path: root/objcguide.md
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1 files changed, 525 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/objcguide.md b/objcguide.md
index 7d965ce..30891ce 100644
--- a/objcguide.md
+++ b/objcguide.md
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ for an `@interface` declaration.
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(Bar *)bar;
- * Designated initializer.
+ * Initializes and returns a Foo object using the provided Bar instance.
* @param bar A string that represents a thing that does a thing.
-- (instancetype)initWithBar:(Bar *)bar;
+- (instancetype)initWithBar:(Bar *)bar NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* Does some work with @c blah.
@@ -163,320 +163,16 @@ An example source file, demonstrating the correct commenting and spacing for the
-## Spacing and Formatting
-### Spaces vs. Tabs
-Use only spaces, and indent 2 spaces at a time. We use spaces for indentation.
-Do not use tabs in your code.
-You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key, and to trim
-trailing spaces on lines.
-### Line Length
-The maximum line length for Objective-C files is 100 columns.
-You can make violations easier to spot by enabling *Preferences > Text Editing >
-Page guide at column: 100* in Xcode.
-### Method Declarations and Definitions
-One space should be used between the `-` or `+` and the return type, and no
-spacing in the parameter list except between parameters.
-Methods should look like this:
-// GOOD:
-- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString *)theString {
- ...
-The spacing before the asterisk is optional. When adding new code, be consistent
-with the surrounding file's style.
-If you have too many parameters to fit on one line, giving each its own line is
-preferred. If multiple lines are used, align each using the colon before the
-// GOOD:
-- (void)doSomethingWithFoo:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
- rect:(NSRect)theRect
- interval:(float)theInterval {
- ...
-When the second or later parameter name is longer than the first, indent the
-second and later lines by at least four spaces, maintaining colon alignment:
-// GOOD:
-- (void)short:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
- longKeyword:(NSRect)theRect
- evenLongerKeyword:(float)theInterval
- error:(NSError **)theError {
- ...
-### Conditionals
-Include a space after `if`, `while`, `for`, and `switch`, and around comparison
-// GOOD:
-for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-while (test) {};
-Braces may be omitted when a loop body or conditional statement fits on a single
-// GOOD:
-if (hasSillyName) LaughOutLoud();
-for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- BlowTheHorn();
-// AVOID:
-if (hasSillyName)
- LaughOutLoud(); // AVOID.
-for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- BlowTheHorn(); // AVOID.
-If an `if` clause has an `else` clause, both clauses should use braces.
-// GOOD:
-if (hasBaz) {
- foo();
-} else {
- bar();
-// AVOID:
-if (hasBaz) foo();
-else bar(); // AVOID.
-if (hasBaz) {
- foo();
-} else bar(); // AVOID.
-Intentional fall-through to the next case should be documented with a comment
-unless the case has no intervening code before the next case.
-// GOOD:
-switch (i) {
- case 1:
- ...
- break;
- case 2:
- j++;
- // Falls through.
- case 3: {
- int k;
- ...
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 6: break;
-### Expressions
-Use a space around binary operators and assignments. Omit a space for a unary
-operator. Do not add spaces inside parentheses.
-// GOOD:
-x = 0;
-v = w * x + y / z;
-v = -y * (x + z);
-Factors in an expression may omit spaces.
-// GOOD:
-v = w*x + y/z;
-### Method Invocations
-Method invocations should be formatted much like method declarations.
-When there's a choice of formatting styles, follow the convention already used
-in a given source file. Invocations should have all arguments on one line:
-// GOOD:
-[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 error:arg3];
-or have one argument per line, with colons aligned:
-// GOOD:
-[myObject doFooWith:arg1
- name:arg2
- error:arg3];
-Don't use any of these styles:
-// AVOID:
-[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 // some lines with >1 arg
- error:arg3];
-[myObject doFooWith:arg1
- name:arg2 error:arg3];
-[myObject doFooWith:arg1
- name:arg2 // aligning keywords instead of colons
- error:arg3];
-As with declarations and definitions, when the first keyword is shorter than the
-others, indent the later lines by at least four spaces, maintaining colon
-// GOOD:
-[myObj short:arg1
- longKeyword:arg2
- evenLongerKeyword:arg3
- error:arg4];
-Invocations containing multiple inlined blocks may have their parameter names
-left-aligned at a four space indent.
-### Function Calls
-Function calls should include as many parameters as fit on each line, except
-where shorter lines are needed for clarity or documentation of the parameters.
-Continuation lines for function parameters may be indented to align with the
-opening parenthesis, or may have a four-space indent.
-// GOOD:
-CFArrayRef array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, objects, numberOfObjects,
- &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
-NSString *string = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"FEET", @"DistanceTable",
- resourceBundle, @"%@ feet", @"Distance for multiple feet");
-UpdateTally(scores[x] * y + bases[x], // Score heuristic.
- x, y, z);
- x1, x2, x3,
- y1, y2, y3,
- z1, z2, z3);
-Use local variables with descriptive names to shorten function calls and reduce
-nesting of calls.
-// GOOD:
-double scoreHeuristic = scores[x] * y + bases[x];
-UpdateTally(scoreHeuristic, x, y, z);
-### Exceptions
-Format exceptions with `@catch` and `@finally` labels on the same line as the
-preceding `}`. Add a space between the `@` label and the opening brace (`{`), as
-well as between the `@catch` and the caught object declaration. If you must use
-Objective-C exceptions, format them as follows. However, see Avoid Throwing
-Exceptions for reasons why you should not be using exceptions.
-// GOOD:
-@try {
- foo();
-} @catch (NSException *ex) {
- bar(ex);
-} @finally {
- baz();
-### Function Length
-Prefer small and focused functions.
-Long functions and methods are occasionally appropriate, so no hard limit is
-placed on function length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about
-whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.
-Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few
-months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find.
-Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read
-and modify your code.
-When updating legacy code, consider also breaking long functions into smaller
-and more manageable pieces.
-### Vertical Whitespace
-Use vertical whitespace sparingly.
-To allow more code to be easily viewed on a screen, avoid putting blank lines
-just inside the braces of functions.
-Limit blank lines to one or two between functions and between logical groups of
## Naming
Names should be as descriptive as possible, within reason. Follow standard
[Objective-C naming
-Avoid non-standard abbreviations. Don't worry about saving horizontal space as
-it is far more important to make your code immediately understandable by a new
-reader. For example:
+Avoid non-standard abbreviations (including non-standard acronyms and
+initialisms). Don't worry about saving horizontal space as it is far more
+important to make your code immediately understandable by a new reader. For
// GOOD:
@@ -529,32 +225,60 @@ Extension | Type
Files containing code that may be shared across projects or used in a large
project should have a clearly unique name, typically including the project or
-class prefix.
+class [prefix](#prefixes).
File names for categories should include the name of the class being extended,
like GTMNSString+Utils.h or NSTextView+GTMAutocomplete.h
+### Prefixes
+Prefixes are commonly required in Objective-C to avoid naming collisions in a
+global namespace. Classes, protocols, global functions, and global constants
+should generally be named with a prefix that begins with a capital letter
+followed by one or more capital letters or numbers.
+WARNING: Apple reserves two-letter prefixes—see
+[Conventions in Programming with Objective-C](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/Conventions/Conventions.html)—so
+prefixes with a minimum of three characters are considered best practice.
+// GOOD:
+/** An example error domain. */
+extern NSString *GTMExampleErrorDomain;
+/** Gets the default time zone. */
+extern NSTimeZone *GTMGetDefaultTimeZone(void);
+/** An example delegate. */
+@protocol GTMExampleDelegate <NSObject>
+/** An example class. */
+@interface GTMExample : NSObject
### Class Names
Class names (along with category and protocol names) should start as uppercase
and use mixed case to delimit words.
-When designing code to be shared across multiple applications, prefixes are
-acceptable and recommended (e.g. GTMSendMessage). Prefixes are also recommended
-for classes of large applications that depend on external libraries.
+Classes and protocols in code shared across multiple applications must have an
+appropriate [prefix](#prefixes) (e.g. GTMSendMessage). Prefixes are recommended,
+but not required, for other classes and protocols.
-### Category Names
+### Category Naming
-Category names should start with a 3 character prefix identifying the category
-as part of a project or open for general use.
+Category names should start with an appropriate [prefix](#prefixes) identifying
+the category as part of a project or open for general use.
-The category name should incorporate the name of the class it's extending. For
-example, if we want to create a category on `NSString` for parsing, we would put
-the category in a file named `NSString+GTMParsing.h`, and the category itself
-would be named `GTMNSStringParsingAdditions`. The file name and the category may
-not match, as this file could have many separate categories related to parsing.
-Methods in that category should share the prefix
-(`gtm_myCategoryMethodOnAString:`) in order to prevent collisions in
+Category source file names should begin with the class being extended followed
+by a plus sign and the name of the category, e.g., `NSString+GTMParsing.h`.
+Methods in a category should be prefixed with a lowercase version of the prefix
+used for the category name followed by an underscore (e.g.,
+`gtm_myCategoryMethodOnAString:`) in order to prevent collisions in
Objective-C's global namespace.
There should be a single space between the class name and the opening
@@ -563,9 +287,29 @@ parenthesis of the category.
// GOOD:
-/** A category that adds parsing functionality to NSString. */
-@interface NSString (GTMNSStringParsingAdditions)
-- (NSString *)gtm_parsedString;
+// UIViewController+GTMCrashReporting.h
+/** A category that adds metadata to include in crash reports to UIViewController. */
+@interface UIViewController (GTMCrashReporting)
+/** A unique identifier to represent the view controller in crash reports. */
+@property(nonatomic, setter=gtm_setUniqueIdentifier:) int gtm_uniqueIdentifier;
+/** Returns an encoded representation of the view controller's current state. */
+- (nullable NSData *)gtm_encodedState;
+If a class is not shared with other projects, categories extending it may omit
+name prefixes and method name prefixes.
+// GOOD:
+/** This category extends a class that is not shared with other projects. */
+@interface XYZDataObject (Storage)
+- (NSString *)storageIdentifier;
@@ -672,26 +416,24 @@ follow the rules set in the C++ style guide.
### Function Names
-Regular functions have mixed case.
-Ordinarily, functions should start with a capital letter and have a capital
-letter for each new word (a.k.a. "[Camel
-Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case)" or "Pascal case").
+Function names should start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for
+each new word (a.k.a. "[camel case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case)"
+or "Pascal case").
// GOOD:
static void AddTableEntry(NSString *tableEntry);
-static BOOL DeleteFile(char *filename);
+static BOOL DeleteFile(const char *filename);
Because Objective-C does not provide namespacing, non-static functions should
-have a prefix that minimizes the chance of a name collision.
+have a [prefix](#prefixes) that minimizes the chance of a name collision.
// GOOD:
-extern NSTimeZone *GTMGetDefaultTimeZone();
+extern NSTimeZone *GTMGetDefaultTimeZone(void);
extern NSString *GTMGetURLScheme(NSURL *URL);
@@ -735,7 +477,7 @@ class.
Constant symbols (const global and static variables and constants created
with #define) should use mixed case to delimit words.
-Global and file scope constants should have an appropriate prefix.
+Global and file scope constants should have an appropriate [prefix](#prefixes).
// GOOD:
@@ -764,7 +506,8 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DisplayTinge) {
-Constants may use a lowercase k prefix when appropriate:
+A lowercase k can be used as a standalone prefix for constants of static storage
+duration declared within implementation files:
// GOOD:
@@ -773,8 +516,19 @@ static const int kFileCount = 12;
static NSString *const kUserKey = @"kUserKey";
+NOTE: Previous convention was for public constant names to begin with a
+lowercase k followed by a project-specific [prefix](#prefixes). This practice is
+no longer recommended.
## Types and Declarations
+### Method Declarations
+As shown in the [example](#Example), the recommended order
+for declarations in an `@interface` declaration are: properties, class methods,
+initializers, and then finally instance methods. The class methods section
+should begin with any convenience constructors.
### Local Variables
Declare variables in the narrowest practical scopes, and close to their use.
@@ -804,9 +558,13 @@ for (meters = 1; meters < 10; meters++) {
-Under Automatic Reference Counting, pointers to Objective-C objects are by
-default initialized to `nil`, so explicit initialization to `nil` is not
+Under Automatic Reference Counting, strong and weak pointers to Objective-C
+objects are automatically initialized to `nil`, so explicit initialization to
+`nil` is not required for those common cases. However, automatic initialization
+does *not* occur for many Objective-C pointer types, including object pointers
+declared with the `__unsafe_unretained` ownership qualifier and CoreFoundation
+object pointer types. When in doubt, prefer to initialize all Objective-C
+local variables.
### Unsigned Integers
@@ -1145,8 +903,7 @@ Nonstandard extensions to C/Objective-C may not be used unless otherwise
Compilers support various extensions that are not part of standard C. Examples
-include compound statement expressions (e.g. `foo = ({ int x; Bar(&x); x }))`
-and variable-length arrays.
+include compound statement expressions (e.g. `foo = ({ int x; Bar(&x); x })`).
`__attribute__` is an approved exception, as it is used in Objective-C API
@@ -1215,14 +972,11 @@ should be marked `@protected` or `@private`.
-### Avoid +new
+### Do Not Use +new
Do not invoke the `NSObject` class method `new`, nor override it in a subclass.
-Instead, use `alloc` and `init` methods to instantiate retained objects.
-Modern Objective-C code explicitly calls `alloc` and an `init` method to create
-and retain an object. As the `new` class method is rarely used, it makes
-reviewing code for correct memory management more difficult.
+`+new` is rarely used and contrasts greatly with initializer usage. Instead, use
+`+alloc` and `-init` methods to instantiate retained objects.
### Keep the Public API Simple
@@ -1245,13 +999,10 @@ prevent subclasses from unintentionally overriding them.
`#import` Objective-C and Objective-C++ headers, and `#include` C/C++ headers.
-Choose between `#import` and `#include` based on the language of the header that
-you are including.
-When including a header that uses Objective-C or Objective-C++, use `#import`.
-When including a standard C or C++ header, use `#include`.
-The header should provide its own `#define` guard.
+C/C++ headers include other C/C++ headers using `#include`. Using `#import`
+on C/C++ headers prevents future inclusions using `#include` and could result in
+unintended compilation behavior.
+C/C++ headers should provide their own `#define` guard.
### Order of Includes
@@ -1265,6 +1016,8 @@ For test files the related header is the header containing the tested interface.
A blank line may separate logically distinct groups of included headers.
+Within each group the includes should be ordered alphabetically.
Import headers using their path relative to the project's source directory.
@@ -1451,14 +1204,26 @@ document exactly which methods you expect to throw.
### `nil` Checks
-Use `nil` checks for logic flow only.
-Use `nil` pointer checks for logic flow of the application, not for preventing
-crashes when sending messages. Sending a message to `nil` [reliably
+Avoid `nil` pointer checks that exist only to prevent sending messages to `nil`.
+Sending a message to `nil` [reliably
`nil` as a pointer, zero as an integer or floating-point value, structs
initialized to `0`, and `_Complex` values equal to `{0, 0}`.
+// AVOID:
+if (dataSource) { // AVOID.
+ [dataSource moveItemAtIndex:1 toIndex:0];
+// GOOD:
+[dataSource moveItemAtIndex:1 toIndex:0]; // GOOD.
Note that this applies to `nil` as a message target, not as a parameter value.
Individual methods may or may not safely handle `nil` parameter values.
@@ -1467,6 +1232,54 @@ against `NULL`, which the runtime does not handle and will cause your
application to crash. You still need to make sure you do not dereference a
`NULL` pointer.
+### Nullability
+Interfaces can be decorated with nullability annotations to describe how the
+interface should be used and how it behaves. Use of nullability regions (e.g.,
+`NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN` and `NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END`) and explicit nullability
+annotations are both accepted. Prefer using the `_Nullable` and `_Nonnull`
+keywords over the `__nullable` and `__nonnull` keywords. For Objective-C methods
+and properties prefer using the context-sensitive, non-underscored keywords,
+e.g., `nonnull` and `nullable`.
+// GOOD:
+/** A class representing an owned book. */
+@interface GTMBook : NSObject
+/** The title of the book. */
+@property(readonly, copy, nonnull) NSString *title;
+/** The author of the book, if one exists. */
+@property(readonly, copy, nullable) NSString *author;
+/** The owner of the book. Setting nil resets to the default owner. */
+@property(copy, null_resettable) NSString *owner;
+/** Initializes a book with a title and an optional author. */
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithTitle:(nonnull NSString *)title
+ author:(nullable NSString *)author
+/** Returns nil because a book is expected to have a title. */
+- (nullable instancetype)init;
+/** Loads books from the file specified by the given path. */
+NSArray<GTMBook *> *_Nullable GTMLoadBooksFromFile(NSString *_Nonnull path);
+// AVOID:
+NSArray<GTMBook *> *__nullable GTMLoadBooksFromTitle(NSString *__nonnull path);
+Be careful assuming that a pointer is not null based on a non-null qualifier
+because the compiler may not guarantee that the pointer is not null.
### BOOL Pitfalls
Be careful when converting general integral values to `BOOL`. Avoid comparing
@@ -1479,7 +1292,7 @@ general integral values directly to `BOOL`.
Common mistakes include casting or converting an array's size, a pointer value,
or the result of a bitwise logic operation to a `BOOL` that could, depending on
the value of the last byte of the integer value, still result in a `NO` value.
-When converting a general integral value to a `BOOL` use ternary operators to
+When converting a general integral value to a `BOOL`, use ternary operators to
return a `YES` or `NO` value.
You can safely interchange and convert `BOOL`, `_Bool` and `bool` (see C++ Std
@@ -1610,7 +1423,7 @@ class CrossPlatformAPI {
// file: mac_implementation.mm
#include "cross_platform_header.h"
-// A typical Objective-C class, using Objective-C naming.
+/** A typical Objective-C class, using Objective-C naming. */
@interface MyDelegate : NSObject {
int _instanceVar;
@@ -1632,8 +1445,7 @@ class CrossPlatformAPI {
-// The platform-specific implementation of the C++ class, using
-// C++ naming.
+/** The platform-specific implementation of the C++ class, using C++ naming. */
int CrossPlatformAPI::DoSomethingPlatformSpecific() {
NSString* temp_string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", an_instance_var_];
NSLog(@"%@", temp_string);
@@ -1644,6 +1456,356 @@ int CrossPlatformAPI::DoSomethingPlatformSpecific() {
Projects may opt to use an 80 column line length limit for consistency with
Google's C++ style guide.
+## Spacing and Formatting
+### Spaces vs. Tabs
+Use only spaces, and indent 2 spaces at a time. We use spaces for indentation.
+Do not use tabs in your code.
+You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key, and to trim
+trailing spaces on lines.
+### Line Length
+The maximum line length for Objective-C files is 100 columns.
+You can make violations easier to spot by enabling *Preferences > Text Editing >
+Page guide at column: 100* in Xcode.
+### Method Declarations and Definitions
+One space should be used between the `-` or `+` and the return type, and no
+spacing in the parameter list except between parameters.
+Methods should look like this:
+// GOOD:
+- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString *)theString {
+ ...
+The spacing before the asterisk is optional. When adding new code, be consistent
+with the surrounding file's style.
+If a method declaration does not fit on a single line, put each parameter on its
+own line. All lines except the first should be indented at least four spaces.
+Colons before parameters should be aligned on all lines. If the colon before the
+parameter on the first line of a method declaration is positioned such that
+colon alignment would cause indentation on a subsequent line to be less than
+four spaces, then colon alignment is only required for all lines except the
+// GOOD:
+- (void)doSomethingWithFoo:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
+ rect:(NSRect)theRect
+ interval:(float)theInterval {
+ ...
+- (void)shortKeyword:(GTMFoo *)theFoo
+ longerKeyword:(NSRect)theRect
+ someEvenLongerKeyword:(float)theInterval
+ error:(NSError **)theError {
+ ...
+- (id<UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate>)
+ adaptivePresentationControllerDelegateForViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
+- (void)presentWithAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate:
+ (id<UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate>)delegate;
+### Function Declarations and Definitions
+Prefer putting the return type on the same line as the function name and append
+all parameters on the same line if they will fit. Wrap parameter lists which do
+not fit on a single line as you would wrap arguments in a [function
+// GOOD:
+NSString *GTMVersionString(int majorVersion, minorVersion) {
+ ...
+void GTMSerializeDictionaryToFileOnDispatchQueue(
+ NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *dictionary,
+ NSString *filename,
+ dispatch_queue_t queue) {
+ ...
+Function declarations and definitions should also satisfy the following
+* The opening parenthesis must always be on the same line as the function
+ name.
+* If you cannot fit the return type and the function name on a single line,
+ break between them and do not indent the function name.
+* There should never be a space before the opening parenthesis.
+* There should never be a space between function parentheses and parameters.
+* The open curly brace is always on the end of the last line of the function
+ declaration, not the start of the next line.
+* The close curly brace is either on the last line by itself or on the same
+ line as the open curly brace.
+* There should be a space between the close parenthesis and the open curly
+ brace.
+* All parameters should be aligned if possible.
+* Function scopes should be indented 2 spaces.
+* Wrapped parameters should have a 4 space indent.
+### Conditionals
+Include a space after `if`, `while`, `for`, and `switch`, and around comparison
+// GOOD:
+for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+while (test) {};
+Braces may be omitted when a loop body or conditional statement fits on a single
+// GOOD:
+if (hasSillyName) LaughOutLoud();
+for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ BlowTheHorn();
+// AVOID:
+if (hasSillyName)
+ LaughOutLoud(); // AVOID.
+for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ BlowTheHorn(); // AVOID.
+If an `if` clause has an `else` clause, both clauses should use braces.
+// GOOD:
+if (hasBaz) {
+ foo();
+} else { // The else goes on the same line as the closing brace.
+ bar();
+// AVOID:
+if (hasBaz) foo();
+else bar(); // AVOID.
+if (hasBaz) {
+ foo();
+} else bar(); // AVOID.
+Intentional fall-through to the next case should be documented with a comment
+unless the case has no intervening code before the next case.
+// GOOD:
+switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ ...
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ j++;
+ // Falls through.
+ case 3: {
+ int k;
+ ...
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6: break;
+### Expressions
+Use a space around binary operators and assignments. Omit a space for a unary
+operator. Do not add spaces inside parentheses.
+// GOOD:
+x = 0;
+v = w * x + y / z;
+v = -y * (x + z);
+Factors in an expression may omit spaces.
+// GOOD:
+v = w*x + y/z;
+### Method Invocations
+Method invocations should be formatted much like method declarations.
+When there's a choice of formatting styles, follow the convention already used
+in a given source file. Invocations should have all arguments on one line:
+// GOOD:
+[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 error:arg3];
+or have one argument per line, with colons aligned:
+// GOOD:
+[myObject doFooWith:arg1
+ name:arg2
+ error:arg3];
+Don't use any of these styles:
+// AVOID:
+[myObject doFooWith:arg1 name:arg2 // some lines with >1 arg
+ error:arg3];
+[myObject doFooWith:arg1
+ name:arg2 error:arg3];
+[myObject doFooWith:arg1
+ name:arg2 // aligning keywords instead of colons
+ error:arg3];
+As with declarations and definitions, when the first keyword is shorter than the
+others, indent the later lines by at least four spaces, maintaining colon
+// GOOD:
+[myObj short:arg1
+ longKeyword:arg2
+ evenLongerKeyword:arg3
+ error:arg4];
+Invocations containing multiple inlined blocks may have their parameter names
+left-aligned at a four space indent.
+### Function Calls
+Function calls should include as many parameters as fit on each line, except
+where shorter lines are needed for clarity or documentation of the parameters.
+Continuation lines for function parameters may be indented to align with the
+opening parenthesis, or may have a four-space indent.
+// GOOD:
+CFArrayRef array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, objects, numberOfObjects,
+ &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+NSString *string = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"FEET", @"DistanceTable",
+ resourceBundle, @"%@ feet", @"Distance for multiple feet");
+UpdateTally(scores[x] * y + bases[x], // Score heuristic.
+ x, y, z);
+ x1, x2, x3,
+ y1, y2, y3,
+ z1, z2, z3);
+Use local variables with descriptive names to shorten function calls and reduce
+nesting of calls.
+// GOOD:
+double scoreHeuristic = scores[x] * y + bases[x];
+UpdateTally(scoreHeuristic, x, y, z);
+### Exceptions
+Format exceptions with `@catch` and `@finally` labels on the same line as the
+preceding `}`. Add a space between the `@` label and the opening brace (`{`), as
+well as between the `@catch` and the caught object declaration. If you must use
+Objective-C exceptions, format them as follows. However, see [Avoid Throwing
+Exceptions](#Avoid_Throwing_Exceptions) for reasons why you should not be using
+// GOOD:
+@try {
+ foo();
+} @catch (NSException *ex) {
+ bar(ex);
+} @finally {
+ baz();
+### Function Length
+Prefer small and focused functions.
+Long functions and methods are occasionally appropriate, so no hard limit is
+placed on function length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about
+whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.
+Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few
+months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find.
+Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read
+and modify your code.
+When updating legacy code, consider also breaking long functions into smaller
+and more manageable pieces.
+### Vertical Whitespace
+Use vertical whitespace sparingly.
+To allow more code to be easily viewed on a screen, avoid putting blank lines
+just inside the braces of functions.
+Limit blank lines to one or two between functions and between logical groups of
## Objective-C Style Exceptions
### Indicating style exceptions