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+## Changelog
+### Current
+* Fixed: '--' handling, #296
+* Added: Add `getProgramName` to `JCommander`, #247
+* Added: Documentation for `listConverter` and `splitter`, #253, (@jeremysolarz)
+* Fixed: Return right parameter name in exception, #227, (@jeremysolarz)
+* Fixed: `JCommander#getParameters` returning nothing, #315, (@simon04)
+* Fixed: Allow empty string (e.g. `java -jar jcommander-program.jar param1 ""`) as part of main parameter, #306 (@jeremysolarz)
+* Fixed: Default value for `@Parameter(help=true)` parameter is not displayed in output of `JCommander.usage()`, #305 (@jeremysolarz)
+* Fixed: When providing two names in `@Parameter` always first name is given to `IValueValidator`, #309 (@jeremysolarz)
+### 1.58
+* Added: `IStringConverterInstanceFactory` to create converter instances, #279 (@simon04)
+* Added: Allow to specify the `@file` charset, #286 (@simon04)
+* Added: Converters `InetAddressConverter` (#288), `CharArrayConverter` (#289; @garydgregory)
+* Fixed: When using `parseWithoutValidation()`, JCommander uses 'parse()' on child commanders, #267 (@simon04)
+* Fixed: Share all options (such as column size, allow abbreviated options, case sensitivity) with sub commands, see `JCommander.Options` class, #280 (fixes #155, #244, #261, #274; @simon04)
+* Fixed: Thread-safe and non-shared converter factories, #284 (@simon04)
+* Fixed: Skip `Path` converter when class is not available (Android), #287 (@JesusFreke)
+* Added: JCommander now requires Java 8
+### 1.56
+* Added: Allow user to retrieve unknown command, #275
+### 1.55
+* Added: Support for disabling the `@file` expansion, #156
+* Fixed: Wrap usage for commands and main parameters, #258
+* Added: Read parameters from interfaces, #252
+* Added: Refuse to write to final fields, #243
+* Added: Access private fields/methods, #236
+* Fixed: Fix description line wrapping, #239
+* Fixed: Prioritize registered converters for enums over generic enum conversion, #179
+* Added: Travis CI support,
+* Added: Gradle build support
+* Fixed: Better error message when there's a visibility problem.
+* Require Java 7
+### 1.48
+* Added: Added support for URL, URI, Java NIO paths parameters, #189, #219
+* Fixed: Incorrect usage formatting with single long options, #200
+### 1.37
+* Added: Support for `hidden` commands (`Parameters`), #191
+* Added: parameter overwriting (and even disallowing it for certain parameters)
+* Added: `#` mark comments in a `@file`, #199
+* Added: Support for "--"
+* Fixed: Bug in enum parsing, #184
+### 1.34
+* Fixed problem whereby Parameters returning Lists and with alternate names were being reset on the first use of an alternate name, #182
+### 1.32
+* Fixed: Main parameters with a default value should be overridden if a main parameter is specified, #137
+* Fixed: Allow enum values without converting them to uppercase, #107
+### 1.30
+* Added: JCommander#acceptUnknownOption and JCommander#getUnknownArgs
+* Added: JCommander#allowAbbreviatedOptions (default: false)
+* Added: JCommander#setCaseSensitiveOptions (default: true)
+* Added: Support for enums (Scott M Stark)
+* Fixed: Missing new lines in usage (styurin)
+* Fixed: The description of commands is now displayed on the next line and indented.
+### 1.29
+* Fixed: Empty string defaults now displayed as "<empty string>" in the usage
+* Fixed: Bugs with the PositiveInteger validator
+* Fixed: Parameters with a single double quote were not working properly
+### 1.27
+* Added: IValueValidator to validate parameter values (typed) as opposed to IParameterValidator which validates strings
+* Added: echoInput, used when password=true to echo the characters (Jason Wheeler)
+* Added: @Parameter(help = true)
+* Fixed: wasn't handling parameters that start with " but don't end with one correctly
+* Fixed: if using a different option prefix, unknown option are mistakenly reported as "no main parameter defined" (kurmasz)
+* Fixed: 113: getCommandDescription() returns the description of the main parameter instead of that of the command
+* Fixed: bug with several multiple arity parameters (VariableArityTest)
+* Fixed: variable arities not working when same parameter appears multiple times.
+### 1.25
+* Added: Default passwords are no longer displayed in the usage (Paul Mendelson)
+* Added: Variable arities now work magically, no need for IVariableArity any more
+* Fixed: Commands using @Parameters(resourceBundle) were not i18n'ed properly in the usage()
+* Fixed: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if passing an empty parameter (bomanz)
+* Fixed: #105: If no description is given for an enum, use that enum's value (Adrian Muraru)
+* Fixed: #108: Dynamic parameters with "=" in them are not parsed correctly (szhem)
+* Fixed: Commands with same prefix as options were not working properly.
+* Fixed: #97: Required password always complains that it is not specified (timoteoponce)
+### 1.23
+* Added: @DynamicParameter
+* Fixed: Use JDK 6 Console() when available to improve support of non ascii chars (Julien Henry)
+### 1.20
+* Added: Support for delegating parameter definitions to child classes (rodionmoiseev)
+* Added: @Parameter(commandNames) so that command names can be specified with annotations
+* Added: Support for enums (Adrian Muraru)
+* Fixed: Throw if an unknown option is found
+* Fixed: Main parameters are now validated as well (Connor Mullen)
+### 1.19
+* Added: commandDescriptionKey to @Parameters, to allow internationalized command descriptions
+* Added: JCommander#setParameterDescriptionComparator for better control over usage()
+* Fixed: Fields of type Set (HashSet and SortedSet) are now supported
+* Fixed: defaults for commands were not properly applied (Stevo Slavic)
+* Fixed: "-args=a=b,b=c" was not being parsed correctly (Michael Lancaster)
+* Fixed: #73: descriptionKey was being ignored on main parameters
+### 1.18
+* Added: Default converter factories can be overridden (Scott Clasen)
+* Added: IParameterValidator
+* Added: Don't display "Options:" if none were defined
+* Added: Enforce that the type of the main parameter is a List
+* Added: usage() now displays the options for each command as well
+* Fixed: Default values with a validator were being validate at parse() time instead of creation time.
+* Fixed: Exception when using an @ file with empty lines between options
+* Fixed: OOM when parsing certain descriptions with long URL's in them
+### 1.15
+* Added: Added a constructor that takes a Bundle only, #47 (Russell Egan)
+* Fixed: NPE with calling getCommandDescription() of an unknown command
+### 1.13
+* Added: Boolean parameters with arity 0 (e.g. "foo -debug")
+* Fixed: JCommander would sometimes just print a stack trace and continue, now rethrowing.
+### 1.7
+* Added: Command usages are now shown in the order they were added to the JCommander object
+* Fixed: JCommander now compatible with Java 5
+* Fixed: Minor bug in the command display (Marc Ende)
+### 1.6
+* Added: @Parameters(commandDescription = "command description")
+* Added: now throwing an exception if required main parameters are not supplied
+* Fixed: usage() was changing default values after two runs (jstrachan)
+### 1.5
+* Added: overloaded versions of usage() with StringBuilders
+* Added: inheritance support (Guillaume Sauthier)
+* Added: support for commands (e.g. "main add --author=cbeust")
+* Added: support for converters for main parameters (e.g. List<HostPort>).
+### 1.4
+* Added: string converter factories
+* Added: IDefaultProvider
+* Added: PropertyFileDefaultProvider
+* Added: Usage is now showing required parameters and default value
+* Added: Support for values that look like parameters ("-integer -3", "/file /tmp/a")
+* Added: @Parameters(optionPrefixes) to allow for different prefixes than "-"
+### 1.2
+* Usage is now aligned and alphabetically sorted
+* Added the hidden attribute
+* Added support for different separators than " " (e.g. "=").
+* Deprecated @ResourceBundle, replaced with @Parameters
+### 1.1
+* Better internationalization
+* Password support
+* Type converters