path: root/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/textures/TexturePixel.java
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1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/textures/TexturePixel.java b/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/textures/TexturePixel.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c0122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/src/blender/com/jme3/scene/plugins/blender/textures/TexturePixel.java
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+package com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures;
+import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
+import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
+import com.jme3.texture.Image.Format;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ * The class that stores the pixel values of a texture.
+ *
+ * @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
+ */
+public class TexturePixel implements Cloneable {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TexturePixel.class.getName());
+ /** The pixel data. */
+ public float intensity, red, green, blue, alpha;
+ /**
+ * Copies the values from the given pixel.
+ *
+ * @param pixel
+ * the pixel that we read from
+ */
+ public void fromPixel(TexturePixel pixel) {
+ this.intensity = pixel.intensity;
+ this.red = pixel.red;
+ this.green = pixel.green;
+ this.blue = pixel.blue;
+ this.alpha = pixel.alpha;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies the values from the given color.
+ *
+ * @param colorRGBA
+ * the color that we read from
+ */
+ public void fromColor(ColorRGBA colorRGBA) {
+ this.red = colorRGBA.r;
+ this.green = colorRGBA.g;
+ this.blue = colorRGBA.b;
+ this.alpha = colorRGBA.a;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies the values from the given values.
+ *
+ * @param a
+ * the alpha value
+ * @param r
+ * the red value
+ * @param g
+ * the green value
+ * @param b
+ * the blue value
+ */
+ public void fromARGB8(float a, float r, float g, float b) {
+ this.alpha = a;
+ this.red = r;
+ this.green = g;
+ this.blue = b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies the values from the given integer that stores the ARGB8 data.
+ *
+ * @param argb8
+ * the data stored in an integer
+ */
+ public void fromARGB8(int argb8) {
+ byte pixelValue = (byte) ((argb8 & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ this.alpha = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = (byte) ((argb8 & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+ this.red = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = (byte) ((argb8 & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ this.green = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = (byte) (argb8 & 0xFF);
+ this.blue = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copies the data from the given image.
+ *
+ * @param imageFormat
+ * the image format
+ * @param data
+ * the image data
+ * @param pixelIndex
+ * the index of the required pixel
+ */
+ public void fromImage(Format imageFormat, ByteBuffer data, int pixelIndex) {
+ int firstByteIndex;
+ byte pixelValue;
+ switch (imageFormat) {
+ case ABGR8:
+ firstByteIndex = pixelIndex << 2;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex);
+ this.alpha = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 1);
+ this.blue = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 2);
+ this.green = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 3);
+ this.red = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ break;
+ case RGBA8:
+ firstByteIndex = pixelIndex << 2;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex);
+ this.red = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 1);
+ this.green = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 2);
+ this.blue = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 3);
+ this.alpha = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ break;
+ case BGR8:
+ firstByteIndex = pixelIndex * 3;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex);
+ this.blue = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 1);
+ this.green = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 2);
+ this.red = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ this.alpha = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ case RGB8:
+ firstByteIndex = pixelIndex * 3;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex);
+ this.red = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 1);
+ this.green = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ pixelValue = data.get(firstByteIndex + 2);
+ this.blue = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ this.alpha = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ case Luminance8:
+ pixelValue = data.get(pixelIndex);
+ this.intensity = pixelValue >= 0 ? pixelValue / 255.0f : 1.0f - (~pixelValue) / 255.0f;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Unknown type of texture: {0}. Black pixel used!", imageFormat);
+ this.intensity = this.blue = this.red = this.green = this.alpha = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores RGBA values in the given array.
+ *
+ * @param result
+ * the array to store values
+ */
+ public void toRGBA(float[] result) {
+ result[0] = this.red;
+ result[1] = this.green;
+ result[2] = this.blue;
+ result[3] = this.alpha;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the data in the given table.
+ *
+ * @param result
+ * the result table
+ */
+ public void toRGBA8(byte[] result) {
+ result[0] = (byte) (this.red * 255.0f);
+ result[1] = (byte) (this.green * 255.0f);
+ result[2] = (byte) (this.blue * 255.0f);
+ result[3] = (byte) (this.alpha * 255.0f);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the pixel values in the integer.
+ *
+ * @return the integer that stores the pixel values
+ */
+ public int toARGB8() {
+ int result = 0;
+ int b = (int) (this.alpha * 255.0f);
+ result |= b << 24;
+ b = (int) (this.red * 255.0f);
+ result |= b << 16;
+ b = (int) (this.green * 255.0f);
+ result |= b << 8;
+ b = (int) (this.blue * 255.0f);
+ result |= b;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merges two pixels (adds the values of each color).
+ *
+ * @param pixel
+ * the pixel we merge with
+ */
+ public void merge(TexturePixel pixel) {
+ float oneMinusAlpha = 1 - pixel.alpha;
+ this.red = oneMinusAlpha * this.red + pixel.alpha * pixel.red;
+ this.green = oneMinusAlpha * this.green + pixel.alpha * pixel.green;
+ this.blue = oneMinusAlpha * this.blue + pixel.alpha * pixel.blue;
+ // alpha should be always 1.0f as a result
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method negates the colors.
+ */
+ public void negate() {
+ this.red = 1.0f - this.red;
+ this.green = 1.0f - this.green;
+ this.blue = 1.0f - this.blue;
+ this.alpha = 1.0f - this.alpha;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method clears the pixel values.
+ */
+ public void clear() {
+ this.intensity = this.blue = this.red = this.green = this.alpha = 0.0f;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method adds the calues of the given pixel to the current pixel.
+ *
+ * @param pixel
+ * the pixel we add
+ */
+ public void add(TexturePixel pixel) {
+ this.red += pixel.red;
+ this.green += pixel.green;
+ this.blue += pixel.blue;
+ this.alpha += pixel.alpha;
+ this.intensity += pixel.intensity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method multiplies the values of the given pixel by the given value.
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * multiplication factor
+ */
+ public void mult(float value) {
+ this.red *= value;
+ this.green *= value;
+ this.blue *= value;
+ this.alpha *= value;
+ this.intensity *= value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method divides the values of the given pixel by the given value.
+ * ATTENTION! Beware of the zero value. This will cause you NaN's in the
+ * pixel values.
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * division factor
+ */
+ public void divide(float value) {
+ this.red /= value;
+ this.green /= value;
+ this.blue /= value;
+ this.alpha /= value;
+ this.intensity /= value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method clamps the pixel values to the given borders.
+ *
+ * @param min
+ * the minimum value
+ * @param max
+ * the maximum value
+ */
+ public void clamp(float min, float max) {
+ this.red = FastMath.clamp(this.red, min, max);
+ this.green = FastMath.clamp(this.green, min, max);
+ this.blue = FastMath.clamp(this.blue, min, max);
+ this.alpha = FastMath.clamp(this.alpha, min, max);
+ this.intensity = FastMath.clamp(this.intensity, min, max);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
+ return super.clone();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "[" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ", " + alpha + " {" + intensity + "}]";
+ }