UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = case4) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: getCase4 UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = case4) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: getCase4 UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> UQualifiedReferenceExpression -> PsiMethod:repeat: repeat UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> UQualifiedReferenceExpression -> PsiMethod:repeat: repeat UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = case4) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: getCase4 UPolyadicExpression (operator = +) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = case4) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: getCase4 UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 1))(resolves to PsiMethod:repeat) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = repeat) -> PsiMethod:repeat: repeat UTypeReferenceExpression (name = int) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = Int) -> PsiClass:Integer: Integer UReturnExpression -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = i) -> Kotlin_Light_Value_Parameter: i UReturnExpression -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = i) -> Kotlin_Light_Value_Parameter: i UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 1))(resolves to PsiMethod:println) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = println) -> PsiMethod:println: println UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 1))(resolves to PsiMethod:println) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = baz) -> null: null UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 1))(resolves to PsiMethod:println) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = baz) -> null: null UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 0))(resolves to Kotlin_Light_Method) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = simpleForTemplate) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: simpleForTemplate UCallExpression (kind = UastCallKind(name='method_call'), argCount = 0))(resolves to Kotlin_Light_Method) -> USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = simpleForTemplate) -> Kotlin_Light_Method: simpleForTemplate