package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect; import*; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.BeanPropertyDefinition; /** * Unit tests for checking handling of some of {@link MapperFeature}s * and {@link SerializationFeature}s for serialization. */ public class VisibilityForSerializationTest extends BaseMapTest { /** * Class with one explicitly defined getter, one name-based * auto-detectable getter. */ static class GetterClass { @JsonProperty("x") public int getX() { return -2; } public int getY() { return 1; } } /** * Another test-class that explicitly disables auto-detection */ @JsonAutoDetect(getterVisibility=Visibility.NONE) static class DisabledGetterClass { @JsonProperty("x") public int getX() { return -2; } public int getY() { return 1; } } /** * Another test-class that explicitly enables auto-detection */ @JsonAutoDetect(isGetterVisibility=Visibility.NONE) static class EnabledGetterClass { @JsonProperty("x") public int getX() { return -2; } public int getY() { return 1; } // not auto-detected, since "is getter" auto-detect disabled public boolean isOk() { return true; } } /** * One more: only detect "isXxx", not "getXXX" */ @JsonAutoDetect(getterVisibility=Visibility.NONE) static class EnabledIsGetterClass { // Won't be auto-detected any more public int getY() { return 1; } // but this will be public boolean isOk() { return true; } } static class TCls { @JsonProperty("groupname") private String groupname; public void setName(String str) { this.groupname = str; } public String getName() { return groupname; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Test methods /********************************************************** */ public void testGlobalAutoDetection() throws IOException { // First: auto-detection enabled (default): ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); Map result = writeAndMap(m, new GetterClass()); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(-2), result.get("x")); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), result.get("y")); // Then auto-detection disabled. But note: we MUST create a new // mapper, since old version of serializer may be cached by now m = jsonMapperBuilder() .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, false) .build(); result = writeAndMap(m, new GetterClass()); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertTrue(result.containsKey("x")); } public void testPerClassAutoDetection() throws IOException { // First: class-level auto-detection disabling ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); Map result = writeAndMap(m, new DisabledGetterClass()); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertTrue(result.containsKey("x")); // And then class-level auto-detection enabling, should override defaults m = jsonMapperBuilder() .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, true) .build(); result = writeAndMap(m, new EnabledGetterClass()); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertTrue(result.containsKey("x")); assertTrue(result.containsKey("y")); } public void testPerClassAutoDetectionForIsGetter() throws IOException { ObjectMapper m = jsonMapperBuilder() // class level should override .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, true) .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_IS_GETTERS, false) .build(); Map result = writeAndMap(m, new EnabledIsGetterClass()); assertEquals(0, result.size()); assertFalse(result.containsKey("ok")); } // Simple test verifying that chainable methods work ok... public void testConfigChainability() { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); assertTrue(m.isEnabled(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_SETTERS)); assertTrue(m.isEnabled(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS)); m = jsonMapperBuilder() .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_SETTERS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, false) .build(); assertFalse(m.isEnabled(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_SETTERS)); assertFalse(m.isEnabled(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS)); } public void testVisibilityFeatures() throws Exception { ObjectMapper om = jsonMapperBuilder() // Only use explicitly specified values to be serialized/deserialized (i.e., JSONProperty). .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_FIELDS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_GETTERS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_SETTERS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_IS_GETTERS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.USE_GETTERS_AS_SETTERS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS, true) .configure(MapperFeature.INFER_PROPERTY_MUTATORS, false) .configure(MapperFeature.USE_ANNOTATIONS, true) .build(); JavaType javaType = om.getTypeFactory().constructType(TCls.class); BeanDescription desc = (BeanDescription) om.getSerializationConfig().introspect(javaType); List props = desc.findProperties(); if (props.size() != 1) { fail("Should find 1 property, not "+props.size()+"; properties = "+props); } } }