path: root/engine/src/core/com/jme3/bounding/OrientedBoundingBox.java
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diff --git a/engine/src/core/com/jme3/bounding/OrientedBoundingBox.java b/engine/src/core/com/jme3/bounding/OrientedBoundingBox.java
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index 0000000..f383a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/src/core/com/jme3/bounding/OrientedBoundingBox.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1522 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+package com.jme3.bounding;
+ * NOTE: This class has been commented out as it has too many dependencies.
+ */
+//import java.io.IOException;
+//import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
+////import com.jme.scene.TriMesh;
+// * Started Date: Sep 5, 2004 <br>
+// * <br>
+// *
+// * @author Jack Lindamood
+// * @author Joshua Slack (alterations for .9)
+// * @version $Id: OrientedBoundingBox.java,v 1.35 2007/09/21 15:45:31 nca Exp $
+// */
+//public class OrientedBoundingBox extends BoundingVolume {
+// private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect3 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect4 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect5 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect6 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect7 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect8 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect9 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f _compVect10 = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Vector3f tempVe = new Vector3f();
+// static private final Matrix3f tempMa = new Matrix3f();
+// static private final Quaternion tempQa = new Quaternion();
+// static private final Quaternion tempQb = new Quaternion();
+// private static final float[] fWdU = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] fAWdU = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] fDdU = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] fADdU = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] fAWxDdU = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] tempFa = new float[3];
+// private static final float[] tempFb = new float[3];
+// /** X axis of the Oriented Box. */
+// public final Vector3f xAxis = new Vector3f(1, 0, 0);
+// /** Y axis of the Oriented Box. */
+// public final Vector3f yAxis = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0);
+// /** Z axis of the Oriented Box. */
+// public final Vector3f zAxis = new Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
+// /** Extents of the box along the x,y,z axis. */
+// public final Vector3f extent = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
+// /** Vector array used to store the array of 8 corners the box has. */
+// public final Vector3f[] vectorStore = new Vector3f[8];
+// private final Vector3f tempVk = new Vector3f();
+// private final Vector3f tempForword = new Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
+// private final Vector3f tempLeft = new Vector3f(1, 0, 0);
+// private final Vector3f tempUp = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0);
+// static private final FloatBuffer _mergeBuf = BufferUtils
+// .createVector3Buffer(16);
+// /**
+// * If true, the box's vectorStore array correctly represents the box's
+// * corners.
+// */
+// public boolean correctCorners = false;
+// public OrientedBoundingBox() {
+// for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
+// vectorStore[x] = new Vector3f();
+// }
+// public Type getType() {
+// return Type.OBB;
+// }
+// public BoundingVolume transform(Quaternion rotate, Vector3f translate,
+// Vector3f scale, BoundingVolume store) {
+// rotate.toRotationMatrix(tempMa);
+// return transform(tempMa, translate, scale, store);
+// }
+// public BoundingVolume transform(Matrix3f rotate, Vector3f translate,
+// Vector3f scale, BoundingVolume store) {
+// if (store == null || store.getType() != Type.OBB) {
+// store = new OrientedBoundingBox();
+// }
+// OrientedBoundingBox toReturn = (OrientedBoundingBox) store;
+// toReturn.extent.set(FastMath.abs(extent.x * scale.x),
+// FastMath.abs(extent.y * scale.y),
+// FastMath.abs(extent.z * scale.z));
+// rotate.mult(xAxis, toReturn.xAxis);
+// rotate.mult(yAxis, toReturn.yAxis);
+// rotate.mult(zAxis, toReturn.zAxis);
+// center.mult(scale, toReturn.center);
+// rotate.mult(toReturn.center, toReturn.center);
+// toReturn.center.addLocal(translate);
+// toReturn.correctCorners = false;
+// return toReturn;
+// }
+// public int whichSide(Plane plane) {
+// float fRadius = FastMath.abs(extent.x * (plane.getNormal().dot(xAxis)))
+// + FastMath.abs(extent.y * (plane.getNormal().dot(yAxis)))
+// + FastMath.abs(extent.z * (plane.getNormal().dot(zAxis)));
+// float fDistance = plane.pseudoDistance(center);
+// if (fDistance <= -fRadius)
+// return Plane.NEGATIVE_SIDE;
+// else if (fDistance >= fRadius)
+// return Plane.POSITIVE_SIDE;
+// else
+// return Plane.NO_SIDE;
+// }
+// public void computeFromPoints(FloatBuffer points) {
+// containAABB(points);
+// }
+// /**
+// * Calculates an AABB of the given point values for this OBB.
+// *
+// * @param points
+// * The points this OBB should contain.
+// */
+// private void containAABB(FloatBuffer points) {
+// if (points == null || points.limit() <= 2) { // we need at least a 3
+// // float vector
+// return;
+// }
+// BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(_compVect1, points, 0);
+// float minX = _compVect1.x, minY = _compVect1.y, minZ = _compVect1.z;
+// float maxX = _compVect1.x, maxY = _compVect1.y, maxZ = _compVect1.z;
+// for (int i = 1, len = points.limit() / 3; i < len; i++) {
+// BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(_compVect1, points, i);
+// if (_compVect1.x < minX)
+// minX = _compVect1.x;
+// else if (_compVect1.x > maxX)
+// maxX = _compVect1.x;
+// if (_compVect1.y < minY)
+// minY = _compVect1.y;
+// else if (_compVect1.y > maxY)
+// maxY = _compVect1.y;
+// if (_compVect1.z < minZ)
+// minZ = _compVect1.z;
+// else if (_compVect1.z > maxZ)
+// maxZ = _compVect1.z;
+// }
+// center.set(minX + maxX, minY + maxY, minZ + maxZ);
+// center.multLocal(0.5f);
+// extent.set(maxX - center.x, maxY - center.y, maxZ - center.z);
+// xAxis.set(1, 0, 0);
+// yAxis.set(0, 1, 0);
+// zAxis.set(0, 0, 1);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public BoundingVolume merge(BoundingVolume volume) {
+// // clone ourselves into a new bounding volume, then merge.
+// return clone(new OrientedBoundingBox()).mergeLocal(volume);
+// }
+// public BoundingVolume mergeLocal(BoundingVolume volume) {
+// if (volume == null)
+// return this;
+// switch (volume.getType()) {
+// case OBB: {
+// return mergeOBB((OrientedBoundingBox) volume);
+// }
+// case AABB: {
+// return mergeAABB((BoundingBox) volume);
+// }
+// case Sphere: {
+// return mergeSphere((BoundingSphere) volume);
+// }
+// default:
+// return null;
+// }
+// }
+// private BoundingVolume mergeSphere(BoundingSphere volume) {
+// BoundingSphere mergeSphere = volume;
+// if (!correctCorners)
+// this.computeCorners();
+// _mergeBuf.rewind();
+// for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].x);
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].y);
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].z);
+// }
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z + mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z + mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z + mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z - mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z + mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z - mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x + mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z - mergeSphere.radius);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeSphere.center.x - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.y - mergeSphere.radius).put(
+// mergeSphere.center.z - mergeSphere.radius);
+// containAABB(_mergeBuf);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// return this;
+// }
+// private BoundingVolume mergeAABB(BoundingBox volume) {
+// BoundingBox mergeBox = volume;
+// if (!correctCorners)
+// this.computeCorners();
+// _mergeBuf.rewind();
+// for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].x);
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].y);
+// _mergeBuf.put(vectorStore[i].z);
+// }
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x + mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y + mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z + mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x - mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y + mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z + mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x + mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y - mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z + mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x + mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y + mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z - mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x - mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y - mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z + mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x - mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y + mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z - mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x + mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y - mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z - mergeBox.zExtent);
+// _mergeBuf.put(mergeBox.center.x - mergeBox.xExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.y - mergeBox.yExtent).put(
+// mergeBox.center.z - mergeBox.zExtent);
+// containAABB(_mergeBuf);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// return this;
+// }
+// private BoundingVolume mergeOBB(OrientedBoundingBox volume) {
+// // OrientedBoundingBox mergeBox=(OrientedBoundingBox) volume;
+// // if (!correctCorners) this.computeCorners();
+// // if (!mergeBox.correctCorners) mergeBox.computeCorners();
+// // Vector3f[] mergeArray=new Vector3f[16];
+// // for (int i=0;i<vectorStore.length;i++){
+// // mergeArray[i*2+0]=this .vectorStore[i];
+// // mergeArray[i*2+1]=mergeBox.vectorStore[i];
+// // }
+// // containAABB(mergeArray);
+// // correctCorners=false;
+// // return this;
+// // construct a box that contains the input boxes
+// // Box3<Real> kBox;
+// OrientedBoundingBox rkBox0 = this;
+// OrientedBoundingBox rkBox1 = volume;
+// // The first guess at the box center. This value will be updated later
+// // after the input box vertices are projected onto axes determined by an
+// // average of box axes.
+// Vector3f kBoxCenter = (rkBox0.center.add(rkBox1.center, _compVect7))
+// .multLocal(.5f);
+// // A box's axes, when viewed as the columns of a matrix, form a rotation
+// // matrix. The input box axes are converted to quaternions. The average
+// // quaternion is computed, then normalized to unit length. The result is
+// // the slerp of the two input quaternions with t-value of 1/2. The
+// // result is converted back to a rotation matrix and its columns are
+// // selected as the merged box axes.
+// Quaternion kQ0 = tempQa, kQ1 = tempQb;
+// kQ0.fromAxes(rkBox0.xAxis, rkBox0.yAxis, rkBox0.zAxis);
+// kQ1.fromAxes(rkBox1.xAxis, rkBox1.yAxis, rkBox1.zAxis);
+// if (kQ0.dot(kQ1) < 0.0f)
+// kQ1.negate();
+// Quaternion kQ = kQ0.addLocal(kQ1);
+// kQ.normalize();
+// Matrix3f kBoxaxis = kQ.toRotationMatrix(tempMa);
+// Vector3f newXaxis = kBoxaxis.getColumn(0, _compVect8);
+// Vector3f newYaxis = kBoxaxis.getColumn(1, _compVect9);
+// Vector3f newZaxis = kBoxaxis.getColumn(2, _compVect10);
+// // Project the input box vertices onto the merged-box axes. Each axis
+// // D[i] containing the current center C has a minimum projected value
+// // pmin[i] and a maximum projected value pmax[i]. The corresponding end
+// // points on the axes are C+pmin[i]*D[i] and C+pmax[i]*D[i]. The point C
+// // is not necessarily the midpoint for any of the intervals. The actual
+// // box center will be adjusted from C to a point C' that is the midpoint
+// // of each interval,
+// // C' = C + sum_{i=0}^1 0.5*(pmin[i]+pmax[i])*D[i]
+// // The box extents are
+// // e[i] = 0.5*(pmax[i]-pmin[i])
+// int i;
+// float fDot;
+// Vector3f kDiff = _compVect4;
+// Vector3f kMin = _compVect5;
+// Vector3f kMax = _compVect6;
+// kMin.zero();
+// kMax.zero();
+// if (!rkBox0.correctCorners)
+// rkBox0.computeCorners();
+// for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+// rkBox0.vectorStore[i].subtract(kBoxCenter, kDiff);
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newXaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.x)
+// kMax.x = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.x)
+// kMin.x = fDot;
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newYaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.y)
+// kMax.y = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.y)
+// kMin.y = fDot;
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newZaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.z)
+// kMax.z = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.z)
+// kMin.z = fDot;
+// }
+// if (!rkBox1.correctCorners)
+// rkBox1.computeCorners();
+// for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+// rkBox1.vectorStore[i].subtract(kBoxCenter, kDiff);
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newXaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.x)
+// kMax.x = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.x)
+// kMin.x = fDot;
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newYaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.y)
+// kMax.y = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.y)
+// kMin.y = fDot;
+// fDot = kDiff.dot(newZaxis);
+// if (fDot > kMax.z)
+// kMax.z = fDot;
+// else if (fDot < kMin.z)
+// kMin.z = fDot;
+// }
+// this.xAxis.set(newXaxis);
+// this.yAxis.set(newYaxis);
+// this.zAxis.set(newZaxis);
+// this.extent.x = .5f * (kMax.x - kMin.x);
+// kBoxCenter.addLocal(this.xAxis.mult(.5f * (kMax.x + kMin.x), tempVe));
+// this.extent.y = .5f * (kMax.y - kMin.y);
+// kBoxCenter.addLocal(this.yAxis.mult(.5f * (kMax.y + kMin.y), tempVe));
+// this.extent.z = .5f * (kMax.z - kMin.z);
+// kBoxCenter.addLocal(this.zAxis.mult(.5f * (kMax.z + kMin.z), tempVe));
+// this.center.set(kBoxCenter);
+// this.correctCorners = false;
+// return this;
+// }
+// public BoundingVolume clone(BoundingVolume store) {
+// OrientedBoundingBox toReturn;
+// if (store instanceof OrientedBoundingBox) {
+// toReturn = (OrientedBoundingBox) store;
+// } else {
+// toReturn = new OrientedBoundingBox();
+// }
+// toReturn.extent.set(extent);
+// toReturn.xAxis.set(xAxis);
+// toReturn.yAxis.set(yAxis);
+// toReturn.zAxis.set(zAxis);
+// toReturn.center.set(center);
+// toReturn.checkPlane = checkPlane;
+// for (int x = vectorStore.length; --x >= 0; )
+// toReturn.vectorStore[x].set(vectorStore[x]);
+// toReturn.correctCorners = this.correctCorners;
+// return toReturn;
+// }
+// /**
+// * Sets the vectorStore information to the 8 corners of the box.
+// */
+// public void computeCorners() {
+// Vector3f akEAxis0 = xAxis.mult(extent.x, _compVect1);
+// Vector3f akEAxis1 = yAxis.mult(extent.y, _compVect2);
+// Vector3f akEAxis2 = zAxis.mult(extent.z, _compVect3);
+// vectorStore[0].set(center).subtractLocal(akEAxis0).subtractLocal(akEAxis1).subtractLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[1].set(center).addLocal(akEAxis0).subtractLocal(akEAxis1).subtractLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[2].set(center).addLocal(akEAxis0).addLocal(akEAxis1).subtractLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[3].set(center).subtractLocal(akEAxis0).addLocal(akEAxis1).subtractLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[4].set(center).subtractLocal(akEAxis0).subtractLocal(akEAxis1).addLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[5].set(center).addLocal(akEAxis0).subtractLocal(akEAxis1).addLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[6].set(center).addLocal(akEAxis0).addLocal(akEAxis1).addLocal(akEAxis2);
+// vectorStore[7].set(center).subtractLocal(akEAxis0).addLocal(akEAxis1).addLocal(akEAxis2);
+// correctCorners = true;
+// }
+//// public void computeFromTris(int[] indices, TriMesh mesh, int start, int end) {
+//// if (end - start <= 0) {
+//// return;
+//// }
+//// Vector3f[] verts = new Vector3f[3];
+//// Vector3f min = _compVect1.set(new Vector3f(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
+//// Vector3f max = _compVect2.set(new Vector3f(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
+//// Vector3f point;
+//// for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+//// mesh.getTriangle(indices[i], verts);
+//// point = verts[0];
+//// if (point.x < min.x)
+//// min.x = point.x;
+//// else if (point.x > max.x)
+//// max.x = point.x;
+//// if (point.y < min.y)
+//// min.y = point.y;
+//// else if (point.y > max.y)
+//// max.y = point.y;
+//// if (point.z < min.z)
+//// min.z = point.z;
+//// else if (point.z > max.z)
+//// max.z = point.z;
+//// point = verts[1];
+//// if (point.x < min.x)
+//// min.x = point.x;
+//// else if (point.x > max.x)
+//// max.x = point.x;
+//// if (point.y < min.y)
+//// min.y = point.y;
+//// else if (point.y > max.y)
+//// max.y = point.y;
+//// if (point.z < min.z)
+//// min.z = point.z;
+//// else if (point.z > max.z)
+//// max.z = point.z;
+//// point = verts[2];
+//// if (point.x < min.x)
+//// min.x = point.x;
+//// else if (point.x > max.x)
+//// max.x = point.x;
+//// if (point.y < min.y)
+//// min.y = point.y;
+//// else if (point.y > max.y)
+//// max.y = point.y;
+//// if (point.z < min.z)
+//// min.z = point.z;
+//// else if (point.z > max.z)
+//// max.z = point.z;
+//// }
+//// center.set(min.addLocal(max));
+//// center.multLocal(0.5f);
+//// extent.set(max.x - center.x, max.y - center.y, max.z - center.z);
+//// xAxis.set(1, 0, 0);
+//// yAxis.set(0, 1, 0);
+//// zAxis.set(0, 0, 1);
+//// correctCorners = false;
+//// }
+// public void computeFromTris(Triangle[] tris, int start, int end) {
+// if (end - start <= 0) {
+// return;
+// }
+// Vector3f min = _compVect1.set(tris[start].get(0));
+// Vector3f max = _compVect2.set(min);
+// Vector3f point;
+// for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+// point = tris[i].get(0);
+// if (point.x < min.x)
+// min.x = point.x;
+// else if (point.x > max.x)
+// max.x = point.x;
+// if (point.y < min.y)
+// min.y = point.y;
+// else if (point.y > max.y)
+// max.y = point.y;
+// if (point.z < min.z)
+// min.z = point.z;
+// else if (point.z > max.z)
+// max.z = point.z;
+// point = tris[i].get(1);
+// if (point.x < min.x)
+// min.x = point.x;
+// else if (point.x > max.x)
+// max.x = point.x;
+// if (point.y < min.y)
+// min.y = point.y;
+// else if (point.y > max.y)
+// max.y = point.y;
+// if (point.z < min.z)
+// min.z = point.z;
+// else if (point.z > max.z)
+// max.z = point.z;
+// point = tris[i].get(2);
+// if (point.x < min.x)
+// min.x = point.x;
+// else if (point.x > max.x)
+// max.x = point.x;
+// if (point.y < min.y)
+// min.y = point.y;
+// else if (point.y > max.y)
+// max.y = point.y;
+// if (point.z < min.z)
+// min.z = point.z;
+// else if (point.z > max.z)
+// max.z = point.z;
+// }
+// center.set(min.addLocal(max));
+// center.multLocal(0.5f);
+// extent.set(max.x - center.x, max.y - center.y, max.z - center.z);
+// xAxis.set(1, 0, 0);
+// yAxis.set(0, 1, 0);
+// zAxis.set(0, 0, 1);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public boolean intersection(OrientedBoundingBox box1) {
+// // Cutoff for cosine of angles between box axes. This is used to catch
+// // the cases when at least one pair of axes are parallel. If this
+// // happens,
+// // there is no need to test for separation along the Cross(A[i],B[j])
+// // directions.
+// OrientedBoundingBox box0 = this;
+// float cutoff = 0.999999f;
+// boolean parallelPairExists = false;
+// int i;
+// // convenience variables
+// Vector3f akA[] = new Vector3f[] { box0.xAxis, box0.yAxis, box0.zAxis };
+// Vector3f[] akB = new Vector3f[] { box1.xAxis, box1.yAxis, box1.zAxis };
+// Vector3f afEA = box0.extent;
+// Vector3f afEB = box1.extent;
+// // compute difference of box centers, D = C1-C0
+// Vector3f kD = box1.center.subtract(box0.center, _compVect1);
+// float[][] aafC = { fWdU, fAWdU, fDdU };
+// float[][] aafAbsC = { fADdU, fAWxDdU, tempFa };
+// float[] afAD = tempFb;
+// float fR0, fR1, fR; // interval radii and distance between centers
+// float fR01; // = R0 + R1
+// // axis C0+t*A0
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[0][i] = akA[0].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[0][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[0][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[0][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[0] = akA[0].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.x + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[1][i] = akA[1].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[1][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[1][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[1][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[1] = akA[1].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.y + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[2][i] = akA[2].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[2][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[2][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[2][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[2] = akA[2].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.z + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[0].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.x;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[1].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.y;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[2].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.z;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // At least one pair of box axes was parallel, so the separation is
+// // effectively in 2D where checking the "edge" normals is sufficient for
+// // the separation of the boxes.
+// if (parallelPairExists) {
+// return true;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][0] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][1] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][2] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][0] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][1] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][2] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][0] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][1] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][2] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// return true;
+// }
+// /*
+// * (non-Javadoc)
+// *
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersects(com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume)
+// */
+// public boolean intersects(BoundingVolume bv) {
+// if (bv == null)
+// return false;
+// return bv.intersectsOrientedBoundingBox(this);
+// }
+// /*
+// * (non-Javadoc)
+// *
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersectsSphere(com.jme.bounding.BoundingSphere)
+// */
+// public boolean intersectsSphere(BoundingSphere bs) {
+// if (!Vector3f.isValidVector(center) || !Vector3f.isValidVector(bs.center)) return false;
+// _compVect1.set(bs.getCenter()).subtractLocal(center);
+// tempMa.fromAxes(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
+// tempMa.mult(_compVect1, _compVect2);
+// if (FastMath.abs(_compVect2.x) < bs.getRadius() + extent.x
+// && FastMath.abs(_compVect2.y) < bs.getRadius() + extent.y
+// && FastMath.abs(_compVect2.z) < bs.getRadius() + extent.z)
+// return true;
+// return false;
+// }
+// /*
+// * (non-Javadoc)
+// *
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersectsBoundingBox(com.jme.bounding.BoundingBox)
+// */
+// public boolean intersectsBoundingBox(BoundingBox bb) {
+// if (!Vector3f.isValidVector(center) || !Vector3f.isValidVector(bb.center)) return false;
+// // Cutoff for cosine of angles between box axes. This is used to catch
+// // the cases when at least one pair of axes are parallel. If this
+// // happens,
+// // there is no need to test for separation along the Cross(A[i],B[j])
+// // directions.
+// float cutoff = 0.999999f;
+// boolean parallelPairExists = false;
+// int i;
+// // convenience variables
+// Vector3f akA[] = new Vector3f[] { xAxis, yAxis, zAxis };
+// Vector3f[] akB = new Vector3f[] { tempForword, tempLeft, tempUp };
+// Vector3f afEA = extent;
+// Vector3f afEB = tempVk.set(bb.xExtent, bb.yExtent, bb.zExtent);
+// // compute difference of box centers, D = C1-C0
+// Vector3f kD = bb.getCenter().subtract(center, _compVect1);
+// float[][] aafC = { fWdU, fAWdU, fDdU };
+// float[][] aafAbsC = { fADdU, fAWxDdU, tempFa };
+// float[] afAD = tempFb;
+// float fR0, fR1, fR; // interval radii and distance between centers
+// float fR01; // = R0 + R1
+// // axis C0+t*A0
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[0][i] = akA[0].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[0][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[0][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[0][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[0] = akA[0].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.x + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[1][i] = akA[1].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[1][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[1][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[1][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[1] = akA[1].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.y + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[2][i] = akA[2].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[2][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[2][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[2][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[2] = akA[2].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.z + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[0].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.x;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[1].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.y;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[2].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.z;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // At least one pair of box axes was parallel, so the separation is
+// // effectively in 2D where checking the "edge" normals is sufficient for
+// // the separation of the boxes.
+// if (parallelPairExists) {
+// return true;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][0] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][1] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][2] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][0] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][1] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][2] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][0] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][1] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][2] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// return true;
+// }
+// /*
+// * (non-Javadoc)
+// *
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersectsOBB2(com.jme.bounding.OBB2)
+// */
+// public boolean intersectsOrientedBoundingBox(OrientedBoundingBox obb) {
+// if (!Vector3f.isValidVector(center) || !Vector3f.isValidVector(obb.center)) return false;
+// // Cutoff for cosine of angles between box axes. This is used to catch
+// // the cases when at least one pair of axes are parallel. If this
+// // happens,
+// // there is no need to test for separation along the Cross(A[i],B[j])
+// // directions.
+// float cutoff = 0.999999f;
+// boolean parallelPairExists = false;
+// int i;
+// // convenience variables
+// Vector3f akA[] = new Vector3f[] { xAxis, yAxis, zAxis };
+// Vector3f[] akB = new Vector3f[] { obb.xAxis, obb.yAxis, obb.zAxis };
+// Vector3f afEA = extent;
+// Vector3f afEB = obb.extent;
+// // compute difference of box centers, D = C1-C0
+// Vector3f kD = obb.center.subtract(center, _compVect1);
+// float[][] aafC = { fWdU, fAWdU, fDdU };
+// float[][] aafAbsC = { fADdU, fAWxDdU, tempFa };
+// float[] afAD = tempFb;
+// float fR0, fR1, fR; // interval radii and distance between centers
+// float fR01; // = R0 + R1
+// // axis C0+t*A0
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[0][i] = akA[0].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[0][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[0][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[0][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[0] = akA[0].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.x + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[1][i] = akA[1].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[1][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[1][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[1][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[1] = akA[1].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.y + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2
+// for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+// aafC[2][i] = akA[2].dot(akB[i]);
+// aafAbsC[2][i] = FastMath.abs(aafC[2][i]);
+// if (aafAbsC[2][i] > cutoff) {
+// parallelPairExists = true;
+// }
+// }
+// afAD[2] = akA[2].dot(kD);
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2]);
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = afEA.z + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[0].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.x;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[1].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.y;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*B2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(akB[2].dot(kD));
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.z
+// * aafAbsC[2][2];
+// fR01 = fR0 + afEB.z;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // At least one pair of box axes was parallel, so the separation is
+// // effectively in 2D where checking the "edge" normals is sufficient for
+// // the separation of the boxes.
+// if (parallelPairExists) {
+// return true;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][0] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][1] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A0xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[2] * aafC[1][2] - afAD[1] * aafC[2][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[1][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[0][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][0] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][0] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][1] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A1xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[0] * aafC[2][2] - afAD[2] * aafC[0][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEA.z * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[1][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB0
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][0] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][0]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][0] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][0];
+// fR1 = afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][1];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB1
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][1] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][1]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][1] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][1];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][2] + afEB.z * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// // axis C0+t*A2xB2
+// fR = FastMath.abs(afAD[1] * aafC[0][2] - afAD[0] * aafC[1][2]);
+// fR0 = afEA.x * aafAbsC[1][2] + afEA.y * aafAbsC[0][2];
+// fR1 = afEB.x * aafAbsC[2][1] + afEB.y * aafAbsC[2][0];
+// fR01 = fR0 + fR1;
+// if (fR > fR01) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// return true;
+// }
+// /*
+// * (non-Javadoc)
+// *
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersects(com.jme.math.Ray)
+// */
+// public boolean intersects(Ray ray) {
+// if (!Vector3f.isValidVector(center)) return false;
+// float rhs;
+// Vector3f diff = ray.origin.subtract(getCenter(_compVect2), _compVect1);
+// fWdU[0] = ray.getDirection().dot(xAxis);
+// fAWdU[0] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[0]);
+// fDdU[0] = diff.dot(xAxis);
+// fADdU[0] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[0]);
+// if (fADdU[0] > extent.x && fDdU[0] * fWdU[0] >= 0.0) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// fWdU[1] = ray.getDirection().dot(yAxis);
+// fAWdU[1] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[1]);
+// fDdU[1] = diff.dot(yAxis);
+// fADdU[1] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[1]);
+// if (fADdU[1] > extent.y && fDdU[1] * fWdU[1] >= 0.0) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// fWdU[2] = ray.getDirection().dot(zAxis);
+// fAWdU[2] = FastMath.abs(fWdU[2]);
+// fDdU[2] = diff.dot(zAxis);
+// fADdU[2] = FastMath.abs(fDdU[2]);
+// if (fADdU[2] > extent.z && fDdU[2] * fWdU[2] >= 0.0) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// Vector3f wCrossD = ray.getDirection().cross(diff, _compVect2);
+// fAWxDdU[0] = FastMath.abs(wCrossD.dot(xAxis));
+// rhs = extent.y * fAWdU[2] + extent.z * fAWdU[1];
+// if (fAWxDdU[0] > rhs) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// fAWxDdU[1] = FastMath.abs(wCrossD.dot(yAxis));
+// rhs = extent.x * fAWdU[2] + extent.z * fAWdU[0];
+// if (fAWxDdU[1] > rhs) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// fAWxDdU[2] = FastMath.abs(wCrossD.dot(zAxis));
+// rhs = extent.x * fAWdU[1] + extent.y * fAWdU[0];
+// if (fAWxDdU[2] > rhs) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// return true;
+// }
+// /**
+// * @see com.jme.bounding.BoundingVolume#intersectsWhere(com.jme.math.Ray)
+// */
+// public IntersectionRecord intersectsWhere(Ray ray) {
+// Vector3f diff = _compVect1.set(ray.origin).subtractLocal(center);
+// // convert ray to box coordinates
+// Vector3f direction = _compVect2.set(ray.direction.x, ray.direction.y,
+// ray.direction.z);
+// float[] t = { 0f, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY };
+// float saveT0 = t[0], saveT1 = t[1];
+// boolean notEntirelyClipped = clip(+direction.x, -diff.x - extent.x, t)
+// && clip(-direction.x, +diff.x - extent.x, t)
+// && clip(+direction.y, -diff.y - extent.y, t)
+// && clip(-direction.y, +diff.y - extent.y, t)
+// && clip(+direction.z, -diff.z - extent.z, t)
+// && clip(-direction.z, +diff.z - extent.z, t);
+// if (notEntirelyClipped && (t[0] != saveT0 || t[1] != saveT1)) {
+// if (t[1] > t[0]) {
+// float[] distances = t;
+// Vector3f[] points = new Vector3f[] {
+// new Vector3f(ray.direction).multLocal(distances[0]).addLocal(ray.origin),
+// new Vector3f(ray.direction).multLocal(distances[1]).addLocal(ray.origin)
+// };
+// IntersectionRecord record = new IntersectionRecord(distances, points);
+// return record;
+// }
+// float[] distances = new float[] { t[0] };
+// Vector3f[] points = new Vector3f[] {
+// new Vector3f(ray.direction).multLocal(distances[0]).addLocal(ray.origin),
+// };
+// IntersectionRecord record = new IntersectionRecord(distances, points);
+// return record;
+// }
+// return new IntersectionRecord();
+// }
+// /**
+// * <code>clip</code> determines if a line segment intersects the current
+// * test plane.
+// *
+// * @param denom
+// * the denominator of the line segment.
+// * @param numer
+// * the numerator of the line segment.
+// * @param t
+// * test values of the plane.
+// * @return true if the line segment intersects the plane, false otherwise.
+// */
+// private boolean clip(float denom, float numer, float[] t) {
+// // Return value is 'true' if line segment intersects the current test
+// // plane. Otherwise 'false' is returned in which case the line segment
+// // is entirely clipped.
+// if (denom > 0.0f) {
+// if (numer > denom * t[1])
+// return false;
+// if (numer > denom * t[0])
+// t[0] = numer / denom;
+// return true;
+// } else if (denom < 0.0f) {
+// if (numer > denom * t[0])
+// return false;
+// if (numer > denom * t[1])
+// t[1] = numer / denom;
+// return true;
+// } else {
+// return numer <= 0.0;
+// }
+// }
+// public void setXAxis(Vector3f axis) {
+// xAxis.set(axis);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public void setYAxis(Vector3f axis) {
+// yAxis.set(axis);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public void setZAxis(Vector3f axis) {
+// zAxis.set(axis);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public void setExtent(Vector3f ext) {
+// extent.set(ext);
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// public Vector3f getXAxis() {
+// return xAxis;
+// }
+// public Vector3f getYAxis() {
+// return yAxis;
+// }
+// public Vector3f getZAxis() {
+// return zAxis;
+// }
+// public Vector3f getExtent() {
+// return extent;
+// }
+// @Override
+// public boolean contains(Vector3f point) {
+// _compVect1.set(point).subtractLocal(center);
+// float coeff = _compVect1.dot(xAxis);
+// if (FastMath.abs(coeff) > extent.x) return false;
+// coeff = _compVect1.dot(yAxis);
+// if (FastMath.abs(coeff) > extent.y) return false;
+// coeff = _compVect1.dot(zAxis);
+// if (FastMath.abs(coeff) > extent.z) return false;
+// return true;
+// }
+// @Override
+// public float distanceToEdge(Vector3f point) {
+// // compute coordinates of point in box coordinate system
+// Vector3f diff = point.subtract(center);
+// Vector3f closest = new Vector3f(diff.dot(xAxis), diff.dot(yAxis), diff
+// .dot(zAxis));
+// // project test point onto box
+// float sqrDistance = 0.0f;
+// float delta;
+// if (closest.x < -extent.x) {
+// delta = closest.x + extent.x;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.x = -extent.x;
+// } else if (closest.x > extent.x) {
+// delta = closest.x - extent.x;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.x = extent.x;
+// }
+// if (closest.y < -extent.y) {
+// delta = closest.y + extent.y;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.y = -extent.y;
+// } else if (closest.y > extent.y) {
+// delta = closest.y - extent.y;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.y = extent.y;
+// }
+// if (closest.z < -extent.z) {
+// delta = closest.z + extent.z;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.z = -extent.z;
+// } else if (closest.z > extent.z) {
+// delta = closest.z - extent.z;
+// sqrDistance += delta * delta;
+// closest.z = extent.z;
+// }
+// return FastMath.sqrt(sqrDistance);
+// }
+// public void write(JMEExporter e) throws IOException {
+// super.write(e);
+// OutputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this);
+// capsule.write(xAxis, "xAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_X);
+// capsule.write(yAxis, "yAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
+// capsule.write(zAxis, "zAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_Z);
+// capsule.write(extent, "extent", Vector3f.ZERO);
+// }
+// public void read(JMEImporter e) throws IOException {
+// super.read(e);
+// InputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this);
+// xAxis.set((Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("xAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_X.clone()));
+// yAxis.set((Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("yAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_Y.clone()));
+// zAxis.set((Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("zAxis", Vector3f.UNIT_Z.clone()));
+// extent.set((Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("extent", Vector3f.ZERO.clone()));
+// correctCorners = false;
+// }
+// @Override
+// public float getVolume() {
+// return (8*extent.x*extent.y*extent.z);
+// }
+//} \ No newline at end of file