#!/bin/bash set -e if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then echo "Pass the path to the gRPC checkout as the argument." exit 1 fi traperr() { STATUS=$? echo "Line $BASH_LINENO: Command $BASH_COMMAND failed with status $STATUS" >&2 exit $STATUS } trap traperr ERR GRPC_PATH="$1" pushd "$GRPC_PATH" # Settings for Bazel queries CONFIGS="--define=grpc_no_binder=true --define=grpc_no_rls=true --define=grpc_no_ares=true" TEMP=/tmp/grpc_android_bp mkdir -p $TEMP # Query the list of source files with Bazel # We must use the system version of Bazel, not the Android version /usr/bin/bazel cquery $CONFIGS 'kind("source file", deps("//:grpc++_unsecure"))' > $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_deps.txt /usr/bin/bazel cquery $CONFIGS 'kind("source file", deps("//:grpc++"))' > $TEMP/grpc_secure_deps.txt # Remove irrelevant content from the list and clean it up sed -i -e '\@\.h @d; \@\.proto @d; \@\.upb\.c@d; \@\.upbdefs\.c@d; \@\.inc @d; \@third_party@d; \@wrap_memcpy\.cc@d; /^@/d; s@ \(.*\)@@; s@:@/@; s@/\+@/@g; s@^/@@; s@^.*$@"\0",@' $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_deps.txt $TEMP/grpc_secure_deps.txt # Use diff to annotate the file lists with + and - # This way we detect which files are only in the secure/unsecure target. # Diff has exit status 1 when the files are different, hence the "|| true". sort -o $TEMP/grpc_secure_deps.txt $TEMP/grpc_secure_deps.txt sort -o $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_deps.txt $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_deps.txt diff -U10000 $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_deps.txt $TEMP/grpc_secure_deps.txt > $TEMP/grpc_deps_diff.txt || true # Pull out each category to its own file sed -n '/^ "/s/ / /p' $TEMP/grpc_deps_diff.txt > $TEMP/grpc_common_srcs.txt sed -n '/^+"/s/+/ /p' $TEMP/grpc_deps_diff.txt > $TEMP/grpc_secure_srcs.txt sed -n '/^-"/s/-/ /p' $TEMP/grpc_deps_diff.txt > $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_srcs.txt # Construct the Android.bp fragment OUT=$TEMP/grpc_android_bp.txt echo '// Autogenerated by update_android_bp.sh, do not modify.' > $OUT echo 'GRPC_COMMON_SRCS = [' >> $OUT cat $TEMP/grpc_common_srcs.txt >> $OUT echo ']' >> $OUT echo >> $OUT echo '// Autogenerated by update_android_bp.sh, do not modify.' >> $OUT echo 'GRPC_SECURE_SRCS = [' >> $OUT cat $TEMP/grpc_secure_srcs.txt >> $OUT echo ']' >> $OUT echo >> $OUT echo '// Autogenerated by update_android_bp.sh, do not modify.' >> $OUT echo 'GRPC_UNSECURE_SRCS = [' >> $OUT cat $TEMP/grpc_unsecure_srcs.txt >> $OUT echo ']' >> $OUT popd BPOUT=Android.bp if [ ! -z "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" ]; then BPOUT="$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/grpc-grpc/Android.bp" fi # Paste the computed content into the Android.bp file LIST_START='^// file_lists_start$' LIST_END='^// file_lists_end$' sed -i -e "\@$LIST_START@,\@$LIST_END@{ \@$LIST_START@{p; r $OUT }; \@$LIST_END@p; d }" $BPOUT echo "Android.bp file lists updated."