language: java # Since Jackson 2.7, build requires jdk7, although module itself works on jdk6 still (for now) # and since 2.10, will require jdk8 for build jdk: - openjdk8 - oraclejdk11 # Below this line is configuration for deploying to the Sonatype OSS repo # before_install: "git clone -b travis `git config --get remote.origin.url` target/travis" after_success: - "mvn source:jar javadoc:jar deploy --settings target/travis/settings.xml" - "mvn -B cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report" # whitelist branches: only: - master - "2.10" env: global: - secure: "ZIFMeNzZCvLYWICiUyHFSm8Ypz6lYFbF/+LGz6a+Sh8B9tSnvYvlrE4gSFJj3NzRWY0RG/vizoyFEpVgxOnzXDMLuuy/dreupnHR1FfVmiaiceK4JHRwAzl0lQzr2hdVwJbqpX0GfrxKmbg8Jvv9WPKtfM6X4167ElVj4O/8IRc=" - secure: "VOC/J8eFbM2OeysBp0Gx0G73MySRATCoN7hc9Ok0kJXE/dbE/2KOoFlTwwxUgErwJXkjJKKXafYcbq/22S7wkaoDW5XAvplSu3skxdE0NRGVzozcDMXO5UoGlt9Ti4XIBMCvy7bB/NO+J5IgNedCtcNnBsrGZCdodW3DTYtqQLs="