#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Prevent accidental execution outside of Travis: if [ -z "${TRAVIS+false}" ] then echo "TRAVIS environment variable is not set" exit 1 fi function jdk_switcher { DIR=$1 if [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then echo "Not found: $DIR" exit 1 fi export JAVA_HOME="$DIR" export JDK_HOME="${JAVA_HOME}" export JAVAC="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac" export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}" } # Switch to desired JDK, download if required: function install_jdk { JDK_URL=$1 FILENAME="${JDK_URL##*/}" rm -rf /tmp/jdk/$JDK mkdir -p /tmp/jdk/$JDK if [ ! -f "/tmp/jdk/$FILENAME" ] then curl -L $JDK_URL -o /tmp/jdk/$FILENAME fi tar -xzf /tmp/jdk/$FILENAME -C /tmp/jdk/$JDK --strip-components 1 if [ -z "${2+false}" ] then jdk_switcher "/tmp/jdk/$JDK" fi } # Preinstalled JDKs: ls -lA /usr/lib/jvm/ case "$JDK" in 5) install_jdk $JDK5_URL false ;; 6 | 7 | 8) jdk_switcher /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle ;; 9) jdk_switcher /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle ;; 10) install_jdk $JDK10_URL ;; 11-ea) install_jdk $JDK11_EA_URL ;; 12-ea) install_jdk $JDK12_EA_URL ;; esac # Do not use "~/.mavenrc" set by Travis (https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/3893), # because it prevents execution of JaCoCo during integration tests for jacoco-maven-plugin, # and "-XMaxPermSize" not supported by JDK 9 export MAVEN_SKIP_RC=true # Build: case "$JDK" in 5) if [[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} == 'false' && ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} == 'master' ]] then # Travis does shallow clone, but SonarQube performs "git blame" and so requires full history git fetch --unshallow # goal "deploy:deploy" used directly instead of "deploy" phase to avoid pollution of Maven repository by "install" phase mvn -V -B -e -f org.jacoco.build verify sonar:sonar deploy:deploy -DdeployAtEnd -Djdk.version=5 --toolchains=./.travis/toolchains.xml --settings=./.travis/settings.xml -Dsonar.host.url=${SONARQUBE_URL} -Dsonar.login=${SONARQUBE_TOKEN} python ./.travis/trigger-site-deployment.py else mvn -V -B -e verify -Djdk.version=5 --toolchains=./.travis/toolchains.xml fi ;; 6 | 7 | 8 | 9) mvn -V -B -e verify -Djdk.version=${JDK} -Dbytecode.version=${JDK} -Decj=${ECJ:-} --toolchains=./.travis/travis-toolchains.xml ;; 10) mvn -V -B -e verify -Dbytecode.version=10 ;; 11-ea) mvn -V -B -e verify -Dbytecode.version=11 ;; 12-ea) mvn -V -B -e verify -Dbytecode.version=12 ;; *) echo "Incorrect JDK [$JDK]" exit 1; ;; esac