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- Computation with less than 8 bits in gemmlowp
- *********************************************
-We assume familiarity with gemmlowp's low-precision uint8 computation
-paradigm, which is described in doc/low-precision.txt.
-This document is about the possibility of further reducing precision
-below 8 bits.
-That allows to get higher arithmetic throughput on some architectures,
-at the cost of decreased accuracy.
-Public interface
-The BitDepthSetting parameter in the EightBitIntGemm interface
-Accessing less-than-8-bit computation via the EightBitIntGemm is very
-simple: EightBitIntGemm takes a BitDepthSetting enum
-which allows to choose among a fixed set of supported bit-depth
-The BitDepthParams parameter in the public/gemmlowp.h interface
-The public/gemmlowp.h interface exposes more extensive control over
-quantization, by means of a BitDepthParams template parameter,
-which is a type parameter, carrying information about:
- 1. The LHS and RHS bit depth, which can be set arbitrarily and
- independently;
- 2. The 'RoundingStrategy', which is the heuristic used to choose
- a rounding mode, based on the accumulation size (a.k.a. the
- "depth" dimension of the Gemm).
-Details can be seen in public/bit_depth.h.
-How does BitDepth{Setting,Params} affect input/output uint8 matrix data?
-Input/output matrix data is all uint8's, ranging from 0 to 255, regardless of
-the BitDepth{Setting,Params}.
-So the BitDepth{Setting,Params} is only an internal detail. It only means to
-allow gemmlowp to use lower precision internally, but the input/output data
-format is unaffected.
-As far as the API contract goes, the only thing that the
-BitDepth{Setting,Params} does is to relax the accuracy requirement.
-With standard 8bit/8bit computation, gemmlowp is required to return the exact
-result as specified in doc/low-precision.txt. With lower bit depths, gemmlowp
-is no longer required to return an exact result.
-Here we refer to the 3 stages of computation as described in doc/design.txt,
-namely: packing, computation kernel, unpacking.
-The general idea is that at the packing stage, we requantize input (Lhs/Rhs)
-data to less-than-8-bit depths by scaling them, thus shrinking the range of
-the packed matrix entries; for instance, if the Rhs bit depth is to be 5 bits
-then packed Rhs matrix entries will be in the range [0 ... 31]. This then
-allows the GEMM kernel to use narrower accumulators without risking overflow,
-thus achieving higher arithmetic throughput. Finally, at the unpacking stage,
-it only remains to scale the result values to compensate for the scalings
-applied earlier.
-Let us go into more detail for each of those stages:
-Packing stage
-The packing stage is where most of the work specific to the BitDepthParams
-takes place.
-Here, we have to scale input matrix values from their original range of
-[0 ... 255] to the range specified by the BitDepthParams, which is
-[0 ... (2^N)-1] where N is the number of bits for the matrix at hand
-(Lhs or Rhs). For example, for a bit depth of 5 bits, we need to scale
-down to [0 ... 31].
-This scaling is what we call "requantization". The pedantic name matches
-the fact that this is actually quite nontrivial to do correctly i.e.
-in such a way that the result accuracy will be good enough for real-world
-applications. See the section below on requantization details.
-Concretely, this work happens in PackingRegisterBlock::Pack(), which calls
-Requantize(). This is in internal/pack.h. This code can be overridden for
-specific architectures, see internal/pack_neon.h.
-This requantization work is costly and makes packing slower. This means
-that, at least in our approach, less-than-8-bit computation is only
-interesting for large-enough, square-enough GEMMs where packing is only
-a small fraction of the overall cost. In cases where packing overhead
-is more prevalent (highly rectangular cases), less-than-8-bit is probably
-a waste of time as long as we treat it as an internal computation detail.
-What might help there, might be if we shrunk the input/output data format
-to lower memory bandwidth usage.
-Computation kernel stage
-In principle, the computation kernel stage simply doesn't have to care
-about the bit depth at all. In fact, on architectures where we do not have
-specific optimized kernels for less-than-8-bit cases, we simply use our
-standard kernel there, and that's correct!
-However, while the kernel doesn't have to know about the fact that the
-operands are on less than 8 bits, it can use that information to make
-special optimizations that would be incorrect in the general 8-bit case
-and become correct here thanks to the more restricted range of inputs.
-That's the whole point of this less-than-8-bit computation idea.
-With Lhs entries guaranteed to be smaller than 2^N, and Rhs entries
-guaranteed to be smaller than 2^M, each product is thus guaranteed to be
-smaller than 2^(M+N). Thus, one may accumulate 2^(16-(M+N)) such products
-and still be guaranteed that such an accumulator will be smaller than 2^16,
-and thus can be stored as a uint16 without risking overflow.
-For example, in the L7R5 case, the Lhs enties are on 7 bits (N=7) and the
-Rhs entries are on 5 bits (M=5), so each product fits in 12 bits and one can
-thus accumulate 16 ( = 2^(16-12)) such products into uint16 accumulators
-with no risk of overflow.
-This means that a computation kernel may use uint16 accumulators for
-several loop iterations (16 in the above example), provided that it is
-allowed to assume that inputs are in such restricted range.
-After this fixed number of loop iterations, the kernel must accumulate
-the local uint16 accumulators back into global uint32 accumulators.
-On SIMD architectures with suitable uint16 arithmetic, this in principle
-allows to multiply arithmetic throughput by up to 2x, since twice more
-accumulators now fit in each SIMD vector register. This is partially offset
-by the cost of accumulating back into global uint32 accumulators every
-several loop iterations, but our experience on ARM NEON has been that
-we still get quite close to a 2x speedup. See internal/kernel_neon.h,
-specifically NEON32Kernel12x4Depth2Assuming12BitProducts.
-Unpacking stage
-At the unpacking stage, it only remains to scale the result values
-to compensate for the scaling of the inputs. This is easier because
-now we are expanding the range instead of shrinking it, so we don't
-need to worry about ways to minimize a loss of accuracy. We simply
-need to multiply result values by a constant fraction, rounding to nearest.
-Since the inputs were scaled by factors of (2^lhs_bits - 1)/255 and
-(2^rhs_bits - 1)/255 respectively, the scaling of the outputs needs to be
-by the following factor:
- 255 * 255
- -----------------------------------
- (2^lhs_bits - 1) * (2^rhs_bits - 1)
-This is done by a MultiplyByConstantFraction function, see internal/unpack.h
-Requantization details
-Here we go into more detail on the Requantize() function used at the packing
-stage to requantize input matrix data. See this function in internal/pack.h.
-It depends on the bit depth and on a rounding mode, and requantizes an input
-value in [0 ... 255] to the range [0 ... (2^N)-1] specified by the bit depth N.
-Naive, bad rounding, that's plainly biased
-Naive and inaccurate ways to achieve this requantization include:
- 1. By shifting bits rights by (8-N) bits;
- 2. By multiplying by ((2^N) - 1) and dividing by 255.
-Both of those are biased in some way: 1. has the wrong "derivative", since it
-approximates (((2^N) - 1) / 255) by ((2^N) / 256) ; 2. has bias since it
-effectively implements rounding towards 0.
-In practice, both of the above requantization functions give results that are
-too inaccurate in practice for the neural network that we tried (GoogLeNet).
-Round-to-nearest rounding: unbiased in principle but not in practice
-The simplest fix is to avoid the bias in 2. by rounding-to-nearest instead
-of rounding towards 0. This can be achieved by doing
- dst = (src * maxval + rounding_offset) / 255;
-Where maxval = ((2^N) - 1) is the highest requantized value, and the
-rounding_offset can be set to
- rounding_offset = 127
-to achieve rounding-to-nearest (while the above rounding towards 0
-corresponded to rounding_offset = 0).
-In principle, rounding-to-nearest is unbiased and optimal in various ways.
-In practice though, our input data is not random real numbers, but
-already-quantized 8-bit values. That means that even in the best case, there
-would be at most 255 different possible input values; in practice, we generally
-see the input values distributed non-uniformly in that range, so that a majority
-of input values tend to be in a much smaller range. See test/test_data.cc.
-Having a large part of the input values in a very small finite set, means that
-the corresponding rounding errors are also in a very small finite set, which
-can be small enough that the mean of these rounding errors is significantly
-different from 0. That rounding-to-nearest is "unbiased" only means that over
-a sufficiently large set of input values, the bias would become arbitrarily
-close to 0; here, the set of input values is effectively small enough that the
-resulting bias is significant.
-This leads to biasing the matrix product entries, resulting in an error that
-grows linearly with the depth dimension of the GEMM.
-Probabilistic rounding: unbiased even on small finite input distributions
-To address that, we can instead use probabilistic rounding. The idea is that
-for instance if we have to round the value 3.8 to the nearest integer, we can
-round it to 3 with 20% probability and to 4 with probability 80%. If that value
-3.8 occurs many times, the mean requantized value will thus tend to 3.8.
-This amounts to keeping the above requantization formula,
- dst = (src * maxval + rounding_offset) / 255;
-but now the rounding_offset is a random value in [0 .. 254].
-This guarantees zero bias no matter how small the distribution of input values
-On the other hand, the variance of the error term here is higher than with
-rounding-to-nearest --- one can check that it is 2x higher.
-So the error term coming from the Central Limit Theorem, which grows with
-the square root of the accumulator depth i.e. the GEMM depth,
-will be 2x higher here.
-Still, for large enough GEMM depth, that is better than rounding-to-nearest
-which has an error term growing linearly with the GEMM depth.
-Switching between rounding-to-nearest and probabilistic rounding
-Thus, for fixed input values and bit depths, we expect that probabilistic
-rounding will give more accurate results for large enough GEMM depths, while
-rounding-to-nearest will be more accurate for smaller GEMM depths.
-That is why use switch between these rounding modes based on GEMM depth,
-see ChooseRoundingMode in internal/bit_depth_util.h.
-It is based on a constant, kProbabilisticRoundingThreshold, defined
-in internal/common.h and empirically determined. See the comment there.
-It would be nice to better understand the statistics here and come up
-with better heuristics for this switching.
-Choice of pseudorandom number generator
-We provide two PRNGs. The first is an 8-bit Xorshift.
-It is fast, naturally produces values ranging
-over an interval of width 255, which is what we need here (as opposed
-to an interval of width 256), and turns out, from empirical tests,
-to produce better results than a linear congruential generator (LCG).
-That's unfortunate, as a 8-bit LCG performs better (we confirmed that
-on various ARM devices) but we need as perfect un-biased-ness as we can
-The second is an "add-mod" sequence generator, which generates
-non-random values in the sequence x = (x + 97) % 255. This
-generates a low-discrepancy sequence that minimizes the "clumpiness"
-of the random offsets (Thus, for example, quantizing a 3x3 matrix will
-have a maximum additive error of about 200 from the random offsets).
-While not random, this sequence performs well empirically for many
-quantizations. (For information about why 97 is a good value, see
-and http://mollwollfumble.blogspot.com/2011/03/subrandom-numbers.html
-97/255 = 0.38; 0.382 is the best choice. For discrete numbers,
-the choice must be relatively prime to the modulus. 97 is prime,
-so it is safely relatively prime to 255. 107 is another near-optimal
-The low-discrepancy sequence generator is the default.
-More details and results are given in a comment on the default
-PRNG in internal/pack.h. Interested users can change the
-PRNG used by setting DefaultRoundingGenerator in bit_depth_util.h.