path: root/libs/utils/WordPressUtils/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/util/PhotonUtils.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/libs/utils/WordPressUtils/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/util/PhotonUtils.java b/libs/utils/WordPressUtils/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/util/PhotonUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 497d756ee..000000000
--- a/libs/utils/WordPressUtils/src/main/java/org/wordpress/android/util/PhotonUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-package org.wordpress.android.util;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
- * routines related to the Photon API
- * http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/photon/
- */
-public class PhotonUtils {
- private PhotonUtils() {
- throw new AssertionError();
- }
- /*
- * gravatars often contain the ?s= parameter which determines their size - detect this and
- * replace it with a new ?s= parameter which requests the avatar at the exact size needed
- */
- public static String fixAvatar(final String imageUrl, int avatarSz) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl))
- return "";
- // if this isn't a gravatar image, return as resized photon image url
- if (!imageUrl.contains("gravatar.com"))
- return getPhotonImageUrl(imageUrl, avatarSz, avatarSz);
- // remove all other params, then add query string for size and "mystery man" default
- return UrlUtils.removeQuery(imageUrl) + String.format("?s=%d&d=mm", avatarSz);
- }
- /*
- * returns true if the passed url is an obvious "mshots" url
- */
- public static boolean isMshotsUrl(final String imageUrl) {
- return (imageUrl != null && imageUrl.contains("/mshots/"));
- }
- /*
- * returns a photon url for the passed image with the resize query set to the passed dimensions
- */
- public static String getPhotonImageUrl(String imageUrl, int width, int height) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl)) {
- return "";
- }
- // make sure it's valid
- int schemePos = imageUrl.indexOf("://");
- if (schemePos == -1) {
- return imageUrl;
- }
- // remove existing query string since it may contain params that conflict with the passed ones
- imageUrl = UrlUtils.removeQuery(imageUrl);
- // don't use with GIFs - photon breaks animated GIFs, and sometimes returns a GIF that
- // can't be read by BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray (used by Volley in ImageRequest.java
- // to decode the downloaded image)
- // ex: http://i0.wp.com/lusianne.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/193.gif?resize=768,320
- if (imageUrl.endsWith(".gif")) {
- return imageUrl;
- }
- // if this is an "mshots" url, skip photon and return it with a query that sets the width/height
- // (these are screenshots of the blog that often appear in freshly pressed posts)
- // see http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-generate-website-screenshots-for-your-wordpress-site/
- // ex: http://s.wordpress.com/mshots/v1/http%3A%2F%2Fnickbradbury.com?w=600
- if (isMshotsUrl(imageUrl)) {
- return imageUrl + String.format("?w=%d&h=%d", width, height);
- }
- // if both width & height are passed use the "resize" param, use only "w" or "h" if just
- // one of them is set, otherwise no query string
- final String query;
- if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
- query = String.format("?resize=%d,%d", width, height);
- } else if (width > 0) {
- query = String.format("?w=%d", width);
- } else if (height > 0) {
- query = String.format("?h=%d", height);
- } else {
- query = "";
- }
- // return passed url+query if it's already a photon url
- if (imageUrl.contains(".wp.com")) {
- if (imageUrl.contains("i0.wp.com") || imageUrl.contains("i1.wp.com") || imageUrl.contains("i2.wp.com"))
- return imageUrl + query;
- }
- // must use https for https image urls
- if (UrlUtils.isHttps(imageUrl)) {
- return "https://i0.wp.com/" + imageUrl.substring(schemePos+3, imageUrl.length()) + query;
- } else {
- return "http://i0.wp.com/" + imageUrl.substring(schemePos+3, imageUrl.length()) + query;
- }
- }