path: root/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline
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Diffstat (limited to 'unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline')
7 files changed, 2075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/CMakeLists.txt b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bf1b0dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+FILE(GLOB Eigen_Skyline_SRCS "*.h")
+ ${Eigen_Skyline_SRCS}
+ DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline COMPONENT Devel
+ )
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineInplaceLU.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineInplaceLU.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1f54ed35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineInplaceLU.h
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+namespace Eigen {
+/** \ingroup Skyline_Module
+ *
+ * \class SkylineInplaceLU
+ *
+ * \brief Inplace LU decomposition of a skyline matrix and associated features
+ *
+ * \param MatrixType the type of the matrix of which we are computing the LU factorization
+ *
+ */
+template<typename MatrixType>
+class SkylineInplaceLU {
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
+ typedef typename NumTraits<typename MatrixType::Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
+ /** Creates a LU object and compute the respective factorization of \a matrix using
+ * flags \a flags. */
+ SkylineInplaceLU(MatrixType& matrix, int flags = 0)
+ : /*m_matrix(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols()),*/ m_flags(flags), m_status(0), m_lu(matrix) {
+ m_precision = RealScalar(0.1) * Eigen::dummy_precision<RealScalar > ();
+ m_lu.IsRowMajor ? computeRowMajor() : compute();
+ }
+ /** Sets the relative threshold value used to prune zero coefficients during the decomposition.
+ *
+ * Setting a value greater than zero speeds up computation, and yields to an imcomplete
+ * factorization with fewer non zero coefficients. Such approximate factors are especially
+ * useful to initialize an iterative solver.
+ *
+ * Note that the exact meaning of this parameter might depends on the actual
+ * backend. Moreover, not all backends support this feature.
+ *
+ * \sa precision() */
+ void setPrecision(RealScalar v) {
+ m_precision = v;
+ }
+ /** \returns the current precision.
+ *
+ * \sa setPrecision() */
+ RealScalar precision() const {
+ return m_precision;
+ }
+ /** Sets the flags. Possible values are:
+ * - CompleteFactorization
+ * - IncompleteFactorization
+ * - MemoryEfficient
+ * - one of the ordering methods
+ * - etc...
+ *
+ * \sa flags() */
+ void setFlags(int f) {
+ m_flags = f;
+ }
+ /** \returns the current flags */
+ int flags() const {
+ return m_flags;
+ }
+ void setOrderingMethod(int m) {
+ m_flags = m;
+ }
+ int orderingMethod() const {
+ return m_flags;
+ }
+ /** Computes/re-computes the LU factorization */
+ void compute();
+ void computeRowMajor();
+ /** \returns the lower triangular matrix L */
+ //inline const MatrixType& matrixL() const { return m_matrixL; }
+ /** \returns the upper triangular matrix U */
+ //inline const MatrixType& matrixU() const { return m_matrixU; }
+ template<typename BDerived, typename XDerived>
+ bool solve(const MatrixBase<BDerived> &b, MatrixBase<XDerived>* x,
+ const int transposed = 0) const;
+ /** \returns true if the factorization succeeded */
+ inline bool succeeded(void) const {
+ return m_succeeded;
+ }
+ RealScalar m_precision;
+ int m_flags;
+ mutable int m_status;
+ bool m_succeeded;
+ MatrixType& m_lu;
+/** Computes / recomputes the in place LU decomposition of the SkylineInplaceLU.
+ * using the default algorithm.
+ */
+template<typename MatrixType>
+//template<typename _Scalar>
+void SkylineInplaceLU<MatrixType>::compute() {
+ const size_t rows = m_lu.rows();
+ const size_t cols = m_lu.cols();
+ eigen_assert(rows == cols && "We do not (yet) support rectangular LU.");
+ eigen_assert(!m_lu.IsRowMajor && "LU decomposition does not work with rowMajor Storage");
+ for (Index row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+ const double pivot = m_lu.coeffDiag(row);
+ //Lower matrix Columns update
+ const Index& col = row;
+ for (typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, col); lIt; ++lIt) {
+ lIt.valueRef() /= pivot;
+ }
+ //Upper matrix update -> contiguous memory access
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, col);
+ for (Index rrow = row + 1; rrow < m_lu.rows(); rrow++) {
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uItPivot(m_lu, row);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, rrow);
+ const double coef = lIt.value();
+ uItPivot += (rrow - row - 1);
+ //update upper part -> contiguous memory access
+ for (++uItPivot; uIt && uItPivot;) {
+ uIt.valueRef() -= uItPivot.value() * coef;
+ ++uIt;
+ ++uItPivot;
+ }
+ ++lIt;
+ }
+ //Upper matrix update -> non contiguous memory access
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt3(m_lu, col);
+ for (Index rrow = row + 1; rrow < m_lu.rows(); rrow++) {
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uItPivot(m_lu, row);
+ const double coef = lIt3.value();
+ //update lower part -> non contiguous memory access
+ for (Index i = 0; i < rrow - row - 1; i++) {
+ m_lu.coeffRefLower(rrow, row + i + 1) -= uItPivot.value() * coef;
+ ++uItPivot;
+ }
+ ++lIt3;
+ }
+ //update diag -> contiguous
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt2(m_lu, col);
+ for (Index rrow = row + 1; rrow < m_lu.rows(); rrow++) {
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uItPivot(m_lu, row);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, rrow);
+ const double coef = lIt2.value();
+ uItPivot += (rrow - row - 1);
+ m_lu.coeffRefDiag(rrow) -= uItPivot.value() * coef;
+ ++lIt2;
+ }
+ }
+template<typename MatrixType>
+void SkylineInplaceLU<MatrixType>::computeRowMajor() {
+ const size_t rows = m_lu.rows();
+ const size_t cols = m_lu.cols();
+ eigen_assert(rows == cols && "We do not (yet) support rectangular LU.");
+ eigen_assert(m_lu.IsRowMajor && "You're trying to apply rowMajor decomposition on a ColMajor matrix !");
+ for (Index row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator llIt(m_lu, row);
+ for (Index col = llIt.col(); col < row; col++) {
+ if (m_lu.coeffExistLower(row, col)) {
+ const double diag = m_lu.coeffDiag(col);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, row);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, col);
+ const Index offset = lIt.col() - uIt.row();
+ Index stop = offset > 0 ? col - lIt.col() : col - uIt.row();
+ //#define VECTORIZE
+ Map<VectorXd > rowVal(lIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? 0 : -offset), stop);
+ Map<VectorXd > colVal(uIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? offset : 0), stop);
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffLower(row, col) - rowVal.dot(colVal);
+ if (offset > 0) //Skip zero value of lIt
+ uIt += offset;
+ else //Skip zero values of uIt
+ lIt += -offset;
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffLower(row, col);
+ for (Index k = 0; k < stop; ++k) {
+ const Scalar tmp = newCoeff;
+ newCoeff = tmp - lIt.value() * uIt.value();
+ ++lIt;
+ ++uIt;
+ }
+ m_lu.coeffRefLower(row, col) = newCoeff / diag;
+ }
+ }
+ //Upper matrix update
+ const Index col = row;
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uuIt(m_lu, col);
+ for (Index rrow = uuIt.row(); rrow < col; rrow++) {
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, rrow);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, col);
+ const Index offset = lIt.col() - uIt.row();
+ Index stop = offset > 0 ? rrow - lIt.col() : rrow - uIt.row();
+ Map<VectorXd > rowVal(lIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? 0 : -offset), stop);
+ Map<VectorXd > colVal(uIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? offset : 0), stop);
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffUpper(rrow, col) - rowVal.dot(colVal);
+ if (offset > 0) //Skip zero value of lIt
+ uIt += offset;
+ else //Skip zero values of uIt
+ lIt += -offset;
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffUpper(rrow, col);
+ for (Index k = 0; k < stop; ++k) {
+ const Scalar tmp = newCoeff;
+ newCoeff = tmp - lIt.value() * uIt.value();
+ ++lIt;
+ ++uIt;
+ }
+ m_lu.coeffRefUpper(rrow, col) = newCoeff;
+ }
+ //Diag matrix update
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, row);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, row);
+ const Index offset = lIt.col() - uIt.row();
+ Index stop = offset > 0 ? lIt.size() : uIt.size();
+ Map<VectorXd > rowVal(lIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? 0 : -offset), stop);
+ Map<VectorXd > colVal(uIt.valuePtr() + (offset > 0 ? offset : 0), stop);
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffDiag(row) - rowVal.dot(colVal);
+ if (offset > 0) //Skip zero value of lIt
+ uIt += offset;
+ else //Skip zero values of uIt
+ lIt += -offset;
+ Scalar newCoeff = m_lu.coeffDiag(row);
+ for (Index k = 0; k < stop; ++k) {
+ const Scalar tmp = newCoeff;
+ newCoeff = tmp - lIt.value() * uIt.value();
+ ++lIt;
+ ++uIt;
+ }
+ m_lu.coeffRefDiag(row) = newCoeff;
+ }
+/** Computes *x = U^-1 L^-1 b
+ *
+ * If \a transpose is set to SvTranspose or SvAdjoint, the solution
+ * of the transposed/adjoint system is computed instead.
+ *
+ * Not all backends implement the solution of the transposed or
+ * adjoint system.
+ */
+template<typename MatrixType>
+template<typename BDerived, typename XDerived>
+bool SkylineInplaceLU<MatrixType>::solve(const MatrixBase<BDerived> &b, MatrixBase<XDerived>* x, const int transposed) const {
+ const size_t rows = m_lu.rows();
+ const size_t cols = m_lu.cols();
+ for (Index row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+ x->coeffRef(row) = b.coeff(row);
+ Scalar newVal = x->coeff(row);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerLowerIterator lIt(m_lu, row);
+ Index col = lIt.col();
+ while (lIt.col() < row) {
+ newVal -= x->coeff(col++) * lIt.value();
+ ++lIt;
+ }
+ x->coeffRef(row) = newVal;
+ }
+ for (Index col = rows - 1; col > 0; col--) {
+ x->coeffRef(col) = x->coeff(col) / m_lu.coeffDiag(col);
+ const Scalar x_col = x->coeff(col);
+ typename MatrixType::InnerUpperIterator uIt(m_lu, col);
+ uIt += uIt.size()-1;
+ while (uIt) {
+ x->coeffRef(uIt.row()) -= x_col * uIt.value();
+ //TODO : introduce --operator
+ uIt += -1;
+ }
+ }
+ x->coeffRef(0) = x->coeff(0) / m_lu.coeffDiag(0);
+ return true;
+} // end namespace Eigen
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrix.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2a8933ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include "SkylineStorage.h"
+#include "SkylineMatrixBase.h"
+namespace Eigen {
+/** \ingroup Skyline_Module
+ *
+ * \class SkylineMatrix
+ *
+ * \brief The main skyline matrix class
+ *
+ * This class implements a skyline matrix using the very uncommon storage
+ * scheme.
+ *
+ * \param _Scalar the scalar type, i.e. the type of the coefficients
+ * \param _Options Union of bit flags controlling the storage scheme. Currently the only possibility
+ * is RowMajor. The default is 0 which means column-major.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+namespace internal {
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
+struct traits<SkylineMatrix<_Scalar, _Options> > {
+ typedef _Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef Sparse StorageKind;
+ enum {
+ RowsAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
+ ColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
+ MaxRowsAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
+ MaxColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
+ Flags = SkylineBit | _Options,
+ CoeffReadCost = NumTraits<Scalar>::ReadCost,
+ };
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
+class SkylineMatrix
+: public SkylineMatrixBase<SkylineMatrix<_Scalar, _Options> > {
+ using Base::IsRowMajor;
+ typedef SkylineMatrix<Scalar, (Flags&~RowMajorBit) | (IsRowMajor ? RowMajorBit : 0) > TransposedSkylineMatrix;
+ Index m_outerSize;
+ Index m_innerSize;
+ Index* m_colStartIndex;
+ Index* m_rowStartIndex;
+ SkylineStorage<Scalar> m_data;
+ inline Index rows() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_outerSize : m_innerSize;
+ }
+ inline Index cols() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_innerSize : m_outerSize;
+ }
+ inline Index innerSize() const {
+ return m_innerSize;
+ }
+ inline Index outerSize() const {
+ return m_outerSize;
+ }
+ inline Index upperNonZeros() const {
+ return m_data.upperSize();
+ }
+ inline Index lowerNonZeros() const {
+ return m_data.lowerSize();
+ }
+ inline Index upperNonZeros(Index j) const {
+ return m_colStartIndex[j + 1] - m_colStartIndex[j];
+ }
+ inline Index lowerNonZeros(Index j) const {
+ return m_rowStartIndex[j + 1] - m_rowStartIndex[j];
+ }
+ inline const Scalar* _diagPtr() const {
+ return &m_data.diag(0);
+ }
+ inline Scalar* _diagPtr() {
+ return &m_data.diag(0);
+ }
+ inline const Scalar* _upperPtr() const {
+ return &m_data.upper(0);
+ }
+ inline Scalar* _upperPtr() {
+ return &m_data.upper(0);
+ }
+ inline const Scalar* _lowerPtr() const {
+ return &m_data.lower(0);
+ }
+ inline Scalar* _lowerPtr() {
+ return &m_data.lower(0);
+ }
+ inline const Index* _upperProfilePtr() const {
+ return &m_data.upperProfile(0);
+ }
+ inline Index* _upperProfilePtr() {
+ return &m_data.upperProfile(0);
+ }
+ inline const Index* _lowerProfilePtr() const {
+ return &m_data.lowerProfile(0);
+ }
+ inline Index* _lowerProfilePtr() {
+ return &m_data.lowerProfile(0);
+ }
+ inline Scalar coeff(Index row, Index col) const {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ if (outer == inner)
+ return this->m_data.diag(outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ if (inner > outer) //upper matrix
+ {
+ const Index minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer >= minOuterIndex)
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - (inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner)));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ if (inner < outer) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner >= minInnerIndex)
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + inner - (outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer)));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ return m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - inner);
+ } else {
+ if (outer > inner) //upper matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer <= maxOuterIndex)
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + (outer - inner));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ if (outer < inner) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner <= maxInnerIndex)
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + (inner - outer));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ if (outer == inner)
+ return this->m_data.diag(outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ if (col > row) //upper matrix
+ {
+ const Index minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ eigen_assert(outer >= minOuterIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - (inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner)));
+ }
+ if (col < row) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ eigen_assert(inner >= minInnerIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + inner - (outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (outer > inner) //upper matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ eigen_assert(outer <= maxOuterIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + (outer - inner));
+ }
+ if (outer < inner) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ eigen_assert(inner <= maxInnerIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + (inner - outer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline Scalar coeffDiag(Index idx) const {
+ eigen_assert(idx < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(idx < innerSize());
+ return this->m_data.diag(idx);
+ }
+ inline Scalar coeffLower(Index row, Index col) const {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner >= minInnerIndex)
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + inner - (outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer)));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ } else {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner <= maxInnerIndex)
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + (inner - outer));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ }
+ inline Scalar coeffUpper(Index row, Index col) const {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer >= minOuterIndex)
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - (inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner)));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ } else {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer <= maxOuterIndex)
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + (outer - inner));
+ else
+ return Scalar(0);
+ }
+ }
+ inline Scalar& coeffRefDiag(Index idx) {
+ eigen_assert(idx < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(idx < innerSize());
+ return this->m_data.diag(idx);
+ }
+ inline Scalar& coeffRefLower(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ eigen_assert(inner >= minInnerIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + inner - (outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer)));
+ } else {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ eigen_assert(inner <= maxInnerIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + (inner - outer));
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool coeffExistLower(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ return inner >= minInnerIndex;
+ } else {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ return inner <= maxInnerIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ inline Scalar& coeffRefUpper(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ eigen_assert(outer >= minOuterIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - (inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner)));
+ } else {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ eigen_assert(outer <= maxOuterIndex && "you try to acces a coeff that do not exist in the storage");
+ return this->m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + (outer - inner));
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool coeffExistUpper(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner != outer);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ const Index minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ return outer >= minOuterIndex;
+ } else {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ return outer <= maxOuterIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ class InnerUpperIterator;
+ class InnerLowerIterator;
+ class OuterUpperIterator;
+ class OuterLowerIterator;
+ /** Removes all non zeros */
+ inline void setZero() {
+ m_data.clear();
+ memset(m_colStartIndex, 0, (m_outerSize + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ memset(m_rowStartIndex, 0, (m_outerSize + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ }
+ /** \returns the number of non zero coefficients */
+ inline Index nonZeros() const {
+ return m_data.diagSize() + m_data.upperSize() + m_data.lowerSize();
+ }
+ /** Preallocates \a reserveSize non zeros */
+ inline void reserve(Index reserveSize, Index reserveUpperSize, Index reserveLowerSize) {
+ m_data.reserve(reserveSize, reserveUpperSize, reserveLowerSize);
+ }
+ /** \returns a reference to a novel non zero coefficient with coordinates \a row x \a col.
+ *
+ * \warning This function can be extremely slow if the non zero coefficients
+ * are not inserted in a coherent order.
+ *
+ * After an insertion session, you should call the finalize() function.
+ */
+ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE Scalar & insert(Index row, Index col) {
+ const Index outer = IsRowMajor ? row : col;
+ const Index inner = IsRowMajor ? col : row;
+ eigen_assert(outer < outerSize());
+ eigen_assert(inner < innerSize());
+ if (outer == inner)
+ return m_data.diag(col);
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ if (outer < inner) //upper matrix
+ {
+ Index minOuterIndex = 0;
+ minOuterIndex = inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer < minOuterIndex) //The value does not yet exist
+ {
+ const Index previousProfile = m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ m_data.upperProfile(inner) = inner - outer;
+ const Index bandIncrement = m_data.upperProfile(inner) - previousProfile;
+ //shift data stored after this new one
+ const Index stop = m_colStartIndex[cols()];
+ const Index start = m_colStartIndex[inner];
+ for (Index innerIdx = stop; innerIdx >= start; innerIdx--) {
+ m_data.upper(innerIdx + bandIncrement) = m_data.upper(innerIdx);
+ }
+ for (Index innerIdx = cols(); innerIdx > inner; innerIdx--) {
+ m_colStartIndex[innerIdx] += bandIncrement;
+ }
+ //zeros new data
+ memset(this->_upperPtr() + start, 0, (bandIncrement - 1) * sizeof (Scalar));
+ return m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner]);
+ } else {
+ return m_data.upper(m_colStartIndex[inner] + outer - (inner - m_data.upperProfile(inner)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (outer > inner) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index minInnerIndex = outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner < minInnerIndex) //The value does not yet exist
+ {
+ const Index previousProfile = m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ m_data.lowerProfile(outer) = outer - inner;
+ const Index bandIncrement = m_data.lowerProfile(outer) - previousProfile;
+ //shift data stored after this new one
+ const Index stop = m_rowStartIndex[rows()];
+ const Index start = m_rowStartIndex[outer];
+ for (Index innerIdx = stop; innerIdx >= start; innerIdx--) {
+ m_data.lower(innerIdx + bandIncrement) = m_data.lower(innerIdx);
+ }
+ for (Index innerIdx = rows(); innerIdx > outer; innerIdx--) {
+ m_rowStartIndex[innerIdx] += bandIncrement;
+ }
+ //zeros new data
+ memset(this->_lowerPtr() + start, 0, (bandIncrement - 1) * sizeof (Scalar));
+ return m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer]);
+ } else {
+ return m_data.lower(m_rowStartIndex[outer] + inner - (outer - m_data.lowerProfile(outer)));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (outer > inner) //upper matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxOuterIndex = inner + m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ if (outer > maxOuterIndex) //The value does not yet exist
+ {
+ const Index previousProfile = m_data.upperProfile(inner);
+ m_data.upperProfile(inner) = outer - inner;
+ const Index bandIncrement = m_data.upperProfile(inner) - previousProfile;
+ //shift data stored after this new one
+ const Index stop = m_rowStartIndex[rows()];
+ const Index start = m_rowStartIndex[inner + 1];
+ for (Index innerIdx = stop; innerIdx >= start; innerIdx--) {
+ m_data.upper(innerIdx + bandIncrement) = m_data.upper(innerIdx);
+ }
+ for (Index innerIdx = inner + 1; innerIdx < outerSize() + 1; innerIdx++) {
+ m_rowStartIndex[innerIdx] += bandIncrement;
+ }
+ memset(this->_upperPtr() + m_rowStartIndex[inner] + previousProfile + 1, 0, (bandIncrement - 1) * sizeof (Scalar));
+ return m_data.upper(m_rowStartIndex[inner] + m_data.upperProfile(inner));
+ } else {
+ return m_data.upper(m_rowStartIndex[inner] + (outer - inner));
+ }
+ }
+ if (outer < inner) //lower matrix
+ {
+ const Index maxInnerIndex = outer + m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ if (inner > maxInnerIndex) //The value does not yet exist
+ {
+ const Index previousProfile = m_data.lowerProfile(outer);
+ m_data.lowerProfile(outer) = inner - outer;
+ const Index bandIncrement = m_data.lowerProfile(outer) - previousProfile;
+ //shift data stored after this new one
+ const Index stop = m_colStartIndex[cols()];
+ const Index start = m_colStartIndex[outer + 1];
+ for (Index innerIdx = stop; innerIdx >= start; innerIdx--) {
+ m_data.lower(innerIdx + bandIncrement) = m_data.lower(innerIdx);
+ }
+ for (Index innerIdx = outer + 1; innerIdx < outerSize() + 1; innerIdx++) {
+ m_colStartIndex[innerIdx] += bandIncrement;
+ }
+ memset(this->_lowerPtr() + m_colStartIndex[outer] + previousProfile + 1, 0, (bandIncrement - 1) * sizeof (Scalar));
+ return m_data.lower(m_colStartIndex[outer] + m_data.lowerProfile(outer));
+ } else {
+ return m_data.lower(m_colStartIndex[outer] + (inner - outer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Must be called after inserting a set of non zero entries.
+ */
+ inline void finalize() {
+ if (IsRowMajor) {
+ if (rows() > cols())
+ m_data.resize(cols(), cols(), rows(), m_colStartIndex[cols()] + 1, m_rowStartIndex[rows()] + 1);
+ else
+ m_data.resize(rows(), cols(), rows(), m_colStartIndex[cols()] + 1, m_rowStartIndex[rows()] + 1);
+ // eigen_assert(rows() == cols() && "memory reorganisatrion only works with suare matrix");
+ //
+ // Scalar* newArray = new Scalar[m_colStartIndex[cols()] + 1 + m_rowStartIndex[rows()] + 1];
+ // Index dataIdx = 0;
+ // for (Index row = 0; row < rows(); row++) {
+ //
+ // const Index nbLowerElts = m_rowStartIndex[row + 1] - m_rowStartIndex[row];
+ // // std::cout << "nbLowerElts" << nbLowerElts << std::endl;
+ // memcpy(newArray + dataIdx, m_data.m_lower + m_rowStartIndex[row], nbLowerElts * sizeof (Scalar));
+ // m_rowStartIndex[row] = dataIdx;
+ // dataIdx += nbLowerElts;
+ //
+ // const Index nbUpperElts = m_colStartIndex[row + 1] - m_colStartIndex[row];
+ // memcpy(newArray + dataIdx, m_data.m_upper + m_colStartIndex[row], nbUpperElts * sizeof (Scalar));
+ // m_colStartIndex[row] = dataIdx;
+ // dataIdx += nbUpperElts;
+ //
+ //
+ // }
+ // //todo : don't access m_data profile directly : add an accessor from SkylineMatrix
+ // m_rowStartIndex[rows()] = m_rowStartIndex[rows()-1] + m_data.lowerProfile(rows()-1);
+ // m_colStartIndex[cols()] = m_colStartIndex[cols()-1] + m_data.upperProfile(cols()-1);
+ //
+ // delete[] m_data.m_lower;
+ // delete[] m_data.m_upper;
+ //
+ // m_data.m_lower = newArray;
+ // m_data.m_upper = newArray;
+ } else {
+ if (rows() > cols())
+ m_data.resize(cols(), rows(), cols(), m_rowStartIndex[cols()] + 1, m_colStartIndex[cols()] + 1);
+ else
+ m_data.resize(rows(), rows(), cols(), m_rowStartIndex[rows()] + 1, m_colStartIndex[rows()] + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void squeeze() {
+ finalize();
+ m_data.squeeze();
+ }
+ void prune(Scalar reference, RealScalar epsilon = dummy_precision<RealScalar > ()) {
+ //TODO
+ }
+ /** Resizes the matrix to a \a rows x \a cols matrix and initializes it to zero
+ * \sa resizeNonZeros(Index), reserve(), setZero()
+ */
+ void resize(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
+ const Index diagSize = rows > cols ? cols : rows;
+ m_innerSize = IsRowMajor ? cols : rows;
+ eigen_assert(rows == cols && "Skyline matrix must be square matrix");
+ if (diagSize % 2) { // diagSize is odd
+ const Index k = (diagSize - 1) / 2;
+ m_data.resize(diagSize, IsRowMajor ? cols : rows, IsRowMajor ? rows : cols,
+ 2 * k * k + k + 1,
+ 2 * k * k + k + 1);
+ } else // diagSize is even
+ {
+ const Index k = diagSize / 2;
+ m_data.resize(diagSize, IsRowMajor ? cols : rows, IsRowMajor ? rows : cols,
+ 2 * k * k - k + 1,
+ 2 * k * k - k + 1);
+ }
+ if (m_colStartIndex && m_rowStartIndex) {
+ delete[] m_colStartIndex;
+ delete[] m_rowStartIndex;
+ }
+ m_colStartIndex = new Index [cols + 1];
+ m_rowStartIndex = new Index [rows + 1];
+ m_outerSize = diagSize;
+ m_data.reset();
+ m_data.clear();
+ m_outerSize = diagSize;
+ memset(m_colStartIndex, 0, (cols + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ memset(m_rowStartIndex, 0, (rows + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ }
+ void resizeNonZeros(Index size) {
+ m_data.resize(size);
+ }
+ inline SkylineMatrix()
+ : m_outerSize(-1), m_innerSize(0), m_colStartIndex(0), m_rowStartIndex(0) {
+ resize(0, 0);
+ }
+ inline SkylineMatrix(size_t rows, size_t cols)
+ : m_outerSize(0), m_innerSize(0), m_colStartIndex(0), m_rowStartIndex(0) {
+ resize(rows, cols);
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerived>
+ inline SkylineMatrix(const SkylineMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
+ : m_outerSize(0), m_innerSize(0), m_colStartIndex(0), m_rowStartIndex(0) {
+ *this = other.derived();
+ }
+ inline SkylineMatrix(const SkylineMatrix & other)
+ : Base(), m_outerSize(0), m_innerSize(0), m_colStartIndex(0), m_rowStartIndex(0) {
+ *this = other.derived();
+ }
+ inline void swap(SkylineMatrix & other) {
+ //EIGEN_DBG_SKYLINE(std::cout << "SkylineMatrix:: swap\n");
+ std::swap(m_colStartIndex, other.m_colStartIndex);
+ std::swap(m_rowStartIndex, other.m_rowStartIndex);
+ std::swap(m_innerSize, other.m_innerSize);
+ std::swap(m_outerSize, other.m_outerSize);
+ m_data.swap(other.m_data);
+ }
+ inline SkylineMatrix & operator=(const SkylineMatrix & other) {
+ std::cout << "SkylineMatrix& operator=(const SkylineMatrix& other)\n";
+ if (other.isRValue()) {
+ swap(other.const_cast_derived());
+ } else {
+ resize(other.rows(), other.cols());
+ memcpy(m_colStartIndex, other.m_colStartIndex, (m_outerSize + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ memcpy(m_rowStartIndex, other.m_rowStartIndex, (m_outerSize + 1) * sizeof (Index));
+ m_data = other.m_data;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerived>
+ inline SkylineMatrix & operator=(const SkylineMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) {
+ const bool needToTranspose = (Flags & RowMajorBit) != (OtherDerived::Flags & RowMajorBit);
+ if (needToTranspose) {
+ // TODO
+ // return *this;
+ } else {
+ // there is no special optimization
+ return SkylineMatrixBase<SkylineMatrix>::operator=(other.derived());
+ }
+ }
+ friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const SkylineMatrix & m) {
+ std::cout << "upper elements : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.upperSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << m.m_data.upper(i) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "upper profile : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.upperProfileSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << m.m_data.upperProfile(i) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "lower startIdx : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.upperProfileSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << (IsRowMajor ? m.m_colStartIndex[i] : m.m_rowStartIndex[i]) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "lower elements : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.lowerSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << m.m_data.lower(i) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "lower profile : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.lowerProfileSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << m.m_data.lowerProfile(i) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "lower startIdx : " << std::endl;
+ for (Index i = 0; i < m.m_data.lowerProfileSize(); i++)
+ std::cout << (IsRowMajor ? m.m_rowStartIndex[i] : m.m_colStartIndex[i]) << "\t";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ );
+ for (Index rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < m.rows(); rowIdx++) {
+ for (Index colIdx = 0; colIdx < m.cols(); colIdx++) {
+ s << m.coeff(rowIdx, colIdx) << "\t";
+ }
+ s << std::endl;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ /** Destructor */
+ inline ~SkylineMatrix() {
+ delete[] m_colStartIndex;
+ delete[] m_rowStartIndex;
+ }
+ /** Overloaded for performance */
+ Scalar sum() const;
+template<typename Scalar, int _Options>
+class SkylineMatrix<Scalar, _Options>::InnerUpperIterator {
+ InnerUpperIterator(const SkylineMatrix& mat, Index outer)
+ : m_matrix(mat), m_outer(outer),
+ m_id(_Options == RowMajor ? mat.m_colStartIndex[outer] : mat.m_rowStartIndex[outer] + 1),
+ m_start(m_id),
+ m_end(_Options == RowMajor ? mat.m_colStartIndex[outer + 1] : mat.m_rowStartIndex[outer + 1] + 1) {
+ }
+ inline InnerUpperIterator & operator++() {
+ m_id++;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline InnerUpperIterator & operator+=(Index shift) {
+ m_id += shift;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Scalar value() const {
+ return m_matrix.m_data.upper(m_id);
+ }
+ inline Scalar* valuePtr() {
+ return const_cast<Scalar*> (&(m_matrix.m_data.upper(m_id)));
+ }
+ inline Scalar& valueRef() {
+ return const_cast<Scalar&> (m_matrix.m_data.upper(m_id));
+ }
+ inline Index index() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_outer - m_matrix.m_data.upperProfile(m_outer) + (m_id - m_start) :
+ m_outer + (m_id - m_start) + 1;
+ }
+ inline Index row() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? index() : m_outer;
+ }
+ inline Index col() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_outer : index();
+ }
+ inline size_t size() const {
+ return m_matrix.m_data.upperProfile(m_outer);
+ }
+ inline operator bool() const {
+ return (m_id < m_end) && (m_id >= m_start);
+ }
+ const SkylineMatrix& m_matrix;
+ const Index m_outer;
+ Index m_id;
+ const Index m_start;
+ const Index m_end;
+template<typename Scalar, int _Options>
+class SkylineMatrix<Scalar, _Options>::InnerLowerIterator {
+ InnerLowerIterator(const SkylineMatrix& mat, Index outer)
+ : m_matrix(mat),
+ m_outer(outer),
+ m_id(_Options == RowMajor ? mat.m_rowStartIndex[outer] : mat.m_colStartIndex[outer] + 1),
+ m_start(m_id),
+ m_end(_Options == RowMajor ? mat.m_rowStartIndex[outer + 1] : mat.m_colStartIndex[outer + 1] + 1) {
+ }
+ inline InnerLowerIterator & operator++() {
+ m_id++;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline InnerLowerIterator & operator+=(Index shift) {
+ m_id += shift;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Scalar value() const {
+ return m_matrix.m_data.lower(m_id);
+ }
+ inline Scalar* valuePtr() {
+ return const_cast<Scalar*> (&(m_matrix.m_data.lower(m_id)));
+ }
+ inline Scalar& valueRef() {
+ return const_cast<Scalar&> (m_matrix.m_data.lower(m_id));
+ }
+ inline Index index() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_outer - m_matrix.m_data.lowerProfile(m_outer) + (m_id - m_start) :
+ m_outer + (m_id - m_start) + 1;
+ ;
+ }
+ inline Index row() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? m_outer : index();
+ }
+ inline Index col() const {
+ return IsRowMajor ? index() : m_outer;
+ }
+ inline size_t size() const {
+ return m_matrix.m_data.lowerProfile(m_outer);
+ }
+ inline operator bool() const {
+ return (m_id < m_end) && (m_id >= m_start);
+ }
+ const SkylineMatrix& m_matrix;
+ const Index m_outer;
+ Index m_id;
+ const Index m_start;
+ const Index m_end;
+} // end namespace Eigen
+#endif // EIGEN_SkylineMatrix_H
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrixBase.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrixBase.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3a237230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineMatrixBase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+#include "SkylineUtil.h"
+namespace Eigen {
+/** \ingroup Skyline_Module
+ *
+ * \class SkylineMatrixBase
+ *
+ * \brief Base class of any skyline matrices or skyline expressions
+ *
+ * \param Derived
+ *
+ */
+template<typename Derived> class SkylineMatrixBase : public EigenBase<Derived> {
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
+ typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::StorageKind StorageKind;
+ typedef typename internal::index<StorageKind>::type Index;
+ enum {
+ RowsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime,
+ /**< The number of rows at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided
+ * by the \a Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time,
+ * it is set to the \a Dynamic constant.
+ * \sa MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), ColsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime */
+ ColsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime,
+ /**< The number of columns at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided
+ * by the \a Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time,
+ * it is set to the \a Dynamic constant.
+ * \sa MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), RowsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime */
+ SizeAtCompileTime = (internal::size_at_compile_time<internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime,
+ internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime>::ret),
+ /**< This is equal to the number of coefficients, i.e. the number of
+ * rows times the number of columns, or to \a Dynamic if this is not
+ * known at compile-time. \sa RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime */
+ MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime,
+ MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime,
+ MaxSizeAtCompileTime = (internal::size_at_compile_time<MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
+ MaxColsAtCompileTime>::ret),
+ IsVectorAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || ColsAtCompileTime == 1,
+ /**< This is set to true if either the number of rows or the number of
+ * columns is known at compile-time to be equal to 1. Indeed, in that case,
+ * we are dealing with a column-vector (if there is only one column) or with
+ * a row-vector (if there is only one row). */
+ Flags = internal::traits<Derived>::Flags,
+ /**< This stores expression \ref flags flags which may or may not be inherited by new expressions
+ * constructed from this one. See the \ref flags "list of flags".
+ */
+ CoeffReadCost = internal::traits<Derived>::CoeffReadCost,
+ /**< This is a rough measure of how expensive it is to read one coefficient from
+ * this expression.
+ */
+ IsRowMajor = Flags & RowMajorBit ? 1 : 0
+ };
+ /** This is the "real scalar" type; if the \a Scalar type is already real numbers
+ * (e.g. int, float or double) then \a RealScalar is just the same as \a Scalar. If
+ * \a Scalar is \a std::complex<T> then RealScalar is \a T.
+ *
+ * \sa class NumTraits
+ */
+ typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
+ /** type of the equivalent square matrix */
+ typedef Matrix<Scalar, EIGEN_SIZE_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime),
+ EIGEN_SIZE_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime) > SquareMatrixType;
+ inline const Derived& derived() const {
+ return *static_cast<const Derived*> (this);
+ }
+ inline Derived& derived() {
+ return *static_cast<Derived*> (this);
+ }
+ inline Derived& const_cast_derived() const {
+ return *static_cast<Derived*> (const_cast<SkylineMatrixBase*> (this));
+ }
+ /** \returns the number of rows. \sa cols(), RowsAtCompileTime */
+ inline Index rows() const {
+ return derived().rows();
+ }
+ /** \returns the number of columns. \sa rows(), ColsAtCompileTime*/
+ inline Index cols() const {
+ return derived().cols();
+ }
+ /** \returns the number of coefficients, which is \a rows()*cols().
+ * \sa rows(), cols(), SizeAtCompileTime. */
+ inline Index size() const {
+ return rows() * cols();
+ }
+ /** \returns the number of nonzero coefficients which is in practice the number
+ * of stored coefficients. */
+ inline Index nonZeros() const {
+ return derived().nonZeros();
+ }
+ /** \returns the size of the storage major dimension,
+ * i.e., the number of columns for a columns major matrix, and the number of rows otherwise */
+ Index outerSize() const {
+ return (int(Flags) & RowMajorBit) ? this->rows() : this->cols();
+ }
+ /** \returns the size of the inner dimension according to the storage order,
+ * i.e., the number of rows for a columns major matrix, and the number of cols otherwise */
+ Index innerSize() const {
+ return (int(Flags) & RowMajorBit) ? this->cols() : this->rows();
+ }
+ bool isRValue() const {
+ return m_isRValue;
+ }
+ Derived& markAsRValue() {
+ m_isRValue = true;
+ return derived();
+ }
+ SkylineMatrixBase() : m_isRValue(false) {
+ /* TODO check flags */
+ }
+ inline Derived & operator=(const Derived& other) {
+ this->operator=<Derived > (other);
+ return derived();
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerived>
+ inline void assignGeneric(const OtherDerived& other) {
+ derived().resize(other.rows(), other.cols());
+ for (Index row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
+ for (Index col = 0; col < cols(); col++) {
+ if (other.coeff(row, col) != Scalar(0))
+ derived().insert(row, col) = other.coeff(row, col);
+ }
+ derived().finalize();
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerived>
+ inline Derived & operator=(const SkylineMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) {
+ //TODO
+ }
+ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+ inline Derived & operator=(const SkylineProduct<Lhs, Rhs, SkylineTimeSkylineProduct>& product);
+ friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const SkylineMatrixBase& m) {
+ s << m.derived();
+ return s;
+ }
+ template<typename OtherDerived>
+ const typename SkylineProductReturnType<Derived, OtherDerived>::Type
+ operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
+ /** \internal use operator= */
+ template<typename DenseDerived>
+ void evalTo(MatrixBase<DenseDerived>& dst) const {
+ dst.setZero();
+ for (Index i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
+ for (Index j = 0; j < rows(); j++)
+ dst(i, j) = derived().coeff(i, j);
+ }
+ Matrix<Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime> toDense() const {
+ return derived();
+ }
+ /** \returns the matrix or vector obtained by evaluating this expression.
+ *
+ * Notice that in the case of a plain matrix or vector (not an expression) this function just returns
+ * a const reference, in order to avoid a useless copy.
+ */
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const typename internal::eval<Derived, IsSkyline>::type eval() const {
+ return typename internal::eval<Derived>::type(derived());
+ }
+ bool m_isRValue;
+} // end namespace Eigen
+#endif // EIGEN_SkylineMatrixBase_H
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineProduct.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineProduct.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ddf455e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineProduct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+namespace Eigen {
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductMode>
+struct SkylineProductReturnType {
+ typedef const typename internal::nested<Lhs, Rhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type LhsNested;
+ typedef const typename internal::nested<Rhs, Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type RhsNested;
+ typedef SkylineProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode> Type;
+template<typename LhsNested, typename RhsNested, int ProductMode>
+struct internal::traits<SkylineProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode> > {
+ // clean the nested types:
+ typedef typename internal::remove_all<LhsNested>::type _LhsNested;
+ typedef typename internal::remove_all<RhsNested>::type _RhsNested;
+ typedef typename _LhsNested::Scalar Scalar;
+ enum {
+ LhsCoeffReadCost = _LhsNested::CoeffReadCost,
+ RhsCoeffReadCost = _RhsNested::CoeffReadCost,
+ LhsFlags = _LhsNested::Flags,
+ RhsFlags = _RhsNested::Flags,
+ RowsAtCompileTime = _LhsNested::RowsAtCompileTime,
+ ColsAtCompileTime = _RhsNested::ColsAtCompileTime,
+ InnerSize = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(_LhsNested::ColsAtCompileTime, _RhsNested::RowsAtCompileTime),
+ MaxRowsAtCompileTime = _LhsNested::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
+ MaxColsAtCompileTime = _RhsNested::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
+ EvalToRowMajor = (RhsFlags & LhsFlags & RowMajorBit),
+ ResultIsSkyline = ProductMode == SkylineTimeSkylineProduct,
+ RemovedBits = ~((EvalToRowMajor ? 0 : RowMajorBit) | (ResultIsSkyline ? 0 : SkylineBit)),
+ Flags = (int(LhsFlags | RhsFlags) & HereditaryBits & RemovedBits)
+ | EvalBeforeAssigningBit
+ | EvalBeforeNestingBit,
+ CoeffReadCost = Dynamic
+ };
+ typedef typename internal::conditional<ResultIsSkyline,
+ SkylineMatrixBase<SkylineProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode> >,
+ MatrixBase<SkylineProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode> > >::type Base;
+namespace internal {
+template<typename LhsNested, typename RhsNested, int ProductMode>
+class SkylineProduct : no_assignment_operator,
+public traits<SkylineProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, ProductMode> >::Base {
+ typedef typename traits<SkylineProduct>::_LhsNested _LhsNested;
+ typedef typename traits<SkylineProduct>::_RhsNested _RhsNested;
+ template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE SkylineProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
+ : m_lhs(lhs), m_rhs(rhs) {
+ eigen_assert(lhs.cols() == rhs.rows());
+ enum {
+ ProductIsValid = _LhsNested::ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic
+ || _RhsNested::RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic
+ || int(_LhsNested::ColsAtCompileTime) == int(_RhsNested::RowsAtCompileTime),
+ AreVectors = _LhsNested::IsVectorAtCompileTime && _RhsNested::IsVectorAtCompileTime,
+ SameSizes = EIGEN_PREDICATE_SAME_MATRIX_SIZE(_LhsNested, _RhsNested)
+ };
+ // note to the lost user:
+ // * for a dot product use: v1.dot(v2)
+ // * for a coeff-wise product use: v1.cwise()*v2
+ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(AreVectors && SameSizes),
+ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(SameSizes && !AreVectors),
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index rows() const {
+ return m_lhs.rows();
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index cols() const {
+ return m_rhs.cols();
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const _LhsNested& lhs() const {
+ return m_lhs;
+ }
+ EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const _RhsNested& rhs() const {
+ return m_rhs;
+ }
+ LhsNested m_lhs;
+ RhsNested m_rhs;
+// dense = skyline * dense
+// Note that here we force no inlining and separate the setZero() because GCC messes up otherwise
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Dest>
+EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void skyline_row_major_time_dense_product(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Dest& dst) {
+ typedef typename remove_all<Lhs>::type _Lhs;
+ typedef typename remove_all<Rhs>::type _Rhs;
+ typedef typename traits<Lhs>::Scalar Scalar;
+ enum {
+ LhsIsRowMajor = (_Lhs::Flags & RowMajorBit) == RowMajorBit,
+ LhsIsSelfAdjoint = (_Lhs::Flags & SelfAdjointBit) == SelfAdjointBit,
+ ProcessFirstHalf = LhsIsSelfAdjoint
+ && (((_Lhs::Flags & (UpperTriangularBit | LowerTriangularBit)) == 0)
+ || ((_Lhs::Flags & UpperTriangularBit) && !LhsIsRowMajor)
+ || ((_Lhs::Flags & LowerTriangularBit) && LhsIsRowMajor)),
+ ProcessSecondHalf = LhsIsSelfAdjoint && (!ProcessFirstHalf)
+ };
+ //Use matrix diagonal part <- Improvement : use inner iterator on dense matrix.
+ for (Index col = 0; col < rhs.cols(); col++) {
+ for (Index row = 0; row < lhs.rows(); row++) {
+ dst(row, col) = lhs.coeffDiag(row) * rhs(row, col);
+ }
+ }
+ //Use matrix lower triangular part
+ for (Index row = 0; row < lhs.rows(); row++) {
+ typename _Lhs::InnerLowerIterator lIt(lhs, row);
+ const Index stop = lIt.col() + lIt.size();
+ for (Index col = 0; col < rhs.cols(); col++) {
+ Index k = lIt.col();
+ Scalar tmp = 0;
+ while (k < stop) {
+ tmp +=
+ lIt.value() *
+ rhs(k++, col);
+ ++lIt;
+ }
+ dst(row, col) += tmp;
+ lIt += -lIt.size();
+ }
+ }
+ //Use matrix upper triangular part
+ for (Index lhscol = 0; lhscol < lhs.cols(); lhscol++) {
+ typename _Lhs::InnerUpperIterator uIt(lhs, lhscol);
+ const Index stop = uIt.size() + uIt.row();
+ for (Index rhscol = 0; rhscol < rhs.cols(); rhscol++) {
+ const Scalar rhsCoeff = rhs.coeff(lhscol, rhscol);
+ Index k = uIt.row();
+ while (k < stop) {
+ dst(k++, rhscol) +=
+ uIt.value() *
+ rhsCoeff;
+ ++uIt;
+ }
+ uIt += -uIt.size();
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename Dest>
+EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void skyline_col_major_time_dense_product(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, Dest& dst) {
+ typedef typename remove_all<Lhs>::type _Lhs;
+ typedef typename remove_all<Rhs>::type _Rhs;
+ typedef typename traits<Lhs>::Scalar Scalar;
+ enum {
+ LhsIsRowMajor = (_Lhs::Flags & RowMajorBit) == RowMajorBit,
+ LhsIsSelfAdjoint = (_Lhs::Flags & SelfAdjointBit) == SelfAdjointBit,
+ ProcessFirstHalf = LhsIsSelfAdjoint
+ && (((_Lhs::Flags & (UpperTriangularBit | LowerTriangularBit)) == 0)
+ || ((_Lhs::Flags & UpperTriangularBit) && !LhsIsRowMajor)
+ || ((_Lhs::Flags & LowerTriangularBit) && LhsIsRowMajor)),
+ ProcessSecondHalf = LhsIsSelfAdjoint && (!ProcessFirstHalf)
+ };
+ //Use matrix diagonal part <- Improvement : use inner iterator on dense matrix.
+ for (Index col = 0; col < rhs.cols(); col++) {
+ for (Index row = 0; row < lhs.rows(); row++) {
+ dst(row, col) = lhs.coeffDiag(row) * rhs(row, col);
+ }
+ }
+ //Use matrix upper triangular part
+ for (Index row = 0; row < lhs.rows(); row++) {
+ typename _Lhs::InnerUpperIterator uIt(lhs, row);
+ const Index stop = uIt.col() + uIt.size();
+ for (Index col = 0; col < rhs.cols(); col++) {
+ Index k = uIt.col();
+ Scalar tmp = 0;
+ while (k < stop) {
+ tmp +=
+ uIt.value() *
+ rhs(k++, col);
+ ++uIt;
+ }
+ dst(row, col) += tmp;
+ uIt += -uIt.size();
+ }
+ }
+ //Use matrix lower triangular part
+ for (Index lhscol = 0; lhscol < lhs.cols(); lhscol++) {
+ typename _Lhs::InnerLowerIterator lIt(lhs, lhscol);
+ const Index stop = lIt.size() + lIt.row();
+ for (Index rhscol = 0; rhscol < rhs.cols(); rhscol++) {
+ const Scalar rhsCoeff = rhs.coeff(lhscol, rhscol);
+ Index k = lIt.row();
+ while (k < stop) {
+ dst(k++, rhscol) +=
+ lIt.value() *
+ rhsCoeff;
+ ++lIt;
+ }
+ lIt += -lIt.size();
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename ResultType,
+ int LhsStorageOrder = traits<Lhs>::Flags&RowMajorBit>
+ struct skyline_product_selector;
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename ResultType>
+struct skyline_product_selector<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, RowMajor> {
+ typedef typename traits<typename remove_all<Lhs>::type>::Scalar Scalar;
+ static void run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, ResultType & res) {
+ skyline_row_major_time_dense_product<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType > (lhs, rhs, res);
+ }
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename ResultType>
+struct skyline_product_selector<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType, ColMajor> {
+ typedef typename traits<typename remove_all<Lhs>::type>::Scalar Scalar;
+ static void run(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs, ResultType & res) {
+ skyline_col_major_time_dense_product<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType > (lhs, rhs, res);
+ }
+} // end namespace internal
+// template<typename Derived>
+// template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs >
+// Derived & MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyAssign(const SkylineProduct<Lhs, Rhs, SkylineTimeDenseProduct>& product) {
+// typedef typename internal::remove_all<Lhs>::type _Lhs;
+// internal::skyline_product_selector<typename internal::remove_all<Lhs>::type,
+// typename internal::remove_all<Rhs>::type,
+// Derived>::run(product.lhs(), product.rhs(), derived());
+// return derived();
+// }
+// skyline * dense
+template<typename Derived>
+template<typename OtherDerived >
+EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const typename SkylineProductReturnType<Derived, OtherDerived>::Type
+SkylineMatrixBase<Derived>::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const {
+ return typename SkylineProductReturnType<Derived, OtherDerived>::Type(derived(), other.derived());
+} // end namespace Eigen
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineStorage.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineStorage.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..378a8deb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineStorage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+namespace Eigen {
+/** Stores a skyline set of values in three structures :
+ * The diagonal elements
+ * The upper elements
+ * The lower elements
+ *
+ */
+template<typename Scalar>
+class SkylineStorage {
+ typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
+ typedef SparseIndex Index;
+ SkylineStorage()
+ : m_diag(0),
+ m_lower(0),
+ m_upper(0),
+ m_lowerProfile(0),
+ m_upperProfile(0),
+ m_diagSize(0),
+ m_upperSize(0),
+ m_lowerSize(0),
+ m_upperProfileSize(0),
+ m_lowerProfileSize(0),
+ m_allocatedSize(0) {
+ }
+ SkylineStorage(const SkylineStorage& other)
+ : m_diag(0),
+ m_lower(0),
+ m_upper(0),
+ m_lowerProfile(0),
+ m_upperProfile(0),
+ m_diagSize(0),
+ m_upperSize(0),
+ m_lowerSize(0),
+ m_upperProfileSize(0),
+ m_lowerProfileSize(0),
+ m_allocatedSize(0) {
+ *this = other;
+ }
+ SkylineStorage & operator=(const SkylineStorage& other) {
+ resize(other.diagSize(), other.m_upperProfileSize, other.m_lowerProfileSize, other.upperSize(), other.lowerSize());
+ memcpy(m_diag, other.m_diag, m_diagSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(m_upper, other.m_upper, other.upperSize() * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(m_lower, other.m_lower, other.lowerSize() * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(m_upperProfile, other.m_upperProfile, m_upperProfileSize * sizeof (Index));
+ memcpy(m_lowerProfile, other.m_lowerProfile, m_lowerProfileSize * sizeof (Index));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void swap(SkylineStorage& other) {
+ std::swap(m_diag, other.m_diag);
+ std::swap(m_upper, other.m_upper);
+ std::swap(m_lower, other.m_lower);
+ std::swap(m_upperProfile, other.m_upperProfile);
+ std::swap(m_lowerProfile, other.m_lowerProfile);
+ std::swap(m_diagSize, other.m_diagSize);
+ std::swap(m_upperSize, other.m_upperSize);
+ std::swap(m_lowerSize, other.m_lowerSize);
+ std::swap(m_allocatedSize, other.m_allocatedSize);
+ }
+ ~SkylineStorage() {
+ delete[] m_diag;
+ delete[] m_upper;
+ if (m_upper != m_lower)
+ delete[] m_lower;
+ delete[] m_upperProfile;
+ delete[] m_lowerProfile;
+ }
+ void reserve(Index size, Index upperProfileSize, Index lowerProfileSize, Index upperSize, Index lowerSize) {
+ Index newAllocatedSize = size + upperSize + lowerSize;
+ if (newAllocatedSize > m_allocatedSize)
+ reallocate(size, upperProfileSize, lowerProfileSize, upperSize, lowerSize);
+ }
+ void squeeze() {
+ if (m_allocatedSize > m_diagSize + m_upperSize + m_lowerSize)
+ reallocate(m_diagSize, m_upperProfileSize, m_lowerProfileSize, m_upperSize, m_lowerSize);
+ }
+ void resize(Index diagSize, Index upperProfileSize, Index lowerProfileSize, Index upperSize, Index lowerSize, float reserveSizeFactor = 0) {
+ if (m_allocatedSize < diagSize + upperSize + lowerSize)
+ reallocate(diagSize, upperProfileSize, lowerProfileSize, upperSize + Index(reserveSizeFactor * upperSize), lowerSize + Index(reserveSizeFactor * lowerSize));
+ m_diagSize = diagSize;
+ m_upperSize = upperSize;
+ m_lowerSize = lowerSize;
+ m_upperProfileSize = upperProfileSize;
+ m_lowerProfileSize = lowerProfileSize;
+ }
+ inline Index diagSize() const {
+ return m_diagSize;
+ }
+ inline Index upperSize() const {
+ return m_upperSize;
+ }
+ inline Index lowerSize() const {
+ return m_lowerSize;
+ }
+ inline Index upperProfileSize() const {
+ return m_upperProfileSize;
+ }
+ inline Index lowerProfileSize() const {
+ return m_lowerProfileSize;
+ }
+ inline Index allocatedSize() const {
+ return m_allocatedSize;
+ }
+ inline void clear() {
+ m_diagSize = 0;
+ }
+ inline Scalar& diag(Index i) {
+ return m_diag[i];
+ }
+ inline const Scalar& diag(Index i) const {
+ return m_diag[i];
+ }
+ inline Scalar& upper(Index i) {
+ return m_upper[i];
+ }
+ inline const Scalar& upper(Index i) const {
+ return m_upper[i];
+ }
+ inline Scalar& lower(Index i) {
+ return m_lower[i];
+ }
+ inline const Scalar& lower(Index i) const {
+ return m_lower[i];
+ }
+ inline Index& upperProfile(Index i) {
+ return m_upperProfile[i];
+ }
+ inline const Index& upperProfile(Index i) const {
+ return m_upperProfile[i];
+ }
+ inline Index& lowerProfile(Index i) {
+ return m_lowerProfile[i];
+ }
+ inline const Index& lowerProfile(Index i) const {
+ return m_lowerProfile[i];
+ }
+ static SkylineStorage Map(Index* upperProfile, Index* lowerProfile, Scalar* diag, Scalar* upper, Scalar* lower, Index size, Index upperSize, Index lowerSize) {
+ SkylineStorage res;
+ res.m_upperProfile = upperProfile;
+ res.m_lowerProfile = lowerProfile;
+ res.m_diag = diag;
+ res.m_upper = upper;
+ res.m_lower = lower;
+ res.m_allocatedSize = res.m_diagSize = size;
+ res.m_upperSize = upperSize;
+ res.m_lowerSize = lowerSize;
+ return res;
+ }
+ inline void reset() {
+ memset(m_diag, 0, m_diagSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memset(m_upper, 0, m_upperSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memset(m_lower, 0, m_lowerSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memset(m_upperProfile, 0, m_diagSize * sizeof (Index));
+ memset(m_lowerProfile, 0, m_diagSize * sizeof (Index));
+ }
+ void prune(Scalar reference, RealScalar epsilon = dummy_precision<RealScalar>()) {
+ //TODO
+ }
+ inline void reallocate(Index diagSize, Index upperProfileSize, Index lowerProfileSize, Index upperSize, Index lowerSize) {
+ Scalar* diag = new Scalar[diagSize];
+ Scalar* upper = new Scalar[upperSize];
+ Scalar* lower = new Scalar[lowerSize];
+ Index* upperProfile = new Index[upperProfileSize];
+ Index* lowerProfile = new Index[lowerProfileSize];
+ Index copyDiagSize = (std::min)(diagSize, m_diagSize);
+ Index copyUpperSize = (std::min)(upperSize, m_upperSize);
+ Index copyLowerSize = (std::min)(lowerSize, m_lowerSize);
+ Index copyUpperProfileSize = (std::min)(upperProfileSize, m_upperProfileSize);
+ Index copyLowerProfileSize = (std::min)(lowerProfileSize, m_lowerProfileSize);
+ // copy
+ memcpy(diag, m_diag, copyDiagSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(upper, m_upper, copyUpperSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(lower, m_lower, copyLowerSize * sizeof (Scalar));
+ memcpy(upperProfile, m_upperProfile, copyUpperProfileSize * sizeof (Index));
+ memcpy(lowerProfile, m_lowerProfile, copyLowerProfileSize * sizeof (Index));
+ // delete old stuff
+ delete[] m_diag;
+ delete[] m_upper;
+ delete[] m_lower;
+ delete[] m_upperProfile;
+ delete[] m_lowerProfile;
+ m_diag = diag;
+ m_upper = upper;
+ m_lower = lower;
+ m_upperProfile = upperProfile;
+ m_lowerProfile = lowerProfile;
+ m_allocatedSize = diagSize + upperSize + lowerSize;
+ m_upperSize = upperSize;
+ m_lowerSize = lowerSize;
+ }
+ Scalar* m_diag;
+ Scalar* m_upper;
+ Scalar* m_lower;
+ Index* m_upperProfile;
+ Index* m_lowerProfile;
+ Index m_diagSize;
+ Index m_upperSize;
+ Index m_lowerSize;
+ Index m_upperProfileSize;
+ Index m_lowerProfileSize;
+ Index m_allocatedSize;
+} // end namespace Eigen
diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineUtil.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineUtil.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75eb612f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/Skyline/SkylineUtil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
+// for linear algebra.
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Guillaume Saupin <guillaume.saupin@cea.fr>
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
+// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
+// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+namespace Eigen {
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+const unsigned int SkylineBit = 0x1200;
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductMode> class SkylineProduct;
+enum AdditionalProductEvaluationMode {SkylineTimeDenseProduct, SkylineTimeSkylineProduct, DenseTimeSkylineProduct};
+enum {IsSkyline = SkylineBit};
+template<typename OtherDerived> \
+EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator Op(const Eigen::SkylineMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) \
+{ \
+ return Base::operator Op(other.derived()); \
+} \
+EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator Op(const Derived& other) \
+{ \
+ return Base::operator Op(other); \
+template<typename Other> \
+EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator Op(const Other& scalar) \
+{ \
+ return Base::operator Op(scalar); \
+ typedef BaseClass Base; \
+ typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar; \
+ typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar; \
+ typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::StorageKind StorageKind; \
+ typedef typename Eigen::internal::index<StorageKind>::type Index; \
+ enum { Flags = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::Flags, };
+ _EIGEN_SKYLINE_GENERIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(Derived, Eigen::SkylineMatrixBase<Derived>)
+template<typename Derived> class SkylineMatrixBase;
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Flags = 0> class SkylineMatrix;
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Flags = 0> class DynamicSkylineMatrix;
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Flags = 0> class SkylineVector;
+template<typename _Scalar, int _Flags = 0> class MappedSkylineMatrix;
+namespace internal {
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> struct skyline_product_mode;
+template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductMode = skyline_product_mode<Lhs,Rhs>::value> struct SkylineProductReturnType;
+template<typename T> class eval<T,IsSkyline>
+ typedef typename traits<T>::Scalar _Scalar;
+ enum {
+ _Flags = traits<T>::Flags
+ };
+ public:
+ typedef SkylineMatrix<_Scalar, _Flags> type;
+} // end namespace internal
+} // end namespace Eigen