path: root/fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.cc')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.cc b/fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6dba00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/map_of_masks.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "absl/numeric/bits.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
+#include "fcp/base/monitoring.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/aes_key.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/compute_session_id.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/input_vector_specification.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/math.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/prng.h"
+#include "fcp/secagg/shared/secagg_vector.h"
+#include "openssl/evp.h"
+namespace fcp {
+namespace secagg {
+// Constant for backwards compatibility with legacy clients. Even though it is
+// no longer needed, removing it would be disruptive due to making a large
+// number of clients incompatible while not providing any benefits.
+uint8_t kPrngSeedConstant = 0x02;
+// We specifically avoid sample_bits == 64 to sidestep numerical precision
+// issues, e.g. a uint64_t cannot represent the associated modulus.
+constexpr int kMaxSampleBits = 63;
+// We consider using at most 16 additional random bits from the underlying
+// PRNG per sample.
+constexpr int kMaxSampleBitsExpansion = 16;
+static AesKey DigestKey(EVP_MD_CTX* mdctx, const std::string& prng_input,
+ int bit_width, const AesKey& prng_key) {
+ int input_size = prng_input.size();
+ std::string input_size_data = IntToByteString(input_size);
+ std::string bit_width_data = IntToByteString(bit_width);
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, EVP_sha256(), nullptr));
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, bit_width_data.c_str(), sizeof(int)));
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, prng_key.data(), prng_key.size()));
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, &kPrngSeedConstant, 1));
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, input_size_data.c_str(), sizeof(int)));
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, prng_input.c_str(), input_size));
+ uint8_t digest[AesKey::kSize];
+ uint32_t digest_length = 0;
+ FCP_CHECK(EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, digest, &digest_length));
+ FCP_CHECK(digest_length == AesKey::kSize);
+ return AesKey(digest);
+// Determines whether sample_bits_1 or sample_bits_2 will be more efficient
+// for sampling uniformly from [0, modulus).
+int choose_better_sample_bits(uint64_t modulus, int sample_bits_1,
+ int sample_bits_2) {
+ FCP_CHECK(sample_bits_1 <= sample_bits_2);
+ FCP_CHECK(sample_bits_2 <= kMaxSampleBits);
+ FCP_CHECK(sample_bits_2 - sample_bits_1 <= kMaxSampleBitsExpansion);
+ uint64_t sample_modulus_1 = 1ULL << sample_bits_1;
+ FCP_CHECK(modulus <= sample_modulus_1);
+ if (sample_bits_1 == sample_bits_2) {
+ return sample_bits_1;
+ }
+ uint64_t sample_modulus_2 = 1ULL << sample_bits_2;
+ uint64_t sample_modulus_2_over_1 = 1ULL << (sample_bits_2 - sample_bits_1);
+ uint32_t cost_per_sample_1 = DivideRoundUp(sample_bits_1, 8);
+ uint32_t cost_per_sample_2 = DivideRoundUp(sample_bits_2, 8);
+ uint64_t modulus_reps_1 = sample_modulus_1 / modulus;
+ uint64_t modulus_reps_2 = sample_modulus_2 / modulus;
+ uint64_t cost_product_1 = cost_per_sample_1 * modulus_reps_1;
+ uint64_t cost_product_2 =
+ cost_per_sample_2 * modulus_reps_2 * sample_modulus_2_over_1;
+ return cost_product_1 > cost_product_2 ? sample_bits_2 : sample_bits_1;
+// Computes the sample_bits that minimizes the expected number of bytes of
+// randomness that will be consumed when drawing a uniform sample from
+// [0, modulus) using our rejection sampling algorithm.
+int compute_best_sample_bits(uint64_t modulus) {
+ int min_sample_bits = static_cast<int>(absl::bit_width(modulus - 1ULL));
+ int max_sample_bits = std::min(kMaxSampleBitsExpansion,
+ min_sample_bits + kMaxSampleBitsExpansion);
+ int best_sample_bits = min_sample_bits;
+ for (int sample_bits = min_sample_bits + 1; sample_bits <= max_sample_bits;
+ sample_bits++) {
+ best_sample_bits =
+ choose_better_sample_bits(modulus, best_sample_bits, sample_bits);
+ }
+ return best_sample_bits;
+// PrngBuffer implements the logic for generating pseudo-random masks while
+// fetching and caching buffers of psedo-random uint8_t numbers.
+// Two important factors of this implementation compared to using SecurePrng
+// directly are:
+// 1) The implementation is fully inlineable allowing the the compiler to
+// greatly optimize the resulting code.
+// 2) Checking whether a new buffer of pseudo-random bytes needs to be filled is
+// done only once per mask as opposed to doing that for every byte, which
+// optimizes the most nested loop.
+class PrngBuffer {
+ public:
+ PrngBuffer(std::unique_ptr<SecurePrng> prng, uint8_t msb_mask,
+ size_t bytes_per_output)
+ : prng_(static_cast<SecureBatchPrng*>(prng.release())),
+ msb_mask_(msb_mask),
+ bytes_per_output_(bytes_per_output),
+ buffer_(prng_->GetMaxBufferSize()),
+ buffer_end_(buffer_.data() + buffer_.size()) {
+ FCP_CHECK((prng_->GetMaxBufferSize() % bytes_per_output) == 0)
+ << "PRNG buffer size must be a multiple bytes_per_output.";
+ FillBuffer();
+ }
+ inline uint64_t NextMask() {
+ if (buffer_ptr_ == buffer_end_) {
+ FillBuffer();
+ }
+ auto output = static_cast<uint64_t>((*buffer_ptr_++) & msb_mask_);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < bytes_per_output_; ++i) {
+ output <<= 8UL;
+ output |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*buffer_ptr_++);
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ private:
+ inline int buffer_size() { return static_cast<int>(buffer_.size()); }
+ inline void FillBuffer() {
+ buffer_ptr_ = buffer_.data();
+ FCP_CHECK(prng_->RandBuffer(buffer_.data(), buffer_size()) ==
+ buffer_size());
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<SecureBatchPrng> prng_;
+ const uint8_t msb_mask_;
+ const size_t bytes_per_output_;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buffer_;
+ const uint8_t* buffer_ptr_ = nullptr;
+ const uint8_t* const buffer_end_;
+struct AddModAdapter {
+ inline static uint64_t AddModImpl(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t z) {
+ return AddMod(a, b, z);
+ }
+ inline static uint64_t SubtractModImpl(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t z) {
+ return SubtractMod(a, b, z);
+ }
+struct AddModOptAdapter {
+ inline static uint64_t AddModImpl(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t z) {
+ return AddModOpt(a, b, z);
+ }
+ inline static uint64_t SubtractModImpl(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t z) {
+ return SubtractModOpt(a, b, z);
+ }
+// Templated implementation of MapOfMasks that allows substituting
+// AddMod and SubtractMod implementations.
+template <typename TAdapter, typename TVector, typename TVectorMap>
+inline std::unique_ptr<TVectorMap> MapOfMasksImpl(
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_add,
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_subtract,
+ const std::vector<InputVectorSpecification>& input_vector_specs,
+ const SessionId& session_id, const AesPrngFactory& prng_factory,
+ AsyncAbort* async_abort) {
+ FCP_CHECK(prng_factory.SupportsBatchMode());
+ auto map_of_masks = std::make_unique<TVectorMap>();
+ std::unique_ptr<EVP_MD_CTX, void (*)(EVP_MD_CTX*)> mdctx(EVP_MD_CTX_create(),
+ EVP_MD_CTX_destroy);
+ FCP_CHECK(mdctx.get());
+ for (const InputVectorSpecification& vector_spec : input_vector_specs) {
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ int bit_width =
+ static_cast<int>(absl::bit_width(vector_spec.modulus() - 1ULL));
+ std::string prng_input =
+ absl::StrCat(session_id.data, IntToByteString(bit_width),
+ IntToByteString(vector_spec.length()), vector_spec.name());
+ std::vector<uint64_t> mask_vector_buffer(vector_spec.length(), 0);
+ bool modulus_is_power_of_two = (1ULL << bit_width == vector_spec.modulus());
+ if (modulus_is_power_of_two) {
+ // Because the modulus is a power of two, we can sample uniformly
+ // simply by drawing the correct number of random bits.
+ int bytes_per_output = DivideRoundUp(bit_width, 8);
+ // msb = "most significant byte"
+ size_t bits_in_msb = bit_width - ((bytes_per_output - 1) * 8);
+ uint8_t msb_mask = (1UL << bits_in_msb) - 1;
+ for (const auto& prng_key : prng_keys_to_add) {
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ AesKey digest_key =
+ DigestKey(mdctx.get(), prng_input, bit_width, prng_key);
+ PrngBuffer prng(prng_factory.MakePrng(digest_key), msb_mask,
+ bytes_per_output);
+ for (auto& v : mask_vector_buffer) {
+ v = TAdapter::AddModImpl(v, prng.NextMask(), vector_spec.modulus());
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& prng_key : prng_keys_to_subtract) {
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ AesKey digest_key =
+ DigestKey(mdctx.get(), prng_input, bit_width, prng_key);
+ PrngBuffer prng(prng_factory.MakePrng(digest_key), msb_mask,
+ bytes_per_output);
+ for (auto& v : mask_vector_buffer) {
+ v = TAdapter::SubtractModImpl(v, prng.NextMask(),
+ vector_spec.modulus());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Rejection Sampling algorithm for arbitrary moduli.
+ // Follows Algorithm 3 from:
+ // "Fast Random Integer Generation in an Interval," Daniel Lemire, 2018.
+ // https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.10941.pdf.
+ //
+ // The inner loops are structured to avoid conditional branches
+ // and the associated branch misprediction errors they would entail.
+ //
+ // We choose sample_bits to minimize the expected number of bytes
+ // drawn from the PRNG.
+ int sample_bits = compute_best_sample_bits(vector_spec.modulus());
+ int bytes_per_output = DivideRoundUp(sample_bits, 8);
+ // msb = "most significant byte"
+ size_t bits_in_msb = sample_bits - ((bytes_per_output - 1) * 8);
+ uint8_t msb_mask = (1UL << bits_in_msb) - 1;
+ uint64_t sample_modulus = 1ULL << sample_bits;
+ uint64_t rejection_threshold =
+ (sample_modulus - vector_spec.modulus()) % vector_spec.modulus();
+ for (const auto& prng_key : prng_keys_to_add) {
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ AesKey digest_key =
+ DigestKey(mdctx.get(), prng_input, sample_bits, prng_key);
+ PrngBuffer prng(prng_factory.MakePrng(digest_key), msb_mask,
+ bytes_per_output);
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < vector_spec.length()) {
+ auto& v = mask_vector_buffer[i];
+ auto mask = prng.NextMask();
+ auto reject = mask < rejection_threshold;
+ auto inc = reject ? 0 : 1;
+ mask = reject ? 0 : mask;
+ v = TAdapter::AddModImpl(v, mask % vector_spec.modulus(),
+ vector_spec.modulus());
+ i += inc;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& prng_key : prng_keys_to_subtract) {
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ AesKey digest_key =
+ DigestKey(mdctx.get(), prng_input, sample_bits, prng_key);
+ PrngBuffer prng(prng_factory.MakePrng(digest_key), msb_mask,
+ bytes_per_output);
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < vector_spec.length()) {
+ auto& v = mask_vector_buffer[i];
+ auto mask = prng.NextMask();
+ auto reject = mask < rejection_threshold;
+ auto inc = reject ? 0 : 1;
+ mask = reject ? 0 : mask;
+ v = TAdapter::SubtractModImpl(v, mask % vector_spec.modulus(),
+ vector_spec.modulus());
+ i += inc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (async_abort && async_abort->Signalled()) return nullptr;
+ map_of_masks->emplace(vector_spec.name(),
+ TVector(mask_vector_buffer, vector_spec.modulus()));
+ }
+ return map_of_masks;
+std::unique_ptr<SecAggVectorMap> MapOfMasks(
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_add,
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_subtract,
+ const std::vector<InputVectorSpecification>& input_vector_specs,
+ const SessionId& session_id, const AesPrngFactory& prng_factory,
+ AsyncAbort* async_abort) {
+ return MapOfMasksImpl<AddModAdapter, SecAggVector, SecAggVectorMap>(
+ prng_keys_to_add, prng_keys_to_subtract, input_vector_specs, session_id,
+ prng_factory, async_abort);
+std::unique_ptr<SecAggVectorMap> MapOfMasksV3(
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_add,
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_subtract,
+ const std::vector<InputVectorSpecification>& input_vector_specs,
+ const SessionId& session_id, const AesPrngFactory& prng_factory,
+ AsyncAbort* async_abort) {
+ return MapOfMasksImpl<AddModOptAdapter, SecAggVector, SecAggVectorMap>(
+ prng_keys_to_add, prng_keys_to_subtract, input_vector_specs, session_id,
+ prng_factory, async_abort);
+SecAggVector AddVectors(const SecAggVector& a, const SecAggVector& b) {
+ FCP_CHECK(a.modulus() == b.modulus() && a.num_elements() == b.num_elements());
+ uint64_t modulus = a.modulus();
+ SecAggVector::Decoder decoder_a(a);
+ SecAggVector::Decoder decoder_b(b);
+ SecAggVector::Coder sum_coder(modulus, static_cast<int>(a.bit_width()),
+ a.num_elements());
+ for (int remaining_elements = static_cast<int>(a.num_elements());
+ remaining_elements > 0; --remaining_elements) {
+ sum_coder.WriteValue((decoder_a.ReadValue() + decoder_b.ReadValue()) %
+ modulus);
+ }
+ return std::move(sum_coder).Create();
+std::unique_ptr<SecAggVectorMap> AddMaps(const SecAggVectorMap& a,
+ const SecAggVectorMap& b) {
+ auto result = std::make_unique<SecAggVectorMap>();
+ for (const auto& item : a) {
+ result->emplace(item.first, AddVectors(item.second, b.at(item.first)));
+ }
+ return result;
+std::unique_ptr<SecAggUnpackedVectorMap> UnpackedMapOfMasks(
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_add,
+ const std::vector<AesKey>& prng_keys_to_subtract,
+ const std::vector<InputVectorSpecification>& input_vector_specs,
+ const SessionId& session_id, const AesPrngFactory& prng_factory,
+ AsyncAbort* async_abort) {
+ return MapOfMasksImpl<AddModOptAdapter, SecAggUnpackedVector,
+ SecAggUnpackedVectorMap>(
+ prng_keys_to_add, prng_keys_to_subtract, input_vector_specs, session_id,
+ prng_factory, async_abort);
+} // namespace secagg
+} // namespace fcp