path: root/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc
diff options
authorAlexander Dorokhine <adorokhine@google.com>2021-08-13 11:07:18 -0700
committerAlexander Dorokhine <adorokhine@google.com>2021-08-13 11:07:18 -0700
commit71eeeb436ec794daef5187d12ca9aba2c5773d7d (patch)
tree5129f3a74eb616eb2856c6db3392011c1ce384f8 /icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc
parent40c7203fab1d491f62f223fad10eddc180605729 (diff)
Merge androidx-platform-dev/external/icing upstream-master into upstream-master
Change-Id: Id39bea14b3a3d378d722dc552e4f3bd4249f3f94
Diffstat (limited to 'icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc b/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83ccd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <random>
+#include "testing/base/public/benchmark.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "icing/document-builder.h"
+#include "icing/file/filesystem.h"
+#include "icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log.h"
+#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-string-util.h"
+#include "icing/proto/document.pb.h"
+#include "icing/testing/common-matchers.h"
+#include "icing/testing/random-string.h"
+#include "icing/testing/tmp-directory.h"
+// go/microbenchmarks
+// To build and run on a local machine:
+// $ blaze build -c opt --dynamic_mode=off --copt=-gmlt
+// icing/file:portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark
+// $ blaze-bin/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark
+// --benchmarks=all
+// To build and run on an Android device (must be connected and rooted):
+// $ blaze build --copt="-DGOOGLE_COMMANDLINEFLAGS_FULL_API=1"
+// --config=android_arm64 -c opt --dynamic_mode=off --copt=-gmlt
+// icing/file:portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark
+// $ adb root
+// $ adb push
+// blaze-bin/icing/file/portable-file-backed-proto-log_benchmark
+// /data/local/tmp/
+// $ adb shell /data/local/tmp/portable-file-backed-proto-log-benchmark
+// --benchmarks=all
+namespace icing {
+namespace lib {
+namespace {
+static void BM_Write(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ int string_length = state.range(0);
+ const std::string file_path = IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
+ "%s%s%d%s", GetTestTempDir().c_str(), "/proto_", string_length, ".log");
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str =
+ RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, string_length, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ }
+ state.SetBytesProcessed(static_cast<int64_t>(state.iterations()) *
+ string_length);
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ ->Arg(1)
+ ->Arg(32)
+ ->Arg(512)
+ ->Arg(1024)
+ ->Arg(4 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(8 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(16 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(32 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(256 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(8 * 1024 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(15 * 1024 * 1024); // We do 15MiB here since our max proto size is
+ // 16MiB, and we need some extra space for the
+ // rest of the document properties
+static void BM_Read(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ int string_length = state.range(0);
+ const std::string file_path = IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
+ "%s%s%d%s", GetTestTempDir().c_str(), "/proto_", string_length, ".log");
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str =
+ RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, string_length, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(int64_t write_offset,
+ proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->ReadProto(write_offset));
+ }
+ state.SetBytesProcessed(static_cast<int64_t>(state.iterations()) *
+ string_length);
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ ->Arg(1)
+ ->Arg(32)
+ ->Arg(512)
+ ->Arg(1024)
+ ->Arg(4 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(8 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(16 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(32 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(256 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(8 * 1024 * 1024)
+ ->Arg(15 * 1024 * 1024); // We do 15MiB here since our max proto size is
+ // 16MiB, and we need some extra space for the
+ // rest of the document properties
+ //
+static void BM_Erase(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ const std::string file_path = IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
+ "%s%s", GetTestTempDir().c_str(), "/proto.log");
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str = RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, /*len=*/1, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ state.PauseTiming();
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(int64_t write_offset,
+ proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ state.ResumeTiming();
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->EraseProto(write_offset));
+ }
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+static void BM_ComputeChecksum(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ const std::string file_path = GetTestTempDir() + "/proto.log";
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ // Make each document 1KiB
+ int string_length = 1024;
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str =
+ RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, string_length, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ int num_docs = state.range(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_docs; ++i) {
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ }
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->ComputeChecksum());
+ }
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+BENCHMARK(BM_ComputeChecksum)->Range(1024, 1 << 20);
+static void BM_ComputeChecksumWithCachedChecksum(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ const std::string file_path = GetTestTempDir() + "/proto.log";
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ // Make the document 1KiB
+ int string_length = 1024;
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str =
+ RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, string_length, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ // Write some content and persist. This should update our cached checksum to
+ // include the document.
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->PersistToDisk());
+ // This ComputeChecksum call shouldn't need to do any computation since we can
+ // reuse our cached checksum.
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->ComputeChecksum());
+ }
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+static void BM_ComputeChecksumOnlyForTail(benchmark::State& state) {
+ const Filesystem filesystem;
+ const std::string file_path = GetTestTempDir() + "/proto.log";
+ int max_proto_size = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16 MiB
+ bool compress = true;
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+ auto proto_log = PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(
+ &filesystem, file_path,
+ PortableFileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Options(
+ compress, max_proto_size))
+ .ValueOrDie()
+ .proto_log;
+ DocumentProto document = DocumentBuilder().SetKey("namespace", "uri").Build();
+ // Make the document 1KiB
+ int string_length = 1024;
+ std::default_random_engine random;
+ const std::string rand_str =
+ RandomString(kAlNumAlphabet, string_length, &random);
+ auto document_properties = document.add_properties();
+ document_properties->set_name("string property");
+ document_properties->add_string_values(rand_str);
+ // Write some content and persist. This should update our cached checksum to
+ // include the document.
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->PersistToDisk());
+ // Write another proto into the tail, but it's not included in our cached
+ // checksum since we didn't call persist.
+ ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->WriteProto(document));
+ // ComputeChecksum should be calculating the checksum of the tail and adding
+ // it to the cached checksum we have.
+ for (auto _ : state) {
+ testing::DoNotOptimize(proto_log->ComputeChecksum());
+ }
+ // Cleanup after ourselves
+ filesystem.DeleteFile(file_path.c_str());
+} // namespace
+} // namespace lib
+} // namespace icing