# C/C++ build outputs .build/ build/ bins gens libs objs # Python items .coverage* .eggs .pytype *.egg *.egg-info a.out cython_debug/ dist/ htmlcov/ py3*/ pyb/ python_pylint_venv/ src/python/grpcio_*/=* src/python/grpcio_*/build/ src/python/grpcio_*/LICENSE src/python/grpcio_status/grpc_status/google/rpc/status.proto black_virtual_environment/ isort_virtual_environment/ # Node installation output node_modules src/node/extension_binary/ # gcov coverage data reports coverage *.gcno # profiler output *.prof # python compiled objects *.pyc # eclipse project files .cproject .project .settings # cache for run_tests.py .run_tests_cache .preprocessed_build # emacs temp files *~ # vim temp files .*.swp .*.swo # Makefile's cache cache.mk # Ruby's local gem information Gemfile.lock # Temporary test reports report.xml */sponge_log.xml */success_log_to_rename.xml latency_trace.txt latency_trace.*.txt # port server log portlog.txt # gyp generated make files *-gyp.mk out # YCM config files .ycm_extra_conf.py # XCode ^build/ *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata *.xccheckout *.moved-aside DerivedData *.hmap *.ipa *.xcuserstate *.DS_Store # Swift Package Manager files Package.resolved # Objective-C generated files *.pbobjc.* *.pbrpc.* src/objective-c/**/Build # Cocoapods artifacts Pods/ Podfile.lock *.xcworkspace # Artifacts directory /artifacts/ # Git generated files for conflicting *.orig # IDE specific folder for JetBrains IDEs .idea/ # Bazel files bazel-* bazel_format_virtual_environment/ tools/bazel-* # Bazel wrapper bazel_wrapper bazel_wrapper.bat bazel_wrapper.bazelrc # Debug output gdb.txt # ctags file tags # perf data memory_usage.csv perf.data perf.data.old # bm_diff bm_diff_new/ bm_diff_old/ bm_*.json bloat_diff_new/ bloat_diff_old/ bloaty-build/ # cmake build files **/cmake/build/ # Visual Studio Code artifacts .cache/* .vscode/* .history/ # Clion artifacts cmake-build-debug/ # Benchmark outputs BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts/ # pyenv config .python-version # clang JSON compilation database file compile_commands.json # IWYU byproducts compile_commands_for_iwyu.json iwyu.out iwyu_files.txt iwyu_files0.txt iwyu/ iwyu_build/ # fuzzer logs fuzz-*.log # bazel module files (MODULE.bazel will need to be removed here) MODULE.bazel MODULE.bazel.lock