path: root/Lib/fontTools/colorLib/geometry.py
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1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/fontTools/colorLib/geometry.py b/Lib/fontTools/colorLib/geometry.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec647535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/fontTools/colorLib/geometry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+"""Helpers for manipulating 2D points and vectors in COLR table."""
+from math import copysign, cos, hypot, pi
+from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound
+def _vector_between(origin, target):
+ return (target[0] - origin[0], target[1] - origin[1])
+def _round_point(pt):
+ return (otRound(pt[0]), otRound(pt[1]))
+def _unit_vector(vec):
+ length = hypot(*vec)
+ if length == 0:
+ return None
+ return (vec[0] / length, vec[1] / length)
+# This is the same tolerance used by Skia's SkTwoPointConicalGradient.cpp to detect
+# when a radial gradient's focal point lies on the end circle.
+_NEARLY_ZERO = 1 / (1 << 12) # 0.000244140625
+# The unit vector's X and Y components are respectively
+# U = (cos(α), sin(α))
+# where α is the angle between the unit vector and the positive x axis.
+_UNIT_VECTOR_THRESHOLD = cos(3 / 8 * pi) # == sin(1/8 * pi) == 0.38268343236508984
+def _rounding_offset(direction):
+ # Return 2-tuple of -/+ 1.0 or 0.0 approximately based on the direction vector.
+ # We divide the unit circle in 8 equal slices oriented towards the cardinal
+ # (N, E, S, W) and intermediate (NE, SE, SW, NW) directions. To each slice we
+ # map one of the possible cases: -1, 0, +1 for either X and Y coordinate.
+ # E.g. Return (+1.0, -1.0) if unit vector is oriented towards SE, or
+ # (-1.0, 0.0) if it's pointing West, etc.
+ uv = _unit_vector(direction)
+ if not uv:
+ return (0, 0)
+ result = []
+ for uv_component in uv:
+ # unit vector component near 0: direction almost orthogonal to the
+ # direction of the current axis, thus keep coordinate unchanged
+ result.append(0)
+ else:
+ # nudge coord by +/- 1.0 in direction of unit vector
+ result.append(copysign(1.0, uv_component))
+ return tuple(result)
+class Circle:
+ def __init__(self, centre, radius):
+ self.centre = centre
+ self.radius = radius
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"Circle(centre={self.centre}, radius={self.radius})"
+ def round(self):
+ return Circle(_round_point(self.centre), otRound(self.radius))
+ def inside(self, outer_circle):
+ dist = self.radius + hypot(*_vector_between(self.centre, outer_circle.centre))
+ return (
+ abs(outer_circle.radius - dist) <= _NEARLY_ZERO
+ or outer_circle.radius > dist
+ )
+ def concentric(self, other):
+ return self.centre == other.centre
+ def move(self, dx, dy):
+ self.centre = (self.centre[0] + dx, self.centre[1] + dy)
+def round_start_circle_stable_containment(c0, r0, c1, r1):
+ """Round start circle so that it stays inside/outside end circle after rounding.
+ The rounding of circle coordinates to integers may cause an abrupt change
+ if the start circle c0 is so close to the end circle c1's perimiter that
+ it ends up falling outside (or inside) as a result of the rounding.
+ To keep the gradient unchanged, we nudge it in the right direction.
+ See:
+ https://github.com/googlefonts/colr-gradients-spec/issues/204
+ https://github.com/googlefonts/picosvg/issues/158
+ """
+ start, end = Circle(c0, r0), Circle(c1, r1)
+ inside_before_round = start.inside(end)
+ round_start = start.round()
+ round_end = end.round()
+ inside_after_round = round_start.inside(round_end)
+ if inside_before_round == inside_after_round:
+ return round_start
+ elif inside_after_round:
+ # start was outside before rounding: we need to push start away from end
+ direction = _vector_between(round_end.centre, round_start.centre)
+ radius_delta = +1.0
+ else:
+ # start was inside before rounding: we need to push start towards end
+ direction = _vector_between(round_start.centre, round_end.centre)
+ radius_delta = -1.0
+ dx, dy = _rounding_offset(direction)
+ # At most 2 iterations ought to be enough to converge. Before the loop, we
+ # know the start circle didn't keep containment after normal rounding; thus
+ # we continue adjusting by -/+ 1.0 until containment is restored.
+ # Normal rounding can at most move each coordinates -/+0.5; in the worst case
+ # both the start and end circle's centres and radii will be rounded in opposite
+ # directions, e.g. when they move along a 45 degree diagonal:
+ # c0 = (1.5, 1.5) ===> (2.0, 2.0)
+ # r0 = 0.5 ===> 1.0
+ # c1 = (0.499, 0.499) ===> (0.0, 0.0)
+ # r1 = 2.499 ===> 2.0
+ # In this example, the relative distance between the circles, calculated
+ # as r1 - (r0 + distance(c0, c1)) is initially 0.57437 (c0 is inside c1), and
+ # -1.82842 after rounding (c0 is now outside c1). Nudging c0 by -1.0 on both
+ # x and y axes moves it towards c1 by hypot(-1.0, -1.0) = 1.41421. Two of these
+ # moves cover twice that distance, which is enough to restore containment.
+ max_attempts = 2
+ for _ in range(max_attempts):
+ if round_start.concentric(round_end):
+ # can't move c0 towards c1 (they are the same), so we change the radius
+ round_start.radius += radius_delta
+ assert round_start.radius >= 0
+ else:
+ round_start.move(dx, dy)
+ if inside_before_round == round_start.inside(round_end):
+ break
+ else: # likely a bug
+ raise AssertionError(
+ f"Rounding circle {start} "
+ f"{'inside' if inside_before_round else 'outside'} "
+ f"{end} failed after {max_attempts} attempts!"
+ )
+ return round_start