#!/bin/bash -e # Pulls down the version of Glide specified by tag/branch, merges it with # the existing local version of Glide, and removes unneeded tests, source # directories, scripts, and build files. # # Usage: ./update_files.sh [glide_brach_name|glide_tag_name|glide_commit] # # WARNING: This script will rm -rf files in the directory in # which it is run! ANDROID_BRANCH_NAME=$(repo info . | sed -n 's/Current revision: \(.*\)/\1/p') # Validate that we were given something to checkout from Glide's remote. if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: ./update_files.sh [glide_brach_name|glide_tag_name|glide_commit]" exit 1 fi GLIDE_BRANCH=$1 # We may have already added bump's remote. if ! git remote | grep bump > /dev/null; then git remote add bump https://github.com/bumptech/glide.git fi # Validate that the thing we were given to checkout exists and fetch it if it # does. git fetch bump ${GLIDE_BRANCH} || exit 1 # Remove the existing disk cache source so it doesn't conflict with Glide's # submodule. rm -rf third_party/disklrucache # Switch to the branch in Android we want to update, sync and merge. git checkout ${ANDROID_BRANCH_NAME} repo sync . # FETCH_HEAD defined by the fetch of the tag/branch above git merge FETCH_HEAD || true # Remove source/build directories we don't care about. git rm -rf samples || true git rm -rf integration || true git rm -rf static || true git rm -rf glide || true git rm -rf .idea || true # Remove test directories we don't care about. git rm -rf library/src/androidTest || true git rm -rf third_party/gif_decoder/src/androidTest || true git rm -rf third_party/gif_encoder/src/androidTest || true # Special case disklrucache because it's a submodule that we can't keep with # repo. git submodule deinit third_party/disklrucache git rm -rf third_party/disklrucache rm -rf third_party/disklrucache # Clone outside of the normal path to avoid conflicts with the submodule. REMOTE_DISK_PATH=third_party/remote_disklrucache git clone https://github.com/sjudd/disklrucache $REMOTE_DISK_PATH # Remove tests we don't care about. rm -rf $REMOTE_DISK_PATH/src/test # Remove git related things to avoid re-adding a submodule. rm -rf $REMOTE_DISK_PATH/.git rm -rf $REMOTE_DISK_PATH/.gitmodule # Copy the safe source only code back into the appropriate path. mv $REMOTE_DISK_PATH third_party/disklrucache git add third_party/disklrucache # Remove build/static analysis related files we don't care about. find . -name "*gradle*" | xargs -r git rm -rf find . -name "*checkstyle*.xml" | xargs -r git rm -rf find . -name "*pmd*.xml" | xargs -r git rm -rf find . -name "*findbugs*.xml" | xargs -r git rm -rf find . -name "*.iml" | xargs -r git rm -rf # FETCH_HEAD defined by the fetch of the tag/branch above GIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD) echo "Merged bump ${GLIDE_BRANCH} at revision ${GIT_SHA}" echo "Now fix any merge conflicts, commit, and run: git push goog ${ANDROID_BRANCH_NAME}"