/** * Copyright (c) 2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef AEESTDERR_H #define AEESTDERR_H // // Basic Error Codes // // #define AEE_SUCCESS 0 ///< No error #define AEE_EUNKNOWN -1 /// Unknown error (should not use this) #define AEE_EOFFSET 0x00000000 #define AEE_EFAILED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x001) ///< General failure #define AEE_ENOMEMORY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x002) ///< Insufficient RAM #define AEE_ECLASSNOTSUPPORT (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x003) ///< Specified class unsupported #define AEE_EVERSIONNOTSUPPORT (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x004) ///< Version not supported #define AEE_EALREADYLOADED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x005) ///< Object already loaded #define AEE_EUNABLETOLOAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x006) ///< Unable to load object/applet #define AEE_EUNABLETOUNLOAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x007) ///< Unable to unload ///< object/applet #define AEE_EALARMPENDING (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x008) ///< Alarm is pending #define AEE_EINVALIDTIME (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x009) ///< Invalid time #define AEE_EBADCLASS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00A) ///< NULL class object #define AEE_EBADMETRIC (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00B) ///< Invalid metric specified #define AEE_EEXPIRED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00C) ///< App/Component Expired #define AEE_EBADSTATE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00D) ///< Invalid state #define AEE_EBADPARM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00E) ///< Invalid parameter #define AEE_ESCHEMENOTSUPPORTED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x00F) ///< Invalid URL scheme #define AEE_EBADITEM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x010) ///< Invalid item #define AEE_EINVALIDFORMAT (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x011) ///< Invalid format #define AEE_EINCOMPLETEITEM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x012) ///< Incomplete item #define AEE_ENOPERSISTMEMORY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x013) ///< Insufficient flash #define AEE_EUNSUPPORTED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x014) ///< API is not supported #define AEE_EPRIVLEVEL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x015) ///< Privileges are insufficient ///< for this operation #define AEE_ERESOURCENOTFOUND (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x016) ///< Unable to find specified ///< resource #define AEE_EREENTERED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x017) ///< Non re-entrant API ///< re-entered #define AEE_EBADTASK (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x018) ///< API called in wrong task ///< context #define AEE_EALLOCATED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x019) ///< App/Module left memory ///< allocated when released. #define AEE_EALREADY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01A) ///< Operation is already in ///< progress #define AEE_EADSAUTHBAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01B) ///< ADS mutual authorization ///< failed #define AEE_ENEEDSERVICEPROG (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01C) ///< Need service programming #define AEE_EMEMPTR (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01D) ///< bad memory pointer #define AEE_EHEAP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01E) ///< heap corruption #define AEE_EIDLE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x01F) ///< Context (system, interface, ///< etc.) is idle #define AEE_EITEMBUSY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x020) ///< Context (system, interface, ///< etc.) is busy #define AEE_EBADSID (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x021) ///< Invalid subscriber ID #define AEE_ENOTYPE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x022) ///< No type detected/found #define AEE_ENEEDMORE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x023) ///< Need more data/info #define AEE_EADSCAPS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x024) ///< ADS Capabilities do not ///< match those required for ///< phone #define AEE_EBADSHUTDOWN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x025) ///< App failed to close properly #define AEE_EBUFFERTOOSMALL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x026) ///< Destination buffer given is ///< too small #define AEE_ENOSUCH (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x027) ///< No such name, port, socket ///< or service exists or is ///< valid #define AEE_EACKPENDING (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x028) ///< ACK pending on application #define AEE_ENOTOWNER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x029) ///< Not an owner authorized to ///< perform the operation #define AEE_EINVALIDITEM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02A) ///< Current item is invalid #define AEE_ENOTALLOWED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02B) ///< Not allowed to perform the ///< operation #define AEE_EBADHANDLE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02C) ///< Invalid handle #define AEE_EOUTOFHANDLES (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02D) ///< Out of handles #define AEE_EINTERRUPTED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02E) ///< Waitable call is interrupted #define AEE_ENOMORE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x02F) ///< No more items available -- ///< reached end #define AEE_ECPUEXCEPTION (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x030) ///< A CPU exception occurred #define AEE_EREADONLY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x031) ///< Cannot change read-only ///< object or parameter #define AEE_ECONNRESET 104 ///< Connection reset by peer #define AEE_EWOULDBLOCK 516 ///< Operation would block if not ///< non-blocking; wait and try ///< again //Error code for sigverify #define AEE_EUNSIGNEDMOD 4096 /// 0x1000 test-sig not found, Unsigned shared object #define AEE_EINVALIDHASH 8192 /// 0x2000 test-sig not found, Invalid hash object #define AEE_EINVALIDMSG (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x032) /// Invalid SMD message from APPS #define AEE_EINVALIDTHREAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x033) /// Invalid thread #define AEE_EINVALIDPROCESS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x034) /// Invalid Process #define AEE_EINVALIDFILENAME (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x035) /// Invalid filename #define AEE_EINVALIDDIGESTSIZE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x036) /// Invalid digest size #define AEE_EINVALIDSEGS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x037) /// Invalid segments #define AEE_EINVALIDSIGNATURE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x038) /// Invalid signature #define AEE_EINVALIDDOMAIN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x039) /// Invalid domain #define AEE_EINVALIDFD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03A) /// Invalid file descriptor #define AEE_EINVALIDDEVICE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03B) /// Invalid Device #define AEE_EINVALIDMODE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03C) /// Invalid Mode #define AEE_EINVALIDPROCNAME (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03D) /// Invalid Process name #define AEE_ENOSUCHMOD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03E) /// No such module #define AEE_ENOSUCHINSTANCE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x03F) /// No instance in the list lookup #define AEE_ENOSUCHTHREAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x040) /// No such thread #define AEE_ENOSUCHPROCESS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x041) /// No such process #define AEE_ENOSUCHSYMBOL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x042) /// No such symbol #define AEE_ENOSUCHDEVICE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x043) /// No such device #define AEE_ENOSUCHPROP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x044) /// No such dal property #define AEE_ENOSUCHFILE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x045) /// No such file #define AEE_ENOSUCHHANDLE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x046) /// No such handle #define AEE_ENOSUCHSTREAM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x047) /// No such stream #define AEE_ENOSUCHMAP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x048) /// No such Map #define AEE_ENOSUCHREGISTER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x049) /// No such register #define AEE_ENOSUCHCLIENT (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04A) /// No such QDI client #define AEE_EBADDOMAIN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04B) /// Bad domain (not initialized) #define AEE_EBADOFFSET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04C) /// Bad buffer/page/heap offset #define AEE_EBADSIZE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04D) /// Bad buffer/page/heap size #define AEE_EBADPERMS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04E) /// Bad FILE/MAP/MEM permissions #define AEE_EBADFD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x04F) /// Bad file descriptor #define AEE_EBADPID (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x050) /// Bad PID from HLOS #define AEE_EBADTID (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x051) /// Bad TID #define AEE_EBADELF (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x052) /// Bad elf file #define AEE_EBADASID (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x053) /// Bad asid #define AEE_EBADCONTEXT (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x054) /// Bad context #define AEE_EBADMEMALIGN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x055) /// Bad memory alignment #define AEE_EIOCTL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x056) /// ioctl error #define AEE_EFOPEN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x057) /// file open error #define AEE_EFGETS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x058) /// file get string error #define AEE_EFFLUSH (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x059) /// file flush error #define AEE_EFCLOSE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05A) /// file close error #define AEE_EEOF (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05B) /// File EOF reached #define AEE_EFREAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05C) /// file read failed #define AEE_EFWRITE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05D) /// file write failed #define AEE_EFGETPOS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05E) /// file get position failed #define AEE_EFSETPOS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x05F) /// file set position failed #define AEE_EFTELL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x060) /// file tell position failed #define AEE_EFSEEK (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x061) /// file seek failed #define AEE_EFLEN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x062) /// file len failed #define AEE_EGETENV (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x063) /// get enviroment failed #define AEE_ESETENV (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x064) /// set enviroment failed #define AEE_EMMAP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x065) /// mmap failed #define AEE_EIONMAP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x066) /// ion map failed #define AEE_EIONALLOC (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x067) /// ion alloc failed #define AEE_ENORPCMEMORY (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x068) /// ION memory allocation failed #define AEE_ENOROOTOFTRUST (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x069) /// No root of trust for sigverify #define AEE_ENOTLOCKED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06A) /// Unlock failed, not locked before #define AEE_ENOTINITIALIZED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06B) /// Not initialized #define AEE_EUNSUPPORTEDAPI (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06C) /// unsupported API #define AEE_EUNPACK (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06D) /// unpacking command failed #define AEE_EPOLL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06E) /// error while polling for event #define AEE_EEVENTREAD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x06F) /// event read failed #define AEE_EMAXBUFS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x070) /// Maximum buffers #define AEE_EINVARGS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x071) /// Invalid Arguments #define AEE_ESMD_OFFSET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x100) /// SMD errors offset #define AEE_ESMDBADPACKET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x101) /// SMD invalid packet size #define AEE_ESMDALREADYOPEN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x102) /// SMD port is already open #define AEE_ESMDOPENFAILED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x103) /// SMD port open failed #define AEE_EDAL_OFFSET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x120) /// Dal error offset #define AEE_EDALDEVATTACH (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x121) /// DAL attach error #define AEE_EDALINTREGISTER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x122) /// DAL interrupt register error #define AEE_EDALINTUNREGISTER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x123) /// Dal interrupt unregister error #define AEE_EDALGETPROP (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x124) /// Dal get property #define AEE_EDALGETVAL (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x125) /// Dal get property value #define AEE_EQURT_OFFSET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x140) /// QURT error offset #define AEE_EQURTREGIONCREATE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x141) /// QURT region create failed #define AEE_EQURTCACHECLEAN (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x142) /// QURT cache clean failed #define AEE_EQURTREGIONGETATTR (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x143) /// QURT region get attribute failed #define AEE_EQURTBADREGIONPERMS (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x144) /// QURT bad permissions for region #define AEE_EQURTMEMPOOLADD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x145) /// QURT Add to memory pool failed #define AEE_EQURTREGISTERDEV (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x146) /// QURT register device failed #define AEE_EQURTMEMPOOLCREATE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x147) /// QURT create memory pool failed #define AEE_EQURTGETVA (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x148) /// QURT get VA failed #define AEE_EQURTREGIONDELETE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x149) /// QURT region delete failed #define AEE_EQURTMEMPOOLATTACH (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14A) /// QURT memory pool attach failed #define AEE_EQURTTHREADCREATE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14B) /// QURT thread create failed #define AEE_EQURTCOPYTOUSER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14C) /// QURT copy to user memory failed #define AEE_EQURTMEMMAPCREATE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14D) /// QURT map create failed #define AEE_EQURTINVHANDLE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14E) /// QURT Invalid client handle #define AEE_EQURTBADASID (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x14F) /// QURT Bad ASIC from QURT #define AEE_EQURTOPENFAILED (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x150) /// QURT QDI open failed #define AEE_EQURTCOPYFROMUSER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x151) /// QURT Copy from user failed #define AEE_EQURTLINELOCK (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x152) /// QURT Line lock failed #define AEE_EQURTQDIDEFMETHOD (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x153) /// QURT QDI default method failed #define AEE_EMMPM_OFFSET (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x170) /// MMPM errors offset #define AEE_EMMPMREQUEST (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x171) /// MMPM Power request to failed #define AEE_EMMPMRELEASE (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x172) /// MMPM Release request failed #define AEE_EMMPMSETPARAM (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x173) /// MMPM set param request failed #define AEE_EMMPMREGISTER (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x174) /// MMPM Register request failed #define AEE_EMMPMGETINFO (AEE_EOFFSET + 0x175) /// MMPM Get info failed /* ============================================================================ ERRORS DOCUMENTATION ============================================================================== Error Codes Description: This topic lists the categories of error codes that Brew MP returns. The topic for each category of error code includes the name of each error, the code that is associated with the error, and a description of the error. ===H2> List of Error Code Types ===/H2> ===p> The categories of error codes include: ~ ~ AddrBook error codes ~ AddrInfo error codes ~ AEE_IS_REMOTE_ERR(): ~ AEE_IS_REMOTE_ERR_PRE(): ~ Basic AEE Error Codes ~ Database error codes ~ dbc Error Codes ~ DNS Resolver error codes ~ File error codes ~ FS AEE Error Codes ~ ICamera error codes ~ ICMP error codes ~ ILicenseSystem Error Codes ~ Indeterminate errors: (transport failure) ~ ISQL Error Codes ~ ISVGDOM Error Codes: ~ ISSL error codes ~ IX509Chain error codes ~ ModCollector Errors ~ ModInstallerCntx Errors ~ ModMover Errors ~ Multimedia error codes ~ Network AEE error codes ~ Network subsystem error codes ~ pim_IMessageStore Error Codes ~ pim_IRecordStore Error Codes ~ Port AEE Error Codes ~ PosDet error codes ~ Post-invocation errors: (remote errors) ~ Pre-invocation errors: (remote errors) ~ QoS error codes ~ Remote error codes: ~ SSL error codes ~ VOCODER error codes ~ VolumeDB Errors ~ Web error codes ~ * ================================================================== Basic AEE Error Codes Description: This section lists the set of basic AEE errors returned, the codes associated with the errors, and descriptions of the errors. Definition: Error Code Description AEE_SUCCESS 0 operation Successful AEE_EFAILED 1 general failure AEE_ENOMEMORY 2 insufficient RAM AEE_ECLASSNOTSUPPORT 3 specified class unsupported AEE_EVERSIONNOTSUPPORT 4 version not supported AEE_EALREADYLOADED 5 object already loaded AEE_EUNABLETOLOAD 6 unable to load object/applet AEE_EUNABLETOUNLOAD 7 unable to unload object/applet AEE_EALARMPENDING 8 alarm is pending AEE_EINVALIDTIME 9 invalid time AEE_EBADCLASS 10 NULL class object AEE_EBADMETRIC 11 invalid metric specified AEE_EEXPIRED 12 Application/Component Expired AEE_EBADSTATE 13 invalid state AEE_EBADPARM 14 invalid parameter AEE_ESCHEMENOTSUPPORTED 15 invalid URL scheme AEE_EBADITEM 16 invalid item AEE_EINVALIDFORMAT 17 invalid format AEE_EINCOMPLETEITEM 18 incomplete item AEE_ENOPERSISTMEMORY 19 insufficient flash AEE_EUNSUPPORTED 20 API is not supported AEE_EPRIVLEVEL 21 application privileges are insufficient for this operation AEE_ERESOURCENOTFOUND 22 unable to find specified resource AEE_EREENTERED 23 non re-entrant API re-entered AEE_EBADTASK 24 API called in wrong task context AEE_EALLOCATED 25 Application/Module left memory allocated when released AEE_EALREADY 26 operation is already in progress AEE_EADSAUTHBAD 27 ADS mutual authorization failed AEE_ENEEDSERVICEPROG 28 need service programming AEE_EMEMPTR 29 bad memory pointer AEE_EHEAP 30 heap corruption AEE_EIDLE 31 context (system, interface, etc.) is idle AEE_EITEMBUSY 32 context (system, interface, etc.) is busy AEE_EBADSID 33 invalid subscriber ID AEE_ENOTYPE 34 no type detected/found AEE_ENEEDMORE 35 need more data/info AEE_EADSCAPS 36 capabilities do not match those required AEE_EBADSHUTDOWN 37 application failed to close properly AEE_EBUFFERTOOSMALL 38 destination buffer given is too small AEE_ENOSUCH 39 no such name/port/socket/service exists or valid AEE_EACKPENDING 40 ACK pending on application AEE_ENOTOWNER 41 not an owner authorized to perform the operation AEE_EINVALIDITEM 42 current item is invalid AEE_ENOTALLOWED 43 not allowed to perform the operation AEE_EBADHANDLE 44 invalid handle AEE_EOUTOFHANDLES 45 out of handles AEE_EINTERRUPTED 46 waitable call is interrupted AEE_ENOMORE 47 no more items available -- reached end AEE_ECPUEXCEPTION 48 a CPU exception occurred AEE_EREADONLY 49 cannot change read-only object or parameter AEE_ECONNRESET 104 connection reset by peer AEE_EWOULDBLOCK 516 operation would block if not non-blocking; wait and try again Comments: These Brew MP error codes have an up-to-date naming convention, and replace older BREW error codes that use a naming convention that did not include the "AEE_" prefix. See Also: Error Codes ================================================================== */ #endif /* #ifndef AEESTDERR_H */