URL: https://github.com/hamcrest/JavaHamcrest/archive/f540af9fd49f33cc07b3446a8895c7b51cbf0944.zip Version: f540af9fd49f33cc07b3446a8895c7b51cbf0944 BugComponent: 40416 Version f540af9fd49f33cc07b3446a8895c7b51cbf0944 was chosen because it is the point at which v2.0.0.0 and master diverge. There are only about 7 commits on v2.0.0.0 which are not on master but they do conflict with some changes in master. Those changes appear to be relatively minor and while it is not clear what the future holds for Hamcrest given that it has had no activity since June 2016 it seems unnecessary to take those extra 7 commits given the potential for conflicts in future upgrades. Local Changes: Remove hamcrest-library/src/main/java/org/hamcrest/beans/ as Android does not support java.beans.