// Copyright 2007 The Android Open Source Project package com.google.wireless.gdata; import com.google.wireless.gdata.data.Entry; /** * A ConflictDetectedException is thrown when the server detects a conflict * between the Entry which the client is trying to insert or modify and an * existing Entry. Typically this is because the version of the Entry being * uploaded by the client is older than the version on the server, but it may * also indicate the violation of some other constraint (e.g., key uniqueness). */ public class ConflictDetectedException extends GDataException { private final Entry conflictingEntry; /** * Creates a new ConflictDetectedException with the given entry. * @param conflictingEntry the conflicting entry state returned by the server. */ public ConflictDetectedException(Entry conflictingEntry) { this.conflictingEntry = conflictingEntry; } /** * @return the conflicting Entry returned by the server. */ public Entry getConflictingEntry() { return conflictingEntry; } }