package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Interface for WordPress (.com and .org) Site Settings. The {@link SiteSettingsModel} class is * used to store the following settings: * * - Title * - Tagline * - Address * - Privacy * - Language * - Username (.org only) * - Password (.org only) * - Location (local device setting, not saved remotely) * - Default Category * - Default Format * - Related Posts * - Allow Comments * - Send Pingbacks * - Receive Pingbacks * - Identity Required * - User Account Required * - Close Comments After * - Comment Sort Order * - Comment Threading * - Comment Paging * - Comment User Whitelist * - Comment Link Limit * - Comment Moderation Hold Filter * - Comment Blacklist Filter * * This class is marked abstract. This is due to the fact that .org (self-hosted) and .com sites * expose different API's to query and edit their respective settings (even though the options * offered by each is roughly the same). To get an instance of this interface class use the * {@link SiteSettingsInterface#getInterface(Activity, Blog, SiteSettingsListener)} method. It will * determine which interface ({@link SelfHostedSiteSettings} or {@link DotComSiteSettings}) is * appropriate for the given blog. */ public abstract class SiteSettingsInterface { /** * Name of the {@link SharedPreferences} that is used to store local settings. */ public static final String SITE_SETTINGS_PREFS = "site-settings-prefs"; /** * Key used to access the language preference stored in {@link SharedPreferences}. */ public static final String LANGUAGE_PREF_KEY = "site-settings-language-pref"; /** * Key used to access the location preference stored in {@link SharedPreferences}. */ public static final String LOCATION_PREF_KEY = "site-settings-location-pref"; /** * Key used to access the default category preference stored in {@link SharedPreferences}. */ public static final String DEF_CATEGORY_PREF_KEY = "site-settings-category-pref"; /** * Key used to access the default post format preference stored in {@link SharedPreferences}. */ public static final String DEF_FORMAT_PREF_KEY = "site-settings-format-pref"; /** * Identifies an Ascending (oldest to newest) sort order. */ public static final int ASCENDING_SORT = 0; /** * Identifies an Descending (newest to oldest) sort order. */ public static final int DESCENDING_SORT = 1; /** * Used to prefix keys in an analytics property list. */ protected static final String SAVED_ITEM_PREFIX = "item_saved_"; /** * Key for the Standard post format. Used as default if post format is not set/known. */ private static final String STANDARD_POST_FORMAT_KEY = "standard"; /** * Standard post format value. Used as default display value if post format is unknown. */ private static final String STANDARD_POST_FORMAT = "Standard"; /** * Instantiates the appropriate (self-hosted or .com) SiteSettingsInterface. */ public static SiteSettingsInterface getInterface(Activity host, Blog blog, SiteSettingsListener listener) { if (host == null || blog == null) return null; if (blog.isDotcomFlag()) { return new DotComSiteSettings(host, blog, listener); } else { return new SelfHostedSiteSettings(host, blog, listener); } } /** * Returns an instance of the {@link this#SITE_SETTINGS_PREFS} {@link SharedPreferences}. */ public static SharedPreferences siteSettingsPreferences(Context context) { return context.getSharedPreferences(SITE_SETTINGS_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } /** * Gets the geo-tagging value stored in {@link SharedPreferences}, false by default. */ public static boolean getGeotagging(Context context) { return siteSettingsPreferences(context).getBoolean(LOCATION_PREF_KEY, false); } /** * Gets the default category value stored in {@link SharedPreferences}, 0 by default. */ public static String getDefaultCategory(Context context) { int id = siteSettingsPreferences(context).getInt(DEF_CATEGORY_PREF_KEY, 0); if (id != 0) { CategoryModel category = new CategoryModel(); Cursor cursor = SiteSettingsTable.getCategory(id); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { category.deserializeFromDatabase(cursor); return; } } return ""; } /** * Gets the default post format value stored in {@link SharedPreferences}, "" by default. */ public static String getDefaultFormat(Context context) { return siteSettingsPreferences(context).getString(DEF_FORMAT_PREF_KEY, ""); } /** * Thrown when provided credentials are not valid. */ public class AuthenticationError extends Exception { } /** * Interface callbacks for settings events. */ public interface SiteSettingsListener { /** * Called when settings have been updated with remote changes. * * @param error * null if successful */ void onSettingsUpdated(Exception error); /** * Called when attempt to update remote settings is finished. * * @param error * null if successful */ void onSettingsSaved(Exception error); /** * Called when a request to validate current credentials has completed. * * @param error * null if successful */ void onCredentialsValidated(Exception error); } /** * {@link SiteSettingsInterface} implementations should use this method to start a background * task to load settings data from a remote source. */ protected abstract void fetchRemoteData(); protected final Activity mActivity; protected final Blog mBlog; protected final SiteSettingsListener mListener; protected final SiteSettingsModel mSettings; protected final SiteSettingsModel mRemoteSettings; private final Map mLanguageCodes; protected SiteSettingsInterface(Activity host, Blog blog, SiteSettingsListener listener) { mActivity = host; mBlog = blog; mListener = listener; mSettings = new SiteSettingsModel(); mRemoteSettings = new SiteSettingsModel(); mLanguageCodes = WPPrefUtils.generateLanguageMap(host); } public void saveSettings() { SiteSettingsTable.saveSettings(mSettings); siteSettingsPreferences(mActivity).edit().putString(LANGUAGE_PREF_KEY, mSettings.language).apply(); siteSettingsPreferences(mActivity).edit().putBoolean(LOCATION_PREF_KEY, mSettings.location).apply(); siteSettingsPreferences(mActivity).edit().putInt(DEF_CATEGORY_PREF_KEY, mSettings.defaultCategory).apply(); siteSettingsPreferences(mActivity).edit().putString(DEF_FORMAT_PREF_KEY, mSettings.defaultPostFormat).apply(); } public @NonNull String getTitle() { return mSettings.title == null ? "" : mSettings.title; } public @NonNull String getTagline() { return mSettings.tagline == null ? "" : mSettings.tagline; } public @NonNull String getAddress() { return mSettings.address == null ? "" : mSettings.address; } public int getPrivacy() { return mSettings.privacy; } public @NonNull String getPrivacyDescription() { if (mActivity != null) { switch (getPrivacy()) { case -1: return mActivity.getString(R.string.site_settings_privacy_private_summary); case 0: return mActivity.getString(R.string.site_settings_privacy_hidden_summary); case 1: return mActivity.getString(R.string.site_settings_privacy_public_summary); } } return ""; } public @NonNull String getLanguageCode() { return mSettings.language == null ? "" : mSettings.language; } public @NonNull String getUsername() { return mSettings.username == null ? "" : mSettings.username; } public @NonNull String getPassword() { return mSettings.password == null ? "" : mSettings.password; } public boolean getLocation() { return mSettings.location; } public @NonNull Map getFormats() { if (mSettings.postFormats == null) mSettings.postFormats = new HashMap<>(); return mSettings.postFormats; } public @NonNull CategoryModel[] getCategories() { if (mSettings.categories == null) mSettings.categories = new CategoryModel[0]; return mSettings.categories; } public @NonNull Map getCategoryNames() { Map categoryNames = new HashMap<>(); if (mSettings.categories != null && mSettings.categories.length > 0) { for (CategoryModel model : mSettings.categories) { categoryNames.put(, Html.fromHtml(; } } return categoryNames; } public int getDefaultCategory() { return mSettings.defaultCategory; } public @NonNull String getDefaultCategoryForDisplay() { for (CategoryModel model : getCategories()) { if (model != null && == getDefaultCategory()) { return Html.fromHtml(; } } return ""; } public @NonNull String getDefaultPostFormat() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSettings.defaultPostFormat) || !getFormats().containsKey(mSettings.defaultPostFormat)) { mSettings.defaultPostFormat = STANDARD_POST_FORMAT_KEY; } return mSettings.defaultPostFormat; } public @NonNull String getDefaultPostFormatDisplay() { String defaultFormat = getFormats().get(getDefaultPostFormat()); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultFormat)) defaultFormat = STANDARD_POST_FORMAT; return defaultFormat; } public boolean getShowRelatedPosts() { return mSettings.showRelatedPosts; } public boolean getShowRelatedPostHeader() { return mSettings.showRelatedPostHeader; } public boolean getShowRelatedPostImages() { return mSettings.showRelatedPostImages; } public @NonNull String getRelatedPostsDescription() { if (mActivity == null) return ""; String desc = mActivity.getString(getShowRelatedPosts() ? R.string.on :; return StringUtils.capitalize(desc); } public boolean getAllowComments() { return mSettings.allowComments; } public boolean getSendPingbacks() { return mSettings.sendPingbacks; } public boolean getReceivePingbacks() { return mSettings.receivePingbacks; } public boolean getShouldCloseAfter() { return mSettings.shouldCloseAfter; } public int getCloseAfter() { return mSettings.closeCommentAfter; } public @NonNull String getCloseAfterDescriptionForPeriod() { return getCloseAfterDescriptionForPeriod(getCloseAfter()); } public int getCloseAfterPeriodForDescription() { return !getShouldCloseAfter() ? 0 : getCloseAfter(); } public @NonNull String getCloseAfterDescription() { return getCloseAfterDescriptionForPeriod(getCloseAfterPeriodForDescription()); } public @NonNull String getCloseAfterDescriptionForPeriod(int period) { if (mActivity == null) return ""; if (!getShouldCloseAfter()) return mActivity.getString(R.string.never); return StringUtils.getQuantityString(mActivity, R.string.never, R.string.days_quantity_one, R.string.days_quantity_other, period); } public int getCommentSorting() { return mSettings.sortCommentsBy; } public @NonNull String getSortingDescription() { if (mActivity == null) return ""; int order = getCommentSorting(); switch (order) { case SiteSettingsInterface.ASCENDING_SORT: return mActivity.getString(R.string.oldest_first); case SiteSettingsInterface.DESCENDING_SORT: return mActivity.getString(R.string.newest_first); default: return mActivity.getString(R.string.unknown); } } public boolean getShouldThreadComments() { return mSettings.shouldThreadComments; } public int getThreadingLevels() { return mSettings.threadingLevels; } public int getThreadingLevelsForDescription() { return !getShouldThreadComments() ? 1 : getThreadingLevels(); } public @NonNull String getThreadingDescription() { return getThreadingDescriptionForLevel(getThreadingLevelsForDescription()); } public @NonNull String getThreadingDescriptionForLevel(int level) { if (mActivity == null) return ""; if (level <= 1) return mActivity.getString(R.string.none); return String.format(mActivity.getString(R.string.site_settings_threading_summary), level); } public boolean getShouldPageComments() { return mSettings.shouldPageComments; } public int getPagingCount() { return mSettings.commentsPerPage; } public int getPagingCountForDescription() { return !getShouldPageComments() ? 0 : getPagingCount(); } public @NonNull String getPagingDescription() { if (mActivity == null) return ""; if (!getShouldPageComments()) { return mActivity.getString(R.string.disabled); } int count = getPagingCountForDescription(); return StringUtils.getQuantityString(mActivity, R.string.none, R.string.site_settings_paging_summary_one, R.string.site_settings_paging_summary_other, count); } public boolean getManualApproval() { return mSettings.commentApprovalRequired; } public boolean getIdentityRequired() { return mSettings.commentsRequireIdentity; } public boolean getUserAccountRequired() { return mSettings.commentsRequireUserAccount; } public boolean getUseCommentWhitelist() { return mSettings.commentAutoApprovalKnownUsers; } public int getMultipleLinks() { return mSettings.maxLinks; } public @NonNull List getModerationKeys() { if (mSettings.holdForModeration == null) mSettings.holdForModeration = new ArrayList<>(); return mSettings.holdForModeration; } public @NonNull String getModerationHoldDescription() { return getKeysDescription(getModerationKeys().size()); } public @NonNull List getBlacklistKeys() { if (mSettings.blacklist == null) mSettings.blacklist = new ArrayList<>(); return mSettings.blacklist; } public @NonNull String getBlacklistDescription() { return getKeysDescription(getBlacklistKeys().size()); } public @NonNull String getKeysDescription(int count) { if (mActivity == null) return ""; return StringUtils.getQuantityString(mActivity, R.string.site_settings_list_editor_no_items_text, R.string.site_settings_list_editor_summary_one, R.string.site_settings_list_editor_summary_other, count); } public void setTitle(String title) { mSettings.title = title; } public void setTagline(String tagline) { mSettings.tagline = tagline; } public void setAddress(String address) { mSettings.address = address; } public void setPrivacy(int privacy) { mSettings.privacy = privacy; } public boolean setLanguageCode(String languageCode) { if (!mLanguageCodes.containsKey(languageCode) || TextUtils.isEmpty(mLanguageCodes.get(languageCode))) return false; mSettings.language = languageCode; mSettings.languageId = Integer.valueOf(mLanguageCodes.get(languageCode)); return true; } public void setLanguageId(int languageId) { // want to prevent O(n) language code lookup if there is no change if (mSettings.languageId != languageId) { mSettings.languageId = languageId; mSettings.language = languageIdToLanguageCode(Integer.toString(languageId)); } } public void setUsername(String username) { mSettings.username = username; } public void setPassword(String password) { mSettings.password = password; } public void setLocation(boolean location) { mSettings.location = location; } public void setAllowComments(boolean allowComments) { mSettings.allowComments = allowComments; } public void setSendPingbacks(boolean sendPingbacks) { mSettings.sendPingbacks = sendPingbacks; } public void setReceivePingbacks(boolean receivePingbacks) { mSettings.receivePingbacks = receivePingbacks; } public void setShouldCloseAfter(boolean shouldCloseAfter) { mSettings.shouldCloseAfter = shouldCloseAfter; } public void setCloseAfter(int period) { mSettings.closeCommentAfter = period; } public void setCommentSorting(int method) { mSettings.sortCommentsBy = method; } public void setShouldThreadComments(boolean shouldThread) { mSettings.shouldThreadComments = shouldThread; } public void setThreadingLevels(int levels) { mSettings.threadingLevels = levels; } public void setShouldPageComments(boolean shouldPage) { mSettings.shouldPageComments= shouldPage; } public void setPagingCount(int count) { mSettings.commentsPerPage = count; } public void setManualApproval(boolean required) { mSettings.commentApprovalRequired = required; } public void setIdentityRequired(boolean required) { mSettings.commentsRequireIdentity = required; } public void setUserAccountRequired(boolean required) { mSettings.commentsRequireUserAccount = required; } public void setUseCommentWhitelist(boolean useWhitelist) { mSettings.commentAutoApprovalKnownUsers = useWhitelist; } public void setMultipleLinks(int count) { mSettings.maxLinks = count; } public void setModerationKeys(List keys) { mSettings.holdForModeration = keys; } public void setBlacklistKeys(List keys) { mSettings.blacklist = keys; } public void setDefaultCategory(int category) { mSettings.defaultCategory = category; } /** * Sets the default post format. * * @param format * if null or empty default format is set to {@link SiteSettingsInterface#STANDARD_POST_FORMAT_KEY} */ public void setDefaultFormat(String format) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(format)) { mSettings.defaultPostFormat = STANDARD_POST_FORMAT_KEY; } else { mSettings.defaultPostFormat = format.toLowerCase(); } } public void setShowRelatedPosts(boolean relatedPosts) { mSettings.showRelatedPosts = relatedPosts; } public void setShowRelatedPostHeader(boolean showHeader) { mSettings.showRelatedPostHeader = showHeader; } public void setShowRelatedPostImages(boolean showImages) { mSettings.showRelatedPostImages = showImages; } /** * Determines if the current Moderation Hold list contains a given value. */ public boolean moderationHoldListContains(String value) { return getModerationKeys().contains(value); } /** * Determines if the current Blacklist list contains a given value. */ public boolean blacklistListContains(String value) { return getBlacklistKeys().contains(value); } /** * Checks if the provided list of post format IDs is the same (order dependent) as the current * list of Post Formats in the local settings object. * * @param ids * an array of post format IDs * @return * true unless the provided IDs are different from the current IDs or in a different order */ public boolean isSameFormatList(CharSequence[] ids) { if (ids == null) return mSettings.postFormats == null; if (mSettings.postFormats == null || ids.length != mSettings.postFormats.size()) return false; String[] keys = mSettings.postFormats.keySet().toArray(new String[mSettings.postFormats.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { if (!keys[i].equals(ids[i])) return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if the provided list of category IDs is the same (order dependent) as the current * list of Categories in the local settings object. * * @param ids * an array of integers stored as Strings (for convenience) * @return * true unless the provided IDs are different from the current IDs or in a different order */ public boolean isSameCategoryList(CharSequence[] ids) { if (ids == null) return mSettings.categories == null; if (mSettings.categories == null || ids.length != mSettings.categories.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { if (Integer.valueOf(ids[i].toString()) != mSettings.categories[i].id) return false; } return true; } /** * Needed so that subclasses can be created before initializing. The final member variables * are null until object has been created so XML-RPC callbacks will not run. * * @return * returns itself for the convenience of * {@link SiteSettingsInterface#getInterface(Activity, Blog, SiteSettingsListener)} */ public SiteSettingsInterface init(boolean fetchRemote) { loadCachedSettings(); if (fetchRemote) { fetchRemoteData(); fetchPostFormats(); } return this; } /** * If there is a change in verification status the listener is notified. */ protected void credentialsVerified(boolean valid) { Exception e = valid ? null : new AuthenticationError(); if (mSettings.hasVerifiedCredentials != valid) notifyCredentialsVerifiedOnUiThread(e); mRemoteSettings.hasVerifiedCredentials = mSettings.hasVerifiedCredentials = valid; } /** * Helper method to create an XML-RPC interface for the current blog. */ protected XMLRPCClientInterface instantiateInterface() { if (mBlog == null) return null; return XMLRPCFactory.instantiate(mBlog.getUri(), mBlog.getHttpuser(), mBlog.getHttppassword()); } /** * Language IDs, used only by WordPress, are integer values that map to a language code. * * * Language codes are unique two-letter identifiers defined by ISO 639-1. Region dialects can * be defined by appending a -** where ** is the region code (en-GB -> English, Great Britain). * */ protected String languageIdToLanguageCode(String id) { if (id != null) { for (String key : mLanguageCodes.keySet()) { if (id.equals(mLanguageCodes.get(key))) { return key; } } } return ""; } /** * Need to defer loading the cached settings to a thread so it completes after initialization. */ private void loadCachedSettings() { Cursor localSettings = SiteSettingsTable.getSettings(mBlog.getRemoteBlogId()); if (localSettings != null) { Map cachedModels = SiteSettingsTable.getAllCategories(); mSettings.deserializeOptionsDatabaseCursor(localSettings, cachedModels); mSettings.language = languageIdToLanguageCode(Integer.toString(mSettings.languageId)); if (mSettings.language == null) { setLanguageCode(LanguageUtils.getPatchedCurrentDeviceLanguage(null)); } mRemoteSettings.language = mSettings.language; mRemoteSettings.languageId = mSettings.languageId; mRemoteSettings.location = mSettings.location; localSettings.close(); notifyUpdatedOnUiThread(null); } else { mSettings.isInLocalTable = false; setAddress(mBlog.getHomeURL()); setUsername(mBlog.getUsername()); setPassword(mBlog.getPassword()); setTitle(mBlog.getBlogName()); } } /** * Gets available post formats via XML-RPC. Since both self-hosted and .com sites retrieve the * format list via XML-RPC there is no need to implement this in the sub-classes. */ private void fetchPostFormats() { XMLRPCClientInterface client = instantiateInterface(); if (client == null) return; Map args = new HashMap<>(); args.put(Param.SHOW_SUPPORTED_POST_FORMATS, "true"); Object[] params = { mBlog.getRemoteBlogId(), mBlog.getUsername(), mBlog.getPassword(), args}; client.callAsync(new XMLRPCCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(long id, Object result) { credentialsVerified(true); if (result != null && result instanceof HashMap) { Map resultMap = (HashMap) result; Map allFormats; Object[] supportedFormats; if (resultMap.containsKey("supported")) { allFormats = (Map) resultMap.get("all"); supportedFormats = (Object[]) resultMap.get("supported"); } else { allFormats = resultMap; supportedFormats = allFormats.keySet().toArray(); } mRemoteSettings.postFormats = new HashMap<>(); mRemoteSettings.postFormats.put("standard", "Standard"); for (Object supportedFormat : supportedFormats) { if (allFormats.containsKey(supportedFormat)) { mRemoteSettings.postFormats.put(supportedFormat.toString(), allFormats.get(supportedFormat).toString()); } } mSettings.postFormats = new HashMap<>(mRemoteSettings.postFormats); SiteSettingsTable.saveSettings(mSettings); notifyUpdatedOnUiThread(null); } } @Override public void onFailure(long id, Exception error) { } }, Method.GET_POST_FORMATS, params); } /** * Notifies listener that credentials have been validated or are incorrect. */ private void notifyCredentialsVerifiedOnUiThread(final Exception error) { if (mActivity == null || mListener == null) return; mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mListener.onCredentialsValidated(error); } }); } /** * Notifies listener that settings have been updated with the latest remote data. */ protected void notifyUpdatedOnUiThread(final Exception error) { if (mActivity == null || mActivity.isFinishing() || mListener == null) return; mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mListener.onSettingsUpdated(error); } }); } /** * Notifies listener that settings have been saved or an error occurred while saving. */ protected void notifySavedOnUiThread(final Exception error) { if (mActivity == null || mListener == null) return; mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mListener.onSettingsSaved(error); } }); } }