path: root/README.md
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authorColin Cross <ccross@android.com>2020-06-17 20:11:15 -0700
committerColin Cross <ccross@android.com>2020-06-17 20:11:15 -0700
commit43799cbf408ae65c3e2477ca171846fa8d5fe72f (patch)
tree2f8cc743bd7babbb6fa85cd2b98e4e5e46c847f8 /README.md
parent4e70048b1a58f2f479f6d9179eecb395edb95522 (diff)
parent0a340e3c7e5a6e1b17f0672b6bb5a9c36c3cd9ce (diff)
Merge tag 'escapevelocity-0.9.1' into master
Bug: 158870037 Test: m checkbuild [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag escapevelocity-0.9.1 Change-Id: I372c58f18996d4f76f6845da7e6ff28a2d49522b
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1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/README.md
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+# EscapeVelocity summary
+EscapeVelocity is a templating engine that can be used from Java. It is a reimplementation of a subset of
+functionality from [Apache Velocity](http://velocity.apache.org/).
+This is not an official Google product.
+For a fuller explanation of Velocity's functioning, see its
+[User Guide](http://velocity.apache.org/engine/releases/velocity-1.7/user-guide.html)
+If EscapeVelocity successfully produces a result from a template evaluation, that result should be
+the exact same string that Velocity produces. If not, that is a bug.
+EscapeVelocity has no facilities for HTML escaping and it is not appropriate for producing
+HTML output that might include portions of untrusted input.
+## Motivation
+Velocity has a convenient templating language. It is easy to read, and it has widespread support
+from tools such as editors and coding websites. However, *using* Velocity can prove difficult.
+Its use to generate Java code in the [AutoValue][AutoValue] annotation processor required many
+[workarounds][VelocityHacks]. The way it dynamically loads classes as part of its standard operation
+makes it hard to [shade](https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/) it, which in the case
+of AutoValue led to interference if Velocity was used elsewhere in a project.
+EscapeVelocity has a simple API that does not involve any class-loading or other sources of
+problems. It and its dependencies can be shaded with no difficulty.
+## Loading a template
+The entry point for EscapeVelocity is the `Template` class. To obtain an instance, use
+`Template.from(Reader)`. If a template is stored in a file, that file conventionally has the
+suffix `.vm` (for Velocity Macros). But since the argument is a `Reader`, you can also load
+a template directly from a Java string, using `StringReader`.
+Here's how you might make a `Template` instance from a template file that is packaged as a resource
+in the same package as the calling class:
+InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("foo.vm");
+if (in == null) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find resource foo.vm");
+Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
+Template template = Template.parseFrom(reader);
+## Expanding a template
+Once you have a `Template` object, you can use it to produce a string where the variables in the
+template are given the values you provide. You can do this any number of times, specifying the
+same or different values each time.
+Suppose you have this template:
+The $language word for $original is $translated.
+You might write this code:
+Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<>();
+vars.put("language", "French");
+vars.put("original", "toe");
+vars.put("translated", "orteil");
+String result = template.evaluate(vars);
+The `result` string would then be: `The French word for toe is orteil.`
+## Comments
+The characters `##` introduce a comment. Characters from `##` up to and including the following
+newline are omitted from the template. This template has comments:
+Line 1 ## with a comment
+Line 2
+It is the same as this template:
+Line 1 Line 2
+## References
+EscapeVelocity supports most of the reference types described in the
+[Velocity User Guide](http://velocity.apache.org/engine/releases/velocity-1.7/user-guide.html#References)
+### Variables
+A variable has an ASCII name that starts with a letter (a-z or A-Z) and where any other characters
+are also letters or digits or hyphens (-) or underscores (_). A variable reference can be written
+as `$foo` or as `${foo}`. The value of a variable can be of any Java type. If the value `v` of
+variable `foo` is not a String then the result of `$foo` in a template will be `String.valueOf(v)`.
+Variables must be defined before they are referenced; otherwise an `EvaluationException` will be
+Variable names are case-sensitive: `$foo` is not the same variable as `$Foo` or `$FOO`.
+Initially the values of variables come from the Map that is passed to `Template.evaluate`. Those
+values can be changed, and new ones defined, using the `#set` directive in the template:
+#set ($foo = "bar")
+Setting a variable affects later references to it in the template, but has no effect on the
+`Map` that was passed in or on later template evaluations.
+### Properties
+If a reference looks like `$purchase.Total` then the value of the `$purchase` variable must be a
+Java object that has a public method `getTotal()` or `gettotal()`, or a method called `isTotal()` or
+`istotal()` that returns `boolean`. The result of `$purchase.Total` is then the result of calling
+that method on the `$purchase` object.
+If you want to have a period (`.`) after a variable reference *without* it being a property
+reference, you can use braces like this: `${purchase}.Total`. If, after a property reference, you
+have a further period, you can put braces around the reference like this:
+### Methods
+If a reference looks like `$purchase.addItem("scones", 23)` then the value of the `$purchase`
+variable must be a Java object that has a public method `addItem` with two parameters that match
+the given values. Unlike Velocity, EscapeVelocity requires that there be exactly one such method.
+It is OK if there are other `addItem` methods provided they are not compatible with the
+arguments provided.
+Properties are in fact a special case of methods: instead of writing `$purchase.Total` you could
+write `$purchase.getTotal()`. Braces can be used to make the method invocation explicit
+(`${purchase.getTotal()}`) or to prevent method invocation (`${purchase}.getTotal()`).
+### Indexing
+If a reference looks like `$indexme[$i]` then the value of the `$indexme` variable must be a Java
+object that has a public `get` method that takes one argument that is compatible with the index.
+For example, `$indexme` might be a `List` and `$i` might be an integer. Then the reference would
+be the result of `List.get(int)` for that list and that integer. Or, `$indexme` might be a `Map`,
+and the reference would be the result of `Map.get(Object)` for the object `$i`. In general,
+`$indexme[$i]` is equivalent to `$indexme.get($i)`.
+Unlike Velocity, EscapeVelocity does not allow `$indexme` to be a Java array.
+### Undefined references
+If a variable has not been given a value, either by being in the initial Map argument or by being
+set in the template, then referencing it will provoke an `EvaluationException`. There is
+a special case for `#if`: if you write `#if ($var)` then it is allowed for `$var` not to be defined,
+and it is treated as false.
+### Setting properties and indexes: not supported
+Unlke Velocity, EscapeVelocity does not allow `#set` assignments with properties or indexes:
+#set ($data.User = "jon") ## Allowed in Velocity but not in EscapeVelocity
+#set ($map["apple"] = "orange") ## Allowed in Velocity but not in EscapeVelocity
+## Expressions
+In certain contexts, such as the `#set` directive we have just seen or certain other directives,
+EscapeVelocity can evaluate expressions. An expression can be any of these:
+* A reference, of the kind we have just seen. The value is the value of the reference.
+* A string literal enclosed in double quotes, like `"this"`. A string literal must appear on
+ one line. EscapeVelocity does not support the characters `$` or `\\` in a string literal.
+* An integer literal such as `23` or `-100`. EscapeVelocity does not support floating-point
+ literals.
+* A Boolean literal, `true` or `false`.
+* Simpler expressions joined together with operators that have the same meaning as in Java:
+ `!`, `==`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `&&`, `||`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`. The operators have the
+ same precedence as in Java.
+* A simpler expression in parentheses, for example `(2 + 3)`.
+Velocity supports string literals with single quotes, like `'this`' and also references within
+strings, like `"a $reference in a string"`, but EscapeVelocity does not.
+## Directives
+A directive is introduced by a `#` character followed by a word. We have already seen the `#set`
+directive, which sets the value of a variable. The other directives are listed below.
+Directives can be spelled with or without braces, so `#set` or `#{set}`.
+### `#if`/`#elseif`/`#else`
+The `#if` directive selects parts of the template according as a condition is true or false.
+The simplest case looks like this:
+#if ($condition) yes #end
+This evaluates to the string ` yes ` if the variable `$condition` is defined and has a true value,
+and to the empty string otherwise. It is allowed for `$condition` not to be defined in this case,
+and then it is treated as false.
+The expression in `#if` (here `$condition`) is considered true if its value is not null and not
+equal to the Boolean value `false`.
+An `#if` directive can also have an `#else` part, for example:
+#if ($condition) yes #else no #end
+This evaluates to the string ` yes ` if the condition is true or the string ` no ` if it is not.
+An `#if` directive can have any number of `#elseif` parts. For example:
+#if ($i == 0) zero #elseif ($i == 1) one #elseif ($i == 2) two #else many #end
+### `#foreach`
+The `#foreach` directive repeats a part of the template once for each value in a list.
+#foreach ($product in $allProducts)
+ ${product}!
+This will produce one line for each value in the `$allProducts` variable. The value of
+`$allProducts` can be a Java `Iterable`, such as a `List` or `Set`; or it can be an object array;
+or it can be a Java `Map`. When it is a `Map` the `#foreach` directive loops over every *value*
+in the `Map`.
+If `$allProducts` is a `List` containing the strings `oranges` and `lemons` then the result of the
+`#foreach` would be this:
+ oranges!
+ lemons!
+When the `#foreach` completes, the loop variable (`$product` in the example) goes back to whatever
+value it had before, or to being undefined if it was undefined before.
+Within the `#foreach`, a special variable `$foreach` is defined, such that you can write
+`$foreach.hasNext`, which will be true if there are more values after this one or false if this
+is the last value. For example:
+#foreach ($product in $allProducts)${product}#if ($foreach.hasNext), #end#end
+This would produce the output `oranges, lemons` for the list above. (The example is scrunched up
+to avoid introducing extraneous spaces, as described in the [section](#spaces) on spaces
+Velocity gives the `$foreach` variable other properties (`index` and `count`) but EscapeVelocity
+does not.
+### Macros
+A macro is a part of the template that can be reused in more than one place, potentially with
+different parameters each time. In the simplest case, a macro has no arguments:
+#macro (hello) bonjour #end
+Then the macro can be referenced by writing `#hello()` and the result will be the string ` bonjour `
+inserted at that point.
+Macros can also have parameters:
+#macro (greet $hello $world) $hello, $world! #end
+Then `#greet("bonjour", "monde")` would produce ` bonjour, monde! `. The comma is optional, so
+you could also write `#greet("bonjour" "monde")`.
+When a macro completes, the parameters (`$hello` and `$world` in the example) go back to whatever
+values they had before, or to being undefined if they were undefined before.
+All macro definitions take effect before the template is evaluated, so you can use a macro at a
+point in the template that is before the point where it is defined. This also means that you can't
+define a macro conditionally:
+## This doesn't work!
+#if ($language == "French")
+#macro (hello) bonjour #end
+#macro (hello) hello #end
+There is no particular reason to define the same macro more than once, but if you do it is the
+first definition that is retained. In the `#if` example just above, the `bonjour` version will
+always be used.
+Macros can make templates hard to understand. You may prefer to put the logic in a Java method
+rather than a macro, and call the method from the template using `$methods.doSomething("foo")`
+or whatever.
+## Block quoting
+If you have text that should be treated verbatim, you can enclose it in `#[[...]]#`. The text
+represented by `...` will be copied into the output. `#` and `$` characters will have no
+effect in that text.
+#[[ This is not a #directive, and this is not a $variable. ]]#
+## Including other templates
+If you want to include a template from another file, you can use the `#parse` directive.
+This can be useful if you have macros that are shared between templates, for example.
+#set ($foo = "bar")
+#mymacro($foo) ## #mymacro defined in macros.vm
+For this to work, you will need to tell EscapeVelocity how to find "resources" such as
+`macro.vm` in the example. You might use something like this:
+ResourceOpener resourceOpener = resourceName -> {
+ InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResource(resourceName);
+ if (inputStream == null) {
+ throw new IOException("Unknown resource: " + resourceName);
+ }
+ return new BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+Template template = Template.parseFrom("foo.vm", resourceOpener);
+In this case, the `resourceOpener` is used to find the main template `foo.vm`, as well as any
+templates it may reference in `#parse` directives.
+## <a name="spaces"></a> Spaces
+For the most part, spaces and newlines in the template are preserved exactly in the output.
+To avoid unwanted newlines, you may end up using `##` comments. In the `#foreach` example above
+we had this:
+#foreach ($product in $allProducts)${product}#if ($foreach.hasNext), #end#end
+That was to avoid introducing unwanted spaces and newlines. A more readable way to achieve the same
+result is this:
+#foreach ($product in $allProducts)##
+#if ($foreach.hasNext), #end##
+Spaces are ignored between the `#` of a directive and the `)` that closes it, so there is no trace
+in the output of the spaces in `#foreach ($product in $allProducts)` or `#if ($foreach.hasNext)`.
+Spaces are also ignored inside references, such as `$indexme[ $i ]` or `$callme( $i , $j )`.
+If you are concerned about the detailed formatting of the text from the template, you may want to
+post-process it. For example, if it is Java code, you could use a formatter such as
+[google-java-format](https://github.com/google/google-java-format). Then you shouldn't have to
+worry about extraneous spaces.
+[VelocityHacks]: https://github.com/google/auto/blob/ca2384d5ad15a0c761b940384083cf5c50c6e839/value/src/main/java/com/google/auto/value/processor/TemplateVars.java#L54
+[AutoValue]: https://github.com/google/auto/tree/master/value