import logging from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run import contextlib import os from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont import pytest from fontTools.feaLib.builder import addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString from fontTools.fontBuilder import FontBuilder from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableWriter, ValueRecord def test_main(tmpdir: Path): """Check that calling the main function on an input TTF works.""" glyphs = ".notdef space A Aacute B D".split() features = """ @A = [A Aacute]; @B = [B D]; feature kern { pos @A @B -50; } kern; """ fb = FontBuilder(1000) fb.setupGlyphOrder(glyphs) addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString(fb.font, features) input = tmpdir / "in.ttf" output = tmpdir / "out.ttf" run( [ "fonttools", "otlLib.optimize", "--gpos-compact-mode", "5", str(input), "-o", str(output), ], check=True, ) assert output.exists() # Copy-pasted from # TODO: remove when moving to the Config class @contextlib.contextmanager def set_env(**environ): """ Temporarily set the process environment variables. >>> with set_env(PLUGINS_DIR=u'test/plugins'): ... "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ True >>> "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ False :type environ: dict[str, unicode] :param environ: Environment variables to set """ old_environ = dict(os.environ) os.environ.update(environ) try: yield finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(old_environ) def count_pairpos_subtables(font: TTFont) -> int: subtables = 0 for lookup in font["GPOS"].table.LookupList.Lookup: if lookup.LookupType == 2: subtables += len(lookup.SubTable) elif lookup.LookupType == 9: for subtable in lookup.SubTable: if subtable.ExtensionLookupType == 2: subtables += 1 return subtables def count_pairpos_bytes(font: TTFont) -> int: bytes = 0 gpos = font["GPOS"] for lookup in font["GPOS"].table.LookupList.Lookup: if lookup.LookupType == 2: w = OTTableWriter(tableTag=gpos.tableTag) lookup.compile(w, font) bytes += len(w.getAllData()) elif lookup.LookupType == 9: if any(subtable.ExtensionLookupType == 2 for subtable in lookup.SubTable): w = OTTableWriter(tableTag=gpos.tableTag) lookup.compile(w, font) bytes += len(w.getAllData()) return bytes def get_kerning_by_blocks(blocks: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> Tuple[List[str], str]: """Generate a highly compressible font by generating a bunch of rectangular blocks on the diagonal that can easily be sliced into subtables. Returns the list of glyphs and feature code of the font. """ value = 0 glyphs: List[str] = [] rules = [] # Each block is like a script in a multi-script font for script, (width, height) in enumerate(blocks): glyphs.extend(f"g_{script}_{i}" for i in range(max(width, height))) for l in range(height): for r in range(width): value += 1 rules.append((f"g_{script}_{l}", f"g_{script}_{r}", value)) classes = "\n".join([f"@{g} = [{g}];" for g in glyphs]) statements = "\n".join([f"pos @{l} @{r} {v};" for (l, r, v) in rules]) features = f""" {classes} feature kern {{ {statements} }} kern; """ return glyphs, features @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("blocks", "mode", "expected_subtables", "expected_bytes"), [ # Mode = 0 = no optimization leads to 650 bytes of GPOS ([(15, 3), (2, 10)], None, 1, 602), # Optimization level 1 recognizes the 2 blocks and splits into 2 # subtables = adds 1 subtable leading to a size reduction of # (602-298)/602 = 50% ([(15, 3), (2, 10)], 1, 2, 298), # On a bigger block configuration, we see that mode=5 doesn't create # as many subtables as it could, because of the stop criteria ([(4, 4) for _ in range(20)], 5, 14, 2042), # while level=9 creates as many subtables as there were blocks on the # diagonal and yields a better saving ([(4, 4) for _ in range(20)], 9, 20, 1886), # On a fully occupied kerning matrix, even the strategy 9 doesn't # split anything. ([(10, 10)], 9, 1, 304) ], ) def test_optimization_mode( caplog, blocks: List[Tuple[int, int]], mode: Optional[int], expected_subtables: int, expected_bytes: int, ): """Check that the optimizations are off by default, and that increasing the optimization level creates more subtables and a smaller byte size. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) glyphs, features = get_kerning_by_blocks(blocks) glyphs = [".notdef space"] + glyphs env = {} if mode is not None: # NOTE: activating this optimization via the environment variable is # experimental and may not be supported once an alternative mechanism # is in place. See: env["FONTTOOLS_GPOS_COMPACT_MODE"] = str(mode) with set_env(**env): fb = FontBuilder(1000) fb.setupGlyphOrder(glyphs) addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString(fb.font, features) assert expected_subtables == count_pairpos_subtables(fb.font) assert expected_bytes == count_pairpos_bytes(fb.font)