#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import tempfile import unittest import textwrap import re import sys import shlex import itertools import subprocess from absl.testing import parameterized from fruit_test_config import * from absl.testing import absltest run_under_valgrind = RUN_TESTS_UNDER_VALGRIND.lower() not in ('false', 'off', 'no', '0', '') def pretty_print_command(command, env): return 'cd %s; env -i %s %s' % ( shlex.quote(os.getcwd()), ' '.join('%s=%s' % (var_name, shlex.quote(value)) for var_name, value in env.items() if var_name != 'PWD'), ' '.join(shlex.quote(x) for x in command)) def multiple_parameters(*param_lists): param_lists = [[params if isinstance(params, tuple) else (params,) for params in param_list] for param_list in param_lists] result = param_lists[0] for param_list in param_lists[1:]: result = [(*args1, *args2) for args1 in result for args2 in param_list] return parameterized.parameters(*result) def multiple_named_parameters(*param_lists): result = param_lists[0] for param_list in param_lists[1:]: result = [(name1 + ', ' + name2, *args1, *args2) for name1, *args1 in result for name2, *args2 in param_list] return parameterized.named_parameters(*result) class CommandFailedException(Exception): def __init__(self, command, env, stdout, stderr, error_code): self.command = command self.env = env self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.error_code = error_code def __str__(self): return textwrap.dedent('''\ Ran command: {command} Exit code {error_code} Stdout: {stdout} Stderr: {stderr} ''').format(command=pretty_print_command(self.command, self.env), error_code=self.error_code, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr) def run_command(executable, args=[], modify_env=lambda env: env): command = [executable] + args modified_env = modify_env(os.environ) print('Executing command:', pretty_print_command(command, modified_env)) try: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=modified_env) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() except Exception as e: raise Exception("While executing: %s" % command) if p.returncode != 0: raise CommandFailedException(command, modified_env, stdout, stderr, p.returncode) print('Execution successful.') print('stdout:') print(stdout) print('') print('stderr:') print(stderr) print('') return (stdout, stderr) def run_compiled_executable(executable): if run_under_valgrind: args = VALGRIND_FLAGS.split() + [executable] run_command('valgrind', args = args, modify_env = modify_env_for_compiled_executables) else: run_command(executable, modify_env = modify_env_for_compiled_executables) class CompilationFailedException(Exception): def __init__(self, command, env, error_message): self.command = command self.env = env self.error_message = error_message def __str__(self): return textwrap.dedent('''\ Ran command: {command} Error message: {error_message} ''').format(command=pretty_print_command(self.command, self.env), error_message=self.error_message) class PosixCompiler: def __init__(self): self.executable = CXX self.name = CXX_COMPILER_NAME def compile_discarding_output(self, source, include_dirs, args=[]): try: args = args + ['-c', source, '-o', os.path.devnull] self._compile(include_dirs, args=args) except CommandFailedException as e: raise CompilationFailedException(e.command, e.env, e.stderr) def compile_and_link(self, source, include_dirs, output_file_name, args=[]): self._compile( include_dirs, args = ( [source] + ADDITIONAL_LINKER_FLAGS.split() + args + ['-o', output_file_name] )) def _compile(self, include_dirs, args): include_flags = ['-I%s' % include_dir for include_dir in include_dirs] args = ( FRUIT_COMPILE_FLAGS.split() + include_flags + ['-g0', '-Werror'] + args ) run_command(self.executable, args) def get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags(self): return ['-Wno-deprecated-declarations'] def get_disable_all_warnings_flags(self): return ['-Wno-error'] class MsvcCompiler: def __init__(self): self.executable = CXX self.name = CXX_COMPILER_NAME def compile_discarding_output(self, source, include_dirs, args=[]): try: args = args + ['/c', source] self._compile(include_dirs, args = args) except CommandFailedException as e: # Note that we use stdout here, unlike above. MSVC reports compilation warnings and errors on stdout. raise CompilationFailedException(e.command, e.env, e.stdout) def compile_and_link(self, source, include_dirs, output_file_name, args=[]): self._compile( include_dirs, args = ( [source] + ADDITIONAL_LINKER_FLAGS.split() + args + ['/Fe' + output_file_name] )) def _compile(self, include_dirs, args): include_flags = ['-I%s' % include_dir for include_dir in include_dirs] args = ( FRUIT_COMPILE_FLAGS.split() + include_flags + ['/WX'] + args ) run_command(self.executable, args) def get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags(self): return ['/wd4996'] def get_disable_all_warnings_flags(self): return ['/WX:NO'] if CXX_COMPILER_NAME == 'MSVC': compiler = MsvcCompiler() if PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB.endswith('.dll'): path_to_fruit_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB[:-4] + '.lib' else: path_to_fruit_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB if PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB.endswith('.dll'): path_to_test_headers_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB[:-4] + '.lib' else: path_to_test_headers_lib = PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB fruit_tests_linker_flags = [path_to_fruit_lib, path_to_test_headers_lib] fruit_error_message_extraction_regex = 'error C2338: (.*)' else: compiler = PosixCompiler() fruit_tests_linker_flags = [ '-lfruit', '-ltest_headers_copy', '-L' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT, '-Wl,-rpath,' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT, '-L' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS, '-Wl,-rpath,' + PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS, ] fruit_error_message_extraction_regex = 'static.assert(.*)' fruit_tests_include_dirs = ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS.splitlines() + [ PATH_TO_FRUIT_TEST_HEADERS, PATH_TO_FRUIT_STATIC_HEADERS, PATH_TO_FRUIT_GENERATED_HEADERS, ] _assert_helper = unittest.TestCase() def modify_env_for_compiled_executables(env): env = env.copy() path_to_fruit_lib_dir = os.path.dirname(PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB) path_to_fruit_test_headers_dir = os.path.dirname(PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB) print('PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB:', PATH_TO_COMPILED_FRUIT_LIB) print('PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB:', PATH_TO_COMPILED_TEST_HEADERS_LIB) print('Adding directory to PATH:', path_to_fruit_lib_dir) print('Adding directory to PATH:', path_to_fruit_test_headers_dir) env["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path_to_fruit_lib_dir + os.pathsep + path_to_fruit_test_headers_dir return env def _create_temporary_file(file_content, file_name_suffix=''): file_descriptor, file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix=file_name_suffix) file = os.fdopen(file_descriptor, mode='w') file.write(file_content) file.close() return file_name def _cap_to_lines(s, n): lines = s.splitlines() if len(lines) <= n: return s else: return '\n'.join(lines[0:n] + ['...']) def _replace_using_test_params(s, test_params): for var_name, value in test_params.items(): if isinstance(value, str): s = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % var_name, value, s) return s def _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params): setup_source_code = textwrap.dedent(setup_source_code) source_code = textwrap.dedent(source_code) source_code = _replace_using_test_params(source_code, test_params) return setup_source_code + source_code def try_remove_temporary_file(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except: # When running Fruit tests on Windows using Appveyor, the remove command fails for temporary files sometimes. # This shouldn't cause the tests to fail, so we ignore the exception and go ahead. pass def normalize_error_message_lines(lines): # Different compilers output a different number of spaces when pretty-printing types. # When using libc++, sometimes std::foo identifiers are reported as std::__1::foo. return [line.replace(' ', '').replace('std::__1::', 'std::') for line in lines] def expect_compile_error_helper( check_error_fun, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}, ignore_deprecation_warnings=False, ignore_warnings=False): source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params) source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp') try: args = [] if ignore_deprecation_warnings: args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags() if ignore_warnings: args += compiler.get_disable_all_warnings_flags() if ENABLE_COVERAGE: # When collecting coverage these arguments are enabled by default; however we must disable them in tests # expected to fail at compile-time because GCC would otherwise fail with an error like: # /tmp/tmp4m22cey7.cpp:1:0: error: cannot open /dev/null.gcno args += ['-fno-profile-arcs', '-fno-test-coverage'] compiler.compile_discarding_output( source=source_file_name, include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs, args=args) raise Exception('The test should have failed to compile, but it compiled successfully') except CompilationFailedException as e1: e = e1 error_message = e.error_message error_message_lines = error_message.splitlines() error_message_head = _cap_to_lines(error_message, 40) check_error_fun(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head) try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name) def apply_any_error_context_replacements(error_string, following_lines): if CXX_COMPILER_NAME == 'MSVC': # MSVC errors are of the form: # # C:\Path\To\header\foo.h(59): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'fruit::impl::NoBindingFoundError>' being compiled # with # [ # Annotation=Annotation1, # U=std::function> (double)> # ] # # So we need to parse the following few lines and use them to replace the placeholder types in the Fruit error type. replacement_lines = [] if len(following_lines) >= 4 and following_lines[0].strip() == 'with': assert following_lines[1].strip() == '[', 'Line was: ' + following_lines[1] for line in itertools.islice(following_lines, 2, None): line = line.strip() if line == ']': break if line.endswith(','): line = line[:-1] replacement_lines.append(line) for replacement_line in replacement_lines: match = re.search('([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)=(.*)', replacement_line) if not match: raise Exception('Failed to parse replacement line: %s' % replacement_line) (type_variable, type_expression) = match.groups() error_string = re.sub(r'\b' + type_variable + r'\b', type_expression, error_string) return error_string def expect_generic_compile_error(expected_error_regex, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}): """ Tests that the given source produces the expected error during compilation. :param expected_fruit_error_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error type, e.g. 'NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassError'. Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). :param expected_fruit_error_desc_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error description, e.g. 'No explicit binding was found for C, and C is an abstract class'. :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code. :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented. :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in expected_fruit_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition was provided). """ expected_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_error_regex, test_params) expected_error_regex = expected_error_regex.replace(' ', '') def check_error(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head): error_message_lines_with_replacements = [ apply_any_error_context_replacements(line, error_message_lines[line_number + 1:]) for line_number, line in enumerate(error_message_lines)] normalized_error_message_lines = normalize_error_message_lines(error_message_lines_with_replacements) for line in normalized_error_message_lines: if re.search(expected_error_regex, line): return raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain that. Compiler command line: {compiler_command} Error message was: {error_message} ''').format(expected_error = expected_error_regex, compiler_command=e.command, error_message = error_message_head)) expect_compile_error_helper(check_error, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params) def expect_compile_error( expected_fruit_error_regex, expected_fruit_error_desc_regex, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}, ignore_deprecation_warnings=False, ignore_warnings=False, disable_error_line_number_check=False): """ Tests that the given source produces the expected error during compilation. :param expected_fruit_error_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error type, e.g. 'NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassError'. Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). :param expected_fruit_error_desc_regex: A regex used to match the Fruit error description, e.g. 'No explicit binding was found for C, and C is an abstract class'. :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code. :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented. :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in expected_fruit_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition was provided). :param ignore_deprecation_warnings: A boolean. If True, deprecation warnings will be ignored. :param ignore_warnings: A boolean. If True, all warnings will be ignored. :param disable_error_line_number_check: A boolean. If True, the test will not fail if there are other diagnostic lines before the expected error. """ if '\n' in expected_fruit_error_regex: raise Exception('expected_fruit_error_regex should not contain newlines') if '\n' in expected_fruit_error_desc_regex: raise Exception('expected_fruit_error_desc_regex should not contain newlines') expected_fruit_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_fruit_error_regex, test_params) expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex.replace(' ', '') def check_error(e, error_message_lines, error_message_head): normalized_error_message_lines = normalize_error_message_lines(error_message_lines) for line_number, line in enumerate(normalized_error_message_lines): match = re.search('fruit::impl::(.*Error<.*>)', line) if match: actual_fruit_error_line_number = line_number actual_fruit_error = match.groups()[0] actual_fruit_error = apply_any_error_context_replacements(actual_fruit_error, normalized_error_message_lines[line_number + 1:]) break else: raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain user-facing Fruit errors. Compiler command line: {compiler_command} Error message was: {error_message} ''').format(expected_error = expected_fruit_error_regex, compiler_command = e.command, error_message = error_message_head)) for line_number, line in enumerate(error_message_lines): match = re.search(fruit_error_message_extraction_regex, line) if match: actual_static_assert_error_line_number = line_number actual_static_assert_error = match.groups()[0] break else: raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ Expected error {expected_error} but the compiler output did not contain static_assert errors. Compiler command line: {compiler_command} Error message was: {error_message} ''').format(expected_error = expected_fruit_error_regex, compiler_command=e.command, error_message = error_message_head)) try: regex_search_result = re.search(expected_fruit_error_regex, actual_fruit_error) except Exception as e: raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_fruit_error_regex) from e if not regex_search_result: raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ The compilation failed as expected, but with a different error type. Expected Fruit error type: {expected_fruit_error_regex} Error type was: {actual_fruit_error} Expected static assert error: {expected_fruit_error_desc_regex} Static assert was: {actual_static_assert_error} Error message was: {error_message} '''.format( expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex, actual_fruit_error = actual_fruit_error, expected_fruit_error_desc_regex = expected_fruit_error_desc_regex, actual_static_assert_error = actual_static_assert_error, error_message = error_message_head))) try: regex_search_result = re.search(expected_fruit_error_desc_regex, actual_static_assert_error) except Exception as e: raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_fruit_error_desc_regex) from e if not regex_search_result: raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ The compilation failed as expected, but with a different error message. Expected Fruit error type: {expected_fruit_error_regex} Error type was: {actual_fruit_error} Expected static assert error: {expected_fruit_error_desc_regex} Static assert was: {actual_static_assert_error} Error message: {error_message} '''.format( expected_fruit_error_regex = expected_fruit_error_regex, actual_fruit_error = actual_fruit_error, expected_fruit_error_desc_regex = expected_fruit_error_desc_regex, actual_static_assert_error = actual_static_assert_error, error_message = error_message_head))) # 6 is just a constant that works for both g++ (<=6.0.0 at least) and clang++ (<=4.0.0 at least). # It might need to be changed. if not disable_error_line_number_check and (actual_fruit_error_line_number > 6 or actual_static_assert_error_line_number > 6): raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ The compilation failed with the expected message, but the error message contained too many lines before the relevant ones. The error type was reported on line {actual_fruit_error_line_number} of the message (should be <=6). The static assert was reported on line {actual_static_assert_error_line_number} of the message (should be <=6). Error message: {error_message} '''.format( actual_fruit_error_line_number = actual_fruit_error_line_number, actual_static_assert_error_line_number = actual_static_assert_error_line_number, error_message = error_message_head))) for line in error_message_lines[:max(actual_fruit_error_line_number, actual_static_assert_error_line_number)]: if re.search('fruit::impl::meta', line): raise Exception( 'The compilation failed with the expected message, but the error message contained some metaprogramming types in the output (besides Error). Error message:\n%s' + error_message_head) expect_compile_error_helper(check_error, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params, ignore_deprecation_warnings, ignore_warnings) def expect_runtime_error( expected_error_regex, setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}, ignore_deprecation_warnings=False): """ Tests that the given source (compiles successfully and) produces the expected error at runtime. :param expected_error_regex: A regex used to match the content of stderr. Any identifiers contained in the regex will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code. :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented. :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in expected_error_regex and source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition was provided). """ expected_error_regex = _replace_using_test_params(expected_error_regex, test_params) source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params) source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp') executable_suffix = {'posix': '', 'nt': '.exe'}[os.name] output_file_name = _create_temporary_file('', executable_suffix) args = fruit_tests_linker_flags.copy() if ignore_deprecation_warnings: args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags() compiler.compile_and_link( source=source_file_name, include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs, output_file_name=output_file_name, args=args) try: run_compiled_executable(output_file_name) raise Exception('The test should have failed at runtime, but it ran successfully') except CommandFailedException as e1: e = e1 stderr = e.stderr stderr_head = _cap_to_lines(stderr, 40) if '\n' in expected_error_regex: regex_flags = re.MULTILINE else: regex_flags = 0 try: regex_search_result = re.search(expected_error_regex, stderr, flags=regex_flags) except Exception as e: raise Exception('re.search() failed for regex \'%s\'' % expected_error_regex) from e if not regex_search_result: raise Exception(textwrap.dedent('''\ The test failed as expected, but with a different message. Expected: {expected_error_regex} Was: {stderr} '''.format(expected_error_regex = expected_error_regex, stderr = stderr_head))) # Note that we don't delete the temporary files if the test failed. This is intentional, keeping them around helps debugging the failure. if not ENABLE_COVERAGE: try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name) try_remove_temporary_file(output_file_name) def expect_success(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params={}, ignore_deprecation_warnings=False): """ Tests that the given source compiles and runs successfully. :param setup_source_code: The first part of the source code. This is dedented separately from source_code and it's *not* subject to test_params, unlike source_code. :param source_code: The second part of the source code. Any identifiers will be replaced using test_params (where a replacement is defined). This will be dedented. :param test_params: A dict containing the definition of some identifiers. Each identifier in source_code will be replaced (textually) with its definition (if a definition was provided). """ source_code = _construct_final_source_code(setup_source_code, source_code, test_params) if 'main(' not in source_code: source_code += textwrap.dedent(''' int main() { } ''') source_file_name = _create_temporary_file(source_code, file_name_suffix='.cpp') executable_suffix = {'posix': '', 'nt': '.exe'}[os.name] output_file_name = _create_temporary_file('', executable_suffix) args = fruit_tests_linker_flags.copy() if ignore_deprecation_warnings: args += compiler.get_disable_deprecation_warning_flags() compiler.compile_and_link( source=source_file_name, include_dirs=fruit_tests_include_dirs, output_file_name=output_file_name, args=args) run_compiled_executable(output_file_name) # Note that we don't delete the temporary files if the test failed. This is intentional, keeping them around helps debugging the failure. if not ENABLE_COVERAGE: try_remove_temporary_file(source_file_name) try_remove_temporary_file(output_file_name) # Note: this is not the main function of this file, it's meant to be used as main function from test_*.py files. def main(): absltest.main(*sys.argv)