AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-09DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp into stag-aosp-masterandroid-r-beta-3android-r-beta-2Xin Li
2020-03-30Snap for 6347427 from f44b4add243846b6bd3dc18a77ec8ee12275e262 to simpleperf-...android-build-prod (mdb)
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24 am: c3cb43c6f5 am: 2b5f...Bob Badour
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24 am: c3cb43c6f5 am: 2b5f...Bob Badour
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24 am: c3cb43c6f5 am: 2b5f...Bob Badour
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24 am: c3cb43c6f5Bob Badour
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24 am: c3cb43c6f5Bob Badour
2020-03-26Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link. am: f44b4add24Bob Badour
2020-03-25Remove redundant NOTICE symbolic link.Bob Badour
2020-03-19[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901...Xin Li
2020-03-19[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901...Xin Li
2020-03-19[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901...Xin Li
2020-03-19DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901 into stag-aosp-maste...Xin Li
2020-03-19[automerger skipped] DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901...Xin Li
2020-03-18DO NOT MERGE - Empty merge qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp@6304901 into stag-aosp-masterXin Li
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673c am: c5f71e95df am: e50b3b7561 am: ...Automerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673c am: c5f71e95df am: e50b3b7561 am: ...Automerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673c am: c5f71e95df am: e50b3b7561Automerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673c am: c5f71e95dfAutomerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673c am: c5f71e95dfAutomerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstream am: cef92d673cAutomerger Merge Worker
2020-03-05Initial merge with upstreamandroid-r-preview-4android-r-preview-3android-r-preview-2Yuexi Ma
2020-03-04Initial empty repositoryInna Palant
2019-11-14Fix 1 ErrorProneStyle finding:clshepherd
2019-11-06fix Handler.getHostAddress() performance issueasie
2019-10-14Fix 6 ErrorProneStyle findings:clshepherd
2019-10-04Run Maven tests for jimfs in our internal builds.cpovirk
2019-10-04Change Jimfs PathMatchers to use the regex flags indicated by the Configurati...cgdecker
2019-10-04Prepare Javadoc for Java 11, and make other improvements:cpovirk
2019-10-04Run Error Prone as a plugin.cpovirk
2019-10-04maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.1Sean Sullivan
2019-10-04Travis: use 'openjdk8' instead of 'oraclejdk8'Sean Sullivan
2019-10-04Use AutoService as a proper annotation processor.cpovirk
2019-10-04Update versions of some plugins and a dependency to prepare for Java 11.cpovirk
2019-10-04Mostly migrate off jsr305.cpovirk
2019-10-04Update Travis JDK to JDK11.cpovirk
2019-10-02Fix exception message - add missing closing parenthesisEvgeny Mandrikov
2019-10-02Removed TODO comment for making heap disks configurable, assahmed10315
2019-06-06Update to Truth 0.45, and address deprecations.cpovirk
2019-06-06Assert that snapshot elements are ordered, as suggested by the comment.glorioso
2019-06-06Fix internal build breakage from making assertThat(SortedSet) @GoogleInternal.cpovirk
2019-05-15Migrate users from the old, deprecated Subject.fail* methods to the new Subje...cpovirk
2019-05-08Instead of calling Subject.actual(), store the actual value in a field, and r...cpovirk
2019-05-07Remove PathSubject.andThat().cgdecker
2019-05-07Migrate Truth Subjects from no-arg check() to the overload that accepts a des...cpovirk
2019-05-05Migrate Truth subjects from the old fail(String, Object) to the new failWithA...cpovirk
2019-04-29Migrate from assertThat(foo).named("foo") to assertWithMessage("foo").that(foo).cpovirk
2019-04-29Migrate from containsAllOf to containsAtLeast.cpovirk
2019-04-29Update to Truth 0.44.cpovirk
2019-04-29Migrate Truth subjects from a manual "test and fail" approach to one using Su...cpovirk