path: root/agent/src/main/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor/CoverageRecorder.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'agent/src/main/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor/CoverageRecorder.kt')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/agent/src/main/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor/CoverageRecorder.kt b/agent/src/main/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor/CoverageRecorder.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65956189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/src/main/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor/CoverageRecorder.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Code Intelligence GmbH
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.code_intelligence.jazzer.instrumentor
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.runtime.CoverageMap
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.analysis.CoverageBuilder
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.ExecutionData
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.ExecutionDataReader
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.ExecutionDataStore
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.ExecutionDataWriter
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.SessionInfo
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.data.SessionInfoStore
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.third_party.jacoco.core.internal.data.CRC64
+import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.utils.ClassNameGlobber
+import io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
+import java.time.Instant
+import java.util.UUID
+private data class InstrumentedClassInfo(
+ val classId: Long,
+ val initialEdgeId: Int,
+ val nextEdgeId: Int,
+ val bytecode: ByteArray,
+object CoverageRecorder {
+ var classNameGlobber = ClassNameGlobber(emptyList(), emptyList())
+ private val instrumentedClassInfo = mutableMapOf<String, InstrumentedClassInfo>()
+ private var startTimestamp: Instant? = null
+ private val additionalCoverage = mutableSetOf<Int>()
+ fun recordInstrumentedClass(internalClassName: String, bytecode: ByteArray, firstId: Int, numIds: Int) {
+ if (startTimestamp == null)
+ startTimestamp = Instant.now()
+ instrumentedClassInfo[internalClassName] = InstrumentedClassInfo(
+ CRC64.classId(bytecode), firstId, firstId + numIds, bytecode
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * Manually records coverage IDs based on the current state of [CoverageMap.mem].
+ * Should be called after static initializers have run.
+ */
+ @JvmStatic
+ fun updateCoveredIdsWithCoverageMap() {
+ val mem = CoverageMap.mem
+ val size = mem.capacity()
+ additionalCoverage.addAll((0 until size).filter { mem[it] > 0 })
+ }
+ @JvmStatic
+ fun replayCoveredIds() {
+ val mem = CoverageMap.mem
+ for (coverageId in additionalCoverage) {
+ mem.put(coverageId, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ @JvmStatic
+ fun computeFileCoverage(coveredIds: IntArray): String {
+ val coverage = analyzeCoverage(coveredIds.toSet()) ?: return "No classes were instrumented"
+ return coverage.sourceFiles.joinToString(
+ "\n",
+ prefix = "Branch coverage:\n",
+ postfix = "\n\n"
+ ) { fileCoverage ->
+ val counter = fileCoverage.branchCounter
+ val percentage = 100 * counter.coveredRatio
+ "${fileCoverage.name}: ${counter.coveredCount}/${counter.totalCount} (${percentage.format(2)}%)"
+ } + coverage.sourceFiles.joinToString(
+ "\n",
+ prefix = "Line coverage:\n",
+ postfix = "\n\n"
+ ) { fileCoverage ->
+ val counter = fileCoverage.lineCounter
+ val percentage = 100 * counter.coveredRatio
+ "${fileCoverage.name}: ${counter.coveredCount}/${counter.totalCount} (${percentage.format(2)}%)"
+ } + coverage.sourceFiles.joinToString(
+ "\n",
+ prefix = "Incompletely covered lines:\n",
+ postfix = "\n\n"
+ ) { fileCoverage ->
+ "${fileCoverage.name}: " + (fileCoverage.firstLine..fileCoverage.lastLine).filter {
+ val instructions = fileCoverage.getLine(it).instructionCounter
+ instructions.coveredCount in 1 until instructions.totalCount
+ }.toString()
+ } + coverage.sourceFiles.joinToString(
+ "\n",
+ prefix = "Missed lines:\n",
+ ) { fileCoverage ->
+ "${fileCoverage.name}: " + (fileCoverage.firstLine..fileCoverage.lastLine).filter {
+ val instructions = fileCoverage.getLine(it).instructionCounter
+ instructions.coveredCount == 0 && instructions.totalCount > 0
+ }.toString()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun Double.format(digits: Int) = "%.${digits}f".format(this)
+ fun dumpJacocoCoverage(coveredIds: Set<Int>): ByteArray? {
+ // Update the list of covered IDs with the coverage information for the current run.
+ updateCoveredIdsWithCoverageMap()
+ val dumpTimestamp = Instant.now()
+ val outStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ val outWriter = ExecutionDataWriter(outStream)
+ // Return null if no class has been instrumented.
+ val startTimestamp = startTimestamp ?: return null
+ outWriter.visitSessionInfo(
+ SessionInfo(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), startTimestamp.epochSecond, dumpTimestamp.epochSecond)
+ )
+ val sortedCoveredIds = (additionalCoverage + coveredIds).sorted().toIntArray()
+ for ((internalClassName, info) in instrumentedClassInfo) {
+ // Determine the subarray of coverage IDs in sortedCoveredIds that contains the IDs generated while
+ // instrumenting the current class. Since the ID array is sorted, use binary search.
+ var coveredIdsStart = sortedCoveredIds.binarySearch(info.initialEdgeId)
+ if (coveredIdsStart < 0) {
+ coveredIdsStart = -(coveredIdsStart + 1)
+ }
+ var coveredIdsEnd = sortedCoveredIds.binarySearch(info.nextEdgeId)
+ if (coveredIdsEnd < 0) {
+ coveredIdsEnd = -(coveredIdsEnd + 1)
+ }
+ if (coveredIdsStart == coveredIdsEnd) {
+ // No coverage data for the class.
+ continue
+ }
+ check(coveredIdsStart in 0 until coveredIdsEnd && coveredIdsEnd <= sortedCoveredIds.size) {
+ "Invalid range [$coveredIdsStart, $coveredIdsEnd) with coveredIds.size=${sortedCoveredIds.size}"
+ }
+ // Generate a probes array for the current class only, i.e., mapping info.initialEdgeId to 0.
+ val probes = BooleanArray(info.nextEdgeId - info.initialEdgeId)
+ (coveredIdsStart until coveredIdsEnd).asSequence()
+ .map {
+ val globalEdgeId = sortedCoveredIds[it]
+ globalEdgeId - info.initialEdgeId
+ }
+ .forEach { classLocalEdgeId ->
+ probes[classLocalEdgeId] = true
+ }
+ outWriter.visitClassExecution(ExecutionData(info.classId, internalClassName, probes))
+ }
+ return outStream.toByteArray()
+ }
+ fun analyzeCoverage(coveredIds: Set<Int>): CoverageBuilder? {
+ return try {
+ val coverage = CoverageBuilder()
+ analyzeAllUncoveredClasses(coverage)
+ val rawExecutionData = dumpJacocoCoverage(coveredIds) ?: return null
+ val executionDataStore = ExecutionDataStore()
+ val sessionInfoStore = SessionInfoStore()
+ ByteArrayInputStream(rawExecutionData).use { stream ->
+ ExecutionDataReader(stream).run {
+ setExecutionDataVisitor(executionDataStore)
+ setSessionInfoVisitor(sessionInfoStore)
+ read()
+ }
+ }
+ for ((internalClassName, info) in instrumentedClassInfo) {
+ EdgeCoverageInstrumentor(0).analyze(
+ executionDataStore,
+ coverage,
+ info.bytecode,
+ internalClassName
+ )
+ }
+ coverage
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ e.printStackTrace()
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Traverses the entire classpath and analyzes all uncovered classes that match the include/exclude pattern.
+ * The returned [CoverageBuilder] will report coverage information for *all* classes on the classpath, not just
+ * those that were loaded while the fuzzer ran.
+ */
+ private fun analyzeAllUncoveredClasses(coverage: CoverageBuilder): CoverageBuilder {
+ val coveredClassNames = instrumentedClassInfo
+ .keys
+ .asSequence()
+ .map { it.replace('/', '.') }
+ .toSet()
+ val emptyExecutionDataStore = ExecutionDataStore()
+ ClassGraph()
+ .enableClassInfo()
+ .ignoreClassVisibility()
+ .rejectPackages(
+ // Always exclude Jazzer-internal packages (including ClassGraph itself) from coverage reports. Classes
+ // from the Java standard library are never traversed.
+ "com.code_intelligence.jazzer.*",
+ "jaz",
+ )
+ .scan().use { result ->
+ result.allClasses
+ .asSequence()
+ .filter { classInfo -> classNameGlobber.includes(classInfo.name) }
+ .filterNot { classInfo -> classInfo.name in coveredClassNames }
+ .forEach { classInfo ->
+ classInfo.resource.use { resource ->
+ EdgeCoverageInstrumentor(0).analyze(
+ emptyExecutionDataStore,
+ coverage,
+ resource.load(),
+ classInfo.name.replace('.', '/')
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return coverage
+ }