// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package cmpopts provides common options for the cmp package. package cmpopts import ( "errors" "fmt" "math" "reflect" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" ) func equateAlways(_, _ interface{}) bool { return true } // EquateEmpty returns a [cmp.Comparer] option that determines all maps and slices // with a length of zero to be equal, regardless of whether they are nil. // // EquateEmpty can be used in conjunction with [SortSlices] and [SortMaps]. func EquateEmpty() cmp.Option { return cmp.FilterValues(isEmpty, cmp.Comparer(equateAlways)) } func isEmpty(x, y interface{}) bool { vx, vy := reflect.ValueOf(x), reflect.ValueOf(y) return (x != nil && y != nil && vx.Type() == vy.Type()) && (vx.Kind() == reflect.Slice || vx.Kind() == reflect.Map) && (vx.Len() == 0 && vy.Len() == 0) } // EquateApprox returns a [cmp.Comparer] option that determines float32 or float64 // values to be equal if they are within a relative fraction or absolute margin. // This option is not used when either x or y is NaN or infinite. // // The fraction determines that the difference of two values must be within the // smaller fraction of the two values, while the margin determines that the two // values must be within some absolute margin. // To express only a fraction or only a margin, use 0 for the other parameter. // The fraction and margin must be non-negative. // // The mathematical expression used is equivalent to: // // |x-y| ≤ max(fraction*min(|x|, |y|), margin) // // EquateApprox can be used in conjunction with [EquateNaNs]. func EquateApprox(fraction, margin float64) cmp.Option { if margin < 0 || fraction < 0 || math.IsNaN(margin) || math.IsNaN(fraction) { panic("margin or fraction must be a non-negative number") } a := approximator{fraction, margin} return cmp.Options{ cmp.FilterValues(areRealF64s, cmp.Comparer(a.compareF64)), cmp.FilterValues(areRealF32s, cmp.Comparer(a.compareF32)), } } type approximator struct{ frac, marg float64 } func areRealF64s(x, y float64) bool { return !math.IsNaN(x) && !math.IsNaN(y) && !math.IsInf(x, 0) && !math.IsInf(y, 0) } func areRealF32s(x, y float32) bool { return areRealF64s(float64(x), float64(y)) } func (a approximator) compareF64(x, y float64) bool { relMarg := a.frac * math.Min(math.Abs(x), math.Abs(y)) return math.Abs(x-y) <= math.Max(a.marg, relMarg) } func (a approximator) compareF32(x, y float32) bool { return a.compareF64(float64(x), float64(y)) } // EquateNaNs returns a [cmp.Comparer] option that determines float32 and float64 // NaN values to be equal. // // EquateNaNs can be used in conjunction with [EquateApprox]. func EquateNaNs() cmp.Option { return cmp.Options{ cmp.FilterValues(areNaNsF64s, cmp.Comparer(equateAlways)), cmp.FilterValues(areNaNsF32s, cmp.Comparer(equateAlways)), } } func areNaNsF64s(x, y float64) bool { return math.IsNaN(x) && math.IsNaN(y) } func areNaNsF32s(x, y float32) bool { return areNaNsF64s(float64(x), float64(y)) } // EquateApproxTime returns a [cmp.Comparer] option that determines two non-zero // [time.Time] values to be equal if they are within some margin of one another. // If both times have a monotonic clock reading, then the monotonic time // difference will be used. The margin must be non-negative. func EquateApproxTime(margin time.Duration) cmp.Option { if margin < 0 { panic("margin must be a non-negative number") } a := timeApproximator{margin} return cmp.FilterValues(areNonZeroTimes, cmp.Comparer(a.compare)) } func areNonZeroTimes(x, y time.Time) bool { return !x.IsZero() && !y.IsZero() } type timeApproximator struct { margin time.Duration } func (a timeApproximator) compare(x, y time.Time) bool { // Avoid subtracting times to avoid overflow when the // difference is larger than the largest representable duration. if x.After(y) { // Ensure x is always before y x, y = y, x } // We're within the margin if x+margin >= y. // Note: time.Time doesn't have AfterOrEqual method hence the negation. return !x.Add(a.margin).Before(y) } // AnyError is an error that matches any non-nil error. var AnyError anyError type anyError struct{} func (anyError) Error() string { return "any error" } func (anyError) Is(err error) bool { return err != nil } // EquateErrors returns a [cmp.Comparer] option that determines errors to be equal // if [errors.Is] reports them to match. The [AnyError] error can be used to // match any non-nil error. func EquateErrors() cmp.Option { return cmp.FilterValues(areConcreteErrors, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) } // areConcreteErrors reports whether x and y are types that implement error. // The input types are deliberately of the interface{} type rather than the // error type so that we can handle situations where the current type is an // interface{}, but the underlying concrete types both happen to implement // the error interface. func areConcreteErrors(x, y interface{}) bool { _, ok1 := x.(error) _, ok2 := y.(error) return ok1 && ok2 } func compareErrors(x, y interface{}) bool { xe := x.(error) ye := y.(error) return errors.Is(xe, ye) || errors.Is(ye, xe) } // EquateComparable returns a [cmp.Option] that determines equality // of comparable types by directly comparing them using the == operator in Go. // The types to compare are specified by passing a value of that type. // This option should only be used on types that are documented as being // safe for direct == comparison. For example, [net/netip.Addr] is documented // as being semantically safe to use with ==, while [time.Time] is documented // to discourage the use of == on time values. func EquateComparable(typs ...interface{}) cmp.Option { types := make(typesFilter) for _, typ := range typs { switch t := reflect.TypeOf(typ); { case !t.Comparable(): panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T is not a comparable Go type", typ)) case types[t]: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T is already specified", typ)) default: types[t] = true } } return cmp.FilterPath(types.filter, cmp.Comparer(equateAny)) } type typesFilter map[reflect.Type]bool func (tf typesFilter) filter(p cmp.Path) bool { return tf[p.Last().Type()] } func equateAny(x, y interface{}) bool { return x == y }