path: root/unsupported/Eigen/src/AutoDiff/AutoDiffScalar.h
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diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/AutoDiff/AutoDiffScalar.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/AutoDiff/AutoDiffScalar.h
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+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/AutoDiff/AutoDiffScalar.h
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+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+namespace Eigen {
+namespace internal {
+template<typename A, typename B>
+struct make_coherent_impl {
+ static void run(A&, B&) {}
+// resize a to match b is a.size()==0, and conversely.
+template<typename A, typename B>
+void make_coherent(const A& a, const B&b)
+ make_coherent_impl<A,B>::run(a.const_cast_derived(), b.const_cast_derived());
+template<typename _DerType, bool Enable> struct auto_diff_special_op;
+} // end namespace internal
+/** \class AutoDiffScalar
+ * \brief A scalar type replacement with automatic differentation capability
+ *
+ * \param _DerType the vector type used to store/represent the derivatives. The base scalar type
+ * as well as the number of derivatives to compute are determined from this type.
+ * Typical choices include, e.g., \c Vector4f for 4 derivatives, or \c VectorXf
+ * if the number of derivatives is not known at compile time, and/or, the number
+ * of derivatives is large.
+ * Note that _DerType can also be a reference (e.g., \c VectorXf&) to wrap a
+ * existing vector into an AutoDiffScalar.
+ * Finally, _DerType can also be any Eigen compatible expression.
+ *
+ * This class represents a scalar value while tracking its respective derivatives using Eigen's expression
+ * template mechanism.
+ *
+ * It supports the following list of global math function:
+ * - std::abs, std::sqrt, std::pow, std::exp, std::log, std::sin, std::cos,
+ * - internal::abs, internal::sqrt, internal::pow, internal::exp, internal::log, internal::sin, internal::cos,
+ * - internal::conj, internal::real, internal::imag, internal::abs2.
+ *
+ * AutoDiffScalar can be used as the scalar type of an Eigen::Matrix object. However,
+ * in that case, the expression template mechanism only occurs at the top Matrix level,
+ * while derivatives are computed right away.
+ *
+ */
+template<typename _DerType>
+class AutoDiffScalar
+ : public internal::auto_diff_special_op
+ <_DerType, !internal::is_same<typename internal::traits<typename internal::remove_all<_DerType>::type>::Scalar,
+ typename NumTraits<typename internal::traits<typename internal::remove_all<_DerType>::type>::Scalar>::Real>::value>
+ public:
+ typedef internal::auto_diff_special_op
+ <_DerType, !internal::is_same<typename internal::traits<typename internal::remove_all<_DerType>::type>::Scalar,
+ typename NumTraits<typename internal::traits<typename internal::remove_all<_DerType>::type>::Scalar>::Real>::value> Base;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_all<_DerType>::type DerType;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<DerType>::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real Real;
+ using Base::operator+;
+ using Base::operator*;
+ /** Default constructor without any initialization. */
+ AutoDiffScalar() {}
+ /** Constructs an active scalar from its \a value,
+ and initializes the \a nbDer derivatives such that it corresponds to the \a derNumber -th variable */
+ AutoDiffScalar(const Scalar& value, int nbDer, int derNumber)
+ : m_value(value), m_derivatives(DerType::Zero(nbDer))
+ {
+ m_derivatives.coeffRef(derNumber) = Scalar(1);
+ }
+ /** Conversion from a scalar constant to an active scalar.
+ * The derivatives are set to zero. */
+ /*explicit*/ AutoDiffScalar(const Real& value)
+ : m_value(value)
+ {
+ if(m_derivatives.size()>0)
+ m_derivatives.setZero();
+ }
+ /** Constructs an active scalar from its \a value and derivatives \a der */
+ AutoDiffScalar(const Scalar& value, const DerType& der)
+ : m_value(value), m_derivatives(der)
+ {}
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ AutoDiffScalar(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ : m_value(other.value()), m_derivatives(other.derivatives())
+ {}
+ friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & s, const AutoDiffScalar& a)
+ {
+ return s << a.value();
+ }
+ AutoDiffScalar(const AutoDiffScalar& other)
+ : m_value(other.value()), m_derivatives(other.derivatives())
+ {}
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ {
+ m_value = other.value();
+ m_derivatives = other.derivatives();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator=(const AutoDiffScalar& other)
+ {
+ m_value = other.value();
+ m_derivatives = other.derivatives();
+ return *this;
+ }
+// inline operator const Scalar& () const { return m_value; }
+// inline operator Scalar& () { return m_value; }
+ inline const Scalar& value() const { return m_value; }
+ inline Scalar& value() { return m_value; }
+ inline const DerType& derivatives() const { return m_derivatives; }
+ inline DerType& derivatives() { return m_derivatives; }
+ inline bool operator< (const Scalar& other) const { return m_value < other; }
+ inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value <= other; }
+ inline bool operator> (const Scalar& other) const { return m_value > other; }
+ inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value >= other; }
+ inline bool operator==(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value == other; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& other) const { return m_value != other; }
+ friend inline bool operator< (const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a < b.value(); }
+ friend inline bool operator<=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a <= b.value(); }
+ friend inline bool operator> (const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a > b.value(); }
+ friend inline bool operator>=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a >= b.value(); }
+ friend inline bool operator==(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a == b.value(); }
+ friend inline bool operator!=(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b) { return a != b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator< (const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value < b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator<=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value <= b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator> (const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value > b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator>=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value >= b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator==(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value == b.value(); }
+ template<typename OtherDerType> inline bool operator!=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& b) const { return m_value != b.value(); }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Scalar& other) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(m_value + other, m_derivatives);
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(a + b.value(), b.derivatives());
+ }
+// inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Real& other) const
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(m_value + other, m_derivatives);
+// }
+// friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Real& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b)
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(a + b.value(), b.derivatives());
+// }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator+=(const Scalar& other)
+ {
+ value() += other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar>,const DerType,const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type> >
+ operator+(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) const
+ {
+ internal::make_coherent(m_derivatives, other.derivatives());
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar>,const DerType,const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type> >(
+ m_value + other.value(),
+ m_derivatives + other.derivatives());
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline AutoDiffScalar&
+ operator+=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ {
+ (*this) = (*this) + other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator-(const Scalar& b) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(m_value - b, m_derivatives);
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator-(const Scalar& a, const AutoDiffScalar& b)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ (a - b.value(), -b.derivatives());
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator-=(const Scalar& other)
+ {
+ value() -= other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar>, const DerType,const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type> >
+ operator-(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) const
+ {
+ internal::make_coherent(m_derivatives, other.derivatives());
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar>, const DerType,const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type> >(
+ m_value - other.value(),
+ m_derivatives - other.derivatives());
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline AutoDiffScalar&
+ operator-=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this - other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator-() const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_opposite_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ -m_value,
+ -m_derivatives);
+ }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator*(const Scalar& other) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ m_value * other,
+ (m_derivatives * other));
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator*(const Scalar& other, const AutoDiffScalar& a)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ a.value() * other,
+ a.derivatives() * other);
+ }
+// inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >
+// operator*(const Real& other) const
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+// m_value * other,
+// (m_derivatives * other));
+// }
+// friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >
+// operator*(const Real& other, const AutoDiffScalar& a)
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+// a.value() * other,
+// a.derivatives() * other);
+// }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator/(const Scalar& other) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ m_value / other,
+ (m_derivatives * (Scalar(1)/other)));
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >
+ operator/(const Scalar& other, const AutoDiffScalar& a)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ other / a.value(),
+ a.derivatives() * (Scalar(-other) / (a.value()*a.value())));
+ }
+// inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >
+// operator/(const Real& other) const
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+// m_value / other,
+// (m_derivatives * (Real(1)/other)));
+// }
+// friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >
+// operator/(const Real& other, const AutoDiffScalar& a)
+// {
+// return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+// other / a.value(),
+// a.derivatives() * (-Real(1)/other));
+// }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type > > > >
+ operator/(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) const
+ {
+ internal::make_coherent(m_derivatives, other.derivatives());
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type > > > >(
+ m_value / other.value(),
+ ((m_derivatives * other.value()) - (m_value * other.derivatives()))
+ * (Scalar(1)/(other.value()*other.value())));
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type> > >
+ operator*(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other) const
+ {
+ internal::make_coherent(m_derivatives, other.derivatives());
+ return AutoDiffScalar<const CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType>,
+ const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const typename internal::remove_all<OtherDerType>::type > > >(
+ m_value * other.value(),
+ (m_derivatives * other.value()) + (m_value * other.derivatives()));
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator*=(const Scalar& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this * other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator*=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this * other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator/=(const Scalar& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this / other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerType>
+ inline AutoDiffScalar& operator/=(const AutoDiffScalar<OtherDerType>& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this / other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ protected:
+ Scalar m_value;
+ DerType m_derivatives;
+namespace internal {
+template<typename _DerType>
+struct auto_diff_special_op<_DerType, true>
+// : auto_diff_scalar_op<_DerType, typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real,
+// is_same<Scalar,typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real>::value>
+ typedef typename remove_all<_DerType>::type DerType;
+ typedef typename traits<DerType>::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real Real;
+// typedef auto_diff_scalar_op<_DerType, typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real,
+// is_same<Scalar,typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real>::value> Base;
+// using Base::operator+;
+// using Base::operator+=;
+// using Base::operator-;
+// using Base::operator-=;
+// using Base::operator*;
+// using Base::operator*=;
+ const AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& derived() const { return *static_cast<const AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>*>(this); }
+ AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& derived() { return *static_cast<AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>*>(this); }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Real& other) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(derived().value() + other, derived().derivatives());
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType&> operator+(const Real& a, const AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& b)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<DerType&>(a + b.value(), b.derivatives());
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& operator+=(const Real& other)
+ {
+ derived().value() += other;
+ return derived();
+ }
+ inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<scalar_multiple2_op<Scalar,Real>, DerType>::Type >
+ operator*(const Real& other) const
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<scalar_multiple2_op<Scalar,Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+ derived().value() * other,
+ derived().derivatives() * other);
+ }
+ friend inline const AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<scalar_multiple2_op<Scalar,Real>, DerType>::Type >
+ operator*(const Real& other, const AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& a)
+ {
+ return AutoDiffScalar<typename CwiseUnaryOp<scalar_multiple2_op<Scalar,Real>, DerType>::Type >(
+ a.value() * other,
+ a.derivatives() * other);
+ }
+ inline AutoDiffScalar<_DerType>& operator*=(const Scalar& other)
+ {
+ *this = *this * other;
+ return derived();
+ }
+template<typename _DerType>
+struct auto_diff_special_op<_DerType, false>
+ void operator*() const;
+ void operator-() const;
+ void operator+() const;
+template<typename A_Scalar, int A_Rows, int A_Cols, int A_Options, int A_MaxRows, int A_MaxCols, typename B>
+struct make_coherent_impl<Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols>, B> {
+ typedef Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols> A;
+ static void run(A& a, B& b) {
+ if((A_Rows==Dynamic || A_Cols==Dynamic) && (a.size()==0))
+ {
+ a.resize(b.size());
+ a.setZero();
+ }
+ }
+template<typename A, typename B_Scalar, int B_Rows, int B_Cols, int B_Options, int B_MaxRows, int B_MaxCols>
+struct make_coherent_impl<A, Matrix<B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols> > {
+ typedef Matrix<B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols> B;
+ static void run(A& a, B& b) {
+ if((B_Rows==Dynamic || B_Cols==Dynamic) && (b.size()==0))
+ {
+ b.resize(a.size());
+ b.setZero();
+ }
+ }
+template<typename A_Scalar, int A_Rows, int A_Cols, int A_Options, int A_MaxRows, int A_MaxCols,
+ typename B_Scalar, int B_Rows, int B_Cols, int B_Options, int B_MaxRows, int B_MaxCols>
+struct make_coherent_impl<Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols>,
+ Matrix<B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols> > {
+ typedef Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols> A;
+ typedef Matrix<B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols> B;
+ static void run(A& a, B& b) {
+ if((A_Rows==Dynamic || A_Cols==Dynamic) && (a.size()==0))
+ {
+ a.resize(b.size());
+ a.setZero();
+ }
+ else if((B_Rows==Dynamic || B_Cols==Dynamic) && (b.size()==0))
+ {
+ b.resize(a.size());
+ b.setZero();
+ }
+ }
+template<typename A_Scalar, int A_Rows, int A_Cols, int A_Options, int A_MaxRows, int A_MaxCols> struct scalar_product_traits<Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols>,A_Scalar>
+ typedef Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols> ReturnType;
+template<typename A_Scalar, int A_Rows, int A_Cols, int A_Options, int A_MaxRows, int A_MaxCols> struct scalar_product_traits<A_Scalar, Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols> >
+ typedef Matrix<A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols> ReturnType;
+template<typename DerType>
+struct scalar_product_traits<AutoDiffScalar<DerType>,typename DerType::Scalar>
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<DerType> ReturnType;
+} // end namespace internal
+ template<typename DerType> \
+ inline const Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op<typename Eigen::internal::traits<typename Eigen::internal::remove_all<DerType>::type>::Scalar>, const typename Eigen::internal::remove_all<DerType>::type> > \
+ FUNC(const Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x) { \
+ using namespace Eigen; \
+ typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<typename Eigen::internal::remove_all<DerType>::type>::Scalar Scalar; \
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const typename Eigen::internal::remove_all<DerType>::type> > ReturnType; \
+ CODE; \
+ }
+template<typename DerType>
+inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& conj(const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x) { return x; }
+template<typename DerType>
+inline const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& real(const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x) { return x; }
+template<typename DerType>
+inline typename DerType::Scalar imag(const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>&) { return 0.; }
+template<typename DerType, typename T>
+inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> (min)(const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x, const T& y) { return (x <= y ? x : y); }
+template<typename DerType, typename T>
+inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> (max)(const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x, const T& y) { return (x >= y ? x : y); }
+template<typename DerType, typename T>
+inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> (min)(const T& x, const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& y) { return (x < y ? x : y); }
+template<typename DerType, typename T>
+inline AutoDiffScalar<DerType> (max)(const T& x, const AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& y) { return (x > y ? x : y); }
+#define sign(x) x >= 0 ? 1 : -1 // required for abs function below
+ using std::abs;
+ return ReturnType(abs(x.value()), x.derivatives() * (sign(x.value())));)
+ using internal::abs2;
+ return ReturnType(abs2(x.value()), x.derivatives() * (Scalar(2)*x.value()));)
+ using std::sqrt;
+ Scalar sqrtx = sqrt(x.value());
+ return ReturnType(sqrtx,x.derivatives() * (Scalar(0.5) / sqrtx));)
+ using std::cos;
+ using std::sin;
+ return ReturnType(cos(x.value()), x.derivatives() * (-sin(x.value())));)
+ using std::sin;
+ using std::cos;
+ return ReturnType(sin(x.value()),x.derivatives() * cos(x.value()));)
+ using std::exp;
+ Scalar expx = exp(x.value());
+ return ReturnType(expx,x.derivatives() * expx);)
+ using std::log;
+ return ReturnType(log(x.value()),x.derivatives() * (Scalar(1)/x.value()));)
+template<typename DerType>
+inline const Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op<typename Eigen::internal::traits<DerType>::Scalar>, const DerType> >
+pow(const Eigen::AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& x, typename Eigen::internal::traits<DerType>::Scalar y)
+ using namespace Eigen;
+ typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<DerType>::Scalar Scalar;
+ return AutoDiffScalar<CwiseUnaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_multiple_op<Scalar>, const DerType> >(
+ std::pow(x.value(),y),
+ x.derivatives() * (y * std::pow(x.value(),y-1)));
+template<typename DerTypeA,typename DerTypeB>
+inline const AutoDiffScalar<Matrix<typename internal::traits<DerTypeA>::Scalar,Dynamic,1> >
+atan2(const AutoDiffScalar<DerTypeA>& a, const AutoDiffScalar<DerTypeB>& b)
+ using std::atan2;
+ using std::max;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<DerTypeA>::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> > PlainADS;
+ PlainADS ret;
+ ret.value() = atan2(a.value(), b.value());
+ Scalar tmp2 = a.value() * a.value();
+ Scalar tmp3 = b.value() * b.value();
+ Scalar tmp4 = tmp3/(tmp2+tmp3);
+ if (tmp4!=0)
+ ret.derivatives() = (a.derivatives() * b.value() - a.value() * b.derivatives()) * (tmp2+tmp3);
+ return ret;
+ using std::tan;
+ using std::cos;
+ return ReturnType(tan(x.value()),x.derivatives() * (Scalar(1)/internal::abs2(cos(x.value()))));)
+ using std::sqrt;
+ using std::asin;
+ return ReturnType(asin(x.value()),x.derivatives() * (Scalar(1)/sqrt(1-internal::abs2(x.value()))));)
+ using std::sqrt;
+ using std::acos;
+ return ReturnType(acos(x.value()),x.derivatives() * (Scalar(-1)/sqrt(1-internal::abs2(x.value()))));)
+template<typename DerType> struct NumTraits<AutoDiffScalar<DerType> >
+ : NumTraits< typename NumTraits<typename DerType::Scalar>::Real >
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<Matrix<typename NumTraits<typename DerType::Scalar>::Real,DerType::RowsAtCompileTime,DerType::ColsAtCompileTime> > Real;
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<DerType> NonInteger;
+ typedef AutoDiffScalar<DerType>& Nested;
+ enum{
+ RequireInitialization = 1
+ };