// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "icing/file/file-backed-bitmap.h" #include #include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h" #include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h" #include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h" #include "icing/absl_ports/str_cat.h" #include "icing/file/filesystem.h" #include "icing/file/memory-mapped-file.h" #include "icing/legacy/core/icing-string-util.h" #include "icing/util/crc32.h" #include "icing/util/logging.h" #include "icing/util/math-util.h" #include "icing/util/status-macros.h" namespace icing { namespace lib { int FileBackedBitmap::GetBlockCapacity(int num_blocks) { // The first block has a lower capacity due to the Header. const int capacity_bytes = kBlockByteSize * num_blocks - kHeaderByteSize; return capacity_bytes * 8; } libtextclassifier3::StatusOr> FileBackedBitmap::Create(const Filesystem* filesystem, std::string_view file_path, MemoryMappedFile::Strategy mmap_strategy) { if (mmap_strategy == MemoryMappedFile::Strategy::READ_WRITE_MANUAL_SYNC) { return absl_ports::UnimplementedError( "FileBackedBitmap currently doesn't support READ_WRITE_MANUAL_SYNC " "mmap strategy."); } ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( MemoryMappedFile mmapper, MemoryMappedFile::Create(*filesystem, file_path, mmap_strategy)); auto bitmap = std::unique_ptr( new FileBackedBitmap(filesystem, file_path, std::move(mmapper))); // TODO(b/216487496): Implement a more robust version of TC_RETURN_IF_ERROR // that can support error logging. libtextclassifier3::Status status = bitmap->Initialize(); if (!status.ok()) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << status.error_message(); return status; } return bitmap; } FileBackedBitmap::FileBackedBitmap(const Filesystem* filesystem, std::string_view file_path, MemoryMappedFile&& mmapper) : filesystem_(filesystem), file_path_(file_path), mmapper_(std::make_unique(std::move(mmapper))) {} FileBackedBitmap::~FileBackedBitmap() { // Only update if we have auto_sync setup, otherwise the checksum will be // updated when the client calls PersistToDisk if (mmapper_->strategy() == MemoryMappedFile::Strategy::READ_WRITE_AUTO_SYNC) { // Any valid, initialized file should at least have 1 block. if (mmapper_->region_size() >= kBlockByteSize && header().version == kCurrentVersion && header().state == Header::ChecksumState::kStale) { if (!PersistToDisk().ok()) { ICING_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to persist bitmap to disk while destructing " << file_path_; } } } } const FileBackedBitmap::Header& FileBackedBitmap::header() const { return reinterpret_cast(*mmapper_->region()); } FileBackedBitmap::Header* FileBackedBitmap::mutable_header() { return reinterpret_cast(mmapper_->mutable_region()); } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::FileBackedBitmap::Initialize() { ICING_VLOG(1) << "Initialize bitmap file: " << file_path_; const bool is_new_bitmap = !filesystem_->FileExists(file_path_.c_str()); int64_t file_size = 0; if (is_new_bitmap) { file_size = kBlockByteSize; if (!filesystem_->Grow(file_path_.c_str(), file_size)) { return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "Unable to create a minimal bitmap; " "filename: %s; target size: %lld", file_path_.c_str(), static_cast(file_size))); } ICING_VLOG(1) << "Creating new bitmap in file: " << file_path_ << " of size: " << file_size; } else { file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(file_path_.c_str()); if (file_size == Filesystem::kBadFileSize) { return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "File corrupted; filename: %s; size: %lld.", file_path_.c_str(), static_cast(file_size))); } ICING_VLOG(1) << "Loading bitmap from file: " << file_path_ << " of size: " << file_size; } // TODO(b/216487496): Implement a more robust version of TC_RETURN_IF_ERROR // that can support error logging. libtextclassifier3::Status status = mmapper_->Remap(0, file_size); if (!status.ok()) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << status.error_message(); return status; } if (is_new_bitmap) { mutable_header()->version = kCurrentVersion; mutable_header()->state = Header::ChecksumState::kStale; mutable_header()->checksum = 0; return mmapper_->PersistToDisk(); } if (header().state == Header::ChecksumState::kStale) { return absl_ports::InternalError(absl_ports::StrCat( "File corrupted, has partially flushed data; filename: ", file_path_)); } if (header().checksum != ComputeChecksum()) { return absl_ports::InternalError(absl_ports::StrCat( "File corrupted, checksum doesn't match; filename: ", file_path_)); } if (header().version != kCurrentVersion) { return UpgradeToCurrentVersion(); } return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::UpgradeToCurrentVersion() { // Currently, only 1 format is supported. return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "File corrupted, mismatched version; filename: %s; %d vs %d.", file_path_.c_str(), header().version, kCurrentVersion)); } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::SetWord(int word_index, Word word) { if (word_index >= NumBits() / kNumWordBits) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << "word_index: " << word_index << ", number of words: " << NumBits() / kNumWordBits; return absl_ports::InternalError("Trying to access invalid memory"); } Word* bitmap_data = reinterpret_cast(mmapper_->mutable_region() + kHeaderByteSize); bitmap_data[word_index] = word; return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } libtextclassifier3::StatusOr FileBackedBitmap::GetWord( int word_index) const { if (word_index >= NumBits() / kNumWordBits) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << "word_index: " << word_index << ", number of words: " << NumBits() / kNumWordBits; return absl_ports::InternalError("Trying to access invalid memory"); } const Word* bitmap_data = reinterpret_cast( mmapper_->mutable_region() + kHeaderByteSize); return bitmap_data[word_index]; } int FileBackedBitmap::NumBits() const { return (mmapper_->region_size() - kHeaderByteSize) * 8; } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::Set(int bit_index, bool bit_value) { if (bit_index >= NumBits()) { // TODO(b/216487496): Implement a more robust version of TC_RETURN_IF_ERROR // that can support error logging. libtextclassifier3::Status status = GrowTo(bit_index); if (!status.ok()) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << status.error_message(); return status; } if (!bit_value) { // All newly added bits are set to false. return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } } // Figure out which word needs to be modified. const int word_index = bit_index / kNumWordBits; const int word_mask = 1u << (bit_index % kNumWordBits); ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Word old_word, GetWord(word_index)); Word new_word = bit_value ? (old_word | word_mask) : old_word & ~word_mask; if (new_word != old_word) { ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetWord(word_index, new_word)); mutable_header()->state = Header::ChecksumState::kStale; } return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } libtextclassifier3::StatusOr FileBackedBitmap::Get(int bit_index) const { if (bit_index >= NumBits()) { return absl_ports::OutOfRangeError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "Bitmap file %s is of size %d and can't read bit_index %d.", file_path_.c_str(), NumBits(), bit_index)); } const Word word_index = bit_index / kNumWordBits; const Word word_mask = 1u << (bit_index % kNumWordBits); ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Word word, GetWord(word_index)); return word & word_mask; } size_t FileBackedBitmap::FileSizeForBits(int num_bits) { const int word_index = num_bits / kNumWordBits; size_t new_file_size = kHeaderByteSize + (word_index + 1) * sizeof(Word); return math_util::RoundUpTo(new_file_size, static_cast(kBlockByteSize)); } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::GrowTo(int new_num_bits) { if (new_num_bits > kMaxNumBits) { return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "Bitmap file %s has a max-capacity of %d bits and cannot fit %d bits", file_path_.c_str(), kMaxNumBits, new_num_bits)); } const size_t new_file_size = FileSizeForBits(new_num_bits); if (!filesystem_->Grow(file_path_.c_str(), new_file_size)) { return absl_ports::InternalError( IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf("Growing file %s to new size %zd failed", file_path_.c_str(), new_file_size)); } // TODO(b/216487496): Implement a more robust version of TC_RETURN_IF_ERROR // that can support error logging. libtextclassifier3::Status status = mmapper_->Remap(0, new_file_size); if (!status.ok()) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << status.error_message(); return status; } ICING_VLOG(1) << "Grew file " << file_path_ << " to new size " << new_file_size; mutable_header()->state = Header::ChecksumState::kStale; return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::TruncateTo(int new_num_bits) { if (new_num_bits > NumBits()) { return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } const size_t new_file_size = FileSizeForBits(new_num_bits); // TODO(b/216487496): Implement a more robust version of TC_RETURN_IF_ERROR // that can support error logging. libtextclassifier3::Status status = mmapper_->Remap(0, new_file_size); if (!status.ok()) { ICING_LOG(ERROR) << status.error_message(); return status; } if (!filesystem_->Truncate(file_path_.c_str(), new_file_size)) { return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf( "Truncating file %s to new size %zd failed", file_path_.c_str(), new_file_size)); } const int word_index = new_num_bits / kNumWordBits; // Mask to only keep bits <= new_num_bits and clear everything else. const Word word_mask = (1u << (new_num_bits % kNumWordBits)) - 1; ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Word old_word, GetWord(word_index)); Word new_word = old_word & word_mask; ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetWord(word_index, new_word)); // TODO(cassiewang) It might be worth replacing this with memset(). const int num_words = NumBits() / kNumWordBits; for (int i = word_index + 1; i < num_words; ++i) { ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SetWord(i, 0)); } mutable_header()->state = Header::ChecksumState::kStale; return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK; } libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedBitmap::PersistToDisk() { mutable_header()->checksum = ComputeChecksum(); mutable_header()->state = Header::ChecksumState::kFresh; return mmapper_->PersistToDisk(); } uint32_t FileBackedBitmap::ComputeChecksum() const { std::string_view bitmap_bytes(mmapper_->region() + kHeaderByteSize, NumBits() / 8); return Crc32().Append(bitmap_bytes); } } // namespace lib } // namespace icing