com.jme3.asset contains the {@link com.jme3.asset.AssetManager}, a utility class that is used to load assets such as textures, models, and sound effects in a jME3 application.


{@link com.jme3.asset.AssetLoader asset loaders} are registered to load assets of a particular format. For example, an AssetLoader that loads TGA images should read a stream in .tga format and return an {@link com.jme3.texture.Image} object as its output. AssetLoaders are initialized once a file of that format is loaded, there's only one AssetLoader per thread so AssetLoader's load() method does not have to be thread safe.


{@link com.jme3.asset.AssetLocators asset locators} are used to resolve an asset name (a string) into an {@link} which is contained in an {@link com.jme3.asset.AssetInfo} object. There are AssetLocators for loading files from the application's classpath, the local hard drive, a ZIP file, an HTTP server, and more. The user can implement their own AssetLocators and register them with the AssetManager to load their resources from their own location.