path: root/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h b/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc33679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/image_io/base/message_handler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "image_io/base/message.h"
+#include "image_io/base/message_store.h"
+#include "image_io/base/message_writer.h"
+namespace photos_editing_formats {
+namespace image_io {
+/// MessageHandler provides the functions that all the code in this library uses
+/// to report status and error conditions.
+class MessageHandler {
+ public:
+ /// Initializes the MessageHandler for client use. Multithread applications
+ /// might find this function useful to call in their initialization section,
+ /// to guarentee that threads will not create race conditions when calling the
+ /// Get function for the first time.
+ static void Init(std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store);
+ /// This function is thread-safe as long as the Init() function is called in
+ /// non-multiple-threaded startup code; if the Init() fucnction was not called
+ /// there may be race conditions that causes the message handler returned from
+ /// Get() called in one thread to be different from that returned by the call
+ /// in a different thread.
+ /// @return The message handler used by the code in this library.
+ static MessageHandler* Get();
+ /// Sets the message writer to use when ReportMessage() is called. If client
+ /// code does not call this function, the MessageHandler returned by the Get()
+ /// function will have a CoutMessageWriter by default. If client code calls
+ /// this function with a null, then ReportMessage() will not write messages at
+ /// all, but just add them to the messages store.
+ /// @param message_writer The message writer that ReportMessage uses, or null.
+ void SetMessageWriter(std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer);
+ /// Sets the message store to use when ReportMessage() is called. If client
+ /// code does not call this function, the MessageHandler returned by the Get()
+ /// function will have a VectorMessageStore by default. If client code calls
+ /// this function with a null, then ReportMessage() will not save messages at
+ /// all, but just write them to the messages writer.
+ /// @param message_store The message store that ReportMessage uses, or null.
+ void SetMessageStore(std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store);
+ /// Clears the messages maintained by the message handler's store. Client code
+ /// should call this function before calling any other standalone or class
+ /// function in this library so as to provide a clean starting point with
+ /// respect to error and status messages. Once all the calls have been made,
+ /// client code should examine the messages or call HasErrorMessages() to
+ /// determine the whether the calls succeeded or not. Finally client code
+ /// should call this function again so that memory is not leaked when it is
+ /// done using this library.
+ void ClearMessages() {
+ if (message_store_) {
+ message_store_->ClearMessages();
+ }
+ }
+ /// @return Whether the message handler's store has error messages or not.
+ bool HasErrorMessages() const {
+ return message_store_ ? message_store_->HasErrorMessages() : false;
+ }
+ /// @return The vector of errors maintained by the message handler's store.
+ std::vector<Message> GetMessages() const {
+ return message_store_ ? message_store_->GetMessages()
+ : std::vector<Message>();
+ }
+ /// Reports an error or a status message. This function is called from library
+ /// code when it detects an error condition or wants to report status. If the
+ /// message type is Message::kStdLibError, then the current value of the
+ /// system's errno variable is used when the message is created. The message
+ /// is added to the messages vector and if the message writer is not null, its
+ /// WriteMessage function is called.
+ /// @param type The type of message.
+ /// @param text Text associated with the message.
+ void ReportMessage(Message::Type type, const std::string& text);
+ /// @param message The message to report.
+ void ReportMessage(const Message& message);
+ private:
+ MessageHandler() = default;
+ ~MessageHandler();
+ private:
+ /// The message writer used by ReportMessage, or null.
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageWriter> message_writer_;
+ /// The message store for saving messages for later, or null.
+ std::unique_ptr<MessageStore> message_store_;
+} // namespace image_io
+} // namespace photos_editing_formats