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authorYabin Cui <yabinc@google.com>2017-02-15 18:42:12 +0000
committerandroid-build-merger <android-build-merger@google.com>2017-02-15 18:42:12 +0000
commit1653ecc3553efcf9f5c91ba0bd2530e7a4fbd5df (patch)
parent192dd54bbd15c048a6478e4e8585a7e2603b55ce (diff)
parent7cc9a395fc1d9a97324afea72b004c1b51d35594 (diff)
gtest: fix Android temp dir. am: 5f9167db37 am: 664afb1eb4
am: 7cc9a395fc Change-Id: I7fdc0b8a066b018eec2990e1c6da986fc8f63fe3
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc b/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc
index 0162fac4..e8f8d89a 100644
--- a/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc
+++ b/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc
@@ -952,24 +952,10 @@ class CapturedStream {
# else
// There's no guarantee that a test has write access to the current
// directory, so we create the temporary file in the /tmp directory
- // instead. We use /tmp on most systems, and /sdcard on Android.
- // That's because Android doesn't have /tmp.
+ // instead.
- // Note: Android applications are expected to call the framework's
- // Context.getExternalStorageDirectory() method through JNI to get
- // the location of the world-writable SD Card directory. However,
- // this requires a Context handle, which cannot be retrieved
- // globally from native code. Doing so also precludes running the
- // code as part of a regular standalone executable, which doesn't
- // run in a Dalvik process (e.g. when running it through 'adb shell').
- //
- // The location /sdcard is directly accessible from native code
- // and is the only location (unofficially) supported by the Android
- // team. It's generally a symlink to the real SD Card mount point
- // which can be /mnt/sdcard, /mnt/sdcard0, /system/media/sdcard, or
- // other OEM-customized locations. Never rely on these, and always
- // use /sdcard.
- char name_template[] = "/sdcard/gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX";
+ ::std::string name_template_buf = TempDir() + "gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX";
+ char* name_template = &name_template_buf[0];
# else
char name_template[] = "/tmp/captured_stream.XXXXXX";
@@ -1067,7 +1053,22 @@ std::string TempDir() {
return std::string(temp_dir) + "\\";
- return "/sdcard/";
+ // Android doesn't have /tmp, and /sdcard is no longer accessible from
+ // app context starting from Android O. On Android, /data/local/tmp
+ // is usually used as the temporary directory. But processes running
+ // in app context can't write to /data/local/tmp, so also try the
+ // current directory.
+ if (access("/data/local/tmp", R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0) {
+ return "/data/local/tmp/";
+ }
+ std::string result = "./";
+ char* cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
+ if (cwd != NULL) {
+ result = cwd;
+ result += "/";
+ free(cwd);
+ }
+ return result;
return "/tmp/";