path: root/google/iam
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Diffstat (limited to 'google/iam')
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/google/iam/credentials/v1/common.proto b/google/iam/credentials/v1/common.proto
index b94f2105e..19997df00 100644
--- a/google/iam/credentials/v1/common.proto
+++ b/google/iam/credentials/v1/common.proto
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ message GenerateAccessTokenRequest {
// The resource name of the service account for which the credentials
// are requested, in the following format:
// `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`.
- // Using `-` as a wildcard for the project will infer the project from
- // the account.
string name = 1;
// The sequence of service accounts in a delegation chain. Each service
@@ -71,8 +69,6 @@ message SignBlobRequest {
// The resource name of the service account for which the credentials
// are requested, in the following format:
// `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`.
- // Using `-` as a wildcard for the project will infer the project from
- // the account.
string name = 1;
// The sequence of service accounts in a delegation chain. Each service
@@ -102,8 +98,6 @@ message SignJwtRequest {
// The resource name of the service account for which the credentials
// are requested, in the following format:
// `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`.
- // Using `-` as a wildcard for the project will infer the project from
- // the account.
string name = 1;
// The sequence of service accounts in a delegation chain. Each service
@@ -133,8 +127,6 @@ message GenerateIdTokenRequest {
// The resource name of the service account for which the credentials
// are requested, in the following format:
// `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`.
- // Using `-` as a wildcard for the project will infer the project from
- // the account.
string name = 1;
// The sequence of service accounts in a delegation chain. Each service
@@ -161,3 +153,72 @@ message GenerateIdTokenResponse {
// The OpenId Connect ID token.
string token = 1;
+message GenerateIdentityBindingAccessTokenRequest {
+ // The resource name of the service account for which the credentials
+ // are requested, in the following format:
+ // `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`.
+ string name = 1;
+ // Code to identify the scopes to be included in the OAuth 2.0 access token.
+ // See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes for more
+ // information.
+ // At least one value required.
+ repeated string scope = 2;
+ // Required. Input token.
+ // Must be in JWT format according to
+ // RFC7523 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7523)
+ // and must have 'kid' field in the header.
+ // Supported signing algorithms: RS256 (RS512, ES256, ES512 coming soon).
+ // Mandatory payload fields (along the lines of RFC 7523, section 3):
+ // - iss: issuer of the token. Must provide a discovery document at
+ // $iss/.well-known/openid-configuration . The document needs to be
+ // formatted according to section 4.2 of the OpenID Connect Discovery
+ // 1.0 specification.
+ // - iat: Issue time in seconds since epoch. Must be in the past.
+ // - exp: Expiration time in seconds since epoch. Must be less than 48 hours
+ // after iat. We recommend to create tokens that last shorter than 6
+ // hours to improve security unless business reasons mandate longer
+ // expiration times. Shorter token lifetimes are generally more secure
+ // since tokens that have been exfiltrated by attackers can be used for
+ // a shorter time. you can configure the maximum lifetime of the
+ // incoming token in the configuration of the mapper.
+ // The resulting Google token will expire within an hour or at "exp",
+ // whichever is earlier.
+ // - sub: JWT subject, identity asserted in the JWT.
+ // - aud: Configured in the mapper policy. By default the service account
+ // email.
+ //
+ // Claims from the incoming token can be transferred into the output token
+ // accoding to the mapper configuration. The outgoing claim size is limited.
+ // Outgoing claims size must be less than 4kB serialized as JSON without
+ // whitespace.
+ //
+ // Example header:
+ // {
+ // "alg": "RS256",
+ // "kid": "92a4265e14ab04d4d228a48d10d4ca31610936f8"
+ // }
+ // Example payload:
+ // {
+ // "iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
+ // "iat": 1517963104,
+ // "exp": 1517966704,
+ // "aud": "https://iamcredentials.googleapis.com/",
+ // "sub": "113475438248934895348",
+ // "my_claims": {
+ // "additional_claim": "value"
+ // }
+ // }
+ string jwt = 3;
+message GenerateIdentityBindingAccessTokenResponse {
+ // The OAuth 2.0 access token.
+ string access_token = 1;
+ // Token expiration time.
+ // The expiration time is always set.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_time = 2;
diff --git a/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials.proto b/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials.proto
index 993bf5f68..4960d7203 100644
--- a/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials.proto
+++ b/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials.proto
@@ -64,4 +64,15 @@ service IAMCredentials {
body: "*"
+ // Exchange a JWT signed by third party identity provider to an OAuth 2.0
+ // access token
+ rpc GenerateIdentityBindingAccessToken(
+ GenerateIdentityBindingAccessTokenRequest)
+ returns (GenerateIdentityBindingAccessTokenResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/{name=projects/*/serviceAccounts/*}:generateIdentityBindingAccessToken"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials_gapic.yaml b/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials_gapic.yaml
index f9198fcfb..941dd64ec 100644
--- a/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials_gapic.yaml
+++ b/google/iam/credentials/v1/iamcredentials_gapic.yaml
@@ -123,4 +123,21 @@ interfaces:
retry_params_name: default
name: service_account
- timeout_millis: 60000 \ No newline at end of file
+ timeout_millis: 60000
+ - name: GenerateIdentityBindingAccessToken
+ flattening:
+ groups:
+ - parameters:
+ - name
+ - scope
+ - jwt
+ required_fields:
+ - name
+ - scope
+ - jwt
+ request_object_method: true
+ retry_codes_name: idempotent
+ retry_params_name: default
+ field_name_patterns:
+ name: service_account
+ timeout_millis: 60000