path: root/googlemock
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'googlemock')
67 files changed, 13550 insertions, 15060 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/Android.bp b/googlemock/Android.bp
index 77cf6501..4cc979d2 100644
--- a/googlemock/Android.bp
+++ b/googlemock/Android.bp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ cc_defaults {
name: "gmock_ndk",
sdk_version: "9",
stl: "c++_static",
- cppflags: ["-std=c++11"],
+ cpp_std: "c++14",
cc_defaults {
diff --git a/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt b/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt
index e7df8ec5..a9aa0723 100644
--- a/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,13 +36,8 @@ endif()
# as ${gmock_SOURCE_DIR} and to the root binary directory as
# ${gmock_BINARY_DIR}.
# Language "C" is required for find_package(Threads).
- project(gmock CXX C)
- cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW)
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
if (COMMAND set_up_hermetic_build)
@@ -105,17 +100,14 @@ else()
target_link_libraries(gmock_main PUBLIC gmock)
set_target_properties(gmock_main PROPERTIES VERSION ${GOOGLETEST_VERSION})
-# If the CMake version supports it, attach header directory information
-# to the targets for when we are part of a parent build (ie being pulled
-# in via add_subdirectory() rather than being a standalone build).
- target_include_directories(gmock SYSTEM INTERFACE
- "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${gmock_build_include_dirs}>"
- target_include_directories(gmock_main SYSTEM INTERFACE
- "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${gmock_build_include_dirs}>"
+string(REPLACE ";" "$<SEMICOLON>" dirs "${gmock_build_include_dirs}")
+target_include_directories(gmock SYSTEM INTERFACE
+ "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${dirs}>"
+target_include_directories(gmock_main SYSTEM INTERFACE
+ "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${dirs}>"
@@ -139,11 +131,7 @@ if (gmock_build_tests)
- add_compile_options("-Wa,-mbig-obj")
- else()
- add_definitions("-Wa,-mbig-obj")
- endif()
+ add_compile_options("-Wa,-mbig-obj")
@@ -154,7 +142,10 @@ if (gmock_build_tests)
cxx_test(gmock_ex_test gmock_main)
cxx_test(gmock-function-mocker_test gmock_main)
cxx_test(gmock-internal-utils_test gmock_main)
- cxx_test(gmock-matchers_test gmock_main)
+ cxx_test(gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test gmock_main)
+ cxx_test(gmock-matchers-comparisons_test gmock_main)
+ cxx_test(gmock-matchers-containers_test gmock_main)
+ cxx_test(gmock-matchers-misc_test gmock_main)
cxx_test(gmock-more-actions_test gmock_main)
cxx_test(gmock-nice-strict_test gmock_main)
cxx_test(gmock-port_test gmock_main)
diff --git a/googlemock/README.md b/googlemock/README.md
index ead68832..e1103b16 100644
--- a/googlemock/README.md
+++ b/googlemock/README.md
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ derive better designs of your system and write better tests.
It is inspired by:
* [jMock](http://www.jmock.org/)
-* [EasyMock](http://www.easymock.org/)
-* [Hamcrest](http://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/)
+* [EasyMock](https://easymock.org/)
+* [Hamcrest](https://code.google.com/p/hamcrest/)
It is designed with C++'s specifics in mind.
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ Details and examples can be found here:
* [gMock Cookbook](https://google.github.io/googletest/gmock_cook_book.html)
* [gMock Cheat Sheet](https://google.github.io/googletest/gmock_cheat_sheet.html)
-Please note that code under scripts/generator/ is from the
-[cppclean project](http://code.google.com/p/cppclean/) and under the Apache
-License, which is different from GoogleMock's license.
GoogleMock is a part of
-[GoogleTest C++ testing framework](http://github.com/google/googletest/) and a
+[GoogleTest C++ testing framework](https://github.com/google/googletest/) and a
subject to the same requirements.
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
index f2393bd3..f20258bc 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// The ACTION* family of macros can be used in a namespace scope to
@@ -123,15 +122,16 @@
// To learn more about using these macros, please search for 'ACTION' on
-// https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md
+// https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
-# include <errno.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include <algorithm>
@@ -146,10 +146,7 @@
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
namespace testing {
@@ -178,9 +175,15 @@ struct BuiltInDefaultValueGetter<T, false> {
static T Get() {
Assert(false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Default action undefined for the function return type.");
- return internal::Invalid<T>();
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_unreachable();
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ __assume(0);
+ return Invalid<T>();
// The above statement will never be reached, but is required in
// order for this function to compile.
@@ -196,9 +199,7 @@ class BuiltInDefaultValue {
// This function returns true if and only if type T has a built-in default
// value.
- static bool Exists() {
- return ::std::is_default_constructible<T>::value;
- }
+ static bool Exists() { return ::std::is_default_constructible<T>::value; }
static T Get() {
return BuiltInDefaultValueGetter<
@@ -227,11 +228,11 @@ class BuiltInDefaultValue<T*> {
// The following specializations define the default values for
// specific types we care about.
- template <> \
- class BuiltInDefaultValue<type> { \
- public: \
- static bool Exists() { return true; } \
- static type Get() { return value; } \
+ template <> \
+ class BuiltInDefaultValue<type> { \
+ public: \
+ static bool Exists() { return true; } \
+ static type Get() { return value; } \
@@ -255,21 +256,309 @@ GMOCK_DEFINE_DEFAULT_ACTION_FOR_RETURN_TYPE_(unsigned short, 0U); // NOLINT
-// Simple two-arg form of std::disjunction.
-template <typename P, typename Q>
-using disjunction = typename ::std::conditional<P::value, P, Q>::type;
+// Partial implementations of metaprogramming types from the standard library
+// not available in C++11.
+template <typename P>
+struct negation
+ : std::integral_constant<bool, bool(!P::value)> {};
+// Base case: with zero predicates the answer is always true.
+template <typename...>
+struct conjunction : std::true_type {};
+// With a single predicate, the answer is that predicate.
+template <typename P1>
+struct conjunction<P1> : P1 {};
+// With multiple predicates the answer is the first predicate if that is false,
+// and we recurse otherwise.
+template <typename P1, typename... Ps>
+struct conjunction<P1, Ps...>
+ : std::conditional<bool(P1::value), conjunction<Ps...>, P1>::type {};
+template <typename...>
+struct disjunction : std::false_type {};
+template <typename P1>
+struct disjunction<P1> : P1 {};
+template <typename P1, typename... Ps>
+struct disjunction<P1, Ps...>
+ : std::conditional<!bool(P1::value), disjunction<Ps...>, P1>::type {};
+template <typename...>
+using void_t = void;
+// Detects whether an expression of type `From` can be implicitly converted to
+// `To` according to [conv]. In C++17, [conv]/3 defines this as follows:
+// An expression e can be implicitly converted to a type T if and only if
+// the declaration T t=e; is well-formed, for some invented temporary
+// variable t ([dcl.init]).
+// [conv]/2 implies we can use function argument passing to detect whether this
+// initialization is valid.
+// Note that this is distinct from is_convertible, which requires this be valid:
+// To test() {
+// return declval<From>();
+// }
+// In particular, is_convertible doesn't give the correct answer when `To` and
+// `From` are the same non-moveable type since `declval<From>` will be an rvalue
+// reference, defeating the guaranteed copy elision that would otherwise make
+// this function work.
+// REQUIRES: `From` is not cv void.
+template <typename From, typename To>
+struct is_implicitly_convertible {
+ private:
+ // A function that accepts a parameter of type T. This can be called with type
+ // U successfully only if U is implicitly convertible to T.
+ template <typename T>
+ static void Accept(T);
+ // A function that creates a value of type T.
+ template <typename T>
+ static T Make();
+ // An overload be selected when implicit conversion from T to To is possible.
+ template <typename T, typename = decltype(Accept<To>(Make<T>()))>
+ static std::true_type TestImplicitConversion(int);
+ // A fallback overload selected in all other cases.
+ template <typename T>
+ static std::false_type TestImplicitConversion(...);
+ public:
+ using type = decltype(TestImplicitConversion<From>(0));
+ static constexpr bool value = type::value;
+// Like std::invoke_result_t from C++17, but works only for objects with call
+// operators (not e.g. member function pointers, which we don't need specific
+// support for in OnceAction because std::function deals with them).
+template <typename F, typename... Args>
+using call_result_t = decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<Args>()...));
+template <typename Void, typename R, typename F, typename... Args>
+struct is_callable_r_impl : std::false_type {};
+// Specialize the struct for those template arguments where call_result_t is
+// well-formed. When it's not, the generic template above is chosen, resulting
+// in std::false_type.
+template <typename R, typename F, typename... Args>
+struct is_callable_r_impl<void_t<call_result_t<F, Args...>>, R, F, Args...>
+ : std::conditional<
+ std::is_void<R>::value, //
+ std::true_type, //
+ is_implicitly_convertible<call_result_t<F, Args...>, R>>::type {};
+// Like std::is_invocable_r from C++17, but works only for objects with call
+// operators. See the note on call_result_t.
+template <typename R, typename F, typename... Args>
+using is_callable_r = is_callable_r_impl<void, R, F, Args...>;
+// Like std::as_const from C++17.
+template <typename T>
+typename std::add_const<T>::type& as_const(T& t) {
+ return t;
} // namespace internal
+// Specialized for function types below.
+template <typename F>
+class OnceAction;
+// An action that can only be used once.
+// This is accepted by WillOnce, which doesn't require the underlying action to
+// be copy-constructible (only move-constructible), and promises to invoke it as
+// an rvalue reference. This allows the action to work with move-only types like
+// std::move_only_function in a type-safe manner.
+// For example:
+// // Assume we have some API that needs to accept a unique pointer to some
+// // non-copyable object Foo.
+// void AcceptUniquePointer(std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo);
+// // We can define an action that provides a Foo to that API. Because It
+// // has to give away its unique pointer, it must not be called more than
+// // once, so its call operator is &&-qualified.
+// struct ProvideFoo {
+// std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo;
+// void operator()() && {
+// AcceptUniquePointer(std::move(Foo));
+// }
+// };
+// // This action can be used with WillOnce.
+// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+// .WillOnce(ProvideFoo{std::make_unique<Foo>(...)});
+// // But a call to WillRepeatedly will fail to compile. This is correct,
+// // since the action cannot correctly be used repeatedly.
+// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+// .WillRepeatedly(ProvideFoo{std::make_unique<Foo>(...)});
+// A less-contrived example would be an action that returns an arbitrary type,
+// whose &&-qualified call operator is capable of dealing with move-only types.
+template <typename Result, typename... Args>
+class OnceAction<Result(Args...)> final {
+ private:
+ // True iff we can use the given callable type (or lvalue reference) directly
+ // via StdFunctionAdaptor.
+ template <typename Callable>
+ using IsDirectlyCompatible = internal::conjunction<
+ // It must be possible to capture the callable in StdFunctionAdaptor.
+ std::is_constructible<typename std::decay<Callable>::type, Callable>,
+ // The callable must be compatible with our signature.
+ internal::is_callable_r<Result, typename std::decay<Callable>::type,
+ Args...>>;
+ // True iff we can use the given callable type via StdFunctionAdaptor once we
+ // ignore incoming arguments.
+ template <typename Callable>
+ using IsCompatibleAfterIgnoringArguments = internal::conjunction<
+ // It must be possible to capture the callable in a lambda.
+ std::is_constructible<typename std::decay<Callable>::type, Callable>,
+ // The callable must be invocable with zero arguments, returning something
+ // convertible to Result.
+ internal::is_callable_r<Result, typename std::decay<Callable>::type>>;
+ public:
+ // Construct from a callable that is directly compatible with our mocked
+ // signature: it accepts our function type's arguments and returns something
+ // convertible to our result type.
+ template <typename Callable,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ internal::conjunction<
+ // Teach clang on macOS that we're not talking about a
+ // copy/move constructor here. Otherwise it gets confused
+ // when checking the is_constructible requirement of our
+ // traits above.
+ internal::negation<std::is_same<
+ OnceAction, typename std::decay<Callable>::type>>,
+ IsDirectlyCompatible<Callable>> //
+ ::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ OnceAction(Callable&& callable) // NOLINT
+ : function_(StdFunctionAdaptor<typename std::decay<Callable>::type>(
+ {}, std::forward<Callable>(callable))) {}
+ // As above, but for a callable that ignores the mocked function's arguments.
+ template <typename Callable,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ internal::conjunction<
+ // Teach clang on macOS that we're not talking about a
+ // copy/move constructor here. Otherwise it gets confused
+ // when checking the is_constructible requirement of our
+ // traits above.
+ internal::negation<std::is_same<
+ OnceAction, typename std::decay<Callable>::type>>,
+ // Exclude callables for which the overload above works.
+ // We'd rather provide the arguments if possible.
+ internal::negation<IsDirectlyCompatible<Callable>>,
+ IsCompatibleAfterIgnoringArguments<Callable>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ OnceAction(Callable&& callable) // NOLINT
+ // Call the constructor above with a callable
+ // that ignores the input arguments.
+ : OnceAction(IgnoreIncomingArguments<typename std::decay<Callable>::type>{
+ std::forward<Callable>(callable)}) {}
+ // We are naturally copyable because we store only an std::function, but
+ // semantically we should not be copyable.
+ OnceAction(const OnceAction&) = delete;
+ OnceAction& operator=(const OnceAction&) = delete;
+ OnceAction(OnceAction&&) = default;
+ // Invoke the underlying action callable with which we were constructed,
+ // handing it the supplied arguments.
+ Result Call(Args... args) && {
+ return function_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ private:
+ // An adaptor that wraps a callable that is compatible with our signature and
+ // being invoked as an rvalue reference so that it can be used as an
+ // StdFunctionAdaptor. This throws away type safety, but that's fine because
+ // this is only used by WillOnce, which we know calls at most once.
+ //
+ // Once we have something like std::move_only_function from C++23, we can do
+ // away with this.
+ template <typename Callable>
+ class StdFunctionAdaptor final {
+ public:
+ // A tag indicating that the (otherwise universal) constructor is accepting
+ // the callable itself, instead of e.g. stealing calls for the move
+ // constructor.
+ struct CallableTag final {};
+ template <typename F>
+ explicit StdFunctionAdaptor(CallableTag, F&& callable)
+ : callable_(std::make_shared<Callable>(std::forward<F>(callable))) {}
+ // Rather than explicitly returning Result, we return whatever the wrapped
+ // callable returns. This allows for compatibility with existing uses like
+ // the following, when the mocked function returns void:
+ //
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock_fn_, Call)
+ // .WillOnce([&] {
+ // [...]
+ // return 0;
+ // });
+ //
+ // Such a callable can be turned into std::function<void()>. If we use an
+ // explicit return type of Result here then it *doesn't* work with
+ // std::function, because we'll get a "void function should not return a
+ // value" error.
+ //
+ // We need not worry about incompatible result types because the SFINAE on
+ // OnceAction already checks this for us. std::is_invocable_r_v itself makes
+ // the same allowance for void result types.
+ template <typename... ArgRefs>
+ internal::call_result_t<Callable, ArgRefs...> operator()(
+ ArgRefs&&... args) const {
+ return std::move(*callable_)(std::forward<ArgRefs>(args)...);
+ }
+ private:
+ // We must put the callable on the heap so that we are copyable, which
+ // std::function needs.
+ std::shared_ptr<Callable> callable_;
+ };
+ // An adaptor that makes a callable that accepts zero arguments callable with
+ // our mocked arguments.
+ template <typename Callable>
+ struct IgnoreIncomingArguments {
+ internal::call_result_t<Callable> operator()(Args&&...) {
+ return std::move(callable)();
+ }
+ Callable callable;
+ };
+ std::function<Result(Args...)> function_;
// When an unexpected function call is encountered, Google Mock will
// let it return a default value if the user has specified one for its
// return type, or if the return type has a built-in default value;
@@ -328,7 +617,7 @@ class DefaultValue {
class ValueProducer {
- virtual ~ValueProducer() {}
+ virtual ~ValueProducer() = default;
virtual T Produce() = 0;
@@ -339,7 +628,8 @@ class DefaultValue {
const T value_;
+ FixedValueProducer(const FixedValueProducer&) = delete;
+ FixedValueProducer& operator=(const FixedValueProducer&) = delete;
class FactoryValueProducer : public ValueProducer {
@@ -350,7 +640,8 @@ class DefaultValue {
const FactoryFunction factory_;
+ FactoryValueProducer(const FactoryValueProducer&) = delete;
+ FactoryValueProducer& operator=(const FactoryValueProducer&) = delete;
static ValueProducer* producer_;
@@ -414,8 +705,8 @@ class ActionInterface {
typedef typename internal::Function<F>::Result Result;
typedef typename internal::Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
- ActionInterface() {}
- virtual ~ActionInterface() {}
+ ActionInterface() = default;
+ virtual ~ActionInterface() = default;
// Performs the action. This method is not const, as in general an
// action can have side effects and be stateful. For example, a
@@ -424,28 +715,34 @@ class ActionInterface {
virtual Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple& args) = 0;
+ ActionInterface(const ActionInterface&) = delete;
+ ActionInterface& operator=(const ActionInterface&) = delete;
-// An Action<F> is a copyable and IMMUTABLE (except by assignment)
-// object that represents an action to be taken when a mock function
-// of type F is called. The implementation of Action<T> is just a
-// std::shared_ptr to const ActionInterface<T>. Don't inherit from Action!
-// You can view an object implementing ActionInterface<F> as a
-// concrete action (including its current state), and an Action<F>
-// object as a handle to it.
template <typename F>
-class Action {
+class Action;
+// An Action<R(Args...)> is a copyable and IMMUTABLE (except by assignment)
+// object that represents an action to be taken when a mock function of type
+// R(Args...) is called. The implementation of Action<T> is just a
+// std::shared_ptr to const ActionInterface<T>. Don't inherit from Action! You
+// can view an object implementing ActionInterface<F> as a concrete action
+// (including its current state), and an Action<F> object as a handle to it.
+template <typename R, typename... Args>
+class Action<R(Args...)> {
+ private:
+ using F = R(Args...);
// Adapter class to allow constructing Action from a legacy ActionInterface.
// New code should create Actions from functors instead.
struct ActionAdapter {
// Adapter must be copyable to satisfy std::function requirements.
::std::shared_ptr<ActionInterface<F>> impl_;
- template <typename... Args>
- typename internal::Function<F>::Result operator()(Args&&... args) {
+ template <typename... InArgs>
+ typename internal::Function<F>::Result operator()(InArgs&&... args) {
return impl_->Perform(
- ::std::forward_as_tuple(::std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ ::std::forward_as_tuple(::std::forward<InArgs>(args)...));
@@ -458,7 +755,7 @@ class Action {
// Constructs a null Action. Needed for storing Action objects in
// STL containers.
- Action() {}
+ Action() = default;
// Construct an Action from a specified callable.
// This cannot take std::function directly, because then Action would not be
@@ -480,7 +777,8 @@ class Action {
// Action<F>, as long as F's arguments can be implicitly converted
// to Func's and Func's return type can be implicitly converted to F's.
template <typename Func>
- explicit Action(const Action<Func>& action) : fun_(action.fun_) {}
+ Action(const Action<Func>& action) // NOLINT
+ : fun_(action.fun_) {}
// Returns true if and only if this is the DoDefault() action.
bool IsDoDefault() const { return fun_ == nullptr; }
@@ -498,6 +796,24 @@ class Action {
return internal::Apply(fun_, ::std::move(args));
+ // An action can be used as a OnceAction, since it's obviously safe to call it
+ // once.
+ operator OnceAction<F>() const { // NOLINT
+ // Return a OnceAction-compatible callable that calls Perform with the
+ // arguments it is provided. We could instead just return fun_, but then
+ // we'd need to handle the IsDoDefault() case separately.
+ struct OA {
+ Action<F> action;
+ R operator()(Args... args) && {
+ return action.Perform(
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ };
+ return OA{*this};
+ }
template <typename G>
friend class Action;
@@ -514,8 +830,8 @@ class Action {
template <typename FunctionImpl>
struct IgnoreArgs {
- template <typename... Args>
- Result operator()(const Args&...) const {
+ template <typename... InArgs>
+ Result operator()(const InArgs&...) const {
return function_impl();
@@ -606,118 +922,198 @@ struct ByMoveWrapper {
T payload;
-// Implements the polymorphic Return(x) action, which can be used in
-// any function that returns the type of x, regardless of the argument
-// types.
-// Note: The value passed into Return must be converted into
-// Function<F>::Result when this action is cast to Action<F> rather than
-// when that action is performed. This is important in scenarios like
-// MOCK_METHOD1(Method, T(U));
-// ...
-// {
-// Foo foo;
-// X x(&foo);
-// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Method(_)).WillOnce(Return(x));
-// }
-// In the example above the variable x holds reference to foo which leaves
-// scope and gets destroyed. If copying X just copies a reference to foo,
-// that copy will be left with a hanging reference. If conversion to T
-// makes a copy of foo, the above code is safe. To support that scenario, we
-// need to make sure that the type conversion happens inside the EXPECT_CALL
-// statement, and conversion of the result of Return to Action<T(U)> is a
-// good place for that.
-// The real life example of the above scenario happens when an invocation
-// of gtl::Container() is passed into Return.
+// The general implementation of Return(R). Specializations follow below.
template <typename R>
-class ReturnAction {
+class ReturnAction final {
- // Constructs a ReturnAction object from the value to be returned.
- // 'value' is passed by value instead of by const reference in order
- // to allow Return("string literal") to compile.
- explicit ReturnAction(R value) : value_(new R(std::move(value))) {}
+ explicit ReturnAction(R value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
+ template <typename U, typename... Args,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<conjunction<
+ // See the requirements documented on Return.
+ negation<std::is_same<void, U>>, //
+ negation<std::is_reference<U>>, //
+ std::is_convertible<R, U>, //
+ std::is_move_constructible<U>>::value>::type>
+ operator OnceAction<U(Args...)>() && { // NOLINT
+ return Impl<U>(std::move(value_));
+ }
- // This template type conversion operator allows Return(x) to be
- // used in ANY function that returns x's type.
- template <typename F>
- operator Action<F>() const { // NOLINT
- // Assert statement belongs here because this is the best place to verify
- // conditions on F. It produces the clearest error messages
- // in most compilers.
- // Impl really belongs in this scope as a local class but can't
- // because MSVC produces duplicate symbols in different translation units
- // in this case. Until MS fixes that bug we put Impl into the class scope
- // and put the typedef both here (for use in assert statement) and
- // in the Impl class. But both definitions must be the same.
- typedef typename Function<F>::Result Result;
- !std::is_reference<Result>::value,
- use_ReturnRef_instead_of_Return_to_return_a_reference);
- static_assert(!std::is_void<Result>::value,
- "Can't use Return() on an action expected to return `void`.");
- return Action<F>(new Impl<R, F>(value_));
+ template <typename U, typename... Args,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<conjunction<
+ // See the requirements documented on Return.
+ negation<std::is_same<void, U>>, //
+ negation<std::is_reference<U>>, //
+ std::is_convertible<const R&, U>, //
+ std::is_copy_constructible<U>>::value>::type>
+ operator Action<U(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
+ return Impl<U>(value_);
- // Implements the Return(x) action for a particular function type F.
- template <typename R_, typename F>
- class Impl : public ActionInterface<F> {
+ // Implements the Return(x) action for a mock function that returns type U.
+ template <typename U>
+ class Impl final {
- typedef typename Function<F>::Result Result;
- typedef typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
+ // The constructor used when the return value is allowed to move from the
+ // input value (i.e. we are converting to OnceAction).
+ explicit Impl(R&& input_value)
+ : state_(new State(std::move(input_value))) {}
- // The implicit cast is necessary when Result has more than one
- // single-argument constructor (e.g. Result is std::vector<int>) and R
- // has a type conversion operator template. In that case, value_(value)
- // won't compile as the compiler doesn't known which constructor of
- // Result to call. ImplicitCast_ forces the compiler to convert R to
- // Result without considering explicit constructors, thus resolving the
- // ambiguity. value_ is then initialized using its copy constructor.
- explicit Impl(const std::shared_ptr<R>& value)
- : value_before_cast_(*value),
- value_(ImplicitCast_<Result>(value_before_cast_)) {}
+ // The constructor used when the return value is not allowed to move from
+ // the input value (i.e. we are converting to Action).
+ explicit Impl(const R& input_value) : state_(new State(input_value)) {}
- Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple&) override { return value_; }
+ U operator()() && { return std::move(state_->value); }
+ U operator()() const& { return state_->value; }
- GTEST_COMPILE_ASSERT_(!std::is_reference<Result>::value,
- Result_cannot_be_a_reference_type);
- // We save the value before casting just in case it is being cast to a
- // wrapper type.
- R value_before_cast_;
- Result value_;
+ // We put our state on the heap so that the compiler-generated copy/move
+ // constructors work correctly even when U is a reference-like type. This is
+ // necessary only because we eagerly create State::value (see the note on
+ // that symbol for details). If we instead had only the input value as a
+ // member then the default constructors would work fine.
+ //
+ // For example, when R is std::string and U is std::string_view, value is a
+ // reference to the string backed by input_value. The copy constructor would
+ // copy both, so that we wind up with a new input_value object (with the
+ // same contents) and a reference to the *old* input_value object rather
+ // than the new one.
+ struct State {
+ explicit State(const R& input_value_in)
+ : input_value(input_value_in),
+ // Make an implicit conversion to Result before initializing the U
+ // object we store, avoiding calling any explicit constructor of U
+ // from R.
+ //
+ // This simulates the language rules: a function with return type U
+ // that does `return R()` requires R to be implicitly convertible to
+ // U, and uses that path for the conversion, even U Result has an
+ // explicit constructor from R.
+ value(ImplicitCast_<U>(internal::as_const(input_value))) {}
+ // As above, but for the case where we're moving from the ReturnAction
+ // object because it's being used as a OnceAction.
+ explicit State(R&& input_value_in)
+ : input_value(std::move(input_value_in)),
+ // For the same reason as above we make an implicit conversion to U
+ // before initializing the value.
+ //
+ // Unlike above we provide the input value as an rvalue to the
+ // implicit conversion because this is a OnceAction: it's fine if it
+ // wants to consume the input value.
+ value(ImplicitCast_<U>(std::move(input_value))) {}
+ // A copy of the value originally provided by the user. We retain this in
+ // addition to the value of the mock function's result type below in case
+ // the latter is a reference-like type. See the std::string_view example
+ // in the documentation on Return.
+ R input_value;
+ // The value we actually return, as the type returned by the mock function
+ // itself.
+ //
+ // We eagerly initialize this here, rather than lazily doing the implicit
+ // conversion automatically each time Perform is called, for historical
+ // reasons: in 2009-11, commit a070cbd91c (Google changelist 13540126)
+ // made the Action<U()> conversion operator eagerly convert the R value to
+ // U, but without keeping the R alive. This broke the use case discussed
+ // in the documentation for Return, making reference-like types such as
+ // std::string_view not safe to use as U where the input type R is a
+ // value-like type such as std::string.
+ //
+ // The example the commit gave was not very clear, nor was the issue
+ // thread (https://github.com/google/googlemock/issues/86), but it seems
+ // the worry was about reference-like input types R that flatten to a
+ // value-like type U when being implicitly converted. An example of this
+ // is std::vector<bool>::reference, which is often a proxy type with an
+ // reference to the underlying vector:
+ //
+ // // Helper method: have the mock function return bools according
+ // // to the supplied script.
+ // void SetActions(MockFunction<bool(size_t)>& mock,
+ // const std::vector<bool>& script) {
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < script.size(); ++i) {
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call(i)).WillOnce(Return(script[i]));
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // TEST(Foo, Bar) {
+ // // Set actions using a temporary vector, whose operator[]
+ // // returns proxy objects that references that will be
+ // // dangling once the call to SetActions finishes and the
+ // // vector is destroyed.
+ // MockFunction<bool(size_t)> mock;
+ // SetActions(mock, {false, true});
+ //
+ // EXPECT_FALSE(mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ // EXPECT_TRUE(mock.AsStdFunction()(1));
+ // }
+ //
+ // This eager conversion helps with a simple case like this, but doesn't
+ // fully make these types work in general. For example the following still
+ // uses a dangling reference:
+ //
+ // TEST(Foo, Baz) {
+ // MockFunction<std::vector<std::string>()> mock;
+ //
+ // // Return the same vector twice, and then the empty vector
+ // // thereafter.
+ // auto action = Return(std::initializer_list<std::string>{
+ // "taco", "burrito",
+ // });
+ //
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ // .WillOnce(action)
+ // .WillOnce(action)
+ // .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::vector<std::string>{}));
+ //
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ // ElementsAre("taco", "burrito"));
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ // ElementsAre("taco", "burrito"));
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(), IsEmpty());
+ // }
+ //
+ U value;
+ };
+ const std::shared_ptr<State> state_;
- // Partially specialize for ByMoveWrapper. This version of ReturnAction will
- // move its contents instead.
- template <typename R_, typename F>
- class Impl<ByMoveWrapper<R_>, F> : public ActionInterface<F> {
- public:
- typedef typename Function<F>::Result Result;
- typedef typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
+ R value_;
- explicit Impl(const std::shared_ptr<R>& wrapper)
- : performed_(false), wrapper_(wrapper) {}
+// A specialization of ReturnAction<R> when R is ByMoveWrapper<T> for some T.
+// This version applies the type system-defeating hack of moving from T even in
+// the const call operator, checking at runtime that it isn't called more than
+// once, since the user has declared their intent to do so by using ByMove.
+template <typename T>
+class ReturnAction<ByMoveWrapper<T>> final {
+ public:
+ explicit ReturnAction(ByMoveWrapper<T> wrapper)
+ : state_(new State(std::move(wrapper.payload))) {}
- Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple&) override {
- GTEST_CHECK_(!performed_)
- << "A ByMove() action should only be performed once.";
- performed_ = true;
- return std::move(wrapper_->payload);
- }
+ T operator()() const {
+ GTEST_CHECK_(!state_->called)
+ << "A ByMove() action must be performed at most once.";
- private:
- bool performed_;
- const std::shared_ptr<R> wrapper_;
+ state_->called = true;
+ return std::move(state_->value);
+ }
+ private:
+ // We store our state on the heap so that we are copyable as required by
+ // Action, despite the fact that we are stateful and T may not be copyable.
+ struct State {
+ explicit State(T&& value_in) : value(std::move(value_in)) {}
+ T value;
+ bool called = false;
- const std::shared_ptr<R> value_;
+ const std::shared_ptr<State> state_;
// Implements the ReturnNull() action.
@@ -759,8 +1155,8 @@ class ReturnRefAction {
// Asserts that the function return type is a reference. This
// catches the user error of using ReturnRef(x) when Return(x)
// should be used, and generates some helpful error message.
- GTEST_COMPILE_ASSERT_(std::is_reference<Result>::value,
- use_Return_instead_of_ReturnRef_to_return_a_value);
+ static_assert(std::is_reference<Result>::value,
+ "use Return instead of ReturnRef to return a value");
return Action<F>(new Impl<F>(ref_));
@@ -801,9 +1197,8 @@ class ReturnRefOfCopyAction {
// Asserts that the function return type is a reference. This
// catches the user error of using ReturnRefOfCopy(x) when Return(x)
// should be used, and generates some helpful error message.
- std::is_reference<Result>::value,
- use_Return_instead_of_ReturnRefOfCopy_to_return_a_value);
+ static_assert(std::is_reference<Result>::value,
+ "use Return instead of ReturnRefOfCopy to return a value");
return Action<F>(new Impl<F>(value_));
@@ -839,7 +1234,7 @@ class ReturnRoundRobinAction {
template <typename... Args>
T operator()(Args&&...) const {
- return state_->Next();
+ return state_->Next();
@@ -862,7 +1257,9 @@ class DoDefaultAction {
// This template type conversion operator allows DoDefault() to be
// used in any function.
template <typename F>
- operator Action<F>() const { return Action<F>(); } // NOLINT
+ operator Action<F>() const {
+ return Action<F>();
+ } // NOLINT
// Implements the Assign action to set a given pointer referent to a
@@ -882,7 +1279,7 @@ class AssignAction {
const T2 value_;
// Implements the SetErrnoAndReturn action to simulate return from
// various system calls and libc functions.
@@ -890,8 +1287,7 @@ template <typename T>
class SetErrnoAndReturnAction {
SetErrnoAndReturnAction(int errno_value, T result)
- : errno_(errno_value),
- result_(result) {}
+ : errno_(errno_value), result_(result) {}
template <typename Result, typename ArgumentTuple>
Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple& /* args */) const {
errno = errno_;
@@ -1002,8 +1398,8 @@ class IgnoreResultAction {
// Type OriginalFunction is the same as F except that its return
// type is IgnoredValue.
- typedef typename internal::Function<F>::MakeResultIgnoredValue
- OriginalFunction;
+ typedef
+ typename internal::Function<F>::MakeResultIgnoredValue OriginalFunction;
const Action<OriginalFunction> action_;
@@ -1013,55 +1409,243 @@ class IgnoreResultAction {
template <typename InnerAction, size_t... I>
struct WithArgsAction {
- InnerAction action;
+ InnerAction inner_action;
- // The inner action could be anything convertible to Action<X>.
- // We use the conversion operator to detect the signature of the inner Action.
+ // The signature of the function as seen by the inner action, given an out
+ // action with the given result and argument types.
template <typename R, typename... Args>
+ using InnerSignature =
+ R(typename std::tuple_element<I, std::tuple<Args...>>::type...);
+ // Rather than a call operator, we must define conversion operators to
+ // particular action types. This is necessary for embedded actions like
+ // DoDefault(), which rely on an action conversion operators rather than
+ // providing a call operator because even with a particular set of arguments
+ // they don't have a fixed return type.
+ template <
+ typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_convertible<InnerAction,
+ // Unfortunately we can't use the InnerSignature
+ // alias here; MSVC complains about the I
+ // parameter pack not being expanded (error C3520)
+ // despite it being expanded in the type alias.
+ // TupleElement is also an MSVC workaround.
+ // See its definition for details.
+ OnceAction<R(internal::TupleElement<
+ I, std::tuple<Args...>>...)>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ operator OnceAction<R(Args...)>() && { // NOLINT
+ struct OA {
+ OnceAction<InnerSignature<R, Args...>> inner_action;
+ R operator()(Args&&... args) && {
+ return std::move(inner_action)
+ .Call(std::get<I>(
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...))...);
+ }
+ };
+ return OA{std::move(inner_action)};
+ }
+ template <
+ typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_convertible<const InnerAction&,
+ // Unfortunately we can't use the InnerSignature
+ // alias here; MSVC complains about the I
+ // parameter pack not being expanded (error C3520)
+ // despite it being expanded in the type alias.
+ // TupleElement is also an MSVC workaround.
+ // See its definition for details.
+ Action<R(internal::TupleElement<
+ I, std::tuple<Args...>>...)>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
operator Action<R(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
- using TupleType = std::tuple<Args...>;
- Action<R(typename std::tuple_element<I, TupleType>::type...)>
- converted(action);
+ Action<InnerSignature<R, Args...>> converted(inner_action);
- return [converted](Args... args) -> R {
+ return [converted](Args&&... args) -> R {
return converted.Perform(std::forward_as_tuple(
- std::get<I>(std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...))...));
+ std::get<I>(std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...))...));
template <typename... Actions>
-struct DoAllAction {
- private:
+class DoAllAction;
+// Base case: only a single action.
+template <typename FinalAction>
+class DoAllAction<FinalAction> {
+ public:
+ struct UserConstructorTag {};
template <typename T>
- using NonFinalType =
- typename std::conditional<std::is_scalar<T>::value, T, const T&>::type;
+ explicit DoAllAction(UserConstructorTag, T&& action)
+ : final_action_(std::forward<T>(action)) {}
+ // Rather than a call operator, we must define conversion operators to
+ // particular action types. This is necessary for embedded actions like
+ // DoDefault(), which rely on an action conversion operators rather than
+ // providing a call operator because even with a particular set of arguments
+ // they don't have a fixed return type.
+ template <typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_convertible<FinalAction, OnceAction<R(Args...)>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ operator OnceAction<R(Args...)>() && { // NOLINT
+ return std::move(final_action_);
+ }
- template <typename ActionT, size_t... I>
- std::vector<ActionT> Convert(IndexSequence<I...>) const {
- return {ActionT(std::get<I>(actions))...};
+ template <
+ typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_convertible<const FinalAction&, Action<R(Args...)>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ operator Action<R(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
+ return final_action_;
+ private:
+ FinalAction final_action_;
+// Recursive case: support N actions by calling the initial action and then
+// calling through to the base class containing N-1 actions.
+template <typename InitialAction, typename... OtherActions>
+class DoAllAction<InitialAction, OtherActions...>
+ : private DoAllAction<OtherActions...> {
+ private:
+ using Base = DoAllAction<OtherActions...>;
+ // The type of reference that should be provided to an initial action for a
+ // mocked function parameter of type T.
+ //
+ // There are two quirks here:
+ //
+ // * Unlike most forwarding functions, we pass scalars through by value.
+ // This isn't strictly necessary because an lvalue reference would work
+ // fine too and be consistent with other non-reference types, but it's
+ // perhaps less surprising.
+ //
+ // For example if the mocked function has signature void(int), then it
+ // might seem surprising for the user's initial action to need to be
+ // convertible to Action<void(const int&)>. This is perhaps less
+ // surprising for a non-scalar type where there may be a performance
+ // impact, or it might even be impossible, to pass by value.
+ //
+ // * More surprisingly, `const T&` is often not a const reference type.
+ // By the reference collapsing rules in C++17 [dcl.ref]/6, if T refers to
+ // U& or U&& for some non-scalar type U, then InitialActionArgType<T> is
+ // U&. In other words, we may hand over a non-const reference.
+ //
+ // So for example, given some non-scalar type Obj we have the following
+ // mappings:
+ //
+ // T InitialActionArgType<T>
+ // ------- -----------------------
+ // Obj const Obj&
+ // Obj& Obj&
+ // Obj&& Obj&
+ // const Obj const Obj&
+ // const Obj& const Obj&
+ // const Obj&& const Obj&
+ //
+ // In other words, the initial actions get a mutable view of an non-scalar
+ // argument if and only if the mock function itself accepts a non-const
+ // reference type. They are never given an rvalue reference to an
+ // non-scalar type.
+ //
+ // This situation makes sense if you imagine use with a matcher that is
+ // designed to write through a reference. For example, if the caller wants
+ // to fill in a reference argument and then return a canned value:
+ //
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ // .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgReferee<0>(17), Return(19)));
+ //
+ template <typename T>
+ using InitialActionArgType =
+ typename std::conditional<std::is_scalar<T>::value, T, const T&>::type;
- std::tuple<Actions...> actions;
+ struct UserConstructorTag {};
+ template <typename T, typename... U>
+ explicit DoAllAction(UserConstructorTag, T&& initial_action,
+ U&&... other_actions)
+ : Base({}, std::forward<U>(other_actions)...),
+ initial_action_(std::forward<T>(initial_action)) {}
+ template <typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ conjunction<
+ // Both the initial action and the rest must support
+ // conversion to OnceAction.
+ std::is_convertible<
+ InitialAction,
+ OnceAction<void(InitialActionArgType<Args>...)>>,
+ std::is_convertible<Base, OnceAction<R(Args...)>>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
+ operator OnceAction<R(Args...)>() && { // NOLINT
+ // Return an action that first calls the initial action with arguments
+ // filtered through InitialActionArgType, then forwards arguments directly
+ // to the base class to deal with the remaining actions.
+ struct OA {
+ OnceAction<void(InitialActionArgType<Args>...)> initial_action;
+ OnceAction<R(Args...)> remaining_actions;
+ R operator()(Args... args) && {
+ std::move(initial_action)
+ .Call(static_cast<InitialActionArgType<Args>>(args)...);
+ return std::move(remaining_actions).Call(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ };
- template <typename R, typename... Args>
+ return OA{
+ std::move(initial_action_),
+ std::move(static_cast<Base&>(*this)),
+ };
+ }
+ template <
+ typename R, typename... Args,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ conjunction<
+ // Both the initial action and the rest must support conversion to
+ // Action.
+ std::is_convertible<const InitialAction&,
+ Action<void(InitialActionArgType<Args>...)>>,
+ std::is_convertible<const Base&, Action<R(Args...)>>>::value,
+ int>::type = 0>
operator Action<R(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
- struct Op {
- std::vector<Action<void(NonFinalType<Args>...)>> converted;
- Action<R(Args...)> last;
+ // Return an action that first calls the initial action with arguments
+ // filtered through InitialActionArgType, then forwards arguments directly
+ // to the base class to deal with the remaining actions.
+ struct OA {
+ Action<void(InitialActionArgType<Args>...)> initial_action;
+ Action<R(Args...)> remaining_actions;
R operator()(Args... args) const {
- auto tuple_args = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- for (auto& a : converted) {
- a.Perform(tuple_args);
- }
- return last.Perform(std::move(tuple_args));
+ initial_action.Perform(std::forward_as_tuple(
+ static_cast<InitialActionArgType<Args>>(args)...));
+ return remaining_actions.Perform(
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return Op{Convert<Action<void(NonFinalType<Args>...)>>(
- MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Actions) - 1>()),
- std::get<sizeof...(Actions) - 1>(actions)};
+ return OA{
+ initial_action_,
+ static_cast<const Base&>(*this),
+ };
+ private:
+ InitialAction initial_action_;
template <typename T, typename... Params>
@@ -1078,10 +1662,11 @@ struct ReturnNewAction {
template <size_t k>
struct ReturnArgAction {
- template <typename... Args>
- auto operator()(const Args&... args) const ->
- typename std::tuple_element<k, std::tuple<Args...>>::type {
- return std::get<k>(std::tie(args...));
+ template <typename... Args,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<(k < sizeof...(Args))>::type>
+ auto operator()(Args&&... args) const -> decltype(std::get<k>(
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...))) {
+ return std::get<k>(std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
@@ -1203,7 +1788,8 @@ typedef internal::IgnoredValue Unused;
template <typename... Action>
internal::DoAllAction<typename std::decay<Action>::type...> DoAll(
Action&&... action) {
- return {std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Action>(action)...)};
+ return internal::DoAllAction<typename std::decay<Action>::type...>(
+ {}, std::forward<Action>(action)...);
// WithArg<k>(an_action) creates an action that passes the k-th
@@ -1212,8 +1798,8 @@ internal::DoAllAction<typename std::decay<Action>::type...> DoAll(
// multiple arguments. For convenience, we also provide
// WithArgs<k>(an_action) (defined below) as a synonym.
template <size_t k, typename InnerAction>
-internal::WithArgsAction<typename std::decay<InnerAction>::type, k>
-WithArg(InnerAction&& action) {
+internal::WithArgsAction<typename std::decay<InnerAction>::type, k> WithArg(
+ InnerAction&& action) {
return {std::forward<InnerAction>(action)};
@@ -1232,14 +1818,35 @@ WithArgs(InnerAction&& action) {
// argument. In other words, it adapts an action accepting no
// argument to one that accepts (and ignores) arguments.
template <typename InnerAction>
-internal::WithArgsAction<typename std::decay<InnerAction>::type>
-WithoutArgs(InnerAction&& action) {
+internal::WithArgsAction<typename std::decay<InnerAction>::type> WithoutArgs(
+ InnerAction&& action) {
return {std::forward<InnerAction>(action)};
-// Creates an action that returns 'value'. 'value' is passed by value
-// instead of const reference - otherwise Return("string literal")
-// will trigger a compiler error about using array as initializer.
+// Creates an action that returns a value.
+// The returned type can be used with a mock function returning a non-void,
+// non-reference type U as follows:
+// * If R is convertible to U and U is move-constructible, then the action can
+// be used with WillOnce.
+// * If const R& is convertible to U and U is copy-constructible, then the
+// action can be used with both WillOnce and WillRepeatedly.
+// The mock expectation contains the R value from which the U return value is
+// constructed (a move/copy of the argument to Return). This means that the R
+// value will survive at least until the mock object's expectations are cleared
+// or the mock object is destroyed, meaning that U can safely be a
+// reference-like type such as std::string_view:
+// // The mock function returns a view of a copy of the string fed to
+// // Return. The view is valid even after the action is performed.
+// MockFunction<std::string_view()> mock;
+// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return(std::string("taco")));
+// const std::string_view result = mock.AsStdFunction()();
+// EXPECT_EQ("taco", result);
template <typename R>
internal::ReturnAction<R> Return(R value) {
return internal::ReturnAction<R>(std::move(value));
@@ -1273,6 +1880,8 @@ inline internal::ReturnRefOfCopyAction<R> ReturnRefOfCopy(const R& x) {
return internal::ReturnRefOfCopyAction<R>(x);
+// DEPRECATED: use Return(x) directly with WillOnce.
// Modifies the parent action (a Return() action) to perform a move of the
// argument instead of a copy.
// Return(ByMove()) actions can only be executed once and will assert this
@@ -1319,16 +1928,16 @@ internal::SetArgumentPointeeAction<N, T> SetArgumentPointee(T value) {
// Creates an action that sets a pointer referent to a given value.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
-PolymorphicAction<internal::AssignAction<T1, T2> > Assign(T1* ptr, T2 val) {
+PolymorphicAction<internal::AssignAction<T1, T2>> Assign(T1* ptr, T2 val) {
return MakePolymorphicAction(internal::AssignAction<T1, T2>(ptr, val));
// Creates an action that sets errno and returns the appropriate error.
template <typename T>
-PolymorphicAction<internal::SetErrnoAndReturnAction<T> >
-SetErrnoAndReturn(int errval, T result) {
+PolymorphicAction<internal::SetErrnoAndReturnAction<T>> SetErrnoAndReturn(
+ int errval, T result) {
return MakePolymorphicAction(
internal::SetErrnoAndReturnAction<T>(errval, result));
@@ -1482,7 +2091,8 @@ struct ExcessiveArg {};
// Builds an implementation of an Action<> for some particular signature, using
// a class defined by an ACTION* macro.
-template <typename F, typename Impl> struct ActionImpl;
+template <typename F, typename Impl>
+struct ActionImpl;
template <typename Impl>
struct ImplBase {
@@ -1502,7 +2112,7 @@ struct ActionImpl<R(Args...), Impl> : ImplBase<Impl>::type {
using args_type = std::tuple<Args...>;
ActionImpl() = default; // Only defined if appropriate for Base.
- explicit ActionImpl(std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl) : Base{std::move(impl)} { }
+ explicit ActionImpl(std::shared_ptr<Impl> impl) : Base{std::move(impl)} {}
R operator()(Args&&... arg) const {
static constexpr size_t kMaxArgs =
@@ -1521,12 +2131,14 @@ struct ActionImpl<R(Args...), Impl> : ImplBase<Impl>::type {
// args_type get passed, followed by a dummy of unspecified type for the
// remainder up to 10 explicit args.
static constexpr ExcessiveArg kExcessArg{};
- return static_cast<const Impl&>(*this).template gmock_PerformImpl<
- /*function_type=*/function_type, /*return_type=*/R,
- /*args_type=*/args_type,
- /*argN_type=*/typename std::tuple_element<arg_id, args_type>::type...>(
- /*args=*/args, std::get<arg_id>(args)...,
- ((void)excess_id, kExcessArg)...);
+ return static_cast<const Impl&>(*this)
+ .template gmock_PerformImpl<
+ /*function_type=*/function_type, /*return_type=*/R,
+ /*args_type=*/args_type,
+ /*argN_type=*/
+ typename std::tuple_element<arg_id, args_type>::type...>(
+ /*args=*/args, std::get<arg_id>(args)...,
+ ((void)excess_id, kExcessArg)...);
@@ -1545,7 +2157,7 @@ template <typename F, typename Impl>
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ARG_UNUSED(i, data, el) \
, const arg##i##_type& arg##i GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_
@@ -1584,42 +2196,47 @@ template <typename F, typename Impl>
#define GMOCK_ACTION_FIELD_PARAMS_(params) \
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, full_name, params) \
- template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
- class full_name { \
- public: \
- explicit full_name(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
- : impl_(std::make_shared<gmock_Impl>( \
- full_name(const full_name&) = default; \
- full_name(full_name&&) noexcept = default; \
- template <typename F> \
- operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
- return ::testing::internal::MakeAction<F>(impl_); \
- } \
- private: \
- class gmock_Impl { \
- public: \
- explicit gmock_Impl(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
- : GMOCK_ACTION_INIT_PARAMS_(params) {} \
- template <typename function_type, typename return_type, \
- typename args_type, GMOCK_ACTION_TEMPLATE_ARGS_NAMES_> \
- return_type gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_) const; \
- }; \
- std::shared_ptr<const gmock_Impl> impl_; \
- }; \
- template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
- inline full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)> name( \
- return full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>( \
- } \
- template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
- template <typename function_type, typename return_type, typename args_type, \
- return_type full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>::gmock_Impl:: \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_ACTION(name, full_name, params) \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ class full_name { \
+ public: \
+ explicit full_name(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
+ : impl_(std::make_shared<gmock_Impl>( \
+ full_name(const full_name&) = default; \
+ full_name(full_name&&) noexcept = default; \
+ template <typename F> \
+ operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
+ return ::testing::internal::MakeAction<F>(impl_); \
+ } \
+ \
+ private: \
+ class gmock_Impl { \
+ public: \
+ explicit gmock_Impl(GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_GVALUE_PARAMS_(params)) \
+ : GMOCK_ACTION_INIT_PARAMS_(params) {} \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, \
+ typename args_type, GMOCK_ACTION_TEMPLATE_ARGS_NAMES_> \
+ return_type gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_) const; \
+ }; \
+ std::shared_ptr<const gmock_Impl> impl_; \
+ }; \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ inline full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)> name( \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ inline full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)> name( \
+ return full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>( \
+ } \
+ template <GMOCK_ACTION_TYPENAME_PARAMS_(params)> \
+ template <typename function_type, typename return_type, typename args_type, \
+ return_type \
+ full_name<GMOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PARAMS_(params)>::gmock_Impl::gmock_PerformImpl( \
} // namespace internal
@@ -1627,12 +2244,13 @@ template <typename F, typename Impl>
#define ACTION(name) \
class name##Action { \
public: \
- explicit name##Action() noexcept {} \
- name##Action(const name##Action&) noexcept {} \
+ explicit name##Action() noexcept {} \
+ name##Action(const name##Action&) noexcept {} \
template <typename F> \
operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
return ::testing::internal::MakeAction<F, gmock_Impl>(); \
} \
+ \
private: \
class gmock_Impl { \
public: \
@@ -1680,8 +2298,6 @@ template <typename F, typename Impl>
} // namespace testing
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
index fc7f803a..533e604f 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
@@ -27,21 +27,23 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements some commonly used cardinalities. More
// cardinalities can be defined by the user implementing the
// CardinalityInterface interface if necessary.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
#include <limits.h>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ namespace testing {
// The implementation of a cardinality.
class CardinalityInterface {
- virtual ~CardinalityInterface() {}
+ virtual ~CardinalityInterface() = default;
// Conservative estimate on the lower/upper bound of the number of
// calls allowed.
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ Cardinality {
// Constructs a null cardinality. Needed for storing Cardinality
// objects in STL containers.
- Cardinality() {}
+ Cardinality() = default;
// Constructs a Cardinality from its implementation.
explicit Cardinality(const CardinalityInterface* impl) : impl_(impl) {}
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ Cardinality {
// cardinality, i.e. exceed the maximum number of allowed calls.
bool IsOverSaturatedByCallCount(int call_count) const {
return impl_->IsSaturatedByCallCount(call_count) &&
- !impl_->IsSatisfiedByCallCount(call_count);
+ !impl_->IsSatisfiedByCallCount(call_count);
// Describes self to an ostream
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
index 0fc6f6f3..d2cb13cd 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@
// This file implements MOCK_METHOD.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
+#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <utility> // IWYU pragma: keep
@@ -64,6 +66,39 @@ struct ThisRefAdjuster {
+constexpr bool PrefixOf(const char* a, const char* b) {
+ return *a == 0 || (*a == *b && internal::PrefixOf(a + 1, b + 1));
+template <size_t N, size_t M>
+constexpr bool StartsWith(const char (&prefix)[N], const char (&str)[M]) {
+ return N <= M && internal::PrefixOf(prefix, str);
+template <size_t N, size_t M>
+constexpr bool EndsWith(const char (&suffix)[N], const char (&str)[M]) {
+ return N <= M && internal::PrefixOf(suffix, str + M - N);
+template <size_t N, size_t M>
+constexpr bool Equals(const char (&a)[N], const char (&b)[M]) {
+ return N == M && internal::PrefixOf(a, b);
+template <size_t N>
+constexpr bool ValidateSpec(const char (&spec)[N]) {
+ return internal::Equals("const", spec) ||
+ internal::Equals("override", spec) ||
+ internal::Equals("final", spec) ||
+ internal::Equals("noexcept", spec) ||
+ (internal::StartsWith("noexcept(", spec) &&
+ internal::EndsWith(")", spec)) ||
+ internal::Equals("ref(&)", spec) ||
+ internal::Equals("ref(&&)", spec) ||
+ (internal::StartsWith("Calltype(", spec) &&
+ internal::EndsWith(")", spec));
} // namespace internal
// The style guide prohibits "using" statements in a namespace scope
@@ -74,8 +109,11 @@ struct ThisRefAdjuster {
using internal::FunctionMocker;
} // namespace testing
-#define MOCK_METHOD(...) \
+#define MOCK_METHOD(...) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_CLANG(ignored, "-Wunused-member-function") \
@@ -86,17 +124,18 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_MOCK_METHOD_ARG_3(_Ret, _MethodName, _Args) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MOCK_METHOD_ARG_4(_Ret, _MethodName, _Args, ())
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_MOCK_METHOD_ARG_4(_Ret, _MethodName, _Args, _Spec) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_MOCK_METHOD_ARG_4(_Ret, _MethodName, _Args, _Spec) \
@@ -142,8 +181,9 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
_Signature)>::Result \
- GMOCK_PP_IF(_Constness, const, ) _RefSpec _NoexceptSpec \
- GMOCK_PP_IF(_Override, override, ) GMOCK_PP_IF(_Final, final, ) { \
+ GMOCK_PP_IF(_Constness, const, ) \
+ _RefSpec _NoexceptSpec GMOCK_PP_IF(_Override, override, ) \
+ GMOCK_PP_IF(_Final, final, ) { \
GMOCK_MOCKER_(_N, _Constness, _MethodName) \
.SetOwnerAndName(this, #_MethodName); \
return GMOCK_MOCKER_(_N, _Constness, _MethodName) \
@@ -166,11 +206,11 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
} \
mutable ::testing::FunctionMocker<GMOCK_PP_REMOVE_PARENS(_Signature)> \
- GMOCK_MOCKER_(_N, _Constness, _MethodName)
+ GMOCK_MOCKER_(_N, _Constness, _MethodName)
-// Five Valid modifiers.
+// Valid modifiers.
@@ -189,6 +229,14 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
_elem, )
@@ -196,19 +244,25 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
- static_assert( \
+ static_assert( \
+ ::testing::internal::ValidateSpec(GMOCK_PP_STRINGIZE(_elem)), \
+ "Token \'" GMOCK_PP_STRINGIZE( \
+ _elem) "\' cannot be recognized as a valid specification " \
+ "modifier. Is a ',' missing?");
+ static_assert( \
_elem) " cannot be recognized as a valid specification modifier.");
// Modifiers implementation.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DETECT_CONST(_i, _, _elem) \
@@ -238,26 +292,12 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_UNPACK_ref(x) x
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_GET_CALLTYPE_IMPL(_i, _, _elem) \
- (_elem)
-// GMOCK_INTERNAL_GET_VALUE_CALLTYPE needed more expansions to work on windows
-// maybe they can be simplified somehow.
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DETECT_CALLTYPE(_i, _, _elem) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_UNPACK_Calltype(...) __VA_ARGS__
// Note: The use of `identity_t` here allows _Ret to represent return types that
// would normally need to be specified in a different way. For example, a method
@@ -476,4 +516,4 @@ using internal::FunctionMocker;
#define GMOCK_MOCKER_(arity, constness, Method) \
GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gmock##constness##arity##_##Method##_, __LINE__)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
index 49aa10ee..bc994bd7 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// The MATCHER* family of macros can be used in a namespace scope to
@@ -241,7 +240,7 @@
// To learn more about using these macros, please search for 'MATCHER'
// on
-// https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md
+// https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md
// This file also implements some commonly used argument matchers. More
// matchers can be defined by the user implementing the
@@ -250,14 +249,18 @@
// See googletest/include/gtest/gtest-matchers.h for the definition of class
// Matcher, class MatcherInterface, and others.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
+#include <exception>
+#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
+#include <ios>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
@@ -315,7 +318,9 @@ class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
::std::stringstream ss_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(StringMatchResultListener);
+ StringMatchResultListener(const StringMatchResultListener&) = delete;
+ StringMatchResultListener& operator=(const StringMatchResultListener&) =
+ delete;
// Anything inside the 'internal' namespace IS INTERNAL IMPLEMENTATION
@@ -398,7 +403,7 @@ class MatcherCastImpl {
// is already a Matcher. This only compiles when type T can be
// statically converted to type U.
template <typename T, typename U>
-class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<U> > {
+class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<U>> {
static Matcher<T> Cast(const Matcher<U>& source_matcher) {
return Matcher<T>(new Impl(source_matcher));
@@ -452,7 +457,7 @@ class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<U> > {
// This even more specialized version is used for efficiently casting
// a matcher to its own type.
template <typename T>
-class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<T> > {
+class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<T>> {
static Matcher<T> Cast(const Matcher<T>& matcher) { return matcher; }
@@ -535,19 +540,18 @@ inline Matcher<T> SafeMatcherCast(const Matcher<U>& matcher) {
"T must be implicitly convertible to U");
// Enforce that we are not converting a non-reference type T to a reference
// type U.
- std::is_reference<T>::value || !std::is_reference<U>::value,
- cannot_convert_non_reference_arg_to_reference);
+ static_assert(std::is_reference<T>::value || !std::is_reference<U>::value,
+ "cannot convert non reference arg to reference");
// In case both T and U are arithmetic types, enforce that the
// conversion is not lossy.
constexpr bool kTIsOther = GMOCK_KIND_OF_(RawT) == internal::kOther;
constexpr bool kUIsOther = GMOCK_KIND_OF_(RawU) == internal::kOther;
+ static_assert(
kTIsOther || kUIsOther ||
- (internal::LosslessArithmeticConvertible<RawT, RawU>::value),
- conversion_of_arithmetic_types_must_be_lossless);
+ (internal::LosslessArithmeticConvertible<RawT, RawU>::value),
+ "conversion of arithmetic types must be lossless");
return MatcherCast<T>(matcher);
@@ -562,7 +566,7 @@ namespace internal {
// If the explanation is not empty, prints it to the ostream.
inline void PrintIfNotEmpty(const std::string& explanation,
::std::ostream* os) {
- if (explanation != "" && os != nullptr) {
+ if (!explanation.empty() && os != nullptr) {
*os << ", " << explanation;
@@ -680,9 +684,9 @@ bool TupleMatches(const MatcherTuple& matcher_tuple,
const ValueTuple& value_tuple) {
// Makes sure that matcher_tuple and value_tuple have the same
// number of fields.
- GTEST_COMPILE_ASSERT_(std::tuple_size<MatcherTuple>::value ==
- std::tuple_size<ValueTuple>::value,
- matcher_and_value_have_different_numbers_of_fields);
+ static_assert(std::tuple_size<MatcherTuple>::value ==
+ std::tuple_size<ValueTuple>::value,
+ "matcher and value have different numbers of fields");
return TuplePrefix<std::tuple_size<ValueTuple>::value>::Matches(matcher_tuple,
@@ -691,8 +695,7 @@ bool TupleMatches(const MatcherTuple& matcher_tuple,
// is no failure, nothing will be streamed to os.
template <typename MatcherTuple, typename ValueTuple>
void ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(const MatcherTuple& matchers,
- const ValueTuple& values,
- ::std::ostream* os) {
+ const ValueTuple& values, ::std::ostream* os) {
matchers, values, os);
@@ -716,14 +719,14 @@ class TransformTupleValuesHelper {
template <typename Tup, size_t kRemainingSize>
struct IterateOverTuple {
- OutIter operator() (Func f, const Tup& t, OutIter out) const {
+ OutIter operator()(Func f, const Tup& t, OutIter out) const {
*out++ = f(::std::get<TupleSize::value - kRemainingSize>(t));
return IterateOverTuple<Tup, kRemainingSize - 1>()(f, t, out);
template <typename Tup>
struct IterateOverTuple<Tup, 0> {
- OutIter operator() (Func /* f */, const Tup& /* t */, OutIter out) const {
+ OutIter operator()(Func /* f */, const Tup& /* t */, OutIter out) const {
return out;
@@ -769,9 +772,7 @@ class IsNullMatcher {
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is NULL"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "isn't NULL";
- }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "isn't NULL"; }
// Implements the polymorphic NotNull() matcher, which matches any raw or smart
@@ -785,9 +786,7 @@ class NotNullMatcher {
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "isn't NULL"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is NULL";
- }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is NULL"; }
// Ref(variable) matches any argument that is a reference to
@@ -873,8 +872,7 @@ inline bool CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(const wchar_t* lhs,
// String comparison for narrow or wide strings that can have embedded NUL
// characters.
template <typename StringType>
-bool CaseInsensitiveStringEquals(const StringType& s1,
- const StringType& s2) {
+bool CaseInsensitiveStringEquals(const StringType& s1, const StringType& s2) {
// Are the heads equal?
if (!CaseInsensitiveCStringEquals(s1.c_str(), s2.c_str())) {
return false;
@@ -935,8 +933,8 @@ class StrEqualityMatcher {
bool MatchAndExplain(const MatcheeStringType& s,
MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
const StringType s2(s);
- const bool eq = case_sensitive_ ? s2 == string_ :
- CaseInsensitiveStringEquals(s2, string_);
+ const bool eq = case_sensitive_ ? s2 == string_
+ : CaseInsensitiveStringEquals(s2, string_);
return expect_eq_ == eq;
@@ -1023,8 +1021,7 @@ class HasSubstrMatcher {
template <typename StringType>
class StartsWithMatcher {
- explicit StartsWithMatcher(const StringType& prefix) : prefix_(prefix) {
- }
+ explicit StartsWithMatcher(const StringType& prefix) : prefix_(prefix) {}
bool MatchAndExplain(const internal::StringView& s,
@@ -1055,7 +1052,7 @@ class StartsWithMatcher {
MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
const StringType& s2(s);
return s2.length() >= prefix_.length() &&
- s2.substr(0, prefix_.length()) == prefix_;
+ s2.substr(0, prefix_.length()) == prefix_;
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
@@ -1109,7 +1106,7 @@ class EndsWithMatcher {
MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
const StringType& s2(s);
return s2.length() >= suffix_.length() &&
- s2.substr(s2.length() - suffix_.length()) == suffix_;
+ s2.substr(s2.length() - suffix_.length()) == suffix_;
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
@@ -1126,6 +1123,45 @@ class EndsWithMatcher {
const StringType suffix_;
+// Implements the polymorphic WhenBase64Unescaped(matcher) matcher, which can be
+// used as a Matcher<T> as long as T can be converted to a string.
+class WhenBase64UnescapedMatcher {
+ public:
+ using is_gtest_matcher = void;
+ explicit WhenBase64UnescapedMatcher(
+ const Matcher<const std::string&>& internal_matcher)
+ : internal_matcher_(internal_matcher) {}
+ // Matches anything that can convert to std::string.
+ template <typename MatcheeStringType>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const MatcheeStringType& s,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ const std::string s2(s); // NOLINT (needed for working with string_view).
+ std::string unescaped;
+ if (!internal::Base64Unescape(s2, &unescaped)) {
+ if (listener != nullptr) {
+ *listener << "is not a valid base64 escaped string";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return MatchPrintAndExplain(unescaped, internal_matcher_, listener);
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "matches after Base64Unescape ";
+ internal_matcher_.DescribeTo(os);
+ }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "does not match after Base64Unescape ";
+ internal_matcher_.DescribeTo(os);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> internal_matcher_;
// Implements a matcher that compares the two fields of a 2-tuple
// using one of the ==, <=, <, etc, operators. The two fields being
// compared don't have to have the same type.
@@ -1167,27 +1203,27 @@ class PairMatchBase {
-class Eq2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Eq2Matcher, AnyEq> {
+class Eq2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Eq2Matcher, std::equal_to<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "an equal pair"; }
-class Ne2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Ne2Matcher, AnyNe> {
+class Ne2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Ne2Matcher, std::not_equal_to<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "an unequal pair"; }
-class Lt2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Lt2Matcher, AnyLt> {
+class Lt2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Lt2Matcher, std::less<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "a pair where the first < the second"; }
-class Gt2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Gt2Matcher, AnyGt> {
+class Gt2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Gt2Matcher, std::greater<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "a pair where the first > the second"; }
-class Le2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Le2Matcher, AnyLe> {
+class Le2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Le2Matcher, std::less_equal<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "a pair where the first <= the second"; }
-class Ge2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Ge2Matcher, AnyGe> {
+class Ge2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Ge2Matcher, std::greater_equal<>> {
static const char* Desc() { return "a pair where the first >= the second"; }
@@ -1199,8 +1235,7 @@ class Ge2Matcher : public PairMatchBase<Ge2Matcher, AnyGe> {
template <typename T>
class NotMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- explicit NotMatcherImpl(const Matcher<T>& matcher)
- : matcher_(matcher) {}
+ explicit NotMatcherImpl(const Matcher<T>& matcher) : matcher_(matcher) {}
bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x,
MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
@@ -1244,7 +1279,7 @@ class NotMatcher {
template <typename T>
class AllOfMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- explicit AllOfMatcherImpl(std::vector<Matcher<T> > matchers)
+ explicit AllOfMatcherImpl(std::vector<Matcher<T>> matchers)
: matchers_(std::move(matchers)) {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
@@ -1295,7 +1330,7 @@ class AllOfMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- const std::vector<Matcher<T> > matchers_;
+ const std::vector<Matcher<T>> matchers_;
// VariadicMatcher is used for the variadic implementation of
@@ -1318,14 +1353,14 @@ class VariadicMatcher {
// all of the provided matchers (Matcher1, Matcher2, ...) can match.
template <typename T>
operator Matcher<T>() const {
- std::vector<Matcher<T> > values;
+ std::vector<Matcher<T>> values;
CreateVariadicMatcher<T>(&values, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>());
return Matcher<T>(new CombiningMatcher<T>(std::move(values)));
template <typename T, size_t I>
- void CreateVariadicMatcher(std::vector<Matcher<T> >* values,
+ void CreateVariadicMatcher(std::vector<Matcher<T>>* values,
std::integral_constant<size_t, I>) const {
CreateVariadicMatcher<T>(values, std::integral_constant<size_t, I + 1>());
@@ -1333,7 +1368,7 @@ class VariadicMatcher {
template <typename T>
void CreateVariadicMatcher(
- std::vector<Matcher<T> >*,
+ std::vector<Matcher<T>>*,
std::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(Args)>) const {}
std::tuple<Args...> matchers_;
@@ -1349,7 +1384,7 @@ using AllOfMatcher = VariadicMatcher<AllOfMatcherImpl, Args...>;
template <typename T>
class AnyOfMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- explicit AnyOfMatcherImpl(std::vector<Matcher<T> > matchers)
+ explicit AnyOfMatcherImpl(std::vector<Matcher<T>> matchers)
: matchers_(std::move(matchers)) {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
@@ -1400,13 +1435,35 @@ class AnyOfMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
- const std::vector<Matcher<T> > matchers_;
+ const std::vector<Matcher<T>> matchers_;
// AnyOfMatcher is used for the variadic implementation of AnyOf(m_1, m_2, ...).
template <typename... Args>
using AnyOfMatcher = VariadicMatcher<AnyOfMatcherImpl, Args...>;
+// ConditionalMatcher is the implementation of Conditional(cond, m1, m2)
+template <typename MatcherTrue, typename MatcherFalse>
+class ConditionalMatcher {
+ public:
+ ConditionalMatcher(bool condition, MatcherTrue matcher_true,
+ MatcherFalse matcher_false)
+ : condition_(condition),
+ matcher_true_(std::move(matcher_true)),
+ matcher_false_(std::move(matcher_false)) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ operator Matcher<T>() const { // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
+ return condition_ ? SafeMatcherCast<T>(matcher_true_)
+ : SafeMatcherCast<T>(matcher_false_);
+ }
+ private:
+ bool condition_;
+ MatcherTrue matcher_true_;
+ MatcherFalse matcher_false_;
// Wrapper for implementation of Any/AllOfArray().
template <template <class> class MatcherImpl, typename T>
class SomeOfArrayMatcher {
@@ -1420,6 +1477,7 @@ class SomeOfArrayMatcher {
operator Matcher<U>() const { // NOLINT
using RawU = typename std::decay<U>::type;
std::vector<Matcher<RawU>> matchers;
+ matchers.reserve(matchers_.size());
for (const auto& matcher : matchers_) {
@@ -1456,8 +1514,7 @@ class TrulyMatcher {
// We cannot write 'return !!predicate_(x);' as that doesn't work
// when predicate_(x) returns a class convertible to bool but
// having no operator!().
- if (predicate_(x))
- return true;
+ if (predicate_(x)) return true;
*listener << "didn't satisfy the given predicate";
return false;
@@ -1565,8 +1622,8 @@ class PredicateFormatterFromMatcher {
// used for implementing ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT().
// Implementation detail: 'matcher' is received by-value to force decaying.
template <typename M>
-inline PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<M>
-MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(M matcher) {
+inline PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<M> MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(
+ M matcher) {
return PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<M>(std::move(matcher));
@@ -1581,9 +1638,7 @@ class IsNanMatcher {
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is NaN"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "isn't NaN";
- }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const { *os << "isn't NaN"; }
// Implements the polymorphic floating point equality matcher, which matches
@@ -1599,9 +1654,8 @@ class FloatingEqMatcher {
// equality comparisons between NANs will always return false. We specify a
// negative max_abs_error_ term to indicate that ULP-based approximation will
// be used for comparison.
- FloatingEqMatcher(FloatType expected, bool nan_eq_nan) :
- expected_(expected), nan_eq_nan_(nan_eq_nan), max_abs_error_(-1) {
- }
+ FloatingEqMatcher(FloatType expected, bool nan_eq_nan)
+ : expected_(expected), nan_eq_nan_(nan_eq_nan), max_abs_error_(-1) {}
// Constructor that supports a user-specified max_abs_error that will be used
// for comparison instead of ULP-based approximation. The max absolute
@@ -1663,8 +1717,8 @@ class FloatingEqMatcher {
// os->precision() returns the previously set precision, which we
// store to restore the ostream to its original configuration
// after outputting.
- const ::std::streamsize old_precision = os->precision(
- ::std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::digits10 + 2);
+ const ::std::streamsize old_precision =
+ os->precision(::std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::digits10 + 2);
if (FloatingPoint<FloatType>(expected_).is_nan()) {
if (nan_eq_nan_) {
*os << "is NaN";
@@ -1682,8 +1736,8 @@ class FloatingEqMatcher {
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
// As before, get original precision.
- const ::std::streamsize old_precision = os->precision(
- ::std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::digits10 + 2);
+ const ::std::streamsize old_precision =
+ os->precision(::std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::digits10 + 2);
if (FloatingPoint<FloatType>(expected_).is_nan()) {
if (nan_eq_nan_) {
*os << "isn't NaN";
@@ -1701,9 +1755,7 @@ class FloatingEqMatcher {
- bool HasMaxAbsError() const {
- return max_abs_error_ >= 0;
- }
+ bool HasMaxAbsError() const { return max_abs_error_ >= 0; }
const FloatType expected_;
const bool nan_eq_nan_;
@@ -1775,9 +1827,8 @@ class FloatingEq2Matcher {
template <typename Tuple>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Tuple> {
- Impl(FloatType max_abs_error, bool nan_eq_nan) :
- max_abs_error_(max_abs_error),
- nan_eq_nan_(nan_eq_nan) {}
+ Impl(FloatType max_abs_error, bool nan_eq_nan)
+ : max_abs_error_(max_abs_error), nan_eq_nan_(nan_eq_nan) {}
bool MatchAndExplain(Tuple args,
MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
@@ -1953,9 +2004,7 @@ class WhenDynamicCastToMatcherBase {
const Matcher<To> matcher_;
- static std::string GetToName() {
- return GetTypeName<To>();
- }
+ static std::string GetToName() { return GetTypeName<To>(); }
static void GetCastTypeDescription(::std::ostream* os) {
@@ -2092,7 +2141,7 @@ class PropertyMatcher {
template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(const T&value, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const T& value, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
return MatchAndExplainImpl(
typename std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_const<T>::type>::type(),
value, listener);
@@ -2144,16 +2193,16 @@ struct CallableTraits {
// Specialization for function pointers.
template <typename ArgType, typename ResType>
-struct CallableTraits<ResType(*)(ArgType)> {
+struct CallableTraits<ResType (*)(ArgType)> {
typedef ResType ResultType;
- typedef ResType(*StorageType)(ArgType);
+ typedef ResType (*StorageType)(ArgType);
- static void CheckIsValid(ResType(*f)(ArgType)) {
+ static void CheckIsValid(ResType (*f)(ArgType)) {
GTEST_CHECK_(f != nullptr)
<< "NULL function pointer is passed into ResultOf().";
template <typename T>
- static ResType Invoke(ResType(*f)(ArgType), T arg) {
+ static ResType Invoke(ResType (*f)(ArgType), T arg) {
return (*f)(arg);
@@ -2164,13 +2213,21 @@ template <typename Callable, typename InnerMatcher>
class ResultOfMatcher {
ResultOfMatcher(Callable callable, InnerMatcher matcher)
- : callable_(std::move(callable)), matcher_(std::move(matcher)) {
+ : ResultOfMatcher(/*result_description=*/"", std::move(callable),
+ std::move(matcher)) {}
+ ResultOfMatcher(const std::string& result_description, Callable callable,
+ InnerMatcher matcher)
+ : result_description_(result_description),
+ callable_(std::move(callable)),
+ matcher_(std::move(matcher)) {
template <typename T>
operator Matcher<T>() const {
- return Matcher<T>(new Impl<const T&>(callable_, matcher_));
+ return Matcher<T>(
+ new Impl<const T&>(result_description_, callable_, matcher_));
@@ -2183,21 +2240,36 @@ class ResultOfMatcher {
template <typename M>
- Impl(const CallableStorageType& callable, const M& matcher)
- : callable_(callable), matcher_(MatcherCast<ResultType>(matcher)) {}
+ Impl(const std::string& result_description,
+ const CallableStorageType& callable, const M& matcher)
+ : result_description_(result_description),
+ callable_(callable),
+ matcher_(MatcherCast<ResultType>(matcher)) {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "is mapped by the given callable to a value that ";
+ if (result_description_.empty()) {
+ *os << "is mapped by the given callable to a value that ";
+ } else {
+ *os << "whose " << result_description_ << " ";
+ }
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "is mapped by the given callable to a value that ";
+ if (result_description_.empty()) {
+ *os << "is mapped by the given callable to a value that ";
+ } else {
+ *os << "whose " << result_description_ << " ";
+ }
bool MatchAndExplain(T obj, MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
- *listener << "which is mapped by the given callable to ";
+ if (result_description_.empty()) {
+ *listener << "which is mapped by the given callable to ";
+ } else {
+ *listener << "whose " << result_description_ << " is ";
+ }
// Cannot pass the return value directly to MatchPrintAndExplain, which
// takes a non-const reference as argument.
// Also, specifying template argument explicitly is needed because T could
@@ -2208,6 +2280,7 @@ class ResultOfMatcher {
+ const std::string result_description_;
// Functors often define operator() as non-const method even though
// they are actually stateless. But we need to use them even when
// 'this' is a const pointer. It's the user's responsibility not to
@@ -2217,6 +2290,7 @@ class ResultOfMatcher {
const Matcher<ResultType> matcher_;
}; // class Impl
+ const std::string result_description_;
const CallableStorageType callable_;
const InnerMatcher matcher_;
@@ -2226,8 +2300,7 @@ template <typename SizeMatcher>
class SizeIsMatcher {
explicit SizeIsMatcher(const SizeMatcher& size_matcher)
- : size_matcher_(size_matcher) {
- }
+ : size_matcher_(size_matcher) {}
template <typename Container>
operator Matcher<Container>() const {
@@ -2242,11 +2315,11 @@ class SizeIsMatcher {
: size_matcher_(MatcherCast<SizeType>(size_matcher)) {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "size ";
+ *os << "has a size that ";
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "size ";
+ *os << "has a size that ";
@@ -2255,8 +2328,8 @@ class SizeIsMatcher {
SizeType size = container.size();
StringMatchResultListener size_listener;
const bool result = size_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(size, &size_listener);
- *listener
- << "whose size " << size << (result ? " matches" : " doesn't match");
+ *listener << "whose size " << size
+ << (result ? " matches" : " doesn't match");
PrintIfNotEmpty(size_listener.str(), listener->stream());
return result;
@@ -2285,8 +2358,9 @@ class BeginEndDistanceIsMatcher {
template <typename Container>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
- typedef internal::StlContainerView<
- GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container)> ContainerView;
+ typedef internal::StlContainerView<GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(
+ Container)>
+ ContainerView;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<
typename ContainerView::type::const_iterator>::difference_type
@@ -2366,18 +2440,15 @@ class ContainerEqMatcher {
typedef internal::StlContainerView<
typename std::remove_const<LhsContainer>::type>
- typedef typename LhsView::type LhsStlContainer;
StlContainerReference lhs_stl_container = LhsView::ConstReference(lhs);
- if (lhs_stl_container == expected_)
- return true;
+ if (lhs_stl_container == expected_) return true;
::std::ostream* const os = listener->stream();
if (os != nullptr) {
// Something is different. Check for extra values first.
bool printed_header = false;
- for (typename LhsStlContainer::const_iterator it =
- lhs_stl_container.begin();
- it != lhs_stl_container.end(); ++it) {
+ for (auto it = lhs_stl_container.begin(); it != lhs_stl_container.end();
+ ++it) {
if (internal::ArrayAwareFind(expected_.begin(), expected_.end(), *it) ==
expected_.end()) {
if (printed_header) {
@@ -2392,11 +2463,10 @@ class ContainerEqMatcher {
// Now check for missing values.
bool printed_header2 = false;
- for (typename StlContainer::const_iterator it = expected_.begin();
- it != expected_.end(); ++it) {
- if (internal::ArrayAwareFind(
- lhs_stl_container.begin(), lhs_stl_container.end(), *it) ==
- lhs_stl_container.end()) {
+ for (auto it = expected_.begin(); it != expected_.end(); ++it) {
+ if (internal::ArrayAwareFind(lhs_stl_container.begin(),
+ lhs_stl_container.end(),
+ *it) == lhs_stl_container.end()) {
if (printed_header2) {
*os << ", ";
} else {
@@ -2419,7 +2489,9 @@ class ContainerEqMatcher {
// A comparator functor that uses the < operator to compare two values.
struct LessComparator {
template <typename T, typename U>
- bool operator()(const T& lhs, const U& rhs) const { return lhs < rhs; }
+ bool operator()(const T& lhs, const U& rhs) const {
+ return lhs < rhs;
+ }
// Implements WhenSortedBy(comparator, container_matcher).
@@ -2438,14 +2510,16 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
template <typename LhsContainer>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<LhsContainer> {
- typedef internal::StlContainerView<
+ typedef internal::StlContainerView<GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(
+ LhsContainer)>
+ LhsView;
typedef typename LhsView::type LhsStlContainer;
typedef typename LhsView::const_reference LhsStlContainerReference;
// Transforms std::pair<const Key, Value> into std::pair<Key, Value>
// so that we can match associative containers.
- typedef typename RemoveConstFromKey<
- typename LhsStlContainer::value_type>::type LhsValue;
+ typedef
+ typename RemoveConstFromKey<typename LhsStlContainer::value_type>::type
+ LhsValue;
Impl(const Comparator& comparator, const ContainerMatcher& matcher)
: comparator_(comparator), matcher_(matcher) {}
@@ -2465,8 +2539,8 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
LhsStlContainerReference lhs_stl_container = LhsView::ConstReference(lhs);
::std::vector<LhsValue> sorted_container(lhs_stl_container.begin(),
- ::std::sort(
- sorted_container.begin(), sorted_container.end(), comparator_);
+ ::std::sort(sorted_container.begin(), sorted_container.end(),
+ comparator_);
if (!listener->IsInterested()) {
// If the listener is not interested, we do not need to
@@ -2479,8 +2553,8 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
*listener << " when sorted";
StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
- const bool match = matcher_.MatchAndExplain(sorted_container,
- &inner_listener);
+ const bool match =
+ matcher_.MatchAndExplain(sorted_container, &inner_listener);
PrintIfNotEmpty(inner_listener.str(), listener->stream());
return match;
@@ -2489,7 +2563,8 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
const Comparator comparator_;
const Matcher<const ::std::vector<LhsValue>&> matcher_;
+ Impl(const Impl&) = delete;
+ Impl& operator=(const Impl&) = delete;
@@ -2503,9 +2578,9 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
// container and the RHS container respectively.
template <typename TupleMatcher, typename RhsContainer>
class PointwiseMatcher {
+ static_assert(
- use_UnorderedPointwise_with_hash_tables);
+ "use UnorderedPointwise with hash tables");
typedef internal::StlContainerView<RhsContainer> RhsView;
@@ -2524,9 +2599,9 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
template <typename LhsContainer>
operator Matcher<LhsContainer>() const {
+ static_assert(
- use_UnorderedPointwise_with_hash_tables);
+ "use UnorderedPointwise with hash tables");
return Matcher<LhsContainer>(
new Impl<const LhsContainer&>(tuple_matcher_, rhs_));
@@ -2535,8 +2610,9 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
template <typename LhsContainer>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<LhsContainer> {
- typedef internal::StlContainerView<
+ typedef internal::StlContainerView<GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(
+ LhsContainer)>
+ LhsView;
typedef typename LhsView::type LhsStlContainer;
typedef typename LhsView::const_reference LhsStlContainerReference;
typedef typename LhsStlContainer::value_type LhsValue;
@@ -2576,14 +2652,14 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
return false;
- typename LhsStlContainer::const_iterator left = lhs_stl_container.begin();
- typename RhsStlContainer::const_iterator right = rhs_.begin();
+ auto left = lhs_stl_container.begin();
+ auto right = rhs_.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i != actual_size; ++i, ++left, ++right) {
if (listener->IsInterested()) {
StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
// Create InnerMatcherArg as a temporarily object to avoid it outlives
// *left and *right. Dereference or the conversion to `const T&` may
- // return temp objects, e.g for vector<bool>.
+ // return temp objects, e.g. for vector<bool>.
if (!mono_tuple_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(
InnerMatcherArg(ImplicitCast_<const LhsValue&>(*left),
ImplicitCast_<const RhsValue&>(*right)),
@@ -2630,18 +2706,17 @@ class QuantifierMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
template <typename InnerMatcher>
explicit QuantifierMatcherImpl(InnerMatcher inner_matcher)
: inner_matcher_(
- testing::SafeMatcherCast<const Element&>(inner_matcher)) {}
+ testing::SafeMatcherCast<const Element&>(inner_matcher)) {}
// Checks whether:
// * All elements in the container match, if all_elements_should_match.
// * Any element in the container matches, if !all_elements_should_match.
- bool MatchAndExplainImpl(bool all_elements_should_match,
- Container container,
+ bool MatchAndExplainImpl(bool all_elements_should_match, Container container,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
StlContainerReference stl_container = View::ConstReference(container);
size_t i = 0;
- for (typename StlContainer::const_iterator it = stl_container.begin();
- it != stl_container.end(); ++it, ++i) {
+ for (auto it = stl_container.begin(); it != stl_container.end();
+ ++it, ++i) {
StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
const bool matches = inner_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(*it, &inner_listener);
@@ -2655,6 +2730,54 @@ class QuantifierMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
return all_elements_should_match;
+ bool MatchAndExplainImpl(const Matcher<size_t>& count_matcher,
+ Container container,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ StlContainerReference stl_container = View::ConstReference(container);
+ size_t i = 0;
+ std::vector<size_t> match_elements;
+ for (auto it = stl_container.begin(); it != stl_container.end();
+ ++it, ++i) {
+ StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
+ const bool matches = inner_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(*it, &inner_listener);
+ if (matches) {
+ match_elements.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (listener->IsInterested()) {
+ if (match_elements.empty()) {
+ *listener << "has no element that matches";
+ } else if (match_elements.size() == 1) {
+ *listener << "whose element #" << match_elements[0] << " matches";
+ } else {
+ *listener << "whose elements (";
+ std::string sep = "";
+ for (size_t e : match_elements) {
+ *listener << sep << e;
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ *listener << ") match";
+ }
+ }
+ StringMatchResultListener count_listener;
+ if (count_matcher.MatchAndExplain(match_elements.size(), &count_listener)) {
+ *listener << " and whose match quantity of " << match_elements.size()
+ << " matches";
+ PrintIfNotEmpty(count_listener.str(), listener->stream());
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (match_elements.empty()) {
+ *listener << " and";
+ } else {
+ *listener << " but";
+ }
+ *listener << " whose match quantity of " << match_elements.size()
+ << " does not match";
+ PrintIfNotEmpty(count_listener.str(), listener->stream());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
const Matcher<const Element&> inner_matcher_;
@@ -2711,6 +2834,58 @@ class EachMatcherImpl : public QuantifierMatcherImpl<Container> {
+// Implements Contains(element_matcher).Times(n) for the given argument type
+// Container.
+template <typename Container>
+class ContainsTimesMatcherImpl : public QuantifierMatcherImpl<Container> {
+ public:
+ template <typename InnerMatcher>
+ explicit ContainsTimesMatcherImpl(InnerMatcher inner_matcher,
+ Matcher<size_t> count_matcher)
+ : QuantifierMatcherImpl<Container>(inner_matcher),
+ count_matcher_(std::move(count_matcher)) {}
+ void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
+ *os << "quantity of elements that match ";
+ this->inner_matcher_.DescribeTo(os);
+ *os << " ";
+ count_matcher_.DescribeTo(os);
+ }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
+ *os << "quantity of elements that match ";
+ this->inner_matcher_.DescribeTo(os);
+ *os << " ";
+ count_matcher_.DescribeNegationTo(os);
+ }
+ bool MatchAndExplain(Container container,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ return this->MatchAndExplainImpl(count_matcher_, container, listener);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Matcher<size_t> count_matcher_;
+// Implements polymorphic Contains(element_matcher).Times(n).
+template <typename M>
+class ContainsTimesMatcher {
+ public:
+ explicit ContainsTimesMatcher(M m, Matcher<size_t> count_matcher)
+ : inner_matcher_(m), count_matcher_(std::move(count_matcher)) {}
+ template <typename Container>
+ operator Matcher<Container>() const { // NOLINT
+ return Matcher<Container>(new ContainsTimesMatcherImpl<const Container&>(
+ inner_matcher_, count_matcher_));
+ }
+ private:
+ const M inner_matcher_;
+ const Matcher<size_t> count_matcher_;
// Implements polymorphic Contains(element_matcher).
template <typename M>
class ContainsMatcher {
@@ -2718,11 +2893,15 @@ class ContainsMatcher {
explicit ContainsMatcher(M m) : inner_matcher_(m) {}
template <typename Container>
- operator Matcher<Container>() const {
+ operator Matcher<Container>() const { // NOLINT
return Matcher<Container>(
new ContainsMatcherImpl<const Container&>(inner_matcher_));
+ ContainsTimesMatcher<M> Times(Matcher<size_t> count_matcher) const {
+ return ContainsTimesMatcher<M>(inner_matcher_, std::move(count_matcher));
+ }
const M inner_matcher_;
@@ -2734,7 +2913,7 @@ class EachMatcher {
explicit EachMatcher(M m) : inner_matcher_(m) {}
template <typename Container>
- operator Matcher<Container>() const {
+ operator Matcher<Container>() const { // NOLINT
return Matcher<Container>(
new EachMatcherImpl<const Container&>(inner_matcher_));
@@ -2780,8 +2959,7 @@ class KeyMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
template <typename InnerMatcher>
explicit KeyMatcherImpl(InnerMatcher inner_matcher)
: inner_matcher_(
- testing::SafeMatcherCast<const KeyType&>(inner_matcher)) {
- }
+ testing::SafeMatcherCast<const KeyType&>(inner_matcher)) {}
// Returns true if and only if 'key_value.first' (the key) matches the inner
// matcher.
@@ -2791,7 +2969,7 @@ class KeyMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
const bool match = inner_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(
pair_getters::First(key_value, Rank0()), &inner_listener);
const std::string explanation = inner_listener.str();
- if (explanation != "") {
+ if (!explanation.empty()) {
*listener << "whose first field is a value " << explanation;
return match;
@@ -2886,8 +3064,7 @@ class PairMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
: first_matcher_(
testing::SafeMatcherCast<const FirstType&>(first_matcher)),
- testing::SafeMatcherCast<const SecondType&>(second_matcher)) {
- }
+ testing::SafeMatcherCast<const SecondType&>(second_matcher)) {}
// Describes what this matcher does.
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override {
@@ -2939,12 +3116,12 @@ class PairMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
const std::string& second_explanation,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
*listener << "whose both fields match";
- if (first_explanation != "") {
+ if (!first_explanation.empty()) {
*listener << ", where the first field is a value " << first_explanation;
- if (second_explanation != "") {
+ if (!second_explanation.empty()) {
*listener << ", ";
- if (first_explanation != "") {
+ if (!first_explanation.empty()) {
*listener << "and ";
} else {
*listener << "where ";
@@ -2965,7 +3142,7 @@ class PairMatcher {
: first_matcher_(first_matcher), second_matcher_(second_matcher) {}
template <typename PairType>
- operator Matcher<PairType> () const {
+ operator Matcher<PairType>() const {
return Matcher<PairType>(
new PairMatcherImpl<const PairType&>(first_matcher_, second_matcher_));
@@ -3064,6 +3241,21 @@ auto UnpackStructImpl(const T& t, MakeIndexSequence<16>, char) {
const auto& [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p] = t;
return std::tie(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p);
+template <typename T>
+auto UnpackStructImpl(const T& t, MakeIndexSequence<17>, char) {
+ const auto& [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q] = t;
+ return std::tie(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q);
+template <typename T>
+auto UnpackStructImpl(const T& t, MakeIndexSequence<18>, char) {
+ const auto& [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r] = t;
+ return std::tie(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r);
+template <typename T>
+auto UnpackStructImpl(const T& t, MakeIndexSequence<19>, char) {
+ const auto& [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s] = t;
+ return std::tie(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s);
#endif // defined(__cpp_structured_bindings)
template <size_t I, typename T>
@@ -3237,7 +3429,7 @@ class ElementsAreMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
// explanations[i] is the explanation of the element at index i.
::std::vector<std::string> explanations(count());
StlContainerReference stl_container = View::ConstReference(container);
- typename StlContainer::const_iterator it = stl_container.begin();
+ auto it = stl_container.begin();
size_t exam_pos = 0;
bool mismatch_found = false; // Have we found a mismatched element yet?
@@ -3314,7 +3506,7 @@ class ElementsAreMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<Container> {
size_t count() const { return matchers_.size(); }
- ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&> > matchers_;
+ ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&>> matchers_;
// Connectivity matrix of (elements X matchers), in element-major order.
@@ -3326,8 +3518,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ MatchMatrix {
MatchMatrix(size_t num_elements, size_t num_matchers)
: num_elements_(num_elements),
- matched_(num_elements_* num_matchers_, 0) {
- }
+ matched_(num_elements_ * num_matchers_, 0) {}
size_t LhsSize() const { return num_elements_; }
size_t RhsSize() const { return num_matchers_; }
@@ -3366,8 +3557,7 @@ typedef ::std::vector<ElementMatcherPair> ElementMatcherPairs;
// Returns a maximum bipartite matching for the specified graph 'g'.
// The matching is represented as a vector of {element, matcher} pairs.
-GTEST_API_ ElementMatcherPairs
-FindMaxBipartiteMatching(const MatchMatrix& g);
+GTEST_API_ ElementMatcherPairs FindMaxBipartiteMatching(const MatchMatrix& g);
struct UnorderedMatcherRequire {
enum Flags {
@@ -3404,9 +3594,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImplBase {
bool FindPairing(const MatchMatrix& matrix,
MatchResultListener* listener) const;
- MatcherDescriberVec& matcher_describers() {
- return matcher_describers_;
- }
+ MatcherDescriberVec& matcher_describers() { return matcher_describers_; }
static Message Elements(size_t n) {
return Message() << n << " element" << (n == 1 ? "" : "s");
@@ -3430,7 +3618,6 @@ class UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl
typedef internal::StlContainerView<RawContainer> View;
typedef typename View::type StlContainer;
typedef typename View::const_reference StlContainerReference;
- typedef typename StlContainer::const_iterator StlContainerConstIterator;
typedef typename StlContainer::value_type Element;
template <typename InputIter>
@@ -3463,23 +3650,6 @@ class UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl
AnalyzeElements(stl_container.begin(), stl_container.end(),
&element_printouts, listener);
- if (matrix.LhsSize() == 0 && matrix.RhsSize() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- if (match_flags() == UnorderedMatcherRequire::ExactMatch) {
- if (matrix.LhsSize() != matrix.RhsSize()) {
- // The element count doesn't match. If the container is empty,
- // there's no need to explain anything as Google Mock already
- // prints the empty container. Otherwise we just need to show
- // how many elements there actually are.
- if (matrix.LhsSize() != 0 && listener->IsInterested()) {
- *listener << "which has " << Elements(matrix.LhsSize());
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
return VerifyMatchMatrix(element_printouts, matrix, listener) &&
FindPairing(matrix, listener);
@@ -3513,7 +3683,7 @@ class UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImpl
return matrix;
- ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&> > matchers_;
+ ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&>> matchers_;
// Functor for use in TransformTuple.
@@ -3538,7 +3708,7 @@ class UnorderedElementsAreMatcher {
typedef GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container) RawContainer;
typedef typename internal::StlContainerView<RawContainer>::type View;
typedef typename View::value_type Element;
- typedef ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&> > MatcherVec;
+ typedef ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&>> MatcherVec;
MatcherVec matchers;
TransformTupleValues(CastAndAppendTransform<const Element&>(), matchers_,
@@ -3561,15 +3731,15 @@ class ElementsAreMatcher {
template <typename Container>
operator Matcher<Container>() const {
+ static_assert(
!IsHashTable<GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container)>::value ||
::std::tuple_size<MatcherTuple>::value < 2,
- use_UnorderedElementsAre_with_hash_tables);
+ "use UnorderedElementsAre with hash tables");
typedef GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container) RawContainer;
typedef typename internal::StlContainerView<RawContainer>::type View;
typedef typename View::value_type Element;
- typedef ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&> > MatcherVec;
+ typedef ::std::vector<Matcher<const Element&>> MatcherVec;
MatcherVec matchers;
TransformTupleValues(CastAndAppendTransform<const Element&>(), matchers_,
@@ -3612,9 +3782,9 @@ class ElementsAreArrayMatcher {
template <typename Container>
operator Matcher<Container>() const {
+ static_assert(
- use_UnorderedElementsAreArray_with_hash_tables);
+ "use UnorderedElementsAreArray with hash tables");
return Matcher<Container>(new ElementsAreMatcherImpl<const Container&>(
matchers_.begin(), matchers_.end()));
@@ -3704,9 +3874,9 @@ BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, Second> MatcherBindSecond(
// 'negation' is false; otherwise returns the description of the
// negation of the matcher. 'param_values' contains a list of strings
// that are the print-out of the matcher's parameters.
-GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(bool negation,
- const char* matcher_name,
- const Strings& param_values);
+GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(
+ bool negation, const char* matcher_name,
+ const std::vector<const char*>& param_names, const Strings& param_values);
// Implements a matcher that checks the value of a optional<> type variable.
template <typename ValueMatcher>
@@ -3934,7 +4104,12 @@ class ArgsMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<ArgsTuple> {
const char* sep = "";
// Workaround spurious C4189 on MSVC<=15.7 when k is empty.
- const char* dummy[] = {"", (*os << sep << "#" << k, sep = ", ")...};
+ // The static_cast to void is needed to silence Clang's -Wcomma warning.
+ // This pattern looks suspiciously like we may have mismatched parentheses
+ // and may have been trying to use the first operation of the comma operator
+ // as a member of the array, so Clang warns that we may have made a mistake.
+ const char* dummy[] = {
+ "", (static_cast<void>(*os << sep << "#" << k), sep = ", ")...};
*os << ") ";
@@ -3983,26 +4158,26 @@ ElementsAreArray(Iter first, Iter last) {
template <typename T>
-inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> ElementsAreArray(
- const T* pointer, size_t count) {
+inline auto ElementsAreArray(const T* pointer, size_t count)
+ -> decltype(ElementsAreArray(pointer, pointer + count)) {
return ElementsAreArray(pointer, pointer + count);
template <typename T, size_t N>
-inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> ElementsAreArray(
- const T (&array)[N]) {
+inline auto ElementsAreArray(const T (&array)[N])
+ -> decltype(ElementsAreArray(array, N)) {
return ElementsAreArray(array, N);
template <typename Container>
-inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<typename Container::value_type>
-ElementsAreArray(const Container& container) {
+inline auto ElementsAreArray(const Container& container)
+ -> decltype(ElementsAreArray(container.begin(), container.end())) {
return ElementsAreArray(container.begin(), container.end());
template <typename T>
-inline internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
-ElementsAreArray(::std::initializer_list<T> xs) {
+inline auto ElementsAreArray(::std::initializer_list<T> xs)
+ -> decltype(ElementsAreArray(xs.begin(), xs.end())) {
return ElementsAreArray(xs.begin(), xs.end());
@@ -4029,14 +4204,14 @@ UnorderedElementsAreArray(Iter first, Iter last) {
template <typename T>
-inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
-UnorderedElementsAreArray(const T* pointer, size_t count) {
+inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> UnorderedElementsAreArray(
+ const T* pointer, size_t count) {
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(pointer, pointer + count);
template <typename T, size_t N>
-inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
-UnorderedElementsAreArray(const T (&array)[N]) {
+inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> UnorderedElementsAreArray(
+ const T (&array)[N]) {
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(array, N);
@@ -4048,8 +4223,8 @@ UnorderedElementsAreArray(const Container& container) {
template <typename T>
-inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T>
-UnorderedElementsAreArray(::std::initializer_list<T> xs) {
+inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> UnorderedElementsAreArray(
+ ::std::initializer_list<T> xs) {
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(xs.begin(), xs.end());
@@ -4083,14 +4258,14 @@ Matcher<T> internal::MatcherCastImpl<T, M>::CastImpl(
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches any NULL pointer.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::IsNullMatcher > IsNull() {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::IsNullMatcher> IsNull() {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::IsNullMatcher());
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches any non-NULL pointer.
// This is convenient as Not(NULL) doesn't compile (the compiler
// thinks that that expression is comparing a pointer with an integer).
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::NotNullMatcher > NotNull() {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::NotNullMatcher> NotNull() {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::NotNullMatcher());
@@ -4121,8 +4296,8 @@ inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<double> NanSensitiveDoubleEq(double rhs) {
// Creates a matcher that matches any double argument approximately equal to
// rhs, up to the specified max absolute error bound, where two NANs are
// considered unequal. The max absolute error bound must be non-negative.
-inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<double> DoubleNear(
- double rhs, double max_abs_error) {
+inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<double> DoubleNear(double rhs,
+ double max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEqMatcher<double>(rhs, false, max_abs_error);
@@ -4149,8 +4324,8 @@ inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<float> NanSensitiveFloatEq(float rhs) {
// Creates a matcher that matches any float argument approximately equal to
// rhs, up to the specified max absolute error bound, where two NANs are
// considered unequal. The max absolute error bound must be non-negative.
-inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<float> FloatNear(
- float rhs, float max_abs_error) {
+inline internal::FloatingEqMatcher<float> FloatNear(float rhs,
+ float max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEqMatcher<float>(rhs, false, max_abs_error);
@@ -4178,7 +4353,7 @@ inline internal::PointeeMatcher<InnerMatcher> Pointee(
// If To is a reference and the cast fails, this matcher returns false
// immediately.
template <typename To>
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::WhenDynamicCastToMatcher<To> >
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::WhenDynamicCastToMatcher<To>>
WhenDynamicCastTo(const Matcher<To>& inner_matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4190,12 +4365,10 @@ WhenDynamicCastTo(const Matcher<To>& inner_matcher) {
// Field(&Foo::number, Ge(5))
// matches a Foo object x if and only if x.number >= 5.
template <typename Class, typename FieldType, typename FieldMatcher>
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<
- internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType> > Field(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>> Field(
FieldType Class::*field, const FieldMatcher& matcher) {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
- internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>(
- field, MatcherCast<const FieldType&>(matcher)));
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>(
+ field, MatcherCast<const FieldType&>(matcher)));
// The call to MatcherCast() is required for supporting inner
// matchers of compatible types. For example, it allows
// Field(&Foo::bar, m)
@@ -4205,7 +4378,7 @@ inline PolymorphicMatcher<
// Same as Field() but also takes the name of the field to provide better error
// messages.
template <typename Class, typename FieldType, typename FieldMatcher>
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType> > Field(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>> Field(
const std::string& field_name, FieldType Class::*field,
const FieldMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>(
@@ -4218,7 +4391,7 @@ inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType> > Field(
// matches a Foo object x if and only if x.str() starts with "hi".
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::PropertyMatcher<
- Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const> >
+ Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const>>
Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const,
const PropertyMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4235,7 +4408,7 @@ Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const,
// better error messages.
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::PropertyMatcher<
- Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const> >
+ Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const>>
Property(const std::string& property_name,
PropertyType (Class::*property)() const,
const PropertyMatcher& matcher) {
@@ -4248,8 +4421,8 @@ Property(const std::string& property_name,
// The same as above but for reference-qualified member functions.
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::PropertyMatcher<
- Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const &> >
-Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const &,
+ Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const&>>
+Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const&,
const PropertyMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::PropertyMatcher<Class, PropertyType,
@@ -4260,9 +4433,9 @@ Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const &,
// Three-argument form for reference-qualified member functions.
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::PropertyMatcher<
- Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const &> >
+ Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const&>>
Property(const std::string& property_name,
- PropertyType (Class::*property)() const &,
+ PropertyType (Class::*property)() const&,
const PropertyMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::PropertyMatcher<Class, PropertyType,
@@ -4281,15 +4454,25 @@ Property(const std::string& property_name,
template <typename Callable, typename InnerMatcher>
internal::ResultOfMatcher<Callable, InnerMatcher> ResultOf(
Callable callable, InnerMatcher matcher) {
+ return internal::ResultOfMatcher<Callable, InnerMatcher>(std::move(callable),
+ std::move(matcher));
+// Same as ResultOf() above, but also takes a description of the `callable`
+// result to provide better error messages.
+template <typename Callable, typename InnerMatcher>
+internal::ResultOfMatcher<Callable, InnerMatcher> ResultOf(
+ const std::string& result_description, Callable callable,
+ InnerMatcher matcher) {
return internal::ResultOfMatcher<Callable, InnerMatcher>(
- std::move(callable), std::move(matcher));
+ result_description, std::move(callable), std::move(matcher));
// String matchers.
// Matches a string equal to str.
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrEq(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>> StrEq(
const internal::StringLike<T>& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>(std::string(str), true, true));
@@ -4297,7 +4480,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrEq(
// Matches a string not equal to str.
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrNe(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>> StrNe(
const internal::StringLike<T>& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>(std::string(str), false, true));
@@ -4305,7 +4488,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrNe(
// Matches a string equal to str, ignoring case.
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrCaseEq(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>> StrCaseEq(
const internal::StringLike<T>& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>(std::string(str), true, false));
@@ -4313,7 +4496,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrCaseEq(
// Matches a string not equal to str, ignoring case.
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrCaseNe(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>> StrCaseNe(
const internal::StringLike<T>& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string>(
std::string(str), false, false));
@@ -4322,7 +4505,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::string> > StrCaseNe(
// Creates a matcher that matches any string, std::string, or C string
// that contains the given substring.
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::string> > HasSubstr(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::string>> HasSubstr(
const internal::StringLike<T>& substring) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4330,7 +4513,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::string> > HasSubstr(
// Matches a string that starts with 'prefix' (case-sensitive).
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::string> > StartsWith(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::string>> StartsWith(
const internal::StringLike<T>& prefix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4338,7 +4521,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::string> > StartsWith(
// Matches a string that ends with 'suffix' (case-sensitive).
template <typename T = std::string>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::string> > EndsWith(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::string>> EndsWith(
const internal::StringLike<T>& suffix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4348,50 +4531,50 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::string> > EndsWith(
// Wide string matchers.
// Matches a string equal to str.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> > StrEq(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>> StrEq(
const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, true, true));
// Matches a string not equal to str.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> > StrNe(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>> StrNe(
const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, false, true));
// Matches a string equal to str, ignoring case.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> >
-StrCaseEq(const std::wstring& str) {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>> StrCaseEq(
+ const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, true, false));
// Matches a string not equal to str, ignoring case.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> >
-StrCaseNe(const std::wstring& str) {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>> StrCaseNe(
+ const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, false, false));
// Creates a matcher that matches any ::wstring, std::wstring, or C wide string
// that contains the given substring.
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::wstring> > HasSubstr(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::wstring>> HasSubstr(
const std::wstring& substring) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
// Matches a string that starts with 'prefix' (case-sensitive).
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::wstring> >
-StartsWith(const std::wstring& prefix) {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::wstring>> StartsWith(
+ const std::wstring& prefix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
// Matches a string that ends with 'suffix' (case-sensitive).
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::wstring> > EndsWith(
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::wstring>> EndsWith(
const std::wstring& suffix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -4486,8 +4669,8 @@ inline internal::NotMatcher<InnerMatcher> Not(InnerMatcher m) {
// predicate. The predicate can be any unary function or functor
// whose return type can be implicitly converted to bool.
template <typename Predicate>
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::TrulyMatcher<Predicate> >
-Truly(Predicate pred) {
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::TrulyMatcher<Predicate>> Truly(
+ Predicate pred) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::TrulyMatcher<Predicate>(pred));
@@ -4498,8 +4681,8 @@ Truly(Predicate pred) {
// EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2)); // Checks container has 2 elements.
// EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(Le(2)); // Checks container has at most 2.
template <typename SizeMatcher>
-inline internal::SizeIsMatcher<SizeMatcher>
-SizeIs(const SizeMatcher& size_matcher) {
+inline internal::SizeIsMatcher<SizeMatcher> SizeIs(
+ const SizeMatcher& size_matcher) {
return internal::SizeIsMatcher<SizeMatcher>(size_matcher);
@@ -4509,8 +4692,8 @@ SizeIs(const SizeMatcher& size_matcher) {
// do not implement size(). The container must provide const_iterator (with
// valid iterator_traits), begin() and end().
template <typename DistanceMatcher>
-inline internal::BeginEndDistanceIsMatcher<DistanceMatcher>
-BeginEndDistanceIs(const DistanceMatcher& distance_matcher) {
+inline internal::BeginEndDistanceIsMatcher<DistanceMatcher> BeginEndDistanceIs(
+ const DistanceMatcher& distance_matcher) {
return internal::BeginEndDistanceIsMatcher<DistanceMatcher>(distance_matcher);
@@ -4519,8 +4702,8 @@ BeginEndDistanceIs(const DistanceMatcher& distance_matcher) {
// values that are included in one container but not the other. (Duplicate
// values and order differences are not explained.)
template <typename Container>
-inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ContainerEqMatcher<
- typename std::remove_const<Container>::type>>
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<
+ internal::ContainerEqMatcher<typename std::remove_const<Container>::type>>
ContainerEq(const Container& rhs) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::ContainerEqMatcher<Container>(rhs));
@@ -4528,9 +4711,8 @@ ContainerEq(const Container& rhs) {
// Returns a matcher that matches a container that, when sorted using
// the given comparator, matches container_matcher.
template <typename Comparator, typename ContainerMatcher>
-inline internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<Comparator, ContainerMatcher>
-WhenSortedBy(const Comparator& comparator,
- const ContainerMatcher& container_matcher) {
+inline internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<Comparator, ContainerMatcher> WhenSortedBy(
+ const Comparator& comparator, const ContainerMatcher& container_matcher) {
return internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<Comparator, ContainerMatcher>(
comparator, container_matcher);
@@ -4540,9 +4722,9 @@ WhenSortedBy(const Comparator& comparator,
template <typename ContainerMatcher>
inline internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<internal::LessComparator, ContainerMatcher>
WhenSorted(const ContainerMatcher& container_matcher) {
- return
- internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<internal::LessComparator, ContainerMatcher>(
- internal::LessComparator(), container_matcher);
+ return internal::WhenSortedByMatcher<internal::LessComparator,
+ ContainerMatcher>(
+ internal::LessComparator(), container_matcher);
// Matches an STL-style container or a native array that contains the
@@ -4559,15 +4741,13 @@ Pointwise(const TupleMatcher& tuple_matcher, const Container& rhs) {
// Supports the Pointwise(m, {a, b, c}) syntax.
template <typename TupleMatcher, typename T>
-inline internal::PointwiseMatcher<TupleMatcher, std::vector<T> > Pointwise(
+inline internal::PointwiseMatcher<TupleMatcher, std::vector<T>> Pointwise(
const TupleMatcher& tuple_matcher, std::initializer_list<T> rhs) {
return Pointwise(tuple_matcher, std::vector<T>(rhs));
// UnorderedPointwise(pair_matcher, rhs) matches an STL-style
// container or a native array that contains the same number of
// elements as in rhs, where in some permutation of the container, its
@@ -4596,28 +4776,25 @@ UnorderedPointwise(const Tuple2Matcher& tuple2_matcher,
// Create a matcher for each element in rhs_container.
- ::std::vector<internal::BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, Second> > matchers;
- for (typename RhsStlContainer::const_iterator it = rhs_stl_container.begin();
- it != rhs_stl_container.end(); ++it) {
- matchers.push_back(
- internal::MatcherBindSecond(tuple2_matcher, *it));
+ ::std::vector<internal::BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, Second>> matchers;
+ for (auto it = rhs_stl_container.begin(); it != rhs_stl_container.end();
+ ++it) {
+ matchers.push_back(internal::MatcherBindSecond(tuple2_matcher, *it));
// Delegate the work to UnorderedElementsAreArray().
return UnorderedElementsAreArray(matchers);
// Supports the UnorderedPointwise(m, {a, b, c}) syntax.
template <typename Tuple2Matcher, typename T>
inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<
- typename internal::BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, T> >
+ typename internal::BoundSecondMatcher<Tuple2Matcher, T>>
UnorderedPointwise(const Tuple2Matcher& tuple2_matcher,
std::initializer_list<T> rhs) {
return UnorderedPointwise(tuple2_matcher, std::vector<T>(rhs));
// Matches an STL-style container or a native array that contains at
// least one element matching the given value or matcher.
@@ -4627,7 +4804,7 @@ UnorderedPointwise(const Tuple2Matcher& tuple2_matcher,
// page_ids.insert(1);
// EXPECT_THAT(page_ids, Contains(1));
// EXPECT_THAT(page_ids, Contains(Gt(2)));
-// EXPECT_THAT(page_ids, Not(Contains(4)));
+// EXPECT_THAT(page_ids, Not(Contains(4))); // See below for Times(0)
// ::std::map<int, size_t> page_lengths;
// page_lengths[1] = 100;
@@ -4636,6 +4813,19 @@ UnorderedPointwise(const Tuple2Matcher& tuple2_matcher,
// const char* user_ids[] = { "joe", "mike", "tom" };
// EXPECT_THAT(user_ids, Contains(Eq(::std::string("tom"))));
+// The matcher supports a modifier `Times` that allows to check for arbitrary
+// occurrences including testing for absence with Times(0).
+// Examples:
+// ::std::vector<int> ids;
+// ids.insert(1);
+// ids.insert(1);
+// ids.insert(3);
+// EXPECT_THAT(ids, Contains(1).Times(2)); // 1 occurs 2 times
+// EXPECT_THAT(ids, Contains(2).Times(0)); // 2 is not present
+// EXPECT_THAT(ids, Contains(3).Times(Ge(1))); // 3 occurs at least once
template <typename M>
inline internal::ContainsMatcher<M> Contains(M matcher) {
return internal::ContainsMatcher<M>(matcher);
@@ -4762,7 +4952,7 @@ inline internal::UnorderedElementsAreArrayMatcher<T> IsSubsetOf(
// Matches an STL-style container or a native array that contains only
// elements matching the given value or matcher.
-// Each(m) is semantically equivalent to Not(Contains(Not(m))). Only
+// Each(m) is semantically equivalent to `Not(Contains(Not(m)))`. Only
// the messages are different.
// Examples:
@@ -4805,13 +4995,25 @@ inline internal::KeyMatcher<M> Key(M inner_matcher) {
// to match a std::map<int, string> that contains exactly one element whose key
// is >= 5 and whose value equals "foo".
template <typename FirstMatcher, typename SecondMatcher>
-inline internal::PairMatcher<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher>
-Pair(FirstMatcher first_matcher, SecondMatcher second_matcher) {
- return internal::PairMatcher<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher>(
- first_matcher, second_matcher);
+inline internal::PairMatcher<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher> Pair(
+ FirstMatcher first_matcher, SecondMatcher second_matcher) {
+ return internal::PairMatcher<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher>(first_matcher,
+ second_matcher);
namespace no_adl {
+// Conditional() creates a matcher that conditionally uses either the first or
+// second matcher provided. For example, we could create an `equal if, and only
+// if' matcher using the Conditional wrapper as follows:
+// EXPECT_THAT(result, Conditional(condition, Eq(expected), Ne(expected)));
+template <typename MatcherTrue, typename MatcherFalse>
+internal::ConditionalMatcher<MatcherTrue, MatcherFalse> Conditional(
+ bool condition, MatcherTrue matcher_true, MatcherFalse matcher_false) {
+ return internal::ConditionalMatcher<MatcherTrue, MatcherFalse>(
+ condition, std::move(matcher_true), std::move(matcher_false));
// FieldsAre(matchers...) matches piecewise the fields of compatible structs.
// These include those that support `get<I>(obj)`, and when structured bindings
// are enabled any class that supports them.
@@ -4838,6 +5040,14 @@ inline internal::AddressMatcher<InnerMatcher> Address(
const InnerMatcher& inner_matcher) {
return internal::AddressMatcher<InnerMatcher>(inner_matcher);
+// Matches a base64 escaped string, when the unescaped string matches the
+// internal matcher.
+template <typename MatcherType>
+internal::WhenBase64UnescapedMatcher WhenBase64Unescaped(
+ const MatcherType& internal_matcher) {
+ return internal::WhenBase64UnescapedMatcher(internal_matcher);
} // namespace no_adl
// Returns a predicate that is satisfied by anything that matches the
@@ -4856,8 +5066,8 @@ inline bool Value(const T& value, M matcher) {
// Matches the value against the given matcher and explains the match
// result to listener.
template <typename T, typename M>
-inline bool ExplainMatchResult(
- M matcher, const T& value, MatchResultListener* listener) {
+inline bool ExplainMatchResult(M matcher, const T& value,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) {
return SafeMatcherCast<const T&>(matcher).MatchAndExplain(value, listener);
@@ -4867,7 +5077,8 @@ inline bool ExplainMatchResult(
// MATCHER_P(XAndYThat, matcher,
// "X that " + DescribeMatcher<int>(matcher, negation) +
-// " and Y that " + DescribeMatcher<double>(matcher, negation)) {
+// (negation ? " or" : " and") + " Y that " +
+// DescribeMatcher<double>(matcher, negation)) {
// return ExplainMatchResult(matcher, arg.x(), result_listener) &&
// ExplainMatchResult(matcher, arg.y(), result_listener);
// }
@@ -5016,7 +5227,9 @@ internal::ArgsMatcher<typename std::decay<InnerMatcher>::type, k...> Args(
// EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_, _)).With(Eq());
template <typename InnerMatcher>
-inline InnerMatcher AllArgs(const InnerMatcher& matcher) { return matcher; }
+inline InnerMatcher AllArgs(const InnerMatcher& matcher) {
+ return matcher;
// Returns a matcher that matches the value of an optional<> type variable.
// The matcher implementation only uses '!arg' and requires that the optional<>
@@ -5034,7 +5247,7 @@ inline internal::OptionalMatcher<ValueMatcher> Optional(
// Returns a matcher that matches the value of a absl::any type variable.
template <typename T>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::any_cast_matcher::AnyCastMatcher<T> > AnyWith(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::any_cast_matcher::AnyCastMatcher<T>> AnyWith(
const Matcher<const T&>& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -5045,7 +5258,7 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::any_cast_matcher::AnyCastMatcher<T> > AnyWith(
// functions.
// It is compatible with std::variant.
template <typename T>
-PolymorphicMatcher<internal::variant_matcher::VariantMatcher<T> > VariantWith(
+PolymorphicMatcher<internal::variant_matcher::VariantMatcher<T>> VariantWith(
const Matcher<const T&>& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@@ -5074,7 +5287,8 @@ class WithWhatMatcherImpl {
template <typename Err>
bool MatchAndExplain(const Err& err, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
- *listener << "which contains .what() that ";
+ *listener << "which contains .what() (of value = " << err.what()
+ << ") that ";
return matcher_.MatchAndExplain(err.what(), listener);
@@ -5224,12 +5438,14 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ExceptionMatcherImpl<Err>> ThrowsMessage(
// tests. ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher) and EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher)
// succeed if and only if the value matches the matcher. If the assertion
// fails, the value and the description of the matcher will be printed.
-#define ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher) ASSERT_PRED_FORMAT1(\
- ::testing::internal::MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(matcher), value)
-#define EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT1(\
- ::testing::internal::MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(matcher), value)
-// MATCHER* macroses itself are listed below.
+#define ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher) \
+ ::testing::internal::MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(matcher), value)
+#define EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher) \
+ ::testing::internal::MakePredicateFormatterFromMatcher(matcher), value)
+// MATCHER* macros itself are listed below.
#define MATCHER(name, description) \
class name##Matcher \
: public ::testing::internal::MatcherBaseImpl<name##Matcher> { \
@@ -5250,16 +5466,22 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ExceptionMatcherImpl<Err>> ThrowsMessage(
private: \
::std::string FormatDescription(bool negation) const { \
+ /* NOLINTNEXTLINE readability-redundant-string-init */ \
::std::string gmock_description = (description); \
if (!gmock_description.empty()) { \
return gmock_description; \
} \
return ::testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription(negation, #name, \
- {}); \
+ {}, {}); \
} \
}; \
}; \
- GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_ inline name##Matcher name() { return {}; } \
+ inline name##Matcher GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_PUSH() \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_CLANG(ignored, "-Wunused-function") \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_CLANG(ignored, "-Wunused-member-function") \
+ return {}; \
+ } \
template <typename arg_type> \
bool name##Matcher::gmock_Impl<arg_type>::MatchAndExplain( \
const arg_type& arg, \
@@ -5267,33 +5489,41 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ExceptionMatcherImpl<Err>> ThrowsMessage(
#define MATCHER_P(name, p0, description) \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP, description, (p0))
-#define MATCHER_P2(name, p0, p1, description) \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP2, description, (p0, p1))
-#define MATCHER_P3(name, p0, p1, p2, description) \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP3, description, (p0, p1, p2))
-#define MATCHER_P4(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, description) \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP4, description, (p0, p1, p2, p3))
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP, description, (#p0), (p0))
+#define MATCHER_P2(name, p0, p1, description) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP2, description, (#p0, #p1), \
+ (p0, p1))
+#define MATCHER_P3(name, p0, p1, p2, description) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP3, description, (#p0, #p1, #p2), \
+ (p0, p1, p2))
+#define MATCHER_P4(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, description) \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP4, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3), (p0, p1, p2, p3))
#define MATCHER_P5(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP5, description, \
- (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4))
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4), (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4))
#define MATCHER_P6(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP6, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5), \
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5))
#define MATCHER_P7(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP7, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6), \
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6))
#define MATCHER_P8(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP8, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7), \
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7))
#define MATCHER_P9(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP9, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7, #p8), \
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8))
#define MATCHER_P10(name, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, description) \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, name##MatcherP10, description, \
+ (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7, #p8, #p9), \
(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9))
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, full_name, description, args) \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_MATCHER(name, full_name, description, arg_names, args) \
class full_name : public ::testing::internal::MatcherBaseImpl< \
@@ -5317,12 +5547,13 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ExceptionMatcherImpl<Err>> ThrowsMessage(
private: \
::std::string FormatDescription(bool negation) const { \
- ::std::string gmock_description = (description); \
+ ::std::string gmock_description; \
+ gmock_description = (description); \
if (!gmock_description.empty()) { \
return gmock_description; \
} \
return ::testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription( \
- negation, #name, \
+ negation, #name, {GMOCK_PP_REMOVE_PARENS(arg_names)}, \
::testing::internal::UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings( \
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
index fd293358..40300766 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements some commonly used variadic actions.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
@@ -129,170 +129,207 @@
// Declares the template parameters.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0) kind0 name0
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_2_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, \
- name1) kind0 name0, kind1 name1
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_2_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_3_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2
+ kind2, name2) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_4_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, \
- kind3 name3
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_5_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, \
- kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4
+ kind2, name2, kind3, name3) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_6_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5) kind0 name0, \
- kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, kind5 name5
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_7_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, \
- name6) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, \
- kind5 name5, kind6 name6
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_8_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, name6, \
- kind7, name7) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, \
- kind4 name4, kind5 name5, kind6 name6, kind7 name7
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_9_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, name6, \
- kind7, name7, kind8, name8) kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, \
- kind3 name3, kind4 name4, kind5 name5, kind6 name6, kind7 name7, \
- kind8 name8
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_HAS_10_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, \
- name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, \
- name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8, kind9, name9) kind0 name0, \
- kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, kind5 name5, \
- kind6 name6, kind7 name7, kind8 name8, kind9 name9
+ kind2, name2, kind3, name3, \
+ kind4, name4, kind5, name5) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, kind5 name5
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, \
+ kind5 name5, kind6 name6
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, \
+ kind5 name5, kind6 name6, kind7 name7
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, \
+ kind5 name5, kind6 name6, kind7 name7, kind8 name8
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8, kind9, name9) \
+ kind0 name0, kind1 name1, kind2 name2, kind3 name3, kind4 name4, \
+ kind5 name5, kind6 name6, kind7 name7, kind8 name8, kind9 name9
// Lists the template parameters.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0) name0
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_2_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, \
- name1) name0, name1
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_2_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1) \
+ name0, name1
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_3_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2) name0, name1, name2
+ kind2, name2) \
+ name0, name1, name2
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_4_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3) name0, name1, name2, name3
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_5_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4) name0, name1, name2, name3, \
- name4
+ kind2, name2, kind3, name3) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_6_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5) name0, name1, \
- name2, name3, name4, name5
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_7_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, \
- name6) name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_8_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, name6, \
- kind7, name7) name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_9_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, name1, \
- kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, name6, \
- kind7, name7, kind8, name8) name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, \
- name6, name7, name8
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_HAS_10_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind0, name0, kind1, \
- name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, kind5, name5, kind6, \
- name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8, kind9, name9) name0, name1, name2, \
- name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8, name9
+ kind2, name2, kind3, name3, \
+ kind4, name4, kind5, name5) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8
+ kind0, name0, kind1, name1, kind2, name2, kind3, name3, kind4, name4, \
+ kind5, name5, kind6, name6, kind7, name7, kind8, name8, kind9, name9) \
+ name0, name1, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8, name9
// Declares the types of value parameters.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_1_VALUE_PARAMS(p0) , typename p0##_type
- typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type
- typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) , \
- typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) , \
- typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) , \
- typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6) , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
- typename p6##_type
+ p6) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
+ typename p6##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7) , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
- typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type
+ p6, p7) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
+ typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7, p8) , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
- typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
- typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type, typename p8##_type
+ p6, p7, p8) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
+ typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type, typename p8##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7, p8, p9) , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, \
- typename p2##_type, typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, \
- typename p5##_type, typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type, \
- typename p8##_type, typename p9##_type
+ p6, p7, p8, p9) \
+ , typename p0##_type, typename p1##_type, typename p2##_type, \
+ typename p3##_type, typename p4##_type, typename p5##_type, \
+ typename p6##_type, typename p7##_type, typename p8##_type, \
+ typename p9##_type
// Initializes the value parameters.
- ()
- (p0##_type gmock_p0) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0))
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1))
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, \
- p2##_type gmock_p2) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2))
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0))
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), p1(::std::move(gmock_p1))
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2))
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4))
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, \
- p5##_type gmock_p5) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4))
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
- p6##_type gmock_p6) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
- p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), p6(::std::move(gmock_p6))
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
- p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
- p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
+ p6##_type gmock_p6) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
+ p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), \
+ p6(::std::move(gmock_p6))
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
+ p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
+ p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), \
+ p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
- p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7, \
- p8##_type gmock_p8) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
- p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
- p7(::std::move(gmock_p7)), p8(::std::move(gmock_p8))
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, \
+ p8) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
+ p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7, p8##_type gmock_p8) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
+ p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), \
+ p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
+ p7(::std::move(gmock_p7)), \
+ p8(::std::move(gmock_p8))
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_INIT_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8, p9)\
- (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
- p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
- p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7, p8##_type gmock_p8, \
- p9##_type gmock_p9) : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
- p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
- p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
- p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
- p7(::std::move(gmock_p7)), p8(::std::move(gmock_p8)), \
+ p7, p8, p9) \
+ (p0##_type gmock_p0, p1##_type gmock_p1, p2##_type gmock_p2, \
+ p3##_type gmock_p3, p4##_type gmock_p4, p5##_type gmock_p5, \
+ p6##_type gmock_p6, p7##_type gmock_p7, p8##_type gmock_p8, \
+ p9##_type gmock_p9) \
+ : p0(::std::move(gmock_p0)), \
+ p1(::std::move(gmock_p1)), \
+ p2(::std::move(gmock_p2)), \
+ p3(::std::move(gmock_p3)), \
+ p4(::std::move(gmock_p4)), \
+ p5(::std::move(gmock_p5)), \
+ p6(::std::move(gmock_p6)), \
+ p7(::std::move(gmock_p7)), \
+ p8(::std::move(gmock_p8)), \
// Defines the copy constructor
- {} // Avoid https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=82134
+ {} // Avoid https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=82134
@@ -307,30 +344,71 @@
// Declares the fields for storing the value parameters.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_1_VALUE_PARAMS(p0) p0##_type p0;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_2_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1) p0##_type p0; \
- p1##_type p1;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_3_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2) p0##_type p0; \
- p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) p0##_type p0; \
- p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, \
- p4) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; p4##_type p4;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, \
- p5) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; p4##_type p4; \
- p5##_type p5;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; p4##_type p4; \
- p5##_type p5; p6##_type p6;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; p4##_type p4; \
- p5##_type p5; p6##_type p6; p7##_type p7;
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; \
- p4##_type p4; p5##_type p5; p6##_type p6; p7##_type p7; p8##_type p8;
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1;
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4; \
+ p5##_type p5;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4; \
+ p5##_type p5; \
+ p6##_type p6;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4; \
+ p5##_type p5; \
+ p6##_type p6; \
+ p7##_type p7;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, \
+ p8) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4; \
+ p5##_type p5; \
+ p6##_type p6; \
+ p7##_type p7; \
+ p8##_type p8;
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8, p9) p0##_type p0; p1##_type p1; p2##_type p2; p3##_type p3; \
- p4##_type p4; p5##_type p5; p6##_type p6; p7##_type p7; p8##_type p8; \
- p9##_type p9;
+ p7, p8, p9) \
+ p0##_type p0; \
+ p1##_type p1; \
+ p2##_type p2; \
+ p3##_type p3; \
+ p4##_type p4; \
+ p5##_type p5; \
+ p6##_type p6; \
+ p7##_type p7; \
+ p8##_type p8; \
+ p9##_type p9;
// Lists the value parameters.
@@ -338,72 +416,78 @@
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_3_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2) p0, p1, p2
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) p0, p1, p2, p3
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) p0, p1, \
- p2, p3, p4
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) p0, \
- p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6) p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7) p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8) p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, \
+ p8) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8, p9) p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9
+ p7, p8, p9) \
+ p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9
// Lists the value parameter types.
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_2_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1) , p0##_type, \
- p1##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_3_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2) , p0##_type, \
- p1##_type, p2##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) , \
- p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) , \
- p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) , \
- p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6) , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type, \
- p6##_type
+ p6) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type, p6##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7) , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, \
- p5##_type, p6##_type, p7##_type
+ p6, p7) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type, \
+ p6##_type, p7##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7, p8) , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, \
- p5##_type, p6##_type, p7##_type, p8##_type
+ p6, p7, p8) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type, \
+ p6##_type, p7##_type, p8##_type
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6, p7, p8, p9) , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, \
- p5##_type, p6##_type, p7##_type, p8##_type, p9##_type
+ p6, p7, p8, p9) \
+ , p0##_type, p1##_type, p2##_type, p3##_type, p4##_type, p5##_type, \
+ p6##_type, p7##_type, p8##_type, p9##_type
// Declares the value parameters.
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_1_VALUE_PARAMS(p0) p0##_type p0
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_2_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1) p0##_type p0, \
- p1##_type p1
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_3_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2) p0##_type p0, \
- p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) p0##_type p0, \
- p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, \
- p4) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, \
- p5) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
- p5##_type p5
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, \
- p6) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
- p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
- p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7
-#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, \
- p4##_type p4, p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7, p8##_type p8
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_4_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_5_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
+ p5##_type p5
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
+ p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
+ p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, \
+ p8) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
+ p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7, p8##_type p8
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8, p9) p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, \
- p4##_type p4, p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7, p8##_type p8, \
- p9##_type p9
+ p7, p8, p9) \
+ p0##_type p0, p1##_type p1, p2##_type p2, p3##_type p3, p4##_type p4, \
+ p5##_type p5, p6##_type p6, p7##_type p7, p8##_type p8, p9##_type p9
// The suffix of the class template implementing the action template.
@@ -415,40 +499,44 @@
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_AND_6_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) P6
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_AND_7_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) P7
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_AND_8_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7) P8
+ p7) \
+ P8
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_AND_9_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8) P9
+ p7, p8) \
+ P9
#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_AND_10_VALUE_PARAMS(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, \
- p7, p8, p9) P10
+ p7, p8, p9) \
+ P10
// The name of the class template implementing the action template.
-#define GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)\
- GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(name##Action, GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_##value_params)
+#define GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params) \
+ GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(name##Action, GMOCK_INTERNAL_COUNT_##value_params)
#define ACTION_TEMPLATE(name, template_params, value_params) \
template <GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
class GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params) { \
public: \
explicit GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)( \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##value_params) \
- = default; , \
+ = default; \
+ , \
: impl_(std::make_shared<gmock_Impl>( \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##value_params)) { }) \
- GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)( \
- const GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)&) noexcept \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_COPY_##value_params \
- GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)( \
- GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)&&) noexcept \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_COPY_##value_params \
- template <typename F> \
- operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##value_params)){}) \
+ GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)(const GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_( \
+ name, value_params) &) noexcept GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_COPY_ \
+ ##value_params \
+ GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)(GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_( \
+ name, value_params) &&) noexcept GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_COPY_ \
+ ##value_params template <typename F> \
+ operator ::testing::Action<F>() const { \
return GMOCK_PP_IF( \
- (::testing::internal::MakeAction<F, gmock_Impl>()), \
- (::testing::internal::MakeAction<F>(impl_))); \
+ (::testing::internal::MakeAction<F, gmock_Impl>()), \
+ (::testing::internal::MakeAction<F>(impl_))); \
} \
+ \
private: \
class gmock_Impl { \
public: \
@@ -458,34 +546,35 @@
return_type gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_) const; \
GMOCK_INTERNAL_DEFN_##value_params \
}; \
- , std::shared_ptr<const gmock_Impl> impl_;) \
+ std::shared_ptr<const gmock_Impl> impl_;) \
}; \
template <GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
- GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)< \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params> name( \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
+ name, value_params)<GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params> \
template <GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
- inline GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)< \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params> name( \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##value_params) { \
- return GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)< \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params>( \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##value_params); \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
+ name, value_params)<GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params> \
+ name(GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##value_params) { \
+ name, value_params)<GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params>( \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##value_params); \
} \
template <GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_DECL_TYPE_##value_params> \
template <typename function_type, typename return_type, typename args_type, \
- return_type GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_(name, value_params)< \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
- GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params>::gmock_Impl::gmock_PerformImpl( \
+ return_type GMOCK_ACTION_CLASS_( \
+ name, value_params)<GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_##template_params \
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_LIST_TYPE_##value_params>:: \
+ gmock_Impl::gmock_PerformImpl(GMOCK_ACTION_ARG_TYPES_AND_NAMES_UNUSED_) \
+ const
namespace testing {
@@ -494,10 +583,7 @@ namespace testing {
// the macro definition, as the warnings are generated when the macro
// is expanded and macro expansion cannot contain #pragma. Therefore
// we suppress them here.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
namespace internal {
@@ -512,14 +598,15 @@ auto InvokeArgument(F f, Args... args) -> decltype(f(args...)) {
template <std::size_t index, typename... Params>
struct InvokeArgumentAction {
- template <typename... Args>
- auto operator()(Args&&... args) const -> decltype(internal::InvokeArgument(
+ template <typename... Args,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<(index < sizeof...(Args))>::type>
+ auto operator()(Args &&...args) const -> decltype(internal::InvokeArgument(
- std::declval<const Params&>()...)) {
- internal::FlatTuple<Args&&...> args_tuple(FlatTupleConstructTag{},
- std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- return params.Apply([&](const Params&... unpacked_params) {
- auto&& callable = args_tuple.template Get<index>();
+ std::declval<const Params &>()...)) {
+ internal::FlatTuple<Args &&...> args_tuple(FlatTupleConstructTag{},
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ return params.Apply([&](const Params &...unpacked_params) {
+ auto &&callable = args_tuple.template Get<index>();
return internal::InvokeArgument(
std::forward<decltype(callable)>(callable), unpacked_params...);
@@ -559,14 +646,12 @@ struct InvokeArgumentAction {
// later.
template <std::size_t index, typename... Params>
internal::InvokeArgumentAction<index, typename std::decay<Params>::type...>
-InvokeArgument(Params&&... params) {
+InvokeArgument(Params &&...params) {
return {internal::FlatTuple<typename std::decay<Params>::type...>(
internal::FlatTupleConstructTag{}, std::forward<Params>(params)...)};
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
index dfc77e35..54ea68be 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements some matchers that depend on gmock-matchers.h.
@@ -35,35 +34,64 @@
// Note that tests are implemented in gmock-matchers_test.cc rather than
// gmock-more-matchers-test.cc.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
namespace testing {
// Silence C4100 (unreferenced formal
// parameter) for MSVC
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
-#if (_MSC_VER == 1900)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
// and silence C4800 (C4800: 'int *const ': forcing value
// to bool 'true' or 'false') for MSVC 14
-# pragma warning(disable:4800)
- #endif
-// Defines a matcher that matches an empty container. The container must
-// support both size() and empty(), which all STL-like containers provide.
-MATCHER(IsEmpty, negation ? "isn't empty" : "is empty") {
- if (arg.empty()) {
- return true;
+namespace internal {
+// Implements the polymorphic IsEmpty matcher, which
+// can be used as a Matcher<T> as long as T is either a container that defines
+// empty() and size() (e.g. std::vector or std::string), or a C-style string.
+class IsEmptyMatcher {
+ public:
+ // Matches anything that defines empty() and size().
+ template <typename MatcheeContainerType>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const MatcheeContainerType& c,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ if (c.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ *listener << "whose size is " << c.size();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Matches C-style strings.
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const char* s, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ return MatchAndExplain(std::string(s), listener);
- *result_listener << "whose size is " << arg.size();
- return false;
+ // Describes what this matcher matches.
+ void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is empty"; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "isn't empty"; }
+} // namespace internal
+// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches an empty container or C-style
+// string. The container must support both size() and empty(), which all
+// STL-like containers provide.
+inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::IsEmptyMatcher> IsEmpty() {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::IsEmptyMatcher());
// Define a matcher that matches a value that evaluates in boolean
@@ -82,10 +110,10 @@ MATCHER(IsFalse, negation ? "is true" : "is false") {
return !static_cast<bool>(arg);
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
index b03b770c..056d4714 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Implements class templates NiceMock, NaggyMock, and StrictMock.
// Given a mock class MockFoo that is created using Google Mock,
@@ -58,11 +57,13 @@
// In particular, nesting NiceMock, NaggyMock, and StrictMock is NOT
// supported.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
+#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h"
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ constexpr bool HasStrictnessModifier() {
// deregistration. This guarantees that MockClass's constructor and destructor
// run with the same level of strictness as its instance methods.
+#if defined(GTEST_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(GTEST_OS_WINDOWS_MINGW) && \
(defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__clang__))
// We need to mark these classes with this declspec to ensure that
// the empty base class optimization is performed.
@@ -109,25 +110,37 @@ constexpr bool HasStrictnessModifier() {
template <typename Base>
class NiceMockImpl {
- NiceMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls(this); }
+ NiceMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
- ~NiceMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(this); }
+ ~NiceMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
template <typename Base>
class NaggyMockImpl {
- NaggyMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::WarnUninterestingCalls(this); }
+ NaggyMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::WarnUninterestingCalls(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
- ~NaggyMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(this); }
+ ~NaggyMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
template <typename Base>
class StrictMockImpl {
- StrictMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::FailUninterestingCalls(this); }
+ StrictMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::FailUninterestingCalls(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
- ~StrictMockImpl() { ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(this); }
+ ~StrictMockImpl() {
+ ::testing::Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this));
+ }
} // namespace internal
@@ -169,7 +182,8 @@ class GTEST_INTERNAL_EMPTY_BASE_CLASS NiceMock
+ NiceMock(const NiceMock&) = delete;
+ NiceMock& operator=(const NiceMock&) = delete;
template <class MockClass>
@@ -210,7 +224,8 @@ class GTEST_INTERNAL_EMPTY_BASE_CLASS NaggyMock
+ NaggyMock(const NaggyMock&) = delete;
+ NaggyMock& operator=(const NaggyMock&) = delete;
template <class MockClass>
@@ -251,7 +266,8 @@ class GTEST_INTERNAL_EMPTY_BASE_CLASS StrictMock
+ StrictMock(const StrictMock&) = delete;
+ StrictMock& operator=(const StrictMock&) = delete;
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
index f1bd79cf..78ca15d0 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements the ON_CALL() and EXPECT_CALL() macros.
@@ -56,20 +55,24 @@
// where all clauses are optional, and .InSequence()/.After()/
// .WillOnce() can appear any number of times.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
+#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock-actions.h"
#include "gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h"
#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-# include <stdexcept> // NOLINT
+#include <stdexcept> // NOLINT
@@ -97,13 +100,15 @@ class ExpectationSet;
namespace internal {
// Implements a mock function.
-template <typename F> class FunctionMocker;
+template <typename F>
+class FunctionMocker;
// Base class for expectations.
class ExpectationBase;
// Implements an expectation.
-template <typename F> class TypedExpectation;
+template <typename F>
+class TypedExpectation;
// Helper class for testing the Expectation class template.
class ExpectationTester;
@@ -129,9 +134,6 @@ class NaggyMockImpl;
// calls to ensure the integrity of the mock objects' states.
-// Untyped base class for ActionResultHolder<R>.
-class UntypedActionResultHolderBase;
// Abstract base class of FunctionMocker. This is the
// type-agnostic part of the function mocker interface. Its pure
// virtual methods are implemented by FunctionMocker.
@@ -154,27 +156,12 @@ class GTEST_API_ UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// responsibility to guarantee the correctness of the arguments'
// types.
- // Performs the default action with the given arguments and returns
- // the action's result. The call description string will be used in
- // the error message to describe the call in the case the default
- // action fails.
- // L = *
- virtual UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedPerformDefaultAction(
- void* untyped_args, const std::string& call_description) const = 0;
- // Performs the given action with the given arguments and returns
- // the action's result.
- // L = *
- virtual UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedPerformAction(
- const void* untyped_action, void* untyped_args) const = 0;
// Writes a message that the call is uninteresting (i.e. neither
// explicitly expected nor explicitly unexpected) to the given
// ostream.
- virtual void UntypedDescribeUninterestingCall(
- const void* untyped_args,
- ::std::ostream* os) const
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) = 0;
+ virtual void UntypedDescribeUninterestingCall(const void* untyped_args,
+ ::std::ostream* os) const
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) = 0;
// Returns the expectation that matches the given function arguments
// (or NULL is there's no match); when a match is found,
@@ -183,10 +170,9 @@ class GTEST_API_ UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// is_excessive is modified to indicate whether the call exceeds the
// expected number.
virtual const ExpectationBase* UntypedFindMatchingExpectation(
- const void* untyped_args,
- const void** untyped_action, bool* is_excessive,
+ const void* untyped_args, const void** untyped_action, bool* is_excessive,
::std::ostream* what, ::std::ostream* why)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) = 0;
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) = 0;
// Prints the given function arguments to the ostream.
virtual void UntypedPrintArgs(const void* untyped_args,
@@ -196,8 +182,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// this information in the global mock registry. Will be called
// whenever an EXPECT_CALL() or ON_CALL() is executed on this mock
// method.
- void RegisterOwner(const void* mock_obj)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
+ void RegisterOwner(const void* mock_obj) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
// Sets the mock object this mock method belongs to, and sets the
// name of the mock function. Will be called upon each invocation
@@ -208,26 +193,20 @@ class GTEST_API_ UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Returns the mock object this mock method belongs to. Must be
// called after RegisterOwner() or SetOwnerAndName() has been
// called.
- const void* MockObject() const
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
+ const void* MockObject() const GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
// Returns the name of this mock method. Must be called after
// SetOwnerAndName() has been called.
- const char* Name() const
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
- // Returns the result of invoking this mock function with the given
- // arguments. This function can be safely called from multiple
- // threads concurrently. The caller is responsible for deleting the
- // result.
- UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedInvokeWith(void* untyped_args)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
+ const char* Name() const GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
typedef std::vector<const void*> UntypedOnCallSpecs;
using UntypedExpectations = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ExpectationBase>>;
+ struct UninterestingCallCleanupHandler;
+ struct FailureCleanupHandler;
// Returns an Expectation object that references and co-owns exp,
// which must be an expectation on this mock function.
Expectation GetHandleOf(ExpectationBase* exp);
@@ -430,29 +409,28 @@ class GTEST_API_ Mock {
// Tells Google Mock to allow uninteresting calls on the given mock
// object.
- static void AllowUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+ static void AllowUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
// Tells Google Mock to warn the user about uninteresting calls on
// the given mock object.
- static void WarnUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+ static void WarnUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
// Tells Google Mock to fail uninteresting calls on the given mock
// object.
- static void FailUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+ static void FailUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
// Tells Google Mock the given mock object is being destroyed and
// its entry in the call-reaction table should be removed.
- static void UnregisterCallReaction(const void* mock_obj)
+ static void UnregisterCallReaction(uintptr_t mock_obj)
// Returns the reaction Google Mock will have on uninteresting calls
// made on the given mock object.
static internal::CallReaction GetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(
- const void* mock_obj)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
+ const void* mock_obj) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
// Verifies that all expectations on the given mock object have been
// satisfied. Reports one or more Google Test non-fatal failures
@@ -465,17 +443,16 @@ class GTEST_API_ Mock {
// Registers a mock object and a mock method it owns.
- static void Register(
- const void* mock_obj,
- internal::UntypedFunctionMockerBase* mocker)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
+ static void Register(const void* mock_obj,
+ internal::UntypedFunctionMockerBase* mocker)
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
// Tells Google Mock where in the source code mock_obj is used in an
// ON_CALL or EXPECT_CALL. In case mock_obj is leaked, this
// information helps the user identify which object it is.
- static void RegisterUseByOnCallOrExpectCall(
- const void* mock_obj, const char* file, int line)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
+ static void RegisterUseByOnCallOrExpectCall(const void* mock_obj,
+ const char* file, int line)
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex);
// Unregisters a mock method; removes the owning mock object from
// the registry when the last mock method associated with it has
@@ -589,7 +566,7 @@ class ExpectationSet {
typedef Expectation::Set::value_type value_type;
// Constructs an empty set.
- ExpectationSet() {}
+ ExpectationSet() = default;
// This single-argument ctor must not be explicit, in order to support the
// ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(...);
@@ -632,7 +609,6 @@ class ExpectationSet {
Expectation::Set expectations_;
// Sequence objects are used by a user to specify the relative order
// in which the expectations should match. They are copyable (we rely
// on the compiler-defined copy constructor and assignment operator).
@@ -678,11 +654,13 @@ class GTEST_API_ InSequence {
bool sequence_created_;
+ InSequence(const InSequence&) = delete;
+ InSequence& operator=(const InSequence&) = delete;
namespace internal {
@@ -732,6 +710,12 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
// describes it to the ostream.
virtual void MaybeDescribeExtraMatcherTo(::std::ostream* os) = 0;
+ // Do not rely on this for correctness.
+ // This is only for making human-readable test output easier to understand.
+ void UntypedDescription(std::string description) {
+ description_ = std::move(description);
+ }
friend class ::testing::Expectation;
friend class UntypedFunctionMockerBase;
@@ -784,40 +768,38 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
// the current thread.
// Retires all pre-requisites of this expectation.
- void RetireAllPreRequisites()
+ void RetireAllPreRequisites() GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex);
// Returns true if and only if this expectation is retired.
- bool is_retired() const
+ bool is_retired() const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
return retired_;
// Retires this expectation.
- void Retire()
+ void Retire() GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
retired_ = true;
+ // Returns a human-readable description of this expectation.
+ // Do not rely on this for correctness. It is only for human readability.
+ const std::string& GetDescription() const { return description_; }
// Returns true if and only if this expectation is satisfied.
- bool IsSatisfied() const
+ bool IsSatisfied() const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
return cardinality().IsSatisfiedByCallCount(call_count_);
// Returns true if and only if this expectation is saturated.
- bool IsSaturated() const
+ bool IsSaturated() const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
return cardinality().IsSaturatedByCallCount(call_count_);
// Returns true if and only if this expectation is over-saturated.
- bool IsOverSaturated() const
+ bool IsOverSaturated() const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
return cardinality().IsOverSaturatedByCallCount(call_count_);
@@ -832,15 +814,13 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
// Returns the number this expectation has been invoked.
- int call_count() const
+ int call_count() const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
return call_count_;
// Increments the number this expectation has been invoked.
- void IncrementCallCount()
+ void IncrementCallCount() GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
@@ -849,8 +829,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
// WillRepeatedly() clauses) against the cardinality if this hasn't
// been done before. Prints a warning if there are too many or too
// few actions.
- void CheckActionCountIfNotDone() const
+ void CheckActionCountIfNotDone() const GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(mutex_);
friend class ::testing::Sequence;
friend class ::testing::internal::ExpectationTester;
@@ -863,12 +842,13 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
// This group of fields are part of the spec and won't change after
// an EXPECT_CALL() statement finishes.
- const char* file_; // The file that contains the expectation.
- int line_; // The line number of the expectation.
+ const char* file_; // The file that contains the expectation.
+ int line_; // The line number of the expectation.
const std::string source_text_; // The EXPECT_CALL(...) source text.
+ std::string description_; // User-readable name for the expectation.
// True if and only if the cardinality is specified explicitly.
bool cardinality_specified_;
- Cardinality cardinality_; // The cardinality of the expectation.
+ Cardinality cardinality_; // The cardinality of the expectation.
// The immediate pre-requisites (i.e. expectations that must be
// satisfied before this expectation can be matched) of this
// expectation. We use std::shared_ptr in the set because we want an
@@ -887,12 +867,18 @@ class GTEST_API_ ExpectationBase {
bool retires_on_saturation_;
Clause last_clause_;
mutable bool action_count_checked_; // Under mutex_.
- mutable Mutex mutex_; // Protects action_count_checked_.
-}; // class ExpectationBase
+ mutable Mutex mutex_; // Protects action_count_checked_.
+}; // class ExpectationBase
-// Impements an expectation for the given function type.
template <typename F>
-class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
+class TypedExpectation;
+// Implements an expectation for the given function type.
+template <typename R, typename... Args>
+class TypedExpectation<R(Args...)> : public ExpectationBase {
+ private:
+ using F = R(Args...);
typedef typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
typedef typename Function<F>::ArgumentMatcherTuple ArgumentMatcherTuple;
@@ -938,6 +924,13 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
return *this;
+ // Do not rely on this for correctness.
+ // This is only for making human-readable test output easier to understand.
+ TypedExpectation& Description(std::string name) {
+ ExpectationBase::UntypedDescription(std::move(name));
+ return *this;
+ }
// Implements the .Times() clause.
TypedExpectation& Times(const Cardinality& a_cardinality) {
@@ -945,9 +938,7 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
// Implements the .Times() clause.
- TypedExpectation& Times(int n) {
- return Times(Exactly(n));
- }
+ TypedExpectation& Times(int n) { return Times(Exactly(n)); }
// Implements the .InSequence() clause.
TypedExpectation& InSequence(const Sequence& s) {
@@ -1007,14 +998,31 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
return After(s1, s2, s3, s4).After(s5);
- // Implements the .WillOnce() clause.
- TypedExpectation& WillOnce(const Action<F>& action) {
+ // Preferred, type-safe overload: consume anything that can be directly
+ // converted to a OnceAction, except for Action<F> objects themselves.
+ TypedExpectation& WillOnce(OnceAction<F> once_action) {
+ // Call the overload below, smuggling the OnceAction as a copyable callable.
+ // We know this is safe because a WillOnce action will not be called more
+ // than once.
+ return WillOnce(Action<F>(ActionAdaptor{
+ std::make_shared<OnceAction<F>>(std::move(once_action)),
+ }));
+ }
+ // Fallback overload: accept Action<F> objects and those actions that define
+ // `operator Action<F>` but not `operator OnceAction<F>`.
+ //
+ // This is templated in order to cause the overload above to be preferred
+ // when the input is convertible to either type.
+ template <int&... ExplicitArgumentBarrier, typename = void>
+ TypedExpectation& WillOnce(Action<F> action) {
ExpectSpecProperty(last_clause_ <= kWillOnce,
".WillOnce() cannot appear after "
".WillRepeatedly() or .RetiresOnSaturation().");
last_clause_ = kWillOnce;
- untyped_actions_.push_back(new Action<F>(action));
+ untyped_actions_.push_back(new Action<F>(std::move(action)));
if (!cardinality_specified()) {
@@ -1062,9 +1070,7 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
// Returns the matchers for the arguments as specified inside the
// EXPECT_CALL() macro.
- const ArgumentMatcherTuple& matchers() const {
- return matchers_;
- }
+ const ArgumentMatcherTuple& matchers() const { return matchers_; }
// Returns the matcher specified by the .With() clause.
const Matcher<const ArgumentTuple&>& extra_matcher() const {
@@ -1088,6 +1094,16 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
template <typename Function>
friend class FunctionMocker;
+ // An adaptor that turns a OneAction<F> into something compatible with
+ // Action<F>. Must be called at most once.
+ struct ActionAdaptor {
+ std::shared_ptr<OnceAction<R(Args...)>> once_action;
+ R operator()(Args&&... args) const {
+ return std::move(*once_action).Call(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ };
// Returns an Expectation object that references and co-owns this
// expectation.
Expectation GetHandle() override { return owner_->GetHandleOf(this); }
@@ -1119,10 +1135,8 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
// Describes the result of matching the arguments against this
// expectation to the given ostream.
- void ExplainMatchResultTo(
- const ArgumentTuple& args,
- ::std::ostream* os) const
+ void ExplainMatchResultTo(const ArgumentTuple& args, ::std::ostream* os) const
if (is_retired()) {
@@ -1181,9 +1195,9 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
::std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Actions ran out in " << source_text() << "...\n"
- << "Called " << count << " times, but only "
- << action_count << " WillOnce()"
- << (action_count == 1 ? " is" : "s are") << " specified - ";
+ << "Called " << count << " times, but only " << action_count
+ << " WillOnce()" << (action_count == 1 ? " is" : "s are")
+ << " specified - ";
mocker->DescribeDefaultActionTo(args, &ss);
Log(kWarning, ss.str(), 1);
@@ -1207,10 +1221,15 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
::std::ostream* why)
+ const ::std::string& expectation_description = GetDescription();
if (IsSaturated()) {
// We have an excessive call.
- *what << "Mock function called more times than expected - ";
+ *what << "Mock function ";
+ if (!expectation_description.empty()) {
+ *what << "\"" << expectation_description << "\" ";
+ }
+ *what << "called more times than expected - ";
mocker->DescribeDefaultActionTo(args, what);
@@ -1225,7 +1244,11 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
// Must be done after IncrementCount()!
- *what << "Mock function call matches " << source_text() <<"...\n";
+ *what << "Mock function ";
+ if (!expectation_description.empty()) {
+ *what << "\"" << expectation_description << "\" ";
+ }
+ *what << "call matches " << source_text() << "...\n";
return &(GetCurrentAction(mocker, args));
@@ -1236,7 +1259,8 @@ class TypedExpectation : public ExpectationBase {
Matcher<const ArgumentTuple&> extra_matcher_;
Action<F> repeated_action_;
+ TypedExpectation(const TypedExpectation&) = delete;
+ TypedExpectation& operator=(const TypedExpectation&) = delete;
}; // class TypedExpectation
// A MockSpec object is used by ON_CALL() or EXPECT_CALL() for
@@ -1258,8 +1282,8 @@ template <typename F>
class MockSpec {
typedef typename internal::Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
- typedef typename internal::Function<F>::ArgumentMatcherTuple
- ArgumentMatcherTuple;
+ typedef
+ typename internal::Function<F>::ArgumentMatcherTuple ArgumentMatcherTuple;
// Constructs a MockSpec object, given the function mocker object
// that the spec is associated with.
@@ -1269,8 +1293,9 @@ class MockSpec {
// Adds a new default action spec to the function mocker and returns
// the newly created spec.
- internal::OnCallSpec<F>& InternalDefaultActionSetAt(
- const char* file, int line, const char* obj, const char* call) {
+ internal::OnCallSpec<F>& InternalDefaultActionSetAt(const char* file,
+ int line, const char* obj,
+ const char* call) {
LogWithLocation(internal::kInfo, file, line,
std::string("ON_CALL(") + obj + ", " + call + ") invoked");
return function_mocker_->AddNewOnCallSpec(file, line, matchers_);
@@ -1278,13 +1303,14 @@ class MockSpec {
// Adds a new expectation spec to the function mocker and returns
// the newly created spec.
- internal::TypedExpectation<F>& InternalExpectedAt(
- const char* file, int line, const char* obj, const char* call) {
+ internal::TypedExpectation<F>& InternalExpectedAt(const char* file, int line,
+ const char* obj,
+ const char* call) {
const std::string source_text(std::string("EXPECT_CALL(") + obj + ", " +
call + ")");
LogWithLocation(internal::kInfo, file, line, source_text + " invoked");
- return function_mocker_->AddNewExpectation(
- file, line, source_text, matchers_);
+ return function_mocker_->AddNewExpectation(file, line, source_text,
+ matchers_);
// This operator overload is used to swallow the superfluous parameter list
@@ -1317,9 +1343,7 @@ template <typename T>
class ReferenceOrValueWrapper {
// Constructs a wrapper from the given value/reference.
- explicit ReferenceOrValueWrapper(T value)
- : value_(std::move(value)) {
- }
+ explicit ReferenceOrValueWrapper(T value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
// Unwraps and returns the underlying value/reference, exactly as
// originally passed. The behavior of calling this more than once on
@@ -1330,9 +1354,7 @@ class ReferenceOrValueWrapper {
// Always returns a const reference (more precisely,
// const std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type). The behavior of calling this
// after calling Unwrap on the same object is unspecified.
- const T& Peek() const {
- return value_;
- }
+ const T& Peek() const { return value_; }
T value_;
@@ -1346,8 +1368,7 @@ class ReferenceOrValueWrapper<T&> {
// Workaround for debatable pass-by-reference lint warning (c-library-team
// policy precludes NOLINT in this context)
typedef T& reference;
- explicit ReferenceOrValueWrapper(reference ref)
- : value_ptr_(&ref) {}
+ explicit ReferenceOrValueWrapper(reference ref) : value_ptr_(&ref) {}
T& Unwrap() { return *value_ptr_; }
const T& Peek() const { return *value_ptr_; }
@@ -1355,102 +1376,62 @@ class ReferenceOrValueWrapper<T&> {
T* value_ptr_;
-// C++ treats the void type specially. For example, you cannot define
-// a void-typed variable or pass a void value to a function.
-// ActionResultHolder<T> holds a value of type T, where T must be a
-// copyable type or void (T doesn't need to be default-constructable).
-// It hides the syntactic difference between void and other types, and
-// is used to unify the code for invoking both void-returning and
-// non-void-returning mock functions.
-// Untyped base class for ActionResultHolder<T>.
-class UntypedActionResultHolderBase {
- public:
- virtual ~UntypedActionResultHolderBase() {}
- // Prints the held value as an action's result to os.
- virtual void PrintAsActionResult(::std::ostream* os) const = 0;
-// This generic definition is used when T is not void.
+// Prints the held value as an action's result to os.
template <typename T>
-class ActionResultHolder : public UntypedActionResultHolderBase {
- public:
- // Returns the held value. Must not be called more than once.
- T Unwrap() {
- return result_.Unwrap();
- }
- // Prints the held value as an action's result to os.
- void PrintAsActionResult(::std::ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "\n Returns: ";
- // T may be a reference type, so we don't use UniversalPrint().
- UniversalPrinter<T>::Print(result_.Peek(), os);
- }
+void PrintAsActionResult(const T& result, std::ostream& os) {
+ os << "\n Returns: ";
+ // T may be a reference type, so we don't use UniversalPrint().
+ UniversalPrinter<T>::Print(result, &os);
- // Performs the given mock function's default action and returns the
- // result in a new-ed ActionResultHolder.
- template <typename F>
- static ActionResultHolder* PerformDefaultAction(
- const FunctionMocker<F>* func_mocker,
- typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple&& args,
- const std::string& call_description) {
- return new ActionResultHolder(Wrapper(func_mocker->PerformDefaultAction(
- std::move(args), call_description)));
- }
+// Reports an uninteresting call (whose description is in msg) in the
+// manner specified by 'reaction'.
+GTEST_API_ void ReportUninterestingCall(CallReaction reaction,
+ const std::string& msg);
- // Performs the given action and returns the result in a new-ed
- // ActionResultHolder.
- template <typename F>
- static ActionResultHolder* PerformAction(
- const Action<F>& action, typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple&& args) {
- return new ActionResultHolder(
- Wrapper(action.Perform(std::move(args))));
- }
+// A generic RAII type that runs a user-provided function in its destructor.
+class Cleanup final {
+ public:
+ explicit Cleanup(std::function<void()> f) : f_(std::move(f)) {}
+ ~Cleanup() { f_(); }
- typedef ReferenceOrValueWrapper<T> Wrapper;
- explicit ActionResultHolder(Wrapper result)
- : result_(std::move(result)) {
- }
- Wrapper result_;
+ std::function<void()> f_;
-// Specialization for T = void.
-template <>
-class ActionResultHolder<void> : public UntypedActionResultHolderBase {
- public:
- void Unwrap() { }
- void PrintAsActionResult(::std::ostream* /* os */) const override {}
+struct UntypedFunctionMockerBase::UninterestingCallCleanupHandler {
+ CallReaction reaction;
+ std::stringstream& ss;
- // Performs the given mock function's default action and returns ownership
- // of an empty ActionResultHolder*.
- template <typename F>
- static ActionResultHolder* PerformDefaultAction(
- const FunctionMocker<F>* func_mocker,
- typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple&& args,
- const std::string& call_description) {
- func_mocker->PerformDefaultAction(std::move(args), call_description);
- return new ActionResultHolder;
+ ~UninterestingCallCleanupHandler() {
+ ReportUninterestingCall(reaction, ss.str());
- // Performs the given action and returns ownership of an empty
- // ActionResultHolder*.
- template <typename F>
- static ActionResultHolder* PerformAction(
- const Action<F>& action, typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple&& args) {
- action.Perform(std::move(args));
- return new ActionResultHolder;
+struct UntypedFunctionMockerBase::FailureCleanupHandler {
+ std::stringstream& ss;
+ std::stringstream& why;
+ std::stringstream& loc;
+ const ExpectationBase* untyped_expectation;
+ bool found;
+ bool is_excessive;
+ ~FailureCleanupHandler() {
+ ss << "\n" << why.str();
+ if (!found) {
+ // No expectation matches this call - reports a failure.
+ Expect(false, nullptr, -1, ss.str());
+ } else if (is_excessive) {
+ // We had an upper-bound violation and the failure message is in ss.
+ Expect(false, untyped_expectation->file(), untyped_expectation->line(),
+ ss.str());
+ } else {
+ // We had an expected call and the matching expectation is
+ // described in ss.
+ Log(kInfo, loc.str() + ss.str(), 2);
+ }
- private:
- ActionResultHolder() {}
template <typename F>
@@ -1465,7 +1446,7 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
using ArgumentTuple = std::tuple<Args...>;
using ArgumentMatcherTuple = std::tuple<Matcher<Args>...>;
- FunctionMocker() {}
+ FunctionMocker() = default;
// There is no generally useful and implementable semantics of
// copying a mock object, so copying a mock is usually a user error.
@@ -1495,14 +1476,12 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Returns the ON_CALL spec that matches this mock function with the
// given arguments; returns NULL if no matching ON_CALL is found.
// L = *
- const OnCallSpec<F>* FindOnCallSpec(
- const ArgumentTuple& args) const {
- for (UntypedOnCallSpecs::const_reverse_iterator it
- = untyped_on_call_specs_.rbegin();
+ const OnCallSpec<F>* FindOnCallSpec(const ArgumentTuple& args) const {
+ for (UntypedOnCallSpecs::const_reverse_iterator it =
+ untyped_on_call_specs_.rbegin();
it != untyped_on_call_specs_.rend(); ++it) {
const OnCallSpec<F>* spec = static_cast<const OnCallSpec<F>*>(*it);
- if (spec->Matches(args))
- return spec;
+ if (spec->Matches(args)) return spec;
return nullptr;
@@ -1510,15 +1489,14 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Performs the default action of this mock function on the given
// arguments and returns the result. Asserts (or throws if
- // exceptions are enabled) with a helpful call descrption if there
+ // exceptions are enabled) with a helpful call description if there
// is no valid return value. This method doesn't depend on the
// mutable state of this object, and thus can be called concurrently
// without locking.
// L = *
Result PerformDefaultAction(ArgumentTuple&& args,
const std::string& call_description) const {
- const OnCallSpec<F>* const spec =
- this->FindOnCallSpec(args);
+ const OnCallSpec<F>* const spec = this->FindOnCallSpec(args);
if (spec != nullptr) {
return spec->GetAction().Perform(std::move(args));
@@ -1536,32 +1514,6 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
return DefaultValue<Result>::Get();
- // Performs the default action with the given arguments and returns
- // the action's result. The call description string will be used in
- // the error message to describe the call in the case the default
- // action fails. The caller is responsible for deleting the result.
- // L = *
- UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedPerformDefaultAction(
- void* untyped_args, // must point to an ArgumentTuple
- const std::string& call_description) const override {
- ArgumentTuple* args = static_cast<ArgumentTuple*>(untyped_args);
- return ResultHolder::PerformDefaultAction(this, std::move(*args),
- call_description);
- }
- // Performs the given action with the given arguments and returns
- // the action's result. The caller is responsible for deleting the
- // result.
- // L = *
- UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedPerformAction(
- const void* untyped_action, void* untyped_args) const override {
- // Make a copy of the action before performing it, in case the
- // action deletes the mock object (and thus deletes itself).
- const Action<F> action = *static_cast<const Action<F>*>(untyped_action);
- ArgumentTuple* args = static_cast<ArgumentTuple*>(untyped_args);
- return ResultHolder::PerformAction(action, std::move(*args));
- }
// Implements UntypedFunctionMockerBase::ClearDefaultActionsLocked():
// clears the ON_CALL()s set on this mock function.
void ClearDefaultActionsLocked() override
@@ -1579,8 +1531,7 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
- for (UntypedOnCallSpecs::const_iterator it =
- specs_to_delete.begin();
+ for (UntypedOnCallSpecs::const_iterator it = specs_to_delete.begin();
it != specs_to_delete.end(); ++it) {
delete static_cast<const OnCallSpec<F>*>(*it);
@@ -1594,10 +1545,7 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// arguments. This function can be safely called from multiple
// threads concurrently.
Result Invoke(Args... args) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
- ArgumentTuple tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- std::unique_ptr<ResultHolder> holder(DownCast_<ResultHolder*>(
- this->UntypedInvokeWith(static_cast<void*>(&tuple))));
- return holder->Unwrap();
+ return InvokeWith(ArgumentTuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
MockSpec<F> With(Matcher<Args>... m) {
@@ -1608,13 +1556,10 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
template <typename Function>
friend class MockSpec;
- typedef ActionResultHolder<Result> ResultHolder;
// Adds and returns a default action spec for this mock function.
- OnCallSpec<F>& AddNewOnCallSpec(
- const char* file, int line,
- const ArgumentMatcherTuple& m)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
+ OnCallSpec<F>& AddNewOnCallSpec(const char* file, int line,
+ const ArgumentMatcherTuple& m)
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
Mock::RegisterUseByOnCallOrExpectCall(MockObject(), file, line);
OnCallSpec<F>* const on_call_spec = new OnCallSpec<F>(file, line, m);
@@ -1644,7 +1589,8 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
- template <typename Func> friend class TypedExpectation;
+ template <typename Func>
+ friend class TypedExpectation;
// Some utilities needed for implementing UntypedInvokeWith().
@@ -1728,9 +1674,8 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Returns the expectation that matches the arguments, or NULL if no
// expectation matches them.
- TypedExpectation<F>* FindMatchingExpectationLocked(
- const ArgumentTuple& args) const
+ TypedExpectation<F>* FindMatchingExpectationLocked(const ArgumentTuple& args)
+ const GTEST_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_REQUIRED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
// See the definition of untyped_expectations_ for why access to
// it is unprotected here.
@@ -1747,11 +1692,10 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Returns a message that the arguments don't match any expectation.
- void FormatUnexpectedCallMessageLocked(
- const ArgumentTuple& args,
- ::std::ostream* os,
- ::std::ostream* why) const
+ void FormatUnexpectedCallMessageLocked(const ArgumentTuple& args,
+ ::std::ostream* os,
+ ::std::ostream* why) const
*os << "\nUnexpected mock function call - ";
DescribeDefaultActionTo(args, os);
@@ -1760,15 +1704,14 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
// Prints a list of expectations that have been tried against the
// current mock function call.
- void PrintTriedExpectationsLocked(
- const ArgumentTuple& args,
- ::std::ostream* why) const
+ void PrintTriedExpectationsLocked(const ArgumentTuple& args,
+ ::std::ostream* why) const
const size_t count = untyped_expectations_.size();
*why << "Google Mock tried the following " << count << " "
- << (count == 1 ? "expectation, but it didn't match" :
- "expectations, but none matched")
+ << (count == 1 ? "expectation, but it didn't match"
+ : "expectations, but none matched")
<< ":\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TypedExpectation<F>* const expectation =
@@ -1783,11 +1726,176 @@ class FunctionMocker<R(Args...)> final : public UntypedFunctionMockerBase {
+ // Performs the given action (or the default if it's null) with the given
+ // arguments and returns the action's result.
+ // L = *
+ R PerformAction(const void* untyped_action, ArgumentTuple&& args,
+ const std::string& call_description) const {
+ if (untyped_action == nullptr) {
+ return PerformDefaultAction(std::move(args), call_description);
+ }
+ // Make a copy of the action before performing it, in case the
+ // action deletes the mock object (and thus deletes itself).
+ const Action<F> action = *static_cast<const Action<F>*>(untyped_action);
+ return action.Perform(std::move(args));
+ }
+ // Is it possible to store an object of the supplied type in a local variable
+ // for the sake of printing it, then return it on to the caller?
+ template <typename T>
+ using can_print_result = internal::conjunction<
+ // void can't be stored as an object (and we also don't need to print it).
+ internal::negation<std::is_void<T>>,
+ // Non-moveable types can't be returned on to the user, so there's no way
+ // for us to intercept and print them.
+ std::is_move_constructible<T>>;
+ // Perform the supplied action, printing the result to os.
+ template <typename T = R,
+ typename std::enable_if<can_print_result<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ R PerformActionAndPrintResult(const void* const untyped_action,
+ ArgumentTuple&& args,
+ const std::string& call_description,
+ std::ostream& os) {
+ R result = PerformAction(untyped_action, std::move(args), call_description);
+ PrintAsActionResult(result, os);
+ return std::forward<R>(result);
+ }
+ // An overload for when it's not possible to print the result. In this case we
+ // simply perform the action.
+ template <typename T = R,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ internal::negation<can_print_result<T>>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ R PerformActionAndPrintResult(const void* const untyped_action,
+ ArgumentTuple&& args,
+ const std::string& call_description,
+ std::ostream&) {
+ return PerformAction(untyped_action, std::move(args), call_description);
+ }
+ // Returns the result of invoking this mock function with the given
+ // arguments. This function can be safely called from multiple
+ // threads concurrently.
+ R InvokeWith(ArgumentTuple&& args) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex);
}; // class FunctionMocker
-// Reports an uninteresting call (whose description is in msg) in the
-// manner specified by 'reaction'.
-void ReportUninterestingCall(CallReaction reaction, const std::string& msg);
+// Calculates the result of invoking this mock function with the given
+// arguments, prints it, and returns it.
+template <typename R, typename... Args>
+R FunctionMocker<R(Args...)>::InvokeWith(ArgumentTuple&& args)
+ GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
+ // See the definition of untyped_expectations_ for why access to it
+ // is unprotected here.
+ if (untyped_expectations_.size() == 0) {
+ // No expectation is set on this mock method - we have an
+ // uninteresting call.
+ // We must get Google Mock's reaction on uninteresting calls
+ // made on this mock object BEFORE performing the action,
+ // because the action may DELETE the mock object and make the
+ // following expression meaningless.
+ const CallReaction reaction =
+ Mock::GetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(MockObject());
+ // True if and only if we need to print this call's arguments and return
+ // value. This definition must be kept in sync with
+ // the behavior of ReportUninterestingCall().
+ const bool need_to_report_uninteresting_call =
+ // If the user allows this uninteresting call, we print it
+ // only when they want informational messages.
+ reaction == kAllow ? LogIsVisible(kInfo) :
+ // If the user wants this to be a warning, we print
+ // it only when they want to see warnings.
+ reaction == kWarn
+ ? LogIsVisible(kWarning)
+ :
+ // Otherwise, the user wants this to be an error, and we
+ // should always print detailed information in the error.
+ true;
+ if (!need_to_report_uninteresting_call) {
+ // Perform the action without printing the call information.
+ return this->PerformDefaultAction(
+ std::move(args), "Function call: " + std::string(Name()));
+ }
+ // Warns about the uninteresting call.
+ ::std::stringstream ss;
+ this->UntypedDescribeUninterestingCall(&args, &ss);
+ // Perform the action, print the result, and then report the uninteresting
+ // call.
+ //
+ // We use RAII to do the latter in case R is void or a non-moveable type. In
+ // either case we can't assign it to a local variable.
+ //
+ // Note that std::bind() is essential here.
+ // We *don't* use any local callback types (like lambdas).
+ // Doing so slows down compilation dramatically because the *constructor* of
+ // std::function<T> is re-instantiated with different template
+ // parameters each time.
+ const UninterestingCallCleanupHandler report_uninteresting_call = {
+ reaction, ss
+ };
+ return PerformActionAndPrintResult(nullptr, std::move(args), ss.str(), ss);
+ }
+ bool is_excessive = false;
+ ::std::stringstream ss;
+ ::std::stringstream why;
+ ::std::stringstream loc;
+ const void* untyped_action = nullptr;
+ // The UntypedFindMatchingExpectation() function acquires and
+ // releases g_gmock_mutex.
+ const ExpectationBase* const untyped_expectation =
+ this->UntypedFindMatchingExpectation(&args, &untyped_action,
+ &is_excessive, &ss, &why);
+ const bool found = untyped_expectation != nullptr;
+ // True if and only if we need to print the call's arguments
+ // and return value.
+ // This definition must be kept in sync with the uses of Expect()
+ // and Log() in this function.
+ const bool need_to_report_call =
+ !found || is_excessive || LogIsVisible(kInfo);
+ if (!need_to_report_call) {
+ // Perform the action without printing the call information.
+ return PerformAction(untyped_action, std::move(args), "");
+ }
+ ss << " Function call: " << Name();
+ this->UntypedPrintArgs(&args, &ss);
+ // In case the action deletes a piece of the expectation, we
+ // generate the message beforehand.
+ if (found && !is_excessive) {
+ untyped_expectation->DescribeLocationTo(&loc);
+ }
+ // Perform the action, print the result, and then fail or log in whatever way
+ // is appropriate.
+ //
+ // We use RAII to do the latter in case R is void or a non-moveable type. In
+ // either case we can't assign it to a local variable.
+ //
+ // Note that we *don't* use any local callback types (like lambdas) here.
+ // Doing so slows down compilation dramatically because the *constructor* of
+ // std::function<T> is re-instantiated with different template
+ // parameters each time.
+ const FailureCleanupHandler handle_failures = {
+ ss, why, loc, untyped_expectation, found, is_excessive
+ };
+ return PerformActionAndPrintResult(untyped_action, std::move(args), ss.str(),
+ ss);
} // namespace internal
@@ -1838,12 +1946,12 @@ corresponding to the provided F argument.
It makes use of MockFunction easier by allowing it to accept more F arguments
than just function signatures.
-Specializations provided here cover only a signature type itself and
-std::function. However, if need be it can be easily extended to cover also other
-types (like for example boost::function).
+Specializations provided here cover a signature type itself and any template
+that can be parameterized with a signature, including std::function and
-template <typename F>
+template <typename F, typename = void>
struct SignatureOf;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
@@ -1851,8 +1959,10 @@ struct SignatureOf<R(Args...)> {
using type = R(Args...);
-template <typename F>
-struct SignatureOf<std::function<F>> : SignatureOf<F> {};
+template <template <typename> class C, typename F>
+struct SignatureOf<C<F>,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_function<F>::value>::type>
+ : SignatureOf<F> {};
template <typename F>
using SignatureOfT = typename SignatureOf<F>::type;
@@ -1950,7 +2060,9 @@ using internal::MockSpec;
// // Expects a call to const MockFoo::Bar().
// EXPECT_CALL(Const(foo), Bar());
template <typename T>
-inline const T& Const(const T& x) { return x; }
+inline const T& Const(const T& x) {
+ return x;
// Constructs an Expectation object that references and co-owns exp.
inline Expectation::Expectation(internal::ExpectationBase& exp) // NOLINT
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
index da1a4606..c0c7ce64 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
@@ -27,13 +27,10 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This is the main header file a user should include.
@@ -58,22 +55,23 @@
// where all clauses are optional and WillOnce() can be repeated.
-#include "gmock/gmock-actions.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-more-actions.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock-actions.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-more-actions.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h"
-namespace testing {
+#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
// Declares Google Mock flags that we want a user to use programmatically.
+namespace testing {
// Initializes Google Mock. This must be called before running the
// tests. In particular, it parses the command line for the flags
// that Google Mock recognizes. Whenever a Google Mock flag is seen,
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/README.md b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/README.md
index f6c93f61..9c4874fd 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/README.md
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/README.md
@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ The following macros can be defined:
* `GMOCK_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc)`
* `GMOCK_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc)`
* `GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc)`
+* `GMOCK_FLAG_GET(flag_name)`
+* `GMOCK_FLAG_SET(flag_name, value)`
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
index 63f89996..bbcad31c 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
index 63842948..bb7dcbaa 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
// Injection point for custom user configurations. See README for details
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
index 14378692..f055f750 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@
// Injection point for custom user configurations. See README for details
// ** Custom implementation starts here **
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
index 317544a7..ead6d7c8 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
@@ -27,22 +27,25 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file defines some utilities useful for implementing Google
// Mock. They are subject to change without notice, so please DO NOT
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -55,15 +58,12 @@ namespace internal {
// Silence MSVC C4100 (unreferenced formal parameter) and
// C4805('==': unsafe mix of type 'const int' and type 'const bool')
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
-# pragma warning(disable:4805)
// Joins a vector of strings as if they are fields of a tuple; returns
// the joined string.
-GTEST_API_ std::string JoinAsTuple(const Strings& fields);
+GTEST_API_ std::string JoinAsKeyValueTuple(
+ const std::vector<const char*>& names, const Strings& values);
// Converts an identifier name to a space-separated list of lower-case
// words. Each maximum substring of the form [A-Za-z][a-z]*|\d+ is
@@ -78,9 +78,36 @@ template <typename Pointer>
inline const typename Pointer::element_type* GetRawPointer(const Pointer& p) {
return p.get();
+// This overload version is for std::reference_wrapper, which does not work with
+// the overload above, as it does not have an `element_type`.
+template <typename Element>
+inline const Element* GetRawPointer(const std::reference_wrapper<Element>& r) {
+ return &r.get();
// This overloaded version is for the raw pointer case.
template <typename Element>
-inline Element* GetRawPointer(Element* p) { return p; }
+inline Element* GetRawPointer(Element* p) {
+ return p;
+// Default definitions for all compilers.
+// NOTE: If you implement support for other compilers, make sure to avoid
+// unexpected overlaps.
+// (e.g., Clang also processes #pragma GCC, and clang-cl also handles _MSC_VER.)
+#if defined(__clang__)
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_PUSH() _Pragma("clang diagnostic push")
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_CLANG(Level, Warning) \
+ _Pragma(GMOCK_PP_INTERNAL_STRINGIZE(clang diagnostic Level Warning))
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_WARNING_POP() _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
// MSVC treats wchar_t as a native type usually, but treats it as the
// same as unsigned short when the compiler option /Zc:wchar_t- is
@@ -89,7 +116,7 @@ inline Element* GetRawPointer(Element* p) { return p; }
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
// wchar_t is a typedef.
// In what follows, we use the term "kind" to indicate whether a type
@@ -97,18 +124,20 @@ inline Element* GetRawPointer(Element* p) { return p; }
// or none of them. This categorization is useful for determining
// when a matcher argument type can be safely converted to another
// type in the implementation of SafeMatcherCast.
-enum TypeKind {
- kBool, kInteger, kFloatingPoint, kOther
+enum TypeKind { kBool, kInteger, kFloatingPoint, kOther };
// KindOf<T>::value is the kind of type T.
-template <typename T> struct KindOf {
+template <typename T>
+struct KindOf {
enum { value = kOther }; // The default kind.
// This macro declares that the kind of 'type' is 'kind'.
#define GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(type, kind) \
- template <> struct KindOf<type> { enum { value = kind }; }
+ template <> \
+ struct KindOf<type> { \
+ enum { value = kind }; \
+ }
@@ -116,13 +145,13 @@ GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(bool, kBool);
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(char, kInteger);
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(signed char, kInteger);
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned char, kInteger);
-GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(short, kInteger); // NOLINT
+GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(short, kInteger); // NOLINT
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned short, kInteger); // NOLINT
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(int, kInteger);
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned int, kInteger);
-GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long, kInteger); // NOLINT
-GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned long, kInteger); // NOLINT
-GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long long, kInteger); // NOLINT
+GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long, kInteger); // NOLINT
+GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned long, kInteger); // NOLINT
+GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long long, kInteger); // NOLINT
GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned long long, kInteger); // NOLINT
@@ -137,7 +166,7 @@ GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long double, kFloatingPoint);
// Evaluates to the kind of 'type'.
-#define GMOCK_KIND_OF_(type) \
+#define GMOCK_KIND_OF_(type) \
static_cast< ::testing::internal::TypeKind>( \
@@ -193,11 +222,9 @@ using LosslessArithmeticConvertible =
class FailureReporterInterface {
// The type of a failure (either non-fatal or fatal).
- enum FailureType {
- kNonfatal, kFatal
- };
+ enum FailureType { kNonfatal, kFatal };
- virtual ~FailureReporterInterface() {}
+ virtual ~FailureReporterInterface() = default;
// Reports a failure that occurred at the given source file location.
virtual void ReportFailure(FailureType type, const char* file, int line,
@@ -215,8 +242,8 @@ GTEST_API_ FailureReporterInterface* GetFailureReporter();
inline void Assert(bool condition, const char* file, int line,
const std::string& msg) {
if (!condition) {
- GetFailureReporter()->ReportFailure(FailureReporterInterface::kFatal,
- file, line, msg);
+ GetFailureReporter()->ReportFailure(FailureReporterInterface::kFatal, file,
+ line, msg);
inline void Assert(bool condition, const char* file, int line) {
@@ -237,10 +264,7 @@ inline void Expect(bool condition, const char* file, int line) {
// Severity level of a log.
-enum LogSeverity {
- kInfo = 0,
- kWarning = 1
+enum LogSeverity { kInfo = 0, kWarning = 1 };
// Valid values for the --gmock_verbose flag.
@@ -280,13 +304,6 @@ class WithoutMatchers {
// Internal use only: access the singleton instance of WithoutMatchers.
GTEST_API_ WithoutMatchers GetWithoutMatchers();
-// Disable MSVC warnings for infinite recursion, since in this case the
-// the recursion is unreachable.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4717)
// Invalid<T>() is usable as an expression of type T, but will terminate
// the program with an assertion failure if actually run. This is useful
// when a value of type T is needed for compilation, but the statement
@@ -294,16 +311,16 @@ GTEST_API_ WithoutMatchers GetWithoutMatchers();
// crashes).
template <typename T>
inline T Invalid() {
- Assert(false, "", -1, "Internal error: attempt to return invalid value");
- // This statement is unreachable, and would never terminate even if it
- // could be reached. It is provided only to placate compiler warnings
- // about missing return statements.
+ Assert(/*condition=*/false, /*file=*/"", /*line=*/-1,
+ "Internal error: attempt to return invalid value");
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_unreachable();
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ __assume(0);
return Invalid<T>();
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
// Given a raw type (i.e. having no top-level reference or const
// modifier) RawContainer that's either an STL-style container or a
@@ -381,7 +398,8 @@ class StlContainerView< ::std::tuple<ElementPointer, Size> > {
// The following specialization prevents the user from instantiating
// StlContainer with a reference type.
-template <typename T> class StlContainerView<T&>;
+template <typename T>
+class StlContainerView<T&>;
// A type transform to remove constness from the first part of a pair.
// Pairs like that are used as the value_type of associative containers,
@@ -402,17 +420,18 @@ struct RemoveConstFromKey<std::pair<const K, V> > {
GTEST_API_ void IllegalDoDefault(const char* file, int line);
template <typename F, typename Tuple, size_t... Idx>
-auto ApplyImpl(F&& f, Tuple&& args, IndexSequence<Idx...>) -> decltype(
- std::forward<F>(f)(std::get<Idx>(std::forward<Tuple>(args))...)) {
+auto ApplyImpl(F&& f, Tuple&& args, IndexSequence<Idx...>)
+ -> decltype(std::forward<F>(f)(
+ std::get<Idx>(std::forward<Tuple>(args))...)) {
return std::forward<F>(f)(std::get<Idx>(std::forward<Tuple>(args))...);
// Apply the function to a tuple of arguments.
template <typename F, typename Tuple>
-auto Apply(F&& f, Tuple&& args) -> decltype(
- ApplyImpl(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(args),
- MakeIndexSequence<std::tuple_size<
- typename std::remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>())) {
+auto Apply(F&& f, Tuple&& args) -> decltype(ApplyImpl(
+ std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(args),
+ MakeIndexSequence<std::tuple_size<
+ typename std::remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>())) {
return ApplyImpl(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(args),
typename std::remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>());
@@ -446,13 +465,22 @@ struct Function<R(Args...)> {
using MakeResultIgnoredValue = IgnoredValue(Args...);
template <typename R, typename... Args>
constexpr size_t Function<R(Args...)>::ArgumentCount;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
+// Workaround for MSVC error C2039: 'type': is not a member of 'std'
+// when std::tuple_element is used.
+// See: https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/3931
+// Can be replaced with std::tuple_element_t in C++14.
+template <size_t I, typename T>
+using TupleElement = typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type;
+bool Base64Unescape(const std::string& encoded, std::string* decoded);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
index 367a44d3..55ddfb6c 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Low-level types and utilities for porting Google Mock to various
// platforms. All macros ending with _ and symbols defined in an
// internal namespace are subject to change without notice. Code
@@ -35,7 +34,8 @@
// end with _ are part of Google Mock's public API and can be used by
// code outside Google Mock.
+// IWYU pragma: private, include "gmock/gmock.h"
+// IWYU pragma: friend gmock/.*
@@ -53,35 +53,87 @@
// here, as Google Mock depends on Google Test. Only add a utility
// here if it's truly specific to Google Mock.
-#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
#include "gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h"
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
+#include "absl/flags/declare.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
// For MS Visual C++, check the compiler version. At least VS 2015 is
// required to compile Google Mock.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
-# error "At least Visual C++ 2015 (14.0) is required to compile Google Mock."
+#error "At least Visual C++ 2015 (14.0) is required to compile Google Mock."
// Macro for referencing flags. This is public as we want the user to
// use this syntax to reference Google Mock flags.
+#define GMOCK_FLAG_NAME_(name) gmock_##name
#define GMOCK_FLAG(name) FLAGS_gmock_##name
-#if !defined(GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_)
+// Pick a command line flags implementation.
+// Macros for defining flags.
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ ABSL_FLAG(bool, GMOCK_FLAG_NAME_(name), default_val, doc)
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ ABSL_FLAG(int32_t, GMOCK_FLAG_NAME_(name), default_val, doc)
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ ABSL_FLAG(std::string, GMOCK_FLAG_NAME_(name), default_val, doc)
// Macros for declaring flags.
-# define GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_(name) extern GTEST_API_ bool GMOCK_FLAG(name)
-# define GMOCK_DECLARE_int32_(name) extern GTEST_API_ int32_t GMOCK_FLAG(name)
-# define GMOCK_DECLARE_string_(name) \
- extern GTEST_API_ ::std::string GMOCK_FLAG(name)
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_(name) \
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_int32_(name) \
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_string_(name) \
+ ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(std::string, GMOCK_FLAG_NAME_(name))
+#define GMOCK_FLAG_GET(name) ::absl::GetFlag(GMOCK_FLAG(name))
+#define GMOCK_FLAG_SET(name, value) \
+ (void)(::absl::SetFlag(&GMOCK_FLAG(name), value))
+#else // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
// Macros for defining flags.
-# define GMOCK_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc) \
- GTEST_API_ bool GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-# define GMOCK_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc) \
- GTEST_API_ int32_t GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-# define GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc) \
- GTEST_API_ ::std::string GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-#endif // !defined(GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_)
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ bool GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ int32_t GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+#define GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ ::std::string GMOCK_FLAG(name) = (default_val); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+// Macros for declaring flags.
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_(name) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ extern bool GMOCK_FLAG(name); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_int32_(name) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ extern int32_t GMOCK_FLAG(name); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+#define GMOCK_DECLARE_string_(name) \
+ namespace testing { \
+ GTEST_API_ extern ::std::string GMOCK_FLAG(name); \
+ } \
+ static_assert(true, "no-op to require trailing semicolon")
+#define GMOCK_FLAG_GET(name) ::testing::GMOCK_FLAG(name)
+#define GMOCK_FLAG_SET(name, value) (void)(::testing::GMOCK_FLAG(name) = value)
+#endif // GTEST_HAS_ABSL
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-# Please Note:
-Files in this directory are no longer supported by the maintainers. They
-represent mostly historical artifacts and supported by the community only. There
-is no guarantee whatsoever that these scripts still work.
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/fuse_gmock_files.py b/googlemock/scripts/fuse_gmock_files.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fa9b3a5..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/fuse_gmock_files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2009, Google Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-"""fuse_gmock_files.py v0.1.0.
-Fuses Google Mock and Google Test source code into two .h files and a .cc file.
- fuse_gmock_files.py [GMOCK_ROOT_DIR] OUTPUT_DIR
- Scans GMOCK_ROOT_DIR for Google Mock and Google Test source
- code, assuming Google Test is in the GMOCK_ROOT_DIR/../googletest
- directory, and generates three files:
- OUTPUT_DIR/gtest/gtest.h, OUTPUT_DIR/gmock/gmock.h, and
- OUTPUT_DIR/gmock-gtest-all.cc. Then you can build your tests
- by adding OUTPUT_DIR to the include search path and linking
- with OUTPUT_DIR/gmock-gtest-all.cc. These three files contain
- everything you need to use Google Mock. Hence you can
- "install" Google Mock by copying them to wherever you want.
- GMOCK_ROOT_DIR can be omitted and defaults to the parent
- directory of the directory holding this script.
- ./fuse_gmock_files.py fused_gmock
- ./fuse_gmock_files.py path/to/unpacked/gmock fused_gmock
-This tool is experimental. In particular, it assumes that there is no
-conditional inclusion of Google Mock or Google Test headers. Please
-report any problems to googlemock@googlegroups.com. You can read
-for more
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-__author__ = 'wan@google.com (Zhanyong Wan)'
-# We assume that this file is in the scripts/ directory in the Google
-# Mock root directory.
-DEFAULT_GMOCK_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
-# We need to call into googletest/scripts/fuse_gtest_files.py.
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(DEFAULT_GMOCK_ROOT_DIR, '../googletest/scripts'))
-import fuse_gtest_files as gtest # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top
-# Regex for matching
-# '#include "gmock/..."'.
-INCLUDE_GMOCK_FILE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*include\s*"(gmock/.+)"')
-# Where to find the source seed files.
-GMOCK_H_SEED = 'include/gmock/gmock.h'
-GMOCK_ALL_CC_SEED = 'src/gmock-all.cc'
-# Where to put the generated files.
-GTEST_H_OUTPUT = 'gtest/gtest.h'
-GMOCK_H_OUTPUT = 'gmock/gmock.h'
-GMOCK_GTEST_ALL_CC_OUTPUT = 'gmock-gtest-all.cc'
-def GetGTestRootDir(gmock_root):
- """Returns the root directory of Google Test."""
- return os.path.join(gmock_root, '../googletest')
-def ValidateGMockRootDir(gmock_root):
- """Makes sure gmock_root points to a valid gmock root directory.
- The function aborts the program on failure.
- Args:
- gmock_root: A string with the mock root directory.
- """
- gtest.ValidateGTestRootDir(GetGTestRootDir(gmock_root))
- gtest.VerifyFileExists(gmock_root, GMOCK_H_SEED)
- gtest.VerifyFileExists(gmock_root, GMOCK_ALL_CC_SEED)
-def ValidateOutputDir(output_dir):
- """Makes sure output_dir points to a valid output directory.
- The function aborts the program on failure.
- Args:
- output_dir: A string representing the output directory.
- """
- gtest.VerifyOutputFile(output_dir, gtest.GTEST_H_OUTPUT)
- gtest.VerifyOutputFile(output_dir, GMOCK_H_OUTPUT)
- gtest.VerifyOutputFile(output_dir, GMOCK_GTEST_ALL_CC_OUTPUT)
-def FuseGMockH(gmock_root, output_dir):
- """Scans folder gmock_root to generate gmock/gmock.h in output_dir."""
- output_file = open(os.path.join(output_dir, GMOCK_H_OUTPUT), 'w')
- processed_files = set() # Holds all gmock headers we've processed.
- def ProcessFile(gmock_header_path):
- """Processes the given gmock header file."""
- # We don't process the same header twice.
- if gmock_header_path in processed_files:
- return
- processed_files.add(gmock_header_path)
- # Reads each line in the given gmock header.
- with open(os.path.join(gmock_root, gmock_header_path), 'r') as fh:
- for line in fh:
- m = INCLUDE_GMOCK_FILE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m:
- # '#include "gmock/..."'
- # - let's process it recursively.
- ProcessFile('include/' + m.group(1))
- else:
- m = gtest.INCLUDE_GTEST_FILE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m:
- # '#include "gtest/foo.h"'
- # We translate it to "gtest/gtest.h", regardless of what foo is,
- # since all gtest headers are fused into gtest/gtest.h.
- # There is no need to #include gtest.h twice.
- if gtest.GTEST_H_SEED not in processed_files:
- processed_files.add(gtest.GTEST_H_SEED)
- output_file.write('#include "%s"\n' % (gtest.GTEST_H_OUTPUT,))
- else:
- # Otherwise we copy the line unchanged to the output file.
- output_file.write(line)
- ProcessFile(GMOCK_H_SEED)
- output_file.close()
-def FuseGMockAllCcToFile(gmock_root, output_file):
- """Scans folder gmock_root to fuse gmock-all.cc into output_file."""
- processed_files = set()
- def ProcessFile(gmock_source_file):
- """Processes the given gmock source file."""
- # We don't process the same #included file twice.
- if gmock_source_file in processed_files:
- return
- processed_files.add(gmock_source_file)
- # Reads each line in the given gmock source file.
- with open(os.path.join(gmock_root, gmock_source_file), 'r') as fh:
- for line in fh:
- m = INCLUDE_GMOCK_FILE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m:
- # '#include "gmock/foo.h"'
- # We treat it as '#include "gmock/gmock.h"', as all other gmock
- # headers are being fused into gmock.h and cannot be
- # included directly. No need to
- # #include "gmock/gmock.h"
- # more than once.
- if GMOCK_H_SEED not in processed_files:
- processed_files.add(GMOCK_H_SEED)
- output_file.write('#include "%s"\n' % (GMOCK_H_OUTPUT,))
- else:
- m = gtest.INCLUDE_GTEST_FILE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m:
- # '#include "gtest/..."'
- # There is no need to #include gtest.h as it has been
- # #included by gtest-all.cc.
- pass
- else:
- m = gtest.INCLUDE_SRC_FILE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m:
- # It's '#include "src/foo"' - let's process it recursively.
- ProcessFile(m.group(1))
- else:
- # Otherwise we copy the line unchanged to the output file.
- output_file.write(line)
- ProcessFile(GMOCK_ALL_CC_SEED)
-def FuseGMockGTestAllCc(gmock_root, output_dir):
- """Scans folder gmock_root to generate gmock-gtest-all.cc in output_dir."""
- with open(os.path.join(output_dir, GMOCK_GTEST_ALL_CC_OUTPUT),
- 'w') as output_file:
- # First, fuse gtest-all.cc into gmock-gtest-all.cc.
- gtest.FuseGTestAllCcToFile(GetGTestRootDir(gmock_root), output_file)
- # Next, append fused gmock-all.cc to gmock-gtest-all.cc.
- FuseGMockAllCcToFile(gmock_root, output_file)
-def FuseGMock(gmock_root, output_dir):
- """Fuses gtest.h, gmock.h, and gmock-gtest-all.h."""
- ValidateGMockRootDir(gmock_root)
- ValidateOutputDir(output_dir)
- gtest.FuseGTestH(GetGTestRootDir(gmock_root), output_dir)
- FuseGMockH(gmock_root, output_dir)
- FuseGMockGTestAllCc(gmock_root, output_dir)
-def main():
- argc = len(sys.argv)
- if argc == 2:
- # fuse_gmock_files.py OUTPUT_DIR
- FuseGMock(DEFAULT_GMOCK_ROOT_DIR, sys.argv[1])
- elif argc == 3:
- # fuse_gmock_files.py GMOCK_ROOT_DIR OUTPUT_DIR
- FuseGMock(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
- else:
- print(__doc__)
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/LICENSE b/googlemock/scripts/generator/LICENSE
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- Apache License
- Version 2.0, January 2004
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/
- 1. Definitions.
- "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
- and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
- "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
- the copyright owner that is granting the License.
- "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
- other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
- control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
- "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
- direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
- otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
- outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
- "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
- exercising permissions granted by this License.
- "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
- including but not limited to software source code, documentation
- source, and configuration files.
- "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
- transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
- not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
- and conversions to other media types.
- "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
- Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
- copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
- (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
- "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
- form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
- editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
- represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
- of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
- separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
- the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
- "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
- the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
- to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
- submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
- or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
- the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
- means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
- to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
- communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
- and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
- Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
- excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
- designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
- "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
- on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
- subsequently incorporated within the Work.
- 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
- publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
- Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
- 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
- use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
- where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
- by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
- Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
- with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
- institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
- cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
- or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
- or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
- granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
- as of the date such litigation is filed.
- 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
- Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
- modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
- meet the following conditions:
- (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
- Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
- (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that You changed the files; and
- (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
- that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
- attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
- excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
- the Derivative Works; and
- (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
- distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
- include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
- within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
- pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
- of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
- as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
- documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
- within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
- wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
- of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
- do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
- notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
- or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
- that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
- as modifying the License.
- You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
- may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
- for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
- for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
- reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
- the conditions stated in this License.
- 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
- any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
- by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
- this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
- Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
- the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
- with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
- 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
- names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
- except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
- origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
- 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
- agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
- Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
- appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
- risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
- 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
- whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
- unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
- negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
- liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
- incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
- result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
- Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
- work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
- other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
- has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
- the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
- and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
- or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
- License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
- on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
- of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
- defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
- incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
- of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
- APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
- To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
- boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
- replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
- the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
- comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
- file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
- same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
- identification within third-party archives.
- Copyright [2007] Neal Norwitz
- Portions Copyright [2007] Google Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/README b/googlemock/scripts/generator/README
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index 01fd463d..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-The Google Mock class generator is an application that is part of cppclean.
-For more information about cppclean, visit http://code.google.com/p/cppclean/
-The mock generator requires Python 2.3.5 or later. If you don't have Python
-installed on your system, you will also need to install it. You can download
-Python from: http://www.python.org/download/releases/
-To use the Google Mock class generator, you need to call it
-on the command line passing the header file and class for which you want
-to generate a Google Mock class.
-Make sure to install the scripts somewhere in your path. Then you can
-run the program.
- gmock_gen.py header-file.h [ClassName]...
-If no ClassNames are specified, all classes in the file are emitted.
-To change the indentation from the default of 2, set INDENT in
-the environment. For example to use an indent of 4 spaces:
-INDENT=4 gmock_gen.py header-file.h ClassName
-This version was made from SVN revision 281 in the cppclean repository.
-Known Limitations
-Not all code will be generated properly. For example, when mocking templated
-classes, the template information is lost. You will need to add the template
-information manually.
-Not all permutations of using multiple pointers/references will be rendered
-properly. These will also have to be fixed manually.
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/README.cppclean b/googlemock/scripts/generator/README.cppclean
deleted file mode 100644
index 65431b61..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/README.cppclean
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@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- CppClean attempts to find problems in C++ source that slow development
- in large code bases, for example various forms of unused code.
- Unused code can be unused functions, methods, data members, types, etc
- to unnecessary #include directives. Unnecessary #includes can cause
- considerable extra compiles increasing the edit-compile-run cycle.
- The project home page is: http://code.google.com/p/cppclean/
- * Find and print C++ language constructs: classes, methods, functions, etc.
- * Find classes with virtual methods, no virtual destructor, and no bases
- * Find global/static data that are potential problems when using threads
- * Unnecessary forward class declarations
- * Unnecessary function declarations
- * Undeclared function definitions
- * (planned) Find unnecessary header files #included
- - No direct reference to anything in the header
- - Header is unnecessary if classes were forward declared instead
- * (planned) Source files that reference headers not directly #included,
- ie, files that rely on a transitive #include from another header
- * (planned) Unused members (private, protected, & public) methods and data
- * (planned) Store AST in a SQL database so relationships can be queried
-AST is Abstract Syntax Tree, a representation of parsed source code.
-System Requirements:
- * Python 2.4 or later (2.3 probably works too)
- * Works on Windows (untested), Mac OS X, and Unix
-How to Run:
- For all examples, it is assumed that cppclean resides in a directory called
- /cppclean.
- To print warnings for classes with virtual methods, no virtual destructor and
- no base classes:
- /cppclean/run.sh nonvirtual_dtors.py file1.h file2.h file3.cc ...
- To print all the functions defined in header file(s):
- /cppclean/run.sh functions.py file1.h file2.h ...
- All the commands take multiple files on the command line. Other programs
- include: find_warnings, headers, methods, and types. Some other programs
- are available, but used primarily for debugging.
- run.sh is a simple wrapper that sets PYTHONPATH to /cppclean and then
- runs the program in /cppclean/cpp/PROGRAM.py. There is currently
- no equivalent for Windows. Contributions for a run.bat file
- would be greatly appreciated.
-How to Configure:
- You can add a siteheaders.py file in /cppclean/cpp to configure where
- to look for other headers (typically -I options passed to a compiler).
- Currently two values are supported: _TRANSITIVE and GetIncludeDirs.
- _TRANSITIVE should be set to a boolean value (True or False) indicating
- whether to transitively process all header files. The default is False.
- GetIncludeDirs is a function that takes a single argument and returns
- a sequence of directories to include. This can be a generator or
- return a static list.
- def GetIncludeDirs(filename):
- return ['/some/path/with/other/headers']
- # Here is a more complicated example.
- def GetIncludeDirs(filename):
- yield '/path1'
- yield os.path.join('/path2', os.path.dirname(filename))
- yield '/path3'
-How to Test:
- For all examples, it is assumed that cppclean resides in a directory called
- /cppclean. The tests require
- cd /cppclean
- make test
- # To generate expected results after a change:
- make expected
-Current Status:
- The parser works pretty well for header files, parsing about 99% of Google's
- header files. Anything which inspects structure of C++ source files should
- work reasonably well. Function bodies are not transformed to an AST,
- but left as tokens. Much work is still needed on finding unused header files
- and storing an AST in a database.
- * Parsing all valid C++ source
- * Handling invalid C++ source gracefully
- * Compiling to machine code (or anything beyond an AST)
- If you used cppclean, I would love to hear about your experiences
- cppclean@googlegroups.com. Even if you don't use cppclean, I'd like to
- hear from you. :-) (You can contact me directly at: nnorwitz@gmail.com)
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/__init__.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e770163..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ast.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1773 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generate an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for C++."""
-# * Tokens should never be exported, need to convert to Nodes
-# (return types, parameters, etc.)
-# * Handle static class data for templatized classes
-# * Handle casts (both C++ and C-style)
-# * Handle conditions and loops (if/else, switch, for, while/do)
-# TODO much, much later:
-# * Handle #define
-# * exceptions
- # Python 3.x
- import builtins
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.x
- import __builtin__ as builtins
-import collections
-import sys
-import traceback
-from cpp import keywords
-from cpp import tokenize
-from cpp import utils
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'reversed'):
- # Support Python 2.3 and earlier.
- def reversed(seq):
- for i in range(len(seq)-1, -1, -1):
- yield seq[i]
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'next'):
- # Support Python 2.5 and earlier.
- def next(obj):
- return obj.next()
-These are currently unused. Should really handle these properly at some point.
- }
-_INTERNAL_TOKEN = 'internal'
-_NAMESPACE_POP = 'ns-pop'
-# TODO(nnorwitz): use this as a singleton for templated_types, etc
-# where we don't want to create a new empty dict each time. It is also const.
-class _NullDict(object):
- __contains__ = lambda self: False
- keys = values = items = iterkeys = itervalues = iteritems = lambda self: ()
-# TODO(nnorwitz): move AST nodes into a separate module.
-class Node(object):
- """Base AST node."""
- def __init__(self, start, end):
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- """Returns bool if this node is a declaration."""
- return False
- def IsDefinition(self):
- """Returns bool if this node is a definition."""
- return False
- def IsExportable(self):
- """Returns bool if this node exportable from a header file."""
- return False
- def Requires(self, node):
- """Does this AST node require the definition of the node passed in?"""
- return False
- def XXX__str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, '')
- def _StringHelper(self, name, suffix):
- if not utils.DEBUG:
- return '%s(%s)' % (name, suffix)
- return '%s(%d, %d, %s)' % (name, self.start, self.end, suffix)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-class Define(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, definition):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.definition = definition
- def __str__(self):
- value = '%s %s' % (self.name, self.definition)
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, value)
-class Include(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, filename, system):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.filename = filename
- self.system = system
- def __str__(self):
- fmt = '"%s"'
- if self.system:
- fmt = '<%s>'
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, fmt % self.filename)
-class Goto(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, label):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.label = label
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.label))
-class Expr(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, expr):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.expr = expr
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): impl.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.expr))
-class Return(Expr):
- pass
-class Delete(Expr):
- pass
-class Friend(Expr):
- def __init__(self, start, end, expr, namespace):
- Expr.__init__(self, start, end, expr)
- self.namespace = namespace[:]
-class Using(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, names):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.names = names
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.names))
-class Parameter(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, parameter_type, default):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.type = parameter_type
- self.default = default
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- return self.type.name == node.name
- def __str__(self):
- name = str(self.type)
- suffix = '%s %s' % (name, self.name)
- if self.default:
- suffix += ' = ' + ''.join([d.name for d in self.default])
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)
-class _GenericDeclaration(Node):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, namespace):
- Node.__init__(self, start, end)
- self.name = name
- self.namespace = namespace[:]
- def FullName(self):
- prefix = ''
- if self.namespace and self.namespace[-1]:
- prefix = '::'.join(self.namespace) + '::'
- return prefix + self.name
- def _TypeStringHelper(self, suffix):
- if self.namespace:
- names = [n or '<anonymous>' for n in self.namespace]
- suffix += ' in ' + '::'.join(names)
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)
-# TODO(nnorwitz): merge with Parameter in some way?
-class VariableDeclaration(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, var_type, initial_value, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.type = var_type
- self.initial_value = initial_value
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- return self.type.name == node.name
- def ToString(self):
- """Return a string that tries to reconstitute the variable decl."""
- suffix = '%s %s' % (self.type, self.name)
- if self.initial_value:
- suffix += ' = ' + self.initial_value
- return suffix
- def __str__(self):
- return self._StringHelper(self.__class__.__name__, self.ToString())
-class Typedef(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, alias, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.alias = alias
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return True
- def IsExportable(self):
- return True
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- name = node.name
- for token in self.alias:
- if token is not None and name == token.name:
- return True
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- suffix = '%s, %s' % (self.name, self.alias)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class _NestedType(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, fields, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.fields = fields
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return True
- def IsExportable(self):
- return True
- def __str__(self):
- suffix = '%s, {%s}' % (self.name, self.fields)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Union(_NestedType):
- pass
-class Enum(_NestedType):
- pass
-class Class(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, bases, templated_types, body, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- self.bases = bases
- self.body = body
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return self.bases is None and self.body is None
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return not self.IsDeclaration()
- def IsExportable(self):
- return not self.IsDeclaration()
- def Requires(self, node):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
- if self.bases:
- for token_list in self.bases:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): bases are tokens, do name comparison.
- for token in token_list:
- if token.name == node.name:
- return True
- # TODO(nnorwitz): search in body too.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- name = self.name
- if self.templated_types:
- name += '<%s>' % self.templated_types
- suffix = '%s, %s, %s' % (name, self.bases, self.body)
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Struct(Class):
- pass
-class Function(_GenericDeclaration):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace):
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, namespace)
- converter = TypeConverter(namespace)
- self.return_type = converter.CreateReturnType(return_type)
- self.parameters = converter.ToParameters(parameters)
- self.modifiers = modifiers
- self.body = body
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return self.body is None
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return self.body is not None
- def IsExportable(self):
- if self.return_type and 'static' in self.return_type.modifiers:
- return False
- return None not in self.namespace
- def Requires(self, node):
- if self.parameters:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): parameters are tokens, do name comparison.
- for p in self.parameters:
- if p.name == node.name:
- return True
- # TODO(nnorwitz): search in body too.
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): add templated_types.
- suffix = ('%s %s(%s), 0x%02x, %s' %
- (self.return_type, self.name, self.parameters,
- self.modifiers, self.body))
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
-class Method(Function):
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, in_class, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace):
- Function.__init__(self, start, end, name, return_type, parameters,
- modifiers, templated_types, body, namespace)
- # TODO(nnorwitz): in_class could also be a namespace which can
- # mess up finding functions properly.
- self.in_class = in_class
-class Type(_GenericDeclaration):
- """Type used for any variable (eg class, primitive, struct, etc)."""
- def __init__(self, start, end, name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array):
- """
- Args:
- name: str name of main type
- templated_types: [Class (Type?)] template type info between <>
- modifiers: [str] type modifiers (keywords) eg, const, mutable, etc.
- reference, pointer, array: bools
- """
- _GenericDeclaration.__init__(self, start, end, name, [])
- self.templated_types = templated_types
- if not name and modifiers:
- self.name = modifiers.pop()
- self.modifiers = modifiers
- self.reference = reference
- self.pointer = pointer
- self.array = array
- def __str__(self):
- prefix = ''
- if self.modifiers:
- prefix = ' '.join(self.modifiers) + ' '
- name = str(self.name)
- if self.templated_types:
- name += '<%s>' % self.templated_types
- suffix = prefix + name
- if self.reference:
- suffix += '&'
- if self.pointer:
- suffix += '*'
- if self.array:
- suffix += '[]'
- return self._TypeStringHelper(suffix)
- # By definition, Is* are always False. A Type can only exist in
- # some sort of variable declaration, parameter, or return value.
- def IsDeclaration(self):
- return False
- def IsDefinition(self):
- return False
- def IsExportable(self):
- return False
-class TypeConverter(object):
- def __init__(self, namespace_stack):
- self.namespace_stack = namespace_stack
- def _GetTemplateEnd(self, tokens, start):
- count = 1
- end = start
- while 1:
- token = tokens[end]
- end += 1
- if token.name == '<':
- count += 1
- elif token.name == '>':
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- return tokens[start:end-1], end
- def ToType(self, tokens):
- """Convert [Token,...] to [Class(...), ] useful for base classes.
- For example, code like class Foo : public Bar<x, y> { ... };
- the "Bar<x, y>" portion gets converted to an AST.
- Returns:
- [Class(...), ...]
- """
- result = []
- name_tokens = []
- reference = pointer = array = False
- def AddType(templated_types):
- # Partition tokens into name and modifier tokens.
- names = []
- modifiers = []
- for t in name_tokens:
- if keywords.IsKeyword(t.name):
- modifiers.append(t.name)
- else:
- names.append(t.name)
- name = ''.join(names)
- if name_tokens:
- result.append(Type(name_tokens[0].start, name_tokens[-1].end,
- name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array))
- del name_tokens[:]
- i = 0
- end = len(tokens)
- while i < end:
- token = tokens[i]
- if token.name == '<':
- new_tokens, new_end = self._GetTemplateEnd(tokens, i+1)
- AddType(self.ToType(new_tokens))
- # If there is a comma after the template, we need to consume
- # that here otherwise it becomes part of the name.
- i = new_end
- reference = pointer = array = False
- elif token.name == ',':
- AddType([])
- reference = pointer = array = False
- elif token.name == '*':
- pointer = True
- elif token.name == '&':
- reference = True
- elif token.name == '[':
- pointer = True
- elif token.name == ']':
- pass
- else:
- name_tokens.append(token)
- i += 1
- if name_tokens:
- # No '<' in the tokens, just a simple name and no template.
- AddType([])
- return result
- def DeclarationToParts(self, parts, needs_name_removed):
- name = None
- default = []
- if needs_name_removed:
- # Handle default (initial) values properly.
- for i, t in enumerate(parts):
- if t.name == '=':
- default = parts[i+1:]
- name = parts[i-1].name
- if name == ']' and parts[i-2].name == '[':
- name = parts[i-3].name
- i -= 1
- parts = parts[:i-1]
- break
- else:
- if parts[-1].token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- name = parts.pop().name
- else:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): this is a hack that happens for code like
- # Register(Foo<T>); where it thinks this is a function call
- # but it's actually a declaration.
- name = '???'
- modifiers = []
- type_name = []
- other_tokens = []
- templated_types = []
- i = 0
- end = len(parts)
- while i < end:
- p = parts[i]
- if keywords.IsKeyword(p.name):
- modifiers.append(p.name)
- elif p.name == '<':
- templated_tokens, new_end = self._GetTemplateEnd(parts, i+1)
- templated_types = self.ToType(templated_tokens)
- i = new_end - 1
- # Don't add a spurious :: to data members being initialized.
- next_index = i + 1
- if next_index < end and parts[next_index].name == '::':
- i += 1
- elif p.name in ('[', ']', '='):
- # These are handled elsewhere.
- other_tokens.append(p)
- elif p.name not in ('*', '&', '>'):
- # Ensure that names have a space between them.
- if (type_name and type_name[-1].token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- p.token_type == tokenize.NAME):
- type_name.append(tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, ' ', 0, 0))
- type_name.append(p)
- else:
- other_tokens.append(p)
- i += 1
- type_name = ''.join([t.name for t in type_name])
- return name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers, default, other_tokens
- def ToParameters(self, tokens):
- if not tokens:
- return []
- result = []
- name = type_name = ''
- type_modifiers = []
- pointer = reference = array = False
- first_token = None
- default = []
- def AddParameter(end):
- if default:
- del default[0] # Remove flag.
- parts = self.DeclarationToParts(type_modifiers, True)
- (name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers,
- unused_default, unused_other_tokens) = parts
- parameter_type = Type(first_token.start, first_token.end,
- type_name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- p = Parameter(first_token.start, end, name,
- parameter_type, default)
- result.append(p)
- template_count = 0
- brace_count = 0
- for s in tokens:
- if not first_token:
- first_token = s
- # Check for braces before templates, as we can have unmatched '<>'
- # inside default arguments.
- if s.name == '{':
- brace_count += 1
- elif s.name == '}':
- brace_count -= 1
- if brace_count > 0:
- type_modifiers.append(s)
- continue
- if s.name == '<':
- template_count += 1
- elif s.name == '>':
- template_count -= 1
- if template_count > 0:
- type_modifiers.append(s)
- continue
- if s.name == ',':
- AddParameter(s.start)
- name = type_name = ''
- type_modifiers = []
- pointer = reference = array = False
- first_token = None
- default = []
- elif s.name == '*':
- pointer = True
- elif s.name == '&':
- reference = True
- elif s.name == '[':
- array = True
- elif s.name == ']':
- pass # Just don't add to type_modifiers.
- elif s.name == '=':
- # Got a default value. Add any value (None) as a flag.
- default.append(None)
- elif default:
- default.append(s)
- else:
- type_modifiers.append(s)
- AddParameter(tokens[-1].end)
- return result
- def CreateReturnType(self, return_type_seq):
- if not return_type_seq:
- return None
- start = return_type_seq[0].start
- end = return_type_seq[-1].end
- _, name, templated_types, modifiers, default, other_tokens = \
- self.DeclarationToParts(return_type_seq, False)
- names = [n.name for n in other_tokens]
- reference = '&' in names
- pointer = '*' in names
- array = '[' in names
- return Type(start, end, name, templated_types, modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- def GetTemplateIndices(self, names):
- # names is a list of strings.
- start = names.index('<')
- end = len(names) - 1
- while end > 0:
- if names[end] == '>':
- break
- end -= 1
- return start, end+1
-class AstBuilder(object):
- def __init__(self, token_stream, filename, in_class='', visibility=None,
- namespace_stack=[]):
- self.tokens = token_stream
- self.filename = filename
- # TODO(nnorwitz): use a better data structure (deque) for the queue.
- # Switching directions of the "queue" improved perf by about 25%.
- # Using a deque should be even better since we access from both sides.
- self.token_queue = []
- self.namespace_stack = namespace_stack[:]
- self.in_class = in_class
- if in_class is None:
- self.in_class_name_only = None
- else:
- self.in_class_name_only = in_class.split('::')[-1]
- self.visibility = visibility
- self.in_function = False
- self.current_token = None
- # Keep the state whether we are currently handling a typedef or not.
- self._handling_typedef = False
- self.converter = TypeConverter(self.namespace_stack)
- def HandleError(self, msg, token):
- printable_queue = list(reversed(self.token_queue[-20:]))
- sys.stderr.write('Got %s in %s @ %s %s\n' %
- (msg, self.filename, token, printable_queue))
- def Generate(self):
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if not token:
- break
- # Get the next token.
- self.current_token = token
- # Dispatch on the next token type.
- if token.token_type == _INTERNAL_TOKEN:
- if token.name == _NAMESPACE_POP:
- self.namespace_stack.pop()
- continue
- try:
- result = self._GenerateOne(token)
- if result is not None:
- yield result
- except:
- self.HandleError('exception', token)
- raise
- def _CreateVariable(self, pos_token, name, type_name, type_modifiers,
- ref_pointer_name_seq, templated_types, value=None):
- reference = '&' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- pointer = '*' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- array = '[' in ref_pointer_name_seq
- var_type = Type(pos_token.start, pos_token.end, type_name,
- templated_types, type_modifiers,
- reference, pointer, array)
- return VariableDeclaration(pos_token.start, pos_token.end,
- name, var_type, value, self.namespace_stack)
- def _GenerateOne(self, token):
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- if (keywords.IsKeyword(token.name) and
- not keywords.IsBuiltinType(token.name)):
- if token.name == 'enum':
- # Pop the next token and only put it back if it's not
- # 'class'. This allows us to support the two-token
- # 'enum class' keyword as if it were simply 'enum'.
- next = self._GetNextToken()
- if next.name != 'class':
- self._AddBackToken(next)
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + token.name)
- return method()
- elif token.name == self.in_class_name_only:
- # The token name is the same as the class, must be a ctor if
- # there is a paren. Otherwise, it's the return type.
- # Peek ahead to get the next token to figure out which.
- next = self._GetNextToken()
- self._AddBackToken(next)
- if next.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and next.name == '(':
- return self._GetMethod([token], FUNCTION_CTOR, None, True)
- # Fall through--handle like any other method.
- # Handle data or function declaration/definition.
- syntax = tokenize.SYNTAX
- temp_tokens, last_token = \
- self._GetVarTokensUpToIgnoringTemplates(syntax,
- '(', ';', '{', '[')
- temp_tokens.insert(0, token)
- if last_token.name == '(':
- # If there is an assignment before the paren,
- # this is an expression, not a method.
- expr = bool([e for e in temp_tokens if e.name == '='])
- if expr:
- new_temp = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- temp_tokens.append(last_token)
- temp_tokens.extend(new_temp)
- last_token = tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';', 0, 0)
- if last_token.name == '[':
- # Handle array, this isn't a method, unless it's an operator.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): keep the size somewhere.
- # unused_size = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ']')
- temp_tokens.append(last_token)
- if temp_tokens[-2].name == 'operator':
- temp_tokens.append(self._GetNextToken())
- else:
- temp_tokens2, last_token = \
- self._GetVarTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- temp_tokens.extend(temp_tokens2)
- if last_token.name == ';':
- # Handle data, this isn't a method.
- parts = self.converter.DeclarationToParts(temp_tokens, True)
- (name, type_name, templated_types, modifiers, default,
- unused_other_tokens) = parts
- t0 = temp_tokens[0]
- names = [t.name for t in temp_tokens]
- if templated_types:
- start, end = self.converter.GetTemplateIndices(names)
- names = names[:start] + names[end:]
- default = ''.join([t.name for t in default])
- return self._CreateVariable(t0, name, type_name, modifiers,
- names, templated_types, default)
- if last_token.name == '{':
- self._AddBackTokens(temp_tokens[1:])
- self._AddBackToken(last_token)
- method_name = temp_tokens[0].name
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + method_name, None)
- if not method:
- # Must be declaring a variable.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle the declaration.
- return None
- return method()
- return self._GetMethod(temp_tokens, 0, None, False)
- elif token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == '~' and self.in_class:
- # Must be a dtor (probably not in method body).
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- # self.in_class can contain A::Name, but the dtor will only
- # be Name. Make sure to compare against the right value.
- if (token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- token.name == self.in_class_name_only):
- return self._GetMethod([token], FUNCTION_DTOR, None, True)
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle a lot more syntax.
- elif token.token_type == tokenize.PREPROCESSOR:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle more preprocessor directives.
- # token starts with a #, so remove it and strip whitespace.
- name = token.name[1:].lstrip()
- if name.startswith('include'):
- # Remove "include".
- name = name[7:].strip()
- assert name
- # Handle #include \<newline> "header-on-second-line.h".
- if name.startswith('\\'):
- name = name[1:].strip()
- assert name[0] in '<"', token
- assert name[-1] in '>"', token
- system = name[0] == '<'
- filename = name[1:-1]
- return Include(token.start, token.end, filename, system)
- if name.startswith('define'):
- # Remove "define".
- name = name[6:].strip()
- assert name
- value = ''
- for i, c in enumerate(name):
- if c.isspace():
- value = name[i:].lstrip()
- name = name[:i]
- break
- return Define(token.start, token.end, name, value)
- if name.startswith('if') and name[2:3].isspace():
- condition = name[3:].strip()
- if condition.startswith('0') or condition.startswith('(0)'):
- self._SkipIf0Blocks()
- return None
- def _GetTokensUpTo(self, expected_token_type, expected_token):
- return self._GetVarTokensUpTo(expected_token_type, expected_token)[0]
- def _GetVarTokensUpTo(self, expected_token_type, *expected_tokens):
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- tokens = []
- while (last_token.token_type != expected_token_type or
- last_token.name not in expected_tokens):
- tokens.append(last_token)
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- return tokens, last_token
- # Same as _GetVarTokensUpTo, but skips over '<...>' which could contain an
- # expected token.
- def _GetVarTokensUpToIgnoringTemplates(self, expected_token_type,
- *expected_tokens):
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- tokens = []
- nesting = 0
- while (nesting > 0 or
- last_token.token_type != expected_token_type or
- last_token.name not in expected_tokens):
- tokens.append(last_token)
- last_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if last_token.name == '<':
- nesting += 1
- elif last_token.name == '>':
- nesting -= 1
- return tokens, last_token
- # TODO(nnorwitz): remove _IgnoreUpTo() it shouldn't be necessary.
- def _IgnoreUpTo(self, token_type, token):
- unused_tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(token_type, token)
- def _SkipIf0Blocks(self):
- count = 1
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type != tokenize.PREPROCESSOR:
- continue
- name = token.name[1:].lstrip()
- if name.startswith('endif'):
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- elif name.startswith('if'):
- count += 1
- def _GetMatchingChar(self, open_paren, close_paren, GetNextToken=None):
- if GetNextToken is None:
- GetNextToken = self._GetNextToken
- # Assumes the current token is open_paren and we will consume
- # and return up to the close_paren.
- count = 1
- token = GetNextToken()
- while 1:
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == open_paren:
- count += 1
- elif token.name == close_paren:
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- break
- yield token
- token = GetNextToken()
- yield token
- def _GetParameters(self):
- return self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')')
- def GetScope(self):
- return self._GetMatchingChar('{', '}')
- def _GetNextToken(self):
- if self.token_queue:
- return self.token_queue.pop()
- try:
- return next(self.tokens)
- except StopIteration:
- return
- def _AddBackToken(self, token):
- if token.whence == tokenize.WHENCE_STREAM:
- token.whence = tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE
- self.token_queue.insert(0, token)
- else:
- assert token.whence == tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE, token
- self.token_queue.append(token)
- def _AddBackTokens(self, tokens):
- if tokens:
- if tokens[-1].whence == tokenize.WHENCE_STREAM:
- for token in tokens:
- token.whence = tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE
- self.token_queue[:0] = reversed(tokens)
- else:
- assert tokens[-1].whence == tokenize.WHENCE_QUEUE, tokens
- self.token_queue.extend(reversed(tokens))
- def GetName(self, seq=None):
- """Returns ([tokens], next_token_info)."""
- GetNextToken = self._GetNextToken
- if seq is not None:
- it = iter(seq)
- GetNextToken = lambda: next(it)
- next_token = GetNextToken()
- tokens = []
- last_token_was_name = False
- while (next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME or
- (next_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and
- next_token.name in ('::', '<'))):
- # Two NAMEs in a row means the identifier should terminate.
- # It's probably some sort of variable declaration.
- if last_token_was_name and next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- break
- last_token_was_name = next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME
- tokens.append(next_token)
- # Handle templated names.
- if next_token.name == '<':
- tokens.extend(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>', GetNextToken))
- last_token_was_name = True
- next_token = GetNextToken()
- return tokens, next_token
- def GetMethod(self, modifiers, templated_types):
- return_type_and_name = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, '(')
- assert len(return_type_and_name) >= 1
- return self._GetMethod(return_type_and_name, modifiers, templated_types,
- False)
- def _GetMethod(self, return_type_and_name, modifiers, templated_types,
- get_paren):
- template_portion = None
- if get_paren:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- if token.name == '<':
- # Handle templatized dtors.
- template_portion = [token]
- template_portion.extend(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '(', token
- name = return_type_and_name.pop()
- # Handle templatized ctors.
- if name.name == '>':
- index = 1
- while return_type_and_name[index].name != '<':
- index += 1
- template_portion = return_type_and_name[index:] + [name]
- del return_type_and_name[index:]
- name = return_type_and_name.pop()
- elif name.name == ']':
- rt = return_type_and_name
- assert rt[-1].name == '[', return_type_and_name
- assert rt[-2].name == 'operator', return_type_and_name
- name_seq = return_type_and_name[-2:]
- del return_type_and_name[-2:]
- name = tokenize.Token(tokenize.NAME, 'operator[]',
- name_seq[0].start, name.end)
- # Get the open paren so _GetParameters() below works.
- unused_open_paren = self._GetNextToken()
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store template_portion.
- return_type = return_type_and_name
- indices = name
- if return_type:
- indices = return_type[0]
- # Force ctor for templatized ctors.
- if name.name == self.in_class and not modifiers:
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_CTOR
- parameters = list(self._GetParameters())
- del parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- # Handling operator() is especially weird.
- if name.name == 'operator' and not parameters:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.name == '(', token
- parameters = list(self._GetParameters())
- del parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- while token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- modifier_token = token
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if modifier_token.name == 'const':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_CONST
- elif modifier_token.name == '__attribute__':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle more __attribute__ details.
- assert token.name == '(', token
- # Consume everything between the (parens).
- unused_tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- elif modifier_token.name == 'throw':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_THROW
- assert token.name == '(', token
- # Consume everything between the (parens).
- unused_tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- elif modifier_token.name == 'override':
- modifiers |= FUNCTION_OVERRIDE
- elif modifier_token.name == modifier_token.name.upper():
- # HACK(nnorwitz): assume that all upper-case names
- # are some macro we aren't expanding.
- else:
- self.HandleError('unexpected token', modifier_token)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- # Handle ctor initializers.
- if token.name == ':':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): anything else to handle for initializer list?
- while token.name != ';' and token.name != '{':
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- # Handle pointer to functions that are really data but look
- # like method declarations.
- if token.name == '(':
- if parameters[0].name == '*':
- # name contains the return type.
- name = parameters.pop()
- # parameters contains the name of the data.
- modifiers = [p.name for p in parameters]
- # Already at the ( to open the parameter list.
- function_parameters = list(self._GetMatchingChar('(', ')'))
- del function_parameters[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store the function_parameters.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == ';', token
- return self._CreateVariable(indices, name.name, indices.name,
- modifiers, '', None)
- # At this point, we got something like:
- # return_type (type::*name_)(params);
- # This is a data member called name_ that is a function pointer.
- # With this code: void (sq_type::*field_)(string&);
- # We get: name=void return_type=[] parameters=sq_type ... field_
- # TODO(nnorwitz): is return_type always empty?
- # TODO(nnorwitz): this isn't even close to being correct.
- # Just put in something so we don't crash and can move on.
- real_name = parameters[-1]
- modifiers = [p.name for p in self._GetParameters()]
- del modifiers[-1] # Remove trailing ')'.
- return self._CreateVariable(indices, real_name.name, indices.name,
- modifiers, '', None)
- if token.name == '{':
- body = list(self.GetScope())
- del body[-1] # Remove trailing '}'.
- else:
- body = None
- if token.name == '=':
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == 'default' or token.name == 'delete':
- # Ignore explicitly defaulted and deleted special members
- # in C++11.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- else:
- # Handle pure-virtual declarations.
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.CONSTANT, token
- assert token.name == '0', token
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == '[':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store tokens and improve parsing.
- # template <typename T, size_t N> char (&ASH(T (&seq)[N]))[N];
- tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('[', ']'))
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.name == ';', (token, return_type_and_name, parameters)
- # Looks like we got a method, not a function.
- if len(return_type) > 2 and return_type[-1].name == '::':
- return_type, in_class = \
- self._GetReturnTypeAndClassName(return_type)
- return Method(indices.start, indices.end, name.name, in_class,
- return_type, parameters, modifiers, templated_types,
- body, self.namespace_stack)
- return Function(indices.start, indices.end, name.name, return_type,
- parameters, modifiers, templated_types, body,
- self.namespace_stack)
- def _GetReturnTypeAndClassName(self, token_seq):
- # Splitting the return type from the class name in a method
- # can be tricky. For example, Return::Type::Is::Hard::To::Find().
- # Where is the return type and where is the class name?
- # The heuristic used is to pull the last name as the class name.
- # This includes all the templated type info.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): if there is only One name like in the
- # example above, punt and assume the last bit is the class name.
- # Ignore a :: prefix, if exists so we can find the first real name.
- i = 0
- if token_seq[0].name == '::':
- i = 1
- # Ignore a :: suffix, if exists.
- end = len(token_seq) - 1
- if token_seq[end-1].name == '::':
- end -= 1
- # Make a copy of the sequence so we can append a sentinel
- # value. This is required for GetName will has to have some
- # terminating condition beyond the last name.
- seq_copy = token_seq[i:end]
- seq_copy.append(tokenize.Token(tokenize.SYNTAX, '', 0, 0))
- names = []
- while i < end:
- # Iterate through the sequence parsing out each name.
- new_name, next = self.GetName(seq_copy[i:])
- assert new_name, 'Got empty new_name, next=%s' % next
- # We got a pointer or ref. Add it to the name.
- if next and next.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- new_name.append(next)
- names.append(new_name)
- i += len(new_name)
- # Now that we have the names, it's time to undo what we did.
- # Remove the sentinel value.
- names[-1].pop()
- # Flatten the token sequence for the return type.
- return_type = [e for seq in names[:-1] for e in seq]
- # The class name is the last name.
- class_name = names[-1]
- return return_type, class_name
- def handle_bool(self):
- pass
- def handle_char(self):
- pass
- def handle_int(self):
- pass
- def handle_long(self):
- pass
- def handle_short(self):
- pass
- def handle_double(self):
- pass
- def handle_float(self):
- pass
- def handle_void(self):
- pass
- def handle_wchar_t(self):
- pass
- def handle_unsigned(self):
- pass
- def handle_signed(self):
- pass
- def _GetNestedType(self, ctor):
- name = None
- name_tokens, token = self.GetName()
- if name_tokens:
- name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- # Handle forward declarations.
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == ';':
- return ctor(token.start, token.end, name, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and self._handling_typedef:
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- return ctor(token.start, token.end, name, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- # Must be the type declaration.
- fields = list(self._GetMatchingChar('{', '}'))
- del fields[-1] # Remove trailing '}'.
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == '{':
- next = self._GetNextToken()
- new_type = ctor(token.start, token.end, name, fields,
- self.namespace_stack)
- # A name means this is an anonymous type and the name
- # is the variable declaration.
- if next.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- return new_type
- name = new_type
- token = next
- # Must be variable declaration using the type prefixed with keyword.
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME, token
- return self._CreateVariable(token, token.name, name, [], '', None)
- def handle_struct(self):
- # Special case the handling typedef/aliasing of structs here.
- # It would be a pain to handle in the class code.
- name_tokens, var_token = self.GetName()
- if name_tokens:
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- is_syntax = (var_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and
- var_token.name[0] in '*&')
- is_variable = (var_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- next_token.name == ';')
- variable = var_token
- if is_syntax and not is_variable:
- variable = next_token
- temp = self._GetNextToken()
- if temp.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and temp.name == '(':
- # Handle methods declared to return a struct.
- t0 = name_tokens[0]
- struct = tokenize.Token(tokenize.NAME, 'struct',
- t0.start-7, t0.start-2)
- type_and_name = [struct]
- type_and_name.extend(name_tokens)
- type_and_name.extend((var_token, next_token))
- return self._GetMethod(type_and_name, 0, None, False)
- assert temp.name == ';', (temp, name_tokens, var_token)
- if is_syntax or (is_variable and not self._handling_typedef):
- modifiers = ['struct']
- type_name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- position = name_tokens[0]
- return self._CreateVariable(position, variable.name, type_name,
- modifiers, var_token.name, None)
- name_tokens.extend((var_token, next_token))
- self._AddBackTokens(name_tokens)
- else:
- self._AddBackToken(var_token)
- return self._GetClass(Struct, VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, None)
- def handle_union(self):
- return self._GetNestedType(Union)
- def handle_enum(self):
- return self._GetNestedType(Enum)
- def handle_auto(self):
- # TODO(nnorwitz): warn about using auto? Probably not since it
- # will be reclaimed and useful for C++0x.
- pass
- def handle_register(self):
- pass
- def handle_const(self):
- pass
- def handle_inline(self):
- pass
- def handle_extern(self):
- pass
- def handle_static(self):
- pass
- def handle_virtual(self):
- # What follows must be a method.
- token = token2 = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name == 'inline':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): handle inline dtors by ignoring 'inline'.
- token2 = self._GetNextToken()
- if token2.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token2.name == '~':
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_VIRTUAL + FUNCTION_DTOR, None)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME or token.name == '::', token
- return_type_and_name, _ = self._GetVarTokensUpToIgnoringTemplates(
- tokenize.SYNTAX, '(') # )
- return_type_and_name.insert(0, token)
- if token2 is not token:
- return_type_and_name.insert(1, token2)
- return self._GetMethod(return_type_and_name, FUNCTION_VIRTUAL,
- None, False)
- def handle_volatile(self):
- pass
- def handle_mutable(self):
- pass
- def handle_public(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PUBLIC
- def handle_protected(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PROTECTED
- def handle_private(self):
- assert self.in_class
- self.visibility = VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
- def handle_friend(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- t0 = tokens[0]
- return Friend(t0.start, t0.end, tokens, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_static_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_const_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_dynamic_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_reinterpret_cast(self):
- pass
- def handle_new(self):
- pass
- def handle_delete(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- return Delete(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_typedef(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if (token.token_type == tokenize.NAME and
- keywords.IsKeyword(token.name)):
- # Token must be struct/enum/union/class.
- method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + token.name)
- self._handling_typedef = True
- tokens = [method()]
- self._handling_typedef = False
- else:
- tokens = [token]
- # Get the remainder of the typedef up to the semi-colon.
- tokens.extend(self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';'))
- # TODO(nnorwitz): clean all this up.
- assert tokens
- name = tokens.pop()
- indices = name
- if tokens:
- indices = tokens[0]
- if not indices:
- indices = token
- if name.name == ')':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): Handle pointers to functions "properly".
- if (len(tokens) >= 4 and
- tokens[1].name == '(' and tokens[2].name == '*'):
- tokens.append(name)
- name = tokens[3]
- elif name.name == ']':
- # HACK(nnorwitz): Handle arrays properly.
- if len(tokens) >= 2:
- tokens.append(name)
- name = tokens[1]
- new_type = tokens
- if tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], tokenize.Token):
- new_type = self.converter.ToType(tokens)[0]
- return Typedef(indices.start, indices.end, name.name,
- new_type, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_typeid(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_typename(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def _GetTemplatedTypes(self):
- result = collections.OrderedDict()
- tokens = list(self._GetMatchingChar('<', '>'))
- len_tokens = len(tokens) - 1 # Ignore trailing '>'.
- i = 0
- while i < len_tokens:
- key = tokens[i].name
- i += 1
- if keywords.IsKeyword(key) or key == ',':
- continue
- type_name = default = None
- if i < len_tokens:
- i += 1
- if tokens[i-1].name == '=':
- assert i < len_tokens, '%s %s' % (i, tokens)
- default, unused_next_token = self.GetName(tokens[i:])
- i += len(default)
- else:
- if tokens[i-1].name != ',':
- # We got something like: Type variable.
- # Re-adjust the key (variable) and type_name (Type).
- key = tokens[i-1].name
- type_name = tokens[i-2]
- result[key] = (type_name, default)
- return result
- def handle_template(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '<', token
- templated_types = self._GetTemplatedTypes()
- # TODO(nnorwitz): for now, just ignore the template params.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- if token.name == 'class':
- return self._GetClass(Class, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, templated_types)
- elif token.name == 'struct':
- return self._GetClass(Struct, VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, templated_types)
- elif token.name == 'friend':
- return self.handle_friend()
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- tokens, last = self._GetVarTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, '(', ';')
- tokens.append(last)
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- if last.name == '(':
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_NONE, templated_types)
- # Must be a variable definition.
- return None
- def handle_true(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_false(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_asm(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_class(self):
- return self._GetClass(Class, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, None)
- def _GetBases(self):
- # Get base classes.
- bases = []
- while 1:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.NAME, token
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store kind of inheritance...maybe.
- if token.name not in ('public', 'protected', 'private'):
- # If inheritance type is not specified, it is private.
- # Just put the token back so we can form a name.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): it would be good to warn about this.
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- else:
- # Check for virtual inheritance.
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.name != 'virtual':
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- else:
- # TODO(nnorwitz): store that we got virtual for this base.
- pass
- base, next_token = self.GetName()
- bases_ast = self.converter.ToType(base)
- assert len(bases_ast) == 1, bases_ast
- bases.append(bases_ast[0])
- assert next_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, next_token
- if next_token.name == '{':
- token = next_token
- break
- # Support multiple inheritance.
- assert next_token.name == ',', next_token
- return bases, token
- def _GetClass(self, class_type, visibility, templated_types):
- class_name = None
- class_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if class_token.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- assert class_token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, class_token
- token = class_token
- else:
- # Skip any macro (e.g. storage class specifiers) after the
- # 'class' keyword.
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if next_token.token_type == tokenize.NAME:
- self._AddBackToken(next_token)
- else:
- self._AddBackTokens([class_token, next_token])
- name_tokens, token = self.GetName()
- class_name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- bases = None
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX:
- if token.name == ';':
- # Forward declaration.
- return class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end,
- class_name, None, templated_types, None,
- self.namespace_stack)
- if token.name in '*&':
- # Inline forward declaration. Could be method or data.
- name_token = self._GetNextToken()
- next_token = self._GetNextToken()
- if next_token.name == ';':
- # Handle data
- modifiers = ['class']
- return self._CreateVariable(class_token, name_token.name,
- class_name,
- modifiers, token.name, None)
- else:
- # Assume this is a method.
- tokens = (class_token, token, name_token, next_token)
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_NONE, None)
- if token.name == ':':
- bases, token = self._GetBases()
- body = None
- if token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX and token.name == '{':
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == '{', token
- ast = AstBuilder(self.GetScope(), self.filename, class_name,
- visibility, self.namespace_stack)
- body = list(ast.Generate())
- if not self._handling_typedef:
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- if token.token_type != tokenize.NAME:
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- assert token.name == ';', token
- else:
- new_class = class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end,
- class_name, bases, None,
- body, self.namespace_stack)
- modifiers = []
- return self._CreateVariable(class_token,
- token.name, new_class,
- modifiers, token.name, None)
- else:
- if not self._handling_typedef:
- self.HandleError('non-typedef token', token)
- self._AddBackToken(token)
- return class_type(class_token.start, class_token.end, class_name,
- bases, templated_types, body, self.namespace_stack)
- def handle_namespace(self):
- # Support anonymous namespaces.
- name = None
- name_tokens, token = self.GetName()
- if name_tokens:
- name = ''.join([t.name for t in name_tokens])
- self.namespace_stack.append(name)
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX, token
- # Create an internal token that denotes when the namespace is complete.
- internal_token = tokenize.Token(_INTERNAL_TOKEN, _NAMESPACE_POP,
- None, None)
- internal_token.whence = token.whence
- if token.name == '=':
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle aliasing namespaces.
- name, next_token = self.GetName()
- assert next_token.name == ';', next_token
- self._AddBackToken(internal_token)
- else:
- assert token.name == '{', token
- tokens = list(self.GetScope())
- # Replace the trailing } with the internal namespace pop token.
- tokens[-1] = internal_token
- # Handle namespace with nothing in it.
- self._AddBackTokens(tokens)
- return None
- def handle_using(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert tokens
- return Using(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_explicit(self):
- assert self.in_class
- # Nothing much to do.
- # TODO(nnorwitz): maybe verify the method name == class name.
- # This must be a ctor.
- return self.GetMethod(FUNCTION_CTOR, None)
- def handle_this(self):
- pass # Nothing to do.
- def handle_operator(self):
- # Pull off the next token(s?) and make that part of the method name.
- pass
- def handle_sizeof(self):
- pass
- def handle_case(self):
- pass
- def handle_switch(self):
- pass
- def handle_default(self):
- token = self._GetNextToken()
- assert token.token_type == tokenize.SYNTAX
- assert token.name == ':'
- def handle_if(self):
- pass
- def handle_else(self):
- pass
- def handle_return(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- if not tokens:
- return Return(self.current_token.start, self.current_token.end, None)
- return Return(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens)
- def handle_goto(self):
- tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- assert len(tokens) == 1, str(tokens)
- return Goto(tokens[0].start, tokens[0].end, tokens[0].name)
- def handle_try(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_catch(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_throw(self):
- pass # Not needed yet.
- def handle_while(self):
- pass
- def handle_do(self):
- pass
- def handle_for(self):
- pass
- def handle_break(self):
- self._IgnoreUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
- def handle_continue(self):
- self._IgnoreUpTo(tokenize.SYNTAX, ';')
-def BuilderFromSource(source, filename):
- """Utility method that returns an AstBuilder from source code.
- Args:
- source: 'C++ source code'
- filename: 'file1'
- Returns:
- AstBuilder
- """
- return AstBuilder(tokenize.GetTokens(source), filename)
-def PrintIndentifiers(filename, should_print):
- """Prints all identifiers for a C++ source file.
- Args:
- filename: 'file1'
- should_print: predicate with signature: bool Function(token)
- """
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename, False)
- if source is None:
- sys.stderr.write('Unable to find: %s\n' % filename)
- return
- #print('Processing %s' % actual_filename)
- builder = BuilderFromSource(source, filename)
- try:
- for node in builder.Generate():
- if should_print(node):
- print(node.name)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- except:
- pass
-def PrintAllIndentifiers(filenames, should_print):
- """Prints all identifiers for each C++ source file in filenames.
- Args:
- filenames: ['file1', 'file2', ...]
- should_print: predicate with signature: bool Function(token)
- """
- for path in filenames:
- PrintIndentifiers(path, should_print)
-def main(argv):
- for filename in argv[1:]:
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename)
- if source is None:
- continue
- print('Processing %s' % filename)
- builder = BuilderFromSource(source, filename)
- try:
- entire_ast = filter(None, builder.Generate())
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- except:
- # Already printed a warning, print the traceback and continue.
- traceback.print_exc()
- else:
- if utils.DEBUG:
- for ast in entire_ast:
- print(ast)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e21022b..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generate Google Mock classes from base classes.
-This program will read in a C++ source file and output the Google Mock
-classes for the specified classes. If no class is specified, all
-classes in the source file are emitted.
- gmock_class.py header-file.h [ClassName]...
-Output is sent to stdout.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from cpp import ast
-from cpp import utils
-# Preserve compatibility with Python 2.3.
- _dummy = set
-except NameError:
- import sets
- set = sets.Set
-_VERSION = (1, 0, 1) # The version of this script.
-# How many spaces to indent. Can set me with the INDENT environment variable.
-_INDENT = 2
-def _RenderType(ast_type):
- """Renders the potentially recursively templated type into a string.
- Args:
- ast_type: The AST of the type.
- Returns:
- Rendered string of the type.
- """
- # Add modifiers like 'const'.
- modifiers = ''
- if ast_type.modifiers:
- modifiers = ' '.join(ast_type.modifiers) + ' '
- return_type = modifiers + ast_type.name
- if ast_type.templated_types:
- # Collect template args.
- template_args = []
- for arg in ast_type.templated_types:
- rendered_arg = _RenderType(arg)
- template_args.append(rendered_arg)
- return_type += '<' + ', '.join(template_args) + '>'
- if ast_type.pointer:
- return_type += '*'
- if ast_type.reference:
- return_type += '&'
- return return_type
-def _GenerateArg(source):
- """Strips out comments, default arguments, and redundant spaces from a single argument.
- Args:
- source: A string for a single argument.
- Returns:
- Rendered string of the argument.
- """
- # Remove end of line comments before eliminating newlines.
- arg = re.sub(r'//.*', '', source)
- # Remove c-style comments.
- arg = re.sub(r'/\*.*\*/', '', arg)
- # Remove default arguments.
- arg = re.sub(r'=.*', '', arg)
- # Collapse spaces and newlines into a single space.
- arg = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', arg)
- return arg.strip()
-def _EscapeForMacro(s):
- """Escapes a string for use as an argument to a C++ macro."""
- paren_count = 0
- for c in s:
- if c == '(':
- paren_count += 1
- elif c == ')':
- paren_count -= 1
- elif c == ',' and paren_count == 0:
- return '(' + s + ')'
- return s
-def _GenerateMethods(output_lines, source, class_node):
- function_type = (
- ctor_or_dtor = ast.FUNCTION_CTOR | ast.FUNCTION_DTOR
- indent = ' ' * _INDENT
- for node in class_node.body:
- # We only care about virtual functions.
- if (isinstance(node, ast.Function) and node.modifiers & function_type and
- not node.modifiers & ctor_or_dtor):
- # Pick out all the elements we need from the original function.
- modifiers = 'override'
- if node.modifiers & ast.FUNCTION_CONST:
- modifiers = 'const, ' + modifiers
- return_type = 'void'
- if node.return_type:
- return_type = _EscapeForMacro(_RenderType(node.return_type))
- args = []
- for p in node.parameters:
- arg = _GenerateArg(source[p.start:p.end])
- if arg != 'void':
- args.append(_EscapeForMacro(arg))
- # Create the mock method definition.
- output_lines.extend([
- '%sMOCK_METHOD(%s, %s, (%s), (%s));' %
- (indent, return_type, node.name, ', '.join(args), modifiers)
- ])
-def _GenerateMocks(filename, source, ast_list, desired_class_names):
- processed_class_names = set()
- lines = []
- for node in ast_list:
- if (isinstance(node, ast.Class) and node.body and
- # desired_class_names being None means that all classes are selected.
- (not desired_class_names or node.name in desired_class_names)):
- class_name = node.name
- parent_name = class_name
- processed_class_names.add(class_name)
- class_node = node
- # Add namespace before the class.
- if class_node.namespace:
- lines.extend(['namespace %s {' % n for n in class_node.namespace]) # }
- lines.append('')
- # Add template args for templated classes.
- if class_node.templated_types:
- # TODO(paulchang): Handle non-type template arguments (e.g.
- # template<typename T, int N>).
- # class_node.templated_types is an OrderedDict from strings to a tuples.
- # The key is the name of the template, and the value is
- # (type_name, default). Both type_name and default could be None.
- template_args = class_node.templated_types.keys()
- template_decls = ['typename ' + arg for arg in template_args]
- lines.append('template <' + ', '.join(template_decls) + '>')
- parent_name += '<' + ', '.join(template_args) + '>'
- # Add the class prolog.
- lines.append('class Mock%s : public %s {' # }
- % (class_name, parent_name))
- lines.append('%spublic:' % (' ' * (_INDENT // 2)))
- # Add all the methods.
- _GenerateMethods(lines, source, class_node)
- # Close the class.
- if lines:
- # If there are no virtual methods, no need for a public label.
- if len(lines) == 2:
- del lines[-1]
- # Only close the class if there really is a class.
- lines.append('};')
- lines.append('') # Add an extra newline.
- # Close the namespace.
- if class_node.namespace:
- for i in range(len(class_node.namespace) - 1, -1, -1):
- lines.append('} // namespace %s' % class_node.namespace[i])
- lines.append('') # Add an extra newline.
- if desired_class_names:
- missing_class_name_list = list(desired_class_names - processed_class_names)
- if missing_class_name_list:
- missing_class_name_list.sort()
- sys.stderr.write('Class(es) not found in %s: %s\n' %
- (filename, ', '.join(missing_class_name_list)))
- elif not processed_class_names:
- sys.stderr.write('No class found in %s\n' % filename)
- return lines
-def main(argv=sys.argv):
- if len(argv) < 2:
- sys.stderr.write('Google Mock Class Generator v%s\n\n' %
- '.'.join(map(str, _VERSION)))
- sys.stderr.write(__doc__)
- return 1
- global _INDENT
- try:
- _INDENT = int(os.environ['INDENT'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- except:
- sys.stderr.write('Unable to use indent of %s\n' % os.environ.get('INDENT'))
- filename = argv[1]
- desired_class_names = None # None means all classes in the source file.
- if len(argv) >= 3:
- desired_class_names = set(argv[2:])
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename)
- if source is None:
- return 1
- builder = ast.BuilderFromSource(source, filename)
- try:
- entire_ast = filter(None, builder.Generate())
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- except:
- # An error message was already printed since we couldn't parse.
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- lines = _GenerateMocks(filename, source, entire_ast, desired_class_names)
- sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(lines))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class_test.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index eff475f4..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/gmock_class_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2009 Neal Norwitz All Rights Reserved.
-# Portions Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Tests for gmock.scripts.generator.cpp.gmock_class."""
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-# Allow the cpp imports below to work when run as a standalone script.
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-from cpp import ast
-from cpp import gmock_class
-class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """Helper class that adds assert methods."""
- @staticmethod
- def StripLeadingWhitespace(lines):
- """Strip leading whitespace in each line in 'lines'."""
- return '\n'.join([s.lstrip() for s in lines.split('\n')])
- def assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(self, expected_lines, lines):
- """Specialized assert that ignores the indent level."""
- self.assertEqual(expected_lines, self.StripLeadingWhitespace(lines))
-class GenerateMethodsTest(TestCase):
- @staticmethod
- def GenerateMethodSource(cpp_source):
- """Convert C++ source to Google Mock output source lines."""
- method_source_lines = []
- # <test> is a pseudo-filename, it is not read or written.
- builder = ast.BuilderFromSource(cpp_source, '<test>')
- ast_list = list(builder.Generate())
- gmock_class._GenerateMethods(method_source_lines, cpp_source, ast_list[0])
- return '\n'.join(method_source_lines)
- def testSimpleMethod(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual int Bar();
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testSimpleConstructorsAndDestructor(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- Foo();
- Foo(int x);
- Foo(const Foo& f);
- Foo(Foo&& f);
- ~Foo();
- virtual int Bar() = 0;
- # The constructors and destructor should be ignored.
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testVirtualDestructor(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual ~Foo();
- virtual int Bar() = 0;
- # The destructor should be ignored.
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testExplicitlyDefaultedConstructorsAndDestructor(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- Foo() = default;
- Foo(const Foo& f) = default;
- Foo(Foo&& f) = default;
- ~Foo() = default;
- virtual int Bar() = 0;
- # The constructors and destructor should be ignored.
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testExplicitlyDeletedConstructorsAndDestructor(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- Foo() = delete;
- Foo(const Foo& f) = delete;
- Foo(Foo&& f) = delete;
- ~Foo() = delete;
- virtual int Bar() = 0;
- # The constructors and destructor should be ignored.
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testSimpleOverrideMethod(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- int Bar() override;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testSimpleConstMethod(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(bool flag) const;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (bool flag), (const, override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testExplicitVoid(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual int Bar(void);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testStrangeNewlineInParameter(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(int
-a) = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (int a), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testDefaultParameters(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(int a, char c = 'x') = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (int a, char c), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testMultipleDefaultParameters(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(
- int a = 42,
- char c = 'x',
- const int* const p = nullptr,
- const std::string& s = "42",
- char tab[] = {'4','2'},
- int const *& rp = aDefaultPointer) = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, '
- '(int a, char c, const int* const p, const std::string& s, char tab[], int const *& rp), '
- '(override));', self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testMultipleSingleLineDefaultParameters(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(int a = 42, int b = 43, int c = 44) = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (int a, int b, int c), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testConstDefaultParameter(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual bool Bar(const int test_arg = 42) = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(bool, Bar, (const int test_arg), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testConstRefDefaultParameter(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual bool Bar(const std::string& test_arg = "42" ) = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(bool, Bar, (const std::string& test_arg), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testRemovesCommentsWhenDefaultsArePresent(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(int a = 42 /* a comment */,
- char /* other comment */ c= 'x') = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (int a, char c), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testDoubleSlashCommentsInParameterListAreRemoved(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(int a, // inline comments should be elided.
- int b // inline comments should be elided.
- ) const = 0;
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (int a, int b), (const, override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testCStyleCommentsInParameterListAreNotRemoved(self):
- # NOTE(nnorwitz): I'm not sure if it's the best behavior to keep these
- # comments. Also note that C style comments after the last parameter
- # are still elided.
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual const string& Bar(int /* keeper */, int b);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(const string&, Bar, (int, int b), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testArgsOfTemplateTypes(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual int Bar(const vector<int>& v, map<int, string>* output);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (const vector<int>& v, (map<int, string>* output)), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testReturnTypeWithOneTemplateArg(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual vector<int>* Bar(int n);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(vector<int>*, Bar, (int n), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testReturnTypeWithManyTemplateArgs(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual map<int, string> Bar();
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD((map<int, string>), Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testSimpleMethodInTemplatedClass(self):
- source = """
-template<class T>
-class Foo {
- public:
- virtual int Bar();
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testPointerArgWithoutNames(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- virtual int Bar(C*);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (C*), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testReferenceArgWithoutNames(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- virtual int Bar(C&);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (C&), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
- def testArrayArgWithoutNames(self):
- source = """
-class Foo {
- virtual int Bar(C[]);
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(
- 'MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (C[]), (override));',
- self.GenerateMethodSource(source))
-class GenerateMocksTest(TestCase):
- @staticmethod
- def GenerateMocks(cpp_source):
- """Convert C++ source to complete Google Mock output source."""
- # <test> is a pseudo-filename, it is not read or written.
- filename = '<test>'
- builder = ast.BuilderFromSource(cpp_source, filename)
- ast_list = list(builder.Generate())
- lines = gmock_class._GenerateMocks(filename, cpp_source, ast_list, None)
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def testNamespaces(self):
- source = """
-namespace Foo {
-namespace Bar { class Forward; }
-namespace Baz::Qux {
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual void Foo();
-} // namespace Baz::Qux
-} // namespace Foo
- expected = """\
-namespace Foo {
-namespace Baz::Qux {
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
-} // namespace Baz::Qux
-} // namespace Foo
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testClassWithStorageSpecifierMacro(self):
- source = """
- public:
- virtual void Foo();
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testTemplatedForwardDeclaration(self):
- source = """
-template <class T> class Forward; // Forward declaration should be ignored.
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual void Foo();
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testTemplatedClass(self):
- source = """
-template <typename S, typename T>
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual void Foo();
- expected = """\
-template <typename S, typename T>
-class MockTest : public Test<S, T> {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testTemplateInATemplateTypedef(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- typedef std::vector<std::list<int>> FooType;
- virtual void Bar(const FooType& test_arg);
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (const FooType& test_arg), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testTemplatedClassWithTemplatedArguments(self):
- source = """
-template <typename S, typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual U Foo(T some_arg);
- expected = """\
-template <typename S, typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W>
-class MockTest : public Test<S, T, U, V, W> {
-MOCK_METHOD(U, Foo, (T some_arg), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testTemplateInATemplateTypedefWithComma(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- typedef std::function<void(
- const vector<std::list<int>>&, int> FooType;
- virtual void Bar(const FooType& test_arg);
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (const FooType& test_arg), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testParenthesizedCommaInArg(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- virtual void Bar(std::function<void(int, int)> f);
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Bar, (std::function<void(int, int)> f), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testEnumType(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- enum Bar {
- };
- virtual void Foo();
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testEnumClassType(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- enum class Bar {
- };
- virtual void Foo();
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
- def testStdFunction(self):
- source = """
-class Test {
- public:
- Test(std::function<int(std::string)> foo) : foo_(foo) {}
- virtual std::function<int(std::string)> foo();
- private:
- std::function<int(std::string)> foo_;
- expected = """\
-class MockTest : public Test {
-MOCK_METHOD(std::function<int (std::string)>, foo, (), (override));
- self.assertEqualIgnoreLeadingWhitespace(expected,
- self.GenerateMocks(source))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/keywords.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/keywords.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e4282714..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/keywords.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""C++ keywords and helper utilities for determining keywords."""
- # Python 3.x
- import builtins
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.x
- import __builtin__ as builtins
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'set'):
- # Nominal support for Python 2.3.
- from sets import Set as set
-TYPES = set('bool char int long short double float void wchar_t unsigned signed'.split())
-TYPE_MODIFIERS = set('auto register const inline extern static virtual volatile mutable'.split())
-ACCESS = set('public protected private friend'.split())
-CASTS = set('static_cast const_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast'.split())
-OTHERS = set('true false asm class namespace using explicit this operator sizeof'.split())
-OTHER_TYPES = set('new delete typedef struct union enum typeid typename template'.split())
-CONTROL = set('case switch default if else return goto'.split())
-EXCEPTION = set('try catch throw'.split())
-LOOP = set('while do for break continue'.split())
-def IsKeyword(token):
- return token in ALL
-def IsBuiltinType(token):
- if token in ('virtual', 'inline'):
- # These only apply to methods, they can't be types by themselves.
- return False
- return token in TYPES or token in TYPE_MODIFIERS
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/tokenize.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/tokenize.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a75edcb1..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/tokenize.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Tokenize C++ source code."""
- # Python 3.x
- import builtins
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.x
- import __builtin__ as builtins
-import sys
-from cpp import utils
-if not hasattr(builtins, 'set'):
- # Nominal support for Python 2.3.
- from sets import Set as set
-# Add $ as a valid identifier char since so much code uses it.
-_letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
-VALID_IDENTIFIER_CHARS = set(_letters + _letters.upper() + '_0123456789$')
-HEX_DIGITS = set('0123456789abcdefABCDEF')
-INT_OR_FLOAT_DIGITS = set('01234567890eE-+')
-# C++0x string preffixes.
-_STR_PREFIXES = set(('R', 'u8', 'u8R', 'u', 'uR', 'U', 'UR', 'L', 'LR'))
-# Token types.
-# Where the token originated from. This can be used for backtracking.
-# It is always set to WHENCE_STREAM in this code.
-class Token(object):
- """Data container to represent a C++ token.
- Tokens can be identifiers, syntax char(s), constants, or
- pre-processor directives.
- start contains the index of the first char of the token in the source
- end contains the index of the last char of the token in the source
- """
- def __init__(self, token_type, name, start, end):
- self.token_type = token_type
- self.name = name
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- self.whence = WHENCE_STREAM
- def __str__(self):
- if not utils.DEBUG:
- return 'Token(%r)' % self.name
- return 'Token(%r, %s, %s)' % (self.name, self.start, self.end)
- __repr__ = __str__
-def _GetString(source, start, i):
- i = source.find('"', i+1)
- while source[i-1] == '\\':
- # Count the trailing backslashes.
- backslash_count = 1
- j = i - 2
- while source[j] == '\\':
- backslash_count += 1
- j -= 1
- # When trailing backslashes are even, they escape each other.
- if (backslash_count % 2) == 0:
- break
- i = source.find('"', i+1)
- return i + 1
-def _GetChar(source, start, i):
- # NOTE(nnorwitz): may not be quite correct, should be good enough.
- i = source.find("'", i+1)
- while source[i-1] == '\\':
- # Need to special case '\\'.
- if (i - 2) > start and source[i-2] == '\\':
- break
- i = source.find("'", i+1)
- # Try to handle unterminated single quotes (in a #if 0 block).
- if i < 0:
- i = start
- return i + 1
-def GetTokens(source):
- """Returns a sequence of Tokens.
- Args:
- source: string of C++ source code.
- Yields:
- Token that represents the next token in the source.
- """
- # Cache various valid character sets for speed.
- valid_identifier_chars = VALID_IDENTIFIER_CHARS
- hex_digits = HEX_DIGITS
- int_or_float_digits = INT_OR_FLOAT_DIGITS
- int_or_float_digits2 = int_or_float_digits | set('.')
- # Only ignore errors while in a #if 0 block.
- ignore_errors = False
- count_ifs = 0
- i = 0
- end = len(source)
- while i < end:
- # Skip whitespace.
- while i < end and source[i].isspace():
- i += 1
- if i >= end:
- return
- token_type = UNKNOWN
- start = i
- c = source[i]
- if c.isalpha() or c == '_': # Find a string token.
- token_type = NAME
- while source[i] in valid_identifier_chars:
- i += 1
- # String and character constants can look like a name if
- # they are something like L"".
- if (source[i] == "'" and (i - start) == 1 and
- source[start:i] in 'uUL'):
- # u, U, and L are valid C++0x character preffixes.
- token_type = CONSTANT
- i = _GetChar(source, start, i)
- elif source[i] == "'" and source[start:i] in _STR_PREFIXES:
- token_type = CONSTANT
- i = _GetString(source, start, i)
- elif c == '/' and source[i+1] == '/': # Find // comments.
- i = source.find('\n', i)
- if i == -1: # Handle EOF.
- i = end
- continue
- elif c == '/' and source[i+1] == '*': # Find /* comments. */
- i = source.find('*/', i) + 2
- continue
- elif c in ':+-<>&|*=': # : or :: (plus other chars).
- token_type = SYNTAX
- i += 1
- new_ch = source[i]
- if new_ch == c and c != '>': # Treat ">>" as two tokens.
- i += 1
- elif c == '-' and new_ch == '>':
- i += 1
- elif new_ch == '=':
- i += 1
- elif c in '()[]{}~!?^%;/.,': # Handle single char tokens.
- token_type = SYNTAX
- i += 1
- if c == '.' and source[i].isdigit():
- token_type = CONSTANT
- i += 1
- while source[i] in int_or_float_digits:
- i += 1
- # Handle float suffixes.
- for suffix in ('l', 'f'):
- if suffix == source[i:i+1].lower():
- i += 1
- break
- elif c.isdigit(): # Find integer.
- token_type = CONSTANT
- if c == '0' and source[i+1] in 'xX':
- # Handle hex digits.
- i += 2
- while source[i] in hex_digits:
- i += 1
- else:
- while source[i] in int_or_float_digits2:
- i += 1
- # Handle integer (and float) suffixes.
- for suffix in ('ull', 'll', 'ul', 'l', 'f', 'u'):
- size = len(suffix)
- if suffix == source[i:i+size].lower():
- i += size
- break
- elif c == '"': # Find string.
- token_type = CONSTANT
- i = _GetString(source, start, i)
- elif c == "'": # Find char.
- token_type = CONSTANT
- i = _GetChar(source, start, i)
- elif c == '#': # Find pre-processor command.
- token_type = PREPROCESSOR
- got_if = source[i:i+3] == '#if' and source[i+3:i+4].isspace()
- if got_if:
- count_ifs += 1
- elif source[i:i+6] == '#endif':
- count_ifs -= 1
- if count_ifs == 0:
- ignore_errors = False
- # TODO(nnorwitz): handle preprocessor statements (\ continuations).
- while 1:
- i1 = source.find('\n', i)
- i2 = source.find('//', i)
- i3 = source.find('/*', i)
- i4 = source.find('"', i)
- # NOTE(nnorwitz): doesn't handle comments in #define macros.
- # Get the first important symbol (newline, comment, EOF/end).
- i = min([x for x in (i1, i2, i3, i4, end) if x != -1])
- # Handle #include "dir//foo.h" properly.
- if source[i] == '"':
- i = source.find('"', i+1) + 1
- assert i > 0
- continue
- # Keep going if end of the line and the line ends with \.
- if not (i == i1 and source[i-1] == '\\'):
- if got_if:
- condition = source[start+4:i].lstrip()
- if (condition.startswith('0') or
- condition.startswith('(0)')):
- ignore_errors = True
- break
- i += 1
- elif c == '\\': # Handle \ in code.
- # This is different from the pre-processor \ handling.
- i += 1
- continue
- elif ignore_errors:
- # The tokenizer seems to be in pretty good shape. This
- # raise is conditionally disabled so that bogus code
- # in an #if 0 block can be handled. Since we will ignore
- # it anyways, this is probably fine. So disable the
- # exception and return the bogus char.
- i += 1
- else:
- sys.stderr.write('Got invalid token in %s @ %d token:%s: %r\n' %
- ('?', i, c, source[i-10:i+10]))
- raise RuntimeError('unexpected token')
- if i <= 0:
- print('Invalid index, exiting now.')
- return
- yield Token(token_type, source[start:i], start, i)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- def main(argv):
- """Driver mostly for testing purposes."""
- for filename in argv[1:]:
- source = utils.ReadFile(filename)
- if source is None:
- continue
- for token in GetTokens(source):
- print('%-12s: %s' % (token.token_type, token.name))
- # print('\r%6.2f%%' % (100.0 * index / token.end),)
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/utils.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/utils.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f5fc097..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Neal Norwitz
-# Portions Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generic utilities for C++ parsing."""
-import sys
-# Set to True to see the start/end token indices.
-DEBUG = True
-def ReadFile(filename, print_error=True):
- """Returns the contents of a file."""
- try:
- fp = open(filename)
- try:
- return fp.read()
- finally:
- fp.close()
- except IOError:
- if print_error:
- print('Error reading %s: %s' % (filename, sys.exc_info()[1]))
- return None
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/gmock_gen.py b/googlemock/scripts/generator/gmock_gen.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d528a56..00000000
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/gmock_gen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Driver for starting up Google Mock class generator."""
-import os
-import sys
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Add the directory of this script to the path so we can import gmock_class.
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- from cpp import gmock_class
- # Fix the docstring in case they require the usage.
- gmock_class.__doc__ = gmock_class.__doc__.replace('gmock_class.py', __file__)
- gmock_class.main()
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc
index 7463f438..92cde348 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements cardinalities.
@@ -35,9 +34,11 @@
#include "gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -49,8 +50,7 @@ namespace {
class BetweenCardinalityImpl : public CardinalityInterface {
BetweenCardinalityImpl(int min, int max)
- : min_(min >= 0 ? min : 0),
- max_(max >= min_ ? max : min_) {
+ : min_(min >= 0 ? min : 0), max_(max >= min_ ? max : min_) {
std::stringstream ss;
if (min < 0) {
ss << "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, "
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ class BetweenCardinalityImpl : public CardinalityInterface {
internal::Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, ss.str());
} else if (min > max) {
ss << "The invocation upper bound (" << max
- << ") must be >= the invocation lower bound (" << min
- << ").";
+ << ") must be >= the invocation lower bound (" << min << ").";
internal::Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, ss.str());
@@ -87,7 +86,8 @@ class BetweenCardinalityImpl : public CardinalityInterface {
const int min_;
const int max_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(BetweenCardinalityImpl);
+ BetweenCardinalityImpl(const BetweenCardinalityImpl&) = delete;
+ BetweenCardinalityImpl& operator=(const BetweenCardinalityImpl&) = delete;
// Formats "n times" in a human-friendly way.
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock-internal-utils.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock-internal-utils.cc
index e5b54798..5c2ce0d5 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock-internal-utils.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock-internal-utils.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file defines some utilities useful for implementing Google
@@ -37,8 +36,16 @@
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h"
#include <ctype.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include <string>
+#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -48,21 +55,22 @@ namespace internal {
// Joins a vector of strings as if they are fields of a tuple; returns
// the joined string.
-GTEST_API_ std::string JoinAsTuple(const Strings& fields) {
- switch (fields.size()) {
- case 0:
- return "";
- case 1:
- return fields[0];
- default:
- std::string result = "(" + fields[0];
- for (size_t i = 1; i < fields.size(); i++) {
- result += ", ";
- result += fields[i];
- }
- result += ")";
- return result;
+GTEST_API_ std::string JoinAsKeyValueTuple(
+ const std::vector<const char*>& names, const Strings& values) {
+ GTEST_CHECK_(names.size() == values.size());
+ if (values.empty()) {
+ return "";
+ const auto build_one = [&](const size_t i) {
+ return std::string(names[i]) + ": " + values[i];
+ };
+ std::string result = "(" + build_one(0);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
+ result += ", ";
+ result += build_one(i);
+ }
+ result += ")";
+ return result;
// Converts an identifier name to a space-separated list of lower-case
@@ -76,12 +84,11 @@ GTEST_API_ std::string ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(const char* id_name) {
// We don't care about the current locale as the input is
// guaranteed to be a valid C++ identifier name.
const bool starts_new_word = IsUpper(*p) ||
- (!IsAlpha(prev_char) && IsLower(*p)) ||
- (!IsDigit(prev_char) && IsDigit(*p));
+ (!IsAlpha(prev_char) && IsLower(*p)) ||
+ (!IsDigit(prev_char) && IsDigit(*p));
if (IsAlNum(*p)) {
- if (starts_new_word && result != "")
- result += ' ';
+ if (starts_new_word && !result.empty()) result += ' ';
result += ToLower(*p);
@@ -95,12 +102,9 @@ class GoogleTestFailureReporter : public FailureReporterInterface {
void ReportFailure(FailureType type, const char* file, int line,
const std::string& message) override {
- AssertHelper(type == kFatal ?
- TestPartResult::kFatalFailure :
- TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure,
- file,
- line,
- message.c_str()) = Message();
+ AssertHelper(type == kFatal ? TestPartResult::kFatalFailure
+ : TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure,
+ file, line, message.c_str()) = Message();
if (type == kFatal) {
@@ -126,10 +130,10 @@ static GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_(g_log_mutex);
// Returns true if and only if a log with the given severity is visible
// according to the --gmock_verbose flag.
GTEST_API_ bool LogIsVisible(LogSeverity severity) {
- if (GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) == kInfoVerbosity) {
+ if (GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose) == kInfoVerbosity) {
// Always show the log if --gmock_verbose=info.
return true;
- } else if (GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) == kErrorVerbosity) {
+ } else if (GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose) == kErrorVerbosity) {
// Always hide it if --gmock_verbose=error.
return false;
} else {
@@ -148,8 +152,7 @@ GTEST_API_ bool LogIsVisible(LogSeverity severity) {
// conservative.
GTEST_API_ void Log(LogSeverity severity, const std::string& message,
int stack_frames_to_skip) {
- if (!LogIsVisible(severity))
- return;
+ if (!LogIsVisible(severity)) return;
// Ensures that logs from different threads don't interleave.
MutexLock l(&g_log_mutex);
@@ -178,8 +181,8 @@ GTEST_API_ void Log(LogSeverity severity, const std::string& message,
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Stack trace:\n"
- << ::testing::internal::GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(
- ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance(), actual_to_skip);
+ << ::testing::internal::GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(
+ actual_to_skip);
std::cout << ::std::flush;
@@ -196,5 +199,59 @@ GTEST_API_ void IllegalDoDefault(const char* file, int line) {
"the variable in various places.");
+constexpr char UndoWebSafeEncoding(char c) {
+ return c == '-' ? '+' : c == '_' ? '/' : c;
+constexpr char UnBase64Impl(char c, const char* const base64, char carry) {
+ return *base64 == 0 ? static_cast<char>(65)
+ : *base64 == c
+ ? carry
+ : UnBase64Impl(c, base64 + 1, static_cast<char>(carry + 1));
+template <size_t... I>
+constexpr std::array<char, 256> UnBase64Impl(IndexSequence<I...>,
+ const char* const base64) {
+ return {
+ {UnBase64Impl(UndoWebSafeEncoding(static_cast<char>(I)), base64, 0)...}};
+constexpr std::array<char, 256> UnBase64(const char* const base64) {
+ return UnBase64Impl(MakeIndexSequence<256>{}, base64);
+static constexpr char kBase64[] =
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+static constexpr std::array<char, 256> kUnBase64 = UnBase64(kBase64);
+bool Base64Unescape(const std::string& encoded, std::string* decoded) {
+ decoded->clear();
+ size_t encoded_len = encoded.size();
+ decoded->reserve(3 * (encoded_len / 4) + (encoded_len % 4));
+ int bit_pos = 0;
+ char dst = 0;
+ for (int src : encoded) {
+ if (std::isspace(src) || src == '=') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ char src_bin = kUnBase64[static_cast<size_t>(src)];
+ if (src_bin >= 64) {
+ decoded->clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bit_pos == 0) {
+ dst |= static_cast<char>(src_bin << 2);
+ bit_pos = 6;
+ } else {
+ dst |= static_cast<char>(src_bin >> (bit_pos - 2));
+ decoded->push_back(dst);
+ dst = static_cast<char>(src_bin << (10 - bit_pos));
+ bit_pos = (bit_pos + 6) % 8;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
index dded437a..81a5b7ea 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock-matchers.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements Matcher<const string&>, Matcher<string>, and
@@ -36,9 +35,11 @@
#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <vector>
namespace testing {
namespace internal {
@@ -48,11 +49,13 @@ namespace internal {
// 'negation' is false; otherwise returns the description of the
// negation of the matcher. 'param_values' contains a list of strings
// that are the print-out of the matcher's parameters.
-GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(bool negation,
- const char* matcher_name,
- const Strings& param_values) {
+GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(
+ bool negation, const char* matcher_name,
+ const std::vector<const char*>& param_names, const Strings& param_values) {
std::string result = ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(matcher_name);
- if (param_values.size() >= 1) result += " " + JoinAsTuple(param_values);
+ if (!param_values.empty()) {
+ result += " " + JoinAsKeyValueTuple(param_names, param_values);
+ }
return negation ? "not (" + result + ")" : result;
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(bool negation,
// [1] Cormen, et al (2001). "Section 26.2: The Ford-Fulkerson method".
// "Introduction to Algorithms (Second ed.)", pp. 651-664.
// [2] "Ford-Fulkerson algorithm", Wikipedia,
-// 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford%E2%80%93Fulkerson_algorithm'
+// 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford%E2%80%93Fulkerson_algorithm'
class MaxBipartiteMatchState {
explicit MaxBipartiteMatchState(const MatchMatrix& graph)
@@ -367,6 +370,23 @@ void UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImplBase::DescribeNegationToImpl(
bool UnorderedElementsAreMatcherImplBase::VerifyMatchMatrix(
const ::std::vector<std::string>& element_printouts,
const MatchMatrix& matrix, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ if (matrix.LhsSize() == 0 && matrix.RhsSize() == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (match_flags() == UnorderedMatcherRequire::ExactMatch) {
+ if (matrix.LhsSize() != matrix.RhsSize()) {
+ // The element count doesn't match. If the container is empty,
+ // there's no need to explain anything as Google Mock already
+ // prints the empty container. Otherwise we just need to show
+ // how many elements there actually are.
+ if (matrix.LhsSize() != 0 && listener->IsInterested()) {
+ *listener << "which has " << Elements(matrix.LhsSize());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
bool result = true;
::std::vector<char> element_matched(matrix.LhsSize(), 0);
::std::vector<char> matcher_matched(matrix.RhsSize(), 0);
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc
index c7266a37..de894716 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file implements the spec builder syntax (ON_CALL and
@@ -41,24 +40,26 @@
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
-# include <unistd.h> // NOLINT
+#if defined(GTEST_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(GTEST_OS_LINUX) || defined(GTEST_OS_MAC)
+#include <unistd.h> // NOLINT
+#include <qurt_event.h>
// Silence C4800 (C4800: 'int *const ': forcing value
// to bool 'true' or 'false') for MSVC 15
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if _MSC_VER == 1900
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4800)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
namespace testing {
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ ExpectationBase::ExpectationBase(const char* a_file, int a_line,
action_count_checked_(false) {}
// Destructs an ExpectationBase object.
-ExpectationBase::~ExpectationBase() {}
+ExpectationBase::~ExpectationBase() = default;
// Explicitly specifies the cardinality of this expectation. Used by
// the subclasses to implement the .Times() clause.
@@ -195,11 +196,12 @@ void ExpectationBase::DescribeCallCountTo(::std::ostream* os) const
// Describes the state of the expectation (e.g. is it satisfied?
// is it active?).
- *os << " - " << (IsOverSaturated() ? "over-saturated" :
- IsSaturated() ? "saturated" :
- IsSatisfied() ? "satisfied" : "unsatisfied")
- << " and "
- << (is_retired() ? "retired" : "active");
+ *os << " - "
+ << (IsOverSaturated() ? "over-saturated"
+ : IsSaturated() ? "saturated"
+ : IsSatisfied() ? "satisfied"
+ : "unsatisfied")
+ << " and " << (is_retired() ? "retired" : "active");
// Checks the action count (i.e. the number of WillOnce() and
@@ -242,13 +244,12 @@ void ExpectationBase::CheckActionCountIfNotDone() const
::std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "Too " << (too_many ? "many" : "few")
- << " actions specified in " << source_text() << "...\n"
+ ss << "Too " << (too_many ? "many" : "few") << " actions specified in "
+ << source_text() << "...\n"
<< "Expected to be ";
- ss << ", but has " << (too_many ? "" : "only ")
- << action_count << " WillOnce()"
- << (action_count == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ ss << ", but has " << (too_many ? "" : "only ") << action_count
+ << " WillOnce()" << (action_count == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (repeated_action_specified_) {
ss << " and a WillRepeatedly()";
@@ -264,10 +265,10 @@ void ExpectationBase::UntypedTimes(const Cardinality& a_cardinality) {
".Times() cannot appear "
"more than once in an EXPECT_CALL().");
} else {
- ExpectSpecProperty(last_clause_ < kTimes,
- ".Times() cannot appear after "
- ".InSequence(), .WillOnce(), .WillRepeatedly(), "
- "or .RetiresOnSaturation().");
+ ExpectSpecProperty(
+ last_clause_ < kTimes,
+ ".Times() may only appear *before* .InSequence(), .WillOnce(), "
+ ".WillRepeatedly(), or .RetiresOnSaturation(), not after.");
last_clause_ = kTimes;
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ GTEST_API_ ThreadLocal<Sequence*> g_gmock_implicit_sequence;
void ReportUninterestingCall(CallReaction reaction, const std::string& msg) {
// Include a stack trace only if --gmock_verbose=info is specified.
const int stack_frames_to_skip =
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) == kInfoVerbosity ? 3 : -1;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose) == kInfoVerbosity ? 3 : -1;
switch (reaction) {
case kAllow:
Log(kInfo, msg, stack_frames_to_skip);
@@ -295,9 +296,9 @@ void ReportUninterestingCall(CallReaction reaction, const std::string& msg) {
"call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding "
"an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. "
"See "
- "https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/"
+ "https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/"
- "knowing-when-to-expect for details.\n",
+ "knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.\n",
default: // FAIL
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ void ReportUninterestingCall(CallReaction reaction, const std::string& msg) {
: mock_obj_(nullptr), name_("") {}
-UntypedFunctionMockerBase::~UntypedFunctionMockerBase() {}
+UntypedFunctionMockerBase::~UntypedFunctionMockerBase() = default;
// Sets the mock object this mock method belongs to, and registers
// this information in the global mock registry. Will be called
@@ -370,143 +371,12 @@ const char* UntypedFunctionMockerBase::Name() const
return name;
-// Calculates the result of invoking this mock function with the given
-// arguments, prints it, and returns it. The caller is responsible
-// for deleting the result.
-UntypedActionResultHolderBase* UntypedFunctionMockerBase::UntypedInvokeWith(
- void* const untyped_args) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(g_gmock_mutex) {
- // See the definition of untyped_expectations_ for why access to it
- // is unprotected here.
- if (untyped_expectations_.size() == 0) {
- // No expectation is set on this mock method - we have an
- // uninteresting call.
- // We must get Google Mock's reaction on uninteresting calls
- // made on this mock object BEFORE performing the action,
- // because the action may DELETE the mock object and make the
- // following expression meaningless.
- const CallReaction reaction =
- Mock::GetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(MockObject());
- // True if and only if we need to print this call's arguments and return
- // value. This definition must be kept in sync with
- // the behavior of ReportUninterestingCall().
- const bool need_to_report_uninteresting_call =
- // If the user allows this uninteresting call, we print it
- // only when they want informational messages.
- reaction == kAllow ? LogIsVisible(kInfo) :
- // If the user wants this to be a warning, we print
- // it only when they want to see warnings.
- reaction == kWarn
- ? LogIsVisible(kWarning)
- :
- // Otherwise, the user wants this to be an error, and we
- // should always print detailed information in the error.
- true;
- if (!need_to_report_uninteresting_call) {
- // Perform the action without printing the call information.
- return this->UntypedPerformDefaultAction(
- untyped_args, "Function call: " + std::string(Name()));
- }
- // Warns about the uninteresting call.
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- this->UntypedDescribeUninterestingCall(untyped_args, &ss);
- // Calculates the function result.
- UntypedActionResultHolderBase* const result =
- this->UntypedPerformDefaultAction(untyped_args, ss.str());
- // Prints the function result.
- if (result != nullptr) result->PrintAsActionResult(&ss);
- ReportUninterestingCall(reaction, ss.str());
- return result;
- }
- bool is_excessive = false;
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- ::std::stringstream why;
- ::std::stringstream loc;
- const void* untyped_action = nullptr;
- // The UntypedFindMatchingExpectation() function acquires and
- // releases g_gmock_mutex.
- const ExpectationBase* const untyped_expectation =
- this->UntypedFindMatchingExpectation(untyped_args, &untyped_action,
- &is_excessive, &ss, &why);
- const bool found = untyped_expectation != nullptr;
- // True if and only if we need to print the call's arguments
- // and return value.
- // This definition must be kept in sync with the uses of Expect()
- // and Log() in this function.
- const bool need_to_report_call =
- !found || is_excessive || LogIsVisible(kInfo);
- if (!need_to_report_call) {
- // Perform the action without printing the call information.
- return untyped_action == nullptr
- ? this->UntypedPerformDefaultAction(untyped_args, "")
- : this->UntypedPerformAction(untyped_action, untyped_args);
- }
- ss << " Function call: " << Name();
- this->UntypedPrintArgs(untyped_args, &ss);
- // In case the action deletes a piece of the expectation, we
- // generate the message beforehand.
- if (found && !is_excessive) {
- untyped_expectation->DescribeLocationTo(&loc);
- }
- UntypedActionResultHolderBase* result = nullptr;
- auto perform_action = [&] {
- return untyped_action == nullptr
- ? this->UntypedPerformDefaultAction(untyped_args, ss.str())
- : this->UntypedPerformAction(untyped_action, untyped_args);
- };
- auto handle_failures = [&] {
- ss << "\n" << why.str();
- if (!found) {
- // No expectation matches this call - reports a failure.
- Expect(false, nullptr, -1, ss.str());
- } else if (is_excessive) {
- // We had an upper-bound violation and the failure message is in ss.
- Expect(false, untyped_expectation->file(), untyped_expectation->line(),
- ss.str());
- } else {
- // We had an expected call and the matching expectation is
- // described in ss.
- Log(kInfo, loc.str() + ss.str(), 2);
- }
- };
- try {
- result = perform_action();
- } catch (...) {
- handle_failures();
- throw;
- }
- result = perform_action();
- if (result != nullptr) result->PrintAsActionResult(&ss);
- handle_failures();
- return result;
// Returns an Expectation object that references and co-owns exp,
// which must be an expectation on this mock function.
Expectation UntypedFunctionMockerBase::GetHandleOf(ExpectationBase* exp) {
// See the definition of untyped_expectations_ for why access to it
// is unprotected here.
- for (UntypedExpectations::const_iterator it =
- untyped_expectations_.begin();
+ for (UntypedExpectations::const_iterator it = untyped_expectations_.begin();
it != untyped_expectations_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->get() == exp) {
return Expectation(*it);
@@ -526,8 +396,7 @@ bool UntypedFunctionMockerBase::VerifyAndClearExpectationsLocked()
bool expectations_met = true;
- for (UntypedExpectations::const_iterator it =
- untyped_expectations_.begin();
+ for (UntypedExpectations::const_iterator it = untyped_expectations_.begin();
it != untyped_expectations_.end(); ++it) {
ExpectationBase* const untyped_expectation = it->get();
if (untyped_expectation->IsOverSaturated()) {
@@ -538,15 +407,22 @@ bool UntypedFunctionMockerBase::VerifyAndClearExpectationsLocked()
} else if (!untyped_expectation->IsSatisfied()) {
expectations_met = false;
::std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "Actual function call count doesn't match "
- << untyped_expectation->source_text() << "...\n";
+ const ::std::string& expectation_name =
+ untyped_expectation->GetDescription();
+ ss << "Actual function ";
+ if (!expectation_name.empty()) {
+ ss << "\"" << expectation_name << "\" ";
+ }
+ ss << "call count doesn't match " << untyped_expectation->source_text()
+ << "...\n";
// No need to show the source file location of the expectation
// in the description, as the Expect() call that follows already
// takes care of it.
- Expect(false, untyped_expectation->file(),
- untyped_expectation->line(), ss.str());
+ Expect(false, untyped_expectation->file(), untyped_expectation->line(),
+ ss.str());
@@ -567,7 +443,7 @@ bool UntypedFunctionMockerBase::VerifyAndClearExpectationsLocked()
return expectations_met;
-CallReaction intToCallReaction(int mock_behavior) {
+static CallReaction intToCallReaction(int mock_behavior) {
if (mock_behavior >= kAllow && mock_behavior <= kFail) {
return static_cast<internal::CallReaction>(mock_behavior);
@@ -613,8 +489,7 @@ class MockObjectRegistry {
// object alive. Therefore we report any living object as test
// failure, unless the user explicitly asked us to ignore it.
~MockObjectRegistry() {
- if (!GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks))
- return;
+ if (!GMOCK_FLAG_GET(catch_leaked_mocks)) return;
int leaked_count = 0;
for (StateMap::const_iterator it = states_.begin(); it != states_.end();
@@ -629,12 +504,12 @@ class MockObjectRegistry {
std::cout << internal::FormatFileLocation(state.first_used_file,
std::cout << " ERROR: this mock object";
- if (state.first_used_test != "") {
+ if (!state.first_used_test.empty()) {
std::cout << " (used in test " << state.first_used_test_suite << "."
<< state.first_used_test << ")";
std::cout << " should be deleted but never is. Its address is @"
- << it->first << ".";
+ << it->first << ".";
if (leaked_count > 0) {
@@ -652,8 +527,12 @@ class MockObjectRegistry {
// RUN_ALL_TESTS() has already returned when this destructor is
// called. Therefore we cannot use the normal Google Test
// failure reporting mechanism.
+ qurt_exception_raise_fatal();
_exit(1); // We cannot call exit() as it is not reentrant and
// may already have been called.
@@ -668,57 +547,63 @@ MockObjectRegistry g_mock_object_registry;
// Maps a mock object to the reaction Google Mock should have when an
// uninteresting method is called. Protected by g_gmock_mutex.
-std::map<const void*, internal::CallReaction> g_uninteresting_call_reaction;
+std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, internal::CallReaction>&
+UninterestingCallReactionMap() {
+ static auto* map = new std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, internal::CallReaction>;
+ return *map;
// Sets the reaction Google Mock should have when an uninteresting
// method of the given mock object is called.
-void SetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj,
+void SetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj,
internal::CallReaction reaction)
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
internal::MutexLock l(&internal::g_gmock_mutex);
- g_uninteresting_call_reaction[mock_obj] = reaction;
+ UninterestingCallReactionMap()[mock_obj] = reaction;
} // namespace
// Tells Google Mock to allow uninteresting calls on the given mock
// object.
-void Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+void Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
SetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(mock_obj, internal::kAllow);
// Tells Google Mock to warn the user about uninteresting calls on the
// given mock object.
-void Mock::WarnUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+void Mock::WarnUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
SetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(mock_obj, internal::kWarn);
// Tells Google Mock to fail uninteresting calls on the given mock
// object.
-void Mock::FailUninterestingCalls(const void* mock_obj)
+void Mock::FailUninterestingCalls(uintptr_t mock_obj)
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
SetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(mock_obj, internal::kFail);
// Tells Google Mock the given mock object is being destroyed and its
// entry in the call-reaction table should be removed.
-void Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(const void* mock_obj)
+void Mock::UnregisterCallReaction(uintptr_t mock_obj)
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
internal::MutexLock l(&internal::g_gmock_mutex);
- g_uninteresting_call_reaction.erase(mock_obj);
+ UninterestingCallReactionMap().erase(static_cast<uintptr_t>(mock_obj));
// Returns the reaction Google Mock will have on uninteresting calls
// made on the given mock object.
internal::CallReaction Mock::GetReactionOnUninterestingCalls(
- const void* mock_obj)
- GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
+ const void* mock_obj) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_(internal::g_gmock_mutex) {
internal::MutexLock l(&internal::g_gmock_mutex);
- return (g_uninteresting_call_reaction.count(mock_obj) == 0) ?
- internal::intToCallReaction(GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior)) :
- g_uninteresting_call_reaction[mock_obj];
+ return (UninterestingCallReactionMap().count(
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mock_obj)) == 0)
+ ? internal::intToCallReaction(
+ GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior))
+ : UninterestingCallReactionMap()[reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
+ mock_obj)];
// Tells Google Mock to ignore mock_obj when checking for leaked mock
@@ -861,20 +746,20 @@ void Mock::ClearDefaultActionsLocked(void* mock_obj)
// needed by VerifyAndClearExpectationsLocked().
-Expectation::Expectation() {}
+Expectation::Expectation() = default;
const std::shared_ptr<internal::ExpectationBase>& an_expectation_base)
: expectation_base_(an_expectation_base) {}
-Expectation::~Expectation() {}
+Expectation::~Expectation() = default;
// Adds an expectation to a sequence.
void Sequence::AddExpectation(const Expectation& expectation) const {
if (*last_expectation_ != expectation) {
if (last_expectation_->expectation_base() != nullptr) {
- expectation.expectation_base()->immediate_prerequisites_
- += *last_expectation_;
+ expectation.expectation_base()->immediate_prerequisites_ +=
+ *last_expectation_;
*last_expectation_ = expectation;
@@ -901,8 +786,6 @@ InSequence::~InSequence() {
} // namespace testing
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if _MSC_VER == 1900
-# pragma warning(pop)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock.cc
index 7bcdb0ba..b5e714da 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock.cc
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
-namespace testing {
+#include <string>
+#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
GMOCK_DEFINE_bool_(catch_leaked_mocks, true,
"true if and only if Google Mock should report leaked "
"mock objects as failures.");
-GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(verbose, internal::kWarningVerbosity,
+GMOCK_DEFINE_string_(verbose, testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity,
"Controls how verbose Google Mock's output is."
" Valid values:\n"
" info - prints all messages.\n"
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ GMOCK_DEFINE_int32_(default_mock_behavior, 1,
" 1 - by default, mocks act as NaggyMocks.\n"
" 2 - by default, mocks act as StrictMocks.");
+namespace testing {
namespace internal {
// Parses a string as a command line flag. The string should have the
@@ -59,18 +60,18 @@ namespace internal {
// Returns the value of the flag, or NULL if the parsing failed.
static const char* ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(const char* str,
- const char* flag,
+ const char* flag_name,
bool def_optional) {
// str and flag must not be NULL.
- if (str == nullptr || flag == nullptr) return nullptr;
+ if (str == nullptr || flag_name == nullptr) return nullptr;
// The flag must start with "--gmock_".
- const std::string flag_str = std::string("--gmock_") + flag;
- const size_t flag_len = flag_str.length();
- if (strncmp(str, flag_str.c_str(), flag_len) != 0) return nullptr;
+ const std::string flag_name_str = std::string("--gmock_") + flag_name;
+ const size_t flag_name_len = flag_name_str.length();
+ if (strncmp(str, flag_name_str.c_str(), flag_name_len) != 0) return nullptr;
// Skips the flag name.
- const char* flag_end = str + flag_len;
+ const char* flag_end = str + flag_name_len;
// When def_optional is true, it's OK to not have a "=value" part.
if (def_optional && (flag_end[0] == '\0')) {
@@ -91,10 +92,10 @@ static const char* ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(const char* str,
// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
// true. On failure, returns false without changing *value.
-static bool ParseGoogleMockBoolFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
- bool* value) {
+static bool ParseGoogleMockFlag(const char* str, const char* flag_name,
+ bool* value) {
// Gets the value of the flag as a string.
- const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag, true);
+ const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag_name, true);
// Aborts if the parsing failed.
if (value_str == nullptr) return false;
@@ -110,10 +111,10 @@ static bool ParseGoogleMockBoolFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
// true. On failure, returns false without changing *value.
template <typename String>
-static bool ParseGoogleMockStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
- String* value) {
+static bool ParseGoogleMockFlag(const char* str, const char* flag_name,
+ String* value) {
// Gets the value of the flag as a string.
- const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag, false);
+ const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag_name, false);
// Aborts if the parsing failed.
if (value_str == nullptr) return false;
@@ -123,17 +124,17 @@ static bool ParseGoogleMockStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
return true;
-static bool ParseGoogleMockIntFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
- int32_t* value) {
+static bool ParseGoogleMockFlag(const char* str, const char* flag_name,
+ int32_t* value) {
// Gets the value of the flag as a string.
- const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag, true);
+ const char* const value_str = ParseGoogleMockFlagValue(str, flag_name, true);
// Aborts if the parsing failed.
if (value_str == nullptr) return false;
// Sets *value to the value of the flag.
- return ParseInt32(Message() << "The value of flag --" << flag,
- value_str, value);
+ return ParseInt32(Message() << "The value of flag --" << flag_name, value_str,
+ value);
// The internal implementation of InitGoogleMock().
@@ -152,11 +153,22 @@ void InitGoogleMockImpl(int* argc, CharType** argv) {
const char* const arg = arg_string.c_str();
// Do we see a Google Mock flag?
- if (ParseGoogleMockBoolFlag(arg, "catch_leaked_mocks",
- &GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks)) ||
- ParseGoogleMockStringFlag(arg, "verbose", &GMOCK_FLAG(verbose)) ||
- ParseGoogleMockIntFlag(arg, "default_mock_behavior",
- &GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior))) {
+ bool found_gmock_flag = false;
+#define GMOCK_INTERNAL_PARSE_FLAG(flag_name) \
+ if (!found_gmock_flag) { \
+ auto value = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(flag_name); \
+ if (ParseGoogleMockFlag(arg, #flag_name, &value)) { \
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(flag_name, value); \
+ found_gmock_flag = true; \
+ } \
+ }
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_PARSE_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks)
+ GMOCK_INTERNAL_PARSE_FLAG(default_mock_behavior)
+ if (found_gmock_flag) {
// Yes. Shift the remainder of the argv list left by one. Note
// that argv has (*argc + 1) elements, the last one always being
// NULL. The following loop moves the trailing NULL element as
diff --git a/googlemock/src/gmock_main.cc b/googlemock/src/gmock_main.cc
index 18c500f6..6b554127 100644
--- a/googlemock/src/gmock_main.cc
+++ b/googlemock/src/gmock_main.cc
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#if GTEST_OS_ESP8266
+#if defined(GTEST_OS_ESP8266) || defined(GTEST_OS_ESP32) || \
+ (defined(GTEST_OS_NRF52) && defined(ARDUINO))
+#ifdef GTEST_OS_ESP8266
extern "C" {
void setup() {
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ void setup() {
void loop() { RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
-#if GTEST_OS_ESP8266
+#ifdef GTEST_OS_ESP8266
@@ -55,8 +56,8 @@ void loop() { RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// Windows. See the following link to track the current status of this bug:
// https://web.archive.org/web/20170912203238/connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/394464/wmain-link-error-in-the-static-library
// // NOLINT
-# include <tchar.h> // NOLINT
+#include <tchar.h> // NOLINT
GTEST_API_ int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv) {
diff --git a/googlemock/test/Android.bp b/googlemock/test/Android.bp
index 17c5bca8..19463a36 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/Android.bp
+++ b/googlemock/test/Android.bp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ cc_defaults {
name: "gmock_test_defaults",
host_supported: true,
gtest: false,
+ cpp_std: "c++14",
cflags: [
@@ -54,11 +55,17 @@ cc_test {
// Test is disabled because Android doesn't build gmock with exceptions.
+ "gmock-function-mocker_test.cc",
- "gmock-matchers_test.cc",
+ "gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test.cc",
+ "gmock-matchers-comparisons_test.cc",
+ "gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc",
+ "gmock-matchers-misc_test.cc",
+ "gmock-pp_test.cc",
+ "gmock-pp-string_test.cc",
diff --git a/googlemock/test/BUILD.bazel b/googlemock/test/BUILD.bazel
index 1f7bd067..d4297c80 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/googlemock/test/BUILD.bazel
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
# Bazel Build for Google C++ Testing Framework(Google Test)-googlemock
-load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary", "cc_test")
load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_library", "py_test")
@@ -39,8 +38,9 @@ licenses(["notice"])
name = "gmock_all_test",
size = "small",
- srcs = glob(include = ["gmock-*.cc"]),
+ srcs = glob(include = ["gmock-*.cc"]) + ["gmock-matchers_test.h"],
linkopts = select({
+ "//:qnx": [],
"//:windows": [],
"//conditions:default": ["-pthread"],
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ py_test(
- python_version = "PY2",
tags = [
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-actions_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-actions_test.cc
index e1ca7fe2..da1675c5 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-actions_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-actions_test.cc
@@ -27,64 +27,231 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the built-in actions.
-// Silence C4100 (unreferenced formal parameter) for MSVC
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
-#if _MSC_VER == 1900
-// and silence C4800 (C4800: 'int *const ': forcing value
-// to bool 'true' or 'false') for MSVC 15
-# pragma warning(disable:4800)
#include "gmock/gmock-actions.h"
#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
+// Silence C4100 (unreferenced formal parameter) and C4503 (decorated name
+// length exceeded) for MSVC.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
+// and silence C4800 (C4800: 'int *const ': forcing value
+// to bool 'true' or 'false') for MSVC 15
+namespace testing {
namespace {
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Action;
-using ::testing::ActionInterface;
-using ::testing::Assign;
-using ::testing::ByMove;
-using ::testing::ByRef;
-using ::testing::DefaultValue;
-using ::testing::DoAll;
-using ::testing::DoDefault;
-using ::testing::IgnoreResult;
-using ::testing::Invoke;
-using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
-using ::testing::MakePolymorphicAction;
-using ::testing::PolymorphicAction;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::ReturnNew;
-using ::testing::ReturnNull;
-using ::testing::ReturnRef;
-using ::testing::ReturnRefOfCopy;
-using ::testing::ReturnRoundRobin;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee;
-using ::testing::Unused;
-using ::testing::WithArgs;
using ::testing::internal::BuiltInDefaultValue;
-using ::testing::SetErrnoAndReturn;
+TEST(TypeTraits, Negation) {
+ // Direct use with std types.
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<std::false_type,
+ internal::negation<std::true_type>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<std::true_type,
+ internal::negation<std::false_type>>::value,
+ "");
+ // With other types that fit the requirement of a value member that is
+ // convertible to bool.
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<
+ std::true_type,
+ internal::negation<std::integral_constant<int, 0>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<
+ std::false_type,
+ internal::negation<std::integral_constant<int, 1>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<
+ std::false_type,
+ internal::negation<std::integral_constant<int, -1>>>::value,
+ "");
+// Weird false/true types that aren't actually bool constants (but should still
+// be legal according to [meta.logical] because `bool(T::value)` is valid), are
+// distinct from std::false_type and std::true_type, and are distinct from other
+// instantiations of the same template.
+// These let us check finicky details mandated by the standard like
+// "std::conjunction should evaluate to a type that inherits from the first
+// false-y input".
+template <int>
+struct MyFalse : std::integral_constant<int, 0> {};
+template <int>
+struct MyTrue : std::integral_constant<int, -1> {};
+TEST(TypeTraits, Conjunction) {
+ // Base case: always true.
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<std::true_type, internal::conjunction<>>::value,
+ "");
+ // One predicate: inherits from that predicate, regardless of value.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<0>, internal::conjunction<MyFalse<0>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<0>, internal::conjunction<MyTrue<0>>>::value, "");
+ // Multiple predicates, with at least one false: inherits from that one.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<1>, internal::conjunction<MyTrue<0>, MyFalse<1>,
+ MyTrue<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<1>, internal::conjunction<MyTrue<0>, MyFalse<1>,
+ MyFalse<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+ // Short circuiting: in the case above, additional predicates need not even
+ // define a value member.
+ struct Empty {};
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<1>, internal::conjunction<MyTrue<0>, MyFalse<1>,
+ Empty>>::value,
+ "");
+ // All predicates true: inherits from the last.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<2>, internal::conjunction<MyTrue<0>, MyTrue<1>,
+ MyTrue<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+TEST(TypeTraits, Disjunction) {
+ // Base case: always false.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<std::false_type, internal::disjunction<>>::value, "");
+ // One predicate: inherits from that predicate, regardless of value.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<0>, internal::disjunction<MyFalse<0>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<0>, internal::disjunction<MyTrue<0>>>::value, "");
+ // Multiple predicates, with at least one true: inherits from that one.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<1>, internal::disjunction<MyFalse<0>, MyTrue<1>,
+ MyFalse<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<1>, internal::disjunction<MyFalse<0>, MyTrue<1>,
+ MyTrue<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+ // Short circuiting: in the case above, additional predicates need not even
+ // define a value member.
+ struct Empty {};
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyTrue<1>, internal::disjunction<MyFalse<0>, MyTrue<1>,
+ Empty>>::value,
+ "");
+ // All predicates false: inherits from the last.
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<MyFalse<2>, internal::disjunction<MyFalse<0>, MyFalse<1>,
+ MyFalse<2>>>::value,
+ "");
+TEST(TypeTraits, IsInvocableRV) {
+ struct C {
+ int operator()() const { return 0; }
+ void operator()(int) & {}
+ std::string operator()(int) && { return ""; };
+ };
+ // The first overload is callable for const and non-const rvalues and lvalues.
+ // It can be used to obtain an int, cv void, or anything int is convertible
+ // to.
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<int, C>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<int, C&>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<int, const C>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<int, const C&>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<void, C>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<const volatile void, C>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<char, C>::value, "");
+ // It's possible to provide an int. If it's given to an lvalue, the result is
+ // void. Otherwise it is std::string (which is also treated as allowed for a
+ // void result type).
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<void, C&, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<int, C&, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<std::string, C&, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, const C&, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<std::string, C, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<void, C, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<int, C, int>::value, "");
+ // It's not possible to provide other arguments.
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, C, std::string>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, C, int, int>::value, "");
+ // In C++17 and above, where it's guaranteed that functions can return
+ // non-moveable objects, everything should work fine for non-moveable rsult
+ // types too.
+ {
+ struct NonMoveable {
+ NonMoveable() = default;
+ NonMoveable(NonMoveable&&) = delete;
+ };
+ static_assert(!std::is_move_constructible_v<NonMoveable>);
+ struct Callable {
+ NonMoveable operator()() { return NonMoveable(); }
+ };
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<NonMoveable, Callable>::value);
+ static_assert(internal::is_callable_r<void, Callable>::value);
+ static_assert(
+ internal::is_callable_r<const volatile void, Callable>::value);
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<int, Callable>::value);
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<NonMoveable, Callable, int>::value);
+ }
+#endif // C++17 and above
+ // Nothing should choke when we try to call other arguments besides directly
+ // callable objects, but they should not show up as callable.
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, int>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, void (C::*)()>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!internal::is_callable_r<void, void (C::*)(), C*>::value, "");
// Tests that BuiltInDefaultValue<T*>::Get() returns NULL.
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsNullForPointerTypes) {
@@ -114,17 +281,17 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsZeroForNumericTypes) {
EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned short>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed short>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<short>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed short>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<short>::Get()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned int>::Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed int>::Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<int>::Get());
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<long>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<long>::Get()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long long>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long long>::Get()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<long long>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long long>::Get()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<long long>::Get()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<float>::Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<double>::Get());
@@ -139,17 +306,17 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, ExistsForNumericTypes) {
EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned short>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed short>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<short>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed short>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<short>::Exists()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned int>::Exists());
EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed int>::Exists());
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned long long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<long long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<signed long long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<long long>::Exists()); // NOLINT
@@ -167,13 +334,13 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, BoolExists) {
// Tests that BuiltInDefaultValue<T>::Get() returns "" when T is a
// string type.
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsEmptyStringForString) {
- EXPECT_EQ("", BuiltInDefaultValue< ::std::string>::Get());
+ EXPECT_EQ("", BuiltInDefaultValue<::std::string>::Get());
// Tests that BuiltInDefaultValue<T>::Exists() returns true when T is a
// string type.
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, ExistsForString) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue< ::std::string>::Exists());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BuiltInDefaultValue<::std::string>::Exists());
// Tests that BuiltInDefaultValue<const T>::Get() returns the same
@@ -208,7 +375,6 @@ class MyNonDefaultConstructible {
int value_;
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, ExistsForDefaultConstructibleType) {
@@ -217,25 +383,19 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsDefaultConstructedForDefaultConstructibleType) {
EXPECT_EQ(42, BuiltInDefaultValue<MyDefaultConstructible>::Get().value());
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, DoesNotExistForNonDefaultConstructibleType) {
// Tests that BuiltInDefaultValue<T&>::Get() aborts the program.
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueDeathTest, IsUndefinedForReferences) {
- BuiltInDefaultValue<int&>::Get();
- }, "");
- BuiltInDefaultValue<const char&>::Get();
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ BuiltInDefaultValue<int&>::Get(); }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ BuiltInDefaultValue<const char&>::Get(); }, "");
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueDeathTest, IsUndefinedForNonDefaultConstructibleType) {
- BuiltInDefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get();
- }, "");
+ { BuiltInDefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get(); }, "");
// Tests that DefaultValue<T>::IsSet() is false initially.
@@ -281,26 +441,22 @@ TEST(DefaultValueDeathTest, GetReturnsBuiltInDefaultValueWhenUnset) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, DefaultValue<int>::Get());
- DefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get();
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ DefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get(); },
+ "");
TEST(DefaultValueTest, GetWorksForMoveOnlyIfSet) {
EXPECT_TRUE(DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::Get() == nullptr);
- DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::SetFactory([] {
- return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(42));
- });
+ DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::SetFactory(
+ [] { return std::make_unique<int>(42); });
std::unique_ptr<int> i = DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::Get();
EXPECT_EQ(42, *i);
// Tests that DefaultValue<void>::Get() returns void.
-TEST(DefaultValueTest, GetWorksForVoid) {
- return DefaultValue<void>::Get();
+TEST(DefaultValueTest, GetWorksForVoid) { return DefaultValue<void>::Get(); }
// Tests using DefaultValue with a reference type.
@@ -311,7 +467,7 @@ TEST(DefaultValueOfReferenceTest, IsInitiallyUnset) {
-// Tests that DefaultValue<T&>::Exists is false initiallly.
+// Tests that DefaultValue<T&>::Exists is false initially.
TEST(DefaultValueOfReferenceTest, IsInitiallyNotExisting) {
@@ -348,12 +504,9 @@ TEST(DefaultValueOfReferenceDeathTest, GetReturnsBuiltInDefaultValueWhenUnset) {
- DefaultValue<int&>::Get();
- }, "");
- DefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get();
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ DefaultValue<int&>::Get(); }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ DefaultValue<MyNonDefaultConstructible>::Get(); },
+ "");
// Tests that ActionInterface can be implemented by defining the
@@ -384,7 +537,7 @@ TEST(ActionInterfaceTest, MakeAction) {
EXPECT_EQ(5, action.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, 5)));
-// Tests that Action<F> can be contructed from a pointer to
+// Tests that Action<F> can be constructed from a pointer to
// ActionInterface<F>.
TEST(ActionTest, CanBeConstructedFromActionInterface) {
Action<MyGlobalFunction> action(new MyActionImpl);
@@ -433,7 +586,7 @@ class IsNotZero : public ActionInterface<bool(int)> { // NOLINT
TEST(ActionTest, CanBeConvertedToOtherActionType) {
- const Action<bool(int)> a1(new IsNotZero); // NOLINT
+ const Action<bool(int)> a1(new IsNotZero); // NOLINT
const Action<int(char)> a2 = Action<int(char)>(a1); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(1, a2.Perform(std::make_tuple('a')));
EXPECT_EQ(0, a2.Perform(std::make_tuple('\0')));
@@ -525,27 +678,137 @@ TEST(ReturnTest, AcceptsStringLiteral) {
EXPECT_EQ("world", a2.Perform(std::make_tuple()));
-// Test struct which wraps a vector of integers. Used in
-// 'SupportsWrapperReturnType' test.
-struct IntegerVectorWrapper {
- std::vector<int> * v;
- IntegerVectorWrapper(std::vector<int>& _v) : v(&_v) {} // NOLINT
+// Return(x) should work fine when the mock function's return type is a
+// reference-like wrapper for decltype(x), as when x is a std::string and the
+// mock function returns std::string_view.
+TEST(ReturnTest, SupportsReferenceLikeReturnType) {
+ // A reference wrapper for std::vector<int>, implicitly convertible from it.
+ struct Result {
+ const std::vector<int>* v;
+ Result(const std::vector<int>& vec) : v(&vec) {} // NOLINT
+ };
+ // Set up an action for a mock function that returns the reference wrapper
+ // type, initializing it with an actual vector.
+ //
+ // The returned wrapper should be initialized with a copy of that vector
+ // that's embedded within the action itself (which should stay alive as long
+ // as the mock object is alive), rather than e.g. a reference to the temporary
+ // we feed to Return. This should work fine both for WillOnce and
+ // WillRepeatedly.
+ MockFunction<Result()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(Return(std::vector<int>{17, 19, 23}))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::vector<int>{29, 31, 37}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ Field(&Result::v, Pointee(ElementsAre(17, 19, 23))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ Field(&Result::v, Pointee(ElementsAre(29, 31, 37))));
+TEST(ReturnTest, PrefersConversionOperator) {
+ // Define types In and Out such that:
+ //
+ // * In is implicitly convertible to Out.
+ // * Out also has an explicit constructor from In.
+ //
+ struct In;
+ struct Out {
+ int x;
+ explicit Out(const int val) : x(val) {}
+ explicit Out(const In&) : x(0) {}
+ };
+ struct In {
+ operator Out() const { return Out{19}; } // NOLINT
+ };
+ // Assumption check: the C++ language rules are such that a function that
+ // returns Out which uses In a return statement will use the implicit
+ // conversion path rather than the explicit constructor.
+ EXPECT_THAT([]() -> Out { return In(); }(), Field(&Out::x, 19));
+ // Return should work the same way: if the mock function's return type is Out
+ // and we feed Return an In value, then the Out should be created through the
+ // implicit conversion path rather than the explicit constructor.
+ MockFunction<Out()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return(In()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(), Field(&Out::x, 19));
-// Tests that Return() works when return type is a wrapper type.
-TEST(ReturnTest, SupportsWrapperReturnType) {
- // Initialize vector of integers.
- std::vector<int> v;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) v.push_back(i);
+// It should be possible to use Return(R) with a mock function result type U
+// that is convertible from const R& but *not* R (such as
+// std::reference_wrapper). This should work for both WillOnce and
+// WillRepeatedly.
+TEST(ReturnTest, ConversionRequiresConstLvalueReference) {
+ using R = int;
+ using U = std::reference_wrapper<const int>;
- // Return() called with 'v' as argument. The Action will return the same data
- // as 'v' (copy) but it will be wrapped in an IntegerVectorWrapper.
- Action<IntegerVectorWrapper()> a = Return(v);
- const std::vector<int>& result = *(a.Perform(std::make_tuple()).v);
- EXPECT_THAT(result, ::testing::ElementsAre(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible<const R&, U>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<R, U>::value, "");
+ MockFunction<U()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return(17)).WillRepeatedly(Return(19));
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()());
-// Tests that Return(v) is covaraint.
+// Return(x) should not be usable with a mock function result type that's
+// implicitly convertible from decltype(x) but requires a non-const lvalue
+// reference to the input. It doesn't make sense for the conversion operator to
+// modify the input.
+TEST(ReturnTest, ConversionRequiresMutableLvalueReference) {
+ // Set up a type that is implicitly convertible from std::string&, but not
+ // std::string&& or `const std::string&`.
+ //
+ // Avoid asserting about conversion from std::string on MSVC, which seems to
+ // implement std::is_convertible incorrectly in this case.
+ struct S {
+ S(std::string&) {} // NOLINT
+ };
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible<std::string&, S>::value, "");
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<std::string&&, S>::value, "");
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<const std::string&, S>::value, "");
+ // It shouldn't be possible to use the result of Return(std::string) in a
+ // context where an S is needed.
+ //
+ // Here too we disable the assertion for MSVC, since its incorrect
+ // implementation of is_convertible causes our SFINAE to be wrong.
+ using RA = decltype(Return(std::string()));
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<RA, Action<S()>>::value, "");
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<RA, OnceAction<S()>>::value, "");
+TEST(ReturnTest, MoveOnlyResultType) {
+ // Return should support move-only result types when used with WillOnce.
+ {
+ MockFunction<std::unique_ptr<int>()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(Return(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(17))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(), Pointee(17));
+ }
+ // The result of Return should not be convertible to Action (so it can't be
+ // used with WillRepeatedly).
+ static_assert(!std::is_convertible<decltype(Return(std::unique_ptr<int>())),
+ Action<std::unique_ptr<int>()>>::value,
+ "");
+// Tests that Return(v) is covariant.
struct Base {
bool operator==(const Base&) { return true; }
@@ -596,19 +859,6 @@ TEST(ReturnTest, ConvertsArgumentWhenConverted) {
<< "when performed.";
-class DestinationType {};
-class SourceType {
- public:
- // Note: a non-const typecast operator.
- operator DestinationType() { return DestinationType(); }
-TEST(ReturnTest, CanConvertArgumentUsingNonConstTypeCastOperator) {
- SourceType s;
- Action<DestinationType()> action(Return(s));
// Tests that ReturnNull() returns NULL in a pointer-returning function.
TEST(ReturnNullTest, WorksInPointerReturningFunction) {
const Action<int*()> a1 = ReturnNull();
@@ -648,7 +898,9 @@ TEST(ReturnRefTest, IsCovariant) {
template <typename T, typename = decltype(ReturnRef(std::declval<T&&>()))>
-bool CanCallReturnRef(T&&) { return true; }
+bool CanCallReturnRef(T&&) {
+ return true;
bool CanCallReturnRef(Unused) { return false; }
// Tests that ReturnRef(v) is working with non-temporaries (T&)
@@ -668,7 +920,7 @@ TEST(ReturnRefTest, WorksForNonTemporary) {
// Tests that ReturnRef(v) is not working with temporaries (T&&)
TEST(ReturnRefTest, DoesNotWorkForTemporary) {
- auto scalar_value = []() -> int { return 123; };
+ auto scalar_value = []() -> int { return 123; };
auto non_scalar_value = []() -> std::string { return "ABC"; };
@@ -735,7 +987,7 @@ TEST(ReturnRoundRobinTest, WorksForVector) {
class MockClass {
- MockClass() {}
+ MockClass() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1(IntFunc, int(bool flag)); // NOLINT
MOCK_METHOD0(Foo, MyNonDefaultConstructible());
@@ -747,15 +999,15 @@ class MockClass {
int(const std::unique_ptr<int>&, std::unique_ptr<int>));
+ MockClass(const MockClass&) = delete;
+ MockClass& operator=(const MockClass&) = delete;
// Tests that DoDefault() returns the built-in default value for the
// return type by default.
TEST(DoDefaultTest, ReturnsBuiltInDefaultValueByDefault) {
MockClass mock;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillOnce(DoDefault());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_)).WillOnce(DoDefault());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock.IntFunc(true));
@@ -763,14 +1015,11 @@ TEST(DoDefaultTest, ReturnsBuiltInDefaultValueByDefault) {
// the process when there is no built-in default value for the return type.
TEST(DoDefaultDeathTest, DiesForUnknowType) {
MockClass mock;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo())
- .WillRepeatedly(DoDefault());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo()).WillRepeatedly(DoDefault());
- mock.Foo();
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ mock.Foo(); }, "");
@@ -782,16 +1031,13 @@ void VoidFunc(bool /* flag */) {}
TEST(DoDefaultDeathTest, DiesIfUsedInCompositeAction) {
MockClass mock;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(Invoke(VoidFunc),
- DoDefault()));
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(Invoke(VoidFunc), DoDefault()));
// Ideally we should verify the error message as well. Sadly,
// EXPECT_DEATH() can only capture stderr, while Google Mock's
// errors are printed on stdout. Therefore we have to settle for
// not verifying the message.
- mock.IntFunc(true);
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ mock.IntFunc(true); }, "");
// Tests that DoDefault() returns the default value set by
@@ -799,8 +1045,7 @@ TEST(DoDefaultDeathTest, DiesIfUsedInCompositeAction) {
TEST(DoDefaultTest, ReturnsUserSpecifiedPerTypeDefaultValueWhenThereIsOne) {
MockClass mock;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillOnce(DoDefault());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_)).WillOnce(DoDefault());
EXPECT_EQ(1, mock.IntFunc(false));
@@ -808,20 +1053,19 @@ TEST(DoDefaultTest, ReturnsUserSpecifiedPerTypeDefaultValueWhenThereIsOne) {
// Tests that DoDefault() does the action specified by ON_CALL().
TEST(DoDefaultTest, DoesWhatOnCallSpecifies) {
MockClass mock;
- ON_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillOnce(DoDefault());
+ ON_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_)).WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_)).WillOnce(DoDefault());
EXPECT_EQ(2, mock.IntFunc(false));
// Tests that using DoDefault() in ON_CALL() leads to a run-time failure.
TEST(DoDefaultTest, CannotBeUsedInOnCall) {
MockClass mock;
- ON_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_))
- .WillByDefault(DoDefault());
- }, "DoDefault() cannot be used in ON_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ ON_CALL(mock, IntFunc(_)).WillByDefault(DoDefault());
+ },
+ "DoDefault() cannot be used in ON_CALL()");
// Tests that SetArgPointee<N>(v) sets the variable pointed to by
@@ -868,7 +1112,7 @@ TEST(SetArgPointeeTest, AcceptsWideStringLiteral) {
EXPECT_STREQ(L"world", ptr);
typedef void MyStringFunction(std::wstring*);
Action<MyStringFunction> a2 = SetArgPointee<0>(L"world");
@@ -876,7 +1120,7 @@ TEST(SetArgPointeeTest, AcceptsWideStringLiteral) {
EXPECT_EQ(L"world", str);
-# endif
// Tests that SetArgPointee<N>() accepts a char pointer.
@@ -907,7 +1151,7 @@ TEST(SetArgPointeeTest, AcceptsWideCharPointer) {
a.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, &ptr));
EXPECT_EQ(hi, ptr);
typedef void MyStringFunction(bool, std::wstring*);
wchar_t world_array[] = L"world";
@@ -916,7 +1160,7 @@ TEST(SetArgPointeeTest, AcceptsWideCharPointer) {
std::wstring str;
a2.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, &str));
EXPECT_EQ(world_array, str);
-# endif
// Tests that SetArgumentPointee<N>(v) sets the variable pointed to by
@@ -1079,6 +1323,159 @@ TEST(AssignTest, CompatibleTypes) {
+// DoAll should support &&-qualified actions when used with WillOnce.
+TEST(DoAll, SupportsRefQualifiedActions) {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(const int arg) && { EXPECT_EQ(17, arg); }
+ };
+ struct FinalAction {
+ int operator()() && { return 19; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<int(int)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, FinalAction{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()(17));
+// DoAll should never provide rvalue references to the initial actions. If the
+// mock action itself accepts an rvalue reference or a non-scalar object by
+// value then the final action should receive an rvalue reference, but initial
+// actions should receive only lvalue references.
+TEST(DoAll, ProvidesLvalueReferencesToInitialActions) {
+ struct Obj {};
+ // Mock action accepts by value: the initial action should be fed a const
+ // lvalue reference, and the final action an rvalue reference.
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ void operator()(const Obj&) const {}
+ void operator()(Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ void operator()(const Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(Obj)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&&) {}))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&&) {}));
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ }
+ // Mock action accepts by const lvalue reference: both actions should receive
+ // a const lvalue reference.
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ void operator()(const Obj&) const {}
+ void operator()(Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ void operator()(const Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(const Obj&)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](const Obj&) {}))
+ .WillRepeatedly(
+ DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](const Obj&) {}));
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ }
+ // Mock action accepts by non-const lvalue reference: both actions should get
+ // a non-const lvalue reference if they want them.
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) const {}
+ void operator()(Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(Obj&)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&) {}))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&) {}));
+ Obj obj;
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(obj);
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(obj);
+ }
+ // Mock action accepts by rvalue reference: the initial actions should receive
+ // a non-const lvalue reference if it wants it, and the final action an rvalue
+ // reference.
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) const {}
+ void operator()(Obj&&) const { FAIL() << "Unexpected call"; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(Obj&&)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&&) {}))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&&) {}));
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ }
+ // &&-qualified initial actions should also be allowed with WillOnce.
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) && {}
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(Obj&)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&) {}));
+ Obj obj;
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(obj);
+ }
+ {
+ struct InitialAction {
+ void operator()(Obj&) && {}
+ };
+ MockFunction<void(Obj&&)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InitialAction{}, InitialAction{}, [](Obj&&) {}));
+ mock.AsStdFunction()(Obj{});
+ }
+// DoAll should support being used with type-erased Action objects, both through
+// WillOnce and WillRepeatedly.
+TEST(DoAll, SupportsTypeErasedActions) {
+ // With only type-erased actions.
+ const Action<void()> initial_action = [] {};
+ const Action<int()> final_action = [] { return 17; };
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(initial_action, initial_action, final_action))
+ .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(initial_action, initial_action, final_action));
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ // With &&-qualified and move-only final action.
+ {
+ struct FinalAction {
+ FinalAction() = default;
+ FinalAction(FinalAction&&) = default;
+ int operator()() && { return 17; }
+ };
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(initial_action, initial_action, FinalAction{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ }
// Tests using WithArgs and with an action that takes 1 argument.
TEST(WithArgsTest, OneArg) {
@@ -1175,11 +1572,32 @@ TEST(WithArgsTest, ReturnReference) {
TEST(WithArgsTest, InnerActionWithConversion) {
Action<Derived*()> inner = [] { return nullptr; };
- Action<Base*(double)> a = testing::WithoutArgs(inner);
- EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, a.Perform(std::make_tuple(1.1)));
+ MockFunction<Base*(double)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(WithoutArgs(inner))
+ .WillRepeatedly(WithoutArgs(inner));
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mock.AsStdFunction()(1.1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mock.AsStdFunction()(1.1));
+// It should be possible to use an &&-qualified inner action as long as the
+// whole shebang is used as an rvalue with WillOnce.
+TEST(WithArgsTest, RefQualifiedInnerAction) {
+ struct SomeAction {
+ int operator()(const int arg) && {
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, arg);
+ return 19;
+ }
+ };
+ MockFunction<int(int, int)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(WithArg<1>(SomeAction{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()(0, 17));
class SetErrnoAndReturnTest : public testing::Test {
@@ -1235,7 +1653,7 @@ TEST(ByRefTest, IsCopyable) {
TEST(ByRefTest, ConstValue) {
const int n = 0;
// int& ref = ByRef(n); // This shouldn't compile - we have a
- // negative compilation test to catch it.
+ // negative compilation test to catch it.
const int& const_ref = ByRef(n);
EXPECT_EQ(&n, &const_ref);
@@ -1260,7 +1678,7 @@ TEST(ByRefTest, ExplicitType) {
EXPECT_EQ(&n, &r1);
// ByRef<char>(n); // This shouldn't compile - we have a negative
- // compilation test to catch it.
+ // compilation test to catch it.
Derived d;
Derived& r2 = ByRef<Derived>(d);
@@ -1338,9 +1756,7 @@ TEST(ReturnNewTest, ConstructorThatTakes10Arguments) {
delete c;
-std::unique_ptr<int> UniquePtrSource() {
- return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(19));
+std::unique_ptr<int> UniquePtrSource() { return std::make_unique<int>(19); }
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> VectorUniquePtrSource() {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> out;
@@ -1375,9 +1791,10 @@ TEST(MockMethodTest, CanReturnMoveOnlyValue_DoAllReturn) {
MockClass mock;
std::unique_ptr<int> i(new int(19));
EXPECT_CALL(mock_function, Call());
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, MakeUnique()).WillOnce(DoAll(
- InvokeWithoutArgs(&mock_function, &testing::MockFunction<void()>::Call),
- Return(ByMove(std::move(i)))));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, MakeUnique())
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(InvokeWithoutArgs(&mock_function,
+ &testing::MockFunction<void()>::Call),
+ Return(ByMove(std::move(i)))));
std::unique_ptr<int> result1 = mock.MakeUnique();
EXPECT_EQ(19, *result1);
@@ -1387,9 +1804,8 @@ TEST(MockMethodTest, CanReturnMoveOnlyValue_Invoke) {
MockClass mock;
// Check default value
- DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::SetFactory([] {
- return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(42));
- });
+ DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<int>>::SetFactory(
+ [] { return std::make_unique<int>(42); });
EXPECT_EQ(42, *mock.MakeUnique());
EXPECT_CALL(mock, MakeUnique()).WillRepeatedly(Invoke(UniquePtrSource));
@@ -1409,7 +1825,7 @@ TEST(MockMethodTest, CanReturnMoveOnlyValue_Invoke) {
TEST(MockMethodTest, CanTakeMoveOnlyValue) {
MockClass mock;
- auto make = [](int i) { return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(i)); };
+ auto make = [](int i) { return std::make_unique<int>(i); };
EXPECT_CALL(mock, TakeUnique(_)).WillRepeatedly([](std::unique_ptr<int> i) {
return *i;
@@ -1449,6 +1865,178 @@ TEST(MockMethodTest, CanTakeMoveOnlyValue) {
EXPECT_EQ(42, *saved);
+// It should be possible to use callables with an &&-qualified call operator
+// with WillOnce, since they will be called only once. This allows actions to
+// contain and manipulate move-only types.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, ActionHasRvalueRefQualifiedCallOperator) {
+ struct Return17 {
+ int operator()() && { return 17; }
+ };
+ // Action is directly compatible with mocked function type.
+ {
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return17());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ }
+ // Action doesn't want mocked function arguments.
+ {
+ MockFunction<int(int)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return17());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ }
+// Edge case: if an action has both a const-qualified and an &&-qualified call
+// operator, there should be no "ambiguous call" errors. The &&-qualified
+// operator should be used by WillOnce (since it doesn't need to retain the
+// action beyond one call), and the const-qualified one by WillRepeatedly.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, ActionHasMultipleCallOperators) {
+ struct ReturnInt {
+ int operator()() && { return 17; }
+ int operator()() const& { return 19; }
+ };
+ // Directly compatible with mocked function type.
+ {
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(ReturnInt()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnInt());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ }
+ // Ignores function arguments.
+ {
+ MockFunction<int(int)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(ReturnInt()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnInt());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ }
+// WillOnce should have no problem coping with a move-only action, whether it is
+// &&-qualified or not.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, MoveOnlyAction) {
+ // &&-qualified
+ {
+ struct Return17 {
+ Return17() = default;
+ Return17(Return17&&) = default;
+ Return17(const Return17&) = delete;
+ Return17 operator=(const Return17&) = delete;
+ int operator()() && { return 17; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return17());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ }
+ // Not &&-qualified
+ {
+ struct Return17 {
+ Return17() = default;
+ Return17(Return17&&) = default;
+ Return17(const Return17&) = delete;
+ Return17 operator=(const Return17&) = delete;
+ int operator()() const { return 17; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return17());
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ }
+// It should be possible to use an action that returns a value with a mock
+// function that doesn't, both through WillOnce and WillRepeatedly.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, ActionReturnsIgnoredValue) {
+ struct ReturnInt {
+ int operator()() const { return 0; }
+ };
+ MockFunction<void()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(ReturnInt()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnInt());
+ mock.AsStdFunction()();
+ mock.AsStdFunction()();
+// Despite the fanciness around move-only actions and so on, it should still be
+// possible to hand an lvalue reference to a copyable action to WillOnce.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, WillOnceCanAcceptLvalueReference) {
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ const auto action = [] { return 17; };
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(action);
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+// A callable that doesn't use SFINAE to restrict its call operator's overload
+// set, but is still picky about which arguments it will accept.
+struct StaticAssertSingleArgument {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ static constexpr bool CheckArgs() {
+ static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == 1, "");
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename... Args, bool = CheckArgs<Args...>()>
+ int operator()(Args...) const {
+ return 17;
+ }
+// WillOnce and WillRepeatedly should both work fine with naïve implementations
+// of actions that don't use SFINAE to limit the overload set for their call
+// operator. If they are compatible with the actual mocked signature, we
+// shouldn't probe them with no arguments and trip a static_assert.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, ActionSwallowsAllArguments) {
+ MockFunction<int(int)> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(StaticAssertSingleArgument{})
+ .WillRepeatedly(StaticAssertSingleArgument{});
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+struct ActionWithTemplatedConversionOperators {
+ template <typename... Args>
+ operator OnceAction<int(Args...)>() && { // NOLINT
+ return [] { return 17; };
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ operator Action<int(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
+ return [] { return 19; };
+ }
+// It should be fine to hand both WillOnce and WillRepeatedly a function that
+// defines templated conversion operators to OnceAction and Action. WillOnce
+// should prefer the OnceAction version.
+TEST(MockMethodTest, ActionHasTemplatedConversionOperators) {
+ MockFunction<int()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ .WillOnce(ActionWithTemplatedConversionOperators{})
+ .WillRepeatedly(ActionWithTemplatedConversionOperators{});
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()());
+ EXPECT_EQ(19, mock.AsStdFunction()());
// Tests for std::function based action.
@@ -1463,12 +2051,12 @@ int Deref(std::unique_ptr<int> ptr) { return *ptr; }
struct Double {
template <typename T>
- T operator()(T t) { return 2 * t; }
+ T operator()(T t) {
+ return 2 * t;
+ }
-std::unique_ptr<int> UniqueInt(int i) {
- return std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(i));
+std::unique_ptr<int> UniqueInt(int i) { return std::make_unique<int>(i); }
TEST(FunctorActionTest, ActionFromFunction) {
Action<int(int, int&, int*)> a = &Add;
@@ -1532,8 +2120,9 @@ TEST(FunctorActionTest, TypeConversion) {
TEST(FunctorActionTest, UnusedArguments) {
// Verify that users can ignore uninteresting arguments.
- Action<int(int, double y, double z)> a =
- [](int i, Unused, Unused) { return 2 * i; };
+ Action<int(int, double y, double z)> a = [](int i, Unused, Unused) {
+ return 2 * i;
+ };
std::tuple<int, double, double> dummy = std::make_tuple(3, 7.3, 9.44);
EXPECT_EQ(6, a.Perform(dummy));
@@ -1552,9 +2141,7 @@ TEST(MoveOnlyArgumentsTest, ReturningActions) {
EXPECT_EQ(x, 3);
-ACTION(ReturnArity) {
- return std::tuple_size<args_type>::value;
+ACTION(ReturnArity) { return std::tuple_size<args_type>::value; }
TEST(ActionMacro, LargeArity) {
@@ -1573,11 +2160,10 @@ TEST(ActionMacro, LargeArity) {
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)));
-} // Unnamed namespace
+} // namespace
+} // namespace testing
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if _MSC_VER == 1900
-# pragma warning(pop)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1900)
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-cardinalities_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-cardinalities_test.cc
index ca97cae2..ad49752e 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-cardinalities_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-cardinalities_test.cc
@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the built-in cardinalities.
+#include <ostream>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
@@ -51,17 +52,16 @@ using testing::MakeCardinality;
class MockFoo {
- MockFoo() {}
+ MockFoo() = default;
MOCK_METHOD0(Bar, int()); // NOLINT
+ MockFoo(const MockFoo&) = delete;
+ MockFoo& operator=(const MockFoo&) = delete;
// Tests that Cardinality objects can be default constructed.
-TEST(CardinalityTest, IsDefaultConstructable) {
- Cardinality c;
+TEST(CardinalityTest, IsDefaultConstructable) { Cardinality c; }
// Tests that Cardinality objects are copyable.
TEST(CardinalityTest, IsCopyable) {
@@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ TEST(AnyNumber, Works) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called any number of times",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called any number of times", ss.str());
TEST(AnyNumberTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
@@ -132,9 +131,11 @@ TEST(AnyNumberTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
// Tests AtLeast(n).
TEST(AtLeastTest, OnNegativeNumber) {
- AtLeast(-1);
- }, "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0");
+ { // NOLINT
+ AtLeast(-1);
+ },
+ "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0");
TEST(AtLeastTest, OnZero) {
@@ -147,8 +148,7 @@ TEST(AtLeastTest, OnZero) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "any number of times",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "any number of times", ss.str());
TEST(AtLeastTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
@@ -164,18 +164,15 @@ TEST(AtLeastTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
stringstream ss1;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least once",
- ss1.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least once", ss1.str());
stringstream ss2;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least twice",
- ss2.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least twice", ss2.str());
stringstream ss3;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least 3 times",
- ss3.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "at least 3 times", ss3.str());
TEST(AtLeastTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
@@ -187,9 +184,11 @@ TEST(AtLeastTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
// Tests AtMost(n).
TEST(AtMostTest, OnNegativeNumber) {
- AtMost(-1);
- }, "The invocation upper bound must be >= 0");
+ { // NOLINT
+ AtMost(-1);
+ },
+ "The invocation upper bound must be >= 0");
TEST(AtMostTest, OnZero) {
@@ -202,8 +201,7 @@ TEST(AtMostTest, OnZero) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called", ss.str());
TEST(AtMostTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
@@ -219,18 +217,15 @@ TEST(AtMostTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
stringstream ss1;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most once",
- ss1.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most once", ss1.str());
stringstream ss2;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most twice",
- ss2.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most twice", ss2.str());
stringstream ss3;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most 3 times",
- ss3.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most 3 times", ss3.str());
TEST(AtMostTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
@@ -242,22 +237,28 @@ TEST(AtMostTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
// Tests Between(m, n).
TEST(BetweenTest, OnNegativeStart) {
- Between(-1, 2);
- }, "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, but is actually -1");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Between(-1, 2);
+ },
+ "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, but is actually -1");
TEST(BetweenTest, OnNegativeEnd) {
- Between(1, -2);
- }, "The invocation upper bound must be >= 0, but is actually -2");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Between(1, -2);
+ },
+ "The invocation upper bound must be >= 0, but is actually -2");
TEST(BetweenTest, OnStartBiggerThanEnd) {
- Between(2, 1);
- }, "The invocation upper bound (1) must be >= "
- "the invocation lower bound (2)");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Between(2, 1);
+ },
+ "The invocation upper bound (1) must be >= "
+ "the invocation lower bound (2)");
TEST(BetweenTest, OnZeroStartAndZeroEnd) {
@@ -271,8 +272,7 @@ TEST(BetweenTest, OnZeroStartAndZeroEnd) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called", ss.str());
TEST(BetweenTest, OnZeroStartAndNonZeroEnd) {
@@ -289,8 +289,7 @@ TEST(BetweenTest, OnZeroStartAndNonZeroEnd) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most twice",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called at most twice", ss.str());
TEST(BetweenTest, OnSameStartAndEnd) {
@@ -307,8 +306,7 @@ TEST(BetweenTest, OnSameStartAndEnd) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called 3 times",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called 3 times", ss.str());
TEST(BetweenTest, OnDifferentStartAndEnd) {
@@ -328,8 +326,7 @@ TEST(BetweenTest, OnDifferentStartAndEnd) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called between 3 and 5 times",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called between 3 and 5 times", ss.str());
TEST(BetweenTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
@@ -341,9 +338,11 @@ TEST(BetweenTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
// Tests Exactly(n).
TEST(ExactlyTest, OnNegativeNumber) {
- Exactly(-1);
- }, "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Exactly(-1);
+ },
+ "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0");
TEST(ExactlyTest, OnZero) {
@@ -356,8 +355,7 @@ TEST(ExactlyTest, OnZero) {
stringstream ss;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called",
- ss.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "never called", ss.str());
TEST(ExactlyTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
@@ -370,18 +368,15 @@ TEST(ExactlyTest, OnPositiveNumber) {
stringstream ss1;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called once",
- ss1.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called once", ss1.str());
stringstream ss2;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called twice",
- ss2.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called twice", ss2.str());
stringstream ss3;
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called 3 times",
- ss3.str());
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "called 3 times", ss3.str());
TEST(ExactlyTest, HasCorrectBounds) {
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-function-mocker_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-function-mocker_test.cc
index 45a524e2..f7b31ae3 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-function-mocker_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-function-mocker_test.cc
@@ -27,17 +27,19 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the function mocker classes.
#include "gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h"
+// Silence C4503 (decorated name length exceeded) for MSVC.
// MSDN says the header file to be included for STDMETHOD is BaseTyps.h but
// we are getting compiler errors if we use basetyps.h, hence including
// objbase.h for definition of STDMETHOD.
-# include <objbase.h>
+#include <objbase.h>
#include <functional>
@@ -65,10 +67,10 @@ using testing::Return;
using testing::ReturnRef;
using testing::TypedEq;
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
class TemplatedCopyable {
- TemplatedCopyable() {}
+ TemplatedCopyable() = default;
template <typename U>
TemplatedCopyable(const U& other) {} // NOLINT
@@ -76,13 +78,13 @@ class TemplatedCopyable {
class FooInterface {
- virtual ~FooInterface() {}
+ virtual ~FooInterface() = default;
virtual void VoidReturning(int x) = 0;
virtual int Nullary() = 0;
virtual bool Unary(int x) = 0;
- virtual long Binary(short x, int y) = 0; // NOLINT
+ virtual long Binary(short x, int y) = 0; // NOLINT
virtual int Decimal(bool b, char c, short d, int e, long f, // NOLINT
float g, double h, unsigned i, char* j,
const std::string& k) = 0;
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ class FooInterface {
virtual int RefQualifiedOverloaded() & = 0;
virtual int RefQualifiedOverloaded() && = 0;
STDMETHOD_(int, CTNullary)() = 0;
STDMETHOD_(bool, CTUnary)(int x) = 0;
STDMETHOD_(int, CTDecimal)
@@ -132,13 +134,10 @@ class FooInterface {
// significant in determining whether two virtual functions had the same
// signature. This was fixed in Visual Studio 2008. However, the compiler
// still emits a warning that alerts about this change in behavior.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable : 4373)
class MockFoo : public FooInterface {
- MockFoo() {}
+ MockFoo() = default;
// Makes sure that a mock function parameter can be named.
MOCK_METHOD(void, VoidReturning, (int n)); // NOLINT
@@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ class MockFoo : public FooInterface {
MOCK_METHOD(int (*)(bool), ReturnsFunctionPointer1, (int), ());
MOCK_METHOD(fn_ptr, ReturnsFunctionPointer2, (int), ());
MOCK_METHOD(int, CTNullary, (), (Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)));
MOCK_METHOD(bool, CTUnary, (int), (Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)));
MOCK_METHOD(int, CTDecimal,
@@ -203,12 +202,13 @@ class MockFoo : public FooInterface {
MOCK_METHOD(int, RefQualifiedOverloaded, (), (ref(&&), override));
+ MockFoo(const MockFoo&) = delete;
+ MockFoo& operator=(const MockFoo&) = delete;
class LegacyMockFoo : public FooInterface {
- LegacyMockFoo() {}
+ LegacyMockFoo() = default;
// Makes sure that a mock function parameter can be named.
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidReturning, void(int n)); // NOLINT
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class LegacyMockFoo : public FooInterface {
MOCK_METHOD1(ReturnsFunctionPointer1, int (*(int))(bool));
MOCK_METHOD1(ReturnsFunctionPointer2, fn_ptr(int));
@@ -275,12 +275,11 @@ class LegacyMockFoo : public FooInterface {
int RefQualifiedOverloaded() && override { return 0; }
+ LegacyMockFoo(const LegacyMockFoo&) = delete;
+ LegacyMockFoo& operator=(const LegacyMockFoo&) = delete;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
template <class T>
class FunctionMockerTest : public testing::Test {
@@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(FunctionMockerTest, MocksTypeWithTemplatedCopyCtor) {
// Tests mocking a nullary function with calltype.
TYPED_TEST(FunctionMockerTest, MocksNullaryFunctionWithCallType) {
EXPECT_CALL(this->mock_foo_, CTNullary())
@@ -488,22 +487,24 @@ TEST(FunctionMockerTest, RefQualified) {
class MockB {
- MockB() {}
+ MockB() = default;
MOCK_METHOD(void, DoB, ());
+ MockB(const MockB&) = delete;
+ MockB& operator=(const MockB&) = delete;
class LegacyMockB {
- LegacyMockB() {}
+ LegacyMockB() = default;
MOCK_METHOD0(DoB, void());
+ LegacyMockB(const LegacyMockB&) = delete;
+ LegacyMockB& operator=(const LegacyMockB&) = delete;
template <typename T>
@@ -533,7 +534,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(ExpectCallTest, UnmentionedFunctionCanBeCalledAnyNumberOfTimes) {
template <typename T>
class StackInterface {
- virtual ~StackInterface() {}
+ virtual ~StackInterface() = default;
// Template parameter appears in function parameter.
virtual void Push(const T& value) = 0;
@@ -546,7 +547,7 @@ class StackInterface {
template <typename T>
class MockStack : public StackInterface<T> {
- MockStack() {}
+ MockStack() = default;
MOCK_METHOD(void, Push, (const T& elem), ());
MOCK_METHOD(void, Pop, (), (final));
@@ -558,13 +559,14 @@ class MockStack : public StackInterface<T> {
MOCK_METHOD((std::map<int, int>), ReturnTypeWithComma, (int), (const));
+ MockStack(const MockStack&) = delete;
+ MockStack& operator=(const MockStack&) = delete;
template <typename T>
class LegacyMockStack : public StackInterface<T> {
- LegacyMockStack() {}
+ LegacyMockStack() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1_T(Push, void(const T& elem));
MOCK_METHOD0_T(Pop, void());
@@ -576,7 +578,8 @@ class LegacyMockStack : public StackInterface<T> {
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1_T(ReturnTypeWithComma, std::map<int, int>(int)); // NOLINT
+ LegacyMockStack(const LegacyMockStack&) = delete;
+ LegacyMockStack& operator=(const LegacyMockStack&) = delete;
template <typename T>
@@ -595,10 +598,8 @@ TYPED_TEST(TemplateMockTest, Works) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Push(_));
int n = 5;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetTop())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(n));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Pop())
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetTop()).WillOnce(ReturnRef(n));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Pop()).Times(AnyNumber());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock.GetSize());
@@ -612,16 +613,14 @@ TYPED_TEST(TemplateMockTest, MethodWithCommaInReturnTypeWorks) {
TypeParam mock;
const std::map<int, int> a_map;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, ReturnTypeWithComma())
- .WillOnce(Return(a_map));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, ReturnTypeWithComma(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(a_map));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, ReturnTypeWithComma()).WillOnce(Return(a_map));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, ReturnTypeWithComma(1)).WillOnce(Return(a_map));
EXPECT_EQ(a_map, mock.ReturnTypeWithComma());
EXPECT_EQ(a_map, mock.ReturnTypeWithComma(1));
// Tests mocking template interfaces with calltype.
template <typename T>
@@ -650,7 +649,8 @@ class MockStackWithCallType : public StackInterfaceWithCallType<T> {
(Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE), override, const));
+ MockStackWithCallType(const MockStackWithCallType&) = delete;
+ MockStackWithCallType& operator=(const MockStackWithCallType&) = delete;
template <typename T>
@@ -664,7 +664,9 @@ class LegacyMockStackWithCallType : public StackInterfaceWithCallType<T> {
+ LegacyMockStackWithCallType(const LegacyMockStackWithCallType&) = delete;
+ LegacyMockStackWithCallType& operator=(const LegacyMockStackWithCallType&) =
+ delete;
template <typename T>
@@ -685,10 +687,8 @@ TYPED_TEST(TemplateMockTestWithCallType, Works) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, Push(_));
int n = 5;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetTop())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(n));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Pop())
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, GetTop()).WillOnce(ReturnRef(n));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Pop()).Times(AnyNumber());
EXPECT_EQ(0, mock.GetSize());
@@ -711,22 +711,27 @@ TYPED_TEST(TemplateMockTestWithCallType, Works) {
class MockOverloadedOnArgNumber {
- MockOverloadedOnArgNumber() {}
+ MockOverloadedOnArgNumber() = default;
+ MockOverloadedOnArgNumber(const MockOverloadedOnArgNumber&) = delete;
+ MockOverloadedOnArgNumber& operator=(const MockOverloadedOnArgNumber&) =
+ delete;
class LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber {
- LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber() {}
+ LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber() = default;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber);
+ LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber(const LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber&) =
+ delete;
+ LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber& operator=(
+ const LegacyMockOverloadedOnArgNumber&) = delete;
template <typename T>
@@ -747,18 +752,20 @@ TYPED_TEST(OverloadedMockMethodTest, CanOverloadOnArgNumberInMacroBody) {
EXPECT_TRUE(mock.Overloaded(true, 1));
-#define MY_MOCK_METHODS2_ \
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(int n)); \
- MOCK_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(int n))
+#define MY_MOCK_METHODS2_ \
+ MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(int n)); \
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(int n))
class MockOverloadedOnConstness {
- MockOverloadedOnConstness() {}
+ MockOverloadedOnConstness() = default;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(MockOverloadedOnConstness);
+ MockOverloadedOnConstness(const MockOverloadedOnConstness&) = delete;
+ MockOverloadedOnConstness& operator=(const MockOverloadedOnConstness&) =
+ delete;
TEST(MockMethodOverloadedMockMethodTest, CanOverloadOnConstnessInMacroBody) {
@@ -779,9 +786,7 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksForVoidNullary) {
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksForNonVoidNullary) {
MockFunction<int()> foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call())
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, foo.Call());
EXPECT_EQ(2, foo.Call());
@@ -794,19 +799,17 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksForVoidUnary) {
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksForNonVoidBinary) {
MockFunction<int(bool, int)> foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(false, 42))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(true, Ge(100)))
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(false, 42)).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(true, Ge(100))).WillOnce(Return(3));
EXPECT_EQ(1, foo.Call(false, 42));
EXPECT_EQ(2, foo.Call(false, 42));
EXPECT_EQ(3, foo.Call(true, 120));
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksFor10Arguments) {
- MockFunction<int(bool a0, char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4,
- int a5, int a6, char a7, int a8, bool a9)> foo;
+ MockFunction<int(bool a0, char a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6,
+ char a7, int a8, bool a9)>
+ foo;
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(_, 'a', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _))
@@ -816,9 +819,7 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, WorksFor10Arguments) {
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, AsStdFunction) {
MockFunction<int(int)> foo;
- auto call = [](const std::function<int(int)> &f, int i) {
- return f(i);
- };
+ auto call = [](const std::function<int(int)>& f, int i) { return f(i); };
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(1)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(2)).WillOnce(Return(-2));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, call(foo.AsStdFunction(), 1));
@@ -836,10 +837,8 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, AsStdFunctionReturnsReference) {
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, AsStdFunctionWithReferenceParameter) {
- MockFunction<int(int &)> foo;
- auto call = [](const std::function<int(int& )> &f, int &i) {
- return f(i);
- };
+ MockFunction<int(int&)> foo;
+ auto call = [](const std::function<int(int&)>& f, int& i) { return f(i); };
int i = 42;
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Call(i)).WillOnce(Return(-1));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, call(foo.AsStdFunction(), i));
@@ -849,7 +848,7 @@ namespace {
template <typename Expected, typename F>
static constexpr bool IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo(
- const MockFunction<F>&) {
+ const internal::MockFunction<F>&) {
return std::is_same<F, Expected>::value;
@@ -868,14 +867,14 @@ TYPED_TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionSignatureTest,
IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedForRawSignature) {
using Argument = TypeParam;
MockFunction<Argument> foo;
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo<Argument>(foo));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo<TypeParam>(foo));
IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedForStdFunction) {
using Argument = std::function<TypeParam>;
MockFunction<Argument> foo;
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo<Argument>(foo));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo<TypeParam>(foo));
@@ -887,12 +886,21 @@ TYPED_TEST(
EXPECT_TRUE((std::is_same<ForRawSignature, ForStdFunction>::value));
- MockMethodMockFunctionSignatureTest,
- IsMockFunctionAsStdFunctionMethodSignatureTheSameForRawSignatureAndStdFunction) {
- using ForRawSignature = decltype(&MockFunction<TypeParam>::AsStdFunction);
+template <typename F>
+struct AlternateCallable {};
+ IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedForAlternateCallable) {
+ using Argument = AlternateCallable<TypeParam>;
+ MockFunction<Argument> foo;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsMockFunctionTemplateArgumentDeducedTo<TypeParam>(foo));
+ IsMockFunctionCallMethodSignatureTheSameForAlternateCallable) {
+ using ForRawSignature = decltype(&MockFunction<TypeParam>::Call);
using ForStdFunction =
- decltype(&MockFunction<std::function<TypeParam>>::AsStdFunction);
+ decltype(&MockFunction<std::function<TypeParam>>::Call);
EXPECT_TRUE((std::is_same<ForRawSignature, ForStdFunction>::value));
@@ -913,22 +921,21 @@ struct MockMethodSizes4 {
struct LegacyMockMethodSizes0 {
- MOCK_METHOD0(func, void());
+ MOCK_METHOD0(func, void());
struct LegacyMockMethodSizes1 {
- MOCK_METHOD1(func, void(int));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(func, void(int));
struct LegacyMockMethodSizes2 {
- MOCK_METHOD2(func, void(int, int));
+ MOCK_METHOD2(func, void(int, int));
struct LegacyMockMethodSizes3 {
- MOCK_METHOD3(func, void(int, int, int));
+ MOCK_METHOD3(func, void(int, int, int));
struct LegacyMockMethodSizes4 {
- MOCK_METHOD4(func, void(int, int, int, int));
+ MOCK_METHOD4(func, void(int, int, int, int));
TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, MockMethodSizeOverhead) {
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(MockMethodSizes0), sizeof(MockMethodSizes1));
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(MockMethodSizes0), sizeof(MockMethodSizes2));
@@ -943,6 +950,21 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, MockMethodSizeOverhead) {
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(LegacyMockMethodSizes0), sizeof(MockMethodSizes0));
+TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, EnsureNoUnusedMemberFunction) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wunused-member-function"
+ // https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/4052
+ struct Foo {
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, foo, ());
+ };
+ EXPECT_CALL(Foo(), foo()).Times(0);
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
void hasTwoParams(int, int);
void MaybeThrows();
void DoesntThrow() noexcept;
@@ -972,3 +994,5 @@ TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, NoexceptSpecifierPreserved) {
} // namespace gmock_function_mocker_test
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-internal-utils_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-internal-utils_test.cc
index 0d15e8f4..6c769a88 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-internal-utils_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-internal-utils_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the internal utilities.
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
-# include <sys/types.h> // For ssize_t. NOLINT
+#include <sys/types.h> // For ssize_t. NOLINT
namespace proto2 {
@@ -70,24 +70,23 @@ namespace internal {
namespace {
-TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsEmptyTuple) {
- EXPECT_EQ("", JoinAsTuple(Strings()));
+TEST(JoinAsKeyValueTupleTest, JoinsEmptyTuple) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("", JoinAsKeyValueTuple({}, Strings()));
-TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsOneTuple) {
- const char* fields[] = {"1"};
- EXPECT_EQ("1", JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 1)));
+TEST(JoinAsKeyValueTupleTest, JoinsOneTuple) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("(a: 1)", JoinAsKeyValueTuple({"a"}, {"1"}));
-TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTwoTuple) {
- const char* fields[] = {"1", "a"};
- EXPECT_EQ("(1, a)", JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 2)));
+TEST(JoinAsKeyValueTupleTest, JoinsTwoTuple) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("(a: 1, b: 2)", JoinAsKeyValueTuple({"a", "b"}, {"1", "2"}));
-TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTenTuple) {
- const char* fields[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"};
- EXPECT_EQ("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)",
- JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 10)));
+TEST(JoinAsKeyValueTupleTest, JoinsTenTuple) {
+ "(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10)",
+ JoinAsKeyValueTuple({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"},
+ {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}));
TEST(ConvertIdentifierNameToWordsTest, WorksWhenNameContainsNoWord) {
@@ -140,6 +139,12 @@ TEST(GetRawPointerTest, WorksForRawPointers) {
EXPECT_EQ(&n, GetRawPointer(&n));
+TEST(GetRawPointerTest, WorksForStdReferenceWrapper) {
+ int n = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ(&n, GetRawPointer(std::ref(n)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(&n, GetRawPointer(std::cref(n)));
// Tests KindOf<T>.
class Base {};
@@ -150,35 +155,35 @@ TEST(KindOfTest, Bool) {
TEST(KindOfTest, Integer) {
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(char)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(signed char)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned char)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(short)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned short)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(int)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned int)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(long)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned long)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(long long)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(char)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(signed char)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned char)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(short)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned short)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(int)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned int)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(long)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned long)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(long long)); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(unsigned long long)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(wchar_t)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(size_t)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(wchar_t)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(size_t)); // NOLINT
+#if defined(GTEST_OS_LINUX) || defined(GTEST_OS_MAC) || defined(GTEST_OS_CYGWIN)
// ssize_t is not defined on Windows and possibly some other OSes.
EXPECT_EQ(kInteger, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(ssize_t)); // NOLINT
TEST(KindOfTest, FloatingPoint) {
- EXPECT_EQ(kFloatingPoint, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(float)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ(kFloatingPoint, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(double)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFloatingPoint, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(float)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFloatingPoint, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(double)); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(kFloatingPoint, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(long double)); // NOLINT
TEST(KindOfTest, Other) {
- EXPECT_EQ(kOther, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(void*)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ(kOther, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(void*)); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(kOther, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(char**)); // NOLINT
// Tests LosslessArithmeticConvertible<T, U>.
@@ -209,26 +214,26 @@ TEST(LosslessArithmeticConvertibleTest, IntegerToInteger) {
EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<unsigned char, int>::value));
// Unsigned => larger unsigned is fine.
- EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- unsigned short, uint64_t>::value)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<unsigned short,
+ uint64_t>::value)); // NOLINT
// Signed => unsigned is not fine.
- EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- short, uint64_t>::value)); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- signed char, unsigned int>::value)); // NOLINT
+ (LosslessArithmeticConvertible<short, uint64_t>::value)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<signed char,
+ unsigned int>::value)); // NOLINT
// Same size and same signedness: fine too.
- EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- unsigned char, unsigned char>::value));
+ (LosslessArithmeticConvertible<unsigned char, unsigned char>::value));
EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<int, int>::value));
EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<wchar_t, wchar_t>::value));
- EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- unsigned long, unsigned long>::value)); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<unsigned long,
+ unsigned long>::value)); // NOLINT
// Same size, different signedness: not fine.
- EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- unsigned char, signed char>::value));
+ (LosslessArithmeticConvertible<unsigned char, signed char>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<int, unsigned int>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<uint64_t, int64_t>::value));
@@ -243,8 +248,8 @@ TEST(LosslessArithmeticConvertibleTest, IntegerToFloatingPoint) {
// the format of the latter is implementation-defined.
EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<char, float>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<int, double>::value));
- EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<
- short, long double>::value)); // NOLINT
+ (LosslessArithmeticConvertible<short, long double>::value)); // NOLINT
TEST(LosslessArithmeticConvertibleTest, FloatingPointToBool) {
@@ -272,7 +277,7 @@ TEST(LosslessArithmeticConvertibleTest, FloatingPointToFloatingPoint) {
EXPECT_FALSE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<double, float>::value));
if (sizeof(double) == sizeof(long double)) { // NOLINT
// In some implementations (e.g. MSVC), double and long double
// have the same size.
EXPECT_TRUE((LosslessArithmeticConvertible<long double, double>::value));
@@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize0) {
TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize1) {
- std::tuple<Matcher<int> > matchers(Eq(1));
+ std::tuple<Matcher<int>> matchers(Eq(1));
std::tuple<int> values1(1), values2(2);
EXPECT_TRUE(TupleMatches(matchers, values1));
@@ -299,7 +304,7 @@ TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize1) {
TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize2) {
- std::tuple<Matcher<int>, Matcher<char> > matchers(Eq(1), Eq('a'));
+ std::tuple<Matcher<int>, Matcher<char>> matchers(Eq(1), Eq('a'));
std::tuple<int, char> values1(1, 'a'), values2(1, 'b'), values3(2, 'a'),
values4(2, 'b');
@@ -312,7 +317,7 @@ TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize2) {
TEST(TupleMatchesTest, WorksForSize5) {
std::tuple<Matcher<int>, Matcher<char>, Matcher<bool>,
Matcher<long>, // NOLINT
- Matcher<std::string> >
+ Matcher<std::string>>
matchers(Eq(1), Eq('a'), Eq(true), Eq(2L), Eq("hi"));
std::tuple<int, char, bool, long, std::string> // NOLINT
values1(1, 'a', true, 2L, "hi"), values2(1, 'a', true, 2L, "hello"),
@@ -331,13 +336,10 @@ TEST(AssertTest, SucceedsOnTrue) {
// Tests that Assert(false, ...) generates a fatal failure.
TEST(AssertTest, FailsFatallyOnFalse) {
- Assert(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This should fail.");
- }, "");
+ { Assert(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This should fail."); }, "");
- Assert(false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }, "");
+ EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED({ Assert(false, __FILE__, __LINE__); }, "");
// Tests that Expect(true, ...) succeeds.
@@ -348,40 +350,44 @@ TEST(ExpectTest, SucceedsOnTrue) {
// Tests that Expect(false, ...) generates a non-fatal failure.
TEST(ExpectTest, FailsNonfatallyOnFalse) {
- Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This should fail.");
- }, "This should fail");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This should fail.");
+ },
+ "This should fail");
- Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }, "Expectation failed");
+ { // NOLINT
+ Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ },
+ "Expectation failed");
// Tests LogIsVisible().
class LogIsVisibleTest : public ::testing::Test {
- void SetUp() override { original_verbose_ = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose); }
+ void SetUp() override { original_verbose_ = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose); }
- void TearDown() override { GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = original_verbose_; }
+ void TearDown() override { GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, original_verbose_); }
std::string original_verbose_;
TEST_F(LogIsVisibleTest, AlwaysReturnsTrueIfVerbosityIsInfo) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kInfoVerbosity);
TEST_F(LogIsVisibleTest, AlwaysReturnsFalseIfVerbosityIsError) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kErrorVerbosity);
TEST_F(LogIsVisibleTest, WorksWhenVerbosityIsWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kWarningVerbosity);
@@ -394,31 +400,31 @@ TEST_F(LogIsVisibleTest, WorksWhenVerbosityIsWarning) {
// and log severity.
void TestLogWithSeverity(const std::string& verbosity, LogSeverity severity,
bool should_print) {
- const std::string old_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = verbosity;
+ const std::string old_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, verbosity);
Log(severity, "Test log.\n", 0);
if (should_print) {
- EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStdout().c_str(),
- ContainsRegex(
- severity == kWarning ?
- "^\nGMOCK WARNING:\nTest log\\.\nStack trace:\n" :
- "^\nTest log\\.\nStack trace:\n"));
+ GetCapturedStdout().c_str(),
+ ContainsRegex(severity == kWarning
+ ? "^\nGMOCK WARNING:\nTest log\\.\nStack trace:\n"
+ : "^\nTest log\\.\nStack trace:\n"));
} else {
EXPECT_STREQ("", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = old_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, old_flag);
// Tests that when the stack_frames_to_skip parameter is negative,
// Log() doesn't include the stack trace in the output.
TEST(LogTest, NoStackTraceWhenStackFramesToSkipIsNegative) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kInfoVerbosity);
Log(kInfo, "Test log.\n", -1);
EXPECT_STREQ("\nTest log.\n", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
struct MockStackTraceGetter : testing::internal::OsStackTraceGetterInterface {
@@ -440,7 +446,8 @@ TEST(LogTest, NoSkippingStackFrameInOptMode) {
const std::string log = GetCapturedStdout();
std::string expected_trace =
- (testing::Message() << GTEST_FLAG(stack_trace_depth) << "::").GetString();
+ (testing::Message() << GTEST_FLAG_GET(stack_trace_depth) << "::")
+ .GetString();
std::string expected_message =
"Test log.\n"
@@ -449,13 +456,13 @@ TEST(LogTest, NoSkippingStackFrameInOptMode) {
EXPECT_THAT(log, HasSubstr(expected_message));
int skip_count = atoi(log.substr(expected_message.size()).c_str());
-# if defined(NDEBUG)
+#if defined(NDEBUG)
// In opt mode, no stack frame should be skipped.
const int expected_skip_count = 0;
-# else
// In dbg mode, the stack frames should be skipped.
const int expected_skip_count = 100;
-# endif
// Note that each inner implementation layer will +1 the number to remove
// itself from the trace. This means that the value is a little higher than
@@ -497,12 +504,12 @@ TEST(LogTest, OnlyWarningsArePrintedWhenVerbosityIsInvalid) {
// Verifies that Log() behaves correctly for the given verbosity level
// and log severity.
-std::string GrabOutput(void(*logger)(), const char* verbosity) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = verbosity;
+std::string GrabOutput(void (*logger)(), const char* verbosity) {
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, verbosity);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
return GetCapturedStdout();
@@ -532,7 +539,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, DoesNotLogWhenVerbosityIsWarning) {
// Verifies that EXPECT_CALL doesn't log
// if the --gmock_verbose flag is set to "error".
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, DoesNotLogWhenVerbosityIsError) {
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, DoesNotLogWhenVerbosityIsError) {
EXPECT_STREQ("", GrabOutput(ExpectCallLogger, kErrorVerbosity).c_str());
@@ -576,9 +583,9 @@ TEST(OnCallTest, LogsAnythingArgument) {
TEST(StlContainerViewTest, WorksForStlContainer) {
- StlContainerView<std::vector<int> >::type>();
+ StlContainerView<std::vector<int>>::type>();
StaticAssertTypeEq<const std::vector<double>&,
- StlContainerView<std::vector<double> >::const_reference>();
+ StlContainerView<std::vector<double>>::const_reference>();
typedef std::vector<char> Chars;
Chars v1;
@@ -591,17 +598,16 @@ TEST(StlContainerViewTest, WorksForStlContainer) {
TEST(StlContainerViewTest, WorksForStaticNativeArray) {
- StaticAssertTypeEq<NativeArray<int>,
- StlContainerView<int[3]>::type>();
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<NativeArray<int>, StlContainerView<int[3]>::type>();
- StlContainerView<const double[4]>::type>();
+ StlContainerView<const double[4]>::type>();
- StlContainerView<const char[2][3]>::type>();
+ StlContainerView<const char[2][3]>::type>();
StaticAssertTypeEq<const NativeArray<int>,
- StlContainerView<int[2]>::const_reference>();
+ StlContainerView<int[2]>::const_reference>();
- int a1[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ int a1[3] = {0, 1, 2};
NativeArray<int> a2 = StlContainerView<int[3]>::ConstReference(a1);
EXPECT_EQ(3U, a2.size());
EXPECT_EQ(a1, a2.begin());
@@ -619,24 +625,24 @@ TEST(StlContainerViewTest, WorksForStaticNativeArray) {
TEST(StlContainerViewTest, WorksForDynamicNativeArray) {
- StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, size_t> >::type>();
+ StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, size_t>>::type>();
- StlContainerView<std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<double>, int> >::type>();
+ StlContainerView<std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<double>, int>>::type>();
const NativeArray<int>,
- StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, int> >::const_reference>();
+ StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, int>>::const_reference>();
- int a1[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+ int a1[3] = {0, 1, 2};
const int* const p1 = a1;
NativeArray<int> a2 =
- StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, int> >::ConstReference(
+ StlContainerView<std::tuple<const int*, int>>::ConstReference(
std::make_tuple(p1, 3));
EXPECT_EQ(3U, a2.size());
EXPECT_EQ(a1, a2.begin());
- const NativeArray<int> a3 = StlContainerView<std::tuple<int*, size_t> >::Copy(
+ const NativeArray<int> a3 = StlContainerView<std::tuple<int*, size_t>>::Copy(
std::make_tuple(static_cast<int*>(a1), 3));
ASSERT_EQ(3U, a3.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, a3.begin()[0]);
@@ -715,6 +721,46 @@ TEST(FunctionTest, LongArgumentList) {
+TEST(Base64Unescape, InvalidString) {
+ std::string unescaped;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Base64Unescape("(invalid)", &unescaped));
+TEST(Base64Unescape, ShortString) {
+ std::string unescaped;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Unescape("SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh", &unescaped));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Hello world!", unescaped);
+TEST(Base64Unescape, ShortStringWithPadding) {
+ std::string unescaped;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Unescape("SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=", &unescaped));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Hello world", unescaped);
+TEST(Base64Unescape, ShortStringWithoutPadding) {
+ std::string unescaped;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Unescape("SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ", &unescaped));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Hello world", unescaped);
+TEST(Base64Unescape, LongStringWithWhiteSpaces) {
+ std::string escaped =
+ R"(TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlz
+ IHNpbmd1bGFyIHBhc3Npb24gZnJvbSBvdGhlciBhbmltYWxzLCB3aGljaCBpcyBhIGx1c3Qgb2Yg
+ dGhlIG1pbmQsIHRoYXQgYnkgYSBwZXJzZXZlcmFuY2Ugb2YgZGVsaWdodCBpbiB0aGUgY29udGlu
+ dWVkIGFuZCBpbmRlZmF0aWdhYmxlIGdlbmVyYXRpb24gb2Yga25vd2xlZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRo
+ ZSBzaG9ydCB2ZWhlbWVuY2Ugb2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=)";
+ std::string expected =
+ "Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular "
+ "passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a "
+ "perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation "
+ "of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.";
+ std::string unescaped;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Unescape(escaped, &unescaped));
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, unescaped);
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1769628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1516 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.h"
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+namespace {
+typedef ::std::tuple<long, int> Tuple2; // NOLINT
+// Tests that Eq() matches a 2-tuple where the first field == the
+// second field.
+TEST(Eq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Eq();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+// Tests that Eq() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Eq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Eq();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Ge() matches a 2-tuple where the first field >= the
+// second field.
+TEST(Ge2Test, MatchesGreaterThanOrEqualArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ge();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+// Tests that Ge() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Ge2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ge();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first >= the second", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Gt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field > the
+// second field.
+TEST(Gt2Test, MatchesGreaterThanArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Gt();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+// Tests that Gt() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Gt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Gt();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first > the second", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Le() matches a 2-tuple where the first field <= the
+// second field.
+TEST(Le2Test, MatchesLessThanOrEqualArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Le();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
+// Tests that Le() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Le2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Le();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first <= the second", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Lt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field < the
+// second field.
+TEST(Lt2Test, MatchesLessThanArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Lt();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
+// Tests that Lt() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Lt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Lt();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first < the second", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Ne() matches a 2-tuple where the first field != the
+// second field.
+TEST(Ne2Test, MatchesUnequalArguments) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ne();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
+// Tests that Ne() describes itself properly.
+TEST(Ne2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ne();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an unequal pair", Describe(m));
+TEST(PairMatchBaseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ using Pointers = std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>>;
+ Matcher<Pointers> matcher = Eq();
+ Pointers pointers;
+ // Tested values don't matter; the point is that matcher does not copy the
+ // matched values.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(pointers));
+// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with float.
+TEST(IsNan, FloatMatchesNan) {
+ float quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
+ float other_nan = std::nanf("1");
+ float real_value = 1.0f;
+ Matcher<float> m = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<float&> m_ref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<const float&> m_cref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
+// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with double.
+TEST(IsNan, DoubleMatchesNan) {
+ double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
+ double other_nan = std::nan("1");
+ double real_value = 1.0;
+ Matcher<double> m = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<double&> m_ref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<const double&> m_cref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
+// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with long double.
+TEST(IsNan, LongDoubleMatchesNan) {
+ long double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<long double>::quiet_NaN();
+ long double other_nan = std::nan("1");
+ long double real_value = 1.0;
+ Matcher<long double> m = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<long double&> m_ref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
+ Matcher<const long double&> m_cref = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
+// Tests that IsNan() works with Not.
+TEST(IsNan, NotMatchesNan) {
+ Matcher<float> mf = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mf.Matches(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mf.Matches(std::nanf("1")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mf.Matches(1.0));
+ Matcher<double> md = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(md.Matches(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(md.Matches(std::nan("1")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(md.Matches(1.0));
+ Matcher<long double> mld = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mld.Matches(std::numeric_limits<long double>::quiet_NaN()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mld.Matches(std::nanl("1")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mld.Matches(1.0));
+// Tests that IsNan() can describe itself.
+TEST(IsNan, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<float> mf = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(mf));
+ Matcher<double> md = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(md));
+ Matcher<long double> mld = IsNan();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(mld));
+// Tests that IsNan() can describe itself with Not.
+TEST(IsNan, CanDescribeSelfWithNot) {
+ Matcher<float> mf = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(mf));
+ Matcher<double> md = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(md));
+ Matcher<long double> mld = Not(IsNan());
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(mld));
+// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// FloatEq(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(FloatEq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = FloatEq();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(0.3f, 0.1f + 0.1f + 0.1f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
+// Tests that FloatEq() describes itself properly.
+TEST(FloatEq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = FloatEq();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// NanSensitiveFloatEq(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(NanSensitiveFloatEqTest, MatchesEqualArgumentsWithNaN) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
+ std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatEq() describes itself properly.
+TEST(NanSensitiveFloatEqTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that DoubleEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// DoubleEq(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(DoubleEq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = DoubleEq();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0, 1.0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(0.3, 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1, 1.0)));
+// Tests that DoubleEq() describes itself properly.
+TEST(DoubleEq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = DoubleEq();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// NanSensitiveDoubleEq(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleEqTest, MatchesEqualArgumentsWithNaN) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
+ std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
+// Tests that DoubleEq() describes itself properly.
+TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleEqTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq();
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// FloatNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
+TEST(FloatNear2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = FloatNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.3f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.8f, 1.0f)));
+// Tests that FloatNear() describes itself properly.
+TEST(FloatNear2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = FloatNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatNear() matches a 2-tuple where
+// NanSensitiveFloatNear(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(NanSensitiveFloatNearTest, MatchesNearbyArgumentsWithNaN) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
+ std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.6f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatNear() describes itself properly.
+TEST(NanSensitiveFloatNearTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
+// DoubleNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
+TEST(DoubleNear2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = DoubleNear(0.5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0, 1.0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.3, 1.0)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.8, 1.0)));
+// Tests that DoubleNear() describes itself properly.
+TEST(DoubleNear2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = DoubleNear(0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleNear() matches a 2-tuple where
+// NanSensitiveDoubleNear(first field) matches the second field.
+TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleNearTest, MatchesNearbyArgumentsWithNaN) {
+ typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
+ Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
+ std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.6f, 1.0f)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
+// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleNear() describes itself properly.
+TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleNearTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Not(m) matches any value that doesn't match m.
+TEST(NotTest, NegatesMatcher) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = Not(Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
+// Tests that Not(m) describes itself properly.
+TEST(NotTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Not(Eq(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 5", Describe(m));
+// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the Not matcher.
+TEST(NotTest, NotMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
+ // greater_than_5 is a monomorphic matcher.
+ Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
+ Matcher<const int&> m = Not(greater_than_5);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = Not(greater_than_5);
+ Matcher<int&> m3 = Not(m);
+// Helper to allow easy testing of AllOf matchers with num parameters.
+void AllOfMatches(int num, const Matcher<int>& m) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(i));
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(num + 1));
+// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) matches any value that matches all of
+// the given matchers.
+TEST(AllOfTest, MatchesWhenAllMatch) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
+ // The following tests for varying number of sub-matchers. Due to the way
+ // the sub-matchers are handled it is enough to test every sub-matcher once
+ // with sub-matchers using the same matcher type. Varying matcher types are
+ // checked for above.
+ AllOfMatches(2, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2)));
+ AllOfMatches(3, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3)));
+ AllOfMatches(4, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4)));
+ AllOfMatches(5, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5)));
+ AllOfMatches(6, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6)));
+ AllOfMatches(7, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7)));
+ AllOfMatches(8,
+ AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8)));
+ AllOfMatches(
+ 9, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8), Ne(9)));
+ AllOfMatches(10, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8),
+ Ne(9), Ne(10)));
+ AllOfMatches(
+ 50, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8), Ne(9),
+ Ne(10), Ne(11), Ne(12), Ne(13), Ne(14), Ne(15), Ne(16), Ne(17),
+ Ne(18), Ne(19), Ne(20), Ne(21), Ne(22), Ne(23), Ne(24), Ne(25),
+ Ne(26), Ne(27), Ne(28), Ne(29), Ne(30), Ne(31), Ne(32), Ne(33),
+ Ne(34), Ne(35), Ne(36), Ne(37), Ne(38), Ne(39), Ne(40), Ne(41),
+ Ne(42), Ne(43), Ne(44), Ne(45), Ne(46), Ne(47), Ne(48), Ne(49),
+ Ne(50)));
+// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) describes itself properly.
+TEST(AllOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is <= 2) and (is >= 1)", Describe(m));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
+ std::string expected_descr1 =
+ "(is > 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr1, Describe(m));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
+ std::string expected_descr2 =
+ "(is > 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2) and (isn't equal "
+ "to 3)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr2, Describe(m));
+ m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
+ std::string expected_descr3 =
+ "(is >= 0) and (is < 10) and (isn't equal to 3) and (isn't equal to 5) "
+ "and (isn't equal to 7)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr3, Describe(m));
+// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) describes its negation properly.
+TEST(AllOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
+ std::string expected_descr4 = "(isn't <= 2) or (isn't >= 1)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr4, DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
+ std::string expected_descr5 =
+ "(isn't > 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr5, DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
+ std::string expected_descr6 =
+ "(isn't > 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr6, DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
+ std::string expected_desr7 =
+ "(isn't >= 0) or (isn't < 10) or (is equal to 3) or (is equal to 5) or "
+ "(is equal to 7)";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_desr7, DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8), Ne(9),
+ Ne(10), Ne(11));
+ AllOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), EndsWith("and (isn't equal to 11)"));
+ AllOfMatches(11, m);
+// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the AllOf matcher.
+TEST(AllOfTest, AllOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
+ // greater_than_5 and less_than_10 are monomorphic matchers.
+ Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
+ Matcher<int> less_than_10 = Lt(10);
+ Matcher<const int&> m = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m3 = AllOf(greater_than_5, m2);
+ // Tests that BothOf works when composing itself.
+ Matcher<const int&> m4 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m5 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
+TEST_P(AllOfTestP, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ // Successful match. Both matchers need to explain. The second
+ // matcher doesn't give an explanation, so only the first matcher's
+ // explanation is printed.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 15 more than 10", Explain(m, 25));
+ // Successful match. Both matchers need to explain.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 20 more than 10, and which is 10 more than 20",
+ Explain(m, 30));
+ // Successful match. All matchers need to explain. The second
+ // matcher doesn't given an explanation.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 15 more than 10, and which is 5 more than 20",
+ Explain(m, 25));
+ // Successful match. All matchers need to explain.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20), GreaterThan(30));
+ "which is 30 more than 10, and which is 20 more than 20, "
+ "and which is 10 more than 30",
+ Explain(m, 40));
+ // Failed match. The first matcher, which failed, needs to
+ // explain.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10", Explain(m, 5));
+ // Failed match. The second matcher, which failed, needs to
+ // explain. Since it doesn't given an explanation, nothing is
+ // printed.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 40));
+ // Failed match. The second matcher, which failed, needs to
+ // explain.
+ m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 20", Explain(m, 15));
+// Helper to allow easy testing of AnyOf matchers with num parameters.
+static void AnyOfMatches(int num, const Matcher<int>& m) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(i));
+ }
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(num + 1));
+static void AnyOfStringMatches(int num, const Matcher<std::string>& m) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::to_string(0)));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(std::to_string(i)));
+ }
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::to_string(num + 1)));
+// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) matches any value that matches at
+// least one of the given matchers.
+TEST(AnyOfTest, MatchesWhenAnyMatches) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+ m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(11));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
+ // The following tests for varying number of sub-matchers. Due to the way
+ // the sub-matchers are handled it is enough to test every sub-matcher once
+ // with sub-matchers using the same matcher type. Varying matcher types are
+ // checked for above.
+ AnyOfMatches(2, AnyOf(1, 2));
+ AnyOfMatches(3, AnyOf(1, 2, 3));
+ AnyOfMatches(4, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4));
+ AnyOfMatches(5, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ AnyOfMatches(6, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
+ AnyOfMatches(7, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
+ AnyOfMatches(8, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
+ AnyOfMatches(9, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
+ AnyOfMatches(10, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
+// Tests the variadic version of the AnyOfMatcher.
+TEST(AnyOfTest, VariadicMatchesWhenAnyMatches) {
+ // Also make sure AnyOf is defined in the right namespace and does not depend
+ // on ADL.
+ Matcher<int> m = ::testing::AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), EndsWith("or (is equal to 11)"));
+ AnyOfMatches(11, m);
+ AnyOfMatches(50, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
+ 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
+ 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
+ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50));
+ AnyOfStringMatches(
+ 50, AnyOf("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12",
+ "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22",
+ "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32",
+ "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42",
+ "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50"));
+TEST(ConditionalTest, MatchesFirstIfCondition) {
+ Matcher<std::string> eq_red = Eq("red");
+ Matcher<std::string> ne_red = Ne("red");
+ Matcher<std::string> m = Conditional(true, eq_red, ne_red);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("red"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("green"));
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ StringMatchResultListener expected;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.MatchAndExplain("green", &listener));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(eq_red.MatchAndExplain("green", &expected));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq(expected.str()));
+TEST(ConditionalTest, MatchesSecondIfCondition) {
+ Matcher<std::string> eq_red = Eq("red");
+ Matcher<std::string> ne_red = Ne("red");
+ Matcher<std::string> m = Conditional(false, eq_red, ne_red);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("red"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("green"));
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ StringMatchResultListener expected;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.MatchAndExplain("red", &listener));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ne_red.MatchAndExplain("red", &expected));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq(expected.str()));
+// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) describes itself properly.
+TEST(AnyOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is <= 1) or (is >= 3)", Describe(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is < 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2)", Describe(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is < 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)",
+ Describe(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
+ "(is <= 0) or (is > 10) or (is equal to 3) or (is equal to 5) or (is "
+ "equal to 7)",
+ Describe(m));
+// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) describes its negation properly.
+TEST(AnyOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(isn't <= 1) and (isn't >= 3)", DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(isn't < 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2)",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
+ "(isn't < 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2) and (isn't "
+ "equal to 3)",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+ m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
+ "(isn't <= 0) and (isn't > 10) and (isn't equal to 3) and (isn't equal "
+ "to 5) and (isn't equal to 7)",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the AnyOf matcher.
+TEST(AnyOfTest, AnyOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
+ // greater_than_5 and less_than_10 are monomorphic matchers.
+ Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
+ Matcher<int> less_than_10 = Lt(10);
+ Matcher<const int&> m = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m3 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, m2);
+ // Tests that EitherOf works when composing itself.
+ Matcher<const int&> m4 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
+ Matcher<int&> m5 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
+TEST_P(AnyOfTestP, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<int> m;
+ // Failed match. Both matchers need to explain. The second
+ // matcher doesn't give an explanation, so only the first matcher's
+ // explanation is printed.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10", Explain(m, 5));
+ // Failed match. Both matchers need to explain.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10, and which is 15 less than 20",
+ Explain(m, 5));
+ // Failed match. All matchers need to explain. The second
+ // matcher doesn't given an explanation.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Gt(20), GreaterThan(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10, and which is 25 less than 30",
+ Explain(m, 5));
+ // Failed match. All matchers need to explain.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20), GreaterThan(30));
+ "which is 5 less than 10, and which is 15 less than 20, "
+ "and which is 25 less than 30",
+ Explain(m, 5));
+ // Successful match. The first matcher, which succeeded, needs to
+ // explain.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 more than 10", Explain(m, 15));
+ // Successful match. The second matcher, which succeeded, needs to
+ // explain. Since it doesn't given an explanation, nothing is
+ // printed.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 0));
+ // Successful match. The second matcher, which succeeded, needs to
+ // explain.
+ m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(30), GreaterThan(20));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 more than 20", Explain(m, 25));
+// The following predicate function and predicate functor are for
+// testing the Truly(predicate) matcher.
+// Returns non-zero if the input is positive. Note that the return
+// type of this function is not bool. It's OK as Truly() accepts any
+// unary function or functor whose return type can be implicitly
+// converted to bool.
+int IsPositive(double x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : 0; }
+// This functor returns true if the input is greater than the given
+// number.
+class IsGreaterThan {
+ public:
+ explicit IsGreaterThan(int threshold) : threshold_(threshold) {}
+ bool operator()(int n) const { return n > threshold_; }
+ private:
+ int threshold_;
+// For testing Truly().
+const int foo = 0;
+// This predicate returns true if and only if the argument references foo and
+// has a zero value.
+bool ReferencesFooAndIsZero(const int& n) { return (&n == &foo) && (n == 0); }
+// Tests that Truly(predicate) matches what satisfies the given
+// predicate.
+TEST(TrulyTest, MatchesWhatSatisfiesThePredicate) {
+ Matcher<double> m = Truly(IsPositive);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(-1.5));
+// Tests that Truly(predicate_functor) works too.
+TEST(TrulyTest, CanBeUsedWithFunctor) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Truly(IsGreaterThan(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
+// A class that can be implicitly converted to bool.
+class ConvertibleToBool {
+ public:
+ explicit ConvertibleToBool(int number) : number_(number) {}
+ operator bool() const { return number_ != 0; }
+ private:
+ int number_;
+ConvertibleToBool IsNotZero(int number) { return ConvertibleToBool(number); }
+// Tests that the predicate used in Truly() may return a class that's
+// implicitly convertible to bool, even when the class has no
+// operator!().
+TEST(TrulyTest, PredicateCanReturnAClassConvertibleToBool) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Truly(IsNotZero);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
+// Tests that Truly(predicate) can describe itself properly.
+TEST(TrulyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<double> m = Truly(IsPositive);
+ EXPECT_EQ("satisfies the given predicate", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Truly(predicate) works when the matcher takes its
+// argument by reference.
+TEST(TrulyTest, WorksForByRefArguments) {
+ Matcher<const int&> m = Truly(ReferencesFooAndIsZero);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo));
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n));
+// Tests that Truly(predicate) provides a helpful reason when it fails.
+TEST(TrulyTest, ExplainsFailures) {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(Truly(IsPositive), -1, &listener));
+ EXPECT_EQ(listener.str(), "didn't satisfy the given predicate");
+// Tests that Matches(m) is a predicate satisfied by whatever that
+// matches matcher m.
+TEST(MatchesTest, IsSatisfiedByWhatMatchesTheMatcher) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(Ge(0))(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(Eq('a'))('b'));
+// Tests that Matches(m) works when the matcher takes its argument by
+// reference.
+TEST(MatchesTest, WorksOnByRefArguments) {
+ int m = 0, n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(AllOf(Ref(n), Eq(0)))(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(Ref(m))(n));
+// Tests that a Matcher on non-reference type can be used in
+// Matches().
+TEST(MatchesTest, WorksWithMatcherOnNonRefType) {
+ Matcher<int> eq5 = Eq(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(eq5)(5));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(eq5)(2));
+// Tests Value(value, matcher). Since Value() is a simple wrapper for
+// Matches(), which has been tested already, we don't spend a lot of
+// effort on testing Value().
+TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value("hi", StartsWith("h")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value(5, Gt(10)));
+TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ const Matcher<int> is_zero = Eq(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value(0, is_zero));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value('a', is_zero));
+ int n = 0;
+ const Matcher<const int&> ref_n = Ref(n);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Value(n, ref_n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Value(1, ref_n));
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(1, 2L), AllArgs(Lt()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(2L, 1), Not(AllArgs(Lt())));
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForNonTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, AllArgs(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT('a', Not(AllArgs(Eq('b'))));
+class AllArgsHelper {
+ public:
+ AllArgsHelper() = default;
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Helper, int(char x, int y));
+ private:
+ AllArgsHelper(const AllArgsHelper&) = delete;
+ AllArgsHelper& operator=(const AllArgsHelper&) = delete;
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksInWithClause) {
+ AllArgsHelper helper;
+ ON_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _)).With(AllArgs(Lt())).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _)).With(AllArgs(Gt())).WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, helper.Helper('\1', 2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, helper.Helper('a', 1));
+class OptionalMatchersHelper {
+ public:
+ OptionalMatchersHelper() = default;
+ MOCK_METHOD0(NoArgs, int());
+ MOCK_METHOD1(OneArg, int(int y));
+ MOCK_METHOD2(TwoArgs, int(char x, int y));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(char x));
+ MOCK_METHOD2(Overloaded, int(char x, int y));
+ private:
+ OptionalMatchersHelper(const OptionalMatchersHelper&) = delete;
+ OptionalMatchersHelper& operator=(const OptionalMatchersHelper&) = delete;
+TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksWithoutMatchers) {
+ OptionalMatchersHelper helper;
+ ON_CALL(helper, NoArgs).WillByDefault(Return(10));
+ ON_CALL(helper, OneArg).WillByDefault(Return(20));
+ ON_CALL(helper, TwoArgs).WillByDefault(Return(30));
+ EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.NoArgs());
+ EXPECT_EQ(20, helper.OneArg(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(30, helper.TwoArgs('\1', 2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, NoArgs).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, OneArg).WillOnce(Return(100));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, OneArg(17)).WillOnce(Return(200));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, TwoArgs).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.NoArgs());
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, helper.OneArg(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, helper.OneArg(17));
+// Tests floating-point matchers.
+template <typename RawType>
+class FloatingPointTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ typedef testing::internal::FloatingPoint<RawType> Floating;
+ typedef typename Floating::Bits Bits;
+ FloatingPointTest()
+ : max_ulps_(Floating::kMaxUlps),
+ zero_bits_(Floating(0).bits()),
+ one_bits_(Floating(1).bits()),
+ infinity_bits_(Floating(Floating::Infinity()).bits()),
+ close_to_positive_zero_(
+ Floating::ReinterpretBits(zero_bits_ + max_ulps_ / 2)),
+ close_to_negative_zero_(
+ -Floating::ReinterpretBits(zero_bits_ + max_ulps_ - max_ulps_ / 2)),
+ further_from_negative_zero_(-Floating::ReinterpretBits(
+ zero_bits_ + max_ulps_ + 1 - max_ulps_ / 2)),
+ close_to_one_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(one_bits_ + max_ulps_)),
+ further_from_one_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(one_bits_ + max_ulps_ + 1)),
+ infinity_(Floating::Infinity()),
+ close_to_infinity_(
+ Floating::ReinterpretBits(infinity_bits_ - max_ulps_)),
+ further_from_infinity_(
+ Floating::ReinterpretBits(infinity_bits_ - max_ulps_ - 1)),
+ max_(std::numeric_limits<RawType>::max()),
+ nan1_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(Floating::kExponentBitMask | 1)),
+ nan2_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(Floating::kExponentBitMask | 200)) {}
+ void TestSize() { EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(RawType), sizeof(Bits)); }
+ // A battery of tests for FloatingEqMatcher::Matches.
+ // matcher_maker is a pointer to a function which creates a FloatingEqMatcher.
+ void TestMatches(
+ testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher<RawType> (*matcher_maker)(RawType)) {
+ Matcher<RawType> m1 = matcher_maker(0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(close_to_positive_zero_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(close_to_negative_zero_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1.0));
+ Matcher<RawType> m2 = matcher_maker(close_to_positive_zero_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(further_from_negative_zero_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m3 = matcher_maker(1.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(close_to_one_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(further_from_one_));
+ // Test commutativity: matcher_maker(0.0).Matches(1.0) was tested above.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(0.0));
+ Matcher<RawType> m4 = matcher_maker(-infinity_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(-close_to_infinity_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m5 = matcher_maker(infinity_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(close_to_infinity_));
+ // This is interesting as the representations of infinity_ and nan1_
+ // are only 1 DLP apart.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m5.Matches(nan1_));
+ // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<const RawType&>, which is needed in
+ // some cases.
+ Matcher<const RawType&> m6 = matcher_maker(0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(-0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(close_to_positive_zero_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m6.Matches(1.0));
+ // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<RawType&>, which is needed in some
+ // cases.
+ Matcher<RawType&> m7 = matcher_maker(0.0);
+ RawType x = 0.0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m7.Matches(x));
+ x = 0.01f;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m7.Matches(x));
+ }
+ // Pre-calculated numbers to be used by the tests.
+ const Bits max_ulps_;
+ const Bits zero_bits_; // The bits that represent 0.0.
+ const Bits one_bits_; // The bits that represent 1.0.
+ const Bits infinity_bits_; // The bits that represent +infinity.
+ // Some numbers close to 0.0.
+ const RawType close_to_positive_zero_;
+ const RawType close_to_negative_zero_;
+ const RawType further_from_negative_zero_;
+ // Some numbers close to 1.0.
+ const RawType close_to_one_;
+ const RawType further_from_one_;
+ // Some numbers close to +infinity.
+ const RawType infinity_;
+ const RawType close_to_infinity_;
+ const RawType further_from_infinity_;
+ // Maximum representable value that's not infinity.
+ const RawType max_;
+ // Some NaNs.
+ const RawType nan1_;
+ const RawType nan2_;
+// Tests floating-point matchers with fixed epsilons.
+template <typename RawType>
+class FloatingPointNearTest : public FloatingPointTest<RawType> {
+ protected:
+ typedef FloatingPointTest<RawType> ParentType;
+ // A battery of tests for FloatingEqMatcher::Matches with a fixed epsilon.
+ // matcher_maker is a pointer to a function which creates a FloatingEqMatcher.
+ void TestNearMatches(testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher<RawType> (
+ *matcher_maker)(RawType, RawType)) {
+ Matcher<RawType> m1 = matcher_maker(0.0, 0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-0.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(ParentType::close_to_positive_zero_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(ParentType::close_to_negative_zero_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1.0));
+ Matcher<RawType> m2 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(-0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(1.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(-1.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(ParentType::close_to_one_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(-ParentType::close_to_one_));
+ // Check that inf matches inf, regardless of the of the specified max
+ // absolute error.
+ Matcher<RawType> m3 = matcher_maker(ParentType::infinity_, 0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(ParentType::infinity_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(ParentType::close_to_infinity_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(-ParentType::infinity_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m4 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::infinity_, 0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(-ParentType::infinity_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(-ParentType::close_to_infinity_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(ParentType::infinity_));
+ // Test various overflow scenarios.
+ Matcher<RawType> m5 = matcher_maker(ParentType::max_, ParentType::max_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(ParentType::max_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m5.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m6 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::max_, ParentType::max_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m6.Matches(ParentType::max_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m7 = matcher_maker(ParentType::max_, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m7.Matches(ParentType::max_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m7.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
+ Matcher<RawType> m8 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::max_, 0);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m8.Matches(ParentType::max_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m8.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
+ // The difference between max() and -max() normally overflows to infinity,
+ // but it should still match if the max_abs_error is also infinity.
+ Matcher<RawType> m9 =
+ matcher_maker(ParentType::max_, ParentType::infinity_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m8.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
+ // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<const RawType&>, which is needed in
+ // some cases.
+ Matcher<const RawType&> m10 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m10.Matches(-0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m10.Matches(ParentType::close_to_positive_zero_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m10.Matches(ParentType::close_to_one_));
+ // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<RawType&>, which is needed in some
+ // cases.
+ Matcher<RawType&> m11 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
+ RawType x = 0.0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
+ x = 1.0f;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
+ x = -1.0f;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
+ x = 1.1f;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m11.Matches(x));
+ x = -1.1f;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m11.Matches(x));
+ }
+// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats.
+typedef FloatingPointTest<float> FloatTest;
+TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) { TestMatches(&FloatEq); }
+TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) {
+ TestMatches(&NanSensitiveFloatEq);
+TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqCannotMatchNaN) {
+ // FloatEq never matches NaN.
+ Matcher<float> m = FloatEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanMatchNaN) {
+ // NanSensitiveFloatEq will match NaN.
+ Matcher<float> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<float> m1 = FloatEq(2.0f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<float> m2 = FloatEq(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<float> m3 = FloatEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<float> m1 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(2.0f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<float> m2 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<float> m3 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
+// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats with a user-specified
+// max absolute error.
+typedef FloatingPointNearTest<float> FloatNearTest;
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearMatches) { TestNearMatches(&FloatNear); }
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearApproximatelyMatchesFloats) {
+ TestNearMatches(&NanSensitiveFloatNear);
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<float> m1 = FloatNear(2.0f, 0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<float> m2 = FloatNear(0.5f, 0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<float> m3 = FloatNear(nan1_, 0.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<float> m1 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(2.0f, 0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<float> m2 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f, 0.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<float> m3 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(nan1_, 0.1f);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearCannotMatchNaN) {
+ // FloatNear never matches NaN.
+ Matcher<float> m = FloatNear(ParentType::nan1_, 0.1f);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanMatchNaN) {
+ // NanSensitiveFloatNear will match NaN.
+ Matcher<float> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(nan1_, 0.1f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing doubles.
+typedef FloatingPointTest<double> DoubleTest;
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
+ TestMatches(&DoubleEq);
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
+ TestMatches(&NanSensitiveDoubleEq);
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqCannotMatchNaN) {
+ // DoubleEq never matches NaN.
+ Matcher<double> m = DoubleEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanMatchNaN) {
+ // NanSensitiveDoubleEq will match NaN.
+ Matcher<double> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleEq(2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<double> m2 = DoubleEq(0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<double> m3 = DoubleEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<double> m2 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<double> m3 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(nan1_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
+// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats with a user-specified
+// max absolute error.
+typedef FloatingPointNearTest<double> DoubleNearTest;
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearMatches) { TestNearMatches(&DoubleNear); }
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
+ TestNearMatches(&NanSensitiveDoubleNear);
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleNear(2.0, 0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<double> m2 = DoubleNear(0.5, 0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<double> m3 = DoubleNear(nan1_, 0.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, ExplainsResultWhenMatchFails) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 2.05));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 0.2 from 2", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 2.2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is -0.3 from 2", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 1.7));
+ const std::string explanation =
+ Explain(DoubleNear(2.1, 1e-10), 2.1 + 1.2e-10);
+ // Different C++ implementations may print floating-point numbers
+ // slightly differently.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(explanation == "which is 1.2e-10 from 2.1" || // GCC
+ explanation == "which is 1.2e-010 from 2.1") // MSVC
+ << " where explanation is \"" << explanation << "\".";
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(2.0, 0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+ Matcher<double> m2 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5, 0.5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)",
+ DescribeNegation(m2));
+ Matcher<double> m3 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(nan1_, 0.1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCannotMatchNaN) {
+ // DoubleNear never matches NaN.
+ Matcher<double> m = DoubleNear(ParentType::nan1_, 0.1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanMatchNaN) {
+ // NanSensitiveDoubleNear will match NaN.
+ Matcher<double> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(nan1_, 0.1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
+TEST(NotTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pointee(Eq(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pointee(Eq(2))));
+TEST(AllOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ // Verify that using AllOf with many arguments doesn't cause
+ // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
+TEST(AnyOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ // Verify that using AnyOf with many arguments doesn't cause
+ // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
+namespace adl_test {
+// Verifies that the implementation of ::testing::AllOf and ::testing::AnyOf
+// don't issue unqualified recursive calls. If they do, the argument dependent
+// name lookup will cause AllOf/AnyOf in the 'adl_test' namespace to be found
+// as a candidate and the compilation will break due to an ambiguous overload.
+// The matcher must be in the same namespace as AllOf/AnyOf to make argument
+// dependent lookup find those.
+MATCHER(M, "") {
+ (void)arg;
+ return true;
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+bool AllOf(const T1& /*t1*/, const T2& /*t2*/) {
+ return true;
+TEST(AllOfTest, DoesNotCallAllOfUnqualified) {
+ testing::AllOf(M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
+template <typename T1, typename T2>
+bool AnyOf(const T1&, const T2&) {
+ return true;
+TEST(AnyOfTest, DoesNotCallAnyOfUnqualified) {
+ testing::AnyOf(M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
+} // namespace adl_test
+TEST(AllOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(3)))));
+TEST(AnyOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Gt(5)))));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-comparisons_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-comparisons_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2ce99e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-comparisons_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,2361 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.h"
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+namespace {
+TEST_P(MonotonicMatcherTestP, IsPrintable) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << GreaterThan(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is > 5", ss.str());
+TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, StreamingWorks) {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ listener << "hi" << 5;
+ EXPECT_EQ("hi5", listener.str());
+ listener.Clear();
+ EXPECT_EQ("", listener.str());
+ listener << 42;
+ EXPECT_EQ("42", listener.str());
+ // Streaming shouldn't crash when the underlying ostream is NULL.
+ DummyMatchResultListener dummy;
+ dummy << "hi" << 5;
+TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, CanAccessUnderlyingStream) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(DummyMatchResultListener().stream() == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StreamMatchResultListener(nullptr).stream() == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&std::cout, StreamMatchResultListener(&std::cout).stream());
+TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, IsInterestedWorks) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StringMatchResultListener().IsInterested());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StreamMatchResultListener(&std::cout).IsInterested());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(DummyMatchResultListener().IsInterested());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(StreamMatchResultListener(nullptr).IsInterested());
+// Makes sure that the MatcherInterface<T> interface doesn't
+// change.
+class EvenMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<int> {
+ public:
+ bool MatchAndExplain(int x,
+ MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const override {
+ return x % 2 == 0;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "is an even number"; }
+ // We deliberately don't define DescribeNegationTo() and
+ // ExplainMatchResultTo() here, to make sure the definition of these
+ // two methods is optional.
+// Makes sure that the MatcherInterface API doesn't change.
+TEST(MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingPublishedAPI) {
+ EvenMatcherImpl m;
+// Tests implementing a monomorphic matcher using MatchAndExplain().
+class NewEvenMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<int> {
+ public:
+ bool MatchAndExplain(int x, MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ const bool match = x % 2 == 0;
+ // Verifies that we can stream to a listener directly.
+ *listener << "value % " << 2;
+ if (listener->stream() != nullptr) {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to a listener's underlying stream
+ // too.
+ *listener->stream() << " == " << (x % 2);
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "is an even number"; }
+TEST(MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingNewAPI) {
+ Matcher<int> m = MakeMatcher(new NewEvenMatcherImpl);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("value % 2 == 0", Explain(m, 2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("value % 2 == 1", Explain(m, 3));
+// Tests default-constructing a matcher.
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeDefaultConstructed) { Matcher<double> m; }
+// Tests that Matcher<T> can be constructed from a MatcherInterface<T>*.
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeConstructedFromMatcherInterface) {
+ const MatcherInterface<int>* impl = new EvenMatcherImpl;
+ Matcher<int> m(impl);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(5));
+// Tests that value can be used in place of Eq(value).
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromValue) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = 5;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(5));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(6));
+// Tests that NULL can be used in place of Eq(NULL).
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromNULL) {
+ Matcher<int*> m1 = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(&n));
+// Tests that matchers can be constructed from a variable that is not properly
+// defined. This should be illegal, but many users rely on this accidentally.
+struct Undefined {
+ virtual ~Undefined() = 0;
+ static const int kInt = 1;
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeConstructedFromUndefinedVariable) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Undefined::kInt;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(2));
+// Test that a matcher parameterized with an abstract class compiles.
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanAcceptAbstractClass) { Matcher<const Undefined&> m = _; }
+// Tests that matchers are copyable.
+TEST(MatcherTest, IsCopyable) {
+ // Tests the copy constructor.
+ Matcher<bool> m1 = Eq(false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(false));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(true));
+ // Tests the assignment operator.
+ m1 = Eq(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(true));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(false));
+// Tests that Matcher<T>::DescribeTo() calls
+// MatcherInterface<T>::DescribeTo().
+TEST(MatcherTest, CanDescribeItself) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an even number", Describe(Matcher<int>(new EvenMatcherImpl)));
+// Tests Matcher<T>::MatchAndExplain().
+TEST_P(MatcherTestP, MatchAndExplain) {
+ Matcher<int> m = GreaterThan(0);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.MatchAndExplain(42, &listener1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 42 more than 0", listener1.str());
+ StringMatchResultListener listener2;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.MatchAndExplain(-9, &listener2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 9 less than 0", listener2.str());
+// Tests that a C-string literal can be implicitly converted to a
+// Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&>.
+TEST(StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral) {
+ Matcher<std::string> m1 = "hi";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("hello"));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = "hi";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hello"));
+// Tests that a string object can be implicitly converted to a
+// Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&>.
+TEST(StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString) {
+ Matcher<std::string> m1 = std::string("hi");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("hello"));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = std::string("hi");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hello"));
+// Tests that a C-string literal can be implicitly converted to a
+// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
+TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral) {
+ Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = "cats";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = "cats";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
+// Tests that a std::string object can be implicitly converted to a
+// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
+TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString) {
+ Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = std::string("cats");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = std::string("cats");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
+// Tests that a StringView object can be implicitly converted to a
+// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
+TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromStringView) {
+ Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = internal::StringView("cats");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = internal::StringView("cats");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
+// Tests that a std::reference_wrapper<std::string> object can be implicitly
+// converted to a Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&> via Eq().
+ CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromEqReferenceWrapperString) {
+ std::string value = "cats";
+ Matcher<std::string> m1 = Eq(std::ref(value));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = Eq(std::ref(value));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
+// Tests that MakeMatcher() constructs a Matcher<T> from a
+// MatcherInterface* without requiring the user to explicitly
+// write the type.
+TEST(MakeMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherFromMatcherInterface) {
+ const MatcherInterface<int>* dummy_impl = new EvenMatcherImpl;
+ Matcher<int> m = MakeMatcher(dummy_impl);
+// Tests that MakePolymorphicMatcher() can construct a polymorphic
+// matcher from its implementation using the old API.
+const int g_bar = 1;
+class ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl {
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x, MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
+ const void* p = &x;
+ return p == &g_bar || x == 0;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "g_bar or zero"; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "doesn't reference g_bar and is not zero";
+ }
+// This function verifies that MakePolymorphicMatcher() returns a
+// PolymorphicMatcher<T> where T is the argument's type.
+PolymorphicMatcher<ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl> ReferencesBarOrIsZero() {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl());
+TEST(MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingOldAPI) {
+ // Using a polymorphic matcher to match a reference type.
+ Matcher<const int&> m1 = ReferencesBarOrIsZero();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0));
+ // Verifies that the identity of a by-reference argument is preserved.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(g_bar));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("g_bar or zero", Describe(m1));
+ // Using a polymorphic matcher to match a value type.
+ Matcher<double> m2 = ReferencesBarOrIsZero();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(0.1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("g_bar or zero", Describe(m2));
+// Tests implementing a polymorphic matcher using MatchAndExplain().
+class PolymorphicIsEvenImpl {
+ public:
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is even"; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is odd"; }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to the listener directly.
+ *listener << "% " << 2;
+ if (listener->stream() != nullptr) {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to the listener's underlying stream
+ // too.
+ *listener->stream() << " == " << (x % 2);
+ }
+ return (x % 2) == 0;
+ }
+PolymorphicMatcher<PolymorphicIsEvenImpl> PolymorphicIsEven() {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(PolymorphicIsEvenImpl());
+TEST(MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingNewAPI) {
+ // Using PolymorphicIsEven() as a Matcher<int>.
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = PolymorphicIsEven();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(43));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m1));
+ const Matcher<int> not_m1 = Not(m1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is odd", Describe(not_m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", Explain(m1, 42));
+ // Using PolymorphicIsEven() as a Matcher<char>.
+ const Matcher<char> m2 = PolymorphicIsEven();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches('\x42'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('\x43'));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m2));
+ const Matcher<char> not_m2 = Not(m2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is odd", Describe(not_m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", Explain(m2, '\x42'));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a polymorphic matcher.
+TEST_P(MatcherCastTestP, FromPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ Matcher<int16_t> m;
+ if (use_gtest_matcher_) {
+ m = MatcherCast<int16_t>(GtestGreaterThan(int64_t{5}));
+ } else {
+ m = MatcherCast<int16_t>(Gt(int64_t{5}));
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
+// For testing casting matchers between compatible types.
+class IntValue {
+ public:
+ // An int can be statically (although not implicitly) cast to a
+ // IntValue.
+ explicit IntValue(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
+ int value() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ int value_;
+// For testing casting matchers between compatible types.
+bool IsPositiveIntValue(const IntValue& foo) { return foo.value() > 0; }
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where T
+// can be statically converted to U.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromCompatibleType) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = Eq(2.0);
+ Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(3));
+ Matcher<IntValue> m3 = Truly(IsPositiveIntValue);
+ Matcher<int> m4 = MatcherCast<int>(m3);
+ // In the following, the arguments 1 and 0 are statically converted
+ // to IntValue objects, and then tested by the IsPositiveIntValue()
+ // predicate.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(0));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<const T&>.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToNonReference) {
+ Matcher<const int&> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T&>.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromReferenceToNonReference) {
+ Matcher<int&> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<const T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<const int&> m2 = MatcherCast<const int&>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = MatcherCast<int&>(m1);
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
+ n = 1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromSameType) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a value of the same type as the
+// value type of the Matcher.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromAValue) {
+ Matcher<int> m = MatcherCast<int>(42);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(239));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a value of the type implicitly
+// convertible to the value type of the Matcher.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromAnImplicitlyConvertibleValue) {
+ const int kExpected = 'c';
+ Matcher<int> m = MatcherCast<int>('c');
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(kExpected));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(kExpected + 1));
+struct NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq {
+ friend bool operator==(
+ const NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq& /* ignored */,
+ int rhs) {
+ return 42 == rhs;
+ }
+ friend bool operator==(
+ int lhs,
+ const NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq& /* ignored */) {
+ return lhs == 42;
+ }
+// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a neither a matcher nor
+// implicitly convertible to the value type of the Matcher, but the value type
+// of the matcher has operator==() overload accepting m.
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq) {
+ Matcher<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq> m1 =
+ MatcherCast<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq>(42);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq()));
+ Matcher<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq> m2 =
+ MatcherCast<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq>(239);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq()));
+ // When updating the following lines please also change the comment to
+ // namespace convertible_from_any.
+ Matcher<int> m3 =
+ MatcherCast<int>(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(239));
+// ConvertibleFromAny does not work with MSVC. resulting in
+// error C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from 'Eq' to 'M'
+// No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload
+// resolution was ambiguous
+#if !defined _MSC_VER
+// The below ConvertibleFromAny struct is implicitly constructible from anything
+// and when in the same namespace can interact with other tests. In particular,
+// if it is in the same namespace as other tests and one removes
+// NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq::operator==(int lhs, ...);
+// then the corresponding test still compiles (and it should not!) by implicitly
+// converting NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq to ConvertibleFromAny
+// in m3.Matcher().
+namespace convertible_from_any {
+// Implicitly convertible from any type.
+struct ConvertibleFromAny {
+ ConvertibleFromAny(int a_value) : value(a_value) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ ConvertibleFromAny(const T& /*a_value*/) : value(-1) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Conversion constructor called";
+ }
+ int value;
+bool operator==(const ConvertibleFromAny& a, const ConvertibleFromAny& b) {
+ return a.value == b.value;
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const ConvertibleFromAny& a) {
+ return os << a.value;
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) {
+ Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m = MatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) {
+ Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m =
+ MatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(Eq(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
+} // namespace convertible_from_any
+#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
+struct IntReferenceWrapper {
+ IntReferenceWrapper(const int& a_value) : value(&a_value) {}
+ const int* value;
+bool operator==(const IntReferenceWrapper& a, const IntReferenceWrapper& b) {
+ return a.value == b.value;
+TEST(MatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) {
+ int n = 42;
+ Matcher<IntReferenceWrapper> m = MatcherCast<IntReferenceWrapper>(n);
+ // Verify that the matcher holds a reference to n, not to its temporary copy.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+class Base {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Base() = default;
+ Base() = default;
+ private:
+ Base(const Base&) = delete;
+ Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
+class Derived : public Base {
+ public:
+ Derived() : Base() {}
+ int i;
+class OtherDerived : public Base {};
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a polymorphic matcher.
+TEST_P(SafeMatcherCastTestP, FromPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ Matcher<char> m2;
+ if (use_gtest_matcher_) {
+ m2 = SafeMatcherCast<char>(GtestGreaterThan(32));
+ } else {
+ m2 = SafeMatcherCast<char>(Gt(32));
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches('A'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('\n'));
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where
+// T and U are arithmetic types and T can be losslessly converted to
+// U.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromLosslesslyConvertibleArithmeticType) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleEq(1.0);
+ Matcher<float> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<float>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(1.0f));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(2.0f));
+ Matcher<char> m3 = SafeMatcherCast<char>(TypedEq<int>('a'));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches('a'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches('b'));
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where T and U
+// are pointers or references to a derived and a base class, correspondingly.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromBaseClass) {
+ Derived d, d2;
+ Matcher<Base*> m1 = Eq(&d);
+ Matcher<Derived*> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<Derived*>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(&d));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(&d2));
+ Matcher<Base&> m3 = Ref(d);
+ Matcher<Derived&> m4 = SafeMatcherCast<Derived&>(m3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(d));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(d2));
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<const T&>.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToReference) {
+ int n = 0;
+ Matcher<const int&> m1 = Ref(n);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int&>(m1);
+ int n1 = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n1));
+// Tests that MatcherCast<const T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) {
+ Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m1 = IsNull();
+ Matcher<const std::unique_ptr<int>&> m2 =
+ SafeMatcherCast<const std::unique_ptr<int>&>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int)));
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int&>(m1);
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
+ n = 1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n));
+// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromSameType) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
+ Matcher<int> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int>(m1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
+#if !defined _MSC_VER
+namespace convertible_from_any {
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) {
+ Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m = SafeMatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) {
+ Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m =
+ SafeMatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(Eq(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
+} // namespace convertible_from_any
+#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
+TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) {
+ int n = 42;
+ Matcher<IntReferenceWrapper> m = SafeMatcherCast<IntReferenceWrapper>(n);
+ // Verify that the matcher holds a reference to n, not to its temporary copy.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(ExpectThat, TakesLiterals) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, 1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(1.0, 1.0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::string(), "");
+TEST(ExpectThat, TakesFunctions) {
+ struct Helper {
+ static void Func() {}
+ };
+ void (*func)() = Helper::Func;
+ EXPECT_THAT(func, Helper::Func);
+ EXPECT_THAT(func, &Helper::Func);
+// Tests that A<T>() matches any value of type T.
+TEST(ATest, MatchesAnyValue) {
+ // Tests a matcher for a value type.
+ Matcher<double> m1 = A<double>();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(91.43));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-15.32));
+ // Tests a matcher for a reference type.
+ int a = 2;
+ int b = -6;
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = A<int&>();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
+TEST(ATest, WorksForDerivedClass) {
+ Base base;
+ Derived derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(&base, A<Base*>());
+ // This shouldn't compile: EXPECT_THAT(&base, A<Derived*>());
+ EXPECT_THAT(&derived, A<Base*>());
+ EXPECT_THAT(&derived, A<Derived*>());
+// Tests that A<T>() describes itself properly.
+TEST(ATest, CanDescribeSelf) { EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(A<bool>())); }
+// Tests that An<T>() matches any value of type T.
+TEST(AnTest, MatchesAnyValue) {
+ // Tests a matcher for a value type.
+ Matcher<int> m1 = An<int>();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(9143));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-1532));
+ // Tests a matcher for a reference type.
+ int a = 2;
+ int b = -6;
+ Matcher<int&> m2 = An<int&>();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
+// Tests that An<T>() describes itself properly.
+TEST(AnTest, CanDescribeSelf) { EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(An<int>())); }
+// Tests that _ can be used as a matcher for any type and matches any
+// value of that type.
+TEST(UnderscoreTest, MatchesAnyValue) {
+ // Uses _ as a matcher for a value type.
+ Matcher<int> m1 = _;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(123));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-242));
+ // Uses _ as a matcher for a reference type.
+ bool a = false;
+ const bool b = true;
+ Matcher<const bool&> m2 = _;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
+// Tests that _ describes itself properly.
+TEST(UnderscoreTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = _;
+ EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Eq(x) matches any value equal to x.
+TEST(EqTest, MatchesEqualValue) {
+ // 2 C-strings with same content but different addresses.
+ const char a1[] = "hi";
+ const char a2[] = "hi";
+ Matcher<const char*> m1 = Eq(a1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(a1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(a2));
+// Tests that Eq(v) describes itself properly.
+class Unprintable {
+ public:
+ Unprintable() : c_('a') {}
+ bool operator==(const Unprintable& /* rhs */) const { return true; }
+ // -Wunused-private-field: dummy accessor for `c_`.
+ char dummy_c() { return c_; }
+ private:
+ char c_;
+TEST(EqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<Unprintable> m = Eq(Unprintable());
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 1-byte object <61>", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Eq(v) can be used to match any type that supports
+// comparing with type T, where T is v's type.
+TEST(EqTest, IsPolymorphic) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(2));
+ Matcher<char> m2 = Eq(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches('\1'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('a'));
+// Tests that TypedEq<T>(v) matches values of type T that's equal to v.
+TEST(TypedEqTest, ChecksEqualityForGivenType) {
+ Matcher<char> m1 = TypedEq<char>('a');
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('a'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches('b'));
+ Matcher<int> m2 = TypedEq<int>(6);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(6));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(7));
+// Tests that TypedEq(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(TypedEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 2", Describe(TypedEq<int>(2)));
+// Tests that TypedEq<T>(v) has type Matcher<T>.
+// Type<T>::IsTypeOf(v) compiles if and only if the type of value v is T, where
+// T is a "bare" type (i.e. not in the form of const U or U&). If v's type is
+// not T, the compiler will generate a message about "undefined reference".
+template <typename T>
+struct Type {
+ static bool IsTypeOf(const T& /* v */) { return true; }
+ template <typename T2>
+ static void IsTypeOf(T2 v);
+TEST(TypedEqTest, HasSpecifiedType) {
+ // Verifies that the type of TypedEq<T>(v) is Matcher<T>.
+ Type<Matcher<int>>::IsTypeOf(TypedEq<int>(5));
+ Type<Matcher<double>>::IsTypeOf(TypedEq<double>(5));
+// Tests that Ge(v) matches anything >= v.
+TEST(GeTest, ImplementsGreaterThanOrEqual) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Ge(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(-1));
+// Tests that Ge(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(GeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Ge(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is >= 5", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Gt(v) matches anything > v.
+TEST(GtTest, ImplementsGreaterThan) {
+ Matcher<double> m1 = Gt(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(0.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(-1.0));
+// Tests that Gt(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(GtTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Gt(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is > 5", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Le(v) matches anything <= v.
+TEST(LeTest, ImplementsLessThanOrEqual) {
+ Matcher<char> m1 = Le('b');
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('a'));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('b'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches('c'));
+// Tests that Le(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(LeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Le(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is <= 5", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Lt(v) matches anything < v.
+TEST(LtTest, ImplementsLessThan) {
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m1 = Lt("Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Abc"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("Hello, world!"));
+// Tests that Lt(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(LtTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Lt(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is < 5", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Ne(v) matches anything != v.
+TEST(NeTest, ImplementsNotEqual) {
+ Matcher<int> m1 = Ne(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(0));
+// Tests that Ne(v) describes itself properly.
+TEST(NeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int> m = Ne(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 5", Describe(m));
+class MoveOnly {
+ public:
+ explicit MoveOnly(int i) : i_(i) {}
+ MoveOnly(const MoveOnly&) = delete;
+ MoveOnly(MoveOnly&&) = default;
+ MoveOnly& operator=(const MoveOnly&) = delete;
+ MoveOnly& operator=(MoveOnly&&) = default;
+ bool operator==(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
+ bool operator!=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
+ bool operator<(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ < other.i_; }
+ bool operator<=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ <= other.i_; }
+ bool operator>(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ > other.i_; }
+ bool operator>=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ >= other.i_; }
+ private:
+ int i_;
+struct MoveHelper {
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Call, void(MoveOnly));
+// Disable this test in VS 2015 (version 14), where it fails when SEH is enabled
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1910)
+TEST(ComparisonBaseTest, DISABLED_WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+TEST(ComparisonBaseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ MoveOnly m{0};
+ MoveHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Eq(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Ne(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Le(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Lt(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(-1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Ge(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Gt(ByRef(m))));
+ helper.Call(MoveOnly(1));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, MatchesContainer) {
+ const Matcher<std::vector<int>> m = IsEmpty();
+ std::vector<int> a = {};
+ std::vector<int> b = {1};
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, MatchesStdString) {
+ const Matcher<std::string> m = IsEmpty();
+ std::string a = "z";
+ std::string b = "";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(b));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, MatchesCString) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m = IsEmpty();
+ const char a[] = "";
+ const char b[] = "x";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
+// Tests that IsNull() matches any NULL pointer of any type.
+TEST(IsNullTest, MatchesNullPointer) {
+ Matcher<int*> m1 = IsNull();
+ int* p1 = nullptr;
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(p1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(&n));
+ Matcher<const char*> m2 = IsNull();
+ const char* p2 = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(p2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hi"));
+ Matcher<void*> m3 = IsNull();
+ void* p3 = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(p3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xbeef)));
+TEST(IsNullTest, StdFunction) {
+ const Matcher<std::function<void()>> m = IsNull();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(std::function<void()>()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches([] {}));
+// Tests that IsNull() describes itself properly.
+TEST(IsNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int*> m = IsNull();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is NULL", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NULL", DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that NotNull() matches any non-NULL pointer of any type.
+TEST(NotNullTest, MatchesNonNullPointer) {
+ Matcher<int*> m1 = NotNull();
+ int* p1 = nullptr;
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(p1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(&n));
+ Matcher<const char*> m2 = NotNull();
+ const char* p2 = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(p2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
+TEST(NotNullTest, LinkedPtr) {
+ const Matcher<std::shared_ptr<int>> m = NotNull();
+ const std::shared_ptr<int> null_p;
+ const std::shared_ptr<int> non_null_p(new int);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(null_p));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(non_null_p));
+TEST(NotNullTest, ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr) {
+ const Matcher<const std::shared_ptr<double>&> m = NotNull();
+ const std::shared_ptr<double> null_p;
+ const std::shared_ptr<double> non_null_p(new double);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(null_p));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(non_null_p));
+TEST(NotNullTest, StdFunction) {
+ const Matcher<std::function<void()>> m = NotNull();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches([] {}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::function<void()>()));
+// Tests that NotNull() describes itself properly.
+TEST(NotNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<int*> m = NotNull();
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't NULL", Describe(m));
+// Tests that Ref(variable) matches an argument that references
+// 'variable'.
+TEST(RefTest, MatchesSameVariable) {
+ int a = 0;
+ int b = 0;
+ Matcher<int&> m = Ref(a);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
+// Tests that Ref(variable) describes itself properly.
+TEST(RefTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ int n = 5;
+ Matcher<int&> m = Ref(n);
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "references the variable @" << &n << " 5";
+ EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), Describe(m));
+// Test that Ref(non_const_varialbe) can be used as a matcher for a
+// const reference.
+TEST(RefTest, CanBeUsedAsMatcherForConstReference) {
+ int a = 0;
+ int b = 0;
+ Matcher<const int&> m = Ref(a);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
+// Tests that Ref(variable) is covariant, i.e. Ref(derived) can be
+// used wherever Ref(base) can be used (Ref(derived) is a sub-type
+// of Ref(base), but not vice versa.
+TEST(RefTest, IsCovariant) {
+ Base base, base2;
+ Derived derived;
+ Matcher<const Base&> m1 = Ref(base);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(base));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(derived));
+ m1 = Ref(derived);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(derived));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base2));
+TEST(RefTest, ExplainsResult) {
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(Matcher<const int&>(Ref(n)), n),
+ StartsWith("which is located @"));
+ int m = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(Matcher<const int&>(Ref(n)), m),
+ StartsWith("which is located @"));
+// Tests string comparison matchers.
+template <typename T = std::string>
+std::string FromStringLike(internal::StringLike<T> str) {
+ return std::string(str);
+TEST(StringLike, TestConversions) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike("foo"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike(std::string("foo")));
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike(internal::StringView("foo")));
+ // Non deducible types.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", FromStringLike({}));
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike({'f', 'o', 'o'}));
+ const char buf[] = "foo";
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike({buf, buf + 3}));
+TEST(StrEqTest, MatchesEqualString) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrEq(std::string("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrEq("Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
+ StrEq(internal::StringView("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m_empty = StrEq("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
+TEST(StrEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<std::string> m = StrEq("Hi-\'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\xD3");
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"Hi-\'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\xD3\"",
+ Describe(m));
+ std::string str("01204500800");
+ str[3] = '\0';
+ Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"012\\04500800\"", Describe(m2));
+ str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = '\0';
+ Matcher<std::string> m3 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"\\012\\045\\0\\08\\0\\0\"", Describe(m3));
+TEST(StrNeTest, MatchesUnequalString) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrNe("Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hello"));
+ Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrNe(std::string("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = StrNe(internal::StringView("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
+TEST(StrNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrNe("Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseEq(std::string("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrCaseEq("Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
+ StrCaseEq(internal::StringView("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hi")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+TEST(StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase) {
+ std::string str1("oabocdooeoo");
+ std::string str2("OABOCDOOEOO");
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m0 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m0.Matches(str2 + std::string(1, '\0')));
+ str1[3] = str2[3] = '\0';
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m1 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(str2));
+ str1[0] = str1[6] = str1[7] = str1[10] = '\0';
+ str2[0] = str2[6] = str2[7] = str2[10] = '\0';
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ str1[9] = str2[9] = '\0';
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(str2));
+ Matcher<const std::string&> m3 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(str2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2 + "x"));
+ str2.append(1, '\0');
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(std::string(str2, 0, 9)));
+TEST(StrCaseEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<std::string> m = StrCaseEq("Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to (ignoring case) \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(StrCaseNeTest, MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseNe("Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("hello"));
+ Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrCaseNe(std::string("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 =
+ StrCaseNe(internal::StringView("Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hi")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
+TEST(StrCaseNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseNe("Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to (ignoring case) \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching string-typed values.
+TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForStringClasses) {
+ const Matcher<std::string> m1 = HasSubstr("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(std::string("I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(std::string("tofo")));
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(std::string("I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(std::string("tofo")));
+ const Matcher<std::string> m_empty = HasSubstr("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(std::string()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(std::string("not empty")));
+// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching C-string-typed values.
+TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForCStrings) {
+ const Matcher<char*> m1 = HasSubstr("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(const_cast<char*>("I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(const_cast<char*>("tofo")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const char*> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("I love food."));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("tofo"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const char*> m_empty = HasSubstr("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches("not empty"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_empty.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching StringView-typed values.
+TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForStringViewClasses) {
+ const Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 =
+ HasSubstr(internal::StringView("foo"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView("I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView("tofo")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView("I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView("tofo")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 = HasSubstr("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("foo")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+// Tests that HasSubstr(s) describes itself properly.
+TEST(HasSubstrTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<std::string> m = HasSubstr("foo\n\"");
+ EXPECT_EQ("has substring \"foo\\n\\\"\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(KeyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m = Key("foo");
+ EXPECT_EQ("has a key that is equal to \"foo\"", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't have a key that is equal to \"foo\"", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST_P(KeyTestP, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<pair<int, bool>> m = Key(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose first field is a value which is 5 less than 10",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(5, true)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose first field is a value which is 5 more than 10",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(15, true)));
+TEST(KeyTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
+ pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(25));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(42)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Ge(20)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(Lt(25))));
+TEST(KeyTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ pair<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>> p;
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Eq(nullptr)));
+template <size_t I>
+struct Tag {};
+struct PairWithGet {
+ int member_1;
+ std::string member_2;
+ using first_type = int;
+ using second_type = std::string;
+ const int& GetImpl(Tag<0>) const { return member_1; }
+ const std::string& GetImpl(Tag<1>) const { return member_2; }
+template <size_t I>
+auto get(const PairWithGet& value) -> decltype(value.GetImpl(Tag<I>())) {
+ return value.GetImpl(Tag<I>());
+TEST(PairTest, MatchesPairWithGetCorrectly) {
+ PairWithGet p{25, "foo"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(25));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(42)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Ge(20)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(Lt(25))));
+ std::vector<PairWithGet> v = {{11, "Foo"}, {29, "gMockIsBestMock"}};
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, Contains(Key(29)));
+TEST(KeyTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatcher) {
+ Matcher<int> is_positive = Gt(0);
+ Matcher<int> is_negative = Lt(0);
+ pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(is_positive));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(is_negative)));
+TEST(KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) {
+ map<int, char> container;
+ container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(3))));
+TEST(KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMultimap) {
+ multimap<int, char> container;
+ container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(25))));
+ container.insert(make_pair(25, 'd'));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(25)));
+ container.insert(make_pair(25, 'e'));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(25)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(3))));
+TEST(PairTest, Typing) {
+ // Test verifies the following type conversions can be compiled.
+ Matcher<const pair<const char*, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
+ Matcher<const pair<const char*, int>> m2 = Pair("foo", 42);
+ Matcher<pair<const char*, int>> m3 = Pair("foo", 42);
+ Matcher<pair<int, const std::string>> m4 = Pair(25, "42");
+ Matcher<pair<const std::string, int>> m5 = Pair("25", 42);
+TEST(PairTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
+ "has a first field that is equal to \"foo\""
+ ", and has a second field that is equal to 42",
+ Describe(m1));
+ "has a first field that isn't equal to \"foo\""
+ ", or has a second field that isn't equal to 42",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+ // Double and triple negation (1 or 2 times not and description of negation).
+ Matcher<const pair<int, int>&> m2 = Not(Pair(Not(13), 42));
+ "has a first field that isn't equal to 13"
+ ", and has a second field that is equal to 42",
+ DescribeNegation(m2));
+TEST_P(PairTestP, CanExplainMatchResultTo) {
+ // If neither field matches, Pair() should explain about the first
+ // field.
+ const Matcher<pair<int, int>> m = Pair(GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose first field does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(-1, -2)));
+ // If the first field matches but the second doesn't, Pair() should
+ // explain about the second field.
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose second field does not match, which is 2 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(1, -2)));
+ // If the first field doesn't match but the second does, Pair()
+ // should explain about the first field.
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose first field does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(-1, 2)));
+ // If both fields match, Pair() should explain about them both.
+ "whose both fields match, where the first field is a value "
+ "which is 1 more than 0, and the second field is a value "
+ "which is 2 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, make_pair(1, 2)));
+ // If only the first match has an explanation, only this explanation should
+ // be printed.
+ const Matcher<pair<int, int>> explain_first = Pair(GreaterThan(0), 0);
+ "whose both fields match, where the first field is a value "
+ "which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(explain_first, make_pair(1, 0)));
+ // If only the second match has an explanation, only this explanation should
+ // be printed.
+ const Matcher<pair<int, int>> explain_second = Pair(0, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose both fields match, where the second field is a value "
+ "which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(explain_second, make_pair(0, 1)));
+TEST(PairTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
+ pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
+ // Both fields match.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(25, "foo"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(Ge(20), HasSubstr("o")));
+ // 'first' doesn't match, but 'second' matches.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(42, "foo")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(Lt(25), "foo")));
+ // 'first' matches, but 'second' doesn't match.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(25, "bar")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(25, Not("foo"))));
+ // Neither field matches.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(13, "bar")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(Lt(13), HasSubstr("a"))));
+TEST(PairTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ pair<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>> p;
+ p.second = std::make_unique<int>(7);
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(Eq(nullptr), Ne(nullptr)));
+TEST(PairTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatchers) {
+ Matcher<int> is_positive = Gt(0);
+ Matcher<int> is_negative = Lt(0);
+ pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(is_positive, _));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(is_negative, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(_, is_positive));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(_, is_negative)));
+TEST(PairTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) {
+ map<int, char> container;
+ container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
+ container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(1, 'a')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(1, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(_, 'a')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Pair(3, _))));
+TEST(FieldsAreTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
+ std::tuple<int, std::string, double> p(25, "foo", .5);
+ // All fields match.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, FieldsAre(25, "foo", .5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, FieldsAre(Ge(20), HasSubstr("o"), DoubleEq(.5)));
+ // Some don't match.
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(26, "foo", .5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(25, "fo", .5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(25, "foo", .6)));
+TEST(FieldsAreTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m1 = FieldsAre("foo", 42);
+ "has field #0 that is equal to \"foo\""
+ ", and has field #1 that is equal to 42",
+ Describe(m1));
+ "has field #0 that isn't equal to \"foo\""
+ ", or has field #1 that isn't equal to 42",
+ DescribeNegation(m1));
+TEST_P(FieldsAreTestP, CanExplainMatchResultTo) {
+ // The first one that fails is the one that gives the error.
+ Matcher<std::tuple<int, int, int>> m =
+ FieldsAre(GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field #0 does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(-1, -2, -3)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field #1 does not match, which is 2 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, -2, -3)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field #2 does not match, which is 3 less than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 2, -3)));
+ // If they all match, we get a long explanation of success.
+ "whose all elements match, "
+ "where field #0 is a value which is 1 more than 0"
+ ", and field #1 is a value which is 2 more than 0"
+ ", and field #2 is a value which is 3 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3)));
+ // Only print those that have an explanation.
+ m = FieldsAre(GreaterThan(0), 0, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose all elements match, "
+ "where field #0 is a value which is 1 more than 0"
+ ", and field #2 is a value which is 3 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 0, 3)));
+ // If only one has an explanation, then print that one.
+ m = FieldsAre(0, GreaterThan(0), 0);
+ "whose all elements match, "
+ "where field #1 is a value which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(0, 1, 0)));
+#if defined(__cpp_structured_bindings) && __cpp_structured_bindings >= 201606
+TEST(FieldsAreTest, StructuredBindings) {
+ // testing::FieldsAre can also match aggregates and such with C++17 and up.
+ struct MyType {
+ int i;
+ std::string str;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT((MyType{17, "foo"}), FieldsAre(Eq(17), HasSubstr("oo")));
+ // Test all the supported arities.
+ struct MyVarType1 {
+ int a;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType1{}, FieldsAre(0));
+ struct MyVarType2 {
+ int a, b;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType2{}, FieldsAre(0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType3 {
+ int a, b, c;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType3{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType4 {
+ int a, b, c, d;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType4{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType5 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType5{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType6 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType6{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType7 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType7{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType8 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType8{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType9 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType9{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType10 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType10{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType11 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType11{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType12 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType12{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType13 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType13{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType14 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType14{},
+ FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType15 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType15{},
+ FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType16 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType16{},
+ FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType17 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType17{},
+ FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType18 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType18{},
+ FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ struct MyVarType19 {
+ int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s;
+ };
+ EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType19{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+TEST(PairTest, UseGetInsteadOfMembers) {
+ PairWithGet pair{7, "ABC"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(pair, Pair(7, "ABC"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(pair, Pair(Ge(7), HasSubstr("AB")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(pair, Not(Pair(Lt(7), "ABC")));
+ std::vector<PairWithGet> v = {{11, "Foo"}, {29, "gMockIsBestMock"}};
+ ElementsAre(Pair(11, std::string("Foo")), Pair(Ge(10), Not(""))));
+// Tests StartsWith(s).
+TEST(StartsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m1 = StartsWith(std::string(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StartsWith("Hi");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi Hi!"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("High"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("H"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(" Hi"));
+ const Matcher<internal::StringView> m_empty =
+ StartsWith(internal::StringView(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("not empty")));
+TEST(StartsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const std::string> m = StartsWith("Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("starts with \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests EndsWith(s).
+TEST(EndsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m1 = EndsWith("");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = EndsWith(std::string("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Wow Hi Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Super Hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("i"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi "));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
+ EndsWith(internal::StringView(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+TEST(EndsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const std::string> m = EndsWith("Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("ends with \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests WhenBase64Unescaped.
+TEST(WhenBase64UnescapedTest, MatchesUnescapedBase64Strings) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m1 = WhenBase64Unescaped(EndsWith("!"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("invalid base64"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")); // hello world
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")); // hello world!
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("+/-_IQ")); // \xfb\xff\xbf!
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = WhenBase64Unescaped(EndsWith("!"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("invalid base64"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")); // hello world
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")); // hello world!
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("+/-_IQ")); // \xfb\xff\xbf!
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
+ WhenBase64Unescaped(EndsWith("!"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches("invalid base64"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")); // hello world
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")); // hello world!
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches("+/-_IQ")); // \xfb\xff\xbf!
+TEST(WhenBase64UnescapedTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m = WhenBase64Unescaped(EndsWith("!"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("matches after Base64Unescape ends with \"!\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests MatchesRegex().
+TEST(MatchesRegexTest, MatchesStringMatchingGivenRegex) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m1 = MatchesRegex("a.*z");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("az"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("abcz"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = MatchesRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("azbz"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("az1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("1az"));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 = MatchesRegex("a.*z");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("az")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("abcz")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("1az")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
+ MatchesRegex(internal::StringView(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+TEST(MatchesRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const std::string> m1 = MatchesRegex(std::string("Hi.*"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"Hi.*\"", Describe(m1));
+ Matcher<const char*> m2 = MatchesRegex(new RE("a.*"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"a.*\"", Describe(m2));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = MatchesRegex(new RE("0.*"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"0.*\"", Describe(m3));
+// Tests ContainsRegex().
+TEST(ContainsRegexTest, MatchesStringContainingGivenRegex) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m1 = ContainsRegex(std::string("a.*z"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("az"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("0abcz1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("azbz"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("az1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("1a"));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 = ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("azbz")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("az1")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("1a")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+ const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
+ ContainsRegex(internal::StringView(""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
+TEST(ContainsRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const std::string> m1 = ContainsRegex("Hi.*");
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"Hi.*\"", Describe(m1));
+ Matcher<const char*> m2 = ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"a.*\"", Describe(m2));
+ Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = ContainsRegex(new RE("0.*"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"0.*\"", Describe(m3));
+// Tests for wide strings.
+TEST(StdWideStrEqTest, MatchesEqual) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrEq(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrEq(L"Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m3 = StrEq(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74E"));
+ ::std::wstring str(L"01204500800");
+ str[3] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m4 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(str));
+ str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m5 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(str));
+TEST(StdWideStrEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m = StrEq(L"Hi-\'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v");
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"Hi-\'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\"",
+ Describe(m));
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m2 = StrEq(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D");
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"\\xD3\\x576\\x8D3\\xC74D\"", Describe(m2));
+ ::std::wstring str(L"01204500800");
+ str[3] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m4 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"012\\04500800\"", Describe(m4));
+ str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m5 = StrEq(str);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"\\012\\045\\0\\08\\0\\0\"", Describe(m5));
+TEST(StdWideStrNeTest, MatchesUnequalString) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrNe(L"Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m2 = StrNe(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
+TEST(StdWideStrNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrNe(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseEq(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrCaseEq(L"Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
+TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase) {
+ ::std::wstring str1(L"oabocdooeoo");
+ ::std::wstring str2(L"OABOCDOOEOO");
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m0 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m0.Matches(str2 + ::std::wstring(1, L'\0')));
+ str1[3] = str2[3] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m1 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(str2));
+ str1[0] = str1[6] = str1[7] = str1[10] = L'\0';
+ str2[0] = str2[6] = str2[7] = str2[10] = L'\0';
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ str1[9] = str2[9] = L'\0';
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(str2));
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m3 = StrCaseEq(str1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(str2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2 + L"x"));
+ str2.append(1, L'\0');
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(::std::wstring(str2, 0, 9)));
+TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m = StrCaseEq(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to (ignoring case) L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(StdWideStrCaseNeTest, MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseNe(L"Hello");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m2 = StrCaseNe(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
+TEST(StdWideStrCaseNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseNe(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to (ignoring case) L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching wstring-typed values.
+TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, WorksForStringClasses) {
+ const Matcher<::std::wstring> m1 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(::std::wstring(L"I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(::std::wstring(L"tofo")));
+ const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(::std::wstring(L"I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(::std::wstring(L"tofo")));
+// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching C-wide-string-typed values.
+TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, WorksForCStrings) {
+ const Matcher<wchar_t*> m1 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"I love food.")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"tofo")));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m2 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"I love food."));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"tofo"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that HasSubstr(s) describes itself properly.
+TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<::std::wstring> m = HasSubstr(L"foo\n\"");
+ EXPECT_EQ("has substring L\"foo\\n\\\"\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests StartsWith(s).
+TEST(StdWideStartsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix) {
+ const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m1 = StartsWith(::std::wstring(L""));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StartsWith(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi Hi!"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"High"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"H"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L" Hi"));
+TEST(StdWideStartsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring> m = StartsWith(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("starts with L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+// Tests EndsWith(s).
+TEST(StdWideEndsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix) {
+ const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m1 = EndsWith(L"");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L""));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
+ const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = EndsWith(::std::wstring(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Wow Hi Hi"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Super Hi"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"i"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi "));
+TEST(StdWideEndsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const ::std::wstring> m = EndsWith(L"Hi");
+ EXPECT_EQ("ends with L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(PolymorphicIsEven(), 42, &listener1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", listener1.str());
+ StringMatchResultListener listener2;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(Ge(42), 1.5, &listener2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", listener2.str());
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ const Matcher<int> is_even = PolymorphicIsEven();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(is_even, 42, &listener1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", listener1.str());
+ const Matcher<const double&> is_zero = Eq(0);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener2;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(is_zero, 1.5, &listener2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", listener2.str());
+MATCHER(ConstructNoArg, "") { return true; }
+MATCHER_P(Construct1Arg, arg1, "") { return true; }
+MATCHER_P2(Construct2Args, arg1, arg2, "") { return true; }
+TEST(MatcherConstruct, ExplicitVsImplicit) {
+ {
+ // No arg constructor can be constructed with empty brace.
+ ConstructNoArgMatcher m = {};
+ (void)m;
+ // And with no args
+ ConstructNoArgMatcher m2;
+ (void)m2;
+ }
+ {
+ // The one arg constructor has an explicit constructor.
+ // This is to prevent the implicit conversion.
+ using M = Construct1ArgMatcherP<int>;
+ EXPECT_TRUE((std::is_constructible<M, int>::value));
+ EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<int, M>::value));
+ }
+ {
+ // Multiple arg matchers can be constructed with an implicit construction.
+ Construct2ArgsMatcherP2<int, double> m = {1, 2.2};
+ (void)m;
+ }
+MATCHER_P(Really, inner_matcher, "") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg, result_listener);
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksInsideMATCHER) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Really(Eq(0)));
+TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithValue) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 42", DescribeMatcher<int>(42));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 42", DescribeMatcher<int>(42, true));
+TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ const Matcher<int> monomorphic = Le(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is <= 0", DescribeMatcher<int>(monomorphic));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't <= 0", DescribeMatcher<int>(monomorphic, true));
+TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", DescribeMatcher<int>(PolymorphicIsEven()));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is odd", DescribeMatcher<int>(PolymorphicIsEven(), true));
+MATCHER_P(FieldIIs, inner_matcher, "") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg.i, result_listener);
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, SameType) {
+ Derived derived;
+ derived.i = 4;
+ // Right type. A pointer is passed down.
+ Base* as_base_ptr = &derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Not(IsNull())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(FieldIIs(4))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr,
+ Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(FieldIIs(5)))));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, WrongTypes) {
+ Base base;
+ Derived derived;
+ OtherDerived other_derived;
+ // Wrong types. NULL is passed.
+ EXPECT_THAT(&base, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&base, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
+ Base* as_base_ptr = &derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<OtherDerived*>(Pointee(_))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<OtherDerived*>(IsNull()));
+ as_base_ptr = &other_derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, AlreadyNull) {
+ // Already NULL.
+ Base* as_base_ptr = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
+struct AmbiguousCastTypes {
+ class VirtualDerived : public virtual Base {};
+ class DerivedSub1 : public VirtualDerived {};
+ class DerivedSub2 : public VirtualDerived {};
+ class ManyDerivedInHierarchy : public DerivedSub1, public DerivedSub2 {};
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, AmbiguousCast) {
+ AmbiguousCastTypes::DerivedSub1 sub1;
+ AmbiguousCastTypes::ManyDerivedInHierarchy many_derived;
+ // Multiply derived from Base. dynamic_cast<> returns NULL.
+ Base* as_base_ptr =
+ static_cast<AmbiguousCastTypes::DerivedSub1*>(&many_derived);
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr,
+ WhenDynamicCastTo<AmbiguousCastTypes::VirtualDerived*>(IsNull()));
+ as_base_ptr = &sub1;
+ as_base_ptr,
+ WhenDynamicCastTo<AmbiguousCastTypes::VirtualDerived*>(Not(IsNull())));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, Describe) {
+ Matcher<Base*> matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_));
+ const std::string prefix =
+ "when dynamic_cast to " + internal::GetTypeName<Derived*>() + ", ";
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix + "points to a value that is anything", Describe(matcher));
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix + "does not point to a value that is anything",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, Explain) {
+ Matcher<Base*> matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_));
+ Base* null = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(matcher, null), HasSubstr("NULL"));
+ Derived derived;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(&derived));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(matcher, &derived), HasSubstr("which points to "));
+ // With references, the matcher itself can fail. Test for that one.
+ Matcher<const Base&> ref_matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<const OtherDerived&>(_);
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(ref_matcher, derived),
+ HasSubstr("which cannot be dynamic_cast"));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, GoodReference) {
+ Derived derived;
+ derived.i = 4;
+ Base& as_base_ref = derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, WhenDynamicCastTo<const Derived&>(FieldIIs(4)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, WhenDynamicCastTo<const Derived&>(Not(FieldIIs(5))));
+TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, BadReference) {
+ Derived derived;
+ Base& as_base_ref = derived;
+ EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<const OtherDerived&>(_)));
+#endif // GTEST_HAS_RTTI
+class DivisibleByImpl {
+ public:
+ explicit DivisibleByImpl(int a_divider) : divider_(a_divider) {}
+ // For testing using ExplainMatchResultTo() with polymorphic matchers.
+ template <typename T>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const T& n, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ *listener << "which is " << (n % divider_) << " modulo " << divider_;
+ return (n % divider_) == 0;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is divisible by " << divider_; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "is not divisible by " << divider_;
+ }
+ void set_divider(int a_divider) { divider_ = a_divider; }
+ int divider() const { return divider_; }
+ private:
+ int divider_;
+PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> DivisibleBy(int n) {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(DivisibleByImpl(n));
+// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
+// asked to explain why.
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_False) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(4), DivisibleBy(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 modulo 4", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
+// asked to explain why.
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_True) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(4), DivisibleBy(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 2 modulo 4", Explain(m, 6));
+// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
+// asked to explain why.
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_False) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(Ge(1), DivisibleBy(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 2 modulo 3", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that when AllOf() succeeds, all matchers are asked to explain
+// why.
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(2), DivisibleBy(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 0 modulo 2, and which is 0 modulo 3", Explain(m, 6));
+TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True_2) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(Ge(2), Le(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 2));
+TEST_P(ExplainmatcherResultTestP, MonomorphicMatcher) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = GreaterThan(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 5", Explain(m, 6));
+// Tests PolymorphicMatcher::mutable_impl().
+TEST(PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessMutableImpl) {
+ PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> m(DivisibleByImpl(42));
+ DivisibleByImpl& impl = m.mutable_impl();
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, impl.divider());
+ impl.set_divider(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, m.mutable_impl().divider());
+// Tests PolymorphicMatcher::impl().
+TEST(PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessImpl) {
+ const PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> m(DivisibleByImpl(42));
+ const DivisibleByImpl& impl = m.impl();
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, impl.divider());
+} // namespace
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38fd9a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,3137 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <deque>
+#include <forward_list>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <list>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.h"
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+namespace {
+std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> MakeUniquePtrs(const std::vector<int>& ints) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> pointers;
+ for (int i : ints) pointers.emplace_back(new int(i));
+ return pointers;
+std::string OfType(const std::string& type_name) {
+ return IsReadableTypeName(type_name) ? " (of type " + type_name + ")" : "";
+ return "";
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Contains(Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+// Tests the variadic version of the ElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
+ ElementsAre(Eq(1), Eq(2), Lt(13), Eq(4), Eq(5), Eq(6), Eq(7),
+ Eq(8), Eq(9), Eq(10), Gt(1), Eq(12)));
+// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherStr) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector{
+ "literal_string", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre("literal_string", _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _));
+// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherUnordered) {
+ vector<int> test_vector{2, 1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 9, 12, 11, 10};
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre(
+ Eq(2), Eq(1), Gt(7), Eq(5), Eq(4), Eq(6), Eq(7),
+ Eq(3), Eq(9), Eq(12), Eq(11), Ne(122)));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
+// matches the matcher.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied) {
+ ASSERT_THAT(5, Ge(2)) << "This should succeed.";
+ ASSERT_THAT("Foo", EndsWith("oo"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, AllOf(Le(7), Ge(0))) << "This should succeed too.";
+ EXPECT_THAT("Hello", StartsWith("Hell"));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
+// doesn't match the matcher.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsNotSatisfied) {
+ // 'n' must be static as it is used in an EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(),
+ // which cannot reference auto variables.
+ static unsigned short n; // NOLINT
+ n = 5;
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: is > 10\n"
+ " Actual: 5" +
+ OfType("unsigned short"));
+ n = 0;
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: (is <= 7) and (is >= 5)\n"
+ " Actual: 0" +
+ OfType("unsigned short"));
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the argument
+// has a reference type.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForByRefArguments) {
+ // We use a static variable here as EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE() cannot
+ // reference auto variables.
+ static int n;
+ n = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(n, AllOf(Le(7), Ref(n)));
+ "Value of: n\n"
+ "Expected: does not reference the variable @");
+ // Tests the "Actual" part.
+ "Actual: 0" + OfType("int") + ", which is located @");
+// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the matcher is
+// monomorphic.
+TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForMonomorphicMatcher) {
+ Matcher<const char*> starts_with_he = StartsWith("he");
+ ASSERT_THAT("hello", starts_with_he);
+ Matcher<const std::string&> ends_with_ok = EndsWith("ok");
+ ASSERT_THAT("book", ends_with_ok);
+ const std::string bad = "bad";
+ "Value of: bad\n"
+ "Expected: ends with \"ok\"\n"
+ " Actual: \"bad\"");
+ Matcher<int> is_greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
+ "Value of: 5\n"
+ "Expected: is > 5\n"
+ " Actual: 5" +
+ OfType("int"));
+TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ int n = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointerToConst) {
+ const Matcher<const double*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ double x = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&x));
+ x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToConstRawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<int* const&> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ int n = 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToNonConstRawPointer) {
+ const Matcher<double*&> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ double x = 1.0;
+ double* p = &x;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(p));
+ x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointer) {
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
+ // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
+ // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
+ // matcher.
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointerTest, RawPointer) {
+ int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ int* p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointerTest, RawPointerToConst) {
+ int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<const int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ int* p = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointer) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(10));
+ int* raw_n = n.get();
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(10));
+ const int* raw_n = n.get();
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
+ // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
+ // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
+ // matcher.
+ std::unique_ptr<const int> p(new int(10));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
+// Minimal const-propagating pointer.
+template <typename T>
+class ConstPropagatingPtr {
+ public:
+ typedef T element_type;
+ ConstPropagatingPtr() : val_() {}
+ explicit ConstPropagatingPtr(T* t) : val_(t) {}
+ ConstPropagatingPtr(const ConstPropagatingPtr& other) : val_(other.val_) {}
+ T* get() { return val_; }
+ T& operator*() { return *val_; }
+ // Most smart pointers return non-const T* and T& from the next methods.
+ const T* get() const { return val_; }
+ const T& operator*() const { return *val_; }
+ private:
+ T* val_;
+TEST(PointeeTest, WorksWithConstPropagatingPointers) {
+ const Matcher<ConstPropagatingPtr<int>> m = Pointee(Lt(5));
+ int three = 3;
+ const ConstPropagatingPtr<int> co(&three);
+ ConstPropagatingPtr<int> o(&three);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(o));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(co));
+ *o = 6;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(o));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConstPropagatingPtr<int>()));
+TEST(PointeeTest, NeverMatchesNull) {
+ const Matcher<const char*> m = Pointee(_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that we can write Pointee(value) instead of Pointee(Eq(value)).
+TEST(PointeeTest, MatchesAgainstAValue) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(5);
+ int n = 5;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
+ n = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(PointeeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Gt(3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("points to a value that is > 3", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("does not point to a value that is > 3", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST_P(PointeeTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ const Matcher<const std::string*> m = Pointee(StartsWith("Hi"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const std::string*>(nullptr)));
+ const Matcher<long*> m2 = Pointee(GreaterThan(1)); // NOLINT
+ long n = 3; // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to 3" + OfType("long") + ", which is 2 more than 1",
+ Explain(m2, &n));
+TEST(PointeeTest, AlwaysExplainsPointee) {
+ const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(0);
+ int n = 42;
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to 42" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, &n));
+// An uncopyable class.
+class Uncopyable {
+ public:
+ Uncopyable() : value_(-1) {}
+ explicit Uncopyable(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
+ int value() const { return value_; }
+ void set_value(int i) { value_ = i; }
+ private:
+ int value_;
+ Uncopyable(const Uncopyable&) = delete;
+ Uncopyable& operator=(const Uncopyable&) = delete;
+// Returns true if and only if x.value() is positive.
+bool ValueIsPositive(const Uncopyable& x) { return x.value() > 0; }
+MATCHER_P(UncopyableIs, inner_matcher, "") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg.value(), result_listener);
+// A user-defined struct for testing Field().
+struct AStruct {
+ AStruct() : x(0), y(1.0), z(5), p(nullptr) {}
+ AStruct(const AStruct& rhs)
+ : x(rhs.x), y(rhs.y), z(rhs.z.value()), p(rhs.p) {}
+ int x; // A non-const field.
+ const double y; // A const field.
+ Uncopyable z; // An uncopyable field.
+ const char* p; // A pointer field.
+// A derived struct for testing Field().
+struct DerivedStruct : public AStruct {
+ char ch;
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is non-const.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForNonConstField) {
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("x", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is const.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForConstField) {
+ AStruct a;
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
+ Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
+ m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is not copyable.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForUncopyableField) {
+ AStruct a;
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::z, Truly(ValueIsPositive));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::z, Not(Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is a pointer.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForPointerField) {
+ // Matching against NULL.
+ Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::p, static_cast<const char*>(nullptr));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.p = "hi";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ // Matching a pointer that is not NULL.
+ m = Field(&AStruct::p, StartsWith("hi"));
+ a.p = "hill";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.p = "hole";
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the object is passed by reference.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForByRefArgument) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
+// is a sub-type of Foo.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
+ // inside Field().
+ Matcher<const DerivedStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ DerivedStruct d;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
+ d.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, m) works when field's type and m's
+// argument type are compatible but not the same.
+TEST(FieldTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
+ // The field is an int, but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Field() can describe itself.
+TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Field() can explain the match result.
+TEST_P(FieldTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST_P(FieldTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
+ Matcher<AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a reference to a const pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
+ Matcher<AStruct* const&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Field() does not match the NULL pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, DoesNotMatchNull) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, _);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
+// is a sub-type of const Foo*.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
+ // inside Field().
+ Matcher<DerivedStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ DerivedStruct d;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
+ d.x = -1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
+// Tests that Field() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Field() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
+TEST_P(FieldForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+TEST_P(FieldForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
+ Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
+ AStruct a;
+ a.x = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
+ "which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+// A user-defined class for testing Property().
+class AClass {
+ public:
+ AClass() : n_(0) {}
+ // A getter that returns a non-reference.
+ int n() const { return n_; }
+ void set_n(int new_n) { n_ = new_n; }
+ // A getter that returns a reference to const.
+ const std::string& s() const { return s_; }
+ const std::string& s_ref() const& { return s_; }
+ void set_s(const std::string& new_s) { s_ = new_s; }
+ // A getter that returns a reference to non-const.
+ double& x() const { return x_; }
+ private:
+ int n_;
+ std::string s_;
+ static double x_;
+double AClass::x_ = 0.0;
+// A derived class for testing Property().
+class DerivedClass : public AClass {
+ public:
+ int k() const { return k_; }
+ private:
+ int k_;
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a non-reference.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForNonReferenceProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name = Property("n", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a reference to const.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToConstProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("s", &AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property() is
+// ref-qualified.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForRefQualifiedProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("s", &AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
+// returns a reference to non-const.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
+ double x = 0.0;
+ AClass a;
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::x, Ref(x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::x, Not(Ref(x)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument is
+// passed by value.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForByValueArgument) {
+ Matcher<AClass> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
+// type is a sub-type of Foo.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
+ // say AClass.
+ Matcher<const DerivedClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ DerivedClass d;
+ d.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
+ d.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, m) works when property()'s type
+// and m's argument type are compatible but different.
+TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
+ // n() returns an int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
+ Property("n", &AClass::n, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
+ AClass a;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
+// Tests that Property() can describe itself.
+TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Property() can explain the match result.
+TEST_P(PropertyTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ "whose given property is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST_P(PropertyTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
+ m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
+ Matcher<AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a reference to a
+// const pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
+ Matcher<AClass* const&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_s("hill");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
+ a.set_s("hole");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
+// Tests that Property() does not match the NULL pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::x, _);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
+// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
+// type is a sub-type of const Foo*.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
+ // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
+ // say AClass.
+ Matcher<const DerivedClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ DerivedClass d;
+ d.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
+ d.set_n(-1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
+// Tests that Property() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyDescription) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+// Tests that Property() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
+TEST_P(PropertyForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
+ "which points to an object whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given property is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+TEST_P(PropertyForPointerTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
+ Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
+ AClass a;
+ a.set_n(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int"),
+ Explain(m, &a));
+ m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
+ OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
+ Explain(m, &a));
+// Tests ResultOf.
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function pointer.
+std::string IntToStringFunction(int input) {
+ return input == 1 ? "foo" : "bar";
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionPointers) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, Eq(std::string("foo")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can describe itself.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItself) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ "is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
+ "is equal to \"foo\"",
+ Describe(matcher));
+ "is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
+ "isn't equal to \"foo\"",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can describe itself when provided a result description.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItselfWithResultDescription) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher =
+ ResultOf("string conversion", &IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose string conversion is equal to \"foo\"", Describe(matcher));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose string conversion isn't equal to \"foo\"",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+// Tests that ResultOf() can explain the match result.
+int IntFunction(int input) { return input == 42 ? 80 : 90; }
+TEST_P(ResultOfTestP, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Ge(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+ matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, GreaterThan(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 5 more than 85",
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+TEST_P(ResultOfTestP, CanExplainMatchResultWithResultDescription) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf("magic int conversion", &IntFunction, Ge(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose magic int conversion is 90" + OfType("int"),
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+ matcher = ResultOf("magic int conversion", &IntFunction, GreaterThan(85));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose magic int conversion is 90" + OfType("int") +
+ ", which is 5 more than 85",
+ Explain(matcher, 36));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a non-reference.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonReferenceResults) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Eq(80));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(36));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a reference to non-const.
+double& DoubleFunction(double& input) { return input; } // NOLINT
+Uncopyable& RefUncopyableFunction(Uncopyable& obj) { // NOLINT
+ return obj;
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstResults) {
+ double x = 3.14;
+ double x2 = x;
+ Matcher<double&> matcher = ResultOf(&DoubleFunction, Ref(x));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(x));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(x2));
+ // Test that ResultOf works with uncopyable objects
+ Uncopyable obj(0);
+ Uncopyable obj2(0);
+ Matcher<Uncopyable&> matcher2 = ResultOf(&RefUncopyableFunction, Ref(obj));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(obj));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(obj2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
+// returns a reference to const.
+const std::string& StringFunction(const std::string& input) { return input; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToConstResults) {
+ std::string s = "foo";
+ std::string s2 = s;
+ Matcher<const std::string&> matcher = ResultOf(&StringFunction, Ref(s));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(s));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(s2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, m) works when f(x) and m's
+// argument types are compatible but different.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherTypes) {
+ // IntFunction() returns int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntFunction, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(85)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(36));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(42));
+// Tests that the program aborts when ResultOf is passed
+// a NULL function pointer.
+TEST(ResultOfDeathTest, DiesOnNullFunctionPointers) {
+ ResultOf(static_cast<std::string (*)(int dummy)>(nullptr),
+ Eq(std::string("foo"))),
+ "NULL function pointer is passed into ResultOf\\(\\)\\.");
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function reference.
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionReferences) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// function object.
+struct Functor {
+ std::string operator()(int input) const { return IntToStringFunction(input); }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctors) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(Functor(), Eq(std::string("foo")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
+// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
+// functor with more than one operator() defined. ResultOf() must work
+// for each defined operator().
+struct PolymorphicFunctor {
+ typedef int result_type;
+ int operator()(int n) { return n; }
+ int operator()(const char* s) { return static_cast<int>(strlen(s)); }
+ std::string operator()(int* p) { return p ? "good ptr" : "null"; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctors) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher_int = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_int.Matches(10));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_int.Matches(2));
+ Matcher<const char*> matcher_string = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_string.Matches("long string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_string.Matches("shrt"));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctorsIgnoringResultType) {
+ Matcher<int*> matcher = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), "good ptr");
+ int n = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(&n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(nullptr));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForLambdas) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(
+ [](int str_len) {
+ return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(str_len), 'x');
+ },
+ "xxx");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(3));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(1));
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonCopyableArguments) {
+ Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> matcher = ResultOf(
+ [](const std::unique_ptr<int>& str_len) {
+ return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(*str_len), 'x');
+ },
+ "xxx");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3))));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(1))));
+const int* ReferencingFunction(const int& n) { return &n; }
+struct ReferencingFunctor {
+ typedef const int* result_type;
+ result_type operator()(const int& n) { return &n; }
+TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferencingCallables) {
+ const int n = 1;
+ const int n2 = 1;
+ Matcher<const int&> matcher2 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunction, Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(n2));
+ Matcher<const int&> matcher3 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunctor(), Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher3.Matches(n));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher3.Matches(n2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, ImplementsSizeIs) {
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMap) {
+ map<std::string, int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
+ container.insert(make_pair("foo", 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ container.insert(make_pair("bar", 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithReferences) {
+ vector<int> container;
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = SizeIs(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(m));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, m);
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(SizeIs(3)));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2, 3}));
+// SizeIs should work for any type that provides a size() member function.
+// For example, a size_type member type should not need to be provided.
+struct MinimalistCustomType {
+ int size() const { return 1; }
+TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMinimalistCustomType) {
+ MinimalistCustomType container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = SizeIs(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("has a size that is equal to 2", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("has a size that isn't equal to 2", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(SizeIsTest, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m1 = SizeIs(2);
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = SizeIs(Lt(2u));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m3 = SizeIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m4 = SizeIs(Gt(1u));
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m3, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m4, container));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m3, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m4, container));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
+ const vector<int> numbers;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
+ vector<unsigned> numbers;
+ numbers.push_back(3);
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(), ElementsAre(3, 2, 2, 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ Not(WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 2, 3))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonVectorContainer) {
+ list<std::string> words;
+ words.push_back("say");
+ words.push_back("hello");
+ words.push_back("world");
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
+ ElementsAre("hello", "say", "world")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
+ ElementsAre("say", "hello", "world"))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 2, 4};
+ const int sorted_numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers,
+ WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAreArray(sorted_numbers)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 3, 2, 4))));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ const Matcher<vector<int>> m = WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2));
+ "(when sorted) has 2 elements where\n"
+ "element #0 is equal to 1,\n"
+ "element #1 is equal to 2",
+ Describe(m));
+ "(when sorted) doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't equal to 1, or\n"
+ "element #1 isn't equal to 2",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(WhenSortedByTest, ExplainsMatchResult) {
+ const int a[] = {2, 1};
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted, whose element #0 doesn't match",
+ Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(2, 3)), a));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted",
+ Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2)), a));
+// WhenSorted() is a simple wrapper on WhenSortedBy(). Hence we don't
+// need to test it as exhaustively as we test the latter.
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
+ const vector<int> numbers;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSorted(ElementsAre()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
+ list<std::string> words;
+ words.push_back("3");
+ words.push_back("1");
+ words.push_back("2");
+ words.push_back("2");
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSorted(ElementsAre("1", "2", "2", "3")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre("3", "1", "2", "2"))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMapTypes) {
+ map<std::string, int> word_counts;
+ word_counts["and"] = 1;
+ word_counts["the"] = 1;
+ word_counts["buffalo"] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
+ WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("buffalo", 2),
+ Pair("the", 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
+ Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("the", 1),
+ Pair("buffalo", 2)))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMultiMapTypes) {
+ multimap<int, int> ifib;
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(8, 6));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(2, 3));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 1));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(3, 4));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 2));
+ ifib.insert(make_pair(5, 5));
+ WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(1, 1), Pair(1, 2), Pair(2, 3),
+ Pair(3, 4), Pair(5, 5), Pair(8, 6))));
+ Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(8, 6), Pair(2, 3), Pair(1, 1),
+ Pair(3, 4), Pair(1, 2), Pair(5, 5)))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForPolymorphicMatcher) {
+ std::deque<int> d;
+ d.push_back(2);
+ d.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcher) {
+ std::deque<int> d;
+ d.push_back(2);
+ d.push_back(1);
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(vector_match));
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> not_vector_match = ElementsAre(2, 1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(not_vector_match)));
+// Deliberately bare pseudo-container.
+// Offers only begin() and end() accessors, yielding InputIterator.
+template <typename T>
+class Streamlike {
+ private:
+ class ConstIter;
+ public:
+ typedef ConstIter const_iterator;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ template <typename InIter>
+ Streamlike(InIter first, InIter last) : remainder_(first, last) {}
+ const_iterator begin() const {
+ return const_iterator(this, remainder_.begin());
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, remainder_.end()); }
+ private:
+ class ConstIter {
+ public:
+ using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
+ using value_type = T;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = const value_type*;
+ using reference = const value_type&;
+ ConstIter(const Streamlike* s, typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos)
+ : s_(s), pos_(pos) {}
+ const value_type& operator*() const { return *pos_; }
+ const value_type* operator->() const { return &*pos_; }
+ ConstIter& operator++() {
+ s_->remainder_.erase(pos_++);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // *iter++ is required to work (see std::istreambuf_iterator).
+ // (void)iter++ is also required to work.
+ class PostIncrProxy {
+ public:
+ explicit PostIncrProxy(const value_type& value) : value_(value) {}
+ value_type operator*() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ value_type value_;
+ };
+ PostIncrProxy operator++(int) {
+ PostIncrProxy proxy(**this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return proxy;
+ }
+ friend bool operator==(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
+ return a.s_ == b.s_ && a.pos_ == b.pos_;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
+ return !(a == b);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Streamlike* s_;
+ typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos_;
+ };
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Streamlike& s) {
+ os << "[";
+ typedef typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator Iter;
+ const char* sep = "";
+ for (Iter it = s.remainder_.begin(); it != s.remainder_.end(); ++it) {
+ os << sep << *it;
+ sep = ",";
+ }
+ os << "]";
+ return os;
+ }
+ mutable std::list<value_type> remainder_; // modified by iteration
+TEST(StreamlikeTest, Iteration) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
+ Streamlike<int>::const_iterator it = s.begin();
+ const int* ip = a;
+ while (it != s.end()) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(ip - a);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*ip++, *it++);
+ }
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithForwardList) {
+ std::forward_list<int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(1)));
+ container.push_front(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(1));
+ container.push_front(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(2));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithNonStdList) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, BeginEndDistanceIs(5));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() is equal to 2", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() isn't equal to 2",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(BeginEndDistanceIs(2)));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+TEST_P(BeginEndDistanceIsTestP, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m1 = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = BeginEndDistanceIs(Lt(2));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m3 = BeginEndDistanceIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m4 = BeginEndDistanceIs(GreaterThan(1));
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
+ Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
+ Explain(m3, container));
+ "whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match, which is 1 "
+ "less than 1",
+ Explain(m4, container));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches",
+ Explain(m1, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m2, container));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
+ Explain(m3, container));
+ "whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches, which is 1 more "
+ "than 1",
+ Explain(m4, container));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
+TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike) {
+ const int a[] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(vector_match));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int subset[] = {1, 4};
+ const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
+ const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(superset)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(superset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(disjoint)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSupersetOf(subset)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
+ const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
+ const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
+ const int expected[] = {1, 1};
+ EXPECT_THAT(not_enough, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(enough, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
+ vector<int> numbers;
+ vector<int> expected;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+ expected.clear();
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSupersetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, Describe) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ Describe<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("a surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("no surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #0: is equal to 1"));
+ v.push_back(1);
+ listener.Clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
+ " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
+ " - element #2 is matched by matcher #0"));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf({3, 0})));
+TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)}))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ const int subset[] = {1, 4};
+ const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
+ const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(subset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(superset));
+ EXPECT_THAT(superset, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSubsetOf(disjoint)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
+ const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
+ const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
+ const int actual[] = {1, 1};
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(not_enough)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(enough));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
+ vector<int> numbers;
+ vector<int> expected;
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.clear();
+ numbers.push_back(1);
+ numbers.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(expected));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, Describe) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ Describe<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("an injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+ IntVec expected;
+ expected.push_back(111);
+ expected.push_back(222);
+ expected.push_back(333);
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
+ Eq("no injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 111\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 222\n"
+ " - an element is equal to 333"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 3"));
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ listener.Clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
+ " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
+ " - element #1 is matched by matcher #2"));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf({1, 2, 3, 4}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf({1, 2})));
+TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1)}))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
+// Tests using ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() with stream-like
+// "containers".
+TEST(ElemensAreStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3)));
+TEST(ElemensAreArrayStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected[3] = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
+ Uncopyable objs[2];
+ objs[0].set_value(-3);
+ objs[1].set_value(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(objs, ElementsAre(UncopyableIs(-3), Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAreArray({Pointee(3), Pointee(4)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({3, 4}));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+// Tests for UnorderedElementsAreArray()
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
+ const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ do {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(a), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, VectorBool) {
+ const bool a[] = {false, true, false, true, true};
+ const bool b[] = {true, false, true, true, false};
+ std::vector<bool> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ std::vector<bool> actual(std::begin(b), std::end(b));
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected), actual,
+ &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
+ // size() or empty() methods.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ ::std::vector<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ expected.push_back(5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesStlContainer) {
+ const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
+ ::std::list<int> expected;
+ expected.push_back(1);
+ expected.push_back(2);
+ expected.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
+ expected.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
+ const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ UnorderedElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
+ a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
+ TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
+ // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
+ // unified element type in this case.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper,
+ Call(UnorderedElementsAreArray({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+class UnorderedElementsAreTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
+ Uncopyable objs[2];
+ objs[0].set_value(-3);
+ objs[1].set_value(1);
+ UnorderedElementsAre(Truly(ValueIsPositive), UncopyableIs(-3)));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ do {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailsWhenAnElementMatchesNoMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ mv.push_back(1);
+ mv.push_back(2);
+ mv.push_back(2);
+ // The element with value '3' matches nothing: fail fast.
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
+ // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
+ // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
+ // size() or empty() methods.
+ const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
+ Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAre(2, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+// One naive implementation of the matcher runs in O(N!) time, which is too
+// slow for many real-world inputs. This test shows that our matcher can match
+// 100 inputs very quickly (a few milliseconds). An O(100!) is 10^158
+// iterations and obviously effectively incomputable.
+// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance
+// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance (4 ms)
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Performance) {
+ std::vector<int> s;
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ s.push_back(i);
+ mv.push_back(_);
+ }
+ mv[50] = Eq(0);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+// Another variant of 'Performance' with similar expectations.
+// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict
+// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict (4 ms)
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, PerformanceHalfStrict) {
+ std::vector<int> s;
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> mv;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ s.push_back(i);
+ if (i & 1) {
+ mv.push_back(_);
+ } else {
+ mv.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv), s, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrong) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(4);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("which has 1 element"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrongZero) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq(""));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatchers) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(1);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #1: is equal to 2"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedElements) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(1);
+ v.push_back(2);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 1), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 2"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatcherAndElement) {
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(3);
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ Eq("where"
+ " the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
+ "matcher #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ "and"
+ " where"
+ " the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 3"));
+// Test helper for formatting element, matcher index pairs in expectations.
+static std::string EMString(int element, int matcher) {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "(element #" << element << ", matcher #" << matcher << ")";
+ return ss.str();
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageImperfectMatchOnly) {
+ // A situation where all elements and matchers have a match
+ // associated with them, but the max matching is not perfect.
+ std::vector<std::string> v;
+ v.push_back("a");
+ v.push_back("b");
+ v.push_back("c");
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(
+ UnorderedElementsAre("a", "a", AnyOf("b", "c")), v, &listener))
+ << listener.str();
+ std::string prefix =
+ "where no permutation of the elements can satisfy all matchers, "
+ "and the closest match is 2 of 3 matchers with the "
+ "pairings:\n";
+ // We have to be a bit loose here, because there are 4 valid max matches.
+ listener.str(),
+ AnyOf(
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) + ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) + ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) + ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) + "\n}",
+ prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) + ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) +
+ "\n}"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Describe) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()), Eq("is empty"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
+ Eq("has 1 element and that element is equal to 345"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(111, 222, 333)),
+ Eq("has 3 elements and there exists some permutation "
+ "of elements such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 is equal to 111, and\n"
+ " - element #1 is equal to 222, and\n"
+ " - element #2 is equal to 333"));
+TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, DescribeNegation) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()),
+ Eq("isn't empty"));
+ DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
+ Eq("doesn't have 1 element, or has 1 element that isn't equal to 345"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(123, 234, 345)),
+ Eq("doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation "
+ "of elements such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 is equal to 123, and\n"
+ " - element #1 is equal to 234, and\n"
+ " - element #2 is equal to 345"));
+// Tests Each().
+TEST_P(EachTestP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ set<int> a; // empty
+ Matcher<set<int>> m = Each(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ Matcher<const int(&)[1]> n = Each(1); // NOLINT
+ const int b[1] = {1};
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(n, b));
+ n = Each(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(n, b));
+ a.insert(1);
+ a.insert(2);
+ a.insert(3);
+ m = Each(GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Each(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match, which is 9 less than 10",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST(EachTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = Each(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("only contains elements that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains some element that isn't equal to 1", Describe(m2));
+TEST(EachTest, MatchesVectorWhenAllElementsMatch) {
+ vector<int> some_vector;
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(1));
+ some_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(3));
+ some_vector.push_back(1);
+ some_vector.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(Lt(3.5)));
+ vector<std::string> another_vector;
+ another_vector.push_back("fee");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Each(std::string("fee")));
+ another_vector.push_back("fie");
+ another_vector.push_back("foe");
+ another_vector.push_back("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Not(Each(std::string("fee"))));
+TEST(EachTest, MatchesMapWhenAllElementsMatch) {
+ map<const char*, int> my_map;
+ const char* bar = "a string";
+ my_map[bar] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Each(make_pair(bar, 2)));
+ map<std::string, int> another_map;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ another_map["fee"] = 1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ another_map["fie"] = 2;
+ another_map["foe"] = 3;
+ another_map["fum"] = 4;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fum"), 1))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(Pair(_, Gt(0))));
+TEST(EachTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Each(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Each(Gt(1))));
+TEST(EachTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2};
+ const int* const pointer = a;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Each(Gt(0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Each(Gt(1))));
+TEST(EachTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Each(Pointee(Gt(0)))));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+// For testing Pointwise().
+class IsHalfOfMatcher {
+ public:
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ bool MatchAndExplain(const std::tuple<T1, T2>& a_pair,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ if (std::get<0>(a_pair) == std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2) {
+ *listener << "where the second is " << std::get<1>(a_pair);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *listener << "where the second/2 is " << std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "are a pair where the first is half of the second";
+ }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
+ *os << "are a pair where the first isn't half of the second";
+ }
+PolymorphicMatcher<IsHalfOfMatcher> IsHalfOf() {
+ return MakePolymorphicMatcher(IsHalfOfMatcher());
+TEST(PointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(1);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(3);
+ const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ "contains 3 values, where each value and its corresponding value "
+ "in { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ Describe(m));
+ "doesn't contain exactly 3 values, or contains a value x at some "
+ "index i where x and the i-th value of { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair "
+ "where the first isn't half of the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
+ list<signed char> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ int lhs[] = {1, 2};
+ const Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+ // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
+ const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Lt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
+ const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> lhs;
+ lhs.push_back(2);
+ lhs.push_back(4);
+ lhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
+// Test is effective only with sanitizers.
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForVectorOfBool) {
+ vector<bool> rhs(3, false);
+ rhs[1] = true;
+ vector<bool> lhs = rhs;
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Eq(), rhs));
+ rhs[0] = true;
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Eq(), rhs)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), {1, 2, 3}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), {3, 3, 7})));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
+ const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
+ const int rhs[1] = {0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which contains 2 values", Explain(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
+ const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
+ "where the value pair (2, 6) at index #1 don't match, "
+ "where the second/2 is 3",
+ Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(PointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m1, rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m1, rhs), lhs));
+ // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
+ // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m2, rhs));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m2, rhs), lhs));
+MATCHER(PointeeEquals, "Points to an equal value") {
+ return ExplainMatchResult(::testing::Pointee(::testing::get<1>(arg)),
+ ::testing::get<0>(arg), result_listener);
+TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Pointwise(PointeeEquals(), std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(1);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(3);
+ const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ "has 3 elements and there exists some permutation of elements such "
+ "that:\n"
+ " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ Describe(m));
+ "doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation of elements "
+ "such that:\n"
+ " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
+ "and\n"
+ " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
+ list<signed char> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ int lhs[] = {2, 1};
+ const Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+ // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
+ const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> rhs;
+ rhs.push_back(4);
+ rhs.push_back(6);
+ rhs.push_back(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
+ const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> lhs;
+ lhs.push_back(4);
+ lhs.push_back(2);
+ lhs.push_back(6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
+ const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), {5, 1, 3}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), {1, 1, 7})));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
+ const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
+ const int rhs[1] = {0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has 2 elements",
+ Explain(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
+ const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
+ "where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
+ "element #1: 2",
+ Explain(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInSameOrder) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInDifferentOrder) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {6, 4, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
+ const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int rhs[3] = {4, 6, 2};
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m1, rhs));
+ // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
+ // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
+ EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m2, rhs));
+TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedPointwise(PointeeEquals(),
+ std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
+ helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
+TEST(PointeeTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Pointee(Eq(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pointee(Eq(2))));
+class PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ enum Behavior { kInitialSuccess, kAlwaysFail, kFlaky };
+ // A matcher that can return different results when used multiple times on the
+ // same input. No real matcher should do this; but this lets us test that we
+ // detect such behavior and fail appropriately.
+ class MockMatcher : public MatcherInterface<Behavior> {
+ public:
+ bool MatchAndExplain(Behavior behavior,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ *listener << "[MatchAndExplain]";
+ switch (behavior) {
+ case kInitialSuccess:
+ // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
+ // listener; so this is expected to return |true|. There should be no
+ // subsequent calls.
+ return !listener->IsInterested();
+ case kAlwaysFail:
+ return false;
+ case kFlaky:
+ // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
+ // listener; so this will return |false|. Subsequent calls should have
+ // an "interested" listener; so this will return |true|, thus
+ // simulating a flaky matcher.
+ return listener->IsInterested();
+ }
+ GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << "This should never be reached";
+ return false;
+ }
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "[DescribeTo]"; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const override {
+ *os << "[DescribeNegationTo]";
+ }
+ };
+ AssertionResult RunPredicateFormatter(Behavior behavior) {
+ auto matcher = MakeMatcher(new MockMatcher);
+ PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<Matcher<Behavior>> predicate_formatter(
+ matcher);
+ return predicate_formatter("dummy-name", behavior);
+ }
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, ShortCircuitOnSuccess) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kInitialSuccess);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, NoShortCircuitOnFailure) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kAlwaysFail);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect =
+ "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
+ " Actual: 1" +
+ OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, DetectsFlakyShortCircuit) {
+ AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kFlaky);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
+ std::string expect =
+ "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
+ " The matcher failed on the initial attempt; but passed when rerun to "
+ "generate the explanation.\n"
+ " Actual: 2" +
+ OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
+// Tests for ElementsAre().
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingOneElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("has 1 element that is > 5", Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<list<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), "two");
+ "has 2 elements where\n"
+ "element #0 is equal to \"one\",\n"
+ "element #1 is equal to \"two\"",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingNoElement) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre();
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingOneElement) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
+ "doesn't have 1 element, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't > 5",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingManyElements) {
+ Matcher<const list<std::string>&> m = ElementsAre("one", "two");
+ "doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
+ "element #0 isn't equal to \"one\", or\n"
+ "element #1 isn't equal to \"two\"",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotExplainTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, Ne(2));
+ list<int> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ test_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list)); // No need to explain anything.
+TEST_P(ElementsAreTestP, ExplainsNonTrivialMatch) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m =
+ ElementsAre(GreaterThan(1), 0, GreaterThan(2));
+ const int a[] = {10, 0, 100};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ "whose element #0 matches, which is 9 more than 1,\n"
+ "and whose element #2 matches, which is 98 more than 2",
+ Explain(m, test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchWrongSize) {
+ Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, 3);
+ list<int> test_list;
+ // No need to explain when the container is empty.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list));
+ test_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has 1 element", Explain(m, test_list));
+TEST_P(ElementsAreTestP, CanExplainMismatchRightSize) {
+ Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, GreaterThan(5));
+ vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(2);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(m, v));
+ v[0] = 1;
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 doesn't match, which is 4 less than 5",
+ Explain(m, v));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(StrEq("test string")));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementList) {
+ list<std::string> test_list;
+ test_list.push_back("test string");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_list, ElementsAre("test string"));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementVector) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre("one", StrEq("two"), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementEqMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(Eq(4)));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementAnyMatcher) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(_));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementValue) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(4));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementsMixedMatchers) {
+ vector<int> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back(1);
+ test_vector.push_back(2);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(1, Eq(2), _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesTenElementVector) {
+ const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
+ // The element list can contain values and/or matchers
+ // of different types.
+ ElementsAre(0, Ge(0), _, 3, 4, Ne(2), Eq(6), 7, 8, _));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongSize) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ test_vector.push_back("test string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongValue) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("other string");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongOrder) {
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ Matcher<vector<std::string>> m =
+ ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"), StrEq("three"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksForNestedContainer) {
+ constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> strings = {{"Hi", "world"}};
+ vector<list<char>> nested;
+ for (const auto& s : strings) {
+ nested.emplace_back(s, s + strlen(s));
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', Ne('e')),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nested, Not(ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', 'e'),
+ ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd'))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithByRefElementMatchers) {
+ int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(v[2])));
+ EXPECT_THAT(v, Not(ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(a[2]))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithContainerPointerUsingPointee) {
+ int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Pointee(ElementsAre(0, 1, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&v, Not(Pointee(ElementsAre(0, _, 3))));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedByReference) {
+ int array[] = {0, 1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre(0, 1, _));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(1, _, _)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(0, _)));
+class NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize {
+ public:
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize() = default;
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, Helper, (int* array, int size));
+ private:
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize(const NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize&) =
+ delete;
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize& operator=(
+ const NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize&) = delete;
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize) {
+ int array[] = {0, 1};
+ ::std::tuple<int*, size_t> array_as_tuple(array, 2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, Not(ElementsAre(0)));
+ NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _)).With(ElementsAre(0, 1));
+ helper.Helper(array, 2);
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ const char a2[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('h', 'i', '\0'),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(StrEq("hi"), StrEq("lo")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(Not(ElementsAre('h', 'o', '\0')),
+ ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsStringLiteral) {
+ std::string array[] = {"hi", "one", "two"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre("hi", "one", "two"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre("hi", "one", "too")));
+// Declared here with the size unknown. Defined AFTER the following test.
+extern const char kHi[];
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsArrayWithUnknownSize) {
+ // The size of kHi is not known in this test, but ElementsAre() should
+ // still accept it.
+ std::string array1[] = {"hi"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, ElementsAre(kHi));
+ std::string array2[] = {"ho"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(ElementsAre(kHi)));
+const char kHi[] = "hi";
+TEST(ElementsAreTest, MakesCopyOfArguments) {
+ int x = 1;
+ int y = 2;
+ // This should make a copy of x and y.
+ ::testing::internal::ElementsAreMatcher<std::tuple<int, int>>
+ polymorphic_matcher = ElementsAre(x, y);
+ // Changing x and y now shouldn't affect the meaning of the above matcher.
+ x = y = 0;
+ const int array1[] = {1, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array1, polymorphic_matcher);
+ const int array2[] = {0, 0};
+ EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(polymorphic_matcher));
+// Tests for ElementsAreArray(). Since ElementsAreArray() shares most
+// of the implementation with ElementsAre(), we don't test it as
+// thoroughly here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithValueArray) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[2] = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithArraySize) {
+ std::array<const char*, 3> a = {{"one", "two", "three"}};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a.data(), a.size()));
+ const char** p = a.data();
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(p, a.size())));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithoutArraySize) {
+ const char* a[] = {"one", "two", "three"};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
+ test_vector[0] = "1";
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherArray) {
+ const Matcher<std::string> kMatcherArray[] = {StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"),
+ StrEq("three")};
+ vector<std::string> test_vector;
+ test_vector.push_back("one");
+ test_vector.push_back("two");
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray));
+ test_vector.push_back("three");
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithVector) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 5, 4})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
+ const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "e", "d"})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
+ const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
+ // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
+ // unified element type in this case.
+ a, ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>({Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
+ {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherVector) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const Matcher<int> kMatchers[] = {Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3)};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<Matcher<int>> expected(std::begin(kMatchers),
+ std::end(kMatchers));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
+ test_vector.push_back(4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithIteratorRange) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected.begin(), expected.end()));
+ // Pointers are iterators, too.
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(std::begin(a), std::end(a)));
+ // The empty range of NULL pointers should also be okay.
+ int* const null_int = nullptr;
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int)));
+ EXPECT_THAT((vector<int>()), ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int));
+// Since ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() share much of the
+// implementation, we only do a test for native arrays here.
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithNativeArray) {
+ ::std::string a[] = {"hi", "ho"};
+ ::std::string b[] = {"hi", "ho"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(b, 1)));
+TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, SourceLifeSpan) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ vector<int> expect(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
+ ElementsAreArrayMatcher<int> matcher_maker =
+ ElementsAreArray(expect.begin(), expect.end());
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ // Changing in place the values that initialized matcher_maker should not
+ // affect matcher_maker anymore. It should have made its own copy of them.
+ for (int& i : expect) {
+ i += 10;
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
+ test_vector.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(matcher_maker));
+// Tests Contains().
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ some_list.push_back(2);
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Gt(2.5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Eq(2.0f)));
+ list<std::string> another_list;
+ another_list.push_back("fee");
+ another_list.push_back("fie");
+ another_list.push_back("foe");
+ another_list.push_back("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_list, Contains(std::string("fee")));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ListDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(4)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ some_set.insert(2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(1.0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(3.0f)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(2));
+ set<std::string> another_set;
+ another_set.insert("fee");
+ another_set.insert("fie");
+ another_set.insert("foe");
+ another_set.insert("fum");
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_set, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, SetDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ set<int> some_set;
+ some_set.insert(3);
+ some_set.insert(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Not(Contains(4)));
+ set<std::string> c_string_set;
+ c_string_set.insert("hello");
+ EXPECT_THAT(c_string_set, Not(Contains(std::string("goodbye"))));
+TEST_P(ContainsTestP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ const int a[2] = {1, 2};
+ Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Contains(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 matches", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(3);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 matches, which is 1 more than 0", Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(10));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
+TEST(ContainsTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = Contains(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("contains at least one element that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't contain any element that is equal to 1", Describe(m2));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ map<std::string, int> my_map;
+ const char* bar = "a string";
+ my_map[bar] = 2;
+ EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Contains(pair<const char* const, int>(bar, 2)));
+ map<std::string, int> another_map;
+ another_map["fee"] = 1;
+ another_map["fie"] = 2;
+ another_map["foe"] = 3;
+ another_map["fum"] = 4;
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map,
+ Contains(pair<const std::string, int>(std::string("fee"), 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Contains(pair<const std::string, int>("fie", 2)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, MapDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ map<int, int> some_map;
+ some_map[1] = 11;
+ some_map[2] = 22;
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_map, Not(Contains(pair<const int, int>(2, 23))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
+ const char* string_array[] = {"fee", "fie", "foe", "fum"};
+ EXPECT_THAT(string_array, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
+ int int_array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(int_array, Not(Contains(5)));
+TEST(ContainsTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Gt(2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(Gt(4))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a[] = {1, 2};
+ const int* const pointer = a;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Contains(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Contains(Gt(3))));
+TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ int a[][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(ElementsAre(4, 5, 6)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Contains(5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(ElementsAre(3, 4, 5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Not(Contains(5))));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-misc_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-misc_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f64587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers-misc_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <array>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
+// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
+#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.h"
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+namespace {
+TEST(AddressTest, NonConst) {
+ int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<int> m = Address(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+ int other = 5;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(other));
+ int& n_ref = n;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n_ref));
+TEST(AddressTest, Const) {
+ const int n = 1;
+ const Matcher<int> m = Address(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+ int other = 5;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(other));
+TEST(AddressTest, MatcherDoesntCopy) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(1));
+ const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Address(Eq(&n));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
+TEST(AddressTest, Describe) {
+ Matcher<int> matcher = Address(_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("has address that is anything", Describe(matcher));
+ EXPECT_EQ("does not have address that is anything",
+ DescribeNegation(matcher));
+// The following two tests verify that values without a public copy
+// ctor can be used as arguments to matchers like Eq(), Ge(), and etc
+// with the help of ByRef().
+class NotCopyable {
+ public:
+ explicit NotCopyable(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
+ int value() const { return value_; }
+ bool operator==(const NotCopyable& rhs) const {
+ return value() == rhs.value();
+ }
+ bool operator>=(const NotCopyable& rhs) const {
+ return value() >= rhs.value();
+ }
+ private:
+ int value_;
+ NotCopyable(const NotCopyable&) = delete;
+ NotCopyable& operator=(const NotCopyable&) = delete;
+TEST(ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableConstValueInMatchers) {
+ const NotCopyable const_value1(1);
+ const Matcher<const NotCopyable&> m = Eq(ByRef(const_value1));
+ const NotCopyable n1(1), n2(2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n2));
+TEST(ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableValueInMatchers) {
+ NotCopyable value2(2);
+ const Matcher<NotCopyable&> m = Ge(ByRef(value2));
+ NotCopyable n1(1), n2(2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n2));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, ImplementsIsEmpty) {
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, IsEmpty());
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(IsEmpty()));
+ container.push_back(1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(IsEmpty()));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, WorksWithString) {
+ std::string text;
+ EXPECT_THAT(text, IsEmpty());
+ text = "foo";
+ EXPECT_THAT(text, Not(IsEmpty()));
+ text = std::string("\0", 1);
+ EXPECT_THAT(text, Not(IsEmpty()));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = IsEmpty();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, ExplainsResult) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = IsEmpty();
+ vector<int> container;
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, container));
+ container.push_back(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose size is 1", Explain(m, container));
+TEST(IsEmptyTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ ContainerHelper helper;
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsEmpty()));
+ helper.Call({});
+TEST(IsTrueTest, IsTrueIsFalse) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(true, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(false, IsFalse());
+ EXPECT_THAT(true, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(false, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, IsFalse());
+ EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, IsFalse());
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(IsFalse()));
+ int a = 42;
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(&a, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(&a, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(false, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(true, Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::true_type(), IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::true_type(), Not(IsFalse()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::false_type(), IsFalse());
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::false_type(), Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, IsFalse());
+ std::unique_ptr<int> null_unique;
+ std::unique_ptr<int> nonnull_unique(new int(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(null_unique, Not(IsTrue()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(null_unique, IsFalse());
+ EXPECT_THAT(nonnull_unique, IsTrue());
+ EXPECT_THAT(nonnull_unique, Not(IsFalse()));
+// Tests ContainerEq with different container types, and
+// different element types.
+template <typename T>
+class ContainerEqTest : public testing::Test {};
+typedef testing::Types<set<int>, vector<size_t>, multiset<size_t>, list<int>>
+ ContainerEqTestTypes;
+TYPED_TEST_SUITE(ContainerEqTest, ContainerEqTestTypes);
+// Tests that the filled container is equal to itself.
+TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, EqualsSelf) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_set));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, my_set));
+// Tests that missing values are reported.
+TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueMissing) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {2, 1, 8, 5};
+ TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 4);
+ const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which doesn't have these expected elements: 3",
+ Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that added values are reported.
+TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueAdded) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 46};
+ TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 6);
+ const Matcher<const TypeParam&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 46", Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that added and missing values are reported together.
+TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueAddedAndRemoved) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 8, 46};
+ TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
+ const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ "which has these unexpected elements: 46,\n"
+ "and doesn't have these expected elements: 5",
+ Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests duplicated value -- expect no explanation.
+TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, DuplicateDifference) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
+ const Matcher<const TypeParam&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ // Depending on the container, match may be true or false
+ // But in any case there should be no explanation.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that multiple missing values are reported.
+// Using just vector here, so order is predictable.
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesMissing) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {2, 1, 5};
+ vector<int> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ vector<int> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 3);
+ const Matcher<vector<int>> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which doesn't have these expected elements: 3, 8",
+ Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that added values are reported.
+// Using just vector here, so order is predictable.
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAdded) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 92, 3, 5, 8, 46};
+ list<size_t> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ list<size_t> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 7);
+ const Matcher<const list<size_t>&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 92, 46",
+ Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that added and missing values are reported together.
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAddedAndRemoved) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 92, 46};
+ list<size_t> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ list<size_t> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
+ const Matcher<const list<size_t>> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ "which has these unexpected elements: 92, 46,\n"
+ "and doesn't have these expected elements: 5, 8",
+ Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests to see that duplicate elements are detected,
+// but (as above) not reported in the explanation.
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultiSetOfIntDuplicateDifference) {
+ static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
+ vector<int> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
+ vector<int> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
+ const Matcher<vector<int>> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_set));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
+ // There is nothing to report when both sets contain all the same values.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_set));
+// Tests that ContainerEq works for non-trivial associative containers,
+// like maps.
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForMaps) {
+ map<int, std::string> my_map;
+ my_map[0] = "a";
+ my_map[1] = "b";
+ map<int, std::string> test_map;
+ test_map[0] = "aa";
+ test_map[1] = "b";
+ const Matcher<const map<int, std::string>&> m = ContainerEq(my_map);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_map));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_map));
+ "which has these unexpected elements: (0, \"aa\"),\n"
+ "and doesn't have these expected elements: (0, \"a\")",
+ Explain(m, test_map));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
+ int a1[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ int a2[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ int b[] = {1, 2, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
+ const char a1[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
+ const char a2[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
+ const char b[][3] = {"lo", "hi"};
+ // Tests using ContainerEq() in the first dimension.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+ // Tests using ContainerEq() in the second dimension.
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(ContainerEq(a2[0]), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(Not(ContainerEq(b[0])), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
+ const int a1[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int a2[] = {1, 2, 3};
+ const int b[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
+ const int* const p1 = a1;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), ContainerEq(a2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(b)));
+ const int c[] = {1, 3, 2};
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(c)));
+TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, CopiesNativeArrayParameter) {
+ std::string a1[][3] = {{"hi", "hello", "ciao"}, {"bye", "see you", "ciao"}};
+ std::string a2[][3] = {{"hi", "hello", "ciao"}, {"bye", "see you", "ciao"}};
+ const Matcher<const std::string(&)[2][3]> m = ContainerEq(a2);
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
+ a2[0][0] = "ha";
+ EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
+namespace {
+// Used as a check on the more complex max flow method used in the
+// real testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching. This method is
+// compatible but runs in worst-case factorial time, so we only
+// use it in testing for small problem sizes.
+template <typename Graph>
+class BacktrackingMaxBPMState {
+ public:
+ // Does not take ownership of 'g'.
+ explicit BacktrackingMaxBPMState(const Graph* g) : graph_(g) {}
+ ElementMatcherPairs Compute() {
+ if (graph_->LhsSize() == 0 || graph_->RhsSize() == 0) {
+ return best_so_far_;
+ }
+ lhs_used_.assign(graph_->LhsSize(), kUnused);
+ rhs_used_.assign(graph_->RhsSize(), kUnused);
+ for (size_t irhs = 0; irhs < graph_->RhsSize(); ++irhs) {
+ matches_.clear();
+ RecurseInto(irhs);
+ if (best_so_far_.size() == graph_->RhsSize()) break;
+ }
+ return best_so_far_;
+ }
+ private:
+ static const size_t kUnused = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ void PushMatch(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) {
+ matches_.push_back(ElementMatcherPair(lhs, rhs));
+ lhs_used_[lhs] = rhs;
+ rhs_used_[rhs] = lhs;
+ if (matches_.size() > best_so_far_.size()) {
+ best_so_far_ = matches_;
+ }
+ }
+ void PopMatch() {
+ const ElementMatcherPair& back = matches_.back();
+ lhs_used_[back.first] = kUnused;
+ rhs_used_[back.second] = kUnused;
+ matches_.pop_back();
+ }
+ bool RecurseInto(size_t irhs) {
+ if (rhs_used_[irhs] != kUnused) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (size_t ilhs = 0; ilhs < graph_->LhsSize(); ++ilhs) {
+ if (lhs_used_[ilhs] != kUnused) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!graph_->HasEdge(ilhs, irhs)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ PushMatch(ilhs, irhs);
+ if (best_so_far_.size() == graph_->RhsSize()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (size_t mi = irhs + 1; mi < graph_->RhsSize(); ++mi) {
+ if (!RecurseInto(mi)) return false;
+ }
+ PopMatch();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ const Graph* graph_; // not owned
+ std::vector<size_t> lhs_used_;
+ std::vector<size_t> rhs_used_;
+ ElementMatcherPairs matches_;
+ ElementMatcherPairs best_so_far_;
+template <typename Graph>
+const size_t BacktrackingMaxBPMState<Graph>::kUnused;
+} // namespace
+// Implement a simple backtracking algorithm to determine if it is possible
+// to find one element per matcher, without reusing elements.
+template <typename Graph>
+ElementMatcherPairs FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(const Graph& g) {
+ return BacktrackingMaxBPMState<Graph>(&g).Compute();
+class BacktrackingBPMTest : public ::testing::Test {};
+// Tests the MaxBipartiteMatching algorithm with square matrices.
+// The single int param is the # of nodes on each of the left and right sides.
+class BipartiteTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {};
+// Verify all match graphs up to some moderate number of edges.
+TEST_P(BipartiteTest, Exhaustive) {
+ size_t nodes = GetParam();
+ MatchMatrix graph(nodes, nodes);
+ do {
+ ElementMatcherPairs matches = internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(), matches.size())
+ << "graph: " << graph.DebugString();
+ // Check that all elements of matches are in the graph.
+ // Check that elements of first and second are unique.
+ std::vector<bool> seen_element(graph.LhsSize());
+ std::vector<bool> seen_matcher(graph.RhsSize());
+ SCOPED_TRACE(PrintToString(matches));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i) {
+ size_t ilhs = matches[i].first;
+ size_t irhs = matches[i].second;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(graph.HasEdge(ilhs, irhs));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(seen_element[ilhs]);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(seen_matcher[irhs]);
+ seen_element[ilhs] = true;
+ seen_matcher[irhs] = true;
+ }
+ } while (graph.NextGraph());
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AllGraphs, BipartiteTest,
+ ::testing::Range(size_t{0}, size_t{5}));
+// Parameterized by a pair interpreted as (LhsSize, RhsSize).
+class BipartiteNonSquareTest
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> {};
+TEST_F(BipartiteNonSquareTest, SimpleBacktracking) {
+ // .......
+ // 0:-----\ :
+ // 1:---\ | :
+ // 2:---\ | :
+ // 3:-\ | | :
+ // :.......:
+ // 0 1 2
+ MatchMatrix g(4, 3);
+ constexpr std::array<std::array<size_t, 2>, 4> kEdges = {
+ {{{0, 2}}, {{1, 1}}, {{2, 1}}, {{3, 0}}}};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kEdges.size(); ++i) {
+ g.SetEdge(kEdges[i][0], kEdges[i][1], true);
+ }
+ EXPECT_THAT(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(g),
+ ElementsAre(Pair(3, 0), Pair(AnyOf(1, 2), 1), Pair(0, 2)))
+ << g.DebugString();
+// Verify a few nonsquare matrices.
+TEST_P(BipartiteNonSquareTest, Exhaustive) {
+ size_t nlhs = GetParam().first;
+ size_t nrhs = GetParam().second;
+ MatchMatrix graph(nlhs, nrhs);
+ do {
+ EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(),
+ internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph).size())
+ << "graph: " << graph.DebugString()
+ << "\nbacktracking: " << PrintToString(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph))
+ << "\nmax flow: "
+ << PrintToString(internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph));
+ } while (graph.NextGraph());
+ AllGraphs, BipartiteNonSquareTest,
+ testing::Values(std::make_pair(1, 2), std::make_pair(2, 1),
+ std::make_pair(3, 2), std::make_pair(2, 3),
+ std::make_pair(4, 1), std::make_pair(1, 4),
+ std::make_pair(4, 3), std::make_pair(3, 4)));
+class BipartiteRandomTest
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<int, int>> {};
+// Verifies a large sample of larger graphs.
+TEST_P(BipartiteRandomTest, LargerNets) {
+ int nodes = GetParam().first;
+ int iters = GetParam().second;
+ MatchMatrix graph(static_cast<size_t>(nodes), static_cast<size_t>(nodes));
+ auto seed = static_cast<uint32_t>(GTEST_FLAG_GET(random_seed));
+ if (seed == 0) {
+ seed = static_cast<uint32_t>(time(nullptr));
+ }
+ for (; iters > 0; --iters, ++seed) {
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(seed));
+ graph.Randomize();
+ EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(),
+ internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph).size())
+ << " graph: " << graph.DebugString()
+ << "\nTo reproduce the failure, rerun the test with the flag"
+ " --"
+ << GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ << "random_seed=" << seed;
+ }
+// Test argument is a std::pair<int, int> representing (nodes, iters).
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Samples, BipartiteRandomTest,
+ testing::Values(std::make_pair(5, 10000),
+ std::make_pair(6, 5000),
+ std::make_pair(7, 2000),
+ std::make_pair(8, 500),
+ std::make_pair(9, 100)));
+// Tests IsReadableTypeName().
+TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForShortNames) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("int"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("const unsigned char*"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("MyMap<int, void*>"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("void (*)(int, bool)"));
+TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForLongNonTemplateNonFunctionNames) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("my_long_namespace::MyClassName"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("int [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("my_namespace::MyOuterClass::MyInnerClass"));
+TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongTemplateNames) {
+ IsReadableTypeName("basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char> >"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsReadableTypeName("std::vector<int, std::alloc_traits<int> >"));
+TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongFunctionTypeNames) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(IsReadableTypeName("void (&)(int, bool, char, float)"));
+// Tests FormatMatcherDescription().
+TEST(FormatMatcherDescriptionTest, WorksForEmptyDescription) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even",
+ FormatMatcherDescription(false, "IsEven", {}, Strings()));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is even)",
+ FormatMatcherDescription(true, "IsEven", {}, Strings()));
+ EXPECT_EQ("equals (a: 5)",
+ FormatMatcherDescription(false, "Equals", {"a"}, {"5"}));
+ "is in range (a: 5, b: 8)",
+ FormatMatcherDescription(false, "IsInRange", {"a", "b"}, {"5", "8"}));
+TEST_P(MatcherTupleTestP, ExplainsMatchFailure) {
+ stringstream ss1;
+ ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
+ std::make_tuple(Matcher<char>(Eq('a')), GreaterThan(5)),
+ std::make_tuple('a', 10), &ss1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", ss1.str()); // Successful match.
+ stringstream ss2;
+ ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
+ std::make_tuple(GreaterThan(5), Matcher<char>(Eq('a'))),
+ std::make_tuple(2, 'b'), &ss2);
+ " Expected arg #0: is > 5\n"
+ " Actual: 2, which is 3 less than 5\n"
+ " Expected arg #1: is equal to 'a' (97, 0x61)\n"
+ " Actual: 'b' (98, 0x62)\n",
+ ss2.str()); // Failed match where both arguments need explanation.
+ stringstream ss3;
+ ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
+ std::make_tuple(GreaterThan(5), Matcher<char>(Eq('a'))),
+ std::make_tuple(2, 'a'), &ss3);
+ " Expected arg #0: is > 5\n"
+ " Actual: 2, which is 3 less than 5\n",
+ ss3.str()); // Failed match where only one argument needs
+ // explanation.
+// Sample optional type implementation with minimal requirements for use with
+// Optional matcher.
+template <typename T>
+class SampleOptional {
+ public:
+ using value_type = T;
+ explicit SampleOptional(T value)
+ : value_(std::move(value)), has_value_(true) {}
+ SampleOptional() : value_(), has_value_(false) {}
+ operator bool() const { return has_value_; }
+ const T& operator*() const { return value_; }
+ private:
+ T value_;
+ bool has_value_;
+TEST(OptionalTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("value is equal to 1", Describe(m));
+TEST(OptionalTest, ExplainsSelf) {
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose value 1 matches", Explain(m, SampleOptional<int>(1)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose value 2 doesn't match", Explain(m, SampleOptional<int>(2)));
+TEST(OptionalTest, MatchesNonEmptyOptional) {
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m1 = Optional(1);
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m2 = Optional(Eq(2));
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m3 = Optional(Lt(3));
+ SampleOptional<int> opt(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(opt));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(opt));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(opt));
+TEST(OptionalTest, DoesNotMatchNullopt) {
+ const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(1);
+ SampleOptional<int> empty;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(empty));
+TEST(OptionalTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
+ Matcher<SampleOptional<std::unique_ptr<int>>> m = Optional(Eq(nullptr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleOptional<std::unique_ptr<int>>(nullptr)));
+class SampleVariantIntString {
+ public:
+ SampleVariantIntString(int i) : i_(i), has_int_(true) {}
+ SampleVariantIntString(const std::string& s) : s_(s), has_int_(false) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ friend bool holds_alternative(const SampleVariantIntString& value) {
+ return value.has_int_ == std::is_same<T, int>::value;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ friend const T& get(const SampleVariantIntString& value) {
+ return value.get_impl(static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
+ }
+ private:
+ const int& get_impl(int*) const { return i_; }
+ const std::string& get_impl(std::string*) const { return s_; }
+ int i_;
+ std::string s_;
+ bool has_int_;
+TEST(VariantTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ const Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), ContainsRegex("is a variant<> with value of type "
+ "'.*' and the value is equal to 1"));
+TEST(VariantTest, ExplainsSelf) {
+ const Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString(1)),
+ ContainsRegex("whose value 1"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString("A")),
+ HasSubstr("whose value is not of type '"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString(2)),
+ "whose value 2 doesn't match");
+TEST(VariantTest, FullMatch) {
+ Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(1)));
+ m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("1")));
+TEST(VariantTest, TypeDoesNotMatch) {
+ Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("1")));
+ m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(1)));
+TEST(VariantTest, InnerDoesNotMatch) {
+ Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(2)));
+ m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("2")));
+class SampleAnyType {
+ public:
+ explicit SampleAnyType(int i) : index_(0), i_(i) {}
+ explicit SampleAnyType(const std::string& s) : index_(1), s_(s) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ friend const T* any_cast(const SampleAnyType* any) {
+ return any->get_impl(static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
+ }
+ private:
+ int index_;
+ int i_;
+ std::string s_;
+ const int* get_impl(int*) const { return index_ == 0 ? &i_ : nullptr; }
+ const std::string* get_impl(std::string*) const {
+ return index_ == 1 ? &s_ : nullptr;
+ }
+TEST(AnyWithTest, FullMatch) {
+ Matcher<SampleAnyType> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleAnyType(1)));
+TEST(AnyWithTest, TestBadCastType) {
+ Matcher<SampleAnyType> m = AnyWith<std::string>(Eq("fail"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleAnyType(1)));
+TEST(AnyWithTest, TestUseInContainers) {
+ std::vector<SampleAnyType> a;
+ a.emplace_back(1);
+ a.emplace_back(2);
+ a.emplace_back(3);
+ a, ElementsAreArray({AnyWith<int>(1), AnyWith<int>(2), AnyWith<int>(3)}));
+ std::vector<SampleAnyType> b;
+ b.emplace_back("hello");
+ b.emplace_back("merhaba");
+ b.emplace_back("salut");
+ EXPECT_THAT(b, ElementsAreArray({AnyWith<std::string>("hello"),
+ AnyWith<std::string>("merhaba"),
+ AnyWith<std::string>("salut")}));
+TEST(AnyWithTest, TestCompare) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(SampleAnyType(1), AnyWith<int>(Gt(0)));
+TEST(AnyWithTest, DescribesSelf) {
+ const Matcher<const SampleAnyType&> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), ContainsRegex("is an 'any' type with value of type "
+ "'.*' and the value is equal to 1"));
+TEST(AnyWithTest, ExplainsSelf) {
+ const Matcher<const SampleAnyType&> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType(1)), ContainsRegex("whose value 1"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType("A")),
+ HasSubstr("whose value is not of type '"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType(2)), "whose value 2 doesn't match");
+// Tests Args<k0, ..., kn>(m).
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsZeroTemplateArg) {
+ const std::tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<>(Eq(std::tuple<>())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<>(Ne(std::tuple<>()))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsOneTemplateArg) {
+ const std::tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<0>(Eq(std::make_tuple(5))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<1>(Eq(std::make_tuple(true))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1>(Eq(std::make_tuple(false)))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTwoTemplateArgs) {
+ const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(short{4}, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1>(Lt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2>(Lt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<0, 2>(Gt())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsRepeatedTemplateArgs) {
+ const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(short{4}, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 0>(Eq())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1, 1>(Ne())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsDecreasingTemplateArgs) {
+ const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(short{4}, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<2, 0>(Gt())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<2, 1>(Lt())));
+MATCHER(SumIsZero, "") {
+ return std::get<0>(arg) + std::get<1>(arg) + std::get<2>(arg) == 0;
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsMoreTemplateArgsThanArityOfOriginalTuple) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(-1, 2), (Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(1, 2), Not(Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanBeNested) {
+ const std::tuple<short, int, long, int> t(short{4}, 5, 6L, 6); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2, 3>(Args<1, 2>(Eq()))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1, 3>(Args<0, 2>(Lt()))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByValue) {
+ typedef std::tuple<char, int, int> Tuple3;
+ const Matcher<Tuple3> m = Args<1, 2>(Lt());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 1, 2)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 2, 2)));
+TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByReference) {
+ typedef std::tuple<char, char, int> Tuple3;
+ const Matcher<const Tuple3&> m = Args<0, 1>(Lt());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 'b', 2)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 'b', 2)));
+// Validates that arg is printed as str.
+MATCHER_P(PrintsAs, str, "") { return testing::PrintToString(arg) == str; }
+TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTenTemplateArgs) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
+ PrintsAs("(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ Not(Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
+ PrintsAs("(0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesSelfCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<int, bool, char>> m = Args<2, 0>(Lt());
+ "are a tuple whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where "
+ "the first < the second",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesNestedArgsCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<const std::tuple<int, bool, char, int>&> m =
+ Args<0, 2, 3>(Args<2, 0>(Lt()));
+ "are a tuple whose fields (#0, #2, #3) are a tuple "
+ "whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where the first < the second",
+ Describe(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, DescribesNegationCorrectly) {
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<int, char>> m = Args<1, 0>(Gt());
+ "are a tuple whose fields (#1, #0) aren't a pair "
+ "where the first > the second",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithoutInnerExplanation) {
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<bool, int, int>> m = Args<1, 2>(Eq());
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 42)",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(false, 42, 42)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 43)",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple(false, 42, 43)));
+// For testing Args<>'s explanation.
+class LessThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<std::tuple<char, int>> {
+ public:
+ void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* /*os*/) const override {}
+ bool MatchAndExplain(std::tuple<char, int> value,
+ MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ const int diff = std::get<0>(value) - std::get<1>(value);
+ if (diff > 0) {
+ *listener << "where the first value is " << diff
+ << " more than the second";
+ }
+ return diff < 0;
+ }
+Matcher<std::tuple<char, int>> LessThan() {
+ return MakeMatcher(new LessThanMatcher);
+TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithInnerExplanation) {
+ const Matcher<std::tuple<char, int, int>> m = Args<0, 2>(LessThan());
+ "whose fields (#0, #2) are ('a' (97, 0x61), 42), "
+ "where the first value is 55 more than the second",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple('a', 42, 42)));
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#0, #2) are ('\\0', 43)",
+ Explain(m, std::make_tuple('\0', 42, 43)));
+// Tests for the MATCHER*() macro family.
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER() definition works.
+MATCHER(IsEven, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = IsEven();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(7));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is even)", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 6));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 7));
+// This also tests that the description string can reference 'negation'.
+MATCHER(IsEven2, negation ? "is odd" : "is even") {
+ if ((arg % 2) == 0) {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to result_listener, a listener
+ // supplied by the MATCHER macro implicitly.
+ *result_listener << "OK";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *result_listener << "% 2 == " << (arg % 2);
+ return false;
+ }
+// This also tests that the description string can reference matcher
+// parameters.
+MATCHER_P2(EqSumOf, x, y,
+ std::string(negation ? "doesn't equal" : "equals") + " the sum of " +
+ PrintToString(x) + " and " + PrintToString(y)) {
+ if (arg == (x + y)) {
+ *result_listener << "OK";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Verifies that we can stream to the underlying stream of
+ // result_listener.
+ if (result_listener->stream() != nullptr) {
+ *result_listener->stream() << "diff == " << (x + y - arg);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+// Tests that the matcher description can reference 'negation' and the
+// matcher parameters.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, DescriptionCanReferenceNegationAndParameters) {
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
+ EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is odd", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(5, 9);
+ EXPECT_EQ("equals the sum of 5 and 9", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("doesn't equal the sum of 5 and 9", DescribeNegation(m2));
+// Tests explaining match result in a MATCHER* macro.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
+ EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m1, 4));
+ EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 1", Explain(m1, 5));
+ const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(1, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m2, 3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("diff == -1", Explain(m2, 4));
+// Tests that the body of MATCHER() can reference the type of the
+// value being matched.
+MATCHER(IsEmptyString, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<::std::string, arg_type>();
+ return arg.empty();
+MATCHER(IsEmptyStringByRef, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<const ::std::string&, arg_type>();
+ return arg.empty();
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanReferenceArgType) {
+ const Matcher<::std::string> m1 = IsEmptyString();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
+ const Matcher<const ::std::string&> m2 = IsEmptyStringByRef();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(""));
+// Tests that MATCHER() can be used in a namespace.
+namespace matcher_test {
+MATCHER(IsOdd, "") { return (arg % 2) != 0; }
+} // namespace matcher_test
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksInNamespace) {
+ Matcher<int> m = matcher_test::IsOdd();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(5));
+// Tests that Value() can be used to compose matchers.
+MATCHER(IsPositiveOdd, "") {
+ return Value(arg, matcher_test::IsOdd()) && arg > 0;
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanBeComposedUsingValue) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, IsPositiveOdd());
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P() definition works.
+MATCHER_P(IsGreaterThan32And, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = IsGreaterThan32And(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(5));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and (n: 5)", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and (n: 5))", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that the description is calculated correctly from the matcher name.
+MATCHER_P(_is_Greater_Than32and_, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, GeneratesCorrectDescription) {
+ const Matcher<int> m = _is_Greater_Than32and_(5);
+ EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and (n: 5)", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and (n: 5))", DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_P matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
+// a reference parameter type.
+class UncopyableFoo {
+ public:
+ explicit UncopyableFoo(char value) : value_(value) { (void)value_; }
+ UncopyableFoo(const UncopyableFoo&) = delete;
+ void operator=(const UncopyableFoo&) = delete;
+ private:
+ char value_;
+MATCHER_P(ReferencesUncopyable, variable, "") { return &arg == &variable; }
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReference) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesUncopyable<const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo2));
+ // We don't want the address of the parameter printed, as most
+ // likely it will just annoy the user. If the address is
+ // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameter by
+ // pointer instead.
+ EXPECT_EQ("references uncopyable (variable: 1-byte object <31>)",
+ Describe(m));
+// Tests that the body of MATCHER_Pn() can reference the parameter
+// types.
+MATCHER_P3(ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar, foo, bar, baz, "") {
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<int, foo_type>();
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<long, bar_type>(); // NOLINT
+ StaticAssertTypeEq<char, baz_type>();
+ return arg == 0;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanReferenceParamTypes) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar(10, 20L, 'a'));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
+// reference parameter types.
+MATCHER_P2(ReferencesAnyOf, variable1, variable2, "") {
+ return &arg == &variable1 || &arg == &variable2;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2'), foo3('3');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> const_m =
+ ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(const_m.Matches(foo1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(const_m.Matches(foo2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(const_m.Matches(foo3));
+ const Matcher<UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesAnyOf<UncopyableFoo&, UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo3));
+ GeneratesCorretDescriptionWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
+ UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
+ const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
+ ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
+ // We don't want the addresses of the parameters printed, as most
+ // likely they will just annoy the user. If the addresses are
+ // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameters by
+ // pointers instead.
+ "references any of (variable1: 1-byte object <31>, variable2: 1-byte "
+ "object <32>)",
+ Describe(m));
+// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P2() definition works.
+MATCHER_P2(IsNotInClosedRange, low, hi, "") { return arg < low || arg > hi; }
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, Works) {
+ const Matcher<const long&> m = IsNotInClosedRange(10, 20); // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36L));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(15L));
+ EXPECT_EQ("is not in closed range (low: 10, hi: 20)", Describe(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("not (is not in closed range (low: 10, hi: 20))",
+ DescribeNegation(m));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36L));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 15L));
+// Tests that MATCHER*() definitions can be overloaded on the number
+// of parameters; also tests MATCHER_Pn() where n >= 3.
+MATCHER(EqualsSumOf, "") { return arg == 0; }
+MATCHER_P(EqualsSumOf, a, "") { return arg == a; }
+MATCHER_P2(EqualsSumOf, a, b, "") { return arg == a + b; }
+MATCHER_P3(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, "") { return arg == a + b + c; }
+MATCHER_P4(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d; }
+MATCHER_P5(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d + e; }
+MATCHER_P6(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f;
+MATCHER_P7(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
+MATCHER_P8(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h;
+MATCHER_P9(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i;
+MATCHER_P10(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, "") {
+ return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanBeOverloadedOnNumberOfParameters) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, EqualsSumOf());
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, EqualsSumOf(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(12, EqualsSumOf(10, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1234, EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4));
+ EXPECT_THAT(12345, EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdef",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e",
+ 'f', 'g', "h"));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e",
+ 'f', 'g', "h", 'i'));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij",
+ EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g', "h",
+ 'i', ::std::string("j")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(EqualsSumOf()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(EqualsSumOf(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-12, Not(EqualsSumOf(10, 2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-123, Not(EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-1234, Not(EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(-12345, Not(EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5)));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdef ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
+ "e", 'f', 'g')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
+ "e", 'f', 'g', "h")));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
+ "e", 'f', 'g', "h", 'i')));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij ",
+ Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
+ "h", 'i', ::std::string("j"))));
+// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn() definition can be instantiated with any
+// compatible parameter types.
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksForDifferentParameterTypes) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcd", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(124, Not(EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3))));
+ EXPECT_THAT("abcde", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d")));
+// Tests that the matcher body can promote the parameter types.
+MATCHER_P2(EqConcat, prefix, suffix, "") {
+ // The following lines promote the two parameters to desired types.
+ std::string prefix_str(prefix);
+ char suffix_char = static_cast<char>(suffix);
+ return arg == prefix_str + suffix_char;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, SimpleTypePromotion) {
+ Matcher<std::string> no_promo = EqConcat(std::string("foo"), 't');
+ Matcher<const std::string&> promo = EqConcat("foo", static_cast<int>('t'));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(no_promo.Matches("fool"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(promo.Matches("fool"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(no_promo.Matches("foot"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(promo.Matches("foot"));
+// Verifies the type of a MATCHER*.
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, TypesAreCorrect) {
+ // EqualsSumOf() must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcher variable.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcher a0 = EqualsSumOf();
+ // EqualsSumOf(1) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherP variable.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP<int> a1 = EqualsSumOf(1);
+ // EqualsSumOf(p1, ..., pk) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherPk
+ // variable, and so on.
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP2<int, char> a2 = EqualsSumOf(1, '2');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP3<int, int, char> a3 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, '3');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP4<int, int, int, char> a4 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, '4');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP5<int, int, int, int, char> a5 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, '5');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP6<int, int, int, int, int, char> a6 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '6');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP7<int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a7 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP8<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a8 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '8');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP9<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a9 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, '9');
+ EqualsSumOfMatcherP10<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a10 =
+ EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '0');
+ // Avoid "unused variable" warnings.
+ (void)a0;
+ (void)a1;
+ (void)a2;
+ (void)a3;
+ (void)a4;
+ (void)a5;
+ (void)a6;
+ (void)a7;
+ (void)a8;
+ (void)a9;
+ (void)a10;
+// Tests that matcher-typed parameters can be used in Value() inside a
+// MATCHER_Pn definition.
+// Succeeds if arg matches exactly 2 of the 3 matchers.
+MATCHER_P3(TwoOf, m1, m2, m3, "") {
+ const int count = static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m1)) +
+ static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m2)) +
+ static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m3));
+ return count == 2;
+TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanUseMatcherTypedParameterInValue) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(42, TwoOf(Gt(0), Lt(50), Eq(10)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(TwoOf(Gt(-1), Lt(1), Eq(0))));
+// Tests Contains().Times().
+TEST(ContainsTimes, ListMatchesWhenElementQuantityMatches) {
+ list<int> some_list;
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ some_list.push_back(1);
+ some_list.push_back(2);
+ some_list.push_back(3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(3).Times(2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(2).Times(1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Ge(2)).Times(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Ge(2)).Times(Gt(2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(4).Times(0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(_).Times(4));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(5).Times(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(5).Times(_)); // Times(_) always matches
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(3).Times(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(3).Times(Not(1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(list<int>{}, Not(Contains(_)));
+TEST_P(ContainsTimesP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ const int a[2] = {1, 2};
+ Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Contains(2).Times(3);
+ "whose element #1 matches but whose match quantity of 1 does not match",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(3).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("has no element that matches and whose match quantity of 0 matches",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(3).Times(4);
+ "has no element that matches and whose match quantity of 0 does not "
+ "match",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(2).Times(4);
+ "whose element #1 matches but whose match quantity of 1 does not "
+ "match",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(0)).Times(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("whose elements (0, 1) match and whose match quantity of 2 matches",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(10)).Times(Gt(1));
+ "has no element that matches and whose match quantity of 0 does not "
+ "match",
+ Explain(m, a));
+ m = Contains(GreaterThan(0)).Times(GreaterThan<size_t>(5));
+ "whose elements (0, 1) match but whose match quantity of 2 does not "
+ "match, which is 3 less than 5",
+ Explain(m, a));
+TEST(ContainsTimes, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m = Contains(1).Times(2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("quantity of elements that match is equal to 1 is equal to 2",
+ Describe(m));
+ Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
+ EXPECT_EQ("quantity of elements that match is equal to 1 isn't equal to 2",
+ Describe(m2));
+// Tests AllOfArray()
+TEST(AllOfArrayTest, BasicForms) {
+ // Iterator
+ std::vector<int> v0{};
+ std::vector<int> v1{1};
+ std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
+ std::vector<int> v3{4, 4, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(v0.begin(), v0.end()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(v3.begin(), v3.end()));
+ // Pointer + size
+ int ar[6] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(ar, 0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(ar, 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(ar, 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(ar + 1, 3)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(ar + 3, 3));
+ // Array
+ // int ar0[0]; Not usable
+ int ar1[1] = {1};
+ int ar2[2] = {2, 3};
+ int ar3[3] = {4, 4, 4};
+ // EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray(ar0))); // Cannot work
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(ar1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(ar1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(ar2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(ar3));
+ // Container
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(v0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(v1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(v1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(v2)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(v3));
+ // Initializer
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray<int>({})); // Requires template arg.
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray({1}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray({1})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray({2, 3})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray({4, 4, 4}));
+TEST(AllOfArrayTest, Matchers) {
+ // vector
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> matchers{Ge(1), Lt(2)};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray(matchers)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(matchers));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(matchers)));
+ // initializer_list
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray({Ge(0), Ge(1)})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray({Ge(0), Ge(1)}));
+TEST(AnyOfArrayTest, BasicForms) {
+ // Iterator
+ std::vector<int> v0{};
+ std::vector<int> v1{1};
+ std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(v0.begin(), v0.end())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end())));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end()));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end())));
+ // Pointer + size
+ int ar[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(ar, 0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(ar, 1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(ar, 1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(ar + 1, 2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(ar + 1, 2)));
+ // Array
+ // int ar0[0]; Not usable
+ int ar1[1] = {1};
+ int ar2[2] = {2, 3};
+ // EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(ar0))); // Cannot work
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(ar1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(ar1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(ar2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(ar2)));
+ // Container
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(v0)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(v1));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(v1)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(v2));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(v2)));
+ // Initializer
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray<int>({}))); // Requires template arg.
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray({1}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray({1})));
+ EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray({2, 3}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray({2, 3})));
+TEST(AnyOfArrayTest, Matchers) {
+ // We negate test AllOfArrayTest.Matchers.
+ // vector
+ std::vector<Matcher<int>> matchers{Lt(1), Ge(2)};
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AnyOfArray(matchers));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(AnyOfArray(matchers)));
+ EXPECT_THAT(2, AnyOfArray(matchers));
+ // initializer_list
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, AnyOfArray({Lt(0), Lt(1)}));
+ EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(AllOfArray({Lt(0), Lt(1)})));
+TEST_P(AnyOfArrayTestP, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
+ // AnyOfArray and AllOfArray use the same underlying template-template,
+ // thus it is sufficient to test one here.
+ const std::vector<int> v0{};
+ const std::vector<int> v1{1};
+ const std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
+ const Matcher<int> m0 = AnyOfArray(v0);
+ const Matcher<int> m1 = AnyOfArray(v1);
+ const Matcher<int> m2 = AnyOfArray(v2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m0, 0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m1, 1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m1, 2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m2, 3));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m2, 4));
+ EXPECT_EQ("()", Describe(m0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is equal to 1)", Describe(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)", Describe(m2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("()", DescribeNegation(m0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(isn't equal to 1)", DescribeNegation(m1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("(isn't equal to 2) and (isn't equal to 3)", DescribeNegation(m2));
+ // Explain with matchers
+ const Matcher<int> g1 = AnyOfArray({GreaterThan(1)});
+ const Matcher<int> g2 = AnyOfArray({GreaterThan(1), GreaterThan(2)});
+ // Explains the first positive match and all prior negative matches...
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 less than 1", Explain(g1, 0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is the same as 1", Explain(g1, 1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 1", Explain(g1, 2));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 less than 1, and which is 2 less than 2",
+ Explain(g2, 0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is the same as 1, and which is 1 less than 2",
+ Explain(g2, 1));
+ EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 1", // Only the first
+ Explain(g2, 2));
+MATCHER(IsNotNull, "") { return arg != nullptr; }
+// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER() can work on
+// move-only types.
+TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, IsNotNull());
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::unique_ptr<int>(), Not(IsNotNull()));
+MATCHER_P(UniquePointee, pointee, "") { return *arg == pointee; }
+// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER_P*() can work on
+// move-only types.
+TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
+ std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, UniquePointee(3));
+ EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(UniquePointee(2)));
+MATCHER(EnsureNoUnusedButMarkedUnusedWarning, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }
+TEST(MockMethodMockFunctionTest, EnsureNoUnusedButMarkedUnusedWarning) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wused-but-marked-unused"
+ // https://github.com/google/googletest/issues/4055
+ EXPECT_THAT(0, EnsureNoUnusedButMarkedUnusedWarning());
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// std::function<void()> is used below for compatibility with older copies of
+// GCC. Normally, a raw lambda is all that is needed.
+// Test that examples from documentation compile
+TEST(ThrowsTest, Examples) {
+ std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::runtime_error("message"); }),
+ Throws<std::runtime_error>());
+ std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::runtime_error("message"); }),
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("message")));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, PrintsExceptionWhat) {
+ std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::runtime_error("ABC123XYZ"); }),
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("ABC123XYZ")));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, DoesNotGenerateDuplicateCatchClauseWarning) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::exception(); }),
+ Throws<std::exception>());
+TEST(ThrowsTest, CallableExecutedExactlyOnce) {
+ size_t a = 0;
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
+ a++;
+ throw 10;
+ }),
+ Throws<int>());
+ EXPECT_EQ(a, 1u);
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
+ a++;
+ throw std::runtime_error("message");
+ }),
+ Throws<std::runtime_error>());
+ EXPECT_EQ(a, 2u);
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
+ a++;
+ throw std::runtime_error("message");
+ }),
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("message")));
+ EXPECT_EQ(a, 3u);
+ EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
+ a++;
+ throw std::runtime_error("message");
+ }),
+ Throws<std::runtime_error>(
+ Property(&std::runtime_error::what, HasSubstr("message"))));
+ EXPECT_EQ(a, 4u);
+TEST(ThrowsTest, Describe) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ matcher.DescribeTo(&ss);
+ auto explanation = ss.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, Success) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
+ []() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, FailWrongType) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
+ []() { throw std::logic_error("error message"); }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::logic_error"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("\"error message\""));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, FailWrongTypeNonStd) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { throw 10; }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ HasSubstr("throws an exception of an unknown type"));
+TEST(ThrowsTest, FailNoThrow) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { (void)0; }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("does not throw any exception"));
+class ThrowsPredicateTest
+ : public TestWithParam<Matcher<std::function<void()>>> {};
+TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, Describe) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ matcher.DescribeTo(&ss);
+ auto explanation = ss.str();
+ EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("error message"));
+TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, Success) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
+ []() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
+TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailWrongType) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
+ []() { throw std::logic_error("error message"); }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::logic_error"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("\"error message\""));
+TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailWrongTypeNonStd) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { throw 10; }, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
+ HasSubstr("throws an exception of an unknown type"));
+TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailNoThrow) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() {}, &listener));
+ EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("does not throw any exception"));
+ AllMessagePredicates, ThrowsPredicateTest,
+ Values(Matcher<std::function<void()>>(
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("error message")))));
+// Tests that Throws<E1>(Matcher<E2>{}) compiles even when E2 != const E1&.
+TEST(ThrowsPredicateCompilesTest, ExceptionMatcherAcceptsBroadType) {
+ {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher =
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("error message"));
+ matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }));
+ matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("wrong message"); }));
+ }
+ {
+ Matcher<uint64_t> inner = Eq(10);
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<uint32_t>(inner);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches([]() { throw (uint32_t)10; }));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches([]() { throw (uint32_t)11; }));
+ }
+// Tests that ThrowsMessage("message") is equivalent
+// to ThrowsMessage(Eq<std::string>("message")).
+TEST(ThrowsPredicateCompilesTest, MessageMatcherAcceptsNonMatcher) {
+ Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher =
+ ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>("error message");
+ matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(
+ []() { throw std::runtime_error("wrong error message"); }));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f48a76c..00000000
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8562 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
-// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
-// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short',
-// possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4244)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
-#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <array>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <deque>
-#include <forward_list>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <limits>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace testing {
-namespace gmock_matchers_test {
-namespace {
-using std::greater;
-using std::less;
-using std::list;
-using std::make_pair;
-using std::map;
-using std::multimap;
-using std::multiset;
-using std::ostream;
-using std::pair;
-using std::set;
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::vector;
-using testing::internal::DummyMatchResultListener;
-using testing::internal::ElementMatcherPair;
-using testing::internal::ElementMatcherPairs;
-using testing::internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher;
-using testing::internal::ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo;
-using testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher;
-using testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription;
-using testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName;
-using testing::internal::MatchMatrix;
-using testing::internal::PredicateFormatterFromMatcher;
-using testing::internal::RE;
-using testing::internal::StreamMatchResultListener;
-using testing::internal::Strings;
-// Helper for testing container-valued matchers in mock method context. It is
-// important to test matchers in this context, since it requires additional type
-// deduction beyond what EXPECT_THAT does, thus making it more restrictive.
-struct ContainerHelper {
- MOCK_METHOD1(Call, void(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>));
-std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> MakeUniquePtrs(const std::vector<int>& ints) {
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> pointers;
- for (int i : ints) pointers.emplace_back(new int(i));
- return pointers;
-// For testing ExplainMatchResultTo().
-class GreaterThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<int> {
- public:
- explicit GreaterThanMatcher(int rhs) : rhs_(rhs) {}
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "is > " << rhs_; }
- bool MatchAndExplain(int lhs, MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
- const int diff = lhs - rhs_;
- if (diff > 0) {
- *listener << "which is " << diff << " more than " << rhs_;
- } else if (diff == 0) {
- *listener << "which is the same as " << rhs_;
- } else {
- *listener << "which is " << -diff << " less than " << rhs_;
- }
- return lhs > rhs_;
- }
- private:
- int rhs_;
-Matcher<int> GreaterThan(int n) {
- return MakeMatcher(new GreaterThanMatcher(n));
-std::string OfType(const std::string& type_name) {
- return IsReadableTypeName(type_name) ? " (of type " + type_name + ")" : "";
- return "";
-// Returns the description of the given matcher.
-template <typename T>
-std::string Describe(const Matcher<T>& m) {
- return DescribeMatcher<T>(m);
-// Returns the description of the negation of the given matcher.
-template <typename T>
-std::string DescribeNegation(const Matcher<T>& m) {
- return DescribeMatcher<T>(m, true);
-// Returns the reason why x matches, or doesn't match, m.
-template <typename MatcherType, typename Value>
-std::string Explain(const MatcherType& m, const Value& x) {
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- ExplainMatchResult(m, x, &listener);
- return listener.str();
-TEST(MonotonicMatcherTest, IsPrintable) {
- stringstream ss;
- ss << GreaterThan(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is > 5", ss.str());
-TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, StreamingWorks) {
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- listener << "hi" << 5;
- EXPECT_EQ("hi5", listener.str());
- listener.Clear();
- EXPECT_EQ("", listener.str());
- listener << 42;
- EXPECT_EQ("42", listener.str());
- // Streaming shouldn't crash when the underlying ostream is NULL.
- DummyMatchResultListener dummy;
- dummy << "hi" << 5;
-TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, CanAccessUnderlyingStream) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(DummyMatchResultListener().stream() == nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE(StreamMatchResultListener(nullptr).stream() == nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(&std::cout, StreamMatchResultListener(&std::cout).stream());
-TEST(MatchResultListenerTest, IsInterestedWorks) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(StringMatchResultListener().IsInterested());
- EXPECT_TRUE(StreamMatchResultListener(&std::cout).IsInterested());
- EXPECT_FALSE(DummyMatchResultListener().IsInterested());
- EXPECT_FALSE(StreamMatchResultListener(nullptr).IsInterested());
-// Makes sure that the MatcherInterface<T> interface doesn't
-// change.
-class EvenMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<int> {
- public:
- bool MatchAndExplain(int x,
- MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const override {
- return x % 2 == 0;
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "is an even number"; }
- // We deliberately don't define DescribeNegationTo() and
- // ExplainMatchResultTo() here, to make sure the definition of these
- // two methods is optional.
-// Makes sure that the MatcherInterface API doesn't change.
-TEST(MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingPublishedAPI) {
- EvenMatcherImpl m;
-// Tests implementing a monomorphic matcher using MatchAndExplain().
-class NewEvenMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<int> {
- public:
- bool MatchAndExplain(int x, MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
- const bool match = x % 2 == 0;
- // Verifies that we can stream to a listener directly.
- *listener << "value % " << 2;
- if (listener->stream() != nullptr) {
- // Verifies that we can stream to a listener's underlying stream
- // too.
- *listener->stream() << " == " << (x % 2);
- }
- return match;
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "is an even number"; }
-TEST(MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingNewAPI) {
- Matcher<int> m = MakeMatcher(new NewEvenMatcherImpl);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("value % 2 == 0", Explain(m, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ("value % 2 == 1", Explain(m, 3));
-// Tests default-constructing a matcher.
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeDefaultConstructed) {
- Matcher<double> m;
-// Tests that Matcher<T> can be constructed from a MatcherInterface<T>*.
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeConstructedFromMatcherInterface) {
- const MatcherInterface<int>* impl = new EvenMatcherImpl;
- Matcher<int> m(impl);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(5));
-// Tests that value can be used in place of Eq(value).
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromValue) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = 5;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(5));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(6));
-// Tests that NULL can be used in place of Eq(NULL).
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromNULL) {
- Matcher<int*> m1 = nullptr;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(&n));
-// Tests that matchers can be constructed from a variable that is not properly
-// defined. This should be illegal, but many users rely on this accidentally.
-struct Undefined {
- virtual ~Undefined() = 0;
- static const int kInt = 1;
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanBeConstructedFromUndefinedVariable) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Undefined::kInt;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(2));
-// Test that a matcher parameterized with an abstract class compiles.
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanAcceptAbstractClass) { Matcher<const Undefined&> m = _; }
-// Tests that matchers are copyable.
-TEST(MatcherTest, IsCopyable) {
- // Tests the copy constructor.
- Matcher<bool> m1 = Eq(false);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(false));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(true));
- // Tests the assignment operator.
- m1 = Eq(true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(true));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(false));
-// Tests that Matcher<T>::DescribeTo() calls
-// MatcherInterface<T>::DescribeTo().
-TEST(MatcherTest, CanDescribeItself) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is an even number",
- Describe(Matcher<int>(new EvenMatcherImpl)));
-// Tests Matcher<T>::MatchAndExplain().
-TEST(MatcherTest, MatchAndExplain) {
- Matcher<int> m = GreaterThan(0);
- StringMatchResultListener listener1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.MatchAndExplain(42, &listener1));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 42 more than 0", listener1.str());
- StringMatchResultListener listener2;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.MatchAndExplain(-9, &listener2));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 9 less than 0", listener2.str());
-// Tests that a C-string literal can be implicitly converted to a
-// Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&>.
-TEST(StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral) {
- Matcher<std::string> m1 = "hi";
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("hello"));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = "hi";
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hello"));
-// Tests that a string object can be implicitly converted to a
-// Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&>.
-TEST(StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString) {
- Matcher<std::string> m1 = std::string("hi");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("hello"));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = std::string("hi");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hello"));
-// Tests that a C-string literal can be implicitly converted to a
-// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
-TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral) {
- Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = "cats";
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = "cats";
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
-// Tests that a std::string object can be implicitly converted to a
-// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
-TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString) {
- Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = std::string("cats");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = std::string("cats");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
-// Tests that a StringView object can be implicitly converted to a
-// Matcher<StringView> or Matcher<const StringView&>.
-TEST(StringViewMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromStringView) {
- Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 = internal::StringView("cats");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = internal::StringView("cats");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
-// Tests that a std::reference_wrapper<std::string> object can be implicitly
-// converted to a Matcher<std::string> or Matcher<const std::string&> via Eq().
- CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromEqReferenceWrapperString) {
- std::string value = "cats";
- Matcher<std::string> m1 = Eq(std::ref(value));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("dogs"));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = Eq(std::ref(value));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("cats"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("dogs"));
-// Tests that MakeMatcher() constructs a Matcher<T> from a
-// MatcherInterface* without requiring the user to explicitly
-// write the type.
-TEST(MakeMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherFromMatcherInterface) {
- const MatcherInterface<int>* dummy_impl = new EvenMatcherImpl;
- Matcher<int> m = MakeMatcher(dummy_impl);
-// Tests that MakePolymorphicMatcher() can construct a polymorphic
-// matcher from its implementation using the old API.
-const int g_bar = 1;
-class ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl {
- public:
- template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x,
- MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
- const void* p = &x;
- return p == &g_bar || x == 0;
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "g_bar or zero"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "doesn't reference g_bar and is not zero";
- }
-// This function verifies that MakePolymorphicMatcher() returns a
-// PolymorphicMatcher<T> where T is the argument's type.
-PolymorphicMatcher<ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl> ReferencesBarOrIsZero() {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl());
-TEST(MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingOldAPI) {
- // Using a polymorphic matcher to match a reference type.
- Matcher<const int&> m1 = ReferencesBarOrIsZero();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0));
- // Verifies that the identity of a by-reference argument is preserved.
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(g_bar));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_EQ("g_bar or zero", Describe(m1));
- // Using a polymorphic matcher to match a value type.
- Matcher<double> m2 = ReferencesBarOrIsZero();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(0.1));
- EXPECT_EQ("g_bar or zero", Describe(m2));
-// Tests implementing a polymorphic matcher using MatchAndExplain().
-class PolymorphicIsEvenImpl {
- public:
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is even"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is odd";
- }
- template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
- // Verifies that we can stream to the listener directly.
- *listener << "% " << 2;
- if (listener->stream() != nullptr) {
- // Verifies that we can stream to the listener's underlying stream
- // too.
- *listener->stream() << " == " << (x % 2);
- }
- return (x % 2) == 0;
- }
-PolymorphicMatcher<PolymorphicIsEvenImpl> PolymorphicIsEven() {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(PolymorphicIsEvenImpl());
-TEST(MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingNewAPI) {
- // Using PolymorphicIsEven() as a Matcher<int>.
- const Matcher<int> m1 = PolymorphicIsEven();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(42));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(43));
- EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m1));
- const Matcher<int> not_m1 = Not(m1);
- EXPECT_EQ("is odd", Describe(not_m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", Explain(m1, 42));
- // Using PolymorphicIsEven() as a Matcher<char>.
- const Matcher<char> m2 = PolymorphicIsEven();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches('\x42'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('\x43'));
- EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m2));
- const Matcher<char> not_m2 = Not(m2);
- EXPECT_EQ("is odd", Describe(not_m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", Explain(m2, '\x42'));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a polymorphic matcher.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromPolymorphicMatcher) {
- Matcher<int> m = MatcherCast<int>(Eq(5));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(5));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(6));
-// For testing casting matchers between compatible types.
-class IntValue {
- public:
- // An int can be statically (although not implicitly) cast to a
- // IntValue.
- explicit IntValue(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
- int value() const { return value_; }
- private:
- int value_;
-// For testing casting matchers between compatible types.
-bool IsPositiveIntValue(const IntValue& foo) {
- return foo.value() > 0;
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where T
-// can be statically converted to U.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromCompatibleType) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = Eq(2.0);
- Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(3));
- Matcher<IntValue> m3 = Truly(IsPositiveIntValue);
- Matcher<int> m4 = MatcherCast<int>(m3);
- // In the following, the arguments 1 and 0 are statically converted
- // to IntValue objects, and then tested by the IsPositiveIntValue()
- // predicate.
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(0));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<const T&>.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToNonReference) {
- Matcher<const int&> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T&>.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromReferenceToNonReference) {
- Matcher<int&> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<const T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<const int&> m2 = MatcherCast<const int&>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = MatcherCast<int&>(m1);
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
- n = 1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromSameType) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int> m2 = MatcherCast<int>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a value of the same type as the
-// value type of the Matcher.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromAValue) {
- Matcher<int> m = MatcherCast<int>(42);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(42));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(239));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a value of the type implicitly
-// convertible to the value type of the Matcher.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromAnImplicitlyConvertibleValue) {
- const int kExpected = 'c';
- Matcher<int> m = MatcherCast<int>('c');
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(kExpected));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(kExpected + 1));
-struct NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq {
- friend bool operator==(
- const NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq& /* ignored */,
- int rhs) {
- return 42 == rhs;
- }
- friend bool operator==(
- int lhs,
- const NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq& /* ignored */) {
- return lhs == 42;
- }
-// Tests that MatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a neither a matcher nor
-// implicitly convertible to the value type of the Matcher, but the value type
-// of the matcher has operator==() overload accepting m.
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq) {
- Matcher<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq> m1 =
- MatcherCast<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq>(42);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq()));
- Matcher<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq> m2 =
- MatcherCast<NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq>(239);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq()));
- // When updating the following lines please also change the comment to
- // namespace convertible_from_any.
- Matcher<int> m3 =
- MatcherCast<int>(NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq());
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(42));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(239));
-// ConvertibleFromAny does not work with MSVC. resulting in
-// error C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from 'Eq' to 'M'
-// No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload
-// resolution was ambiguous
-#if !defined _MSC_VER
-// The below ConvertibleFromAny struct is implicitly constructible from anything
-// and when in the same namespace can interact with other tests. In particular,
-// if it is in the same namespace as other tests and one removes
-// NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq::operator==(int lhs, ...);
-// then the corresponding test still compiles (and it should not!) by implicitly
-// converting NonImplicitlyConstructibleTypeWithOperatorEq to ConvertibleFromAny
-// in m3.Matcher().
-namespace convertible_from_any {
-// Implicitly convertible from any type.
-struct ConvertibleFromAny {
- ConvertibleFromAny(int a_value) : value(a_value) {}
- template <typename T>
- ConvertibleFromAny(const T& /*a_value*/) : value(-1) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Conversion constructor called";
- }
- int value;
-bool operator==(const ConvertibleFromAny& a, const ConvertibleFromAny& b) {
- return a.value == b.value;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const ConvertibleFromAny& a) {
- return os << a.value;
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) {
- Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m = MatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) {
- Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m =
- MatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(Eq(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
-} // namespace convertible_from_any
-#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
-struct IntReferenceWrapper {
- IntReferenceWrapper(const int& a_value) : value(&a_value) {}
- const int* value;
-bool operator==(const IntReferenceWrapper& a, const IntReferenceWrapper& b) {
- return a.value == b.value;
-TEST(MatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) {
- int n = 42;
- Matcher<IntReferenceWrapper> m = MatcherCast<IntReferenceWrapper>(n);
- // Verify that the matcher holds a reference to n, not to its temporary copy.
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-class Base {
- public:
- virtual ~Base() {}
- Base() {}
- private:
-class Derived : public Base {
- public:
- Derived() : Base() {}
- int i;
-class OtherDerived : public Base {};
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a polymorphic matcher.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromPolymorphicMatcher) {
- Matcher<char> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<char>(Eq(32));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(' '));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('\n'));
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where
-// T and U are arithmetic types and T can be losslessly converted to
-// U.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromLosslesslyConvertibleArithmeticType) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleEq(1.0);
- Matcher<float> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<float>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(1.0f));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(2.0f));
- Matcher<char> m3 = SafeMatcherCast<char>(TypedEq<int>('a'));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches('a'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches('b'));
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<U> where T and U
-// are pointers or references to a derived and a base class, correspondingly.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromBaseClass) {
- Derived d, d2;
- Matcher<Base*> m1 = Eq(&d);
- Matcher<Derived*> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<Derived*>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(&d));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(&d2));
- Matcher<Base&> m3 = Ref(d);
- Matcher<Derived&> m4 = SafeMatcherCast<Derived&>(m3);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(d));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(d2));
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<const T&>.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToReference) {
- int n = 0;
- Matcher<const int&> m1 = Ref(n);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int&>(m1);
- int n1 = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n1));
-// Tests that MatcherCast<const T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) {
- Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m1 = IsNull();
- Matcher<const std::unique_ptr<int>&> m2 =
- SafeMatcherCast<const std::unique_ptr<int>&>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int)));
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T&>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int&>(m1);
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(n));
- n = 1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(n));
-// Tests that SafeMatcherCast<T>(m) works when m is a Matcher<T>.
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromSameType) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(0);
- Matcher<int> m2 = SafeMatcherCast<int>(m1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(1));
-#if !defined _MSC_VER
-namespace convertible_from_any {
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) {
- Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m = SafeMatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) {
- Matcher<ConvertibleFromAny> m =
- SafeMatcherCast<ConvertibleFromAny>(Eq(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(1)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConvertibleFromAny(2)));
-} // namespace convertible_from_any
-#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
-TEST(SafeMatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) {
- int n = 42;
- Matcher<IntReferenceWrapper> m = SafeMatcherCast<IntReferenceWrapper>(n);
- // Verify that the matcher holds a reference to n, not to its temporary copy.
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-TEST(ExpectThat, TakesLiterals) {
- EXPECT_THAT(1, 1);
- EXPECT_THAT(1.0, 1.0);
- EXPECT_THAT(std::string(), "");
-TEST(ExpectThat, TakesFunctions) {
- struct Helper {
- static void Func() {}
- };
- void (*func)() = Helper::Func;
- EXPECT_THAT(func, Helper::Func);
- EXPECT_THAT(func, &Helper::Func);
-// Tests that A<T>() matches any value of type T.
-TEST(ATest, MatchesAnyValue) {
- // Tests a matcher for a value type.
- Matcher<double> m1 = A<double>();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(91.43));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-15.32));
- // Tests a matcher for a reference type.
- int a = 2;
- int b = -6;
- Matcher<int&> m2 = A<int&>();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
-TEST(ATest, WorksForDerivedClass) {
- Base base;
- Derived derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(&base, A<Base*>());
- // This shouldn't compile: EXPECT_THAT(&base, A<Derived*>());
- EXPECT_THAT(&derived, A<Base*>());
- EXPECT_THAT(&derived, A<Derived*>());
-// Tests that A<T>() describes itself properly.
-TEST(ATest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(A<bool>()));
-// Tests that An<T>() matches any value of type T.
-TEST(AnTest, MatchesAnyValue) {
- // Tests a matcher for a value type.
- Matcher<int> m1 = An<int>();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(9143));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-1532));
- // Tests a matcher for a reference type.
- int a = 2;
- int b = -6;
- Matcher<int&> m2 = An<int&>();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
-// Tests that An<T>() describes itself properly.
-TEST(AnTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(An<int>()));
-// Tests that _ can be used as a matcher for any type and matches any
-// value of that type.
-TEST(UnderscoreTest, MatchesAnyValue) {
- // Uses _ as a matcher for a value type.
- Matcher<int> m1 = _;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(123));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-242));
- // Uses _ as a matcher for a reference type.
- bool a = false;
- const bool b = true;
- Matcher<const bool&> m2 = _;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(b));
-// Tests that _ describes itself properly.
-TEST(UnderscoreTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = _;
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Eq(x) matches any value equal to x.
-TEST(EqTest, MatchesEqualValue) {
- // 2 C-strings with same content but different addresses.
- const char a1[] = "hi";
- const char a2[] = "hi";
- Matcher<const char*> m1 = Eq(a1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(a1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(a2));
-// Tests that Eq(v) describes itself properly.
-class Unprintable {
- public:
- Unprintable() : c_('a') {}
- bool operator==(const Unprintable& /* rhs */) const { return true; }
- // -Wunused-private-field: dummy accessor for `c_`.
- char dummy_c() { return c_; }
- private:
- char c_;
-TEST(EqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<Unprintable> m = Eq(Unprintable());
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 1-byte object <61>", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Eq(v) can be used to match any type that supports
-// comparing with type T, where T is v's type.
-TEST(EqTest, IsPolymorphic) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Eq(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(2));
- Matcher<char> m2 = Eq(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches('\1'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches('a'));
-// Tests that TypedEq<T>(v) matches values of type T that's equal to v.
-TEST(TypedEqTest, ChecksEqualityForGivenType) {
- Matcher<char> m1 = TypedEq<char>('a');
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('a'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches('b'));
- Matcher<int> m2 = TypedEq<int>(6);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(6));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(7));
-// Tests that TypedEq(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(TypedEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 2", Describe(TypedEq<int>(2)));
-// Tests that TypedEq<T>(v) has type Matcher<T>.
-// Type<T>::IsTypeOf(v) compiles if and only if the type of value v is T, where
-// T is a "bare" type (i.e. not in the form of const U or U&). If v's type is
-// not T, the compiler will generate a message about "undefined reference".
-template <typename T>
-struct Type {
- static bool IsTypeOf(const T& /* v */) { return true; }
- template <typename T2>
- static void IsTypeOf(T2 v);
-TEST(TypedEqTest, HasSpecifiedType) {
- // Verfies that the type of TypedEq<T>(v) is Matcher<T>.
- Type<Matcher<int> >::IsTypeOf(TypedEq<int>(5));
- Type<Matcher<double> >::IsTypeOf(TypedEq<double>(5));
-// Tests that Ge(v) matches anything >= v.
-TEST(GeTest, ImplementsGreaterThanOrEqual) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Ge(0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(-1));
-// Tests that Ge(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(GeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Ge(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is >= 5", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Gt(v) matches anything > v.
-TEST(GtTest, ImplementsGreaterThan) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = Gt(0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(0.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(-1.0));
-// Tests that Gt(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(GtTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Gt(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is > 5", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Le(v) matches anything <= v.
-TEST(LeTest, ImplementsLessThanOrEqual) {
- Matcher<char> m1 = Le('b');
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('a'));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches('b'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches('c'));
-// Tests that Le(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(LeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Le(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is <= 5", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Lt(v) matches anything < v.
-TEST(LtTest, ImplementsLessThan) {
- Matcher<const std::string&> m1 = Lt("Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Abc"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches("Hello, world!"));
-// Tests that Lt(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(LtTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Lt(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is < 5", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Ne(v) matches anything != v.
-TEST(NeTest, ImplementsNotEqual) {
- Matcher<int> m1 = Ne(0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(0));
-// Tests that Ne(v) describes itself properly.
-TEST(NeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Ne(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 5", Describe(m));
-class MoveOnly {
- public:
- explicit MoveOnly(int i) : i_(i) {}
- MoveOnly(const MoveOnly&) = delete;
- MoveOnly(MoveOnly&&) = default;
- MoveOnly& operator=(const MoveOnly&) = delete;
- MoveOnly& operator=(MoveOnly&&) = default;
- bool operator==(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
- bool operator!=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
- bool operator<(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ < other.i_; }
- bool operator<=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ <= other.i_; }
- bool operator>(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ > other.i_; }
- bool operator>=(const MoveOnly& other) const { return i_ >= other.i_; }
- private:
- int i_;
-struct MoveHelper {
- MOCK_METHOD1(Call, void(MoveOnly));
-// Disable this test in VS 2015 (version 14), where it fails when SEH is enabled
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1910)
-TEST(ComparisonBaseTest, DISABLED_WorksWithMoveOnly) {
-TEST(ComparisonBaseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- MoveOnly m{0};
- MoveHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Eq(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Ne(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Le(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Lt(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(-1));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Ge(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Gt(ByRef(m))));
- helper.Call(MoveOnly(1));
-// Tests that IsNull() matches any NULL pointer of any type.
-TEST(IsNullTest, MatchesNullPointer) {
- Matcher<int*> m1 = IsNull();
- int* p1 = nullptr;
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(p1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(&n));
- Matcher<const char*> m2 = IsNull();
- const char* p2 = nullptr;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(p2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("hi"));
- Matcher<void*> m3 = IsNull();
- void* p3 = nullptr;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(p3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xbeef)));
-TEST(IsNullTest, StdFunction) {
- const Matcher<std::function<void()>> m = IsNull();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(std::function<void()>()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches([]{}));
-// Tests that IsNull() describes itself properly.
-TEST(IsNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int*> m = IsNull();
- EXPECT_EQ("is NULL", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NULL", DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that NotNull() matches any non-NULL pointer of any type.
-TEST(NotNullTest, MatchesNonNullPointer) {
- Matcher<int*> m1 = NotNull();
- int* p1 = nullptr;
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(p1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(&n));
- Matcher<const char*> m2 = NotNull();
- const char* p2 = nullptr;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(p2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hi"));
-TEST(NotNullTest, LinkedPtr) {
- const Matcher<std::shared_ptr<int>> m = NotNull();
- const std::shared_ptr<int> null_p;
- const std::shared_ptr<int> non_null_p(new int);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(null_p));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(non_null_p));
-TEST(NotNullTest, ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr) {
- const Matcher<const std::shared_ptr<double>&> m = NotNull();
- const std::shared_ptr<double> null_p;
- const std::shared_ptr<double> non_null_p(new double);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(null_p));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(non_null_p));
-TEST(NotNullTest, StdFunction) {
- const Matcher<std::function<void()>> m = NotNull();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches([]{}));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::function<void()>()));
-// Tests that NotNull() describes itself properly.
-TEST(NotNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int*> m = NotNull();
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NULL", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Ref(variable) matches an argument that references
-// 'variable'.
-TEST(RefTest, MatchesSameVariable) {
- int a = 0;
- int b = 0;
- Matcher<int&> m = Ref(a);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
-// Tests that Ref(variable) describes itself properly.
-TEST(RefTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- int n = 5;
- Matcher<int&> m = Ref(n);
- stringstream ss;
- ss << "references the variable @" << &n << " 5";
- EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), Describe(m));
-// Test that Ref(non_const_varialbe) can be used as a matcher for a
-// const reference.
-TEST(RefTest, CanBeUsedAsMatcherForConstReference) {
- int a = 0;
- int b = 0;
- Matcher<const int&> m = Ref(a);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(b));
-// Tests that Ref(variable) is covariant, i.e. Ref(derived) can be
-// used wherever Ref(base) can be used (Ref(derived) is a sub-type
-// of Ref(base), but not vice versa.
-TEST(RefTest, IsCovariant) {
- Base base, base2;
- Derived derived;
- Matcher<const Base&> m1 = Ref(base);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(base));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(derived));
- m1 = Ref(derived);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(derived));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(base2));
-TEST(RefTest, ExplainsResult) {
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(Matcher<const int&>(Ref(n)), n),
- StartsWith("which is located @"));
- int m = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(Matcher<const int&>(Ref(n)), m),
- StartsWith("which is located @"));
-// Tests string comparison matchers.
-template <typename T = std::string>
-std::string FromStringLike(internal::StringLike<T> str) {
- return std::string(str);
-TEST(StringLike, TestConversions) {
- EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike("foo"));
- EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike(std::string("foo")));
- EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike(internal::StringView("foo")));
- // Non deducible types.
- EXPECT_EQ("", FromStringLike({}));
- EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike({'f', 'o', 'o'}));
- const char buf[] = "foo";
- EXPECT_EQ("foo", FromStringLike({buf, buf + 3}));
-TEST(StrEqTest, MatchesEqualString) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrEq(std::string("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrEq("Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
- StrEq(internal::StringView("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m_empty = StrEq("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
-TEST(StrEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<std::string> m = StrEq("Hi-\'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\xD3");
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"Hi-\'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\xD3\"",
- Describe(m));
- std::string str("01204500800");
- str[3] = '\0';
- Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"012\\04500800\"", Describe(m2));
- str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = '\0';
- Matcher<std::string> m3 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to \"\\012\\045\\0\\08\\0\\0\"", Describe(m3));
-TEST(StrNeTest, MatchesUnequalString) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrNe("Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hello"));
- Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrNe(std::string("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = StrNe(internal::StringView("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
-TEST(StrNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrNe("Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-TEST(StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseEq(std::string("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrCaseEq("Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
- StrCaseEq(internal::StringView("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hi")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
-TEST(StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase) {
- std::string str1("oabocdooeoo");
- std::string str2("OABOCDOOEOO");
- Matcher<const std::string&> m0 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m0.Matches(str2 + std::string(1, '\0')));
- str1[3] = str2[3] = '\0';
- Matcher<const std::string&> m1 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(str2));
- str1[0] = str1[6] = str1[7] = str1[10] = '\0';
- str2[0] = str2[6] = str2[7] = str2[10] = '\0';
- Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- str1[9] = str2[9] = '\0';
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(str2));
- Matcher<const std::string&> m3 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(str2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2 + "x"));
- str2.append(1, '\0');
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(std::string(str2, 0, 9)));
-TEST(StrCaseEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<std::string> m = StrCaseEq("Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to (ignoring case) \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-TEST(StrCaseNeTest, MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseNe("Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches("hello"));
- Matcher<std::string> m2 = StrCaseNe(std::string("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hello"));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 =
- StrCaseNe(internal::StringView("Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hi")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("Hello")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("hello")));
-TEST(StrCaseNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const char*> m = StrCaseNe("Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to (ignoring case) \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching string-typed values.
-TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForStringClasses) {
- const Matcher<std::string> m1 = HasSubstr("foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(std::string("I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(std::string("tofo")));
- const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(std::string("I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(std::string("tofo")));
- const Matcher<std::string> m_empty = HasSubstr("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(std::string()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(std::string("not empty")));
-// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching C-string-typed values.
-TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForCStrings) {
- const Matcher<char*> m1 = HasSubstr("foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(const_cast<char*>("I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(const_cast<char*>("tofo")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const char*> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("I love food."));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("tofo"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const char*> m_empty = HasSubstr("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches("not empty"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_empty.Matches(nullptr));
-// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching StringView-typed values.
-TEST(HasSubstrTest, WorksForStringViewClasses) {
- const Matcher<internal::StringView> m1 =
- HasSubstr(internal::StringView("foo"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView("I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView("tofo")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m2 = HasSubstr("foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView("I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView("tofo")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 = HasSubstr("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("foo")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
-// Tests that HasSubstr(s) describes itself properly.
-TEST(HasSubstrTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<std::string> m = HasSubstr("foo\n\"");
- EXPECT_EQ("has substring \"foo\\n\\\"\"", Describe(m));
-TEST(KeyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m = Key("foo");
- EXPECT_EQ("has a key that is equal to \"foo\"", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("doesn't have a key that is equal to \"foo\"", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(KeyTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<pair<int, bool> > m = Key(GreaterThan(10));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose first field is a value which is 5 less than 10",
- Explain(m, make_pair(5, true)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose first field is a value which is 5 more than 10",
- Explain(m, make_pair(15, true)));
-TEST(KeyTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
- pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(25));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(42)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Ge(20)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(Lt(25))));
-TEST(KeyTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- pair<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>> p;
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Eq(nullptr)));
-template <size_t I>
-struct Tag {};
-struct PairWithGet {
- int member_1;
- std::string member_2;
- using first_type = int;
- using second_type = std::string;
- const int& GetImpl(Tag<0>) const { return member_1; }
- const std::string& GetImpl(Tag<1>) const { return member_2; }
-template <size_t I>
-auto get(const PairWithGet& value) -> decltype(value.GetImpl(Tag<I>())) {
- return value.GetImpl(Tag<I>());
-TEST(PairTest, MatchesPairWithGetCorrectly) {
- PairWithGet p{25, "foo"};
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(25));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(42)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(Ge(20)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(Lt(25))));
- std::vector<PairWithGet> v = {{11, "Foo"}, {29, "gMockIsBestMock"}};
- EXPECT_THAT(v, Contains(Key(29)));
-TEST(KeyTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatcher) {
- Matcher<int> is_positive = Gt(0);
- Matcher<int> is_negative = Lt(0);
- pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Key(is_positive));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Key(is_negative)));
-TEST(KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) {
- map<int, char> container;
- container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
- container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
- container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(3))));
-TEST(KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMultimap) {
- multimap<int, char> container;
- container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
- container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
- container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(25))));
- container.insert(make_pair(25, 'd'));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(25)));
- container.insert(make_pair(25, 'e'));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(25)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Key(1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Key(3))));
-TEST(PairTest, Typing) {
- // Test verifies the following type conversions can be compiled.
- Matcher<const pair<const char*, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
- Matcher<const pair<const char*, int> > m2 = Pair("foo", 42);
- Matcher<pair<const char*, int> > m3 = Pair("foo", 42);
- Matcher<pair<int, const std::string> > m4 = Pair(25, "42");
- Matcher<pair<const std::string, int> > m5 = Pair("25", 42);
-TEST(PairTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m1 = Pair("foo", 42);
- EXPECT_EQ("has a first field that is equal to \"foo\""
- ", and has a second field that is equal to 42",
- Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("has a first field that isn't equal to \"foo\""
- ", or has a second field that isn't equal to 42",
- DescribeNegation(m1));
- // Double and triple negation (1 or 2 times not and description of negation).
- Matcher<const pair<int, int>&> m2 = Not(Pair(Not(13), 42));
- EXPECT_EQ("has a first field that isn't equal to 13"
- ", and has a second field that is equal to 42",
- DescribeNegation(m2));
-TEST(PairTest, CanExplainMatchResultTo) {
- // If neither field matches, Pair() should explain about the first
- // field.
- const Matcher<pair<int, int> > m = Pair(GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose first field does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
- Explain(m, make_pair(-1, -2)));
- // If the first field matches but the second doesn't, Pair() should
- // explain about the second field.
- EXPECT_EQ("whose second field does not match, which is 2 less than 0",
- Explain(m, make_pair(1, -2)));
- // If the first field doesn't match but the second does, Pair()
- // should explain about the first field.
- EXPECT_EQ("whose first field does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
- Explain(m, make_pair(-1, 2)));
- // If both fields match, Pair() should explain about them both.
- EXPECT_EQ("whose both fields match, where the first field is a value "
- "which is 1 more than 0, and the second field is a value "
- "which is 2 more than 0",
- Explain(m, make_pair(1, 2)));
- // If only the first match has an explanation, only this explanation should
- // be printed.
- const Matcher<pair<int, int> > explain_first = Pair(GreaterThan(0), 0);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose both fields match, where the first field is a value "
- "which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(explain_first, make_pair(1, 0)));
- // If only the second match has an explanation, only this explanation should
- // be printed.
- const Matcher<pair<int, int> > explain_second = Pair(0, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose both fields match, where the second field is a value "
- "which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(explain_second, make_pair(0, 1)));
-TEST(PairTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
- pair<int, std::string> p(25, "foo");
- // Both fields match.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(25, "foo"));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(Ge(20), HasSubstr("o")));
- // 'first' doesnt' match, but 'second' matches.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(42, "foo")));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(Lt(25), "foo")));
- // 'first' matches, but 'second' doesn't match.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(25, "bar")));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(25, Not("foo"))));
- // Neither field matches.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(13, "bar")));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(Lt(13), HasSubstr("a"))));
-TEST(PairTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- pair<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>> p;
- p.second.reset(new int(7));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(Eq(nullptr), Ne(nullptr)));
-TEST(PairTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatchers) {
- Matcher<int> is_positive = Gt(0);
- Matcher<int> is_negative = Lt(0);
- pair<char, bool> p('a', true);
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(is_positive, _));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(is_negative, _)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pair(_, is_positive));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pair(_, is_negative)));
-TEST(PairTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) {
- map<int, char> container;
- container.insert(make_pair(1, 'a'));
- container.insert(make_pair(2, 'b'));
- container.insert(make_pair(4, 'c'));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(1, 'a')));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(1, _)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Contains(Pair(_, 'a')));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(Contains(Pair(3, _))));
-TEST(FieldsAreTest, MatchesCorrectly) {
- std::tuple<int, std::string, double> p(25, "foo", .5);
- // All fields match.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, FieldsAre(25, "foo", .5));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, FieldsAre(Ge(20), HasSubstr("o"), DoubleEq(.5)));
- // Some don't match.
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(26, "foo", .5)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(25, "fo", .5)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(FieldsAre(25, "foo", .6)));
-TEST(FieldsAreTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const pair<std::string, int>&> m1 = FieldsAre("foo", 42);
- "has field #0 that is equal to \"foo\""
- ", and has field #1 that is equal to 42",
- Describe(m1));
- "has field #0 that isn't equal to \"foo\""
- ", or has field #1 that isn't equal to 42",
- DescribeNegation(m1));
-TEST(FieldsAreTest, CanExplainMatchResultTo) {
- // The first one that fails is the one that gives the error.
- Matcher<std::tuple<int, int, int>> m =
- FieldsAre(GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0), GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose field #0 does not match, which is 1 less than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(-1, -2, -3)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose field #1 does not match, which is 2 less than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, -2, -3)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose field #2 does not match, which is 3 less than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 2, -3)));
- // If they all match, we get a long explanation of success.
- "whose all elements match, "
- "where field #0 is a value which is 1 more than 0"
- ", and field #1 is a value which is 2 more than 0"
- ", and field #2 is a value which is 3 more than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3)));
- // Only print those that have an explanation.
- m = FieldsAre(GreaterThan(0), 0, GreaterThan(0));
- "whose all elements match, "
- "where field #0 is a value which is 1 more than 0"
- ", and field #2 is a value which is 3 more than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(1, 0, 3)));
- // If only one has an explanation, then print that one.
- m = FieldsAre(0, GreaterThan(0), 0);
- "whose all elements match, "
- "where field #1 is a value which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(0, 1, 0)));
-#if defined(__cpp_structured_bindings) && __cpp_structured_bindings >= 201606
-TEST(FieldsAreTest, StructuredBindings) {
- // testing::FieldsAre can also match aggregates and such with C++17 and up.
- struct MyType {
- int i;
- std::string str;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT((MyType{17, "foo"}), FieldsAre(Eq(17), HasSubstr("oo")));
- // Test all the supported arities.
- struct MyVarType1 {
- int a;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType1{}, FieldsAre(0));
- struct MyVarType2 {
- int a, b;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType2{}, FieldsAre(0, 0));
- struct MyVarType3 {
- int a, b, c;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType3{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType4 {
- int a, b, c, d;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType4{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType5 {
- int a, b, c, d, e;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType5{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType6 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType6{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType7 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType7{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType8 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType8{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType9 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType9{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType10 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType10{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType11 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType11{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType12 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType12{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType13 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType13{}, FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType14 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType14{},
- FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType15 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType15{},
- FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
- struct MyVarType16 {
- int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p;
- };
- EXPECT_THAT(MyVarType16{},
- FieldsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
-TEST(ContainsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Contains(Pointee(2))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
-TEST(PairTest, UseGetInsteadOfMembers) {
- PairWithGet pair{7, "ABC"};
- EXPECT_THAT(pair, Pair(7, "ABC"));
- EXPECT_THAT(pair, Pair(Ge(7), HasSubstr("AB")));
- EXPECT_THAT(pair, Not(Pair(Lt(7), "ABC")));
- std::vector<PairWithGet> v = {{11, "Foo"}, {29, "gMockIsBestMock"}};
- ElementsAre(Pair(11, std::string("Foo")), Pair(Ge(10), Not(""))));
-// Tests StartsWith(s).
-TEST(StartsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix) {
- const Matcher<const char*> m1 = StartsWith(std::string(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = StartsWith("Hi");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi Hi!"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("High"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("H"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(" Hi"));
- const Matcher<internal::StringView> m_empty =
- StartsWith(internal::StringView(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_empty.Matches(internal::StringView("not empty")));
-TEST(StartsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const std::string> m = StartsWith("Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("starts with \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests EndsWith(s).
-TEST(EndsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix) {
- const Matcher<const char*> m1 = EndsWith("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = EndsWith(std::string("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Wow Hi Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("Super Hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("i"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("Hi "));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
- EndsWith(internal::StringView(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches("Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
-TEST(EndsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const std::string> m = EndsWith("Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("ends with \"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests MatchesRegex().
-TEST(MatchesRegexTest, MatchesStringMatchingGivenRegex) {
- const Matcher<const char*> m1 = MatchesRegex("a.*z");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("az"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("abcz"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = MatchesRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("azbz"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("az1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("1az"));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 = MatchesRegex("a.*z");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("az")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("abcz")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("1az")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
- MatchesRegex(internal::StringView(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
-TEST(MatchesRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const std::string> m1 = MatchesRegex(std::string("Hi.*"));
- EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"Hi.*\"", Describe(m1));
- Matcher<const char*> m2 = MatchesRegex(new RE("a.*"));
- EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"a.*\"", Describe(m2));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = MatchesRegex(new RE("0.*"));
- EXPECT_EQ("matches regular expression \"0.*\"", Describe(m3));
-// Tests ContainsRegex().
-TEST(ContainsRegexTest, MatchesStringContainingGivenRegex) {
- const Matcher<const char*> m1 = ContainsRegex(std::string("a.*z"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("az"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches("0abcz1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const std::string&> m2 = ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("azbz"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches("az1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches("1a"));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m3 =
- ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*z"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("azbz")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("az1")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView("1a")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(internal::StringView()));
- const Matcher<const internal::StringView&> m4 =
- ContainsRegex(internal::StringView(""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView("")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(internal::StringView()));
-TEST(ContainsRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const std::string> m1 = ContainsRegex("Hi.*");
- EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"Hi.*\"", Describe(m1));
- Matcher<const char*> m2 = ContainsRegex(new RE("a.*"));
- EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"a.*\"", Describe(m2));
- Matcher<const internal::StringView> m3 = ContainsRegex(new RE("0.*"));
- EXPECT_EQ("contains regular expression \"0.*\"", Describe(m3));
-// Tests for wide strings.
-TEST(StdWideStrEqTest, MatchesEqual) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrEq(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrEq(L"Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m3 = StrEq(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74E"));
- ::std::wstring str(L"01204500800");
- str[3] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m4 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(str));
- str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m5 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(str));
-TEST(StdWideStrEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m = StrEq(L"Hi-\'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v");
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"Hi-\'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\"",
- Describe(m));
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m2 = StrEq(L"\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D");
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"\\xD3\\x576\\x8D3\\xC74D\"",
- Describe(m2));
- ::std::wstring str(L"01204500800");
- str[3] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m4 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"012\\04500800\"", Describe(m4));
- str[0] = str[6] = str[7] = str[9] = str[10] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m5 = StrEq(str);
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to L\"\\012\\045\\0\\08\\0\\0\"", Describe(m5));
-TEST(StdWideStrNeTest, MatchesUnequalString) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrNe(L"Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m2 = StrNe(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
-TEST(StdWideStrNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrNe(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseEq(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrCaseEq(L"Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
-TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase) {
- ::std::wstring str1(L"oabocdooeoo");
- ::std::wstring str2(L"OABOCDOOEOO");
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m0 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m0.Matches(str2 + ::std::wstring(1, L'\0')));
- str1[3] = str2[3] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m1 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(str2));
- str1[0] = str1[6] = str1[7] = str1[10] = L'\0';
- str2[0] = str2[6] = str2[7] = str2[10] = L'\0';
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- str1[9] = str2[9] = L'\0';
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(str2));
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m3 = StrCaseEq(str1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(str2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2 + L"x"));
- str2.append(1, L'\0');
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(str2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(::std::wstring(str2, 0, 9)));
-TEST(StdWideStrCaseEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m = StrCaseEq(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to (ignoring case) L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-TEST(StdWideStrCaseNeTest, MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseNe(L"Hello");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nullptr));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(L"hello"));
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m2 = StrCaseNe(::std::wstring(L"Hello"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hello"));
-TEST(StdWideStrCaseNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const wchar_t*> m = StrCaseNe(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to (ignoring case) L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching wstring-typed values.
-TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, WorksForStringClasses) {
- const Matcher< ::std::wstring> m1 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(::std::wstring(L"I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(::std::wstring(L"tofo")));
- const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(::std::wstring(L"I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(::std::wstring(L"tofo")));
-// Tests that HasSubstr() works for matching C-wide-string-typed values.
-TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, WorksForCStrings) {
- const Matcher<wchar_t*> m1 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"I love food.")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"tofo")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m2 = HasSubstr(L"foo");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"I love food."));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"tofo"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(nullptr));
-// Tests that HasSubstr(s) describes itself properly.
-TEST(StdWideHasSubstrTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher< ::std::wstring> m = HasSubstr(L"foo\n\"");
- EXPECT_EQ("has substring L\"foo\\n\\\"\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests StartsWith(s).
-TEST(StdWideStartsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix) {
- const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m1 = StartsWith(::std::wstring(L""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = StartsWith(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi Hi!"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"High"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"H"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L" Hi"));
-TEST(StdWideStartsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring> m = StartsWith(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("starts with L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-// Tests EndsWith(s).
-TEST(StdWideEndsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix) {
- const Matcher<const wchar_t*> m1 = EndsWith(L"");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(L""));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(nullptr));
- const Matcher<const ::std::wstring&> m2 = EndsWith(::std::wstring(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Wow Hi Hi"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(L"Super Hi"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"i"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(L"Hi "));
-TEST(StdWideEndsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::wstring> m = EndsWith(L"Hi");
- EXPECT_EQ("ends with L\"Hi\"", Describe(m));
-typedef ::std::tuple<long, int> Tuple2; // NOLINT
-// Tests that Eq() matches a 2-tuple where the first field == the
-// second field.
-TEST(Eq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Eq();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
-// Tests that Eq() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Eq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Eq();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Ge() matches a 2-tuple where the first field >= the
-// second field.
-TEST(Ge2Test, MatchesGreaterThanOrEqualArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ge();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
-// Tests that Ge() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Ge2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ge();
- EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first >= the second", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Gt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field > the
-// second field.
-TEST(Gt2Test, MatchesGreaterThanArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Gt();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
-// Tests that Gt() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Gt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Gt();
- EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first > the second", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Le() matches a 2-tuple where the first field <= the
-// second field.
-TEST(Le2Test, MatchesLessThanOrEqualArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Le();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
-// Tests that Le() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Le2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Le();
- EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first <= the second", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Lt() matches a 2-tuple where the first field < the
-// second field.
-TEST(Lt2Test, MatchesLessThanArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Lt();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
-// Tests that Lt() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Lt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Lt();
- EXPECT_EQ("are a pair where the first < the second", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Ne() matches a 2-tuple where the first field != the
-// second field.
-TEST(Ne2Test, MatchesUnequalArguments) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ne();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 6)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 4)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple2(5L, 5)));
-// Tests that Ne() describes itself properly.
-TEST(Ne2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const Tuple2&> m = Ne();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an unequal pair", Describe(m));
-TEST(PairMatchBaseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- using Pointers = std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<int>, std::unique_ptr<int>>;
- Matcher<Pointers> matcher = Eq();
- Pointers pointers;
- // Tested values don't matter; the point is that matcher does not copy the
- // matched values.
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(pointers));
-// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with float.
-TEST(IsNan, FloatMatchesNan) {
- float quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
- float other_nan = std::nanf("1");
- float real_value = 1.0f;
- Matcher<float> m = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<float&> m_ref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<const float&> m_cref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
-// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with double.
-TEST(IsNan, DoubleMatchesNan) {
- double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
- double other_nan = std::nan("1");
- double real_value = 1.0;
- Matcher<double> m = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<double&> m_ref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<const double&> m_cref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
-// Tests that IsNan() matches a NaN, with long double.
-TEST(IsNan, LongDoubleMatchesNan) {
- long double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits<long double>::quiet_NaN();
- long double other_nan = std::nan("1");
- long double real_value = 1.0;
- Matcher<long double> m = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<long double&> m_ref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_ref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_ref.Matches(real_value));
- Matcher<const long double&> m_cref = IsNan();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(quiet_nan));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_cref.Matches(other_nan));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_cref.Matches(real_value));
-// Tests that IsNan() works with Not.
-TEST(IsNan, NotMatchesNan) {
- Matcher<float> mf = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_FALSE(mf.Matches(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(mf.Matches(std::nanf("1")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(mf.Matches(1.0));
- Matcher<double> md = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_FALSE(md.Matches(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(md.Matches(std::nan("1")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(md.Matches(1.0));
- Matcher<long double> mld = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_FALSE(mld.Matches(std::numeric_limits<long double>::quiet_NaN()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(mld.Matches(std::nanl("1")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(mld.Matches(1.0));
-// Tests that IsNan() can describe itself.
-TEST(IsNan, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<float> mf = IsNan();
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(mf));
- Matcher<double> md = IsNan();
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(md));
- Matcher<long double> mld = IsNan();
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(mld));
-// Tests that IsNan() can describe itself with Not.
-TEST(IsNan, CanDescribeSelfWithNot) {
- Matcher<float> mf = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(mf));
- Matcher<double> md = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(md));
- Matcher<long double> mld = Not(IsNan());
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", Describe(mld));
-// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// FloatEq(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(FloatEq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = FloatEq();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(0.3f, 0.1f + 0.1f + 0.1f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
-// Tests that FloatEq() describes itself properly.
-TEST(FloatEq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = FloatEq();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// NanSensitiveFloatEq(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(NanSensitiveFloatEqTest, MatchesEqualArgumentsWithNaN) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
- std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatEq() describes itself properly.
-TEST(NanSensitiveFloatEqTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that DoubleEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// DoubleEq(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(DoubleEq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = DoubleEq();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0, 1.0)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(0.3, 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1, 1.0)));
-// Tests that DoubleEq() describes itself properly.
-TEST(DoubleEq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = DoubleEq();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// NanSensitiveDoubleEq(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleEqTest, MatchesEqualArgumentsWithNaN) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
- std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
-// Tests that DoubleEq() describes itself properly.
-TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleEqTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq();
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// FloatNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
-TEST(FloatNear2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = FloatNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.3f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.8f, 1.0f)));
-// Tests that FloatNear() describes itself properly.
-TEST(FloatNear2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = FloatNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatNear() matches a 2-tuple where
-// NanSensitiveFloatNear(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(NanSensitiveFloatNearTest, MatchesNearbyArgumentsWithNaN) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<float, float> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
- std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.6f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveFloatNear() describes itself properly.
-TEST(NanSensitiveFloatNearTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<float, float>&> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that FloatEq() matches a 2-tuple where
-// DoubleNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
-TEST(DoubleNear2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = DoubleNear(0.5);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0, 1.0)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.3, 1.0)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.8, 1.0)));
-// Tests that DoubleNear() describes itself properly.
-TEST(DoubleNear2Test, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = DoubleNear(0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleNear() matches a 2-tuple where
-// NanSensitiveDoubleNear(first field) matches the second field.
-TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleNearTest, MatchesNearbyArgumentsWithNaN) {
- typedef ::std::tuple<double, double> Tpl;
- Matcher<const Tpl&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.1f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
- std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.6f, 1.0f)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(1.0f, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tpl(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), 1.0f)));
-// Tests that NanSensitiveDoubleNear() describes itself properly.
-TEST(NanSensitiveDoubleNearTest, CanDescribeSelfWithNaNs) {
- Matcher<const ::std::tuple<double, double>&> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("are an almost-equal pair", Describe(m));
-// Tests that Not(m) matches any value that doesn't match m.
-TEST(NotTest, NegatesMatcher) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = Not(Eq(2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
-// Tests that Not(m) describes itself properly.
-TEST(NotTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m = Not(Eq(5));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 5", Describe(m));
-// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the Not matcher.
-TEST(NotTest, NotMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
- // greater_than_5 is a monomorphic matcher.
- Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
- Matcher<const int&> m = Not(greater_than_5);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = Not(greater_than_5);
- Matcher<int&> m3 = Not(m);
-// Helper to allow easy testing of AllOf matchers with num parameters.
-void AllOfMatches(int num, const Matcher<int>& m) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
- for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(i));
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(num + 1));
-// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) matches any value that matches all of
-// the given matchers.
-TEST(AllOfTest, MatchesWhenAllMatch) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(3));
- // The following tests for varying number of sub-matchers. Due to the way
- // the sub-matchers are handled it is enough to test every sub-matcher once
- // with sub-matchers using the same matcher type. Varying matcher types are
- // checked for above.
- AllOfMatches(2, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2)));
- AllOfMatches(3, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3)));
- AllOfMatches(4, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4)));
- AllOfMatches(5, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5)));
- AllOfMatches(6, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6)));
- AllOfMatches(7, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7)));
- AllOfMatches(8, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7),
- Ne(8)));
- AllOfMatches(9, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7),
- Ne(8), Ne(9)));
- AllOfMatches(10, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8),
- Ne(9), Ne(10)));
- AllOfMatches(
- 50, AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8), Ne(9),
- Ne(10), Ne(11), Ne(12), Ne(13), Ne(14), Ne(15), Ne(16), Ne(17),
- Ne(18), Ne(19), Ne(20), Ne(21), Ne(22), Ne(23), Ne(24), Ne(25),
- Ne(26), Ne(27), Ne(28), Ne(29), Ne(30), Ne(31), Ne(32), Ne(33),
- Ne(34), Ne(35), Ne(36), Ne(37), Ne(38), Ne(39), Ne(40), Ne(41),
- Ne(42), Ne(43), Ne(44), Ne(45), Ne(46), Ne(47), Ne(48), Ne(49),
- Ne(50)));
-// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) describes itself properly.
-TEST(AllOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is <= 2) and (is >= 1)", Describe(m));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
- std::string expected_descr1 =
- "(is > 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr1, Describe(m));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
- std::string expected_descr2 =
- "(is > 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2) and (isn't equal "
- "to 3)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr2, Describe(m));
- m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
- std::string expected_descr3 =
- "(is >= 0) and (is < 10) and (isn't equal to 3) and (isn't equal to 5) "
- "and (isn't equal to 7)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr3, Describe(m));
-// Tests that AllOf(m1, ..., mn) describes its negation properly.
-TEST(AllOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AllOf(Le(2), Ge(1));
- std::string expected_descr4 = "(isn't <= 2) or (isn't >= 1)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr4, DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2));
- std::string expected_descr5 =
- "(isn't > 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr5, DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AllOf(Gt(0), Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3));
- std::string expected_descr6 =
- "(isn't > 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_descr6, DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AllOf(Ge(0), Lt(10), Ne(3), Ne(5), Ne(7));
- std::string expected_desr7 =
- "(isn't >= 0) or (isn't < 10) or (is equal to 3) or (is equal to 5) or "
- "(is equal to 7)";
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_desr7, DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AllOf(Ne(1), Ne(2), Ne(3), Ne(4), Ne(5), Ne(6), Ne(7), Ne(8), Ne(9),
- Ne(10), Ne(11));
- AllOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
- EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), EndsWith("and (isn't equal to 11)"));
- AllOfMatches(11, m);
-// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the AllOf matcher.
-TEST(AllOfTest, AllOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
- // greater_than_5 and less_than_10 are monomorphic matchers.
- Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
- Matcher<int> less_than_10 = Lt(10);
- Matcher<const int&> m = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m3 = AllOf(greater_than_5, m2);
- // Tests that BothOf works when composing itself.
- Matcher<const int&> m4 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m5 = AllOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
-TEST(AllOfTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- // Successful match. Both matchers need to explain. The second
- // matcher doesn't give an explanation, so only the first matcher's
- // explanation is printed.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 15 more than 10", Explain(m, 25));
- // Successful match. Both matchers need to explain.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 20 more than 10, and which is 10 more than 20",
- Explain(m, 30));
- // Successful match. All matchers need to explain. The second
- // matcher doesn't given an explanation.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 15 more than 10, and which is 5 more than 20",
- Explain(m, 25));
- // Successful match. All matchers need to explain.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20), GreaterThan(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 30 more than 10, and which is 20 more than 20, "
- "and which is 10 more than 30",
- Explain(m, 40));
- // Failed match. The first matcher, which failed, needs to
- // explain.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10", Explain(m, 5));
- // Failed match. The second matcher, which failed, needs to
- // explain. Since it doesn't given an explanation, nothing is
- // printed.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 40));
- // Failed match. The second matcher, which failed, needs to
- // explain.
- m = AllOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 20", Explain(m, 15));
-// Helper to allow easy testing of AnyOf matchers with num parameters.
-static void AnyOfMatches(int num, const Matcher<int>& m) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(i));
- }
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(num + 1));
-static void AnyOfStringMatches(int num, const Matcher<std::string>& m) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(Describe(m));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::to_string(0)));
- for (int i = 1; i <= num; ++i) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(std::to_string(i)));
- }
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(std::to_string(num + 1)));
-// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) matches any value that matches at
-// least one of the given matchers.
-TEST(AnyOfTest, MatchesWhenAnyMatches) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(4));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(-1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(-1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
- m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(11));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(2));
- // The following tests for varying number of sub-matchers. Due to the way
- // the sub-matchers are handled it is enough to test every sub-matcher once
- // with sub-matchers using the same matcher type. Varying matcher types are
- // checked for above.
- AnyOfMatches(2, AnyOf(1, 2));
- AnyOfMatches(3, AnyOf(1, 2, 3));
- AnyOfMatches(4, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4));
- AnyOfMatches(5, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- AnyOfMatches(6, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
- AnyOfMatches(7, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
- AnyOfMatches(8, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
- AnyOfMatches(9, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9));
- AnyOfMatches(10, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
-// Tests the variadic version of the AnyOfMatcher.
-TEST(AnyOfTest, VariadicMatchesWhenAnyMatches) {
- // Also make sure AnyOf is defined in the right namespace and does not depend
- // on ADL.
- Matcher<int> m = ::testing::AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
- EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), EndsWith("or (is equal to 11)"));
- AnyOfMatches(11, m);
- AnyOfMatches(50, AnyOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
- 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
- 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50));
- AnyOfStringMatches(
- 50, AnyOf("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12",
- "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22",
- "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32",
- "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42",
- "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50"));
-// Tests the variadic version of the ElementsAreMatcher
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcher) {
- vector<int> test_vector{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
- ElementsAre(Eq(1), Eq(2), Lt(13), Eq(4), Eq(5), Eq(6), Eq(7),
- Eq(8), Eq(9), Eq(10), Gt(1), Eq(12)));
-// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherStr) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector{
- "literal_string", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre("literal_string", _, _, _, _, _,
- _, _, _, _, _, _));
-// Tests the variadic version of the UnorderedElementsAreMatcher
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, HugeMatcherUnordered) {
- vector<int> test_vector{2, 1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 9, 12, 11, 10};
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, UnorderedElementsAre(
- Eq(2), Eq(1), Gt(7), Eq(5), Eq(4), Eq(6), Eq(7),
- Eq(3), Eq(9), Eq(12), Eq(11), Ne(122)));
-// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) describes itself properly.
-TEST(AnyOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is <= 1) or (is >= 3)",
- Describe(m));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is < 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2)", Describe(m));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is < 0) or (is equal to 1) or (is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)",
- Describe(m));
- m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
- "(is <= 0) or (is > 10) or (is equal to 3) or (is equal to 5) or (is "
- "equal to 7)",
- Describe(m));
-// Tests that AnyOf(m1, ..., mn) describes its negation properly.
-TEST(AnyOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- m = AnyOf(Le(1), Ge(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("(isn't <= 1) and (isn't >= 3)",
- DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2));
- EXPECT_EQ("(isn't < 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2)",
- DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AnyOf(Lt(0), Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3));
- "(isn't < 0) and (isn't equal to 1) and (isn't equal to 2) and (isn't "
- "equal to 3)",
- DescribeNegation(m));
- m = AnyOf(Le(0), Gt(10), 3, 5, 7);
- "(isn't <= 0) and (isn't > 10) and (isn't equal to 3) and (isn't equal "
- "to 5) and (isn't equal to 7)",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that monomorphic matchers are safely cast by the AnyOf matcher.
-TEST(AnyOfTest, AnyOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) {
- // greater_than_5 and less_than_10 are monomorphic matchers.
- Matcher<int> greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
- Matcher<int> less_than_10 = Lt(10);
- Matcher<const int&> m = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m2 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m3 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, m2);
- // Tests that EitherOf works when composing itself.
- Matcher<const int&> m4 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
- Matcher<int&> m5 = AnyOf(greater_than_5, less_than_10, less_than_10);
-TEST(AnyOfTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<int> m;
- // Failed match. Both matchers need to explain. The second
- // matcher doesn't give an explanation, so only the first matcher's
- // explanation is printed.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10", Explain(m, 5));
- // Failed match. Both matchers need to explain.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10, and which is 15 less than 20",
- Explain(m, 5));
- // Failed match. All matchers need to explain. The second
- // matcher doesn't given an explanation.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Gt(20), GreaterThan(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10, and which is 25 less than 30",
- Explain(m, 5));
- // Failed match. All matchers need to explain.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20), GreaterThan(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 less than 10, and which is 15 less than 20, "
- "and which is 25 less than 30",
- Explain(m, 5));
- // Successful match. The first matcher, which succeeded, needs to
- // explain.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 more than 10", Explain(m, 15));
- // Successful match. The second matcher, which succeeded, needs to
- // explain. Since it doesn't given an explanation, nothing is
- // printed.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(10), Lt(30));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 0));
- // Successful match. The second matcher, which succeeded, needs to
- // explain.
- m = AnyOf(GreaterThan(30), GreaterThan(20));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 5 more than 20", Explain(m, 25));
-// The following predicate function and predicate functor are for
-// testing the Truly(predicate) matcher.
-// Returns non-zero if the input is positive. Note that the return
-// type of this function is not bool. It's OK as Truly() accepts any
-// unary function or functor whose return type can be implicitly
-// converted to bool.
-int IsPositive(double x) {
- return x > 0 ? 1 : 0;
-// This functor returns true if the input is greater than the given
-// number.
-class IsGreaterThan {
- public:
- explicit IsGreaterThan(int threshold) : threshold_(threshold) {}
- bool operator()(int n) const { return n > threshold_; }
- private:
- int threshold_;
-// For testing Truly().
-const int foo = 0;
-// This predicate returns true if and only if the argument references foo and
-// has a zero value.
-bool ReferencesFooAndIsZero(const int& n) {
- return (&n == &foo) && (n == 0);
-// Tests that Truly(predicate) matches what satisfies the given
-// predicate.
-TEST(TrulyTest, MatchesWhatSatisfiesThePredicate) {
- Matcher<double> m = Truly(IsPositive);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(2.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(-1.5));
-// Tests that Truly(predicate_functor) works too.
-TEST(TrulyTest, CanBeUsedWithFunctor) {
- Matcher<int> m = Truly(IsGreaterThan(5));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
-// A class that can be implicitly converted to bool.
-class ConvertibleToBool {
- public:
- explicit ConvertibleToBool(int number) : number_(number) {}
- operator bool() const { return number_ != 0; }
- private:
- int number_;
-ConvertibleToBool IsNotZero(int number) {
- return ConvertibleToBool(number);
-// Tests that the predicate used in Truly() may return a class that's
-// implicitly convertible to bool, even when the class has no
-// operator!().
-TEST(TrulyTest, PredicateCanReturnAClassConvertibleToBool) {
- Matcher<int> m = Truly(IsNotZero);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(0));
-// Tests that Truly(predicate) can describe itself properly.
-TEST(TrulyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<double> m = Truly(IsPositive);
- EXPECT_EQ("satisfies the given predicate",
- Describe(m));
-// Tests that Truly(predicate) works when the matcher takes its
-// argument by reference.
-TEST(TrulyTest, WorksForByRefArguments) {
- Matcher<const int&> m = Truly(ReferencesFooAndIsZero);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo));
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n));
-// Tests that Truly(predicate) provides a helpful reason when it fails.
-TEST(TrulyTest, ExplainsFailures) {
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(Truly(IsPositive), -1, &listener));
- EXPECT_EQ(listener.str(), "didn't satisfy the given predicate");
-// Tests that Matches(m) is a predicate satisfied by whatever that
-// matches matcher m.
-TEST(MatchesTest, IsSatisfiedByWhatMatchesTheMatcher) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(Ge(0))(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(Eq('a'))('b'));
-// Tests that Matches(m) works when the matcher takes its argument by
-// reference.
-TEST(MatchesTest, WorksOnByRefArguments) {
- int m = 0, n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(AllOf(Ref(n), Eq(0)))(n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(Ref(m))(n));
-// Tests that a Matcher on non-reference type can be used in
-// Matches().
-TEST(MatchesTest, WorksWithMatcherOnNonRefType) {
- Matcher<int> eq5 = Eq(5);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Matches(eq5)(5));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Matches(eq5)(2));
-// Tests Value(value, matcher). Since Value() is a simple wrapper for
-// Matches(), which has been tested already, we don't spend a lot of
-// effort on testing Value().
-TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(Value("hi", StartsWith("h")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Value(5, Gt(10)));
-TEST(ValueTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
- const Matcher<int> is_zero = Eq(0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Value(0, is_zero));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Value('a', is_zero));
- int n = 0;
- const Matcher<const int&> ref_n = Ref(n);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Value(n, ref_n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Value(1, ref_n));
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
- StringMatchResultListener listener1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(PolymorphicIsEven(), 42, &listener1));
- EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", listener1.str());
- StringMatchResultListener listener2;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(Ge(42), 1.5, &listener2));
- EXPECT_EQ("", listener2.str());
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
- const Matcher<int> is_even = PolymorphicIsEven();
- StringMatchResultListener listener1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(is_even, 42, &listener1));
- EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 0", listener1.str());
- const Matcher<const double&> is_zero = Eq(0);
- StringMatchResultListener listener2;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(is_zero, 1.5, &listener2));
- EXPECT_EQ("", listener2.str());
-MATCHER(ConstructNoArg, "") { return true; }
-MATCHER_P(Construct1Arg, arg1, "") { return true; }
-MATCHER_P2(Construct2Args, arg1, arg2, "") { return true; }
-TEST(MatcherConstruct, ExplicitVsImplicit) {
- {
- // No arg constructor can be constructed with empty brace.
- ConstructNoArgMatcher m = {};
- (void)m;
- // And with no args
- ConstructNoArgMatcher m2;
- (void)m2;
- }
- {
- // The one arg constructor has an explicit constructor.
- // This is to prevent the implicit conversion.
- using M = Construct1ArgMatcherP<int>;
- EXPECT_TRUE((std::is_constructible<M, int>::value));
- EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<int, M>::value));
- }
- {
- // Multiple arg matchers can be constructed with an implicit construction.
- Construct2ArgsMatcherP2<int, double> m = {1, 2.2};
- (void)m;
- }
-MATCHER_P(Really, inner_matcher, "") {
- return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg, result_listener);
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksInsideMATCHER) {
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Really(Eq(0)));
-TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithValue) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is equal to 42", DescribeMatcher<int>(42));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't equal to 42", DescribeMatcher<int>(42, true));
-TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) {
- const Matcher<int> monomorphic = Le(0);
- EXPECT_EQ("is <= 0", DescribeMatcher<int>(monomorphic));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't <= 0", DescribeMatcher<int>(monomorphic, true));
-TEST(DescribeMatcherTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is even", DescribeMatcher<int>(PolymorphicIsEven()));
- EXPECT_EQ("is odd", DescribeMatcher<int>(PolymorphicIsEven(), true));
-TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForTuple) {
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(1, 2L), AllArgs(Lt()));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(2L, 1), Not(AllArgs(Lt())));
-TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksForNonTuple) {
- EXPECT_THAT(42, AllArgs(Gt(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT('a', Not(AllArgs(Eq('b'))));
-class AllArgsHelper {
- public:
- AllArgsHelper() {}
- MOCK_METHOD2(Helper, int(char x, int y));
- private:
-TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksInWithClause) {
- AllArgsHelper helper;
- ON_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _))
- .With(AllArgs(Lt()))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _))
- .With(AllArgs(Gt()))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, helper.Helper('\1', 2));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, helper.Helper('a', 1));
-class OptionalMatchersHelper {
- public:
- OptionalMatchersHelper() {}
- MOCK_METHOD0(NoArgs, int());
- MOCK_METHOD1(OneArg, int(int y));
- MOCK_METHOD2(TwoArgs, int(char x, int y));
- MOCK_METHOD1(Overloaded, int(char x));
- MOCK_METHOD2(Overloaded, int(char x, int y));
- private:
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(OptionalMatchersHelper);
-TEST(AllArgsTest, WorksWithoutMatchers) {
- OptionalMatchersHelper helper;
- ON_CALL(helper, NoArgs).WillByDefault(Return(10));
- ON_CALL(helper, OneArg).WillByDefault(Return(20));
- ON_CALL(helper, TwoArgs).WillByDefault(Return(30));
- EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.NoArgs());
- EXPECT_EQ(20, helper.OneArg(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(30, helper.TwoArgs('\1', 2));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, NoArgs).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, OneArg).WillOnce(Return(100));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, OneArg(17)).WillOnce(Return(200));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, TwoArgs).Times(0);
- EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.NoArgs());
- EXPECT_EQ(100, helper.OneArg(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(200, helper.OneArg(17));
-// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
-// matches the matcher.
-TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied) {
- ASSERT_THAT(5, Ge(2)) << "This should succeed.";
- ASSERT_THAT("Foo", EndsWith("oo"));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, AllOf(Le(7), Ge(0))) << "This should succeed too.";
- EXPECT_THAT("Hello", StartsWith("Hell"));
-// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the value
-// doesn't match the matcher.
-TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsNotSatisfied) {
- // 'n' must be static as it is used in an EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE(),
- // which cannot reference auto variables.
- static unsigned short n; // NOLINT
- n = 5;
- "Value of: n\n"
- "Expected: is > 10\n"
- " Actual: 5" + OfType("unsigned short"));
- n = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(n, AllOf(Le(7), Ge(5))),
- "Value of: n\n"
- "Expected: (is <= 7) and (is >= 5)\n"
- " Actual: 0" + OfType("unsigned short"));
-// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the argument
-// has a reference type.
-TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForByRefArguments) {
- // We use a static variable here as EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE() cannot
- // reference auto variables.
- static int n;
- n = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(n, AllOf(Le(7), Ref(n)));
- "Value of: n\n"
- "Expected: does not reference the variable @");
- // Tests the "Actual" part.
- "Actual: 0" + OfType("int") + ", which is located @");
-// Tests that ASSERT_THAT() and EXPECT_THAT() work when the matcher is
-// monomorphic.
-TEST(MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForMonomorphicMatcher) {
- Matcher<const char*> starts_with_he = StartsWith("he");
- ASSERT_THAT("hello", starts_with_he);
- Matcher<const std::string&> ends_with_ok = EndsWith("ok");
- ASSERT_THAT("book", ends_with_ok);
- const std::string bad = "bad";
- "Value of: bad\n"
- "Expected: ends with \"ok\"\n"
- " Actual: \"bad\"");
- Matcher<int> is_greater_than_5 = Gt(5);
- "Value of: 5\n"
- "Expected: is > 5\n"
- " Actual: 5" + OfType("int"));
-// Tests floating-point matchers.
-template <typename RawType>
-class FloatingPointTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- typedef testing::internal::FloatingPoint<RawType> Floating;
- typedef typename Floating::Bits Bits;
- FloatingPointTest()
- : max_ulps_(Floating::kMaxUlps),
- zero_bits_(Floating(0).bits()),
- one_bits_(Floating(1).bits()),
- infinity_bits_(Floating(Floating::Infinity()).bits()),
- close_to_positive_zero_(
- Floating::ReinterpretBits(zero_bits_ + max_ulps_/2)),
- close_to_negative_zero_(
- -Floating::ReinterpretBits(zero_bits_ + max_ulps_ - max_ulps_/2)),
- further_from_negative_zero_(-Floating::ReinterpretBits(
- zero_bits_ + max_ulps_ + 1 - max_ulps_/2)),
- close_to_one_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(one_bits_ + max_ulps_)),
- further_from_one_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(one_bits_ + max_ulps_ + 1)),
- infinity_(Floating::Infinity()),
- close_to_infinity_(
- Floating::ReinterpretBits(infinity_bits_ - max_ulps_)),
- further_from_infinity_(
- Floating::ReinterpretBits(infinity_bits_ - max_ulps_ - 1)),
- max_(Floating::Max()),
- nan1_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(Floating::kExponentBitMask | 1)),
- nan2_(Floating::ReinterpretBits(Floating::kExponentBitMask | 200)) {
- }
- void TestSize() {
- EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(RawType), sizeof(Bits));
- }
- // A battery of tests for FloatingEqMatcher::Matches.
- // matcher_maker is a pointer to a function which creates a FloatingEqMatcher.
- void TestMatches(
- testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher<RawType> (*matcher_maker)(RawType)) {
- Matcher<RawType> m1 = matcher_maker(0.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(close_to_positive_zero_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(close_to_negative_zero_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1.0));
- Matcher<RawType> m2 = matcher_maker(close_to_positive_zero_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(further_from_negative_zero_));
- Matcher<RawType> m3 = matcher_maker(1.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(close_to_one_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(further_from_one_));
- // Test commutativity: matcher_maker(0.0).Matches(1.0) was tested above.
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(0.0));
- Matcher<RawType> m4 = matcher_maker(-infinity_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(-close_to_infinity_));
- Matcher<RawType> m5 = matcher_maker(infinity_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(close_to_infinity_));
- // This is interesting as the representations of infinity_ and nan1_
- // are only 1 DLP apart.
- EXPECT_FALSE(m5.Matches(nan1_));
- // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<const RawType&>, which is needed in
- // some cases.
- Matcher<const RawType&> m6 = matcher_maker(0.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(-0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(close_to_positive_zero_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m6.Matches(1.0));
- // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<RawType&>, which is needed in some
- // cases.
- Matcher<RawType&> m7 = matcher_maker(0.0);
- RawType x = 0.0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m7.Matches(x));
- x = 0.01f;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m7.Matches(x));
- }
- // Pre-calculated numbers to be used by the tests.
- const Bits max_ulps_;
- const Bits zero_bits_; // The bits that represent 0.0.
- const Bits one_bits_; // The bits that represent 1.0.
- const Bits infinity_bits_; // The bits that represent +infinity.
- // Some numbers close to 0.0.
- const RawType close_to_positive_zero_;
- const RawType close_to_negative_zero_;
- const RawType further_from_negative_zero_;
- // Some numbers close to 1.0.
- const RawType close_to_one_;
- const RawType further_from_one_;
- // Some numbers close to +infinity.
- const RawType infinity_;
- const RawType close_to_infinity_;
- const RawType further_from_infinity_;
- // Maximum representable value that's not infinity.
- const RawType max_;
- // Some NaNs.
- const RawType nan1_;
- const RawType nan2_;
-// Tests floating-point matchers with fixed epsilons.
-template <typename RawType>
-class FloatingPointNearTest : public FloatingPointTest<RawType> {
- protected:
- typedef FloatingPointTest<RawType> ParentType;
- // A battery of tests for FloatingEqMatcher::Matches with a fixed epsilon.
- // matcher_maker is a pointer to a function which creates a FloatingEqMatcher.
- void TestNearMatches(
- testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher<RawType>
- (*matcher_maker)(RawType, RawType)) {
- Matcher<RawType> m1 = matcher_maker(0.0, 0.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(-0.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(ParentType::close_to_positive_zero_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(ParentType::close_to_negative_zero_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m1.Matches(1.0));
- Matcher<RawType> m2 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(-0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(1.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(-1.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(ParentType::close_to_one_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(-ParentType::close_to_one_));
- // Check that inf matches inf, regardless of the of the specified max
- // absolute error.
- Matcher<RawType> m3 = matcher_maker(ParentType::infinity_, 0.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(ParentType::infinity_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(ParentType::close_to_infinity_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m3.Matches(-ParentType::infinity_));
- Matcher<RawType> m4 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::infinity_, 0.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m4.Matches(-ParentType::infinity_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(-ParentType::close_to_infinity_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m4.Matches(ParentType::infinity_));
- // Test various overflow scenarios.
- Matcher<RawType> m5 = matcher_maker(ParentType::max_, ParentType::max_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m5.Matches(ParentType::max_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m5.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
- Matcher<RawType> m6 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::max_, ParentType::max_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m6.Matches(ParentType::max_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m6.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
- Matcher<RawType> m7 = matcher_maker(ParentType::max_, 0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m7.Matches(ParentType::max_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m7.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
- Matcher<RawType> m8 = matcher_maker(-ParentType::max_, 0);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m8.Matches(ParentType::max_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m8.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
- // The difference between max() and -max() normally overflows to infinity,
- // but it should still match if the max_abs_error is also infinity.
- Matcher<RawType> m9 = matcher_maker(
- ParentType::max_, ParentType::infinity_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m8.Matches(-ParentType::max_));
- // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<const RawType&>, which is needed in
- // some cases.
- Matcher<const RawType&> m10 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m10.Matches(-0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m10.Matches(ParentType::close_to_positive_zero_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m10.Matches(ParentType::close_to_one_));
- // matcher_maker can produce a Matcher<RawType&>, which is needed in some
- // cases.
- Matcher<RawType&> m11 = matcher_maker(0.0, 1.0);
- RawType x = 0.0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
- x = 1.0f;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
- x = -1.0f;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m11.Matches(x));
- x = 1.1f;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m11.Matches(x));
- x = -1.1f;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m11.Matches(x));
- }
-// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats.
-typedef FloatingPointTest<float> FloatTest;
-TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) {
- TestMatches(&FloatEq);
-TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) {
- TestMatches(&NanSensitiveFloatEq);
-TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqCannotMatchNaN) {
- // FloatEq never matches NaN.
- Matcher<float> m = FloatEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanMatchNaN) {
- // NanSensitiveFloatEq will match NaN.
- Matcher<float> m = NanSensitiveFloatEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(FloatTest, FloatEqCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<float> m1 = FloatEq(2.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<float> m2 = FloatEq(0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<float> m3 = FloatEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<float> m1 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(2.0f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<float> m2 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<float> m3 = NanSensitiveFloatEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
-// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats with a user-specified
-// max absolute error.
-typedef FloatingPointNearTest<float> FloatNearTest;
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearMatches) {
- TestNearMatches(&FloatNear);
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearApproximatelyMatchesFloats) {
- TestNearMatches(&NanSensitiveFloatNear);
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<float> m1 = FloatNear(2.0f, 0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
- "isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<float> m2 = FloatNear(0.5f, 0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
- "isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<float> m3 = FloatNear(nan1_, 0.0);
- EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<float> m1 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(2.0f, 0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
- "isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<float> m2 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(0.5f, 0.5f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
- "isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<float> m3 = NanSensitiveFloatNear(nan1_, 0.1f);
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, FloatNearCannotMatchNaN) {
- // FloatNear never matches NaN.
- Matcher<float> m = FloatNear(ParentType::nan1_, 0.1f);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanMatchNaN) {
- // NanSensitiveFloatNear will match NaN.
- Matcher<float> m = NanSensitiveFloatNear(nan1_, 0.1f);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing doubles.
-typedef FloatingPointTest<double> DoubleTest;
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
- TestMatches(&DoubleEq);
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
- TestMatches(&NanSensitiveDoubleEq);
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqCannotMatchNaN) {
- // DoubleEq never matches NaN.
- Matcher<double> m = DoubleEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanMatchNaN) {
- // NanSensitiveDoubleEq will match NaN.
- Matcher<double> m = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, DoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleEq(2.0);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<double> m2 = DoubleEq(0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<double> m3 = DoubleEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(2.0);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 2", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<double> m2 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't approximately 0.5", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<double> m3 = NanSensitiveDoubleEq(nan1_);
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
-// Instantiate FloatingPointTest for testing floats with a user-specified
-// max absolute error.
-typedef FloatingPointNearTest<double> DoubleNearTest;
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearMatches) {
- TestNearMatches(&DoubleNear);
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) {
- TestNearMatches(&NanSensitiveDoubleNear);
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = DoubleNear(2.0, 0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
- "isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<double> m2 = DoubleNear(0.5, 0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
- "isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<double> m3 = DoubleNear(nan1_, 0.0);
- EXPECT_EQ("never matches", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("is anything", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, ExplainsResultWhenMatchFails) {
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 2.05));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 0.2 from 2", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 2.2));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is -0.3 from 2", Explain(DoubleNear(2.0, 0.1), 1.7));
- const std::string explanation =
- Explain(DoubleNear(2.1, 1e-10), 2.1 + 1.2e-10);
- // Different C++ implementations may print floating-point numbers
- // slightly differently.
- EXPECT_TRUE(explanation == "which is 1.2e-10 from 2.1" || // GCC
- explanation == "which is 1.2e-010 from 2.1") // MSVC
- << " where explanation is \"" << explanation << "\".";
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<double> m1 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(2.0, 0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 2 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m1));
- "isn't approximately 2 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m1));
- Matcher<double> m2 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(0.5, 0.5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is approximately 0.5 (absolute error <= 0.5)", Describe(m2));
- "isn't approximately 0.5 (absolute error > 0.5)", DescribeNegation(m2));
- Matcher<double> m3 = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(nan1_, 0.1);
- EXPECT_EQ("is NaN", Describe(m3));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't NaN", DescribeNegation(m3));
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCannotMatchNaN) {
- // DoubleNear never matches NaN.
- Matcher<double> m = DoubleNear(ParentType::nan1_, 0.1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST_F(DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanMatchNaN) {
- // NanSensitiveDoubleNear will match NaN.
- Matcher<double> m = NanSensitiveDoubleNear(nan1_, 0.1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan1_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(nan2_));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(1.0));
-TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointer) {
- const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- int n = 1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
- n = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointeeTest, RawPointerToConst) {
- const Matcher<const double*> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- double x = 1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&x));
- x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&x));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToConstRawPointer) {
- const Matcher<int* const &> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- int n = 1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
- n = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointeeTest, ReferenceToNonConstRawPointer) {
- const Matcher<double* &> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- double x = 1.0;
- double* p = &x;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(p));
- x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
- p = nullptr;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
-TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointer) {
- const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-TEST(PointeeTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
- const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointee(Ge(0));
- // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
- // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
- // matcher.
- std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-TEST(PointerTest, RawPointer) {
- int n = 1;
- const Matcher<int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
- int* p = nullptr;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointerTest, RawPointerToConst) {
- int n = 1;
- const Matcher<const int*> m = Pointer(Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
- int* p = nullptr;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointer) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(10));
- int* raw_n = n.get();
- const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-TEST(PointerTest, SmartPointerToConst) {
- std::unique_ptr<const int> n(new int(10));
- const int* raw_n = n.get();
- const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<const int>> m = Pointer(Eq(raw_n));
- // There's no implicit conversion from unique_ptr<int> to const
- // unique_ptr<const int>, so we must pass a unique_ptr<const int> into the
- // matcher.
- std::unique_ptr<const int> p(new int(10));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(p));
-TEST(AddressTest, NonConst) {
- int n = 1;
- const Matcher<int> m = Address(Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
- int other = 5;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(other));
- int& n_ref = n;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n_ref));
-TEST(AddressTest, Const) {
- const int n = 1;
- const Matcher<int> m = Address(Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
- int other = 5;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(other));
-TEST(AddressTest, MatcherDoesntCopy) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> n(new int(1));
- const Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> m = Address(Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n));
-TEST(AddressTest, Describe) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = Address(_);
- EXPECT_EQ("has address that is anything", Describe(matcher));
- EXPECT_EQ("does not have address that is anything",
- DescribeNegation(matcher));
-MATCHER_P(FieldIIs, inner_matcher, "") {
- return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg.i, result_listener);
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, SameType) {
- Derived derived;
- derived.i = 4;
- // Right type. A pointer is passed down.
- Base* as_base_ptr = &derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Not(IsNull())));
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(FieldIIs(4))));
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr,
- Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(FieldIIs(5)))));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, WrongTypes) {
- Base base;
- Derived derived;
- OtherDerived other_derived;
- // Wrong types. NULL is passed.
- EXPECT_THAT(&base, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_))));
- EXPECT_THAT(&base, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
- Base* as_base_ptr = &derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<OtherDerived*>(Pointee(_))));
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<OtherDerived*>(IsNull()));
- as_base_ptr = &other_derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_))));
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, AlreadyNull) {
- // Already NULL.
- Base* as_base_ptr = nullptr;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr, WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(IsNull()));
-struct AmbiguousCastTypes {
- class VirtualDerived : public virtual Base {};
- class DerivedSub1 : public VirtualDerived {};
- class DerivedSub2 : public VirtualDerived {};
- class ManyDerivedInHierarchy : public DerivedSub1, public DerivedSub2 {};
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, AmbiguousCast) {
- AmbiguousCastTypes::DerivedSub1 sub1;
- AmbiguousCastTypes::ManyDerivedInHierarchy many_derived;
- // Multiply derived from Base. dynamic_cast<> returns NULL.
- Base* as_base_ptr =
- static_cast<AmbiguousCastTypes::DerivedSub1*>(&many_derived);
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ptr,
- WhenDynamicCastTo<AmbiguousCastTypes::VirtualDerived*>(IsNull()));
- as_base_ptr = &sub1;
- as_base_ptr,
- WhenDynamicCastTo<AmbiguousCastTypes::VirtualDerived*>(Not(IsNull())));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, Describe) {
- Matcher<Base*> matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_));
- const std::string prefix =
- "when dynamic_cast to " + internal::GetTypeName<Derived*>() + ", ";
- EXPECT_EQ(prefix + "points to a value that is anything", Describe(matcher));
- EXPECT_EQ(prefix + "does not point to a value that is anything",
- DescribeNegation(matcher));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, Explain) {
- Matcher<Base*> matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<Derived*>(Pointee(_));
- Base* null = nullptr;
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(matcher, null), HasSubstr("NULL"));
- Derived derived;
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(&derived));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(matcher, &derived), HasSubstr("which points to "));
- // With references, the matcher itself can fail. Test for that one.
- Matcher<const Base&> ref_matcher = WhenDynamicCastTo<const OtherDerived&>(_);
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(ref_matcher, derived),
- HasSubstr("which cannot be dynamic_cast"));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, GoodReference) {
- Derived derived;
- derived.i = 4;
- Base& as_base_ref = derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, WhenDynamicCastTo<const Derived&>(FieldIIs(4)));
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, WhenDynamicCastTo<const Derived&>(Not(FieldIIs(5))));
-TEST(WhenDynamicCastToTest, BadReference) {
- Derived derived;
- Base& as_base_ref = derived;
- EXPECT_THAT(as_base_ref, Not(WhenDynamicCastTo<const OtherDerived&>(_)));
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_RTTI
-// Minimal const-propagating pointer.
-template <typename T>
-class ConstPropagatingPtr {
- public:
- typedef T element_type;
- ConstPropagatingPtr() : val_() {}
- explicit ConstPropagatingPtr(T* t) : val_(t) {}
- ConstPropagatingPtr(const ConstPropagatingPtr& other) : val_(other.val_) {}
- T* get() { return val_; }
- T& operator*() { return *val_; }
- // Most smart pointers return non-const T* and T& from the next methods.
- const T* get() const { return val_; }
- const T& operator*() const { return *val_; }
- private:
- T* val_;
-TEST(PointeeTest, WorksWithConstPropagatingPointers) {
- const Matcher< ConstPropagatingPtr<int> > m = Pointee(Lt(5));
- int three = 3;
- const ConstPropagatingPtr<int> co(&three);
- ConstPropagatingPtr<int> o(&three);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(o));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(co));
- *o = 6;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(o));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(ConstPropagatingPtr<int>()));
-TEST(PointeeTest, NeverMatchesNull) {
- const Matcher<const char*> m = Pointee(_);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-// Tests that we can write Pointee(value) instead of Pointee(Eq(value)).
-TEST(PointeeTest, MatchesAgainstAValue) {
- const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(5);
- int n = 5;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&n));
- n = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(PointeeTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(Gt(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("points to a value that is > 3", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("does not point to a value that is > 3",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(PointeeTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- const Matcher<const std::string*> m = Pointee(StartsWith("Hi"));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const std::string*>(nullptr)));
- const Matcher<long*> m2 = Pointee(GreaterThan(1)); // NOLINT
- long n = 3; // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to 3" + OfType("long") + ", which is 2 more than 1",
- Explain(m2, &n));
-TEST(PointeeTest, AlwaysExplainsPointee) {
- const Matcher<int*> m = Pointee(0);
- int n = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to 42" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, &n));
-// An uncopyable class.
-class Uncopyable {
- public:
- Uncopyable() : value_(-1) {}
- explicit Uncopyable(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
- int value() const { return value_; }
- void set_value(int i) { value_ = i; }
- private:
- int value_;
-// Returns true if and only if x.value() is positive.
-bool ValueIsPositive(const Uncopyable& x) { return x.value() > 0; }
-MATCHER_P(UncopyableIs, inner_matcher, "") {
- return ExplainMatchResult(inner_matcher, arg.value(), result_listener);
-// A user-defined struct for testing Field().
-struct AStruct {
- AStruct() : x(0), y(1.0), z(5), p(nullptr) {}
- AStruct(const AStruct& rhs)
- : x(rhs.x), y(rhs.y), z(rhs.z.value()), p(rhs.p) {}
- int x; // A non-const field.
- const double y; // A const field.
- Uncopyable z; // An uncopyable field.
- const char* p; // A pointer field.
-// A derived struct for testing Field().
-struct DerivedStruct : public AStruct {
- char ch;
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is non-const.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForNonConstField) {
- Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("x", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is const.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForConstField) {
- AStruct a;
- Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
- Matcher<AStruct> m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Ge(0.0));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- m = Field(&AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
- m_with_name = Field("y", &AStruct::y, Le(0.0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is not copyable.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForUncopyableField) {
- AStruct a;
- Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::z, Truly(ValueIsPositive));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- m = Field(&AStruct::z, Not(Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when field is a pointer.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForPointerField) {
- // Matching against NULL.
- Matcher<AStruct> m = Field(&AStruct::p, static_cast<const char*>(nullptr));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- a.p = "hi";
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- // Matching a pointer that is not NULL.
- m = Field(&AStruct::p, StartsWith("hi"));
- a.p = "hill";
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- a.p = "hole";
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field() works when the object is passed by reference.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForByRefArgument) {
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
-// is a sub-type of Foo.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
- // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
- // inside Field().
- Matcher<const DerivedStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- DerivedStruct d;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
- d.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, m) works when field's type and m's
-// argument type are compatible but not the same.
-TEST(FieldTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
- // The field is an int, but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x,
- Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Field() can describe itself.
-TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(FieldTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that Field() can explain the match result.
-TEST(FieldTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- a.x = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
- m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
- "whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, a));
-TEST(FieldTest, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
- Matcher<const AStruct&> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- a.x = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
- m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
- ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, a));
-// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
- Matcher<AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Field() works when the argument is a reference to a const pointer.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
- Matcher<AStruct* const&> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Field() does not match the NULL pointer.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, DoesNotMatchNull) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, _);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-// Tests that Field(&Foo::field, ...) works when the argument's type
-// is a sub-type of const Foo*.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
- // Note that the matcher expects DerivedStruct but we say AStruct
- // inside Field().
- Matcher<DerivedStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- DerivedStruct d;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
- d.x = -1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
-// Tests that Field() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given field isn't >= 0", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithFieldName) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose field `field_name` isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that Field() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field(&AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- a.x = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int"),
- Explain(m, &a));
- m = Field(&AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given field is 1" + OfType("int") +
- ", which is 1 more than 0", Explain(m, &a));
-TEST(FieldForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResultWithFieldName) {
- Matcher<const AStruct*> m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, Ge(0));
- AStruct a;
- a.x = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AStruct*>(nullptr)));
- "which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" + OfType("int"),
- Explain(m, &a));
- m = Field("field_name", &AStruct::x, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose field `field_name` is 1" +
- OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, &a));
-// A user-defined class for testing Property().
-class AClass {
- public:
- AClass() : n_(0) {}
- // A getter that returns a non-reference.
- int n() const { return n_; }
- void set_n(int new_n) { n_ = new_n; }
- // A getter that returns a reference to const.
- const std::string& s() const { return s_; }
- const std::string& s_ref() const & { return s_; }
- void set_s(const std::string& new_s) { s_ = new_s; }
- // A getter that returns a reference to non-const.
- double& x() const { return x_; }
- private:
- int n_;
- std::string s_;
- static double x_;
-double AClass::x_ = 0.0;
-// A derived class for testing Property().
-class DerivedClass : public AClass {
- public:
- int k() const { return k_; }
- private:
- int k_;
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
-// returns a non-reference.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForNonReferenceProperty) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name = Property("n", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- a.set_n(-1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
-// returns a reference to const.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToConstProperty) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
- Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
- Property("s", &AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
- AClass a;
- a.set_s("hill");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- a.set_s("hole");
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property() is
-// ref-qualified.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForRefQualifiedProperty) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
- Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
- Property("s", &AClass::s_ref, StartsWith("hi"));
- AClass a;
- a.set_s("hill");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- a.set_s("hole");
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when property()
-// returns a reference to non-const.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
- double x = 0.0;
- AClass a;
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::x, Ref(x));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- m = Property(&AClass::x, Not(Ref(x)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument is
-// passed by value.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForByValueArgument) {
- Matcher<AClass> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
- AClass a;
- a.set_s("hill");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- a.set_s("hole");
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
-// type is a sub-type of Foo.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
- // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
- // say AClass.
- Matcher<const DerivedClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- DerivedClass d;
- d.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(d));
- d.set_n(-1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(d));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, m) works when property()'s type
-// and m's argument type are compatible but different.
-TEST(PropertyTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) {
- // n() returns an int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n,
- Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
- Matcher<const AClass&> m_with_name =
- Property("n", &AClass::n, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(0)));
- AClass a;
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
- a.set_n(-1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(a));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m_with_name.Matches(a));
-// Tests that Property() can describe itself.
-TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyName) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that Property() can explain the match result.
-TEST(PropertyTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
- m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
- "whose given property is 1" + OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, a));
-TEST(PropertyTest, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
- Matcher<const AClass&> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int"), Explain(m, a));
- m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose property `fancy_name` is 1" + OfType("int") +
- ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, a));
-// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to const.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.set_n(-1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a pointer to non-const.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) {
- Matcher<AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
- AClass a;
- a.set_s("hill");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.set_s("hole");
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Property() works when the argument is a reference to a
-// const pointer.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) {
- Matcher<AClass* const&> m = Property(&AClass::s, StartsWith("hi"));
- AClass a;
- a.set_s("hill");
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&a));
- a.set_s("hole");
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&a));
-// Tests that Property() does not match the NULL pointer.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::x, _);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(nullptr));
-// Tests that Property(&Foo::property, ...) works when the argument's
-// type is a sub-type of const Foo*.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) {
- // The matcher expects a DerivedClass, but inside the Property() we
- // say AClass.
- Matcher<const DerivedClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- DerivedClass d;
- d.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(&d));
- d.set_n(-1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(&d));
-// Tests that Property() can describe itself when used to match a pointer.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose given property isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelfWithPropertyDescription) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` is >= 0", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("is an object whose property `fancy_name` isn't >= 0",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-// Tests that Property() can explain the result of matching a pointer.
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property(&AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
- "which points to an object whose given property is 1" + OfType("int"),
- Explain(m, &a));
- m = Property(&AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose given property is 1" +
- OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, &a));
-TEST(PropertyForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResultWithPropertyName) {
- Matcher<const AClass*> m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, Ge(0));
- AClass a;
- a.set_n(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, static_cast<const AClass*>(nullptr)));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
- OfType("int"),
- Explain(m, &a));
- m = Property("fancy_name", &AClass::n, GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which points to an object whose property `fancy_name` is 1" +
- OfType("int") + ", which is 1 more than 0",
- Explain(m, &a));
-// Tests ResultOf.
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
-// function pointer.
-std::string IntToStringFunction(int input) {
- return input == 1 ? "foo" : "bar";
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionPointers) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, Eq(std::string("foo")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
-// Tests that ResultOf() can describe itself.
-TEST(ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItself) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
- EXPECT_EQ("is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
- "is equal to \"foo\"", Describe(matcher));
- EXPECT_EQ("is mapped by the given callable to a value that "
- "isn't equal to \"foo\"", DescribeNegation(matcher));
-// Tests that ResultOf() can explain the match result.
-int IntFunction(int input) { return input == 42 ? 80 : 90; }
-TEST(ResultOfTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Ge(85));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int"),
- Explain(matcher, 36));
- matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, GreaterThan(85));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is mapped by the given callable to 90" + OfType("int") +
- ", which is 5 more than 85", Explain(matcher, 36));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
-// returns a non-reference.
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonReferenceResults) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(&IntFunction, Eq(80));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(42));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(36));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
-// returns a reference to non-const.
-double& DoubleFunction(double& input) { return input; } // NOLINT
-Uncopyable& RefUncopyableFunction(Uncopyable& obj) { // NOLINT
- return obj;
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstResults) {
- double x = 3.14;
- double x2 = x;
- Matcher<double&> matcher = ResultOf(&DoubleFunction, Ref(x));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(x));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(x2));
- // Test that ResultOf works with uncopyable objects
- Uncopyable obj(0);
- Uncopyable obj2(0);
- Matcher<Uncopyable&> matcher2 =
- ResultOf(&RefUncopyableFunction, Ref(obj));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(obj));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(obj2));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f(x)
-// returns a reference to const.
-const std::string& StringFunction(const std::string& input) { return input; }
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToConstResults) {
- std::string s = "foo";
- std::string s2 = s;
- Matcher<const std::string&> matcher = ResultOf(&StringFunction, Ref(s));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(s));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(s2));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, m) works when f(x) and m's
-// argument types are compatible but different.
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherTypes) {
- // IntFunction() returns int but the inner matcher expects a signed char.
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntFunction, Matcher<signed char>(Ge(85)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(36));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(42));
-// Tests that the program aborts when ResultOf is passed
-// a NULL function pointer.
-TEST(ResultOfDeathTest, DiesOnNullFunctionPointers) {
- ResultOf(static_cast<std::string (*)(int dummy)>(nullptr),
- Eq(std::string("foo"))),
- "NULL function pointer is passed into ResultOf\\(\\)\\.");
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
-// function reference.
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionReferences) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(IntToStringFunction, StrEq("foo"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
-// function object.
-struct Functor {
- std::string operator()(int input) const {
- return IntToStringFunction(input);
- }
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctors) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(Functor(), Eq(std::string("foo")));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(2));
-// Tests that ResultOf(f, ...) compiles and works as expected when f is a
-// functor with more than one operator() defined. ResultOf() must work
-// for each defined operator().
-struct PolymorphicFunctor {
- typedef int result_type;
- int operator()(int n) { return n; }
- int operator()(const char* s) { return static_cast<int>(strlen(s)); }
- std::string operator()(int *p) { return p ? "good ptr" : "null"; }
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctors) {
- Matcher<int> matcher_int = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_int.Matches(10));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_int.Matches(2));
- Matcher<const char*> matcher_string = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), Ge(5));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher_string.Matches("long string"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher_string.Matches("shrt"));
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctorsIgnoringResultType) {
- Matcher<int*> matcher = ResultOf(PolymorphicFunctor(), "good ptr");
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(&n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(nullptr));
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForLambdas) {
- Matcher<int> matcher = ResultOf(
- [](int str_len) {
- return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(str_len), 'x');
- },
- "xxx");
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(1));
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForNonCopyableArguments) {
- Matcher<std::unique_ptr<int>> matcher = ResultOf(
- [](const std::unique_ptr<int>& str_len) {
- return std::string(static_cast<size_t>(*str_len), 'x');
- },
- "xxx");
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3))));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(1))));
-const int* ReferencingFunction(const int& n) { return &n; }
-struct ReferencingFunctor {
- typedef const int* result_type;
- result_type operator()(const int& n) { return &n; }
-TEST(ResultOfTest, WorksForReferencingCallables) {
- const int n = 1;
- const int n2 = 1;
- Matcher<const int&> matcher2 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunction, Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher2.Matches(n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher2.Matches(n2));
- Matcher<const int&> matcher3 = ResultOf(ReferencingFunctor(), Eq(&n));
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher3.Matches(n));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher3.Matches(n2));
-class DivisibleByImpl {
- public:
- explicit DivisibleByImpl(int a_divider) : divider_(a_divider) {}
- // For testing using ExplainMatchResultTo() with polymorphic matchers.
- template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(const T& n, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
- *listener << "which is " << (n % divider_) << " modulo "
- << divider_;
- return (n % divider_) == 0;
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is divisible by " << divider_;
- }
- void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is not divisible by " << divider_;
- }
- void set_divider(int a_divider) { divider_ = a_divider; }
- int divider() const { return divider_; }
- private:
- int divider_;
-PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> DivisibleBy(int n) {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(DivisibleByImpl(n));
-// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
-// asked to explain why.
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_False) {
- const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(4), DivisibleBy(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 modulo 4", Explain(m, 5));
-// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
-// asked to explain why.
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_True) {
- const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(4), DivisibleBy(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 2 modulo 4", Explain(m, 6));
-// Tests that when AllOf() fails, only the first failing matcher is
-// asked to explain why.
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_False) {
- const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(Ge(1), DivisibleBy(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 2 modulo 3", Explain(m, 5));
-// Tests that when AllOf() succeeds, all matchers are asked to explain
-// why.
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True) {
- const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(DivisibleBy(2), DivisibleBy(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 0 modulo 2, and which is 0 modulo 3", Explain(m, 6));
-TEST(ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True_2) {
- const Matcher<int> m = AllOf(Ge(2), Le(3));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 2));
-TEST(ExplainmatcherResultTest, MonomorphicMatcher) {
- const Matcher<int> m = GreaterThan(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 5", Explain(m, 6));
-// The following two tests verify that values without a public copy
-// ctor can be used as arguments to matchers like Eq(), Ge(), and etc
-// with the help of ByRef().
-class NotCopyable {
- public:
- explicit NotCopyable(int a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
- int value() const { return value_; }
- bool operator==(const NotCopyable& rhs) const {
- return value() == rhs.value();
- }
- bool operator>=(const NotCopyable& rhs) const {
- return value() >= rhs.value();
- }
- private:
- int value_;
-TEST(ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableConstValueInMatchers) {
- const NotCopyable const_value1(1);
- const Matcher<const NotCopyable&> m = Eq(ByRef(const_value1));
- const NotCopyable n1(1), n2(2);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n2));
-TEST(ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableValueInMatchers) {
- NotCopyable value2(2);
- const Matcher<NotCopyable&> m = Ge(ByRef(value2));
- NotCopyable n1(1), n2(2);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(n1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(n2));
-TEST(IsEmptyTest, ImplementsIsEmpty) {
- vector<int> container;
- EXPECT_THAT(container, IsEmpty());
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(IsEmpty()));
- container.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(IsEmpty()));
-TEST(IsEmptyTest, WorksWithString) {
- std::string text;
- EXPECT_THAT(text, IsEmpty());
- text = "foo";
- EXPECT_THAT(text, Not(IsEmpty()));
- text = std::string("\0", 1);
- EXPECT_THAT(text, Not(IsEmpty()));
-TEST(IsEmptyTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m = IsEmpty();
- EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(IsEmptyTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m = IsEmpty();
- vector<int> container;
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, container));
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size is 1", Explain(m, container));
-TEST(IsEmptyTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsEmpty()));
- helper.Call({});
-TEST(IsTrueTest, IsTrueIsFalse) {
- EXPECT_THAT(true, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(false, IsFalse());
- EXPECT_THAT(true, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(false, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(0, IsFalse());
- EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, IsFalse());
- EXPECT_THAT(-1, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(IsFalse()));
- int a = 42;
- EXPECT_THAT(a, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(&a, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(&a, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(false, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(true, Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::true_type(), IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(std::true_type(), Not(IsFalse()));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::false_type(), IsFalse());
- EXPECT_THAT(std::false_type(), Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, IsFalse());
- std::unique_ptr<int> null_unique;
- std::unique_ptr<int> nonnull_unique(new int(0));
- EXPECT_THAT(null_unique, Not(IsTrue()));
- EXPECT_THAT(null_unique, IsFalse());
- EXPECT_THAT(nonnull_unique, IsTrue());
- EXPECT_THAT(nonnull_unique, Not(IsFalse()));
-TEST(SizeIsTest, ImplementsSizeIs) {
- vector<int> container;
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
-TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMap) {
- map<std::string, int> container;
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(0));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(1)));
- container.insert(make_pair("foo", 1));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
- container.insert(make_pair("bar", 2));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(2));
-TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithReferences) {
- vector<int> container;
- Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = SizeIs(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(m));
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, m);
-TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(SizeIs(3)));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2, 3}));
-// SizeIs should work for any type that provides a size() member function.
-// For example, a size_type member type should not need to be provided.
-struct MinimalistCustomType {
- int size() const { return 1; }
-TEST(SizeIsTest, WorksWithMinimalistCustomType) {
- MinimalistCustomType container;
- EXPECT_THAT(container, SizeIs(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(SizeIs(0)));
-TEST(SizeIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m = SizeIs(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("size is equal to 2", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("size isn't equal to 2", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(SizeIsTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m1 = SizeIs(2);
- Matcher<vector<int> > m2 = SizeIs(Lt(2u));
- Matcher<vector<int> > m3 = SizeIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
- Matcher<vector<int> > m4 = SizeIs(Gt(1u));
- vector<int> container;
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m1, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m2, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 matches", Explain(m3, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 0 doesn't match", Explain(m4, container));
- container.push_back(0);
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m1, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m2, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 doesn't match", Explain(m3, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose size 2 matches", Explain(m4, container));
-// Tests ContainerEq with different container types, and
-// different element types.
-template <typename T>
-class ContainerEqTest : public testing::Test {};
-typedef testing::Types<
- set<int>,
- vector<size_t>,
- multiset<size_t>,
- list<int> >
- ContainerEqTestTypes;
-TYPED_TEST_SUITE(ContainerEqTest, ContainerEqTestTypes);
-// Tests that the filled container is equal to itself.
-TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, EqualsSelf) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, my_set));
-// Tests that missing values are reported.
-TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueMissing) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {2, 1, 8, 5};
- TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 4);
- const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which doesn't have these expected elements: 3",
- Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that added values are reported.
-TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueAdded) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 46};
- TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 6);
- const Matcher<const TypeParam&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 46", Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that added and missing values are reported together.
-TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, ValueAddedAndRemoved) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 8, 46};
- TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
- const Matcher<TypeParam> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 46,\n"
- "and doesn't have these expected elements: 5",
- Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests duplicated value -- expect no explanation.
-TYPED_TEST(ContainerEqTest, DuplicateDifference) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- TypeParam my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- TypeParam test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
- const Matcher<const TypeParam&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- // Depending on the container, match may be true or false
- // But in any case there should be no explanation.
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that multiple missing values are reported.
-// Using just vector here, so order is predictable.
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesMissing) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {2, 1, 5};
- vector<int> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- vector<int> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 3);
- const Matcher<vector<int> > m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which doesn't have these expected elements: 3, 8",
- Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that added values are reported.
-// Using just vector here, so order is predictable.
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAdded) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 92, 3, 5, 8, 46};
- list<size_t> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- list<size_t> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 7);
- const Matcher<const list<size_t>&> m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 92, 46",
- Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that added and missing values are reported together.
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAddedAndRemoved) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 92, 46};
- list<size_t> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- list<size_t> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
- const Matcher<const list<size_t> > m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: 92, 46,\n"
- "and doesn't have these expected elements: 5, 8",
- Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests to see that duplicate elements are detected,
-// but (as above) not reported in the explanation.
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, MultiSetOfIntDuplicateDifference) {
- static const int vals[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- static const int test_vals[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8};
- vector<int> my_set(vals, vals + 6);
- vector<int> test_set(test_vals, test_vals + 5);
- const Matcher<vector<int> > m = ContainerEq(my_set);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_set));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_set));
- // There is nothing to report when both sets contain all the same values.
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_set));
-// Tests that ContainerEq works for non-trivial associative containers,
-// like maps.
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForMaps) {
- map<int, std::string> my_map;
- my_map[0] = "a";
- my_map[1] = "b";
- map<int, std::string> test_map;
- test_map[0] = "aa";
- test_map[1] = "b";
- const Matcher<const map<int, std::string>&> m = ContainerEq(my_map);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(my_map));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_map));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has these unexpected elements: (0, \"aa\"),\n"
- "and doesn't have these expected elements: (0, \"a\")",
- Explain(m, test_map));
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
- int a1[] = {1, 2, 3};
- int a2[] = {1, 2, 3};
- int b[] = {1, 2, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
- const char a1[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
- const char a2[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
- const char b[][3] = {"lo", "hi"};
- // Tests using ContainerEq() in the first dimension.
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, ContainerEq(a2));
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, Not(ContainerEq(b)));
- // Tests using ContainerEq() in the second dimension.
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(ContainerEq(a2[0]), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, ElementsAre(Not(ContainerEq(b[0])), ContainerEq(a2[1])));
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
- const int a1[] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int a2[] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int b[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- const int* const p1 = a1;
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), ContainerEq(a2));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(b)));
- const int c[] = {1, 3, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(p1, 3), Not(ContainerEq(c)));
-TEST(ContainerEqExtraTest, CopiesNativeArrayParameter) {
- std::string a1[][3] = {
- {"hi", "hello", "ciao"},
- {"bye", "see you", "ciao"}
- };
- std::string a2[][3] = {
- {"hi", "hello", "ciao"},
- {"bye", "see you", "ciao"}
- };
- const Matcher<const std::string(&)[2][3]> m = ContainerEq(a2);
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
- a2[0][0] = "ha";
- EXPECT_THAT(a1, m);
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
- const vector<int> numbers;
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre()));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1))));
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
- vector<unsigned> numbers;
- numbers.push_back(3);
- numbers.push_back(1);
- numbers.push_back(2);
- numbers.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(),
- ElementsAre(3, 2, 2, 1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(greater<unsigned>(),
- ElementsAre(1, 2, 2, 3))));
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonVectorContainer) {
- list<std::string> words;
- words.push_back("say");
- words.push_back("hello");
- words.push_back("world");
- EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
- ElementsAre("hello", "say", "world")));
- EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<std::string>(),
- ElementsAre("say", "hello", "world"))));
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
- const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 2, 4};
- const int sorted_numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4)));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSortedBy(less<int>(),
- ElementsAreArray(sorted_numbers)));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 3, 2, 4))));
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- const Matcher<vector<int> > m = WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ("(when sorted) has 2 elements where\n"
- "element #0 is equal to 1,\n"
- "element #1 is equal to 2",
- Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("(when sorted) doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
- "element #0 isn't equal to 1, or\n"
- "element #1 isn't equal to 2",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(WhenSortedByTest, ExplainsMatchResult) {
- const int a[] = {2, 1};
- EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted, whose element #0 doesn't match",
- Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(2, 3)), a));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is { 1, 2 } when sorted",
- Explain(WhenSortedBy(less<int>(), ElementsAre(1, 2)), a));
-// WhenSorted() is a simple wrapper on WhenSortedBy(). Hence we don't
-// need to test it as exhaustively as we test the latter.
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) {
- const vector<int> numbers;
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, WhenSorted(ElementsAre()));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) {
- list<std::string> words;
- words.push_back("3");
- words.push_back("1");
- words.push_back("2");
- words.push_back("2");
- EXPECT_THAT(words, WhenSorted(ElementsAre("1", "2", "2", "3")));
- EXPECT_THAT(words, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre("3", "1", "2", "2"))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMapTypes) {
- map<std::string, int> word_counts;
- word_counts["and"] = 1;
- word_counts["the"] = 1;
- word_counts["buffalo"] = 2;
- EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
- WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("buffalo", 2),
- Pair("the", 1))));
- EXPECT_THAT(word_counts,
- Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair("and", 1), Pair("the", 1),
- Pair("buffalo", 2)))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForMultiMapTypes) {
- multimap<int, int> ifib;
- ifib.insert(make_pair(8, 6));
- ifib.insert(make_pair(2, 3));
- ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 1));
- ifib.insert(make_pair(3, 4));
- ifib.insert(make_pair(1, 2));
- ifib.insert(make_pair(5, 5));
- EXPECT_THAT(ifib, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(1, 1),
- Pair(1, 2),
- Pair(2, 3),
- Pair(3, 4),
- Pair(5, 5),
- Pair(8, 6))));
- EXPECT_THAT(ifib, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(Pair(8, 6),
- Pair(2, 3),
- Pair(1, 1),
- Pair(3, 4),
- Pair(1, 2),
- Pair(5, 5)))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForPolymorphicMatcher) {
- std::deque<int> d;
- d.push_back(2);
- d.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2)));
- EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcher) {
- std::deque<int> d;
- d.push_back(2);
- d.push_back(1);
- Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2);
- EXPECT_THAT(d, WhenSorted(vector_match));
- Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> not_vector_match = ElementsAre(2, 1);
- EXPECT_THAT(d, Not(WhenSorted(not_vector_match)));
-// Deliberately bare pseudo-container.
-// Offers only begin() and end() accessors, yielding InputIterator.
-template <typename T>
-class Streamlike {
- private:
- class ConstIter;
- public:
- typedef ConstIter const_iterator;
- typedef T value_type;
- template <typename InIter>
- Streamlike(InIter first, InIter last) : remainder_(first, last) {}
- const_iterator begin() const {
- return const_iterator(this, remainder_.begin());
- }
- const_iterator end() const {
- return const_iterator(this, remainder_.end());
- }
- private:
- class ConstIter : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,
- value_type,
- ptrdiff_t,
- const value_type*,
- const value_type&> {
- public:
- ConstIter(const Streamlike* s,
- typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos)
- : s_(s), pos_(pos) {}
- const value_type& operator*() const { return *pos_; }
- const value_type* operator->() const { return &*pos_; }
- ConstIter& operator++() {
- s_->remainder_.erase(pos_++);
- return *this;
- }
- // *iter++ is required to work (see std::istreambuf_iterator).
- // (void)iter++ is also required to work.
- class PostIncrProxy {
- public:
- explicit PostIncrProxy(const value_type& value) : value_(value) {}
- value_type operator*() const { return value_; }
- private:
- value_type value_;
- };
- PostIncrProxy operator++(int) {
- PostIncrProxy proxy(**this);
- ++(*this);
- return proxy;
- }
- friend bool operator==(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
- return a.s_ == b.s_ && a.pos_ == b.pos_;
- }
- friend bool operator!=(const ConstIter& a, const ConstIter& b) {
- return !(a == b);
- }
- private:
- const Streamlike* s_;
- typename std::list<value_type>::iterator pos_;
- };
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Streamlike& s) {
- os << "[";
- typedef typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator Iter;
- const char* sep = "";
- for (Iter it = s.remainder_.begin(); it != s.remainder_.end(); ++it) {
- os << sep << *it;
- sep = ",";
- }
- os << "]";
- return os;
- }
- mutable std::list<value_type> remainder_; // modified by iteration
-TEST(StreamlikeTest, Iteration) {
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
- Streamlike<int>::const_iterator it = s.begin();
- const int* ip = a;
- while (it != s.end()) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(ip - a);
- EXPECT_EQ(*ip++, *it++);
- }
-TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithForwardList) {
- std::forward_list<int> container;
- EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(0));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(1)));
- container.push_front(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(1));
- container.push_front(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(container, Not(BeginEndDistanceIs(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(container, BeginEndDistanceIs(2));
-TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithNonStdList) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- Streamlike<int> s(a, a + 5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, BeginEndDistanceIs(5));
-TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() is equal to 2", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("distance between begin() and end() isn't equal to 2",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(BeginEndDistanceIs(2)));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
-TEST(BeginEndDistanceIsTest, ExplainsResult) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m1 = BeginEndDistanceIs(2);
- Matcher<vector<int> > m2 = BeginEndDistanceIs(Lt(2));
- Matcher<vector<int> > m3 = BeginEndDistanceIs(AnyOf(0, 3));
- Matcher<vector<int> > m4 = BeginEndDistanceIs(GreaterThan(1));
- vector<int> container;
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match",
- Explain(m1, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
- Explain(m2, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 0 matches",
- Explain(m3, container));
- "whose distance between begin() and end() 0 doesn't match, which is 1 "
- "less than 1",
- Explain(m4, container));
- container.push_back(0);
- container.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches",
- Explain(m1, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
- Explain(m2, container));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose distance between begin() and end() 2 doesn't match",
- Explain(m3, container));
- "whose distance between begin() and end() 2 matches, which is 1 more "
- "than 1",
- Explain(m4, container));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
- // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag.
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
-TEST(WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike) {
- const int a[] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- Matcher<const std::vector<int>&> vector_match = ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, WhenSorted(vector_match));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(WhenSorted(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3))));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
- const int subset[] = {1, 4};
- const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
- const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(superset)));
- EXPECT_THAT(superset, IsSupersetOf(subset));
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSupersetOf(disjoint)));
- EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSupersetOf(subset)));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
- const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
- const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
- const int expected[] = {1, 1};
- EXPECT_THAT(not_enough, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
- EXPECT_THAT(enough, IsSupersetOf(expected));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
- vector<int> numbers;
- vector<int> expected;
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
- expected.clear();
- numbers.push_back(1);
- numbers.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(0);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
- const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
- ::std::list<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSupersetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSupersetOf(expected)));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, Describe) {
- typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
- IntVec expected;
- expected.push_back(111);
- expected.push_back(222);
- expected.push_back(333);
- Describe<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
- Eq("a surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
- " - an element is equal to 111\n"
- " - an element is equal to 222\n"
- " - an element is equal to 333"));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
- typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
- IntVec expected;
- expected.push_back(111);
- expected.push_back(222);
- expected.push_back(333);
- DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSupersetOf(expected)),
- Eq("no surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
- " - an element is equal to 111\n"
- " - an element is equal to 222\n"
- " - an element is equal to 333"));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(2);
- v.push_back(3);
- std::vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
- << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
- Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
- "matcher #0: is equal to 1"));
- v.push_back(1);
- listener.Clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSupersetOf(expected), v, &listener))
- << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
- " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
- " - element #2 is matched by matcher #0"));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
- const int numbers[] = {1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5};
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSupersetOf({1, 2}));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSupersetOf({3, 0})));
-TEST(IsSupersetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1)})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSupersetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)}))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForNativeArray) {
- const int subset[] = {1, 4};
- const int superset[] = {1, 2, 4};
- const int disjoint[] = {1, 0, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(subset));
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, IsSubsetOf(superset));
- EXPECT_THAT(superset, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
- EXPECT_THAT(subset, Not(IsSubsetOf(disjoint)));
- EXPECT_THAT(disjoint, Not(IsSubsetOf(subset)));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithDuplicates) {
- const int not_enough[] = {1, 2};
- const int enough[] = {1, 1, 2};
- const int actual[] = {1, 1};
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(not_enough)));
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(enough));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForEmpty) {
- vector<int> numbers;
- vector<int> expected;
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
- expected.clear();
- numbers.push_back(1);
- numbers.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
- expected.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
- expected.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
- expected.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf(expected));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, IsSubsetOf(expected));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, TakesStlContainer) {
- const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
- ::std::list<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(IsSubsetOf(expected)));
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, IsSubsetOf(expected));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, Describe) {
- typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
- IntVec expected;
- expected.push_back(111);
- expected.push_back(222);
- expected.push_back(333);
- Describe<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
- Eq("an injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
- " - an element is equal to 111\n"
- " - an element is equal to 222\n"
- " - an element is equal to 333"));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, DescribeNegation) {
- typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
- IntVec expected;
- expected.push_back(111);
- expected.push_back(222);
- expected.push_back(333);
- DescribeNegation<IntVec>(IsSubsetOf(expected)),
- Eq("no injection from elements to requirements exists such that:\n"
- " - an element is equal to 111\n"
- " - an element is equal to 222\n"
- " - an element is equal to 333"));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, MatchAndExplain) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(2);
- v.push_back(3);
- std::vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- ASSERT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
- << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
- Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
- "element #1: 3"));
- expected.push_back(3);
- listener.Clear();
- ASSERT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(IsSubsetOf(expected), v, &listener))
- << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("where:\n"
- " - element #0 is matched by matcher #1,\n"
- " - element #1 is matched by matcher #2"));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
- const int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, IsSubsetOf({1, 2, 3, 4}));
- EXPECT_THAT(numbers, Not(IsSubsetOf({1, 2})));
-TEST(IsSubsetOfTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1}));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Not(IsSubsetOf({Pointee(1)}))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2}));
-// Tests using ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() with stream-like
-// "containers".
-TEST(ElemensAreStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAre(2, 1, 4, 5, 3)));
-TEST(ElemensAreArrayStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(3);
- expected.push_back(4);
- expected.push_back(5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, ElementsAreArray(expected));
- expected[3] = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
- Uncopyable objs[2];
- objs[0].set_value(-3);
- objs[1].set_value(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(objs, ElementsAre(UncopyableIs(-3), Truly(ValueIsPositive)));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(ElementsAreArray({Pointee(3), Pointee(4)})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({3, 4}));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, TakesStlContainer) {
- const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
- ::std::list<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(3);
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, ElementsAreArray(expected));
- expected.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
-// Tests for UnorderedElementsAreArray()
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
- const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
- std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- do {
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(a),
- s, &listener)) << listener.str();
- } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, VectorBool) {
- const bool a[] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 1};
- const bool b[] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 0};
- std::vector<bool> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- std::vector<bool> actual(std::begin(b), std::end(b));
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected),
- actual, &listener)) << listener.str();
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
- // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
- // size() or empty() methods.
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- ::std::vector<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(3);
- expected.push_back(4);
- expected.push_back(5);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
- expected.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesStlContainer) {
- const int actual[] = {3, 1, 2};
- ::std::list<int> expected;
- expected.push_back(1);
- expected.push_back(2);
- expected.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected));
- expected.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(expected)));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
- const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray(
- {Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray(
- {Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
- TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
- // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
- // unified element type in this case.
- EXPECT_THAT(a, UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
- {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(UnorderedElementsAreArray<Matcher<int> >(
- {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
-TEST(UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper,
- Call(UnorderedElementsAreArray({Pointee(1), Pointee(2)})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
-class UnorderedElementsAreTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) {
- Uncopyable objs[2];
- objs[0].set_value(-3);
- objs[1].set_value(1);
- UnorderedElementsAre(Truly(ValueIsPositive), UncopyableIs(-3)));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- do {
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3),
- s, &listener)) << listener.str();
- } while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailsWhenAnElementMatchesNoMatcher) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- std::vector<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- std::vector<Matcher<int> > mv;
- mv.push_back(1);
- mv.push_back(2);
- mv.push_back(2);
- // The element with value '3' matches nothing: fail fast.
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv),
- s, &listener)) << listener.str();
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksForStreamlike) {
- // Streamlike 'container' provides only minimal iterator support.
- // Its iterators are tagged with input_iterator_tag, and it has no
- // size() or empty() methods.
- const int a[5] = {2, 1, 4, 5, 3};
- Streamlike<int> s(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
- EXPECT_THAT(s, Not(UnorderedElementsAre(2, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedElementsAre(Pointee(1), Pointee(2))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
-// One naive implementation of the matcher runs in O(N!) time, which is too
-// slow for many real-world inputs. This test shows that our matcher can match
-// 100 inputs very quickly (a few milliseconds). An O(100!) is 10^158
-// iterations and obviously effectively incomputable.
-// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance
-// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.Performance (4 ms)
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Performance) {
- std::vector<int> s;
- std::vector<Matcher<int> > mv;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
- s.push_back(i);
- mv.push_back(_);
- }
- mv[50] = Eq(0);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv),
- s, &listener)) << listener.str();
-// Another variant of 'Performance' with similar expectations.
-// [ RUN ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict
-// [ OK ] UnorderedElementsAreTest.PerformanceHalfStrict (4 ms)
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, PerformanceHalfStrict) {
- std::vector<int> s;
- std::vector<Matcher<int> > mv;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
- s.push_back(i);
- if (i & 1) {
- mv.push_back(_);
- } else {
- mv.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAreArray(mv),
- s, &listener)) << listener.str();
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrong) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(4);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3),
- v, &listener)) << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq("which has 1 element"));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrongZero) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3),
- v, &listener)) << listener.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Eq(""));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatchers) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(1);
- v.push_back(1);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2),
- v, &listener)) << listener.str();
- listener.str(),
- Eq("where the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
- "matcher #1: is equal to 2"));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedElements) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(1);
- v.push_back(2);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 1),
- v, &listener)) << listener.str();
- listener.str(),
- Eq("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
- "element #1: 2"));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatcherAndElement) {
- std::vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(2);
- v.push_back(3);
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2),
- v, &listener)) << listener.str();
- listener.str(),
- Eq("where"
- " the following matchers don't match any elements:\n"
- "matcher #0: is equal to 1\n"
- "and"
- " where"
- " the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
- "element #1: 3"));
-// Test helper for formatting element, matcher index pairs in expectations.
-static std::string EMString(int element, int matcher) {
- stringstream ss;
- ss << "(element #" << element << ", matcher #" << matcher << ")";
- return ss.str();
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageImperfectMatchOnly) {
- // A situation where all elements and matchers have a match
- // associated with them, but the max matching is not perfect.
- std::vector<std::string> v;
- v.push_back("a");
- v.push_back("b");
- v.push_back("c");
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ExplainMatchResult(
- UnorderedElementsAre("a", "a", AnyOf("b", "c")), v, &listener))
- << listener.str();
- std::string prefix =
- "where no permutation of the elements can satisfy all matchers, "
- "and the closest match is 2 of 3 matchers with the "
- "pairings:\n";
- // We have to be a bit loose here, because there are 4 valid max matches.
- listener.str(),
- AnyOf(prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) +
- ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
- prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) +
- ",\n " + EMString(1, 2) + "\n}",
- prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 0) +
- ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) + "\n}",
- prefix + "{\n " + EMString(0, 1) +
- ",\n " + EMString(2, 2) + "\n}"));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, Describe) {
- EXPECT_THAT(Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()),
- Eq("is empty"));
- Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
- Eq("has 1 element and that element is equal to 345"));
- Describe<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(111, 222, 333)),
- Eq("has 3 elements and there exists some permutation "
- "of elements such that:\n"
- " - element #0 is equal to 111, and\n"
- " - element #1 is equal to 222, and\n"
- " - element #2 is equal to 333"));
-TEST_F(UnorderedElementsAreTest, DescribeNegation) {
- EXPECT_THAT(DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre()),
- Eq("isn't empty"));
- DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(345)),
- Eq("doesn't have 1 element, or has 1 element that isn't equal to 345"));
- DescribeNegation<IntVec>(UnorderedElementsAre(123, 234, 345)),
- Eq("doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation "
- "of elements such that:\n"
- " - element #0 is equal to 123, and\n"
- " - element #1 is equal to 234, and\n"
- " - element #2 is equal to 345"));
-namespace {
-// Used as a check on the more complex max flow method used in the
-// real testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching. This method is
-// compatible but runs in worst-case factorial time, so we only
-// use it in testing for small problem sizes.
-template <typename Graph>
-class BacktrackingMaxBPMState {
- public:
- // Does not take ownership of 'g'.
- explicit BacktrackingMaxBPMState(const Graph* g) : graph_(g) { }
- ElementMatcherPairs Compute() {
- if (graph_->LhsSize() == 0 || graph_->RhsSize() == 0) {
- return best_so_far_;
- }
- lhs_used_.assign(graph_->LhsSize(), kUnused);
- rhs_used_.assign(graph_->RhsSize(), kUnused);
- for (size_t irhs = 0; irhs < graph_->RhsSize(); ++irhs) {
- matches_.clear();
- RecurseInto(irhs);
- if (best_so_far_.size() == graph_->RhsSize())
- break;
- }
- return best_so_far_;
- }
- private:
- static const size_t kUnused = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
- void PushMatch(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) {
- matches_.push_back(ElementMatcherPair(lhs, rhs));
- lhs_used_[lhs] = rhs;
- rhs_used_[rhs] = lhs;
- if (matches_.size() > best_so_far_.size()) {
- best_so_far_ = matches_;
- }
- }
- void PopMatch() {
- const ElementMatcherPair& back = matches_.back();
- lhs_used_[back.first] = kUnused;
- rhs_used_[back.second] = kUnused;
- matches_.pop_back();
- }
- bool RecurseInto(size_t irhs) {
- if (rhs_used_[irhs] != kUnused) {
- return true;
- }
- for (size_t ilhs = 0; ilhs < graph_->LhsSize(); ++ilhs) {
- if (lhs_used_[ilhs] != kUnused) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!graph_->HasEdge(ilhs, irhs)) {
- continue;
- }
- PushMatch(ilhs, irhs);
- if (best_so_far_.size() == graph_->RhsSize()) {
- return false;
- }
- for (size_t mi = irhs + 1; mi < graph_->RhsSize(); ++mi) {
- if (!RecurseInto(mi)) return false;
- }
- PopMatch();
- }
- return true;
- }
- const Graph* graph_; // not owned
- std::vector<size_t> lhs_used_;
- std::vector<size_t> rhs_used_;
- ElementMatcherPairs matches_;
- ElementMatcherPairs best_so_far_;
-template <typename Graph>
-const size_t BacktrackingMaxBPMState<Graph>::kUnused;
-} // namespace
-// Implement a simple backtracking algorithm to determine if it is possible
-// to find one element per matcher, without reusing elements.
-template <typename Graph>
-FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(const Graph& g) {
- return BacktrackingMaxBPMState<Graph>(&g).Compute();
-class BacktrackingBPMTest : public ::testing::Test { };
-// Tests the MaxBipartiteMatching algorithm with square matrices.
-// The single int param is the # of nodes on each of the left and right sides.
-class BipartiteTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {};
-// Verify all match graphs up to some moderate number of edges.
-TEST_P(BipartiteTest, Exhaustive) {
- size_t nodes = GetParam();
- MatchMatrix graph(nodes, nodes);
- do {
- ElementMatcherPairs matches =
- internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph);
- EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(), matches.size())
- << "graph: " << graph.DebugString();
- // Check that all elements of matches are in the graph.
- // Check that elements of first and second are unique.
- std::vector<bool> seen_element(graph.LhsSize());
- std::vector<bool> seen_matcher(graph.RhsSize());
- SCOPED_TRACE(PrintToString(matches));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i) {
- size_t ilhs = matches[i].first;
- size_t irhs = matches[i].second;
- EXPECT_TRUE(graph.HasEdge(ilhs, irhs));
- EXPECT_FALSE(seen_element[ilhs]);
- EXPECT_FALSE(seen_matcher[irhs]);
- seen_element[ilhs] = true;
- seen_matcher[irhs] = true;
- }
- } while (graph.NextGraph());
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AllGraphs, BipartiteTest,
- ::testing::Range(size_t{0}, size_t{5}));
-// Parameterized by a pair interpreted as (LhsSize, RhsSize).
-class BipartiteNonSquareTest
- : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > {
-TEST_F(BipartiteNonSquareTest, SimpleBacktracking) {
- // .......
- // 0:-----\ :
- // 1:---\ | :
- // 2:---\ | :
- // 3:-\ | | :
- // :.......:
- // 0 1 2
- MatchMatrix g(4, 3);
- constexpr std::array<std::array<size_t, 2>, 4> kEdges = {
- {{{0, 2}}, {{1, 1}}, {{2, 1}}, {{3, 0}}}};
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kEdges.size(); ++i) {
- g.SetEdge(kEdges[i][0], kEdges[i][1], true);
- }
- EXPECT_THAT(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(g),
- ElementsAre(Pair(3, 0),
- Pair(AnyOf(1, 2), 1),
- Pair(0, 2))) << g.DebugString();
-// Verify a few nonsquare matrices.
-TEST_P(BipartiteNonSquareTest, Exhaustive) {
- size_t nlhs = GetParam().first;
- size_t nrhs = GetParam().second;
- MatchMatrix graph(nlhs, nrhs);
- do {
- EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(),
- internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph).size())
- << "graph: " << graph.DebugString()
- << "\nbacktracking: "
- << PrintToString(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph))
- << "\nmax flow: "
- << PrintToString(internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph));
- } while (graph.NextGraph());
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AllGraphs, BipartiteNonSquareTest,
- testing::Values(
- std::make_pair(1, 2),
- std::make_pair(2, 1),
- std::make_pair(3, 2),
- std::make_pair(2, 3),
- std::make_pair(4, 1),
- std::make_pair(1, 4),
- std::make_pair(4, 3),
- std::make_pair(3, 4)));
-class BipartiteRandomTest
- : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<int, int> > {
-// Verifies a large sample of larger graphs.
-TEST_P(BipartiteRandomTest, LargerNets) {
- int nodes = GetParam().first;
- int iters = GetParam().second;
- MatchMatrix graph(static_cast<size_t>(nodes), static_cast<size_t>(nodes));
- auto seed = static_cast<uint32_t>(GTEST_FLAG(random_seed));
- if (seed == 0) {
- seed = static_cast<uint32_t>(time(nullptr));
- }
- for (; iters > 0; --iters, ++seed) {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(seed));
- graph.Randomize();
- EXPECT_EQ(FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(graph).size(),
- internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(graph).size())
- << " graph: " << graph.DebugString()
- << "\nTo reproduce the failure, rerun the test with the flag"
- " --" << GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ << "random_seed=" << seed;
- }
-// Test argument is a std::pair<int, int> representing (nodes, iters).
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Samples, BipartiteRandomTest,
- testing::Values(
- std::make_pair(5, 10000),
- std::make_pair(6, 5000),
- std::make_pair(7, 2000),
- std::make_pair(8, 500),
- std::make_pair(9, 100)));
-// Tests IsReadableTypeName().
-TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForShortNames) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("int"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("const unsigned char*"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("MyMap<int, void*>"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("void (*)(int, bool)"));
-TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForLongNonTemplateNonFunctionNames) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("my_long_namespace::MyClassName"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("int [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IsReadableTypeName("my_namespace::MyOuterClass::MyInnerClass"));
-TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongTemplateNames) {
- IsReadableTypeName("basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char> >"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsReadableTypeName("std::vector<int, std::alloc_traits<int> >"));
-TEST(IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongFunctionTypeNames) {
- EXPECT_FALSE(IsReadableTypeName("void (&)(int, bool, char, float)"));
-// Tests FormatMatcherDescription().
-TEST(FormatMatcherDescriptionTest, WorksForEmptyDescription) {
- EXPECT_EQ("is even",
- FormatMatcherDescription(false, "IsEven", Strings()));
- EXPECT_EQ("not (is even)",
- FormatMatcherDescription(true, "IsEven", Strings()));
- const char* params[] = {"5"};
- EXPECT_EQ("equals 5",
- FormatMatcherDescription(false, "Equals",
- Strings(params, params + 1)));
- const char* params2[] = {"5", "8"};
- EXPECT_EQ("is in range (5, 8)",
- FormatMatcherDescription(false, "IsInRange",
- Strings(params2, params2 + 2)));
-// Tests PolymorphicMatcher::mutable_impl().
-TEST(PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessMutableImpl) {
- PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> m(DivisibleByImpl(42));
- DivisibleByImpl& impl = m.mutable_impl();
- EXPECT_EQ(42, impl.divider());
- impl.set_divider(0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, m.mutable_impl().divider());
-// Tests PolymorphicMatcher::impl().
-TEST(PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessImpl) {
- const PolymorphicMatcher<DivisibleByImpl> m(DivisibleByImpl(42));
- const DivisibleByImpl& impl = m.impl();
- EXPECT_EQ(42, impl.divider());
-TEST(MatcherTupleTest, ExplainsMatchFailure) {
- stringstream ss1;
- ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
- std::make_tuple(Matcher<char>(Eq('a')), GreaterThan(5)),
- std::make_tuple('a', 10), &ss1);
- EXPECT_EQ("", ss1.str()); // Successful match.
- stringstream ss2;
- ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
- std::make_tuple(GreaterThan(5), Matcher<char>(Eq('a'))),
- std::make_tuple(2, 'b'), &ss2);
- EXPECT_EQ(" Expected arg #0: is > 5\n"
- " Actual: 2, which is 3 less than 5\n"
- " Expected arg #1: is equal to 'a' (97, 0x61)\n"
- " Actual: 'b' (98, 0x62)\n",
- ss2.str()); // Failed match where both arguments need explanation.
- stringstream ss3;
- ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(
- std::make_tuple(GreaterThan(5), Matcher<char>(Eq('a'))),
- std::make_tuple(2, 'a'), &ss3);
- EXPECT_EQ(" Expected arg #0: is > 5\n"
- " Actual: 2, which is 3 less than 5\n",
- ss3.str()); // Failed match where only one argument needs
- // explanation.
-// Tests Each().
-TEST(EachTest, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
- set<int> a; // empty
- Matcher<set<int> > m = Each(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
- Matcher<const int(&)[1]> n = Each(1); // NOLINT
- const int b[1] = {1};
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(n, b));
- n = Each(3);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(n, b));
- a.insert(1);
- a.insert(2);
- a.insert(3);
- m = Each(GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
- m = Each(GreaterThan(10));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match, which is 9 less than 10",
- Explain(m, a));
-TEST(EachTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
- Matcher<vector<int> > m = Each(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("only contains elements that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
- Matcher<vector<int> > m2 = Not(m);
- EXPECT_EQ("contains some element that isn't equal to 1", Describe(m2));
-TEST(EachTest, MatchesVectorWhenAllElementsMatch) {
- vector<int> some_vector;
- EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(1));
- some_vector.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(3));
- some_vector.push_back(1);
- some_vector.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Not(Each(3)));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_vector, Each(Lt(3.5)));
- vector<std::string> another_vector;
- another_vector.push_back("fee");
- EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Each(std::string("fee")));
- another_vector.push_back("fie");
- another_vector.push_back("foe");
- another_vector.push_back("fum");
- EXPECT_THAT(another_vector, Not(Each(std::string("fee"))));
-TEST(EachTest, MatchesMapWhenAllElementsMatch) {
- map<const char*, int> my_map;
- const char* bar = "a string";
- my_map[bar] = 2;
- EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Each(make_pair(bar, 2)));
- map<std::string, int> another_map;
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
- another_map["fee"] = 1;
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1)));
- another_map["fie"] = 2;
- another_map["foe"] = 3;
- another_map["fum"] = 4;
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fee"), 1))));
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Not(Each(make_pair(std::string("fum"), 1))));
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Each(Pair(_, Gt(0))));
-TEST(EachTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Each(Gt(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Each(Gt(1))));
-TEST(EachTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2};
- const int* const pointer = a;
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Each(Gt(0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Each(Gt(1))));
-TEST(EachTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Each(Pointee(Gt(0)))));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
-// For testing Pointwise().
-class IsHalfOfMatcher {
- public:
- template <typename T1, typename T2>
- bool MatchAndExplain(const std::tuple<T1, T2>& a_pair,
- MatchResultListener* listener) const {
- if (std::get<0>(a_pair) == std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2) {
- *listener << "where the second is " << std::get<1>(a_pair);
- return true;
- } else {
- *listener << "where the second/2 is " << std::get<1>(a_pair) / 2;
- return false;
- }
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "are a pair where the first is half of the second";
- }
- void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const {
- *os << "are a pair where the first isn't half of the second";
- }
-PolymorphicMatcher<IsHalfOfMatcher> IsHalfOf() {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(IsHalfOfMatcher());
-TEST(PointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
- vector<int> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(1);
- rhs.push_back(2);
- rhs.push_back(3);
- const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
- EXPECT_EQ("contains 3 values, where each value and its corresponding value "
- "in { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair where the first is half of the second",
- Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("doesn't contain exactly 3 values, or contains a value x at some "
- "index i where x and the i-th value of { 1, 2, 3 } are a pair "
- "where the first isn't half of the second",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
- list<signed char> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(2);
- rhs.push_back(4);
- int lhs[] = {1, 2};
- const Matcher<const int (&)[2]> m = Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
- // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
- rhs.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
-TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
- const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(2);
- rhs.push_back(4);
- rhs.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Lt(), rhs));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
- const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> lhs;
- lhs.push_back(2);
- lhs.push_back(4);
- lhs.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), rhs));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
-// Test is effective only with sanitizers.
-TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForVectorOfBool) {
- vector<bool> rhs(3, false);
- rhs[1] = true;
- vector<bool> lhs = rhs;
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Eq(), rhs));
- rhs[0] = true;
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Eq(), rhs)));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
- const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(Gt(), {1, 2, 3}));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Lt(), {3, 3, 7})));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
- const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
- const int rhs[1] = {0};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
- EXPECT_EQ("which contains 2 values",
- Explain(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
- const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
- EXPECT_EQ("where the value pair (2, 6) at index #1 don't match, "
- "where the second/2 is 3",
- Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContent) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
-TEST(PointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
- const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m1, rhs));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m1, rhs), lhs));
- // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
- // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
- const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Pointwise(m2, rhs));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(Pointwise(m2, rhs), lhs));
-MATCHER(PointeeEquals, "Points to an equal value") {
- return ExplainMatchResult(::testing::Pointee(::testing::get<1>(arg)),
- ::testing::get<0>(arg), result_listener);
-TEST(PointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(Pointwise(PointeeEquals(), std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({1, 2}));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) {
- vector<int> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(1);
- rhs.push_back(2);
- rhs.push_back(3);
- const Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
- "has 3 elements and there exists some permutation of elements such "
- "that:\n"
- " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
- "and\n"
- " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
- "and\n"
- " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
- Describe(m));
- "doesn't have 3 elements, or there exists no permutation of elements "
- "such that:\n"
- " - element #0 and 1 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
- "and\n"
- " - element #1 and 2 are a pair where the first is half of the second, "
- "and\n"
- " - element #2 and 3 are a pair where the first is half of the second",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) {
- list<signed char> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(2);
- rhs.push_back(4);
- int lhs[] = {2, 1};
- const Matcher<const int (&)[2]> m = UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
- // Changing rhs now shouldn't affect m, which made a copy of rhs.
- rhs.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, m);
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) {
- const int lhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> rhs;
- rhs.push_back(4);
- rhs.push_back(6);
- rhs.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) {
- const int rhs[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> lhs;
- lhs.push_back(4);
- lhs.push_back(2);
- lhs.push_back(6);
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), rhs)));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsInitializerList) {
- const vector<int> lhs{2, 4, 6};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), {5, 1, 3}));
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Lt(), {1, 1, 7})));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) {
- const double lhs[2] = {1, 2};
- const int rhs[1] = {0};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs)));
- EXPECT_EQ("which has 2 elements",
- Explain(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs), lhs));
- const int rhs2[3] = {0, 1, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(Gt(), rhs2)));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {2, 6, 6};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, Not(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs)));
- EXPECT_EQ("where the following elements don't match any matchers:\n"
- "element #1: 2",
- Explain(UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs), lhs));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInSameOrder) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {2, 4, 6};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInDifferentOrder) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {6, 4, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(IsHalfOf(), rhs));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) {
- const double lhs[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- const int rhs[3] = {4, 6, 2};
- const Matcher<std::tuple<const double&, const int&>> m1 = IsHalfOf();
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m1, rhs));
- // This type works as a std::tuple<const double&, const int&> can be
- // implicitly cast to std::tuple<double, int>.
- const Matcher<std::tuple<double, int>> m2 = IsHalfOf();
- EXPECT_THAT(lhs, UnorderedPointwise(m2, rhs));
-TEST(UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- ContainerHelper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Call(UnorderedPointwise(PointeeEquals(),
- std::vector<int>{1, 2})));
- helper.Call(MakeUniquePtrs({2, 1}));
-// Sample optional type implementation with minimal requirements for use with
-// Optional matcher.
-template <typename T>
-class SampleOptional {
- public:
- using value_type = T;
- explicit SampleOptional(T value)
- : value_(std::move(value)), has_value_(true) {}
- SampleOptional() : value_(), has_value_(false) {}
- operator bool() const { return has_value_; }
- const T& operator*() const { return value_; }
- private:
- T value_;
- bool has_value_;
-TEST(OptionalTest, DescribesSelf) {
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_EQ("value is equal to 1", Describe(m));
-TEST(OptionalTest, ExplainsSelf) {
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose value 1 matches", Explain(m, SampleOptional<int>(1)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose value 2 doesn't match", Explain(m, SampleOptional<int>(2)));
-TEST(OptionalTest, MatchesNonEmptyOptional) {
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m1 = Optional(1);
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m2 = Optional(Eq(2));
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m3 = Optional(Lt(3));
- SampleOptional<int> opt(1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(opt));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m2.Matches(opt));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m3.Matches(opt));
-TEST(OptionalTest, DoesNotMatchNullopt) {
- const Matcher<SampleOptional<int>> m = Optional(1);
- SampleOptional<int> empty;
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(empty));
-TEST(OptionalTest, WorksWithMoveOnly) {
- Matcher<SampleOptional<std::unique_ptr<int>>> m = Optional(Eq(nullptr));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleOptional<std::unique_ptr<int>>(nullptr)));
-class SampleVariantIntString {
- public:
- SampleVariantIntString(int i) : i_(i), has_int_(true) {}
- SampleVariantIntString(const std::string& s) : s_(s), has_int_(false) {}
- template <typename T>
- friend bool holds_alternative(const SampleVariantIntString& value) {
- return value.has_int_ == std::is_same<T, int>::value;
- }
- template <typename T>
- friend const T& get(const SampleVariantIntString& value) {
- return value.get_impl(static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
- }
- private:
- const int& get_impl(int*) const { return i_; }
- const std::string& get_impl(std::string*) const { return s_; }
- int i_;
- std::string s_;
- bool has_int_;
-TEST(VariantTest, DescribesSelf) {
- const Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), ContainsRegex("is a variant<> with value of type "
- "'.*' and the value is equal to 1"));
-TEST(VariantTest, ExplainsSelf) {
- const Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString(1)),
- ContainsRegex("whose value 1"));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString("A")),
- HasSubstr("whose value is not of type '"));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleVariantIntString(2)),
- "whose value 2 doesn't match");
-TEST(VariantTest, FullMatch) {
- Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(1)));
- m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("1")));
-TEST(VariantTest, TypeDoesNotMatch) {
- Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("1")));
- m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(1)));
-TEST(VariantTest, InnerDoesNotMatch) {
- Matcher<SampleVariantIntString> m = VariantWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString(2)));
- m = VariantWith<std::string>(Eq("1"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleVariantIntString("2")));
-class SampleAnyType {
- public:
- explicit SampleAnyType(int i) : index_(0), i_(i) {}
- explicit SampleAnyType(const std::string& s) : index_(1), s_(s) {}
- template <typename T>
- friend const T* any_cast(const SampleAnyType* any) {
- return any->get_impl(static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
- }
- private:
- int index_;
- int i_;
- std::string s_;
- const int* get_impl(int*) const { return index_ == 0 ? &i_ : nullptr; }
- const std::string* get_impl(std::string*) const {
- return index_ == 1 ? &s_ : nullptr;
- }
-TEST(AnyWithTest, FullMatch) {
- Matcher<SampleAnyType> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(SampleAnyType(1)));
-TEST(AnyWithTest, TestBadCastType) {
- Matcher<SampleAnyType> m = AnyWith<std::string>(Eq("fail"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(SampleAnyType(1)));
-TEST(AnyWithTest, TestUseInContainers) {
- std::vector<SampleAnyType> a;
- a.emplace_back(1);
- a.emplace_back(2);
- a.emplace_back(3);
- a, ElementsAreArray({AnyWith<int>(1), AnyWith<int>(2), AnyWith<int>(3)}));
- std::vector<SampleAnyType> b;
- b.emplace_back("hello");
- b.emplace_back("merhaba");
- b.emplace_back("salut");
- EXPECT_THAT(b, ElementsAreArray({AnyWith<std::string>("hello"),
- AnyWith<std::string>("merhaba"),
- AnyWith<std::string>("salut")}));
-TEST(AnyWithTest, TestCompare) {
- EXPECT_THAT(SampleAnyType(1), AnyWith<int>(Gt(0)));
-TEST(AnyWithTest, DescribesSelf) {
- const Matcher<const SampleAnyType&> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(Describe(m), ContainsRegex("is an 'any' type with value of type "
- "'.*' and the value is equal to 1"));
-TEST(AnyWithTest, ExplainsSelf) {
- const Matcher<const SampleAnyType&> m = AnyWith<int>(Eq(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType(1)), ContainsRegex("whose value 1"));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType("A")),
- HasSubstr("whose value is not of type '"));
- EXPECT_THAT(Explain(m, SampleAnyType(2)), "whose value 2 doesn't match");
-TEST(PointeeTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pointee(Eq(3)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pointee(Eq(2))));
-TEST(NotTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Pointee(Eq(3)));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(Pointee(Eq(2))));
-// Tests Args<k0, ..., kn>(m).
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsZeroTemplateArg) {
- const std::tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<>(Eq(std::tuple<>())));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<>(Ne(std::tuple<>()))));
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsOneTemplateArg) {
- const std::tuple<int, bool> t(5, true);
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<0>(Eq(std::make_tuple(5))));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Args<1>(Eq(std::make_tuple(true))));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1>(Eq(std::make_tuple(false)))));
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTwoTemplateArgs) {
- const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1>(Lt())));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2>(Lt())));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<0, 2>(Gt())));
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsRepeatedTemplateArgs) {
- const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 0>(Eq())));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<1, 1>(Ne())));
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsDecreasingTemplateArgs) {
- const std::tuple<short, int, long> t(4, 5, 6L); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<2, 0>(Gt())));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, Not(Args<2, 1>(Lt())));
-MATCHER(SumIsZero, "") {
- return std::get<0>(arg) + std::get<1>(arg) + std::get<2>(arg) == 0;
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsMoreTemplateArgsThanArityOfOriginalTuple) {
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(-1, 2), (Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(1, 2), Not(Args<0, 0, 1>(SumIsZero())));
-TEST(ArgsTest, CanBeNested) {
- const std::tuple<short, int, long, int> t(4, 5, 6L, 6); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<1, 2, 3>(Args<1, 2>(Eq()))));
- EXPECT_THAT(t, (Args<0, 1, 3>(Args<0, 2>(Lt()))));
-TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByValue) {
- typedef std::tuple<char, int, int> Tuple3;
- const Matcher<Tuple3> m = Args<1, 2>(Lt());
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 1, 2)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 2, 2)));
-TEST(ArgsTest, CanMatchTupleByReference) {
- typedef std::tuple<char, char, int> Tuple3;
- const Matcher<const Tuple3&> m = Args<0, 1>(Lt());
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(Tuple3('a', 'b', 2)));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(Tuple3('b', 'b', 2)));
-// Validates that arg is printed as str.
-MATCHER_P(PrintsAs, str, "") {
- return testing::PrintToString(arg) == str;
-TEST(ArgsTest, AcceptsTenTemplateArgs) {
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
- (Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
- PrintsAs("(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
- Not(Args<9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0>(
- PrintsAs("(0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)"))));
-TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesSelfCorrectly) {
- const Matcher<std::tuple<int, bool, char> > m = Args<2, 0>(Lt());
- EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where "
- "the first < the second",
- Describe(m));
-TEST(ArgsTest, DescirbesNestedArgsCorrectly) {
- const Matcher<const std::tuple<int, bool, char, int>&> m =
- Args<0, 2, 3>(Args<2, 0>(Lt()));
- EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#0, #2, #3) are a tuple "
- "whose fields (#2, #0) are a pair where the first < the second",
- Describe(m));
-TEST(ArgsTest, DescribesNegationCorrectly) {
- const Matcher<std::tuple<int, char> > m = Args<1, 0>(Gt());
- EXPECT_EQ("are a tuple whose fields (#1, #0) aren't a pair "
- "where the first > the second",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithoutInnerExplanation) {
- const Matcher<std::tuple<bool, int, int> > m = Args<1, 2>(Eq());
- EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 42)",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(false, 42, 42)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#1, #2) are (42, 43)",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple(false, 42, 43)));
-// For testing Args<>'s explanation.
-class LessThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<std::tuple<char, int> > {
- public:
- void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* /*os*/) const override {}
- bool MatchAndExplain(std::tuple<char, int> value,
- MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
- const int diff = std::get<0>(value) - std::get<1>(value);
- if (diff > 0) {
- *listener << "where the first value is " << diff
- << " more than the second";
- }
- return diff < 0;
- }
-Matcher<std::tuple<char, int> > LessThan() {
- return MakeMatcher(new LessThanMatcher);
-TEST(ArgsTest, ExplainsMatchResultWithInnerExplanation) {
- const Matcher<std::tuple<char, int, int> > m = Args<0, 2>(LessThan());
- "whose fields (#0, #2) are ('a' (97, 0x61), 42), "
- "where the first value is 55 more than the second",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple('a', 42, 42)));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose fields (#0, #2) are ('\\0', 43)",
- Explain(m, std::make_tuple('\0', 42, 43)));
-class PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
- enum Behavior { kInitialSuccess, kAlwaysFail, kFlaky };
- // A matcher that can return different results when used multiple times on the
- // same input. No real matcher should do this; but this lets us test that we
- // detect such behavior and fail appropriately.
- class MockMatcher : public MatcherInterface<Behavior> {
- public:
- bool MatchAndExplain(Behavior behavior,
- MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
- *listener << "[MatchAndExplain]";
- switch (behavior) {
- case kInitialSuccess:
- // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
- // listener; so this is expected to return |true|. There should be no
- // subsequent calls.
- return !listener->IsInterested();
- case kAlwaysFail:
- return false;
- case kFlaky:
- // The first call to MatchAndExplain should use a "not interested"
- // listener; so this will return |false|. Subsequent calls should have
- // an "interested" listener; so this will return |true|, thus
- // simulating a flaky matcher.
- return listener->IsInterested();
- }
- GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << "This should never be reached";
- return false;
- }
- void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { *os << "[DescribeTo]"; }
- void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const override {
- *os << "[DescribeNegationTo]";
- }
- };
- AssertionResult RunPredicateFormatter(Behavior behavior) {
- auto matcher = MakeMatcher(new MockMatcher);
- PredicateFormatterFromMatcher<Matcher<Behavior>> predicate_formatter(
- matcher);
- return predicate_formatter("dummy-name", behavior);
- }
-TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, ShortCircuitOnSuccess) {
- AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kInitialSuccess);
- EXPECT_TRUE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
- std::string expect;
- EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
-TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, NoShortCircuitOnFailure) {
- AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kAlwaysFail);
- EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
- std::string expect =
- "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
- " Actual: 1" +
- OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
- EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
-TEST_F(PredicateFormatterFromMatcherTest, DetectsFlakyShortCircuit) {
- AssertionResult result = RunPredicateFormatter(kFlaky);
- EXPECT_FALSE(result); // Implicit cast to bool.
- std::string expect =
- "Value of: dummy-name\nExpected: [DescribeTo]\n"
- " The matcher failed on the initial attempt; but passed when rerun to "
- "generate the explanation.\n"
- " Actual: 2" +
- OfType(internal::GetTypeName<Behavior>()) + ", [MatchAndExplain]";
- EXPECT_EQ(expect, result.message());
-// Tests for ElementsAre().
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingNoElement) {
- Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre();
- EXPECT_EQ("is empty", Describe(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingOneElement) {
- Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
- EXPECT_EQ("has 1 element that is > 5", Describe(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeExpectingManyElements) {
- Matcher<list<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), "two");
- "has 2 elements where\n"
- "element #0 is equal to \"one\",\n"
- "element #1 is equal to \"two\"",
- Describe(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingNoElement) {
- Matcher<vector<int>> m = ElementsAre();
- EXPECT_EQ("isn't empty", DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingOneElment) {
- Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(Gt(5));
- "doesn't have 1 element, or\n"
- "element #0 isn't > 5",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanDescribeNegationOfExpectingManyElements) {
- Matcher<const list<std::string>&> m = ElementsAre("one", "two");
- "doesn't have 2 elements, or\n"
- "element #0 isn't equal to \"one\", or\n"
- "element #1 isn't equal to \"two\"",
- DescribeNegation(m));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotExplainTrivialMatch) {
- Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, Ne(2));
- list<int> test_list;
- test_list.push_back(1);
- test_list.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list)); // No need to explain anything.
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, ExplainsNonTrivialMatch) {
- Matcher<const vector<int>&> m =
- ElementsAre(GreaterThan(1), 0, GreaterThan(2));
- const int a[] = {10, 0, 100};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- "whose element #0 matches, which is 9 more than 1,\n"
- "and whose element #2 matches, which is 98 more than 2",
- Explain(m, test_vector));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchWrongSize) {
- Matcher<const list<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, 3);
- list<int> test_list;
- // No need to explain when the container is empty.
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, test_list));
- test_list.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("which has 1 element", Explain(m, test_list));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, CanExplainMismatchRightSize) {
- Matcher<const vector<int>&> m = ElementsAre(1, GreaterThan(5));
- vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(2);
- v.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 doesn't match", Explain(m, v));
- v[0] = 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 doesn't match, which is 4 less than 5",
- Explain(m, v));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementVector) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("test string");
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(StrEq("test string")));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementList) {
- list<std::string> test_list;
- test_list.push_back("test string");
- EXPECT_THAT(test_list, ElementsAre("test string"));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementVector) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("one");
- test_vector.push_back("two");
- test_vector.push_back("three");
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre("one", StrEq("two"), _));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementEqMatcher) {
- vector<int> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(Eq(4)));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementAnyMatcher) {
- vector<int> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(_));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesOneElementValue) {
- vector<int> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(4));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesThreeElementsMixedMatchers) {
- vector<int> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back(1);
- test_vector.push_back(2);
- test_vector.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAre(1, Eq(2), _));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MatchesTenElementVector) {
- const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector,
- // The element list can contain values and/or matchers
- // of different types.
- ElementsAre(0, Ge(0), _, 3, 4, Ne(2), Eq(6), 7, 8, _));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongSize) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("test string");
- test_vector.push_back("test string");
- Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongValue) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("other string");
- Matcher<vector<std::string>> m = ElementsAre(StrEq("test string"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, DoesNotMatchWrongOrder) {
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("one");
- test_vector.push_back("three");
- test_vector.push_back("two");
- Matcher<vector<std::string>> m =
- ElementsAre(StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"), StrEq("three"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(test_vector));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksForNestedContainer) {
- constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> strings = {{"Hi", "world"}};
- vector<list<char>> nested;
- for (const auto& s : strings) {
- nested.emplace_back(s, s + strlen(s));
- }
- EXPECT_THAT(nested, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', Ne('e')),
- ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd')));
- EXPECT_THAT(nested, Not(ElementsAre(ElementsAre('H', 'e'),
- ElementsAre('w', 'o', _, _, 'd'))));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithByRefElementMatchers) {
- int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
- vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(v[2])));
- EXPECT_THAT(v, Not(ElementsAre(Ref(v[0]), Ref(v[1]), Ref(a[2]))));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithContainerPointerUsingPointee) {
- int a[] = {0, 1, 2};
- vector<int> v(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(&v, Pointee(ElementsAre(0, 1, _)));
- EXPECT_THAT(&v, Not(Pointee(ElementsAre(0, _, 3))));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedByReference) {
- int array[] = {0, 1, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre(0, 1, _));
- EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(1, _, _)));
- EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre(0, _)));
-class NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize {
- public:
- NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize() {}
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Helper, (int* array, int size));
- private:
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize);
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithNativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize) {
- int array[] = {0, 1};
- ::std::tuple<int*, size_t> array_as_tuple(array, 2);
- EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, ElementsAre(0, 1));
- EXPECT_THAT(array_as_tuple, Not(ElementsAre(0)));
- NativeArrayPassedAsPointerAndSize helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper, Helper(_, _)).With(ElementsAre(0, 1));
- helper.Helper(array, 2);
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, WorksWithTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
- const char a2[][3] = {"hi", "lo"};
- EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(ElementsAre('h', 'i', '\0'),
- ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
- EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(StrEq("hi"), StrEq("lo")));
- EXPECT_THAT(a2, ElementsAre(Not(ElementsAre('h', 'o', '\0')),
- ElementsAre('l', 'o', '\0')));
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsStringLiteral) {
- std::string array[] = {"hi", "one", "two"};
- EXPECT_THAT(array, ElementsAre("hi", "one", "two"));
- EXPECT_THAT(array, Not(ElementsAre("hi", "one", "too")));
-// Declared here with the size unknown. Defined AFTER the following test.
-extern const char kHi[];
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, AcceptsArrayWithUnknownSize) {
- // The size of kHi is not known in this test, but ElementsAre() should
- // still accept it.
- std::string array1[] = {"hi"};
- EXPECT_THAT(array1, ElementsAre(kHi));
- std::string array2[] = {"ho"};
- EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(ElementsAre(kHi)));
-const char kHi[] = "hi";
-TEST(ElementsAreTest, MakesCopyOfArguments) {
- int x = 1;
- int y = 2;
- // This should make a copy of x and y.
- ::testing::internal::ElementsAreMatcher<std::tuple<int, int>>
- polymorphic_matcher = ElementsAre(x, y);
- // Changing x and y now shouldn't affect the meaning of the above matcher.
- x = y = 0;
- const int array1[] = {1, 2};
- EXPECT_THAT(array1, polymorphic_matcher);
- const int array2[] = {0, 0};
- EXPECT_THAT(array2, Not(polymorphic_matcher));
-// Tests for ElementsAreArray(). Since ElementsAreArray() shares most
-// of the implementation with ElementsAre(), we don't test it as
-// thoroughly here.
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithValueArray) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
- test_vector[2] = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithArraySize) {
- std::array<const char*, 3> a = {{"one", "two", "three"}};
- vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a.data(), a.size()));
- const char** p = a.data();
- test_vector[0] = "1";
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(p, a.size())));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithoutArraySize) {
- const char* a[] = {"one", "two", "three"};
- vector<std::string> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(a));
- test_vector[0] = "1";
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(a)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherArray) {
- const Matcher<std::string> kMatcherArray[] = {StrEq("one"), StrEq("two"),
- StrEq("three")};
- vector<std::string> test_vector;
- test_vector.push_back("one");
- test_vector.push_back("two");
- test_vector.push_back("three");
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray));
- test_vector.push_back("three");
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(kMatcherArray)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithVector) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
- test_vector.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerList) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 5, 4})));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3, 4, 6})));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfCStrings) {
- const std::string a[5] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "e", "d"})));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({"a", "b", "c", "d", "ef"})));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfSameTypedMatchers) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(5)}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray({Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3), Eq(4), Eq(6)})));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, TakesInitializerListOfDifferentTypedMatchers) {
- const int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- // The compiler cannot infer the type of the initializer list if its
- // elements have different types. We must explicitly specify the
- // unified element type in this case.
- a, ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>({Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(5)}));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray<Matcher<int>>(
- {Eq(1), Ne(-2), Ge(3), Le(4), Eq(6)})));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithMatcherVector) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- const Matcher<int> kMatchers[] = {Eq(1), Eq(2), Eq(3)};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- const vector<Matcher<int>> expected(std::begin(kMatchers),
- std::end(kMatchers));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected));
- test_vector.push_back(4);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(expected)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, CanBeCreatedWithIteratorRange) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- const vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- const vector<int> expected(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(expected.begin(), expected.end()));
- // Pointers are iterators, too.
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, ElementsAreArray(std::begin(a), std::end(a)));
- // The empty range of NULL pointers should also be okay.
- int* const null_int = nullptr;
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int)));
- EXPECT_THAT((vector<int>()), ElementsAreArray(null_int, null_int));
-// Since ElementsAre() and ElementsAreArray() share much of the
-// implementation, we only do a sanity test for native arrays here.
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, WorksWithNativeArray) {
- ::std::string a[] = {"hi", "ho"};
- ::std::string b[] = {"hi", "ho"};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, ElementsAreArray(b, 2));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(ElementsAreArray(b, 1)));
-TEST(ElementsAreArrayTest, SourceLifeSpan) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- vector<int> test_vector(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- vector<int> expect(std::begin(a), std::end(a));
- ElementsAreArrayMatcher<int> matcher_maker =
- ElementsAreArray(expect.begin(), expect.end());
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
- // Changing in place the values that initialized matcher_maker should not
- // affect matcher_maker anymore. It should have made its own copy of them.
- for (int& i : expect) {
- i += 10;
- }
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, matcher_maker);
- test_vector.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_THAT(test_vector, Not(matcher_maker));
-// Tests for the MATCHER*() macro family.
-// Tests that a simple MATCHER() definition works.
-MATCHER(IsEven, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, Works) {
- const Matcher<int> m = IsEven();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(6));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(7));
- EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("not (is even)", DescribeNegation(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 6));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 7));
-// This also tests that the description string can reference 'negation'.
-MATCHER(IsEven2, negation ? "is odd" : "is even") {
- if ((arg % 2) == 0) {
- // Verifies that we can stream to result_listener, a listener
- // supplied by the MATCHER macro implicitly.
- *result_listener << "OK";
- return true;
- } else {
- *result_listener << "% 2 == " << (arg % 2);
- return false;
- }
-// This also tests that the description string can reference matcher
-// parameters.
-MATCHER_P2(EqSumOf, x, y,
- std::string(negation ? "doesn't equal" : "equals") + " the sum of " +
- PrintToString(x) + " and " + PrintToString(y)) {
- if (arg == (x + y)) {
- *result_listener << "OK";
- return true;
- } else {
- // Verifies that we can stream to the underlying stream of
- // result_listener.
- if (result_listener->stream() != nullptr) {
- *result_listener->stream() << "diff == " << (x + y - arg);
- }
- return false;
- }
-// Tests that the matcher description can reference 'negation' and the
-// matcher parameters.
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, DescriptionCanReferenceNegationAndParameters) {
- const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
- EXPECT_EQ("is even", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("is odd", DescribeNegation(m1));
- const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(5, 9);
- EXPECT_EQ("equals the sum of 5 and 9", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("doesn't equal the sum of 5 and 9", DescribeNegation(m2));
-// Tests explaining match result in a MATCHER* macro.
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanExplainMatchResult) {
- const Matcher<int> m1 = IsEven2();
- EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m1, 4));
- EXPECT_EQ("% 2 == 1", Explain(m1, 5));
- const Matcher<int> m2 = EqSumOf(1, 2);
- EXPECT_EQ("OK", Explain(m2, 3));
- EXPECT_EQ("diff == -1", Explain(m2, 4));
-// Tests that the body of MATCHER() can reference the type of the
-// value being matched.
-MATCHER(IsEmptyString, "") {
- StaticAssertTypeEq<::std::string, arg_type>();
- return arg.empty();
-MATCHER(IsEmptyStringByRef, "") {
- StaticAssertTypeEq<const ::std::string&, arg_type>();
- return arg.empty();
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanReferenceArgType) {
- const Matcher<::std::string> m1 = IsEmptyString();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m1.Matches(""));
- const Matcher<const ::std::string&> m2 = IsEmptyStringByRef();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m2.Matches(""));
-// Tests that MATCHER() can be used in a namespace.
-namespace matcher_test {
-MATCHER(IsOdd, "") { return (arg % 2) != 0; }
-} // namespace matcher_test
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksInNamespace) {
- Matcher<int> m = matcher_test::IsOdd();
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(4));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(5));
-// Tests that Value() can be used to compose matchers.
-MATCHER(IsPositiveOdd, "") {
- return Value(arg, matcher_test::IsOdd()) && arg > 0;
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, CanBeComposedUsingValue) {
- EXPECT_THAT(3, IsPositiveOdd());
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
- EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(IsPositiveOdd()));
-// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P() definition works.
-MATCHER_P(IsGreaterThan32And, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
-TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, Works) {
- const Matcher<int> m = IsGreaterThan32And(5);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(5));
- EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and 5", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and 5)", DescribeNegation(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
-// Tests that the description is calculated correctly from the matcher name.
-MATCHER_P(_is_Greater_Than32and_, n, "") { return arg > 32 && arg > n; }
-TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, GeneratesCorrectDescription) {
- const Matcher<int> m = _is_Greater_Than32and_(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("is greater than 32 and 5", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("not (is greater than 32 and 5)", DescribeNegation(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 5));
-// Tests that a MATCHER_P matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
-// a reference parameter type.
-class UncopyableFoo {
- public:
- explicit UncopyableFoo(char value) : value_(value) { (void)value_; }
- UncopyableFoo(const UncopyableFoo&) = delete;
- void operator=(const UncopyableFoo&) = delete;
- private:
- char value_;
-MATCHER_P(ReferencesUncopyable, variable, "") { return &arg == &variable; }
-TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReference) {
- UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
- const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
- ReferencesUncopyable<const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo2));
- // We don't want the address of the parameter printed, as most
- // likely it will just annoy the user. If the address is
- // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameter by
- // pointer instead.
- EXPECT_EQ("references uncopyable 1-byte object <31>", Describe(m));
-// Tests that the body of MATCHER_Pn() can reference the parameter
-// types.
-MATCHER_P3(ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar, foo, bar, baz, "") {
- StaticAssertTypeEq<int, foo_type>();
- StaticAssertTypeEq<long, bar_type>(); // NOLINT
- StaticAssertTypeEq<char, baz_type>();
- return arg == 0;
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanReferenceParamTypes) {
- EXPECT_THAT(0, ParamTypesAreIntLongAndChar(10, 20L, 'a'));
-// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn matcher can be explicitly instantiated with
-// reference parameter types.
-MATCHER_P2(ReferencesAnyOf, variable1, variable2, "") {
- return &arg == &variable1 || &arg == &variable2;
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
- UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2'), foo3('3');
- const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> const_m =
- ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
- EXPECT_TRUE(const_m.Matches(foo1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(const_m.Matches(foo2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(const_m.Matches(foo3));
- const Matcher<UncopyableFoo&> m =
- ReferencesAnyOf<UncopyableFoo&, UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo1));
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(foo2));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(foo3));
- GeneratesCorretDescriptionWhenExplicitlyInstantiatedWithReferences) {
- UncopyableFoo foo1('1'), foo2('2');
- const Matcher<const UncopyableFoo&> m =
- ReferencesAnyOf<const UncopyableFoo&, const UncopyableFoo&>(foo1, foo2);
- // We don't want the addresses of the parameters printed, as most
- // likely they will just annoy the user. If the addresses are
- // interesting, the user should consider passing the parameters by
- // pointers instead.
- EXPECT_EQ("references any of (1-byte object <31>, 1-byte object <32>)",
- Describe(m));
-// Tests that a simple MATCHER_P2() definition works.
-MATCHER_P2(IsNotInClosedRange, low, hi, "") { return arg < low || arg > hi; }
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, Works) {
- const Matcher<const long&> m = IsNotInClosedRange(10, 20); // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(m.Matches(36L));
- EXPECT_FALSE(m.Matches(15L));
- EXPECT_EQ("is not in closed range (10, 20)", Describe(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("not (is not in closed range (10, 20))", DescribeNegation(m));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 36L));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, 15L));
-// Tests that MATCHER*() definitions can be overloaded on the number
-// of parameters; also tests MATCHER_Pn() where n >= 3.
-MATCHER(EqualsSumOf, "") { return arg == 0; }
-MATCHER_P(EqualsSumOf, a, "") { return arg == a; }
-MATCHER_P2(EqualsSumOf, a, b, "") { return arg == a + b; }
-MATCHER_P3(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, "") { return arg == a + b + c; }
-MATCHER_P4(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d; }
-MATCHER_P5(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, "") { return arg == a + b + c + d + e; }
-MATCHER_P6(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, "") {
- return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f;
-MATCHER_P7(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, "") {
- return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
-MATCHER_P8(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, "") {
- return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h;
-MATCHER_P9(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, "") {
- return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i;
-MATCHER_P10(EqualsSumOf, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, "") {
- return arg == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j;
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanBeOverloadedOnNumberOfParameters) {
- EXPECT_THAT(0, EqualsSumOf());
- EXPECT_THAT(1, EqualsSumOf(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(12, EqualsSumOf(10, 2));
- EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3));
- EXPECT_THAT(1234, EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4));
- EXPECT_THAT(12345, EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdef",
- EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f'));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg",
- EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g'));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e",
- 'f', 'g', "h"));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e",
- 'f', 'g', "h", 'i'));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij",
- EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g', "h",
- 'i', ::std::string("j")));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(EqualsSumOf()));
- EXPECT_THAT(-1, Not(EqualsSumOf(1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(-12, Not(EqualsSumOf(10, 2)));
- EXPECT_THAT(-123, Not(EqualsSumOf(100, 20, 3)));
- EXPECT_THAT(-1234, Not(EqualsSumOf(1000, 200, 30, 4)));
- EXPECT_THAT(-12345, Not(EqualsSumOf(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5)));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdef ",
- Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f')));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefg ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
- "e", 'f', 'g')));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefgh ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
- "e", 'f', 'g', "h")));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghi ", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d",
- "e", 'f', 'g', "h", 'i')));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcdefghij ",
- Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), 'b', 'c', "d", "e", 'f', 'g',
- "h", 'i', ::std::string("j"))));
-// Tests that a MATCHER_Pn() definition can be instantiated with any
-// compatible parameter types.
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, WorksForDifferentParameterTypes) {
- EXPECT_THAT(123, EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3)));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcd", EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d"));
- EXPECT_THAT(124, Not(EqualsSumOf(100L, 20, static_cast<char>(3))));
- EXPECT_THAT("abcde", Not(EqualsSumOf(::std::string("a"), "b", 'c', "d")));
-// Tests that the matcher body can promote the parameter types.
-MATCHER_P2(EqConcat, prefix, suffix, "") {
- // The following lines promote the two parameters to desired types.
- std::string prefix_str(prefix);
- char suffix_char = static_cast<char>(suffix);
- return arg == prefix_str + suffix_char;
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, SimpleTypePromotion) {
- Matcher<std::string> no_promo = EqConcat(std::string("foo"), 't');
- Matcher<const std::string&> promo = EqConcat("foo", static_cast<int>('t'));
- EXPECT_FALSE(no_promo.Matches("fool"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(promo.Matches("fool"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(no_promo.Matches("foot"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(promo.Matches("foot"));
-// Verifies the type of a MATCHER*.
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, TypesAreCorrect) {
- // EqualsSumOf() must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcher variable.
- EqualsSumOfMatcher a0 = EqualsSumOf();
- // EqualsSumOf(1) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherP variable.
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP<int> a1 = EqualsSumOf(1);
- // EqualsSumOf(p1, ..., pk) must be assignable to a EqualsSumOfMatcherPk
- // variable, and so on.
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP2<int, char> a2 = EqualsSumOf(1, '2');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP3<int, int, char> a3 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, '3');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP4<int, int, int, char> a4 = EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, '4');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP5<int, int, int, int, char> a5 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, '5');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP6<int, int, int, int, int, char> a6 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '6');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP7<int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a7 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP8<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a8 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '8');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP9<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a9 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, '9');
- EqualsSumOfMatcherP10<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char> a10 =
- EqualsSumOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '0');
- // Avoid "unused variable" warnings.
- (void)a0;
- (void)a1;
- (void)a2;
- (void)a3;
- (void)a4;
- (void)a5;
- (void)a6;
- (void)a7;
- (void)a8;
- (void)a9;
- (void)a10;
-// Tests that matcher-typed parameters can be used in Value() inside a
-// MATCHER_Pn definition.
-// Succeeds if arg matches exactly 2 of the 3 matchers.
-MATCHER_P3(TwoOf, m1, m2, m3, "") {
- const int count = static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m1)) +
- static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m2)) +
- static_cast<int>(Value(arg, m3));
- return count == 2;
-TEST(MatcherPnMacroTest, CanUseMatcherTypedParameterInValue) {
- EXPECT_THAT(42, TwoOf(Gt(0), Lt(50), Eq(10)));
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(TwoOf(Gt(-1), Lt(1), Eq(0))));
-// Tests Contains().
-TEST(ContainsTest, ListMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
- list<int> some_list;
- some_list.push_back(3);
- some_list.push_back(1);
- some_list.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Gt(2.5)));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Contains(Eq(2.0f)));
- list<std::string> another_list;
- another_list.push_back("fee");
- another_list.push_back("fie");
- another_list.push_back("foe");
- another_list.push_back("fum");
- EXPECT_THAT(another_list, Contains(std::string("fee")));
-TEST(ContainsTest, ListDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
- list<int> some_list;
- some_list.push_back(3);
- some_list.push_back(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_list, Not(Contains(4)));
-TEST(ContainsTest, SetMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
- set<int> some_set;
- some_set.insert(3);
- some_set.insert(1);
- some_set.insert(2);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(1.0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(Eq(3.0f)));
- EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Contains(2));
- set<std::string> another_set;
- another_set.insert("fee");
- another_set.insert("fie");
- another_set.insert("foe");
- another_set.insert("fum");
- EXPECT_THAT(another_set, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, SetDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
- set<int> some_set;
- some_set.insert(3);
- some_set.insert(1);
- EXPECT_THAT(some_set, Not(Contains(4)));
- set<std::string> c_string_set;
- c_string_set.insert("hello");
- EXPECT_THAT(c_string_set, Not(Contains(std::string("goodbye"))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
- const int a[2] = {1, 2};
- Matcher<const int(&)[2]> m = Contains(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #1 matches", Explain(m, a));
- m = Contains(3);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
- m = Contains(GreaterThan(0));
- EXPECT_EQ("whose element #0 matches, which is 1 more than 0", Explain(m, a));
- m = Contains(GreaterThan(10));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m, a));
-TEST(ContainsTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) {
- Matcher<vector<int>> m = Contains(1);
- EXPECT_EQ("contains at least one element that is equal to 1", Describe(m));
- Matcher<vector<int>> m2 = Not(m);
- EXPECT_EQ("doesn't contain any element that is equal to 1", Describe(m2));
-TEST(ContainsTest, MapMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
- map<std::string, int> my_map;
- const char* bar = "a string";
- my_map[bar] = 2;
- EXPECT_THAT(my_map, Contains(pair<const char* const, int>(bar, 2)));
- map<std::string, int> another_map;
- another_map["fee"] = 1;
- another_map["fie"] = 2;
- another_map["foe"] = 3;
- another_map["fum"] = 4;
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map,
- Contains(pair<const std::string, int>(std::string("fee"), 1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(another_map, Contains(pair<const std::string, int>("fie", 2)));
-TEST(ContainsTest, MapDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
- map<int, int> some_map;
- some_map[1] = 11;
- some_map[2] = 22;
- EXPECT_THAT(some_map, Not(Contains(pair<const int, int>(2, 23))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayMatchesWhenElementIsInContainer) {
- const char* string_array[] = {"fee", "fie", "foe", "fum"};
- EXPECT_THAT(string_array, Contains(Eq(std::string("fum"))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, ArrayDoesNotMatchWhenElementIsNotInContainer) {
- int int_array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(int_array, Not(Contains(5)));
-TEST(ContainsTest, AcceptsMatcher) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Gt(2)));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(Gt(4))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) {
- const int a[] = {1, 2};
- const int* const pointer = a;
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Contains(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(std::make_tuple(pointer, 2), Not(Contains(Gt(3))));
-TEST(ContainsTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
- int a[][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(ElementsAre(4, 5, 6)));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Contains(5)));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Not(Contains(ElementsAre(3, 4, 5))));
- EXPECT_THAT(a, Contains(Not(Contains(5))));
-TEST(AllOfArrayTest, BasicForms) {
- // Iterator
- std::vector<int> v0{};
- std::vector<int> v1{1};
- std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
- std::vector<int> v3{4, 4, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(v0.begin(), v0.end()));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end()));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end())));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end())));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(v3.begin(), v3.end()));
- // Pointer + size
- int ar[6] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(ar, 0));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(ar, 1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(ar, 1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(ar + 1, 3)));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(ar + 3, 3));
- // Array
- // int ar0[0]; Not usable
- int ar1[1] = {1};
- int ar2[2] = {2, 3};
- int ar3[3] = {4, 4, 4};
- // EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray(ar0))); // Cannot work
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(ar1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(ar1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(ar2)));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(ar3));
- // Container
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray(v0));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(v1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(v1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray(v2)));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray(v3));
- // Initializer
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AllOfArray<int>({})); // Requires template arg.
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray({1}));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray({1})));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, Not(AllOfArray({2, 3})));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, AllOfArray({4, 4, 4}));
-TEST(AllOfArrayTest, Matchers) {
- // vector
- std::vector<Matcher<int>> matchers{Ge(1), Lt(2)};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray(matchers)));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray(matchers));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AllOfArray(matchers)));
- // initializer_list
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AllOfArray({Ge(0), Ge(1)})));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AllOfArray({Ge(0), Ge(1)}));
-TEST(AnyOfArrayTest, BasicForms) {
- // Iterator
- std::vector<int> v0{};
- std::vector<int> v1{1};
- std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(v0.begin(), v0.end())));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end()));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(v1.begin(), v1.end())));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end()));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(v2.begin(), v2.end())));
- // Pointer + size
- int ar[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(ar, 0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(ar, 1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(ar, 1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(ar + 1, 2));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(ar + 1, 2)));
- // Array
- // int ar0[0]; Not usable
- int ar1[1] = {1};
- int ar2[2] = {2, 3};
- // EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(ar0))); // Cannot work
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(ar1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(ar1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(ar2));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(ar2)));
- // Container
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray(v0)));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray(v1));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray(v1)));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray(v2));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray(v2)));
- // Initializer
- EXPECT_THAT(0, Not(AnyOfArray<int>({}))); // Requires template arg.
- EXPECT_THAT(1, AnyOfArray({1}));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, Not(AnyOfArray({1})));
- EXPECT_THAT(3, AnyOfArray({2, 3}));
- EXPECT_THAT(4, Not(AnyOfArray({2, 3})));
-TEST(AnyOfArrayTest, Matchers) {
- // We negate test AllOfArrayTest.Matchers.
- // vector
- std::vector<Matcher<int>> matchers{Lt(1), Ge(2)};
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AnyOfArray(matchers));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(AnyOfArray(matchers)));
- EXPECT_THAT(2, AnyOfArray(matchers));
- // initializer_list
- EXPECT_THAT(0, AnyOfArray({Lt(0), Lt(1)}));
- EXPECT_THAT(1, Not(AllOfArray({Lt(0), Lt(1)})));
-TEST(AnyOfArrayTest, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) {
- // AnyOfArray and AllOfArry use the same underlying template-template,
- // thus it is sufficient to test one here.
- const std::vector<int> v0{};
- const std::vector<int> v1{1};
- const std::vector<int> v2{2, 3};
- const Matcher<int> m0 = AnyOfArray(v0);
- const Matcher<int> m1 = AnyOfArray(v1);
- const Matcher<int> m2 = AnyOfArray(v2);
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m0, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m1, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m1, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m2, 3));
- EXPECT_EQ("", Explain(m2, 4));
- EXPECT_EQ("()", Describe(m0));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is equal to 1)", Describe(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("(is equal to 2) or (is equal to 3)", Describe(m2));
- EXPECT_EQ("()", DescribeNegation(m0));
- EXPECT_EQ("(isn't equal to 1)", DescribeNegation(m1));
- EXPECT_EQ("(isn't equal to 2) and (isn't equal to 3)", DescribeNegation(m2));
- // Explain with matchers
- const Matcher<int> g1 = AnyOfArray({GreaterThan(1)});
- const Matcher<int> g2 = AnyOfArray({GreaterThan(1), GreaterThan(2)});
- // Explains the first positiv match and all prior negative matches...
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 less than 1", Explain(g1, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is the same as 1", Explain(g1, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 1", Explain(g1, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 less than 1, and which is 2 less than 2",
- Explain(g2, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is the same as 1, and which is 1 less than 2",
- Explain(g2, 1));
- EXPECT_EQ("which is 1 more than 1", // Only the first
- Explain(g2, 2));
-TEST(AllOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
- // Verify that using AllOf with many arguments doesn't cause
- // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
- EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::AllOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
-TEST(AnyOfTest, HugeMatcher) {
- // Verify that using AnyOf with many arguments doesn't cause
- // the compiler to exceed template instantiation depth limit.
- EXPECT_THAT(0, testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
- testing::AnyOf(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)));
-namespace adl_test {
-// Verifies that the implementation of ::testing::AllOf and ::testing::AnyOf
-// don't issue unqualified recursive calls. If they do, the argument dependent
-// name lookup will cause AllOf/AnyOf in the 'adl_test' namespace to be found
-// as a candidate and the compilation will break due to an ambiguous overload.
-// The matcher must be in the same namespace as AllOf/AnyOf to make argument
-// dependent lookup find those.
-MATCHER(M, "") {
- (void)arg;
- return true;
-template <typename T1, typename T2>
-bool AllOf(const T1& /*t1*/, const T2& /*t2*/) {
- return true;
-TEST(AllOfTest, DoesNotCallAllOfUnqualified) {
- testing::AllOf(M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
-template <typename T1, typename T2>
-bool AnyOf(const T1&, const T2&) {
- return true;
-TEST(AnyOfTest, DoesNotCallAnyOfUnqualified) {
- testing::AnyOf(M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M(), M()));
-} // namespace adl_test
-TEST(AllOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AllOf(Pointee(Eq(3)), Pointee(Gt(0)), Pointee(Lt(3)))));
-TEST(AnyOfTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Lt(5))));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(AnyOf(Pointee(Eq(5)), Pointee(Lt(0)), Pointee(Gt(5)))));
-MATCHER(IsNotNull, "") { return arg != nullptr; }
-// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER() can work on
-// move-only types.
-TEST(MatcherMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, IsNotNull());
- EXPECT_THAT(std::unique_ptr<int>(), Not(IsNotNull()));
-MATCHER_P(UniquePointee, pointee, "") { return *arg == pointee; }
-// Verifies that a matcher defined using MATCHER_P*() can work on
-// move-only types.
-TEST(MatcherPMacroTest, WorksOnMoveOnlyType) {
- std::unique_ptr<int> p(new int(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, UniquePointee(3));
- EXPECT_THAT(p, Not(UniquePointee(2)));
-// std::function<void()> is used below for compatibility with older copies of
-// GCC. Normally, a raw lambda is all that is needed.
-// Test that examples from documentation compile
-TEST(ThrowsTest, Examples) {
- std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::runtime_error("message"); }),
- Throws<std::runtime_error>());
- std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::runtime_error("message"); }),
- ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("message")));
-TEST(ThrowsTest, DoesNotGenerateDuplicateCatchClauseWarning) {
- EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([]() { throw std::exception(); }),
- Throws<std::exception>());
-TEST(ThrowsTest, CallableExecutedExactlyOnce) {
- size_t a = 0;
- EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
- a++;
- throw 10;
- }),
- Throws<int>());
- EXPECT_EQ(a, 1u);
- EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
- a++;
- throw std::runtime_error("message");
- }),
- Throws<std::runtime_error>());
- EXPECT_EQ(a, 2u);
- EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
- a++;
- throw std::runtime_error("message");
- }),
- ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("message")));
- EXPECT_EQ(a, 3u);
- EXPECT_THAT(std::function<void()>([&a]() {
- a++;
- throw std::runtime_error("message");
- }),
- Throws<std::runtime_error>(
- Property(&std::runtime_error::what, HasSubstr("message"))));
- EXPECT_EQ(a, 4u);
-TEST(ThrowsTest, Describe) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
- std::stringstream ss;
- matcher.DescribeTo(&ss);
- auto explanation = ss.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
-TEST(ThrowsTest, Success) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
- []() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
-TEST(ThrowsTest, FailWrongType) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
- []() { throw std::logic_error("error message"); }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::logic_error"));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("\"error message\""));
-TEST(ThrowsTest, FailWrongTypeNonStd) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { throw 10; }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
- HasSubstr("throws an exception of an unknown type"));
-TEST(ThrowsTest, FailNoThrow) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<std::runtime_error>();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { (void)0; }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("does not throw any exception"));
-class ThrowsPredicateTest
- : public TestWithParam<Matcher<std::function<void()>>> {};
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, Describe) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- std::stringstream ss;
- matcher.DescribeTo(&ss);
- auto explanation = ss.str();
- EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
- EXPECT_THAT(explanation, HasSubstr("error message"));
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, Success) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
- []() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailWrongType) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
- []() { throw std::logic_error("error message"); }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::logic_error"));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("\"error message\""));
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailWrongTypeNonStd) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() { throw 10; }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(),
- HasSubstr("throws an exception of an unknown type"));
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailWrongMessage) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain(
- []() { throw std::runtime_error("wrong message"); }, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("std::runtime_error"));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), Not(HasSubstr("wrong message")));
-TEST_P(ThrowsPredicateTest, FailNoThrow) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = GetParam();
- StringMatchResultListener listener;
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.MatchAndExplain([]() {}, &listener));
- EXPECT_THAT(listener.str(), HasSubstr("does not throw any exception"));
- AllMessagePredicates, ThrowsPredicateTest,
- Values(Matcher<std::function<void()>>(
- ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("error message")))));
-// Tests that Throws<E1>(Matcher<E2>{}) compiles even when E2 != const E1&.
-TEST(ThrowsPredicateCompilesTest, ExceptionMatcherAcceptsBroadType) {
- {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher =
- ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>(HasSubstr("error message"));
- matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }));
- matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("wrong message"); }));
- }
- {
- Matcher<uint64_t> inner = Eq(10);
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher = Throws<uint32_t>(inner);
- EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.Matches([]() { throw(uint32_t) 10; }));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches([]() { throw(uint32_t) 11; }));
- }
-// Tests that ThrowsMessage("message") is equivalent
-// to ThrowsMessage(Eq<std::string>("message")).
-TEST(ThrowsPredicateCompilesTest, MessageMatcherAcceptsNonMatcher) {
- Matcher<std::function<void()>> matcher =
- ThrowsMessage<std::runtime_error>("error message");
- matcher.Matches([]() { throw std::runtime_error("error message"); }));
- EXPECT_FALSE(matcher.Matches(
- []() { throw std::runtime_error("wrong error message"); }));
-} // namespace
-} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
-} // namespace testing
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.h b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56956076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-matchers_test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
+// This file tests some commonly used argument matchers.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <deque>
+#include <forward_list>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <limits>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace testing {
+namespace gmock_matchers_test {
+using std::greater;
+using std::less;
+using std::list;
+using std::make_pair;
+using std::map;
+using std::multimap;
+using std::multiset;
+using std::ostream;
+using std::pair;
+using std::set;
+using std::stringstream;
+using std::vector;
+using testing::internal::DummyMatchResultListener;
+using testing::internal::ElementMatcherPair;
+using testing::internal::ElementMatcherPairs;
+using testing::internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher;
+using testing::internal::ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo;
+using testing::internal::FloatingEqMatcher;
+using testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription;
+using testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName;
+using testing::internal::MatchMatrix;
+using testing::internal::PredicateFormatterFromMatcher;
+using testing::internal::RE;
+using testing::internal::StreamMatchResultListener;
+using testing::internal::Strings;
+// Helper for testing container-valued matchers in mock method context. It is
+// important to test matchers in this context, since it requires additional type
+// deduction beyond what EXPECT_THAT does, thus making it more restrictive.
+struct ContainerHelper {
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Call, void(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>));
+// For testing ExplainMatchResultTo().
+template <typename T>
+struct GtestGreaterThanMatcher {
+ using is_gtest_matcher = void;
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is > " << rhs; }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const { *os << "is <= " << rhs; }
+ bool MatchAndExplain(T lhs, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
+ if (lhs > rhs) {
+ *listener << "which is " << (lhs - rhs) << " more than " << rhs;
+ } else if (lhs == rhs) {
+ *listener << "which is the same as " << rhs;
+ } else {
+ *listener << "which is " << (rhs - lhs) << " less than " << rhs;
+ }
+ return lhs > rhs;
+ }
+ T rhs;
+template <typename T>
+GtestGreaterThanMatcher<typename std::decay<T>::type> GtestGreaterThan(
+ T&& rhs) {
+ return {rhs};
+// As the matcher above, but using the base class with virtual functions.
+template <typename T>
+class GreaterThanMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
+ public:
+ explicit GreaterThanMatcher(T rhs) : impl_{rhs} {}
+ void DescribeTo(ostream* os) const override { impl_.DescribeTo(os); }
+ void DescribeNegationTo(ostream* os) const override {
+ impl_.DescribeNegationTo(os);
+ }
+ bool MatchAndExplain(T lhs, MatchResultListener* listener) const override {
+ return impl_.MatchAndExplain(lhs, listener);
+ }
+ private:
+ const GtestGreaterThanMatcher<T> impl_;
+// Names and instantiates a new instance of GTestMatcherTestP.
+ using TestSuite##P = GTestMatcherTestP; \
+ INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MatcherInterface, TestSuite##P, Values(false)); \
+ INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(GtestMatcher, TestSuite##P, Values(true))
+class GTestMatcherTestP : public testing::TestWithParam<bool> {
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ Matcher<T> GreaterThan(T n) {
+ if (use_gtest_matcher_) {
+ return GtestGreaterThan(n);
+ } else {
+ return MakeMatcher(new GreaterThanMatcher<T>(n));
+ }
+ }
+ const bool use_gtest_matcher_ = GetParam();
+// Returns the description of the given matcher.
+template <typename T>
+std::string Describe(const Matcher<T>& m) {
+ return DescribeMatcher<T>(m);
+// Returns the description of the negation of the given matcher.
+template <typename T>
+std::string DescribeNegation(const Matcher<T>& m) {
+ return DescribeMatcher<T>(m, true);
+// Returns the reason why x matches, or doesn't match, m.
+template <typename MatcherType, typename Value>
+std::string Explain(const MatcherType& m, const Value& x) {
+ StringMatchResultListener listener;
+ ExplainMatchResult(m, x, &listener);
+ return listener.str();
+} // namespace gmock_matchers_test
+} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-more-actions_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-more-actions_test.cc
index 53bb029f..9980f3bc 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-more-actions_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-more-actions_test.cc
@@ -31,22 +31,23 @@
// This file tests the built-in actions in gmock-actions.h.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable : 4577)
#include "gmock/gmock-more-actions.h"
+#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
+#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace testing {
namespace gmock_more_actions_test {
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ class Foo {
std::string Binary(const std::string& str, char c) const { return str + c; }
- int Ternary(int x, bool y, char z) { return value_ + x + y*z; }
+ int Ternary(int x, bool y, char z) { return value_ + x + y * z; }
int SumOf4(int a, int b, int c, int d) const {
return a + b + c + d + value_;
@@ -291,8 +292,7 @@ TEST(InvokeTest, FunctionWithUnusedParameters) {
std::make_tuple(10, 2, 5.6, std::string("hi"));
EXPECT_EQ(12, a1.Perform(dummy));
- Action<int(int, int, bool, int*)> a2 =
- Invoke(SumOfFirst2);
+ Action<int(int, int, bool, int*)> a2 = Invoke(SumOfFirst2);
23, a2.Perform(std::make_tuple(20, 3, true, static_cast<int*>(nullptr))));
@@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ TEST(InvokeTest, MethodWithUnusedParameters) {
Action<int(std::string, bool, int, int)> a1 = Invoke(&foo, &Foo::SumOfLast2);
EXPECT_EQ(12, a1.Perform(std::make_tuple(CharPtr("hi"), true, 10, 2)));
- Action<int(char, double, int, int)> a2 =
- Invoke(&foo, &Foo::SumOfLast2);
+ Action<int(char, double, int, int)> a2 = Invoke(&foo, &Foo::SumOfLast2);
EXPECT_EQ(23, a2.Perform(std::make_tuple('a', 2.5, 20, 3)));
@@ -362,7 +361,8 @@ TEST(InvokeMethodTest, MethodThatTakes4Arguments) {
// Tests using Invoke() with a 5-argument method.
TEST(InvokeMethodTest, MethodThatTakes5Arguments) {
Foo foo;
- Action<int(int, int, int, int, int)> a = Invoke(&foo, &Foo::SumOf5); // NOLINT
+ Action<int(int, int, int, int, int)> a =
+ Invoke(&foo, &Foo::SumOf5); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(12345, a.Perform(std::make_tuple(10000, 2000, 300, 40, 5)));
@@ -462,6 +462,12 @@ TEST(ReturnArgActionTest, WorksForMultiArgStringArg2) {
EXPECT_EQ("seven", a.Perform(std::make_tuple(5, 6, std::string("seven"), 8)));
+TEST(ReturnArgActionTest, WorksForNonConstRefArg0) {
+ const Action<std::string&(std::string&)> a = ReturnArg<0>();
+ std::string s = "12345";
+ EXPECT_EQ(&s, &a.Perform(std::forward_as_tuple(s)));
TEST(SaveArgActionTest, WorksForSameType) {
int result = 0;
const Action<void(int n)> a1 = SaveArg<0>(&result);
@@ -517,15 +523,12 @@ TEST(SetArgRefereeActionTest, WorksWithExtraArguments) {
// the bool provided to the constructor to true when destroyed.
class DeletionTester {
- explicit DeletionTester(bool* is_deleted)
- : is_deleted_(is_deleted) {
+ explicit DeletionTester(bool* is_deleted) : is_deleted_(is_deleted) {
// Make sure the bit is set to false.
*is_deleted_ = false;
- ~DeletionTester() {
- *is_deleted_ = true;
- }
+ ~DeletionTester() { *is_deleted_ = true; }
bool* is_deleted_;
@@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ class DeletionTester {
TEST(DeleteArgActionTest, OneArg) {
bool is_deleted = false;
DeletionTester* t = new DeletionTester(&is_deleted);
- const Action<void(DeletionTester*)> a1 = DeleteArg<0>(); // NOLINT
+ const Action<void(DeletionTester*)> a1 = DeleteArg<0>(); // NOLINT
@@ -543,8 +546,9 @@ TEST(DeleteArgActionTest, OneArg) {
TEST(DeleteArgActionTest, TenArgs) {
bool is_deleted = false;
DeletionTester* t = new DeletionTester(&is_deleted);
- const Action<void(bool, int, int, const char*, bool,
- int, int, int, int, DeletionTester*)> a1 = DeleteArg<9>();
+ const Action<void(bool, int, int, const char*, bool, int, int, int, int,
+ DeletionTester*)>
+ a1 = DeleteArg<9>();
a1.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, 5, 6, CharPtr("hi"), false, 7, 8, 9, 10, t));
@@ -602,7 +606,7 @@ TEST(ThrowActionTest, Times0) {
// pointed to by the N-th (0-based) argument to values in range [first, last).
TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArray) {
using MyFunction = void(bool, int*, char*);
- int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
Action<MyFunction> a = SetArrayArgument<1>(numbers, numbers + 3);
int n[4] = {};
@@ -638,7 +642,7 @@ TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArray) {
// Tests SetArrayArgument<N>(first, last) where first == last.
TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArrayWithEmptyRange) {
using MyFunction = void(bool, int*);
- int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
Action<MyFunction> a = SetArrayArgument<1>(numbers, numbers);
int n[4] = {};
@@ -654,10 +658,10 @@ TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArrayWithEmptyRange) {
// (but not equal) to the argument type.
TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArrayWithConvertibleType) {
using MyFunction = void(bool, int*);
- char chars[] = { 97, 98, 99 };
+ char chars[] = {97, 98, 99};
Action<MyFunction> a = SetArrayArgument<1>(chars, chars + 3);
- int codes[4] = { 111, 222, 333, 444 };
+ int codes[4] = {111, 222, 333, 444};
int* pcodes = codes;
a.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, pcodes));
EXPECT_EQ(97, codes[0]);
@@ -673,7 +677,7 @@ TEST(SetArrayArgumentTest, SetsTheNthArrayWithIteratorArgument) {
Action<MyFunction> a = SetArrayArgument<1>(letters.begin(), letters.end());
std::string s;
- a.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, back_inserter(s)));
+ a.Perform(std::make_tuple(true, std::back_inserter(s)));
EXPECT_EQ(letters, s);
@@ -979,11 +983,7 @@ TEST(DoAllTest, ImplicitlyConvertsActionArguments) {
// is expanded and macro expansion cannot contain #pragma. Therefore
// we suppress them here.
// Also suppress C4503 decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
-#pragma warning(disable : 4503)
// Tests the ACTION*() macro family.
// Tests that ACTION() can define an action that doesn't reference the
@@ -1545,3 +1545,6 @@ TEST(ActionTemplateTest, CanBeOverloadedOnNumberOfValueParameters) {
} // namespace gmock_more_actions_test
} // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-nice-strict_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-nice-strict_test.cc
index 25558ebf..95f09690 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-nice-strict_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-nice-strict_test.cc
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -39,18 +40,18 @@
// clash with ::testing::Mock.
class Mock {
- Mock() {}
+ Mock() = default;
MOCK_METHOD0(DoThis, void());
+ Mock(const Mock&) = delete;
+ Mock& operator=(const Mock&) = delete;
namespace testing {
namespace gmock_nice_strict_test {
-using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
using testing::HasSubstr;
using testing::NaggyMock;
using testing::NiceMock;
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class CallsMockMethodInDestructor {
class Foo {
- virtual ~Foo() {}
+ virtual ~Foo() = default;
virtual void DoThis() = 0;
virtual int DoThat(bool flag) = 0;
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class Foo {
class MockFoo : public Foo {
- MockFoo() {}
+ MockFoo() = default;
void Delete() { delete this; }
MOCK_METHOD0(DoThis, void());
@@ -93,7 +94,8 @@ class MockFoo : public Foo {
MOCK_METHOD0(ReturnNonDefaultConstructible, NotDefaultConstructible());
+ MockFoo(const MockFoo&) = delete;
+ MockFoo& operator=(const MockFoo&) = delete;
class MockBar {
@@ -103,10 +105,11 @@ class MockBar {
MockBar(char a1, char a2, std::string a3, std::string a4, int a5, int a6,
const std::string& a7, const std::string& a8, bool a9, bool a10) {
str_ = std::string() + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + static_cast<char>(a5) +
- static_cast<char>(a6) + a7 + a8 + (a9 ? 'T' : 'F') + (a10 ? 'T' : 'F');
+ static_cast<char>(a6) + a7 + a8 + (a9 ? 'T' : 'F') +
+ (a10 ? 'T' : 'F');
- virtual ~MockBar() {}
+ virtual ~MockBar() = default;
const std::string& str() const { return str_; }
@@ -116,10 +119,10 @@ class MockBar {
std::string str_;
+ MockBar(const MockBar&) = delete;
+ MockBar& operator=(const MockBar&) = delete;
class MockBaz {
class MoveOnly {
@@ -140,8 +143,8 @@ class MockBaz {
// Tests that a raw mock generates warnings for uninteresting calls.
TEST(RawMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCall) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
MockFoo raw_foo;
@@ -151,26 +154,25 @@ TEST(RawMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCall) {
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
// Tests that a raw mock generates warnings for uninteresting calls
// that delete the mock object.
TEST(RawMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCallAfterDeath) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
MockFoo* const raw_foo = new MockFoo;
- ON_CALL(*raw_foo, DoThis())
- .WillByDefault(Invoke(raw_foo, &MockFoo::Delete));
+ ON_CALL(*raw_foo, DoThis()).WillByDefault(Invoke(raw_foo, &MockFoo::Delete));
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
// Tests that a raw mock generates informational logs for
@@ -178,14 +180,14 @@ TEST(RawMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCallAfterDeath) {
TEST(RawMockTest, InfoForUninterestingCall) {
MockFoo raw_foo;
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "info";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "info");
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
TEST(RawMockTest, IsNaggy_IsNice_IsStrict) {
@@ -223,14 +225,14 @@ TEST(NiceMockTest, NoWarningForUninterestingCallAfterDeath) {
TEST(NiceMockTest, InfoForUninterestingCall) {
NiceMock<MockFoo> nice_foo;
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "info";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "info");
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
@@ -281,8 +283,8 @@ TEST(NiceMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor) {
// Tests that NiceMock works with a mock class that has a 10-ary
// non-default constructor.
TEST(NiceMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor10) {
- NiceMock<MockBar> nice_bar('a', 'b', "c", "d", 'e', 'f',
- "g", "h", true, false);
+ NiceMock<MockBar> nice_bar('a', 'b', "c", "d", 'e', 'f', "g", "h", true,
+ false);
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefghTF", nice_bar.str());
@@ -326,8 +328,8 @@ TEST(NiceMockTest, IsNaggy_IsNice_IsStrict) {
// Tests that a naggy mock generates warnings for uninteresting calls.
TEST(NaggyMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCall) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
NaggyMock<MockFoo> naggy_foo;
@@ -337,14 +339,14 @@ TEST(NaggyMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCall) {
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
// Tests that a naggy mock generates a warning for an uninteresting call
// that deletes the mock object.
TEST(NaggyMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCallAfterDeath) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
NaggyMock<MockFoo>* const naggy_foo = new NaggyMock<MockFoo>;
@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ TEST(NaggyMockTest, WarningForUninterestingCallAfterDeath) {
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
@@ -391,8 +393,8 @@ TEST(NaggyMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor) {
// Tests that NaggyMock works with a mock class that has a 10-ary
// non-default constructor.
TEST(NaggyMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor10) {
- NaggyMock<MockBar> naggy_bar('0', '1', "2", "3", '4', '5',
- "6", "7", true, false);
+ NaggyMock<MockBar> naggy_bar('0', '1', "2", "3", '4', '5', "6", "7", true,
+ false);
EXPECT_EQ("01234567TF", naggy_bar.str());
@@ -419,8 +421,8 @@ TEST(NaggyMockTest, AcceptsClassNamedMock) {
TEST(NaggyMockTest, IsNaggyInDestructor) {
- const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ const std::string saved_flag = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
@@ -431,7 +433,7 @@ TEST(NaggyMockTest, IsNaggyInDestructor) {
HasSubstr("Uninteresting mock function call"));
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_flag;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_flag);
TEST(NaggyMockTest, IsNaggy_IsNice_IsStrict) {
@@ -491,8 +493,8 @@ TEST(StrictMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor) {
// Tests that StrictMock works with a mock class that has a 10-ary
// non-default constructor.
TEST(StrictMockTest, NonDefaultConstructor10) {
- StrictMock<MockBar> strict_bar('a', 'b', "c", "d", 'e', 'f',
- "g", "h", true, false);
+ StrictMock<MockBar> strict_bar('a', 'b', "c", "d", 'e', 'f', "g", "h", true,
+ false);
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefghTF", strict_bar.str());
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(strict_bar.That(5, true),
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-port_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-port_test.cc
index a2c2be24..c31af821 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-port_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-port_test.cc
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the internal cross-platform support utilities.
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// NOTE: if this file is left without tests for some reason, put a dummy
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-pp-string_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-pp-string_test.cc
index 6f66cf15..53c80f4e 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-pp-string_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-pp-string_test.cc
@@ -30,11 +30,10 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the internal preprocessor macro library.
-#include "gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h"
#include <string>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h"
namespace testing {
namespace {
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock-spec-builders_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock-spec-builders_test.cc
index fa974113..aaf88d74 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock-spec-builders_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock-spec-builders_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests the spec builder syntax.
@@ -38,74 +37,28 @@
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
namespace testing {
-namespace internal {
-// Helper class for testing the Expectation class template.
-class ExpectationTester {
- public:
- // Sets the call count of the given expectation to the given number.
- void SetCallCount(int n, ExpectationBase* exp) {
- exp->call_count_ = n;
- }
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace testing
namespace {
-using testing::_;
-using testing::AnyNumber;
-using testing::AtLeast;
-using testing::AtMost;
-using testing::Between;
-using testing::Cardinality;
-using testing::CardinalityInterface;
-using testing::Const;
-using testing::ContainsRegex;
-using testing::DoAll;
-using testing::DoDefault;
-using testing::Eq;
-using testing::Expectation;
-using testing::ExpectationSet;
-using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
-using testing::Gt;
-using testing::IgnoreResult;
-using testing::InSequence;
-using testing::Invoke;
-using testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
-using testing::IsNotSubstring;
-using testing::IsSubstring;
-using testing::Lt;
-using testing::Message;
-using testing::Mock;
-using testing::NaggyMock;
-using testing::Ne;
-using testing::Return;
-using testing::SaveArg;
-using testing::Sequence;
-using testing::SetArgPointee;
-using testing::internal::ExpectationTester;
-using testing::internal::FormatFileLocation;
-using testing::internal::kAllow;
-using testing::internal::kErrorVerbosity;
-using testing::internal::kFail;
-using testing::internal::kInfoVerbosity;
-using testing::internal::kWarn;
-using testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
+using ::testing::internal::FormatFileLocation;
+using ::testing::internal::kAllow;
+using ::testing::internal::kErrorVerbosity;
+using ::testing::internal::kFail;
+using ::testing::internal::kInfoVerbosity;
+using ::testing::internal::kWarn;
+using ::testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
-using testing::HasSubstr;
-using testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
-using testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
+using ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
+using ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
class Incomplete;
@@ -126,8 +79,7 @@ TEST(MockMethodTest, CanInstantiateWithIncompleteArgType) {
// use the mock, as long as Google Mock knows how to print the
// argument.
MockIncomplete incomplete;
- EXPECT_CALL(incomplete, ByRefFunc(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(incomplete, ByRefFunc(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
// The definition of the printer for the argument type doesn't have to
@@ -146,7 +98,7 @@ class NonDefaultConstructible {
class MockA {
- MockA() {}
+ MockA() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1(DoA, void(int n));
MOCK_METHOD1(ReturnResult, Result(int n));
@@ -155,28 +107,31 @@ class MockA {
MOCK_METHOD2(ReturnInt, int(int x, int y));
+ MockA(const MockA&) = delete;
+ MockA& operator=(const MockA&) = delete;
class MockB {
- MockB() {}
+ MockB() = default;
- MOCK_METHOD1(DoB, int(int n)); // NOLINT
+ MOCK_METHOD1(DoB, int(int n)); // NOLINT
+ MockB(const MockB&) = delete;
+ MockB& operator=(const MockB&) = delete;
class ReferenceHoldingMock {
- ReferenceHoldingMock() {}
+ ReferenceHoldingMock() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1(AcceptReference, void(std::shared_ptr<MockA>*));
+ ReferenceHoldingMock(const ReferenceHoldingMock&) = delete;
+ ReferenceHoldingMock& operator=(const ReferenceHoldingMock&) = delete;
// Tests that EXPECT_CALL and ON_CALL compile in a presence of macro
@@ -188,17 +143,18 @@ class ReferenceHoldingMock {
class CC {
- virtual ~CC() {}
+ virtual ~CC() = default;
virtual int Method() = 0;
class MockCC : public CC {
- MockCC() {}
+ MockCC() = default;
MOCK_METHOD0(Method, int());
+ MockCC(const MockCC&) = delete;
+ MockCC& operator=(const MockCC&) = delete;
// Tests that a method with expanded name compiles.
@@ -254,41 +210,42 @@ TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .WillByDefault(Return());
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .With(_)
- .WillByDefault(Return());
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5)).WillByDefault(Return());
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(_)).With(_).WillByDefault(Return());
TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .With(_)
- .With(_)
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an ON_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
+ .With(_)
+ .With(_)
+ .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ },
+ ".With() cannot appear more than once in an ON_CALL()");
TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultIsMandatory) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5));
- a.DoA(5);
- }, "");
+ {
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5));
+ a.DoA(5);
+ },
+ "");
TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .WillByDefault(Return())
- .WillByDefault(Return());
- }, ".WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(5)).WillByDefault(Return()).WillByDefault(Return());
+ },
+ ".WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL()");
// Tests that EXPECT_CALL evaluates its arguments exactly once as
@@ -316,21 +273,18 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .With(_)
- .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6)).With(_).Times(0);
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .With(_)
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6)).With(_).With(_);
+ },
+ ".With() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
@@ -338,19 +292,19 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithMustBeFirstClause) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(1)
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).Times(1).With(_);
+ },
+ ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).WillOnce(Return()).With(_);
+ },
+ ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
@@ -358,12 +312,9 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithMustBeFirstClause) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanBeInferred) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).WillOnce(Return()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
@@ -373,11 +324,11 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanBeInferred) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(1)
- .Times(2);
- }, ".Times() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).Times(1).Times(2);
+ },
+ ".Times() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
@@ -387,11 +338,11 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesMustBeBeforeInSequence) {
MockA a;
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s)
- .Times(1);
- }, ".Times() cannot appear after ");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).InSequence(s).Times(1);
+ },
+ ".Times() may only appear *before* ");
@@ -401,8 +352,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceIsOptional) {
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).InSequence(s);
@@ -412,9 +362,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
MockA a;
Sequence s1, s2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s1, s2)
- .InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).InSequence(s1, s2).InSequence(s1);
@@ -423,13 +371,12 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeAfter) {
MockA a;
Sequence s;
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e)
- .InSequence(s);
- }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
+ Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e).InSequence(s);
+ },
+ ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
@@ -438,11 +385,11 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
MockA a;
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .InSequence(s);
- }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).WillOnce(Return()).InSequence(s);
+ },
+ ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
@@ -451,11 +398,9 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, AfterMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
MockA a;
Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .After(e);
- }, ".After() cannot appear after ");
+ { EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).WillOnce(Return()).After(e); },
+ ".After() cannot appear after ");
@@ -465,8 +410,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillIsOptional) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).WillOnce(Return());
@@ -485,11 +429,11 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillMustBeBeforeWillRepeatedly) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return())
- .WillOnce(Return());
- }, ".WillOnce() cannot appear after ");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return()).WillOnce(Return());
+ },
+ ".WillOnce() cannot appear after ");
@@ -497,11 +441,8 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillMustBeBeforeWillRepeatedly) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyIsOptional) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).WillOnce(Return());
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).WillOnce(Return()).WillRepeatedly(Return());
@@ -511,30 +452,30 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyIsOptional) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an "
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return()).WillRepeatedly(
+ Return());
+ },
+ ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an "
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyMustBeBeforeRetiresOnSaturation) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation()
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after ");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).RetiresOnSaturation().WillRepeatedly(Return());
+ },
+ ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after ");
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationIsOptional) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).RetiresOnSaturation();
@@ -543,11 +484,11 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationIsOptional) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation()
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- }, ".RetiresOnSaturation() cannot appear more than once");
+ { // NOLINT
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).RetiresOnSaturation().RetiresOnSaturation();
+ },
+ ".RetiresOnSaturation() cannot appear more than once");
@@ -558,16 +499,20 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DefaultCardinalityIsOnce) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- }, "to be called once");
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(1);
- }, "to be called once");
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ },
+ "to be called once");
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockA a;
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(1);
+ },
+ "to be called once");
@@ -580,13 +525,9 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DoesNotWarnOnAdequateActionCount) {
MockB b;
// It's always fine to omit WillOnce() entirely.
- .Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .Times(AtMost(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(1)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1)).Times(AtMost(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2)).Times(1).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
// It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to equal the upper bound.
@@ -596,10 +537,8 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DoesNotWarnOnAdequateActionCount) {
// It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to be smaller than the
// upper bound when there is a WillRepeatedly().
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
- .Times(AtMost(3))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4)).Times(AtMost(3)).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(
+ Return(2));
// Satisfies the above expectations.
@@ -616,13 +555,9 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooManyActions) {
MockB b;
// Warns when the number of WillOnce()s is larger than the upper bound.
- .Times(0)
- .WillOnce(Return(1)); // #1
- .Times(AtMost(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2)); // #2
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(0).WillOnce(Return(1)); // #1
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AtMost(1)).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(
+ Return(2)); // #2
@@ -631,41 +566,34 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooManyActions) {
// Warns when the number of WillOnce()s equals the upper bound and
// there is a WillRepeatedly().
- .Times(0)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1)); // #4
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2)); // #5
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(0).WillRepeatedly(Return(1)); // #4
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2)).Times(1).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(
+ Return(2)); // #5
// Satisfies the above expectations.
const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be never called, but has 1 WillOnce().",
- output); // #1
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be called at most once, "
- "but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
- output); // #2
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be never called, but has 1 WillOnce().",
+ output); // #1
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be called at most once, "
+ "but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
+ output); // #2
"Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))...\n"
"Expected to be called once, but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
output); // #3
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be never called, but has 0 WillOnce()s "
- "and a WillRepeatedly().",
- output); // #4
+ "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be never called, but has 0 WillOnce()s "
+ "and a WillRepeatedly().",
+ output); // #4
"Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))...\n"
@@ -679,26 +607,23 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooManyActions) {
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooFewActions) {
MockB b;
- .Times(Between(2, 3))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(Between(2, 3)).WillOnce(Return(1));
const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- IsSubstring,
- "Too few actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be called between 2 and 3 times, "
- "but has only 1 WillOnce().",
- output);
+ "Too few actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
+ "Expected to be called between 2 and 3 times, "
+ "but has only 1 WillOnce().",
+ output);
TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarningIsErrorWithFlag) {
- int original_behavior = testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior);
+ int original_behavior = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior);
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = kAllow;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, kAllow);
MockA a;
@@ -707,7 +632,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarningIsErrorWithFlag) {
std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
EXPECT_TRUE(output.empty()) << output;
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = kWarn;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, kWarn);
MockA a;
@@ -718,14 +643,16 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarningIsErrorWithFlag) {
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Uninteresting mock function call",
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = kFail;
- MockA a;
- a.DoA(0);
- }, "Uninteresting mock function call");
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, kFail);
+ {
+ MockA a;
+ a.DoA(0);
+ },
+ "Uninteresting mock function call");
// Out of bounds values are converted to kWarn
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = -1;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, -1);
MockA a;
@@ -735,7 +662,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarningIsErrorWithFlag) {
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "GMOCK WARNING", warning_output);
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Uninteresting mock function call",
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = 3;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, 3);
MockA a;
@@ -746,7 +673,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarningIsErrorWithFlag) {
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Uninteresting mock function call",
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = original_behavior;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, original_behavior);
@@ -766,8 +693,7 @@ TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCall) {
// matches the invocation.
TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCallMatches) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(1)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(2));
@@ -776,12 +702,9 @@ TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCallMatches) {
// Tests that the last matching ON_CALL() action is taken.
TEST(OnCallTest, PicksLastMatchingOnCall) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(3));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(3));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(2)).WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(1)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB(2));
@@ -805,25 +728,25 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, AllowsAnyCallWhenNoSpec) {
// Tests that the last matching EXPECT_CALL() fires.
TEST(ExpectCallTest, PicksLastMatchingExpectCall) {
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB(1));
// Tests lower-bound violation.
TEST(ExpectCallTest, CatchesTooFewCalls) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))
- .Times(AtLeast(2));
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5)).Description("DoB Method").Times(AtLeast(2));
- b.DoB(5);
- }, "Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))...\n"
- " Expected: to be called at least twice\n"
- " Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active");
+ b.DoB(5);
+ },
+ "Actual function \"DoB Method\" call count "
+ "doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))...\n"
+ " Expected: to be called at least twice\n"
+ " Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active");
// Tests that the cardinality can be inferred when no Times(...) is
@@ -831,28 +754,24 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, CatchesTooFewCalls) {
TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinalityWhenThereIsNoWillRepeatedly) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- }, "to be called twice");
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
+ },
+ "to be called twice");
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
@@ -863,40 +782,79 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinalityWhenThereIsNoWillRepeatedly) {
TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinality1WhenThereIsWillRepeatedly) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- }, "to be called at least once");
+ { // NOLINT
+ MockB b;
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ },
+ "to be called at least once");
+// It should be possible to return a non-moveable type from a mock action in
+// C++17 and above, where it's guaranteed that such a type can be initialized
+// from a prvalue returned from a function.
+TEST(ExpectCallTest, NonMoveableType) {
+ // Define a non-moveable result type.
+ struct NonMoveableStruct {
+ explicit NonMoveableStruct(int x_in) : x(x_in) {}
+ NonMoveableStruct(NonMoveableStruct&&) = delete;
+ int x;
+ };
+ static_assert(!std::is_move_constructible_v<NonMoveableStruct>);
+ static_assert(!std::is_copy_constructible_v<NonMoveableStruct>);
+ static_assert(!std::is_move_assignable_v<NonMoveableStruct>);
+ static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable_v<NonMoveableStruct>);
+ // We should be able to use a callable that returns that result as both a
+ // OnceAction and an Action, whether the callable ignores arguments or not.
+ const auto return_17 = [] { return NonMoveableStruct(17); };
+ static_cast<void>(OnceAction<NonMoveableStruct()>{return_17});
+ static_cast<void>(Action<NonMoveableStruct()>{return_17});
+ static_cast<void>(OnceAction<NonMoveableStruct(int)>{return_17});
+ static_cast<void>(Action<NonMoveableStruct(int)>{return_17});
+ // It should be possible to return the result end to end through an
+ // EXPECT_CALL statement, with both WillOnce and WillRepeatedly.
+ MockFunction<NonMoveableStruct()> mock;
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call) //
+ .WillOnce(return_17) //
+ .WillRepeatedly(return_17);
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()().x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()().x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(17, mock.AsStdFunction()().x);
+#endif // C++17 and above
// Tests that the n-th action is taken for the n-th matching
// invocation.
TEST(ExpectCallTest, NthMatchTakesNthAction) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2))
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillOnce(Return(2)).WillOnce(
+ Return(3));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
@@ -907,9 +865,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, NthMatchTakesNthAction) {
// list is exhausted.
TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesRepeatedActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
@@ -922,8 +878,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesRepeatedActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
// exhausted and there is no WillRepeatedly().
TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesDefaultActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).Times(1);
@@ -951,7 +906,7 @@ TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesDefaultActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
" - returning default value."));
-TEST(FunctionMockerMessageTest, ReportsExpectCallLocationForExhausedActions) {
+TEST(FunctionMockerMessageTest, ReportsExpectCallLocationForExhaustedActions) {
MockB b;
std::string expect_call_location = FormatFileLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AnyNumber()).WillOnce(Return(1));
@@ -985,8 +940,7 @@ TEST(UninterestingCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
// should be taken.
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
EXPECT_TRUE(a.Binary(1, 2));
// When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
@@ -1000,8 +954,7 @@ TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
// should be taken.
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
a.Binary(0, 0);
bool result = false;
@@ -1012,11 +965,9 @@ TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
// should be returned.
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0)).Times(0);
int n = -1;
- "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(n = b.DoB(1), "Unexpected mock function call");
EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
@@ -1093,14 +1044,12 @@ TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, GeneartesFailureForNonVoidFunction) {
// match the call.
TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, RetiredExpectation) {
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1)).RetiresOnSaturation();
- b.DoB(1),
- " Expected: the expectation is active\n"
- " Actual: it is retired");
+ " Expected: the expectation is active\n"
+ " Actual: it is retired");
// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation that doesn't
@@ -1109,27 +1058,21 @@ TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnmatchedArguments) {
MockB b;
- b.DoB(2),
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
- " Actual: 2\n");
+ " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
+ " Actual: 2\n");
// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation with
// unsatisfied pre-requisites doesn't match the call.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnsatisifiedPrerequisites) {
+TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnsatisfiedPrerequisites) {
Sequence s1, s2;
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3))
- .InSequence(s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1)).InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2)).Times(AnyNumber()).InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3)).InSequence(s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4)).InSequence(s1, s2);
::testing::TestPartResultArray failures;
@@ -1146,27 +1089,22 @@ TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnsatisifiedPrerequisites) {
// Verifies that the failure message contains the two unsatisfied
// pre-requisites but not the satisfied one.
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- // PCRE has trouble using (.|\n) to match any character, but
- // supports the (?s) prefix for using . to match any character.
- "(?s)the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
- ".*: pre-requisite #0\n"
- ".*: pre-requisite #1"));
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- // POSIX RE doesn't understand the (?s) prefix, but has no trouble
- // with (.|\n).
- "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
- "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #0\n"
- "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #1"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(),
+ ContainsRegex(
+ // POSIX RE doesn't understand the (?s) prefix, but has no
+ // trouble with (.|\n).
+ "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
+ "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #0\n"
+ "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #1"));
// We can only use Google Test's own simple regex.
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:"));
+ EXPECT_THAT(r.message(),
+ ContainsRegex(
+ "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:"));
EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #0"));
EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #1"));
-#endif // GTEST_USES_PCRE
@@ -1192,8 +1130,7 @@ TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
// should be taken.
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
a.Binary(0, 0);
bool result = false;
@@ -1204,11 +1141,11 @@ TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
// should be returned.
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0)).Description("DoB Method").Times(0);
int n = -1;
- "Mock function called more times than expected");
+ n = b.DoB(0),
+ "Mock function \"DoB Method\" called more times than expected");
EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
@@ -1216,11 +1153,11 @@ TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
// the failure message contains the argument values.
TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, GeneratesFailureForVoidFunction) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_)).Description("DoA Method").Times(0);
- "Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.\n"
+ "Mock function \"DoA Method\" called more times than expected - "
+ "returning directly.\n"
" Function call: DoA(9)\n"
" Expected: to be never called\n"
" Actual: called once - over-saturated and active");
@@ -1253,9 +1190,11 @@ TEST(InSequenceTest, AllExpectationInScopeAreInSequence) {
- a.DoA(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ { // NOLINT
+ a.DoA(2);
+ },
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
@@ -1275,10 +1214,12 @@ TEST(InSequenceTest, NestedInSequence) {
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(3);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ { // NOLINT
+ a.DoA(1);
+ a.DoA(3);
+ },
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
@@ -1294,9 +1235,11 @@ TEST(InSequenceTest, ExpectationsOutOfScopeAreNotAffected) {
- a.DoA(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ { // NOLINT
+ a.DoA(2);
+ },
+ "Unexpected mock function call");
@@ -1310,8 +1253,7 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, AnyOrderIsOkByDefault) {
MockB b;
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AnyNumber());
@@ -1322,8 +1264,7 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, AnyOrderIsOkByDefault) {
MockB b;
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AnyNumber());
@@ -1334,16 +1275,12 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, AnyOrderIsOkByDefault) {
// is specified.
TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo1) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1)).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2)).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3)).InSequence(s);
@@ -1358,14 +1295,11 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo1) {
// is specified.
TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo2) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
- .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1)).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2)).InSequence(s);
// May only be called after a.ReturnResult(1).
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
@@ -1378,8 +1312,7 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo2) {
class PartialOrderTest : public testing::Test {
PartialOrderTest() {
- ON_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ ON_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
// Specifies this partial ordering:
@@ -1387,16 +1320,10 @@ class PartialOrderTest : public testing::Test {
// a.ReturnResult(2) * n ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
// b.DoB() * 2 ==>
Sequence x, y;
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(x);
- EXPECT_CALL(b_, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .InSequence(y);
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(x, y);
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(3))
- .InSequence(x);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(1)).InSequence(x);
+ EXPECT_CALL(b_, DoB()).Times(2).InSequence(y);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(2)).Times(AnyNumber()).InSequence(x, y);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(3)).InSequence(x);
MockA a_;
@@ -1448,13 +1375,9 @@ TEST(SequenceTest, Retirement) {
MockA a;
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .InSequence(s)
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_)).InSequence(s).RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)).InSequence(s);
@@ -1519,12 +1442,12 @@ TEST(ExpectationSetTest, ConstructorsWork) {
Expectation e1;
const Expectation e2;
- ExpectationSet es1; // Default ctor.
+ ExpectationSet es1; // Default ctor.
ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)); // Ctor from EXPECT_CALL.
- ExpectationSet es3 = e1; // Ctor from Expectation.
- ExpectationSet es4(e1); // Ctor from Expectation; alternative syntax.
- ExpectationSet es5 = e2; // Ctor from const Expectation.
- ExpectationSet es6(e2); // Ctor from const Expectation; alternative syntax.
+ ExpectationSet es3 = e1; // Ctor from Expectation.
+ ExpectationSet es4(e1); // Ctor from Expectation; alternative syntax.
+ ExpectationSet es5 = e2; // Ctor from const Expectation.
+ ExpectationSet es6(e2); // Ctor from const Expectation; alternative syntax.
ExpectationSet es7 = es2; // Copy ctor.
EXPECT_EQ(0, es1.size());
@@ -1596,7 +1519,7 @@ TEST(ExpectationSetTest, IsEnumerable) {
EXPECT_TRUE(it != es.end());
EXPECT_THAT(*it, Eq(Expectation()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(it== es.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(it == es.end());
// Tests the .After() clause.
@@ -1606,8 +1529,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenPartialOrderIsSatisfied) {
ExpectationSet es;
es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(es);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).After(es);
@@ -1620,9 +1542,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenTotalOrderIsSatisfied) {
// The following also verifies that const Expectation objects work
// too. Do not remove the const modifiers.
const Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- const Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .After(e1);
+ const Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(2).After(e1);
EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e2);
@@ -1639,10 +1559,8 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo1) {
// Define ordering:
// a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() ==> a.DoA(2)
Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .After(e1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e2);
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).After(e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e2);
@@ -1661,11 +1579,8 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
// Define ordering:
// a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() * 2 ==> a.DoA(2)
Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .After(e1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e2);
+ Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(2).After(e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e2);
@@ -1680,16 +1595,14 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
// Calls must satisfy the partial order when specified so.
TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
// Define ordering:
// a.DoA(1) ==>
// a.DoA(2) ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .After(e, es);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3)).After(e, es);
// May only be called last.
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
@@ -1708,8 +1621,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
// a.DoA(2) ==> a.DoA(3)
Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(e, es);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).After(e, es);
@@ -1726,9 +1638,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CanBeUsedWithInSequence) {
Sequence s;
Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .InSequence(s)
- .After(e);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).InSequence(s).After(e);
@@ -1745,10 +1655,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, CanBeCalledManyTimes) {
Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4))
- .After(e1)
- .After(e2)
- .After(e3);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4)).After(e1).After(e2).After(e3);
@@ -1764,8 +1671,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsUpToFiveArguments) {
Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4));
ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .After(e1, e2, e3, es1, es2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6)).After(e1, e2, e3, es1, es2);
@@ -1778,8 +1684,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsUpToFiveArguments) {
// .After() allows input to contain duplicated Expectations.
TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsDuplicatedInput) {
MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
+ ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
// Define ordering:
// DoA(1) ==>
@@ -1789,8 +1694,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsDuplicatedInput) {
ExpectationSet es;
es += e1;
es += e2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .After(e1, e2, es, e1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3)).After(e1, e2, es, e1);
@@ -1807,8 +1711,7 @@ TEST(AfterTest, ChangesToExpectationSetHaveNoEffectAfterwards) {
MockA a;
ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(es1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).After(es1);
es1 += e2;
@@ -1827,14 +1730,11 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success1) {
InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_)).Times(AnyNumber()).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
@@ -1855,13 +1755,9 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success2) {
InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_)).Times(AnyNumber()).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
@@ -1875,16 +1771,11 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success2) {
// Suppresses warning on unreferenced formal parameter in MSVC with
// -W4.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
ACTION_P(Delete, ptr) { delete ptr; }
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningVoid) {
MockA* const a = new MockA;
@@ -1894,8 +1785,7 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningVoid) {
TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningValue) {
MockA* const a = new MockA;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Delete(a), Return(Result())));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, ReturnResult(_)).WillOnce(DoAll(Delete(a), Return(Result())));
a->ReturnResult(42); // This will cause a to be deleted.
@@ -1907,19 +1797,13 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure1) {
InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_)).Times(AnyNumber()).WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
- b2->DoB(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE({ b2->DoB(2); }, "Unexpected mock function call");
EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
delete b1;
delete b2;
@@ -1934,18 +1818,13 @@ TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure2) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _)).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
- "Actual: never called");
- "Unexpected mock function call");
- "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete b1, "Actual: never called");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a->Binary(0, 1), "Unexpected mock function call");
+ EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(b2->DoB(1), "Unexpected mock function call");
delete a;
delete b2;
@@ -1970,23 +1849,16 @@ class EvenNumberCardinality : public CardinalityInterface {
-Cardinality EvenNumber() {
- return Cardinality(new EvenNumberCardinality);
+Cardinality EvenNumber() { return Cardinality(new EvenNumberCardinality); }
AllPrerequisitesAreSatisfiedWorksForNonMonotonicCardinality) {
MockA* a = new MockA;
Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(1))
- .Times(EvenNumber())
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(3))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(1)).Times(EvenNumber()).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(2)).Times(AnyNumber()).InSequence(s);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(3)).Times(AnyNumber());
@@ -1997,8 +1869,7 @@ TEST(ExpectationBaseTest,
// The following tests verify the message generated when a mock
// function is called.
-struct Printable {
+struct Printable {};
inline void operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Printable&) {
os << "Printable";
@@ -2011,29 +1882,32 @@ struct Unprintable {
class MockC {
- MockC() {}
+ MockC() = default;
MOCK_METHOD6(VoidMethod, void(bool cond, int n, std::string s, void* p,
const Printable& x, Unprintable y));
MOCK_METHOD0(NonVoidMethod, int()); // NOLINT
+ MockC(const MockC&) = delete;
+ MockC& operator=(const MockC&) = delete;
class VerboseFlagPreservingFixture : public testing::Test {
- : saved_verbose_flag_(GMOCK_FLAG(verbose)) {}
+ : saved_verbose_flag_(GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose)) {}
~VerboseFlagPreservingFixture() override {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_verbose_flag_;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, saved_verbose_flag_);
const std::string saved_verbose_flag_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(VerboseFlagPreservingFixture);
+ VerboseFlagPreservingFixture(const VerboseFlagPreservingFixture&) = delete;
+ VerboseFlagPreservingFixture& operator=(const VerboseFlagPreservingFixture&) =
+ delete;
@@ -2043,7 +1917,7 @@ class VerboseFlagPreservingFixture : public testing::Test {
// --gmock_verbose=warning is specified.
UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesNoStackTraceWhenVerboseWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kWarningVerbosity);
NaggyMock<MockC> c;
c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", nullptr, Printable(), Unprintable());
@@ -2057,7 +1931,7 @@ TEST(FunctionCallMessageTest,
// --gmock_verbose=info is specified.
UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesFyiWithStackTraceWhenVerboseInfo) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kInfoVerbosity);
NaggyMock<MockC> c;
c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", nullptr, Printable(), Unprintable());
@@ -2065,7 +1939,7 @@ TEST(FunctionCallMessageTest,
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Stack trace:", output);
-# ifndef NDEBUG
+#ifndef NDEBUG
// We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
// may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
@@ -2081,7 +1955,7 @@ TEST(FunctionCallMessageTest,
const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "NonVoidMethod(", output2);
-# endif // NDEBUG
+#endif // NDEBUG
// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
@@ -2097,7 +1971,8 @@ TEST(FunctionCallMessageTest,
"Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
" Function call: DoB()\n"
- " Returns: 0\n", output1.c_str());
+ " Returns: 0\n",
+ output1.c_str());
// Makes sure the return value is printed.
// A void mock function.
@@ -2105,12 +1980,12 @@ TEST(FunctionCallMessageTest,
c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", nullptr, Printable(), Unprintable());
const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
- ContainsRegex(
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly\\.\n"
- " Function call: VoidMethod"
- "\\(false, 5, \"Hi\", NULL, @.+ "
- "Printable, 4-byte object <00-00 00-00>\\)"));
+ output2.c_str(),
+ ContainsRegex("Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly\\.\n"
+ " Function call: VoidMethod"
+ "\\(false, 5, \"Hi\", NULL, @.+ "
+ "Printable, 4-byte object <00-00 00-00>\\)"));
// A void function has no return value to print.
@@ -2127,14 +2002,14 @@ class GMockVerboseFlagTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
const std::string& function_name) {
if (should_print) {
EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(expected_substring));
-# ifndef NDEBUG
+#ifndef NDEBUG
// We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
// may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(function_name));
-# else
// Suppresses 'unused function parameter' warnings.
-# endif // NDEBUG
+#endif // NDEBUG
} else {
EXPECT_STREQ("", output.c_str());
@@ -2144,31 +2019,26 @@ class GMockVerboseFlagTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
void TestExpectedCall(bool should_print) {
MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1)).WillOnce(Return(true));
// A void-returning function.
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))...\n"
- " Function call: DoA(5)\n"
- "Stack trace:\n",
- "DoA");
+ VerifyOutput(GetCapturedStdout(), should_print,
+ "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))...\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(5)\n"
+ "Stack trace:\n",
+ "DoA");
// A non-void-returning function.
a.Binary(2, 1);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))...\n"
- " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
- " Returns: true\n"
- "Stack trace:\n",
- "Binary");
+ VerifyOutput(GetCapturedStdout(), should_print,
+ "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))...\n"
+ " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
+ " Returns: true\n"
+ "Stack trace:\n",
+ "Binary");
// Tests how the flag affects uninteresting calls on a naggy mock.
@@ -2179,41 +2049,37 @@ class GMockVerboseFlagTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
"call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding "
"an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. "
"See "
- "https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/"
+ "https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/"
- "knowing-when-to-expect for details.";
+ "knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.";
// A void-returning function.
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.\n"
- " Function call: DoA(5)\n" +
- note,
- "DoA");
+ VerifyOutput(GetCapturedStdout(), should_print,
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.\n"
+ " Function call: DoA(5)\n" +
+ note,
+ "DoA");
// A non-void-returning function.
a.Binary(2, 1);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
- " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
- " Returns: false\n" +
- note,
- "Binary");
+ VerifyOutput(GetCapturedStdout(), should_print,
+ "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
+ " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
+ " Returns: false\n" +
+ note,
+ "Binary");
// Tests that --gmock_verbose=info causes both expected and
// uninteresting calls to be reported.
TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Info) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kInfoVerbosity);
@@ -2221,7 +2087,7 @@ TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Info) {
// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes uninteresting calls to be
// reported.
TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Warning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kWarningVerbosity);
@@ -2229,7 +2095,7 @@ TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Warning) {
// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes neither expected nor
// uninteresting calls to be reported.
TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Error) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kErrorVerbosity);
@@ -2237,7 +2103,7 @@ TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Error) {
// Tests that --gmock_verbose=SOME_INVALID_VALUE has the same effect
// as --gmock_verbose=warning.
TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, InvalidFlagIsTreatedAsWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "invalid"; // Treated as "warning".
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "invalid"); // Treated as "warning".
@@ -2256,12 +2122,13 @@ void PrintTo(PrintMeNot /* dummy */, ::std::ostream* /* os */) {
class LogTestHelper {
- LogTestHelper() {}
+ LogTestHelper() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1(Foo, PrintMeNot(PrintMeNot));
+ LogTestHelper(const LogTestHelper&) = delete;
+ LogTestHelper& operator=(const LogTestHelper&) = delete;
class GMockLogTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
@@ -2270,23 +2137,20 @@ class GMockLogTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kWarningVerbosity);
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_)).WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kErrorVerbosity);
+ EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_)).WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintWarningInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
- ON_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(PrintMeNot()));
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, kErrorVerbosity);
+ ON_CALL(helper_, Foo(_)).WillByDefault(Return(PrintMeNot()));
helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This should generate a warning.
@@ -2347,8 +2211,7 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, NoMethodHasExpectations) {
// verification succeeds.
TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndSucceed) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1));
@@ -2363,8 +2226,7 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndSucceed) {
// verification fails.
TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndFail) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1));
bool result = true;
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
"Actual: never called");
@@ -2380,10 +2242,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndFail) {
// when all of its methods have expectations.
TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AllMethodsHaveExpectations) {
MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(2));
@@ -2398,10 +2258,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AllMethodsHaveExpectations) {
// when a method has more than one expectation.
TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AMethodHasManyExpectations) {
MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0)).WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(2));
bool result = true;
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
@@ -2422,8 +2280,7 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(1));
@@ -2447,8 +2304,7 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, NoMethodHasDefaultActions) {
// but not all of its methods have default actions.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, SomeMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
@@ -2460,10 +2316,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, SomeMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
// its methods have default actions.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AllMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(2));
@@ -2478,10 +2332,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AllMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
// method has more than one ON_CALL() set on it.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AMethodHasManyDefaultActions) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(0)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(2));
@@ -2495,13 +2347,11 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AMethodHasManyDefaultActions) {
// times.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
@@ -2511,10 +2361,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification succeeds.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Success) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1)).WillOnce(Return(2));
@@ -2529,10 +2377,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Success) {
// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification fails.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Failure) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(2));
bool result = true;
@@ -2550,12 +2396,9 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Failure) {
// expectations are set on a const mock object.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Const) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(Const(b), DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
- .WillOnce(DoDefault())
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ EXPECT_CALL(Const(b), DoB()).WillOnce(DoDefault()).WillOnce(Return(2));
@@ -2571,18 +2414,14 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Const) {
// object after VerifyAndClear() has been called on it.
TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanSetDefaultActionsAndExpectationsAfterwards) {
MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(2));
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(4));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).WillOnce(Return(3));
+ ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(4));
EXPECT_EQ(3, b.DoB());
EXPECT_EQ(4, b.DoB(1));
@@ -2595,19 +2434,13 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, DoesNotAffectOtherMockObjects) {
MockB b1;
MockB b2;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillOnce(DoDefault())
- .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, _)).WillOnce(DoDefault()).WillOnce(Return(false));
- ON_CALL(b1, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
+ ON_CALL(b1, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(_)).WillOnce(Return(2));
- ON_CALL(b2, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(3));
+ ON_CALL(b2, DoB()).WillByDefault(Return(3));
EXPECT_CALL(b2, DoB(_));
@@ -2648,8 +2481,7 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest,
ReferenceHoldingMock test_mock;
// ON_CALL stores a reference to a inside test_mock.
- ON_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_))
- .WillByDefault(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
+ ON_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_)).WillByDefault(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
// Throw away the reference to the mock that we have in a. After this, the
// only reference to it is stored by test_mock.
@@ -2670,9 +2502,8 @@ TEST(VerifyAndClearTest,
TEST(SynchronizationTest, CanCallMockMethodInAction) {
MockA a;
MockC c;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .WillByDefault(IgnoreResult(InvokeWithoutArgs(&c,
- &MockC::NonVoidMethod)));
+ ON_CALL(a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(
+ IgnoreResult(InvokeWithoutArgs(&c, &MockC::NonVoidMethod)));
.WillOnce(Invoke(&a, &MockA::DoA))
@@ -2756,20 +2587,14 @@ TEST(ParameterlessExpectationsTest,
} // namespace
+} // namespace testing
-// Allows the user to define their own main and then invoke gmock_main
-// from it. This might be necessary on some platforms which require
-// specific setup and teardown.
-int gmock_main(int argc, char **argv) {
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
// Ensures that the tests pass no matter what value of
// --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks and --gmock_verbose the user specifies.
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) = true;
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(catch_leaked_mocks, true);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_all_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_all_test.cc
index fffbb8b6..6db0086b 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_all_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_all_test.cc
@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@
#include "test/gmock-actions_test.cc"
#include "test/gmock-cardinalities_test.cc"
#include "test/gmock-internal-utils_test.cc"
-#include "test/gmock-matchers_test.cc"
+#include "test/gmock-matchers-arithmetic_test.cc"
+#include "test/gmock-matchers-comparisons_test.cc"
+#include "test/gmock-matchers-containers_test.cc"
+#include "test/gmock-matchers-misc_test.cc"
#include "test/gmock-more-actions_test.cc"
#include "test/gmock-nice-strict_test.cc"
#include "test/gmock-port_test.cc"
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_ex_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_ex_test.cc
index 72eb43f7..e174122d 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_ex_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_ex_test.cc
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
// Tests Google Mock's functionality that depends on exceptions.
+#include <exception>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -75,6 +76,5 @@ TEST(DefaultValueTest, ThrowsRuntimeErrorWhenNoDefaultValue) {
} // unnamed namespace
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test.py b/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test.py
index 7e4b1eea..8b02bc46 100755
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test.py
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"""Tests that leaked mock objects can be caught be Google Mock."""
-import gmock_test_utils
+from googlemock.test import gmock_test_utils
PROGRAM_PATH = gmock_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath('gmock_leak_test_')
TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL = [PROGRAM_PATH, '--gtest_filter=*ExpectCall*']
@@ -54,50 +54,59 @@ class GMockLeakTest(gmock_test_utils.TestCase):
def testCatchesLeakedMockByDefault(self):
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL,
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL, env=environ
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
- 0,
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_ON_CALL,
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ 0, gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_ON_CALL, env=environ).exit_code
+ )
def testDoesNotCatchLeakedMockWhenDisabled(self):
- self.assertEquals(
+ self.assertEqual(
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
- self.assertEquals(
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0'],
+ env=environ,
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_ON_CALL +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_ON_CALL + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0'], env=environ
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
def testCatchesLeakedMockWhenEnabled(self):
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'], env=environ
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_ON_CALL +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_ON_CALL + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'], env=environ
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
def testCatchesLeakedMockWhenEnabledWithExplictFlagValue(self):
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=1'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_WITH_EXPECT_CALL + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=1'],
+ env=environ,
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
def testCatchesMultipleLeakedMocks(self):
- gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(TEST_MULTIPLE_LEAKS +
- ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'],
- env=environ).exit_code)
+ gmock_test_utils.Subprocess(
+ TEST_MULTIPLE_LEAKS + ['--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks'], env=environ
+ ).exit_code,
+ )
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test_.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test_.cc
index 2e095abc..a6bb3392 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test_.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_leak_test_.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This program is for verifying that a leaked mock object can be
@@ -41,18 +40,19 @@ using ::testing::Return;
class FooInterface {
- virtual ~FooInterface() {}
+ virtual ~FooInterface() = default;
virtual void DoThis() = 0;
class MockFoo : public FooInterface {
- MockFoo() {}
+ MockFoo() = default;
MOCK_METHOD0(DoThis, void());
+ MockFoo(const MockFoo&) = delete;
+ MockFoo& operator=(const MockFoo&) = delete;
TEST(LeakTest, LeakedMockWithExpectCallCausesFailureWhenLeakCheckingIsEnabled) {
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_link2_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_link2_test.cc
index d27ce176..cd3d6908 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_link2_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_link2_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file is for verifying that various Google Mock constructs do not
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.cc
index e7c54cc2..f51e3988 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file is for verifying that various Google Mock constructs do not
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.h b/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.h
index 5734b2e1..db11c2d2 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.h
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_link_test.h
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests that:
@@ -117,8 +116,8 @@
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-# include <errno.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
@@ -182,7 +181,7 @@ using testing::WithArg;
using testing::WithArgs;
using testing::WithoutArgs;
using testing::SetErrnoAndReturn;
@@ -195,34 +194,35 @@ using testing::MatchesRegex;
class Interface {
- virtual ~Interface() {}
+ virtual ~Interface() = default;
virtual void VoidFromString(char* str) = 0;
virtual char* StringFromString(char* str) = 0;
virtual int IntFromString(char* str) = 0;
virtual int& IntRefFromString(char* str) = 0;
- virtual void VoidFromFunc(void(*func)(char* str)) = 0;
+ virtual void VoidFromFunc(void (*func)(char* str)) = 0;
virtual void VoidFromIntRef(int& n) = 0; // NOLINT
virtual void VoidFromFloat(float n) = 0;
virtual void VoidFromDouble(double n) = 0;
virtual void VoidFromVector(const std::vector<int>& v) = 0;
-class Mock: public Interface {
+class Mock : public Interface {
- Mock() {}
+ Mock() = default;
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromString, void(char* str));
MOCK_METHOD1(StringFromString, char*(char* str));
MOCK_METHOD1(IntFromString, int(char* str));
MOCK_METHOD1(IntRefFromString, int&(char* str));
- MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromFunc, void(void(*func)(char* str)));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromFunc, void(void (*func)(char* str)));
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromIntRef, void(int& n)); // NOLINT
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromFloat, void(float n));
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromDouble, void(double n));
MOCK_METHOD1(VoidFromVector, void(const std::vector<int>& v));
+ Mock(const Mock&) = delete;
+ Mock& operator=(const Mock&) = delete;
class InvokeHelper {
@@ -301,12 +301,12 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestSetArrayArgument) {
char ch = 'x';
char ch2 = 'y';
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(_)).WillOnce(SetArrayArgument<0>(&ch2,
- &ch2 + 1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(_))
+ .WillOnce(SetArrayArgument<0>(&ch2, &ch2 + 1));
// Tests the linkage of the SetErrnoAndReturn action.
TEST(LinkTest, TestSetErrnoAndReturn) {
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestInvokeWithoutArgs) {
EXPECT_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(_))
- .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(&test_invoke_helper,
- &InvokeHelper::VoidFromVoid));
+ .WillOnce(
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(&test_invoke_helper, &InvokeHelper::VoidFromVoid));
@@ -423,15 +423,12 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestThrow) {
// the macro definition, as the warnings are generated when the macro
// is expanded and macro expansion cannot contain #pragma. Therefore
// we suppress them here.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
// Tests the linkage of actions created using ACTION macro.
namespace {
ACTION(Return1) { return 1; }
+} // namespace
TEST(LinkTest, TestActionMacro) {
Mock mock;
@@ -443,7 +440,7 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestActionMacro) {
// Tests the linkage of actions created using ACTION_P macro.
namespace {
ACTION_P(ReturnArgument, ret_value) { return ret_value; }
+} // namespace
TEST(LinkTest, TestActionPMacro) {
Mock mock;
@@ -457,11 +454,9 @@ namespace {
ACTION_P2(ReturnEqualsEitherOf, first, second) {
return arg0 == first || arg0 == second;
+} // namespace
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
TEST(LinkTest, TestActionP2Macro) {
Mock mock;
@@ -492,8 +487,7 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestMatchersEq) {
const char* p = "x";
ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(Eq(p))).WillByDefault(Return());
- ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(const_cast<char*>("y")))
- .WillByDefault(Return());
+ ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(const_cast<char*>("y"))).WillByDefault(Return());
// Tests the linkage of the Lt, Gt, Le, Ge, and Ne matchers.
@@ -592,7 +586,7 @@ TEST(LinkTest, TestMatcherElementsAre) {
// Tests the linkage of the ElementsAreArray matcher.
TEST(LinkTest, TestMatcherElementsAreArray) {
Mock mock;
- char arr[] = { 'a', 'b' };
+ char arr[] = {'a', 'b'};
ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromVector(ElementsAreArray(arr))).WillByDefault(Return());
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test.py b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test.py
index 25f99f2b..7c24d683 100755
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test.py
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test.py
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ gmock_output_test.py
-from io import open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, g-importing-member
+from io import open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, g-importing-member
import os
import re
import sys
-import gmock_test_utils
+from googlemock.test import gmock_test_utils
# The flag for generating the golden file
@@ -159,15 +159,22 @@ class GMockOutputTest(gmock_test_utils.TestCase):
golden_file = open(GOLDEN_PATH, 'rb')
golden = golden_file.read().decode('utf-8')
+ # On Windows the repository might have been checked out with \r\n line
+ # endings, so normalize it here.
+ golden = ToUnixLineEnding(golden)
# The normalized output should match the golden file.
- self.assertEquals(golden, output)
+ self.assertEqual(golden, output)
# The raw output should contain 2 leaked mock object errors for
# test GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks.
- self.assertEquals(['GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks',
- 'GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks'],
- leaky_tests)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [
+ 'GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks',
+ 'GMockOutputTest.CatchesLeakedMocks',
+ ],
+ leaky_tests,
+ )
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_.cc
index 3955c733..03d84213 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_.cc
@@ -27,22 +27,18 @@
// Tests Google Mock's output in various scenarios. This ensures that
// Google Mock's messages are readable and useful.
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// Silence C4100 (unreferenced formal parameter)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
using testing::_;
using testing::AnyNumber;
@@ -56,14 +52,15 @@ using testing::Value;
class MockFoo {
- MockFoo() {}
+ MockFoo() = default;
MOCK_METHOD3(Bar, char(const std::string& s, int i, double x));
MOCK_METHOD2(Bar2, bool(int x, int y));
MOCK_METHOD2(Bar3, void(int x, int y));
+ MockFoo(const MockFoo&) = delete;
+ MockFoo& operator=(const MockFoo&) = delete;
class GMockOutputTest : public testing::Test {
@@ -72,27 +69,25 @@ class GMockOutputTest : public testing::Test {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExpectedCall) {
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "info";
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "info");
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _));
foo_.Bar2(0, 0); // Expected call
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExpectedCallToVoidFunction) {
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "info";
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "info");
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar3(0, _));
foo_.Bar3(0, 0); // Expected call
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExplicitActionsRunOut) {
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .Times(2)
- .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).Times(2).WillOnce(Return(false));
foo_.Bar2(2, 2);
foo_.Bar2(1, 1); // Explicit actions in EXPECT_CALL run out.
@@ -134,8 +129,7 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UninterestingCallToVoidFunction) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, RetiredExpectation) {
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).RetiresOnSaturation();
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, 0));
foo_.Bar2(1, 1);
@@ -160,12 +154,9 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnsatisfiedPrerequisite) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnsatisfiedPrerequisites) {
Sequence s1, s2;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar(_, 0, _))
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, 0))
- .InSequence(s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _))
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar(_, 0, _)).InSequence(s1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, 0)).InSequence(s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _)).InSequence(s1, s2);
foo_.Bar2(1, 0); // Has two immediate unsatisfied pre-requisites
foo_.Bar("Hi", 0, 0);
@@ -179,8 +170,7 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnsatisfiedWith) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnsatisfiedExpectation) {
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar(_, _, _));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _))
- .Times(2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _)).Times(2);
foo_.Bar2(0, 1);
@@ -194,26 +184,22 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, MismatchArguments) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, MismatchWith) {
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1)))
- .With(Ge());
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1))).With(Ge());
foo_.Bar2(2, 3); // Mismatch With()
foo_.Bar2(2, 1);
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, MismatchArgumentsAndWith) {
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1)))
- .With(Ge());
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1))).With(Ge());
foo_.Bar2(1, 3); // Mismatch arguments and mismatch With()
foo_.Bar2(2, 1);
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction) {
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _)).WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(2, 2));
foo_.Bar2(1, 0); // Unexpected call, takes default action #2.
@@ -222,10 +208,8 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction) {
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _)).WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(2, 2));
EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, 1));
@@ -237,22 +221,17 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction) {
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, UninterestingCallWithDefaultAction) {
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(1, _)).WillByDefault(Return(false)); // Default action #2
foo_.Bar2(2, 2); // Uninteresting call, takes default action #1.
foo_.Bar2(1, 1); // Uninteresting call, takes default action #2.
TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, ExplicitActionsRunOutWithDefaultAction) {
- ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
+ ON_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(true)); // Default action #1
- EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))
- .Times(2)
- .WillOnce(Return(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _)).Times(2).WillOnce(Return(false));
foo_.Bar2(2, 2);
foo_.Bar2(1, 1); // Explicit actions in EXPECT_CALL run out.
@@ -293,17 +272,15 @@ void TestCatchesLeakedMocksInAdHocTests() {
// foo is deliberately leaked.
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
// Ensures that the tests pass no matter what value of
// --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks and --gmock_verbose the user specifies.
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) = true;
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "warning";
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(catch_leaked_mocks, true);
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, "warning");
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_golden.txt b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_golden.txt
index 4846c124..ca88af02 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_golden.txt
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_output_test_golden.txt
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _))...
Actual: 1
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCall
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction
unknown file: Failure
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar3(0, _))...
Actual: 1
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCall
FILE:#: Failure
@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ Mock function called more times than expected - returning default value.
Returns: false
Expected: to be called once
Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCall
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallToVoidFunction
FILE:#: Failure
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.
Function call: Bar3(0, 1)
Expected: to be called once
Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallToVoidFunction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCall
@@ -75,14 +79,14 @@ GMOCK WARNING:
Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.
Function call: Bar2(0, 1)
Returns: false
-NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details.
+NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.
[ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCall
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallToVoidFunction
Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.
Function call: Bar3(0, 1)
-NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details.
+NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.
[ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallToVoidFunction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.RetiredExpectation
unknown file: Failure
@@ -104,6 +108,7 @@ FILE:#: tried expectation #1: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, 0))...
Actual: 1
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.RetiredExpectation
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisite
unknown file: Failure
@@ -125,6 +130,7 @@ FILE:#: pre-requisite #0
(end of pre-requisites)
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisite
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisites
unknown file: Failure
@@ -147,6 +153,7 @@ FILE:#: pre-requisite #1
(end of pre-requisites)
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisites
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedWith
FILE:#: Failure
@@ -154,16 +161,19 @@ Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(_, _))...
Expected args: are a pair where the first >= the second
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedWith
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedExpectation
FILE:#: Failure
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _))...
Expected: to be called twice
Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active
FILE:#: Failure
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar(_, _, _))...
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedExpectation
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArguments
unknown file: Failure
@@ -180,6 +190,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar(Ref(s), _, Ge(0)))...
Actual: -0.1
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArguments
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchWith
unknown file: Failure
@@ -194,6 +205,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1)))...
Actual: don't match
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchWith
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArgumentsAndWith
unknown file: Failure
@@ -210,6 +222,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(Ge(2), Ge(1)))...
Actual: don't match
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArgumentsAndWith
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction
unknown file: Failure
@@ -227,6 +240,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(2, 2))...
Actual: 0
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
unknown file: Failure
Unexpected mock function call - taking default action specified at:
@@ -242,6 +256,7 @@ FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(2, 2))...
Actual: 0
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction
FILE:#: Failure
@@ -251,6 +266,7 @@ FILE:#:
Returns: true
Expected: to be called once
Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
FILE:#: Failure
Mock function called more times than expected - taking default action specified at:
@@ -258,6 +274,7 @@ FILE:#:
Returns: false
Expected: to be called once
Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallWithDefaultAction
@@ -266,14 +283,14 @@ Uninteresting mock function call - taking default action specified at:
Function call: Bar2(2, 2)
Returns: true
-NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details.
+NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.
Uninteresting mock function call - taking default action specified at:
Function call: Bar2(1, 1)
Returns: false
-NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details.
+NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/gmock_cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect-useoncall for details.
[ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallWithDefaultAction
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExplicitActionsRunOutWithDefaultAction
@@ -291,8 +308,9 @@ Stack trace:
[ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.PrintsMatcher
FILE:#: Failure
Value of: (std::pair<int, bool>(42, true))
-Expected: is pair (is >= 48, true)
- Actual: (42, true) (of type std::pair<int, bool>)
+Expected: is pair (first: is >= 48, second: true)
+ Actual: (42, true) (of type std::pair<int,bool>)
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.PrintsMatcher
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCall
[ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_stress_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_stress_test.cc
index 20725d69..9e42cd93 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_stress_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_stress_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Tests that Google Mock constructs can be used in a large number of
// threads concurrently.
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ const int kRepeat = 50;
class MockFoo {
- MOCK_METHOD1(Bar, int(int n)); // NOLINT
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Bar, int(int n)); // NOLINT
MOCK_METHOD2(Baz, char(const char* s1, const std::string& s2)); // NOLINT
@@ -62,21 +61,16 @@ void JoinAndDelete(ThreadWithParam<T>* t) {
struct Dummy {};
// Tests that different mock objects can be used in their respective
// threads. This should generate no Google Test failure.
void TestConcurrentMockObjects(Dummy /* dummy */) {
// Creates a mock and does some typical operations on it.
MockFoo foo;
- ON_CALL(foo, Bar(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(foo, Baz(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return('b'));
- ON_CALL(foo, Baz(_, "you"))
- .WillByDefault(Return('a'));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(0))
- .Times(AtMost(3));
+ ON_CALL(foo, Bar(_)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ ON_CALL(foo, Baz(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return('b'));
+ ON_CALL(foo, Baz(_, "you")).WillByDefault(Return('a'));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(0)).Times(AtMost(3));
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz(_, _));
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz("hi", "you"))
@@ -119,22 +113,19 @@ void Helper1(Helper1Param param) {
void TestConcurrentCallsOnSameObject(Dummy /* dummy */) {
MockFoo foo;
- ON_CALL(foo, Bar(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz(_, "b"))
- .Times(kRepeat)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return('a'));
+ ON_CALL(foo, Bar(_)).WillByDefault(Return(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz(_, "b")).Times(kRepeat).WillRepeatedly(Return('a'));
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz(_, "c")); // Expected to be unsatisfied.
// This chunk of code should generate kRepeat failures about
// excessive calls, and 2*kRepeat failures about unexpected calls.
int count1 = 0;
- const Helper1Param param = { &foo, &count1 };
+ const Helper1Param param = {&foo, &count1};
ThreadWithParam<Helper1Param>* const t =
new ThreadWithParam<Helper1Param>(Helper1, param, nullptr);
int count2 = 0;
- const Helper1Param param2 = { &foo, &count2 };
+ const Helper1Param param2 = {&foo, &count2};
@@ -162,22 +153,18 @@ void TestPartiallyOrderedExpectationsWithThreads(Dummy /* dummy */) {
InSequence dummy;
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(1))
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(1)).InSequence(s1, s2);
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(2))
- .Times(2*kRepeat)
+ .Times(2 * kRepeat)
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(3))
- .Times(2*kRepeat)
- .InSequence(s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(3)).Times(2 * kRepeat).InSequence(s2);
InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(2))
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(2)).InSequence(s1, s2);
EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(4));
@@ -196,12 +183,12 @@ void TestPartiallyOrderedExpectationsWithThreads(Dummy /* dummy */) {
// Tests using Google Mock constructs in many threads concurrently.
TEST(StressTest, CanUseGMockWithThreads) {
void (*test_routines[])(Dummy dummy) = {
- &TestConcurrentMockObjects,
- &TestConcurrentCallsOnSameObject,
- &TestPartiallyOrderedExpectationsWithThreads,
+ &TestConcurrentMockObjects,
+ &TestConcurrentCallsOnSameObject,
+ &TestPartiallyOrderedExpectationsWithThreads,
- const int kRoutines = sizeof(test_routines)/sizeof(test_routines[0]);
+ const int kRoutines = sizeof(test_routines) / sizeof(test_routines[0]);
const int kCopiesOfEachRoutine = kMaxTestThreads / kRoutines;
const int kTestThreads = kCopiesOfEachRoutine * kRoutines;
ThreadWithParam<Dummy>* threads[kTestThreads] = {};
@@ -220,7 +207,7 @@ TEST(StressTest, CanUseGMockWithThreads) {
// Ensures that the correct number of failures have been reported.
const TestInfo* const info = UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
const TestResult& result = *info->result();
- const int kExpectedFailures = (3*kRepeat + 1)*kCopiesOfEachRoutine;
+ const int kExpectedFailures = (3 * kRepeat + 1) * kCopiesOfEachRoutine;
GTEST_CHECK_(kExpectedFailures == result.total_part_count())
<< "Expected " << kExpectedFailures << " failures, but got "
<< result.total_part_count();
@@ -229,7 +216,7 @@ TEST(StressTest, CanUseGMockWithThreads) {
} // namespace
} // namespace testing
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
const int exit_code = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); // Expected to fail.
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_test.cc b/googlemock/test/gmock_test.cc
index e9840a33..8cfff306 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_test.cc
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_test.cc
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
// This file tests code in gmock.cc.
@@ -35,13 +34,12 @@
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/internal/custom/gtest.h"
-using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior);
-using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
using testing::InitGoogleMock;
// Verifies that calling InitGoogleMock() on argv results in new_argv,
@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ using testing::InitGoogleMock;
template <typename Char, int M, int N>
void TestInitGoogleMock(const Char* (&argv)[M], const Char* (&new_argv)[N],
const ::std::string& expected_gmock_verbose) {
- const ::std::string old_verbose = GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
+ const ::std::string old_verbose = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose);
int argc = M - 1;
InitGoogleMock(&argc, const_cast<Char**>(argv));
@@ -59,8 +57,8 @@ void TestInitGoogleMock(const Char* (&argv)[M], const Char* (&new_argv)[N],
EXPECT_STREQ(new_argv[i], argv[i]);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_gmock_verbose, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose).c_str());
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = old_verbose; // Restores the gmock_verbose flag.
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_gmock_verbose, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(verbose, old_verbose); // Restores the gmock_verbose flag.
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesInvalidCommandLine) {
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesInvalidCommandLine) {
const char* new_argv[] = {nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesEmptyCommandLine) {
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesEmptyCommandLine) {
const char* new_argv[] = {"foo.exe", nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesSingleFlag) {
@@ -88,16 +86,16 @@ TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesSingleFlag) {
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesMultipleFlags) {
- int old_default_behavior = GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior);
+ int old_default_behavior = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior);
const wchar_t* argv[] = {L"foo.exe", L"--gmock_verbose=info",
L"--gmock_default_mock_behavior=2", nullptr};
const wchar_t* new_argv[] = {L"foo.exe", nullptr};
TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, "info");
- EXPECT_EQ(2, GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior));
EXPECT_NE(2, old_default_behavior);
- GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = old_default_behavior;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, old_default_behavior);
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesUnrecognizedFlag) {
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesUnrecognizedFlag) {
const char* new_argv[] = {"foo.exe", "--non_gmock_flag=blah", nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(InitGoogleMockTest, ParsesGoogleMockFlagAndUnrecognizedFlag) {
@@ -122,7 +120,7 @@ TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesInvalidCommandLine) {
const wchar_t* new_argv[] = {nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesEmptyCommandLine) {
@@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesEmptyCommandLine) {
const wchar_t* new_argv[] = {L"foo.exe", nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesSingleFlag) {
@@ -142,16 +140,16 @@ TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesSingleFlag) {
TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesMultipleFlags) {
- int old_default_behavior = GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior);
+ int old_default_behavior = GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior);
const wchar_t* argv[] = {L"foo.exe", L"--gmock_verbose=info",
L"--gmock_default_mock_behavior=2", nullptr};
const wchar_t* new_argv[] = {L"foo.exe", nullptr};
TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, "info");
- EXPECT_EQ(2, GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(default_mock_behavior));
EXPECT_NE(2, old_default_behavior);
- GMOCK_FLAG(default_mock_behavior) = old_default_behavior;
+ GMOCK_FLAG_SET(default_mock_behavior, old_default_behavior);
TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesUnrecognizedFlag) {
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesUnrecognizedFlag) {
const wchar_t* new_argv[] = {L"foo.exe", L"--non_gmock_flag=blah", nullptr};
- TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG(verbose));
+ TestInitGoogleMock(argv, new_argv, GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose));
TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesGoogleMockFlagAndUnrecognizedFlag) {
@@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ TEST(WideInitGoogleMockTest, ParsesGoogleMockFlagAndUnrecognizedFlag) {
// Makes sure Google Mock flags can be accessed in code.
TEST(FlagTest, IsAccessibleInCode) {
- bool dummy = testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) &&
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) == "";
+ bool dummy =
+ GMOCK_FLAG_GET(catch_leaked_mocks) && GMOCK_FLAG_GET(verbose).empty();
(void)dummy; // Avoids the "unused local variable" warning.
diff --git a/googlemock/test/gmock_test_utils.py b/googlemock/test/gmock_test_utils.py
index 7dc4e119..edad1f75 100755
--- a/googlemock/test/gmock_test_utils.py
+++ b/googlemock/test/gmock_test_utils.py
@@ -30,21 +30,9 @@
"""Unit test utilities for Google C++ Mocking Framework."""
import os
-import sys
-# Determines path to gtest_test_utils and imports it.
-SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.'
-# isdir resolves symbolic links.
-gtest_tests_util_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../../googletest/test')
-if os.path.isdir(gtest_tests_util_dir):
- GTEST_TESTS_UTIL_DIR = gtest_tests_util_dir
- GTEST_TESTS_UTIL_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../../googletest/test')
# pylint: disable=C6204
-import gtest_test_utils
+from googletest.test import gtest_test_utils
def GetSourceDir():
@@ -89,9 +77,6 @@ def GetExitStatus(exit_code):
return -1
-# Suppresses the "Invalid const name" lint complaint
-# pylint: disable-msg=C6409
# Exposes utilities from gtest_test_utils.
Subprocess = gtest_test_utils.Subprocess
TestCase = gtest_test_utils.TestCase
@@ -99,8 +84,6 @@ environ = gtest_test_utils.environ
SetEnvVar = gtest_test_utils.SetEnvVar
-# pylint: enable-msg=C6409
def Main():
"""Runs the unit test."""