/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HWC2_DEVICE_HWC_LAYER_H #define ANDROID_HWC2_DEVICE_HWC_LAYER_H #include #include #include "drmhwcomposer.h" namespace android { class HwcLayer { public: HWC2::Composition GetSfType() const { return sf_type_; } HWC2::Composition GetValidatedType() const { return validated_type_; } void AcceptTypeChange() { sf_type_ = validated_type_; } void SetValidatedType(HWC2::Composition type) { validated_type_ = type; } bool IsTypeChanged() const { return sf_type_ != validated_type_; } uint32_t GetZOrder() const { return z_order_; } buffer_handle_t GetBuffer() { return buffer_; } hwc_rect_t GetDisplayFrame() { return display_frame_; } UniqueFd GetReleaseFence() { return std::move(release_fence_); } void PopulateDrmLayer(DrmHwcLayer *layer); bool RequireScalingOrPhasing() const { float src_width = source_crop_.right - source_crop_.left; float src_height = source_crop_.bottom - source_crop_.top; auto dest_width = float(display_frame_.right - display_frame_.left); auto dest_height = float(display_frame_.bottom - display_frame_.top); bool scaling = src_width != dest_width || src_height != dest_height; bool phasing = (source_crop_.left - std::floor(source_crop_.left) != 0) || (source_crop_.top - std::floor(source_crop_.top) != 0); return scaling || phasing; } // Layer hooks HWC2::Error SetCursorPosition(int32_t /*x*/, int32_t /*y*/); HWC2::Error SetLayerBlendMode(int32_t mode); HWC2::Error SetLayerBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t acquire_fence); HWC2::Error SetLayerColor(hwc_color_t /*color*/); HWC2::Error SetLayerCompositionType(int32_t type); HWC2::Error SetLayerDataspace(int32_t dataspace); HWC2::Error SetLayerDisplayFrame(hwc_rect_t frame); HWC2::Error SetLayerPlaneAlpha(float alpha); HWC2::Error SetLayerSidebandStream(const native_handle_t *stream); HWC2::Error SetLayerSourceCrop(hwc_frect_t crop); HWC2::Error SetLayerSurfaceDamage(hwc_region_t damage); HWC2::Error SetLayerTransform(int32_t transform); HWC2::Error SetLayerVisibleRegion(hwc_region_t visible); HWC2::Error SetLayerZOrder(uint32_t order); private: // sf_type_ stores the initial type given to us by surfaceflinger, // validated_type_ stores the type after running ValidateDisplay HWC2::Composition sf_type_ = HWC2::Composition::Invalid; HWC2::Composition validated_type_ = HWC2::Composition::Invalid; buffer_handle_t buffer_ = nullptr; hwc_rect_t display_frame_; static constexpr float kOpaqueFloat = 1.0F; float alpha_ = kOpaqueFloat; hwc_frect_t source_crop_; DrmHwcTransform transform_ = DrmHwcTransform::kIdentity; uint32_t z_order_ = 0; DrmHwcBlending blending_ = DrmHwcBlending::kNone; DrmHwcColorSpace color_space_ = DrmHwcColorSpace::kUndefined; DrmHwcSampleRange sample_range_ = DrmHwcSampleRange::kUndefined; UniqueFd acquire_fence_; /* * Release fence is not used. * There is no release fence support available in the DRM/KMS. In case no * release fence provided application will use this buffer for writing when * the next frame present fence is signaled. */ UniqueFd release_fence_; }; } // namespace android #endif