AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-11-02Add a back off to bitmap pool pre filling.Sam Judd
2014-10-30Avoid expanding buffer to fit entire image.Sam Judd
2014-10-30Use sample size to acquire Bitmaps in Downsampler.Sam Judd
2014-10-29Pull disk cache forward.Sam Judd
2014-10-29Obey default DecodeFormat in prefill API.Sam Judd
2014-10-28Do a get before put when pre filling.Sam Judd
2014-10-28Post recycling gif frame resources.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Protect error logging with DEBUG property.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Set frame transformation on GifFrameManager.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Always use ARGB_8888 to decode gif frames.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Fix gif encoder application id.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Add verbose timing logging to DecodeJob.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Synchronize gif decoder getNextFrame.Sam Judd
2014-10-26Only decode one frame at a time in GifFrameManagerSam Judd
2014-10-24Use % to determine if GIF frame is transparent.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Copy thumbnail gif url on click in giphy sample.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Document width/height values.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Only post recursive resource recycles.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Log get/put in LruBitmapPool as verbose not debug.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Recycle resource if available before cancelling.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Clear data from GifHeaderParsers before pooling.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Document deprecated methods will be removed in 4.0Sam Judd
2014-10-23Relax request listener type requirements.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Assert that GifDrawables first frame is non-null.Sam Judd
2014-10-23Add an obtain() method to BitmapResoure.Sam Judd
2014-10-22Return null when gif frame cannot be decoded.Sam Judd
2014-10-22Throw when given null data in Resources.Sam Judd
2014-10-22Use the application Context to build ModelLoaders.Sam Judd
2014-10-21Set minimum and default frame delays.Sam Judd
2014-10-21Update gif_encoder readme.Sam Judd
2014-10-21Clean up GifDrawable resources more reliably.Sam Judd
2014-10-21Always decode gif frames in sequence.Sam Judd
2014-10-20Update readmes for gif_encoder and gif_decoder.Sam Judd
2014-10-20Apply gravity in GifDrawable.Sam Judd
2014-10-20Handle null Config requests in LruBitmapPool.Sam Judd
2014-10-19Reset frame pointer in setData in GifDecoder.Sam Judd
2014-10-19Add fullscreen activity to GIF sample.Sam Judd
2014-10-19Avoid drawing recycled Bitmaps in GifDrawable.Sam Judd
2014-10-19Decode GIFs with more codes than can fit in table.Sam Judd
2014-10-19Set transIndex for GIFs with transparent pixels.Sam Judd
2014-10-18Skip image blocks in parser.Sam Judd
2014-10-18Add tests for local color tables in gif parser.Sam Judd
2014-10-17Add deprecated annotation to Util.getSizeSam Judd
2014-10-17Add a Bitmap -> GlideDrawable transcoder.Sam Judd
2014-10-17Add api to set default decode format.Sam Judd
2014-10-16Fix still gifs failing to decode.Sam Judd
2014-10-16Add a simple fullscreen activity for flickr sampleSam Judd
2014-10-16Ensure overdraw, not overdraw, of reused bitmapsAlan Newberger
2014-10-15Fix race in TranscoderRegistry.Sam Judd
2014-10-15Pull disklrucache forward for readme changeSam Judd