/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "hwc-layer" #include "HwcLayer.h" #include "HwcDisplay.h" #include "bufferinfo/BufferInfoGetter.h" #include "utils/log.h" namespace android { // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetCursorPosition(int32_t /*x*/, int32_t /*y*/) { return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerBlendMode(int32_t mode) { switch (static_cast(mode)) { case HWC2::BlendMode::None: blend_mode_ = BufferBlendMode::kNone; break; case HWC2::BlendMode::Premultiplied: blend_mode_ = BufferBlendMode::kPreMult; break; case HWC2::BlendMode::Coverage: blend_mode_ = BufferBlendMode::kCoverage; break; default: ALOGE("Unknown blending mode b=%d", blend_mode_); blend_mode_ = BufferBlendMode::kUndefined; break; } return HWC2::Error::None; } /* Find API details at: * https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer2.h;l=2314 */ HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t acquire_fence) { acquire_fence_ = UniqueFd(acquire_fence); buffer_handle_ = buffer; buffer_handle_updated_ = true; return HWC2::Error::None; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerColor(hwc_color_t /*color*/) { // TODO(nobody): Put to client composition here? return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerCompositionType(int32_t type) { sf_type_ = static_cast(type); return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerDataspace(int32_t dataspace) { switch (dataspace & HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_MASK) { case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT709: color_space_ = BufferColorSpace::kItuRec709; break; case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT601_625: case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT601_625_UNADJUSTED: case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT601_525: case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT601_525_UNADJUSTED: color_space_ = BufferColorSpace::kItuRec601; break; case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT2020: case HAL_DATASPACE_STANDARD_BT2020_CONSTANT_LUMINANCE: color_space_ = BufferColorSpace::kItuRec2020; break; default: color_space_ = BufferColorSpace::kUndefined; } switch (dataspace & HAL_DATASPACE_RANGE_MASK) { case HAL_DATASPACE_RANGE_FULL: sample_range_ = BufferSampleRange::kFullRange; break; case HAL_DATASPACE_RANGE_LIMITED: sample_range_ = BufferSampleRange::kLimitedRange; break; default: sample_range_ = BufferSampleRange::kUndefined; } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerDisplayFrame(hwc_rect_t frame) { layer_data_.pi.display_frame = frame; return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerPlaneAlpha(float alpha) { layer_data_.pi.alpha = std::lround(alpha * UINT16_MAX); return HWC2::Error::None; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerSidebandStream( const native_handle_t* /*stream*/) { // TODO(nobody): We don't support sideband return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerSourceCrop(hwc_frect_t crop) { layer_data_.pi.source_crop = crop; return HWC2::Error::None; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerSurfaceDamage(hwc_region_t /*damage*/) { // TODO(nobody): We don't use surface damage, marking as unsupported return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerTransform(int32_t transform) { uint32_t l_transform = 0; // 270* and 180* cannot be combined with flips. More specifically, they // already contain both horizontal and vertical flips, so those fields are // redundant in this case. 90* rotation can be combined with either horizontal // flip or vertical flip, so treat it differently if (transform == HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_270) { l_transform = LayerTransform::kRotate270; } else if (transform == HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_180) { l_transform = LayerTransform::kRotate180; } else { if ((transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) != 0) l_transform |= LayerTransform::kFlipH; if ((transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V) != 0) l_transform |= LayerTransform::kFlipV; if ((transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) != 0) l_transform |= LayerTransform::kRotate90; } layer_data_.pi.transform = static_cast(l_transform); return HWC2::Error::None; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerVisibleRegion(hwc_region_t /*visible*/) { // TODO(nobody): We don't use this information, marking as unsupported return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HwcLayer::SetLayerZOrder(uint32_t order) { z_order_ = order; return HWC2::Error::None; } void HwcLayer::ImportFb() { if (!IsLayerUsableAsDevice() || !buffer_handle_updated_) { return; } buffer_handle_updated_ = false; layer_data_.fb = {}; auto unique_id = BufferInfoGetter::GetInstance()->GetUniqueId(buffer_handle_); if (unique_id && SwChainGetBufferFromCache(*unique_id)) { return; } layer_data_.bi = BufferInfoGetter::GetInstance()->GetBoInfo(buffer_handle_); if (!layer_data_.bi) { ALOGW("Unable to get buffer information (0x%p)", buffer_handle_); bi_get_failed_ = true; return; } layer_data_ .fb = parent_->GetPipe().device->GetDrmFbImporter().GetOrCreateFbId( &layer_data_.bi.value()); if (!layer_data_.fb) { ALOGV("Unable to create framebuffer object for buffer 0x%p", buffer_handle_); fb_import_failed_ = true; return; } if (unique_id) { SwChainAddCurrentBuffer(*unique_id); } } void HwcLayer::PopulateLayerData(bool test) { ImportFb(); if (blend_mode_ != BufferBlendMode::kUndefined) { layer_data_.bi->blend_mode = blend_mode_; } if (color_space_ != BufferColorSpace::kUndefined) { layer_data_.bi->color_space = color_space_; } if (sample_range_ != BufferSampleRange::kUndefined) { layer_data_.bi->sample_range = sample_range_; } if (!test) { layer_data_.acquire_fence = std::move(acquire_fence_); } } /* SwapChain Cache */ bool HwcLayer::SwChainGetBufferFromCache(BufferUniqueId unique_id) { if (swchain_lookup_table_.count(unique_id) == 0) { return false; } int seq = swchain_lookup_table_[unique_id]; if (swchain_cache_.count(seq) == 0) { return false; } auto& el = swchain_cache_[seq]; if (!el.bi) { return false; } layer_data_.bi = el.bi; layer_data_.fb = el.fb; return true; } void HwcLayer::SwChainReassemble(BufferUniqueId unique_id) { if (swchain_lookup_table_.count(unique_id) != 0) { if (swchain_lookup_table_[unique_id] == int(swchain_lookup_table_.size()) - 1) { /* Skip same buffer */ return; } if (swchain_lookup_table_[unique_id] == 0) { swchain_reassembled_ = true; return; } /* Tracking error */ SwChainClearCache(); return; } swchain_lookup_table_[unique_id] = int(swchain_lookup_table_.size()); } void HwcLayer::SwChainAddCurrentBuffer(BufferUniqueId unique_id) { if (!swchain_reassembled_) { SwChainReassemble(unique_id); } if (swchain_reassembled_) { if (swchain_lookup_table_.count(unique_id) == 0) { SwChainClearCache(); return; } int seq = swchain_lookup_table_[unique_id]; if (swchain_cache_.count(seq) == 0) { swchain_cache_[seq] = {}; } swchain_cache_[seq].bi = layer_data_.bi; swchain_cache_[seq].fb = layer_data_.fb; } } void HwcLayer::SwChainClearCache() { swchain_cache_.clear(); swchain_lookup_table_.clear(); swchain_reassembled_ = false; } } // namespace android