path: root/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
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authorDoug Sigelbaum <sigelbaum@google.com>2018-06-18 18:02:34 -0400
committerDoug Sigelbaum <sigelbaum@google.com>2018-06-19 14:29:00 -0400
commitdd8a2a20e28e30444e735b16b140c0be7d695c55 (patch)
tree55fa01ce1eb95cf0cfe672c4ce4cf944f0dbc9ad /core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
parent244f97fc9ec5745b377e594e54b2f465489fef8b (diff)
Replace Dokka source with a Dokka maven repo (see ./maven).
Artifacts pulled from https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/viewLog.html?tab=artifacts&buildId=1485600. Bug: 72394196 Change-Id: I36ba18127bec9a2c393a9a7740623b98500f2d73
Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 839 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 54cff5509..000000000
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/Formats/JavaLayoutHtml/JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
-import kotlinx.html.*
-import kotlinx.html.Entities.nbsp
-import kotlinx.html.stream.appendHTML
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService.RenderMode.FULL
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService.RenderMode.SUMMARY
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.NodeKind.Companion.classLike
-import java.net.URI
-import javax.inject.Inject
-open class JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder(
- val output: Appendable,
- val languageService: LanguageService,
- val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
- val templateService: JavaLayoutHtmlTemplateService,
- val logger: DokkaLogger,
- val uri: URI
-) {
- val htmlConsumer = output.appendHTML()
- private fun FlowContent.hN(
- level: Int,
- classes: String? = null,
- block: CommonAttributeGroupFacadeFlowHeadingPhrasingContent.() -> Unit
- ) {
- when (level) {
- 1 -> h1(classes, block)
- 2 -> h2(classes, block)
- 3 -> h3(classes, block)
- 4 -> h4(classes, block)
- 5 -> h5(classes, block)
- 6 -> h6(classes, block)
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.metaMarkup(content: List<ContentNode>) = contentNodesToMarkup(content)
- protected open fun FlowContent.metaMarkup(content: ContentNode) = contentNodeToMarkup(content)
- private fun FlowContent.contentNodesToMarkup(content: List<ContentNode>): Unit = content.forEach { contentNodeToMarkup(it) }
- protected fun FlowContent.contentNodeToMarkup(content: ContentNode) {
- when (content) {
- is ContentText -> +content.text
- is ContentSymbol -> span("symbol") { +content.text }
- is ContentKeyword -> span("keyword") { +content.text }
- is ContentIdentifier -> span("identifier") {
- content.signature?.let { id = it }
- +content.text
- }
- is ContentHeading -> hN(level = content.level) { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentEntity -> +content.text
- is ContentStrong -> strong { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentStrikethrough -> del { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentEmphasis -> em { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentOrderedList -> ol { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentUnorderedList -> ul { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentListItem -> consumer.li {
- (content.children.singleOrNull() as? ContentParagraph)
- ?.let { paragraph -> contentNodesToMarkup(paragraph.children) }
- ?: contentNodesToMarkup(content.children)
- }
- is ContentCode -> contentInlineCode(content)
- is ContentBlockSampleCode -> contentBlockSampleCode(content)
- is ContentBlockCode -> contentBlockCode(content)
- ContentNonBreakingSpace -> +nbsp
- ContentSoftLineBreak, ContentIndentedSoftLineBreak -> {}
- ContentHardLineBreak -> br
- is ContentParagraph -> p { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- is ContentNodeLink -> {
- fun FlowContent.body() = contentNodesToMarkup(content.children)
- when (content.node?.kind) {
- NodeKind.TypeParameter -> body()
- else -> a(href = content.node, block = FlowContent::body)
- }
- }
- is ContentExternalLink -> contentExternalLink(content)
- is ContentSection -> {}
- is ContentBlock -> contentNodesToMarkup(content.children)
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.contentInlineCode(content: ContentCode) {
- code { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.contentBlockSampleCode(content: ContentBlockSampleCode) {
- pre {
- code {
- attributes["data-language"] = content.language
- contentNodesToMarkup(content.importsBlock.children)
- +"\n\n"
- contentNodesToMarkup(content.children)
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.contentBlockCode(content: ContentBlockCode) {
- pre {
- code {
- attributes["data-language"] = content.language
- contentNodesToMarkup(content.children)
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.contentExternalLink(content: ContentExternalLink) {
- a(href = content.href) { contentNodesToMarkup(content.children) }
- }
- protected open fun <T> FlowContent.summaryNodeGroup(
- nodes: Iterable<T>,
- header: String,
- headerAsRow: Boolean = true,
- row: TBODY.(T) -> Unit
- ) {
- if (nodes.none()) return
- if (!headerAsRow) {
- h2 { +header }
- }
- table {
- if (headerAsRow) thead { tr { td { h3 { +header } } } }
- tbody {
- nodes.forEach { node ->
- row(node)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.classLikeRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
- td { a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.simpleName() } }
- td { contentNodeToMarkup(node.summary) }
- }
- protected fun FlowContent.modifiers(node: DocumentationNode) {
- for (modifier in node.details(NodeKind.Modifier)) {
- renderedSignature(modifier, SUMMARY)
- }
- }
- protected fun FlowContent.shortFunctionParametersList(func: DocumentationNode) {
- val params = func.details(NodeKind.Parameter)
- .map { languageService.render(it, FULL) }
- .run {
- drop(1).fold(listOfNotNull(firstOrNull())) { acc, node ->
- acc + ContentText(", ") + node
- }
- }
- metaMarkup(listOf(ContentText("(")) + params + listOf(ContentText(")")))
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.functionLikeSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
- if (node.kind != NodeKind.Constructor) {
- td {
- modifiers(node)
- renderedSignature(node.detail(NodeKind.Type), SUMMARY)
- }
- }
- td {
- div {
- code {
- val receiver = node.detailOrNull(NodeKind.Receiver)
- if (receiver != null) {
- renderedSignature(receiver.detail(NodeKind.Type), SUMMARY)
- +"."
- }
- a(href = node) { +node.name }
- shortFunctionParametersList(node)
- }
- }
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.summary)
- }
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.propertyLikeSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
- td {
- modifiers(node)
- renderedSignature(node.detail(NodeKind.Type), SUMMARY)
- }
- td {
- div {
- code {
- a(href = node) { +node.name }
- }
- }
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.summary)
- }
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.nestedClassSummaryRow(node: DocumentationNode) = tr {
- td {
- modifiers(node)
- }
- td {
- div {
- code {
- a(href = node) { +node.name }
- }
- }
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.summary)
- }
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.inheritRow(
- entry: Map.Entry<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>,
- summaryRow: TBODY.(DocumentationNode) -> Unit
- ) = tr {
- td {
- val (from, nodes) = entry
- +"From class "
- a(href = from.owner!!) { +from.qualifiedName() }
- table {
- tbody {
- for (node in nodes) {
- summaryRow(node)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun TBODY.extensionRow(
- entry: Map.Entry<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>,
- summaryRow: TBODY.(DocumentationNode) -> Unit
- ) = tr {
- td {
- val (from, nodes) = entry
- +"From "
- a(href = from) { +from.qualifiedName() }
- table {
- tbody {
- for (node in nodes) {
- summaryRow(node)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.a(href: DocumentationNode?, classes: String? = null, block: A.() -> Unit) {
- if (href == null) {
- return a(href = "#", classes = classes, block = block)
- }
- val hrefText =
- href.name.takeIf { href.kind == NodeKind.ExternalLink }
- ?: href.links.firstOrNull { it.kind == NodeKind.ExternalLink }?.name
- ?: "#".takeIf { href.kind == NodeKind.ExternalClass } // When external class unresolved
- ?: uriProvider.linkTo(href, uri)
- a(href = hrefText, classes = classes, block = block)
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.renderedSignature(node: DocumentationNode, mode: LanguageService.RenderMode = SUMMARY) {
- contentNodeToMarkup(languageService.render(node, mode))
- }
- protected open fun generatePackage(page: Page.PackagePage) = templateService.composePage(
- page,
- htmlConsumer,
- headContent = {
- },
- bodyContent = {
- h1 { +page.node.name }
- contentNodeToMarkup(page.node.content)
- summaryNodeGroup(page.classes, "Classes", headerAsRow = false) { classLikeRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(page.exceptions, "Exceptions", headerAsRow = false) { classLikeRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(page.typeAliases, "Type-aliases", headerAsRow = false) { classLikeRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(page.annotations, "Annotations", headerAsRow = false) { classLikeRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(page.enums, "Enums", headerAsRow = false) { classLikeRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- page.constants,
- "Top-level constants summary",
- headerAsRow = false
- ) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- page.functions,
- "Top-level functions summary",
- headerAsRow = false
- ) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- page.properties,
- "Top-level properties summary",
- headerAsRow = false
- ) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- fullMemberDocs(page.constants, "Top-level constants")
- fullMemberDocs(page.functions, "Top-level functions")
- fullMemberDocs(page.properties, "Top-level properties")
- }
- )
- protected fun FlowContent.qualifiedTypeReference(node: DocumentationNode) {
- if (node.kind in classLike) {
- a(href = node) { +node.qualifiedName() }
- return
- }
- val targetLink = node.links.singleOrNull()
- if (targetLink?.kind == NodeKind.TypeParameter) {
- +node.name
- return
- }
- a(href = targetLink) {
- +node.qualifiedNameFromType()
- }
- val typeParameters = node.details(NodeKind.Type)
- if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty()) {
- +"<"
- typeParameters.forEach {
- if (it != typeParameters.first()) {
- +", "
- }
- qualifiedTypeReference(it)
- }
- +">"
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.classHierarchy(superclasses: List<DocumentationNode>) {
- table {
- superclasses.forEach {
- tr {
- if (it != superclasses.first()) {
- td {
- +"   ↳"
- }
- }
- td {
- qualifiedTypeReference(it)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.subclasses(inheritors: List<DocumentationNode>, direct: Boolean) {
- if (inheritors.isEmpty()) return
- div {
- table {
- thead {
- tr {
- td {
- if (direct)
- +"Known Direct Subclasses"
- else
- +"Known Indirect Subclasses"
- }
- }
- }
- tbody {
- inheritors.forEach { inheritor ->
- tr {
- td {
- a(href = inheritor) { +inheritor.classNodeNameWithOuterClass() }
- }
- td {
- contentNodeToMarkup(inheritor.summary)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.classLikeSummaries(page: Page.ClassPage) = with(page) {
- summaryNodeGroup(
- nestedClasses,
- "Nested classes",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- nestedClassSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(constants, "Constants") { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- constructors,
- "Constructors",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(functions, "Functions", headerAsRow = true) { functionLikeSummaryRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- companionFunctions,
- "Companion functions",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- inheritedFunctionsByReceiver.entries,
- "Inherited functions",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- inheritRow(it) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- extensionFunctions.entries,
- "Extension functions",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- extensionRow(it) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- inheritedExtensionFunctions.entries,
- "Inherited extension functions",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- extensionRow(it) {
- functionLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(properties, "Properties", headerAsRow = true) { propertyLikeSummaryRow(it) }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- companionProperties,
- "Companion properties",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- inheritedPropertiesByReceiver.entries,
- "Inherited properties",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- inheritRow(it) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- extensionProperties.entries,
- "Extension properties",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- extensionRow(it) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- summaryNodeGroup(
- inheritedExtensionProperties.entries,
- "Inherited extension properties",
- headerAsRow = true
- ) {
- extensionRow(it) {
- propertyLikeSummaryRow(it)
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.classLikeFullMemberDocs(page: Page.ClassPage) = with(page) {
- fullMemberDocs(constants, "Constants")
- fullMemberDocs(constructors, "Constructors")
- fullMemberDocs(functions, "Functions")
- fullMemberDocs(properties, "Properties")
- if (!hasMeaningfulCompanion) {
- fullMemberDocs(companionFunctions, "Companion functions")
- fullMemberDocs(companionProperties, "Companion properties")
- }
- }
- protected open fun generateClassLike(page: Page.ClassPage) = templateService.composePage(
- page,
- htmlConsumer,
- headContent = {
- },
- bodyContent = {
- val node = page.node
- with(page) {
- h1 { +node.name }
- pre { renderedSignature(node, FULL) }
- classHierarchy(page.superclasses)
- subclasses(page.directInheritors, true)
- subclasses(page.indirectInheritors, false)
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.content)
- h2 { +"Summary" }
- classLikeSummaries(page)
- classLikeFullMemberDocs(page)
- }
- }
- )
- protected open fun generateClassIndex(page: Page.ClassIndex) = templateService.composePage(
- page,
- htmlConsumer,
- headContent = {
- },
- bodyContent = {
- h1 { +"Class Index" }
- ul {
- page.classesByFirstLetter.forEach { (letter) ->
- li { a(href = "#letter_$letter") { +letter } }
- }
- }
- page.classesByFirstLetter.forEach { (letter, classes) ->
- h2 {
- id = "letter_$letter"
- +letter
- }
- table {
- tbody {
- for (node in classes) {
- tr {
- td {
- a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.classNodeNameWithOuterClass() }
- }
- td {
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.content)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )
- protected open fun generatePackageIndex(page: Page.PackageIndex) = templateService.composePage(
- page,
- htmlConsumer,
- headContent = {
- },
- bodyContent = {
- h1 { +"Package Index" }
- table {
- tbody {
- for (node in page.packages) {
- tr {
- td {
- a(href = uriProvider.linkTo(node, uri)) { +node.name }
- }
- td {
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.content)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )
- fun generatePage(page: Page) {
- when (page) {
- is Page.PackageIndex -> generatePackageIndex(page)
- is Page.ClassIndex -> generateClassIndex(page)
- is Page.ClassPage -> generateClassLike(page)
- is Page.PackagePage -> generatePackage(page)
- }
- }
- protected fun FlowContent.fullMemberDocs(
- nodes: List<DocumentationNode>,
- header: String
- ) {
- if (nodes.none()) return
- h2 {
- +header
- }
- for (node in nodes) {
- fullMemberDocs(node)
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.seeAlsoSection(links: List<List<ContentNode>>) {
- p { b { +"See Also" } }
- ul {
- links.forEach { linkParts ->
- li { code { metaMarkup(linkParts) } }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.regularSection(name: String, entries: List<ContentSection>) {
- table {
- thead {
- tr {
- th {
- colSpan = "2"
- +name
- }
- }
- }
- tbody {
- entries.forEach {
- tr {
- if (it.subjectName != null) {
- td { +it.subjectName }
- }
- td {
- metaMarkup(it.children)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.section(name: String, sectionParts: List<ContentSection>) {
- when(name) {
- ContentTags.SeeAlso -> seeAlsoSection(sectionParts.map { it.children.flatMap { (it as ContentParagraph).children } })
- else -> regularSection(name, sectionParts)
- }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.sections(content: Content) {
- val sectionsByTag = content.sections.groupByTo(mutableMapOf()) { it.tag }
- val seeAlso = sectionsByTag.remove(ContentTags.SeeAlso)
- for ((name, entries) in sectionsByTag) {
- section(name, entries)
- }
- seeAlso?.let { section(ContentTags.SeeAlso, it) }
- }
- protected open fun FlowContent.fullMemberDocs(node: DocumentationNode) {
- div {
- id = node.signatureForAnchor(logger)
- h3 { +node.name }
- pre { renderedSignature(node, FULL) }
- contentNodeToMarkup(node.content)
- node.constantValue()?.let { value ->
- pre {
- +"Value: "
- code { +value }
- }
- }
- sections(node.content)
- }
- }
- sealed class Page {
- class PackageIndex(packages: List<DocumentationNode>) : Page() {
- init {
- assert(packages.all { it.kind == NodeKind.Package })
- }
- val packages = packages.sortedBy { it.name }
- }
- class ClassIndex(allTypesNode: DocumentationNode) : Page() {
- init {
- assert(allTypesNode.kind == NodeKind.AllTypes)
- }
- // Wide-collect all nested classes
- val classes: List<DocumentationNode> =
- generateSequence(listOf(allTypesNode)) { nodes ->
- nodes
- .flatMap { it.members.filter { it.kind in NodeKind.classLike } }
- .takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
- }.drop(1)
- .flatten()
- .sortedBy { it.classNodeNameWithOuterClass() }
- .toList()
- // Group all classes by it's first letter and sort
- val classesByFirstLetter =
- classes
- .groupBy {
- it.classNodeNameWithOuterClass().first().toString()
- }
- .entries
- .sortedBy { (letter) -> letter }
- }
- class ClassPage(val node: DocumentationNode) : Page() {
- init {
- assert(node.kind in NodeKind.classLike)
- }
- val superclasses = (sequenceOf(node) + node.superclassTypeSequence).toList().asReversed()
- val directInheritors: List<DocumentationNode>
- val indirectInheritors: List<DocumentationNode>
- init {
- // Wide-collect all inheritors
- val inheritors = generateSequence(node.inheritors) { inheritors ->
- inheritors
- .flatMap { it.inheritors }
- .takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
- }
- directInheritors = inheritors.first()
- indirectInheritors = inheritors.drop(1).flatten().toList()
- }
- val isCompanion = node.details(NodeKind.Modifier).any { it.name == "companion" }
- val hasMeaningfulCompanion = !isCompanion && node.companion != null
- private fun DocumentationNode.thisTypeExtension() =
- detail(NodeKind.Receiver).detail(NodeKind.Type).links.any { it == node }
- val functionKind = if (!isCompanion) NodeKind.Function else NodeKind.CompanionObjectFunction
- val propertyKind = if (!isCompanion) NodeKind.Property else NodeKind.CompanionObjectProperty
- private fun DocumentationNode.isFunction() = kind == functionKind
- private fun DocumentationNode.isProperty() = kind == propertyKind
- val nestedClasses = node.members.filter { it.kind in NodeKind.classLike }
- val attributes = node.members(NodeKind.Attribute)
- val constants = node.members.filter { it.constantValue() != null }
- val constructors = node.members(NodeKind.Constructor)
- val functions = node.members(functionKind)
- val properties = node.members(propertyKind) - constants
- val inheritedFunctionsByReceiver = node.inheritedMembers(functionKind).groupBy { it.owner!! }
- val inheritedPropertiesByReceiver = node.inheritedMembers(propertyKind).groupBy { it.owner!! }
- val originalExtensions = if (!isCompanion) node.extensions else node.owner!!.extensions
- val extensionFunctions: Map<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>
- val extensionProperties: Map<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>
- val inheritedExtensionFunctions: Map<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>
- val inheritedExtensionProperties: Map<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>
- init {
- val (extensions, inheritedExtensions) = originalExtensions.partition { it.thisTypeExtension() }
- extensionFunctions = extensions.filter { it.isFunction() }.groupBy { it.owner!! }
- extensionProperties = extensions.filter { it.isProperty() }.groupBy { it.owner!! }
- inheritedExtensionFunctions =
- inheritedExtensions.filter { it.isFunction() }.groupBy { it.owner!! }
- inheritedExtensionProperties =
- inheritedExtensions.filter { it.isProperty() }.groupBy { it.owner!! }
- }
- val companionFunctions = node.members(NodeKind.CompanionObjectFunction).takeUnless { isCompanion }.orEmpty()
- val companionProperties =
- node.members(NodeKind.CompanionObjectProperty).takeUnless { isCompanion }.orEmpty() - constants
- }
- class PackagePage(val node: DocumentationNode) : Page() {
- init {
- assert(node.kind == NodeKind.Package)
- }
- val classes = node.members(NodeKind.Class)
- val exceptions = node.members(NodeKind.Exception)
- val typeAliases = node.members(NodeKind.TypeAlias)
- val annotations = node.members(NodeKind.AnnotationClass)
- val enums = node.members(NodeKind.Enum)
- private val externalClassExtensionFunctions =
- node.members(NodeKind.ExternalClass).flatMap { it.members(NodeKind.Function) }
- private val externalClassExtensionProperties =
- node.members(NodeKind.ExternalClass).flatMap { it.members(NodeKind.Property) }
- val constants = node.members(NodeKind.Property).filter { it.constantValue() != null }
- val functions = node.members(NodeKind.Function) + externalClassExtensionFunctions
- val properties = node.members(NodeKind.Property) - constants + externalClassExtensionProperties
- }
- }
-class JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilderFactoryImpl @Inject constructor(
- val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
- val languageService: LanguageService,
- val templateService: JavaLayoutHtmlTemplateService,
- val logger: DokkaLogger
-) : JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilderFactory {
- override fun createOutputBuilder(output: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode): JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder {
- return createOutputBuilder(output, uriProvider.mainUri(node))
- }
- override fun createOutputBuilder(output: Appendable, uri: URI): JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder {
- return JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutputBuilder(output, languageService, uriProvider, templateService, logger, uri)
- }
-fun DocumentationNode.constantValue(): String? =
- detailOrNull(NodeKind.Value)?.name.takeIf {
- kind == NodeKind.Property || kind == NodeKind.CompanionObjectProperty
- } \ No newline at end of file