path: root/release-notes
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2 files changed, 116 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/release-notes/CREDITS-2.x b/release-notes/CREDITS-2.x
index 0f1238ffb..e92adf6f5 100644
--- a/release-notes/CREDITS-2.x
+++ b/release-notes/CREDITS-2.x
@@ -378,10 +378,12 @@ Jayson Minard (apatrida@github)
David Bakin (david-bakin@github)
- * Reported #1013: `@JsonUnwrapped` is not treated as assuming `@JsonProperty("")`
+* Reported #1013: `@JsonUnwrapped` is not treated as assuming `@JsonProperty("")`
* Suggested #1011: Change ObjectWriter::withAttributes() to take a Map with some kind of wildcard types
+ * Reported #962: `@JsonInject` fails on trying to find deserializer even if inject-only
+ (2.11.0)
Dmitry Romantsov (DmRomantsov@github)
* Reported #1036: Problem with case-insensitive deserialization
@@ -1048,3 +1050,55 @@ Alexander Shilov (ashlanderr@github)
Endre Stølsvik (stolsvik@github)
* Reported #2679: `ObjectMapper.readValue("123", Void.TYPE)` throws "should never occur"
+Máté Rédecsi (rmatesz@github)
+ * Reported #953: i-I case convertion problem in Turkish locale with case-insensitive deserialization
+ (2.11.0)
+Ville Koskela (vjkoskela@github)
+ * Contributed #2487: BeanDeserializerBuilder Protected Factory Method for Extension
+ (2.11.0)
+Fitz (Joongsoo.Park) (joongsoo@github)
+ * Contributed #2511: Add `SerializationFeature.WRITE_SELF_REFERENCES_AS_NULL`
+ (2.11.0)
+Antonio Petrelli (apetrelli@github)
+ * Reported #2049: TreeTraversingParser and UTF8StreamJsonParser create contexts differently
+ (2.11.0)
+Robert Diebels (RobertDiebels@github)
+ * Contributed #2352: Support use of `@JsonAlias` for enum values
+ (2.11.0)
+Joseph Koshakow (jkosh44@github)
+ * Contributed fix for #2515: `ObjectMapper.registerSubtypes(NamedType...)` doesn't allow registering
+ the same POJO for two different type ids
+ (2.11.0)
+Haowei Wen (yushijinhun@github)
+ * Reported #2565: Java 8 `Optional` not working with `@JsonUnwrapped` on unwrappable type
+ (2.11.0)
+Bartosz Baranowski (baranowb@github)
+ * Reported #2589: `DOMDeserializer`: setExpandEntityReferences(false) may not prevent
+ external entity expansion in all cases
+ (2.11.0)
+Oleksii Khomchenko (gagoman@github)
+ * Reported, contributed fix for #2592: `ObjectMapper.setSerializationInclusion()` is
+ ignored for `JsonAnyGetter`
+ (2.11.0)
+Oleksandr Poslavskyi (alevskyi@github)
+ * Contributed fix for #1983: Polymorphic deserialization should handle case-insensitive Type Id
+ property name if `MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES` is enabled
+ (2.11.0)
+Simone D'Avico (simonedavico@github)
+ * Reported #2632: Failure to resolve generic type parameters on serialization
+ (2.11.0)
+Robin Roos (robinroos@github)
+ * Contributed #2636: ObjectReader readValue lacks Class<T> argument
+ (2.11.0)
diff --git a/release-notes/VERSION-2.x b/release-notes/VERSION-2.x
index dad0a1ccb..d8d2bfeb8 100644
--- a/release-notes/VERSION-2.x
+++ b/release-notes/VERSION-2.x
@@ -4,6 +4,67 @@ Project: jackson-databind
=== Releases ===
+2.11.0 (26-Apr-2020)
+#953: i-I case conversion problem in Turkish locale with case-insensitive deserialization
+ (reported by Máté R)
+#962: `@JsonInject` fails on trying to find deserializer even if inject-only
+ (reported by David B)
+#1983: Polymorphic deserialization should handle case-insensitive Type Id property name
+ if `MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES` is enabled
+ (reported by soundvibe@github, fix contributed by Oleksandr P)
+#2049: TreeTraversingParser and UTF8StreamJsonParser create contexts differently
+ (reported by Antonio P)
+#2352: Support use of `@JsonAlias` for enum values
+ (contributed by Robert D)
+#2365: `declaringClass` of "enum-as-POJO" not removed for `ObjectMapper` with
+ a naming strategy
+ (reported by Tynakuh@github)
+#2480: Fix `JavaType.isEnumType()` to support sub-classes
+#2487: BeanDeserializerBuilder Protected Factory Method for Extension
+ (contributed by Ville K)
+#2503: Support `@JsonSerialize(keyUsing)` and `@JsonDeserialize(keyUsing)` on Key class
+#2511: Add `SerializationFeature.WRITE_SELF_REFERENCES_AS_NULL`
+ (contributed by Joongsoo P)
+#2515: `ObjectMapper.registerSubtypes(NamedType...)` doesn't allow registering
+ same POJO for two different type ids
+ (contributed by Joseph K)
+#2522: `DeserializationContext.handleMissingInstantiator()` throws
+ `MismatchedInputException` for non-static inner classes
+#2525: Incorrect `JsonStreamContext` for `TokenBuffer` and `TreeTraversingParser`
+#2527: Add `AnnotationIntrospector.findRenameByField()` to support Kotlin's
+ "is-getter" naming convention
+#2555: Use `@JsonProperty(index)` for sorting properties on serialization
+#2565: Java 8 `Optional` not working with `@JsonUnwrapped` on unwrappable type
+ (reported by Haowei W)
+#2587: Add `MapperFeature.BLOCK_UNSAFE_POLYMORPHIC_BASE_TYPES` to allow blocking
+ use of unsafe base type for polymorphic deserialization
+#2589: `DOMDeserializer`: setExpandEntityReferences(false) may not prevent
+ external entity expansion in all cases
+ (reported by Bartosz B)
+#2592: `ObjectMapper.setSerializationInclusion()` is ignored for `JsonAnyGetter`
+ (reported by Oleksii K)
+#2608: `ValueInstantiationException` when deserializing using a builder and
+ (reported by cadrake@github)
+#2627: JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) does not work on field and method level
+ (reported by robotmrv@github)
+#2632: Failure to resolve generic type parameters on serialization
+ (reported by Simone D)
+#2636: ObjectReader readValue lacks Class<T> argument
+ (contributed by Robin R)
+#2643: Change default textual serialization of `java.util.Date`/`Calendar`
+ to include colon in timezone offset
+#2647: Add `ObjectMapper.createParser()` and `createGenerator()` methods
+#2657: Allow serialization of `Properties` with non-String values
+#2663: Add new factory method for creating custom `EnumValues` to pass to `EnumDeserializer
+ (requested by Rafal K)
+#2668: `IllegalArgumentException` thrown for mismatched subclass deserialization
+ (reported by nbruno@github)
+#2693: Add convenience methods for creating `List`, `Map` valued `ObjectReader`s
+ (ObjectMapper.readerForListOf())
+- Add `SerializerProvider.findContentValueSerializer()` methods
2.10.4 (not yet released)
#2679: `ObjectMapper.readValue("123", Void.TYPE)` throws "should never occur"