path: root/hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp
diff options
authorRoman Stratiienko <roman.o.stratiienko@globallogic.com>2022-01-04 16:02:55 +0200
committerRoman Stratiienko <roman.o.stratiienko@globallogic.com>2022-01-12 11:27:07 +0200
commit3627bebf7b119d2f71a8abbcf55fdc633de7d327 (patch)
tree09ed658e9191717b034ff9ebae352b1ebd3bf381 /hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp
parent03fd35cdfab014e8f833fdea7ac4e38da0e9c67e (diff)
drm_hwcomposer: Move HwcDisplay out of DrmHwcTwo class
Reduces code complexity. Closes: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm-hwcomposer/drm-hwcomposer/-/issues/35 Signed-off-by: Roman Stratiienko <roman.o.stratiienko@globallogic.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp')
1 files changed, 958 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp b/hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0a5823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwc2_device/HwcDisplay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "hwc-display"
+#include "HwcDisplay.h"
+#include "DrmHwcTwo.h"
+#include "backend/BackendManager.h"
+#include "bufferinfo/BufferInfoGetter.h"
+#include "utils/log.h"
+#include "utils/properties.h"
+namespace android {
+std::string HwcDisplay::DumpDelta(HwcDisplay::Stats delta) {
+ if (delta.total_pixops_ == 0)
+ return "No stats yet";
+ double ratio = 1.0 - double(delta.gpu_pixops_) / double(delta.total_pixops_);
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << " Total frames count: " << delta.total_frames_ << "\n"
+ << " Failed to test commit frames: " << delta.failed_kms_validate_ << "\n"
+ << " Failed to commit frames: " << delta.failed_kms_present_ << "\n"
+ << ((delta.failed_kms_present_ > 0)
+ ? " !!! Internal failure, FIX it please\n"
+ : "")
+ << " Flattened frames: " << delta.frames_flattened_ << "\n"
+ << " Pixel operations (free units)"
+ << " : [TOTAL: " << delta.total_pixops_ << " / GPU: " << delta.gpu_pixops_
+ << "]\n"
+ << " Composition efficiency: " << ratio;
+ return ss.str();
+std::string HwcDisplay::Dump() {
+ std::string flattening_state_str;
+ switch (flattenning_state_) {
+ case ClientFlattenningState::Disabled:
+ flattening_state_str = "Disabled";
+ break;
+ case ClientFlattenningState::NotRequired:
+ flattening_state_str = "Not needed";
+ break;
+ case ClientFlattenningState::Flattened:
+ flattening_state_str = "Active";
+ break;
+ case ClientFlattenningState::ClientRefreshRequested:
+ flattening_state_str = "Refresh requested";
+ break;
+ default:
+ flattening_state_str = std::to_string(flattenning_state_) +
+ " VSync remains";
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "- Display on: " << connector_->name() << "\n"
+ << " Flattening state: " << flattening_state_str << "\n"
+ << "Statistics since system boot:\n"
+ << DumpDelta(total_stats_) << "\n\n"
+ << "Statistics since last dumpsys request:\n"
+ << DumpDelta(total_stats_.minus(prev_stats_)) << "\n\n";
+ memcpy(&prev_stats_, &total_stats_, sizeof(Stats));
+ return ss.str();
+HwcDisplay::HwcDisplay(ResourceManager *resource_manager, DrmDevice *drm,
+ hwc2_display_t handle, HWC2::DisplayType type,
+ DrmHwcTwo *hwc2)
+ : hwc2_(hwc2),
+ resource_manager_(resource_manager),
+ drm_(drm),
+ handle_(handle),
+ type_(type),
+ color_transform_hint_(HAL_COLOR_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY) {
+ // clang-format off
+ color_transform_matrix_ = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
+ // clang-format on
+void HwcDisplay::ClearDisplay() {
+ AtomicCommitArgs a_args = {.clear_active_composition = true};
+ compositor_.ExecuteAtomicCommit(a_args);
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::Init(std::vector<DrmPlane *> *planes) {
+ int display = static_cast<int>(handle_);
+ int ret = compositor_.Init(resource_manager_, display);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed display compositor init for display %d (%d)", display, ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::NoResources;
+ }
+ // Split up the given display planes into primary and overlay to properly
+ // interface with the composition
+ char use_overlay_planes_prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+ property_get("vendor.hwc.drm.use_overlay_planes", use_overlay_planes_prop,
+ "1");
+ bool use_overlay_planes = strtol(use_overlay_planes_prop, nullptr, 10);
+ for (auto &plane : *planes) {
+ if (plane->GetType() == DRM_PLANE_TYPE_PRIMARY)
+ primary_planes_.push_back(plane);
+ else if (use_overlay_planes && (plane)->GetType() == DRM_PLANE_TYPE_OVERLAY)
+ overlay_planes_.push_back(plane);
+ }
+ crtc_ = drm_->GetCrtcForDisplay(display);
+ if (!crtc_) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to get crtc for display %d", display);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ connector_ = drm_->GetConnectorForDisplay(display);
+ if (!connector_) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to get connector for display %d", display);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ ret = vsync_worker_.Init(drm_, display, [this](int64_t timestamp) {
+ const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(hwc2_->callback_lock_);
+ /* vsync callback */
+ if (hwc2_->vsync_2_4_callback_.first != nullptr &&
+ hwc2_->vsync_2_4_callback_.second != nullptr) {
+ hwc2_vsync_period_t period_ns{};
+ GetDisplayVsyncPeriod(&period_ns);
+ hwc2_->vsync_2_4_callback_.first(hwc2_->vsync_2_4_callback_.second,
+ handle_, timestamp, period_ns);
+ } else
+ if (hwc2_->vsync_callback_.first != nullptr &&
+ hwc2_->vsync_callback_.second != nullptr) {
+ hwc2_->vsync_callback_.first(hwc2_->vsync_callback_.second, handle_,
+ timestamp);
+ }
+ });
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create event worker for d=%d %d\n", display, ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ ret = flattening_vsync_worker_
+ .Init(drm_, display, [this](int64_t /*timestamp*/) {
+ const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(hwc2_->callback_lock_);
+ /* Frontend flattening */
+ if (flattenning_state_ >
+ ClientFlattenningState::ClientRefreshRequested &&
+ --flattenning_state_ ==
+ ClientFlattenningState::ClientRefreshRequested &&
+ hwc2_->refresh_callback_.first != nullptr &&
+ hwc2_->refresh_callback_.second != nullptr) {
+ hwc2_->refresh_callback_.first(hwc2_->refresh_callback_.second,
+ handle_);
+ flattening_vsync_worker_.VSyncControl(false);
+ }
+ });
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create event worker for d=%d %d\n", display, ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ ret = BackendManager::GetInstance().SetBackendForDisplay(this);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to set backend for d=%d %d\n", display, ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ client_layer_.SetLayerBlendMode(HWC2_BLEND_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED);
+ return ChosePreferredConfig();
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::ChosePreferredConfig() {
+ // Fetch the number of modes from the display
+ uint32_t num_configs = 0;
+ HWC2::Error err = GetDisplayConfigs(&num_configs, nullptr);
+ if (err != HWC2::Error::None || !num_configs)
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ return SetActiveConfig(preferred_config_id_);
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::AcceptDisplayChanges() {
+ for (std::pair<const hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> &l : layers_)
+ l.second.AcceptTypeChange();
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::CreateLayer(hwc2_layer_t *layer) {
+ layers_.emplace(static_cast<hwc2_layer_t>(layer_idx_), HwcLayer());
+ *layer = static_cast<hwc2_layer_t>(layer_idx_);
+ ++layer_idx_;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::DestroyLayer(hwc2_layer_t layer) {
+ if (!get_layer(layer))
+ return HWC2::Error::BadLayer;
+ layers_.erase(layer);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t *config) const {
+ if (hwc_configs_.count(active_config_id_) == 0)
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ *config = active_config_id_;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetChangedCompositionTypes(uint32_t *num_elements,
+ hwc2_layer_t *layers,
+ int32_t *types) {
+ uint32_t num_changes = 0;
+ for (std::pair<const hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> &l : layers_) {
+ if (l.second.IsTypeChanged()) {
+ if (layers && num_changes < *num_elements)
+ layers[num_changes] = l.first;
+ if (types && num_changes < *num_elements)
+ types[num_changes] = static_cast<int32_t>(l.second.GetValidatedType());
+ ++num_changes;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!layers && !types)
+ *num_elements = num_changes;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetClientTargetSupport(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+ int32_t /*format*/,
+ int32_t dataspace) {
+ std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> min = drm_->min_resolution();
+ std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> max = drm_->max_resolution();
+ if (width < min.first || height < min.second)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ if (width > max.first || height > max.second)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ if (dataspace != HAL_DATASPACE_UNKNOWN)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ // TODO(nobody): Validate format can be handled by either GL or planes
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetColorModes(uint32_t *num_modes, int32_t *modes) {
+ if (!modes)
+ *num_modes = 1;
+ if (modes)
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_config_t config,
+ int32_t attribute_in,
+ int32_t *value) {
+ int conf = static_cast<int>(config);
+ if (hwc_configs_.count(conf) == 0) {
+ ALOGE("Could not find active mode for %d", conf);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ }
+ auto &hwc_config = hwc_configs_[conf];
+ static const int32_t kUmPerInch = 25400;
+ uint32_t mm_width = connector_->mm_width();
+ uint32_t mm_height = connector_->mm_height();
+ auto attribute = static_cast<HWC2::Attribute>(attribute_in);
+ switch (attribute) {
+ case HWC2::Attribute::Width:
+ *value = static_cast<int>(hwc_config.mode.h_display());
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Attribute::Height:
+ *value = static_cast<int>(hwc_config.mode.v_display());
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Attribute::VsyncPeriod:
+ // in nanoseconds
+ *value = static_cast<int>(1E9 / hwc_config.mode.v_refresh());
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Attribute::DpiX:
+ // Dots per 1000 inches
+ *value = mm_width ? static_cast<int>(hwc_config.mode.h_display() *
+ kUmPerInch / mm_width)
+ : -1;
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Attribute::DpiY:
+ // Dots per 1000 inches
+ *value = mm_height ? static_cast<int>(hwc_config.mode.v_display() *
+ kUmPerInch / mm_height)
+ : -1;
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Attribute::ConfigGroup:
+ /* Dispite ConfigGroup is a part of HWC2.4 API, framework
+ * able to request it even if service @2.1 is used */
+ *value = hwc_config.group_id;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *value = -1;
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ }
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE (readability-function-cognitive-complexity): Fixme
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayConfigs(uint32_t *num_configs,
+ hwc2_config_t *configs) {
+ // Since this callback is normally invoked twice (once to get the count, and
+ // once to populate configs), we don't really want to read the edid
+ // redundantly. Instead, only update the modes on the first invocation. While
+ // it's possible this will result in stale modes, it'll all come out in the
+ // wash when we try to set the active config later.
+ if (!configs) {
+ int ret = connector_->UpdateModes();
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to update display modes %d", ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ hwc_configs_.clear();
+ preferred_config_id_ = 0;
+ int preferred_config_group_id_ = 0;
+ if (connector_->modes().empty()) {
+ ALOGE("No modes reported by KMS");
+ return HWC2::Error::BadDisplay;
+ }
+ int last_config_id = 1;
+ int last_group_id = 1;
+ /* Group modes */
+ for (const auto &mode : connector_->modes()) {
+ /* Find group for the new mode or create new group */
+ int group_found = 0;
+ for (auto &hwc_config : hwc_configs_) {
+ if (mode.h_display() == hwc_config.second.mode.h_display() &&
+ mode.v_display() == hwc_config.second.mode.v_display()) {
+ group_found = hwc_config.second.group_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (group_found == 0) {
+ group_found = last_group_id++;
+ }
+ bool disabled = false;
+ if (mode.flags() & DRM_MODE_FLAG_3D_MASK) {
+ ALOGI("Disabling display mode %s (Modes with 3D flag aren't supported)",
+ mode.name().c_str());
+ disabled = true;
+ }
+ /* Add config */
+ hwc_configs_[last_config_id] = {
+ .id = last_config_id,
+ .group_id = group_found,
+ .mode = mode,
+ .disabled = disabled,
+ };
+ /* Chwck if the mode is preferred */
+ if ((mode.type() & DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED) != 0 &&
+ preferred_config_id_ == 0) {
+ preferred_config_id_ = last_config_id;
+ preferred_config_group_id_ = group_found;
+ }
+ last_config_id++;
+ }
+ /* We must have preferred mode. Set first mode as preferred
+ * in case KMS haven't reported anything. */
+ if (preferred_config_id_ == 0) {
+ preferred_config_id_ = 1;
+ preferred_config_group_id_ = 1;
+ }
+ for (int group = 1; group < last_group_id; group++) {
+ bool has_interlaced = false;
+ bool has_progressive = false;
+ for (auto &hwc_config : hwc_configs_) {
+ if (hwc_config.second.group_id != group || hwc_config.second.disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (hwc_config.second.IsInterlaced()) {
+ has_interlaced = true;
+ } else {
+ has_progressive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool has_both = has_interlaced && has_progressive;
+ if (!has_both) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool group_contains_preferred_interlaced = false;
+ if (group == preferred_config_group_id_ &&
+ hwc_configs_[preferred_config_id_].IsInterlaced()) {
+ group_contains_preferred_interlaced = true;
+ }
+ for (auto &hwc_config : hwc_configs_) {
+ if (hwc_config.second.group_id != group || hwc_config.second.disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool disable = group_contains_preferred_interlaced
+ ? !hwc_config.second.IsInterlaced()
+ : hwc_config.second.IsInterlaced();
+ if (disable) {
+ "Group %i: Disabling display mode %s (This group should consist "
+ "of %s modes)",
+ group, hwc_config.second.mode.name().c_str(),
+ group_contains_preferred_interlaced ? "interlaced"
+ : "progressive");
+ hwc_config.second.disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Group should not contain 2 modes with FPS delta less than ~1HZ
+ * otherwise android.graphics.cts.SetFrameRateTest CTS will fail
+ */
+ for (int m1 = 1; m1 < last_config_id; m1++) {
+ for (int m2 = 1; m2 < last_config_id; m2++) {
+ if (m1 != m2 &&
+ hwc_configs_[m1].group_id == hwc_configs_[m2].group_id &&
+ !hwc_configs_[m1].disabled && !hwc_configs_[m2].disabled &&
+ fabsf(hwc_configs_[m1].mode.v_refresh() -
+ hwc_configs_[m2].mode.v_refresh()) < 1.0) {
+ "Group %i: Disabling display mode %s (Refresh rate value is "
+ "too close to existing mode %s)",
+ hwc_configs_[m2].group_id, hwc_configs_[m2].mode.name().c_str(),
+ hwc_configs_[m1].mode.name().c_str());
+ hwc_configs_[m2].disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t idx = 0;
+ for (auto &hwc_config : hwc_configs_) {
+ if (hwc_config.second.disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (configs != nullptr) {
+ if (idx >= *num_configs) {
+ break;
+ }
+ configs[idx] = hwc_config.second.id;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ *num_configs = idx;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayName(uint32_t *size, char *name) {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream << "display-" << connector_->id();
+ std::string string = stream.str();
+ size_t length = string.length();
+ if (!name) {
+ *size = length;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ }
+ *size = std::min<uint32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(length - 1), *size);
+ strncpy(name, string.c_str(), *size);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayRequests(int32_t * /*display_requests*/,
+ uint32_t *num_elements,
+ hwc2_layer_t * /*layers*/,
+ int32_t * /*layer_requests*/) {
+ // TODO(nobody): I think virtual display should request
+ *num_elements = 0;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayType(int32_t *type) {
+ *type = static_cast<int32_t>(type_);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDozeSupport(int32_t *support) {
+ *support = 0;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetHdrCapabilities(uint32_t *num_types,
+ int32_t * /*types*/,
+ float * /*max_luminance*/,
+ float * /*max_average_luminance*/,
+ float * /*min_luminance*/) {
+ *num_types = 0;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+/* Find API details at:
+ * https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer2.h;l=1767
+ */
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetReleaseFences(uint32_t *num_elements,
+ hwc2_layer_t *layers,
+ int32_t *fences) {
+ uint32_t num_layers = 0;
+ for (std::pair<const hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> &l : layers_) {
+ ++num_layers;
+ if (layers == nullptr || fences == nullptr)
+ continue;
+ if (num_layers > *num_elements) {
+ ALOGW("Overflow num_elements %d/%d", num_layers, *num_elements);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ }
+ layers[num_layers - 1] = l.first;
+ fences[num_layers - 1] = l.second.GetReleaseFence().Release();
+ }
+ *num_elements = num_layers;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::CreateComposition(AtomicCommitArgs &a_args) {
+ // order the layers by z-order
+ bool use_client_layer = false;
+ uint32_t client_z_order = UINT32_MAX;
+ std::map<uint32_t, HwcLayer *> z_map;
+ for (std::pair<const hwc2_layer_t, HwcLayer> &l : layers_) {
+ switch (l.second.GetValidatedType()) {
+ case HWC2::Composition::Device:
+ z_map.emplace(std::make_pair(l.second.GetZOrder(), &l.second));
+ break;
+ case HWC2::Composition::Client:
+ // Place it at the z_order of the lowest client layer
+ use_client_layer = true;
+ client_z_order = std::min(client_z_order, l.second.GetZOrder());
+ break;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_client_layer)
+ z_map.emplace(std::make_pair(client_z_order, &client_layer_));
+ if (z_map.empty())
+ return HWC2::Error::BadLayer;
+ std::vector<DrmHwcLayer> composition_layers;
+ // now that they're ordered by z, add them to the composition
+ for (std::pair<const uint32_t, HwcLayer *> &l : z_map) {
+ DrmHwcLayer layer;
+ l.second->PopulateDrmLayer(&layer);
+ int ret = layer.ImportBuffer(drm_);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to import layer, ret=%d", ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::NoResources;
+ }
+ composition_layers.emplace_back(std::move(layer));
+ }
+ auto composition = std::make_shared<DrmDisplayComposition>(crtc_);
+ // TODO(nobody): Don't always assume geometry changed
+ int ret = composition->SetLayers(composition_layers.data(),
+ composition_layers.size());
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to set layers in the composition ret=%d", ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadLayer;
+ }
+ std::vector<DrmPlane *> primary_planes(primary_planes_);
+ std::vector<DrmPlane *> overlay_planes(overlay_planes_);
+ ret = composition->Plan(&primary_planes, &overlay_planes);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGV("Failed to plan the composition ret=%d", ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ }
+ a_args.composition = composition;
+ if (staged_mode) {
+ a_args.display_mode = *staged_mode;
+ }
+ ret = compositor_.ExecuteAtomicCommit(a_args);
+ if (ret) {
+ if (!a_args.test_only)
+ ALOGE("Failed to apply the frame composition ret=%d", ret);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ }
+ if (!a_args.test_only) {
+ staged_mode.reset();
+ }
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+/* Find API details at:
+ * https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer2.h;l=1805
+ */
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::PresentDisplay(int32_t *present_fence) {
+ HWC2::Error ret;
+ ++total_stats_.total_frames_;
+ AtomicCommitArgs a_args{};
+ ret = CreateComposition(a_args);
+ if (ret != HWC2::Error::None)
+ ++total_stats_.failed_kms_present_;
+ if (ret == HWC2::Error::BadLayer) {
+ // Can we really have no client or device layers?
+ *present_fence = -1;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ }
+ if (ret != HWC2::Error::None)
+ return ret;
+ *present_fence = a_args.out_fence.Release();
+ ++frame_no_;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t config) {
+ int conf = static_cast<int>(config);
+ if (hwc_configs_.count(conf) == 0) {
+ ALOGE("Could not find active mode for %d", conf);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ }
+ auto &mode = hwc_configs_[conf].mode;
+ staged_mode = mode;
+ active_config_id_ = conf;
+ // Setup the client layer's dimensions
+ hwc_rect_t display_frame = {.left = 0,
+ .top = 0,
+ .right = static_cast<int>(mode.h_display()),
+ .bottom = static_cast<int>(mode.v_display())};
+ client_layer_.SetLayerDisplayFrame(display_frame);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+/* Find API details at:
+ * https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer2.h;l=1861
+ */
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetClientTarget(buffer_handle_t target,
+ int32_t acquire_fence,
+ int32_t dataspace,
+ hwc_region_t /*damage*/) {
+ client_layer_.SetLayerBuffer(target, acquire_fence);
+ client_layer_.SetLayerDataspace(dataspace);
+ /*
+ * target can be nullptr, this does mean the Composer Service is calling
+ * cleanDisplayResources() on after receiving HOTPLUG event. See more at:
+ * https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:hardware/interfaces/graphics/composer/2.1/utils/hal/include/composer-hal/2.1/ComposerClient.h;l=350;drc=944b68180b008456ed2eb4d4d329e33b19bd5166
+ */
+ if (target == nullptr) {
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ }
+ /* TODO: Do not update source_crop every call.
+ * It makes sense to do it once after every hotplug event. */
+ HwcDrmBo bo{};
+ BufferInfoGetter::GetInstance()->ConvertBoInfo(target, &bo);
+ hwc_frect_t source_crop = {.left = 0.0F,
+ .top = 0.0F,
+ .right = static_cast<float>(bo.width),
+ .bottom = static_cast<float>(bo.height)};
+ client_layer_.SetLayerSourceCrop(source_crop);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetColorMode(int32_t mode) {
+ if (mode < HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE || mode > HAL_COLOR_MODE_BT2100_HLG)
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ if (mode != HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ color_mode_ = mode;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, int32_t hint) {
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ color_transform_hint_ = static_cast<android_color_transform_t>(hint);
+ if (color_transform_hint_ == HAL_COLOR_TRANSFORM_ARBITRARY_MATRIX)
+ std::copy(matrix, matrix + MATRIX_SIZE, color_transform_matrix_.begin());
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetOutputBuffer(buffer_handle_t /*buffer*/,
+ int32_t /*release_fence*/) {
+ // TODO(nobody): Need virtual display support
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetPowerMode(int32_t mode_in) {
+ auto mode = static_cast<HWC2::PowerMode>(mode_in);
+ AtomicCommitArgs a_args{};
+ switch (mode) {
+ case HWC2::PowerMode::Off:
+ a_args.active = false;
+ break;
+ case HWC2::PowerMode::On:
+ /*
+ * Setting the display to active before we have a composition
+ * can break some drivers, so skip setting a_args.active to
+ * true, as the next composition frame will implicitly activate
+ * the display
+ */
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ break;
+ case HWC2::PowerMode::Doze:
+ case HWC2::PowerMode::DozeSuspend:
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ default:
+ ALOGI("Power mode %d is unsupported\n", mode);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ };
+ int err = compositor_.ExecuteAtomicCommit(a_args);
+ if (err) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to apply the dpms composition err=%d", err);
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ }
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetVsyncEnabled(int32_t enabled) {
+ vsync_worker_.VSyncControl(HWC2_VSYNC_ENABLE == enabled);
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::ValidateDisplay(uint32_t *num_types,
+ uint32_t *num_requests) {
+ return backend_->ValidateDisplay(this, num_types, num_requests);
+std::vector<HwcLayer *> HwcDisplay::GetOrderLayersByZPos() {
+ std::vector<HwcLayer *> ordered_layers;
+ ordered_layers.reserve(layers_.size());
+ for (auto &[handle, layer] : layers_) {
+ ordered_layers.emplace_back(&layer);
+ }
+ std::sort(std::begin(ordered_layers), std::end(ordered_layers),
+ [](const HwcLayer *lhs, const HwcLayer *rhs) {
+ return lhs->GetZOrder() < rhs->GetZOrder();
+ });
+ return ordered_layers;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayConnectionType(uint32_t *outType) {
+ if (connector_->internal())
+ *outType = static_cast<uint32_t>(HWC2::DisplayConnectionType::Internal);
+ else if (connector_->external())
+ *outType = static_cast<uint32_t>(HWC2::DisplayConnectionType::External);
+ else
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayVsyncPeriod(
+ hwc2_vsync_period_t *outVsyncPeriod /* ns */) {
+ return GetDisplayAttribute(active_config_id_, HWC2_ATTRIBUTE_VSYNC_PERIOD,
+ (int32_t *)(outVsyncPeriod));
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetActiveConfigWithConstraints(
+ hwc2_config_t /*config*/,
+ hwc_vsync_period_change_constraints_t *vsyncPeriodChangeConstraints,
+ hwc_vsync_period_change_timeline_t *outTimeline) {
+ if (vsyncPeriodChangeConstraints == nullptr || outTimeline == nullptr) {
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ }
+ return HWC2::Error::BadConfig;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetAutoLowLatencyMode(bool /*on*/) {
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetSupportedContentTypes(
+ uint32_t *outNumSupportedContentTypes,
+ const uint32_t *outSupportedContentTypes) {
+ if (outSupportedContentTypes == nullptr)
+ *outNumSupportedContentTypes = 0;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetContentType(int32_t contentType) {
+ if (contentType != HWC2_CONTENT_TYPE_NONE)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ /* TODO: Map to the DRM Connector property:
+ * https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.4-rc5/source/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_connector.c#L809
+ */
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayIdentificationData(uint8_t *outPort,
+ uint32_t *outDataSize,
+ uint8_t *outData) {
+ auto blob = connector_->GetEdidBlob();
+ if (!blob) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to get edid property value.");
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ }
+ if (outData) {
+ *outDataSize = std::min(*outDataSize, blob->length);
+ memcpy(outData, blob->data, *outDataSize);
+ } else {
+ *outDataSize = blob->length;
+ }
+ *outPort = connector_->id();
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayCapabilities(uint32_t *outNumCapabilities,
+ uint32_t * /*outCapabilities*/) {
+ if (outNumCapabilities == nullptr) {
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ }
+ *outNumCapabilities = 0;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetDisplayBrightnessSupport(bool *supported) {
+ *supported = false;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetDisplayBrightness(float /* brightness */) {
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+#endif /* PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 28 */
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::GetRenderIntents(
+ int32_t mode, uint32_t *outNumIntents,
+ int32_t * /*android_render_intent_v1_1_t*/ outIntents) {
+ if (mode != HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE) {
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ }
+ if (outIntents == nullptr) {
+ *outNumIntents = 1;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+ }
+ *outNumIntents = 1;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+HWC2::Error HwcDisplay::SetColorModeWithIntent(int32_t mode, int32_t intent) {
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ if (mode < HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE || mode > HAL_COLOR_MODE_BT2100_HLG)
+ return HWC2::Error::BadParameter;
+ if (mode != HAL_COLOR_MODE_NATIVE)
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
+ color_mode_ = mode;
+ return HWC2::Error::None;
+#endif /* PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION > 27 */
+const Backend *HwcDisplay::backend() const {
+ return backend_.get();
+void HwcDisplay::set_backend(std::unique_ptr<Backend> backend) {
+ backend_ = std::move(backend);
+} // namespace android