NodeKind.Property), { h2 { +"Top-level properties" } }) { fullPropertyDocs(it) }
+ }
+ )
+ fun FlowContent.classHierarchy(node: DocumentationNode) {
+ val superclasses = generateSequence(node) { it.superclass }.toList().asReversed()
+ table {
+ superclasses.forEach {
+ tr {
+ if (it != superclasses.first()) {
+ td {
+ +"   ↳"
+ }
+ }
+ td {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(it, uri)) { +it.qualifiedName() }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun appendClassLike(node: DocumentationNode) = templateService.composePage(
+ listOf(node),
+ htmlConsumer,
+ headContent = {
+ },
+ bodyContent = {
+ h1 { +node.name }
+ pre { renderedSignature(node, FULL) }
+ classHierarchy(node)
+ metaMarkup(node.content)
+ h2 { +"Summary" }
+ fun DocumentationNode.isFunction() = kind == NodeKind.Function || kind == NodeKind.CompanionObjectFunction
+ fun DocumentationNode.isProperty() = kind == NodeKind.Property || kind == NodeKind.CompanionObjectProperty
+ val functionsToDisplay = node.members.filter(DocumentationNode::isFunction)
+ val properties = node.members.filter(DocumentationNode::isProperty)
+ val inheritedFunctionsByReceiver = node.inheritedMembers.filter(DocumentationNode::isFunction).groupBy { it.owner!! }
+ val inheritedPropertiesByReceiver = node.inheritedMembers.filter(DocumentationNode::isProperty).groupBy { it.owner!! }
+ val extensionProperties = node.extensions.filter(DocumentationNode::isProperty)
+ val extensionFunctions = node.extensions.filter(DocumentationNode::isFunction)
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members.filter { it.kind in NodeKind.classLike }, "Nested classes", headerAsRow = true) { nestedClassSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(node.members(NodeKind.Constructor), "Constructors", headerAsRow = true) { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(functionsToDisplay, "Functions", headerAsRow = true) { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(inheritedFunctionsByReceiver.entries, "Inherited functions", headerAsRow = true) { inheritRow(it) { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) } }
+ summaryNodeGroup(extensionFunctions, "Extension functions", headerAsRow = true) { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(properties, "Properties", headerAsRow = true) { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ summaryNodeGroup(inheritedPropertiesByReceiver.entries, "Inherited properties", headerAsRow = true) { inheritRow(it) { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) } }
+ summaryNodeGroup(extensionProperties, "Extension properties", headerAsRow = true) { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) }
+ fullDocs(node.members(NodeKind.Constructor), { h2 { +"Constructors" } }) { fullFunctionDocs(it) }
+ fullDocs(functionsToDisplay, { h2 { +"Functions" } }) { fullFunctionDocs(it) }
+ fullDocs(extensionFunctions, { h2 { +"Extension functions" } }) { fullFunctionDocs(it) }
+ fullDocs(properties, { h2 { +"Properties" } }) { fullPropertyDocs(it) }
+ fullDocs(extensionProperties, { h2 { +"Extension properties" } }) { fullPropertyDocs(it) }
+ }
+ )
+ fun generateClassesIndex(allTypesNode: DocumentationNode) = templateService.composePage(
+ listOf(allTypesNode),
+ htmlConsumer,
+ headContent = {
+ },
+ bodyContent = {
+ h1 { +"Class Index" }
+ fun DocumentationNode.classWithNestedClasses(): List<DocumentationNode> =
+ members.filter { it.kind in classLike }.flatMap(DocumentationNode::classWithNestedClasses) + this
+ val classesByFirstLetter = allTypesNode.members
+ .filterNot { it.kind == NodeKind.ExternalClass }
+ .flatMap(DocumentationNode::classWithNestedClasses)
+ .groupBy {
+ it.classNodeNameWithOuterClass().first().toString()
+ }
+ .entries
+ .sortedBy { (letter) -> letter }
+ ul {
+ classesByFirstLetter.forEach { (letter) ->
+ li { a(href = "#letter_$letter") { +letter } }
+ }
+ }
+ classesByFirstLetter.forEach { (letter, nodes) ->
+ h2 {
+ id = "letter_$letter"
+ +letter
+ }
+ table {
+ tbody {
+ for (node in nodes.sortedBy { it.classNodeNameWithOuterClass() }) {
+ tr {
+ td {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.classNodeNameWithOuterClass() }
+ }
+ td {
+ metaMarkup(node.content)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ fun generatePackageIndex(nodes: List<DocumentationNode>) = templateService.composePage(nodes,
+ htmlConsumer,
+ headContent = {
+ },
+ bodyContent = {
+ h1 { +"Package Index" }
+ table {
+ tbody {
+ for (node in nodes.sortedBy { it.name }) {
+ tr {
+ td {
+ a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.name }
+ }
+ td {
+ metaMarkup(node.content)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ private fun FlowContent.fullDocs(
+ nodes: List<DocumentationNode>,
+ header: FlowContent.() -> Unit,
+ renderNode: FlowContent.(DocumentationNode) -> Unit
+ ) {
+ if (nodes.none()) return
+ header()
+ for (node in nodes) {
+ renderNode(node)
+ }
+ }
+class ContentToHtmlBuilder(val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider, val uri: URI) {
+ fun FlowContent.appendContent(content: List<ContentNode>): Unit = content.forEach { appendContent(it) }
+ private fun FlowContent.hN(level: Int, classes: String? = null, block: CommonAttributeGroupFacadeFlowHeadingPhrasingContent.() -> Unit) {
+ when (level) {
+ 1 -> h1(classes, block)
+ 2 -> h2(classes, block)
+ 3 -> h3(classes, block)
+ 4 -> h4(classes, block)
+ 5 -> h5(classes, block)
+ 6 -> h6(classes, block)
+ }
+ }
+ fun FlowContent.appendContent(content: ContentNode) {
+ when (content) {
+ is ContentText -> +content.text
+ is ContentSymbol -> span("symbol") { +content.text }
+ is ContentKeyword -> span("keyword") { +content.text }
+ is ContentIdentifier -> span("identifier") {
+ content.signature?.let { id = it }
+ +content.text
+ }
+ is ContentHeading -> hN(level = content.level) { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentEntity -> +content.text
+ is ContentStrong -> strong { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentStrikethrough -> del { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentEmphasis -> em { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentOrderedList -> ol { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentUnorderedList -> ul { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentListItem -> consumer.li {
+ (content.children.singleOrNull() as? ContentParagraph)
+ ?.let { paragraph -> appendContent(paragraph.children) }
+ ?: appendContent(content.children)
+ }
+ is ContentCode -> pre { code { appendContent(content.children) } }
+ is ContentBlockSampleCode -> pre { code {} }
+ is ContentBlockCode -> pre { code {} }
+ is ContentNonBreakingSpace -> +nbsp
+ is ContentSoftLineBreak, is ContentIndentedSoftLineBreak -> {
+ }
+ is ContentParagraph -> p { appendContent(content.children) }
+ is ContentNodeLink -> {
+ a(href = content.node?.let { uriProvider.linkTo(it, uri) } ?: "#unresolved") { appendContent(content.children) }
+ }
+ is ContentExternalLink -> {
+ a(href = content.href) { appendContent(content.children) }
+ }
+ is ContentBlock -> appendContent(content.children)
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file