/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.input; import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule; import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter; import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter; import com.jme3.export.OutputCapsule; import com.jme3.input.controls.*; import com.jme3.math.FastMath; import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; import com.jme3.renderer.Camera; import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager; import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort; import com.jme3.scene.Spatial; import com.jme3.scene.control.Control; import java.io.IOException; /** * A camera that follows a spatial and can turn around it by dragging the mouse * @author nehon */ public class ChaseCamera implements ActionListener, AnalogListener, Control { protected Spatial target = null; protected float minVerticalRotation = 0.00f; protected float maxVerticalRotation = FastMath.PI / 2; protected float minDistance = 1.0f; protected float maxDistance = 40.0f; protected float distance = 20; protected float zoomSpeed = 2f; protected float rotationSpeed = 1.0f; protected float rotation = 0; protected float trailingRotationInertia = 0.05f; protected float zoomSensitivity = 5f; protected float rotationSensitivity = 5f; protected float chasingSensitivity = 5f; protected float trailingSensitivity = 0.5f; protected float vRotation = FastMath.PI / 6; protected boolean smoothMotion = false; protected boolean trailingEnabled = true; protected float rotationLerpFactor = 0; protected float trailingLerpFactor = 0; protected boolean rotating = false; protected boolean vRotating = false; protected float targetRotation = rotation; protected InputManager inputManager; protected Vector3f initialUpVec; protected float targetVRotation = vRotation; protected float vRotationLerpFactor = 0; protected float targetDistance = distance; protected float distanceLerpFactor = 0; protected boolean zooming = false; protected boolean trailing = false; protected boolean chasing = false; protected boolean canRotate; protected float offsetDistance = 0.002f; protected Vector3f prevPos; protected boolean targetMoves = false; protected boolean enabled = true; protected Camera cam = null; protected final Vector3f targetDir = new Vector3f(); protected float previousTargetRotation; protected final Vector3f pos = new Vector3f(); protected Vector3f targetLocation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); protected boolean dragToRotate = true; protected Vector3f lookAtOffset = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); protected boolean leftClickRotate = true; protected boolean rightClickRotate = true; protected Vector3f temp = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); protected boolean invertYaxis = false; protected boolean invertXaxis = false; protected final static String ChaseCamDown = "ChaseCamDown"; protected final static String ChaseCamUp = "ChaseCamUp"; protected final static String ChaseCamZoomIn = "ChaseCamZoomIn"; protected final static String ChaseCamZoomOut = "ChaseCamZoomOut"; protected final static String ChaseCamMoveLeft = "ChaseCamMoveLeft"; protected final static String ChaseCamMoveRight = "ChaseCamMoveRight"; protected final static String ChaseCamToggleRotate = "ChaseCamToggleRotate"; /** * Constructs the chase camera * @param cam the application camera * @param target the spatial to follow */ public ChaseCamera(Camera cam, final Spatial target) { this(cam); target.addControl(this); } /** * Constructs the chase camera * if you use this constructor you have to attach the cam later to a spatial * doing spatial.addControl(chaseCamera); * @param cam the application camera */ public ChaseCamera(Camera cam) { this.cam = cam; initialUpVec = cam.getUp().clone(); } /** * Constructs the chase camera, and registers inputs * if you use this constructor you have to attach the cam later to a spatial * doing spatial.addControl(chaseCamera); * @param cam the application camera * @param inputManager the inputManager of the application to register inputs */ public ChaseCamera(Camera cam, InputManager inputManager) { this(cam); registerWithInput(inputManager); } /** * Constructs the chase camera, and registers inputs * @param cam the application camera * @param target the spatial to follow * @param inputManager the inputManager of the application to register inputs */ public ChaseCamera(Camera cam, final Spatial target, InputManager inputManager) { this(cam, target); registerWithInput(inputManager); } public void onAction(String name, boolean keyPressed, float tpf) { if (dragToRotate) { if (name.equals(ChaseCamToggleRotate) && enabled) { if (keyPressed) { canRotate = true; inputManager.setCursorVisible(false); } else { canRotate = false; inputManager.setCursorVisible(true); } } } } private boolean zoomin; public void onAnalog(String name, float value, float tpf) { if (name.equals(ChaseCamMoveLeft)) { rotateCamera(-value); } else if (name.equals(ChaseCamMoveRight)) { rotateCamera(value); } else if (name.equals(ChaseCamUp)) { vRotateCamera(value); } else if (name.equals(ChaseCamDown)) { vRotateCamera(-value); } else if (name.equals(ChaseCamZoomIn)) { zoomCamera(-value); if (zoomin == false) { distanceLerpFactor = 0; } zoomin = true; } else if (name.equals(ChaseCamZoomOut)) { zoomCamera(+value); if (zoomin == true) { distanceLerpFactor = 0; } zoomin = false; } } /** * Registers inputs with the input manager * @param inputManager */ public final void registerWithInput(InputManager inputManager) { String[] inputs = {ChaseCamToggleRotate, ChaseCamDown, ChaseCamUp, ChaseCamMoveLeft, ChaseCamMoveRight, ChaseCamZoomIn, ChaseCamZoomOut}; this.inputManager = inputManager; if (!invertYaxis) { inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamDown, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, true)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamUp, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, false)); } else { inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamDown, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, false)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamUp, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, true)); } inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamZoomIn, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_WHEEL, false)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamZoomOut, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_WHEEL, true)); if(!invertXaxis){ inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveLeft, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, true)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveRight, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, false)); }else{ inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveLeft, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, false)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveRight, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, true)); } inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamToggleRotate, new MouseButtonTrigger(MouseInput.BUTTON_LEFT)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamToggleRotate, new MouseButtonTrigger(MouseInput.BUTTON_RIGHT)); inputManager.addListener(this, inputs); } /** * Sets custom triggers for toggleing the rotation of the cam * deafult are * new MouseButtonTrigger(MouseInput.BUTTON_LEFT) left mouse button * new MouseButtonTrigger(MouseInput.BUTTON_RIGHT) right mouse button * @param triggers */ public void setToggleRotationTrigger(Trigger... triggers) { inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamToggleRotate); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamToggleRotate, triggers); inputManager.addListener(this, ChaseCamToggleRotate); } /** * Sets custom triggers for zomming in the cam * default is * new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_WHEEL, true) mouse wheel up * @param triggers */ public void setZoomInTrigger(Trigger... triggers) { inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamZoomIn); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamZoomIn, triggers); inputManager.addListener(this, ChaseCamZoomIn); } /** * Sets custom triggers for zomming out the cam * default is * new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_WHEEL, false) mouse wheel down * @param triggers */ public void setZoomOutTrigger(Trigger... triggers) { inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamZoomOut); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamZoomOut, triggers); inputManager.addListener(this, ChaseCamZoomOut); } private void computePosition() { float hDistance = (distance) * FastMath.sin((FastMath.PI / 2) - vRotation); pos.set(hDistance * FastMath.cos(rotation), (distance) * FastMath.sin(vRotation), hDistance * FastMath.sin(rotation)); pos.addLocal(target.getWorldTranslation()); } //rotate the camera around the target on the horizontal plane private void rotateCamera(float value) { if (!canRotate || !enabled) { return; } rotating = true; targetRotation += value * rotationSpeed; } //move the camera toward or away the target private void zoomCamera(float value) { if (!enabled) { return; } zooming = true; targetDistance += value * zoomSpeed; if (targetDistance > maxDistance) { targetDistance = maxDistance; } if (targetDistance < minDistance) { targetDistance = minDistance; } if ((targetVRotation < minVerticalRotation) && (targetDistance > (minDistance + 1.0f))) { targetVRotation = minVerticalRotation; } } //rotate the camera around the target on the vertical plane private void vRotateCamera(float value) { if (!canRotate || !enabled) { return; } vRotating = true; targetVRotation += value * rotationSpeed; if (targetVRotation > maxVerticalRotation) { targetVRotation = maxVerticalRotation; } if ((targetVRotation < minVerticalRotation) && (targetDistance > (minDistance + 1.0f))) { targetVRotation = minVerticalRotation; } } /** * Updates the camera, should only be called internally */ protected void updateCamera(float tpf) { if (enabled) { targetLocation.set(target.getWorldTranslation()).addLocal(lookAtOffset); if (smoothMotion) { //computation of target direction targetDir.set(targetLocation).subtractLocal(prevPos); float dist = targetDir.length(); //Low pass filtering on the target postition to avoid shaking when physics are enabled. if (offsetDistance < dist) { //target moves, start chasing. chasing = true; //target moves, start trailing if it has to. if (trailingEnabled) { trailing = true; } //target moves... targetMoves = true; } else { //if target was moving, we compute a slight offset in rotation to avoid a rought stop of the cam //We do not if the player is rotationg the cam if (targetMoves && !canRotate) { if (targetRotation - rotation > trailingRotationInertia) { targetRotation = rotation + trailingRotationInertia; } else if (targetRotation - rotation < -trailingRotationInertia) { targetRotation = rotation - trailingRotationInertia; } } //Target stops targetMoves = false; } //the user is rotating the cam by dragging the mouse if (canRotate) { //reseting the trailing lerp factor trailingLerpFactor = 0; //stop trailing user has the control trailing = false; } if (trailingEnabled && trailing) { if (targetMoves) { //computation if the inverted direction of the target Vector3f a = targetDir.negate().normalizeLocal(); //the x unit vector Vector3f b = Vector3f.UNIT_X; //2d is good enough a.y = 0; //computation of the rotation angle between the x axis and the trail if (targetDir.z > 0) { targetRotation = FastMath.TWO_PI - FastMath.acos(a.dot(b)); } else { targetRotation = FastMath.acos(a.dot(b)); } if (targetRotation - rotation > FastMath.PI || targetRotation - rotation < -FastMath.PI) { targetRotation -= FastMath.TWO_PI; } //if there is an important change in the direction while trailing reset of the lerp factor to avoid jumpy movements if (targetRotation != previousTargetRotation && FastMath.abs(targetRotation - previousTargetRotation) > FastMath.PI / 8) { trailingLerpFactor = 0; } previousTargetRotation = targetRotation; } //computing lerp factor trailingLerpFactor = Math.min(trailingLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * trailingSensitivity, 1); //computing rotation by linear interpolation rotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(trailingLerpFactor, rotation, targetRotation); //if the rotation is near the target rotation we're good, that's over if (targetRotation + 0.01f >= rotation && targetRotation - 0.01f <= rotation) { trailing = false; trailingLerpFactor = 0; } } //linear interpolation of the distance while chasing if (chasing) { distance = temp.set(targetLocation).subtractLocal(cam.getLocation()).length(); distanceLerpFactor = Math.min(distanceLerpFactor + (tpf * tpf * chasingSensitivity * 0.05f), 1); distance = FastMath.interpolateLinear(distanceLerpFactor, distance, targetDistance); if (targetDistance + 0.01f >= distance && targetDistance - 0.01f <= distance) { distanceLerpFactor = 0; chasing = false; } } //linear interpolation of the distance while zooming if (zooming) { distanceLerpFactor = Math.min(distanceLerpFactor + (tpf * tpf * zoomSensitivity), 1); distance = FastMath.interpolateLinear(distanceLerpFactor, distance, targetDistance); if (targetDistance + 0.1f >= distance && targetDistance - 0.1f <= distance) { zooming = false; distanceLerpFactor = 0; } } //linear interpolation of the rotation while rotating horizontally if (rotating) { rotationLerpFactor = Math.min(rotationLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * rotationSensitivity, 1); rotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(rotationLerpFactor, rotation, targetRotation); if (targetRotation + 0.01f >= rotation && targetRotation - 0.01f <= rotation) { rotating = false; rotationLerpFactor = 0; } } //linear interpolation of the rotation while rotating vertically if (vRotating) { vRotationLerpFactor = Math.min(vRotationLerpFactor + tpf * tpf * rotationSensitivity, 1); vRotation = FastMath.interpolateLinear(vRotationLerpFactor, vRotation, targetVRotation); if (targetVRotation + 0.01f >= vRotation && targetVRotation - 0.01f <= vRotation) { vRotating = false; vRotationLerpFactor = 0; } } //computing the position computePosition(); //setting the position at last cam.setLocation(pos.addLocal(lookAtOffset)); } else { //easy no smooth motion vRotation = targetVRotation; rotation = targetRotation; distance = targetDistance; computePosition(); cam.setLocation(pos.addLocal(lookAtOffset)); } //keeping track on the previous position of the target prevPos.set(targetLocation); //the cam looks at the target cam.lookAt(targetLocation, initialUpVec); } } /** * Return the enabled/disabled state of the camera * @return true if the camera is enabled */ public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } /** * Enable or disable the camera * @param enabled true to enable */ public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; if (!enabled) { canRotate = false; // reset this flag in-case it was on before } } /** * Returns the max zoom distance of the camera (default is 40) * @return maxDistance */ public float getMaxDistance() { return maxDistance; } /** * Sets the max zoom distance of the camera (default is 40) * @param maxDistance */ public void setMaxDistance(float maxDistance) { this.maxDistance = maxDistance; } /** * Returns the min zoom distance of the camera (default is 1) * @return minDistance */ public float getMinDistance() { return minDistance; } /** * Sets the min zoom distance of the camera (default is 1) * @return minDistance */ public void setMinDistance(float minDistance) { this.minDistance = minDistance; } /** * clone this camera for a spatial * @param spatial * @return */ public Control cloneForSpatial(Spatial spatial) { ChaseCamera cc = new ChaseCamera(cam, spatial, inputManager); cc.setMaxDistance(getMaxDistance()); cc.setMinDistance(getMinDistance()); return cc; } /** * Sets the spacial for the camera control, should only be used internally * @param spatial */ public void setSpatial(Spatial spatial) { target = spatial; if (spatial == null) { return; } computePosition(); prevPos = new Vector3f(target.getWorldTranslation()); cam.setLocation(pos); } /** * update the camera control, should only be used internally * @param tpf */ public void update(float tpf) { updateCamera(tpf); } /** * renders the camera control, should only be used internally * @param rm * @param vp */ public void render(RenderManager rm, ViewPort vp) { //nothing to render } /** * Write the camera * @param ex the exporter * @throws IOException */ public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException { OutputCapsule capsule = ex.getCapsule(this); capsule.write(maxDistance, "maxDistance", 40); capsule.write(minDistance, "minDistance", 1); } /** * Read the camera * @param im * @throws IOException */ public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException { InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this); maxDistance = ic.readFloat("maxDistance", 40); minDistance = ic.readFloat("minDistance", 1); } /** * returns the maximal vertical rotation angle of the camera around the target * @return */ public float getMaxVerticalRotation() { return maxVerticalRotation; } /** * sets the maximal vertical rotation angle of the camera around the target default is Pi/2; * @param maxVerticalRotation */ public void setMaxVerticalRotation(float maxVerticalRotation) { this.maxVerticalRotation = maxVerticalRotation; } /** * returns the minimal vertical rotation angle of the camera around the target * @return */ public float getMinVerticalRotation() { return minVerticalRotation; } /** * sets the minimal vertical rotation angle of the camera around the target default is 0; * @param minHeight */ public void setMinVerticalRotation(float minHeight) { this.minVerticalRotation = minHeight; } /** * returns true is smmoth motion is enabled for this chase camera * @return */ public boolean isSmoothMotion() { return smoothMotion; } /** * Enables smooth motion for this chase camera * @param smoothMotion */ public void setSmoothMotion(boolean smoothMotion) { this.smoothMotion = smoothMotion; } /** * returns the chasing sensitivity * @return */ public float getChasingSensitivity() { return chasingSensitivity; } /** * * Sets the chasing sensitivity, the lower the value the slower the camera will follow the target when it moves * default is 5 * Only has an effect if smoothMotion is set to true and trailing is enabled * @param chasingSensitivity */ public void setChasingSensitivity(float chasingSensitivity) { this.chasingSensitivity = chasingSensitivity; } /** * Returns the rotation sensitivity * @return */ public float getRotationSensitivity() { return rotationSensitivity; } /** * Sets the rotation sensitivity, the lower the value the slower the camera will rotates around the target when draging with the mouse * default is 5, values over 5 should have no effect. * If you want a significant slow down try values below 1. * Only has an effect if smoothMotion is set to true * @param rotationSensitivity */ public void setRotationSensitivity(float rotationSensitivity) { this.rotationSensitivity = rotationSensitivity; } /** * returns true if the trailing is enabled * @return */ public boolean isTrailingEnabled() { return trailingEnabled; } /** * Enable the camera trailing : The camera smoothly go in the targets trail when it moves. * Only has an effect if smoothMotion is set to true * @param trailingEnabled */ public void setTrailingEnabled(boolean trailingEnabled) { this.trailingEnabled = trailingEnabled; } /** * * returns the trailing rotation inertia * @return */ public float getTrailingRotationInertia() { return trailingRotationInertia; } /** * Sets the trailing rotation inertia : default is 0.1. This prevent the camera to roughtly stop when the target stops moving * before the camera reached the trail position. * Only has an effect if smoothMotion is set to true and trailing is enabled * @param trailingRotationInertia */ public void setTrailingRotationInertia(float trailingRotationInertia) { this.trailingRotationInertia = trailingRotationInertia; } /** * returns the trailing sensitivity * @return */ public float getTrailingSensitivity() { return trailingSensitivity; } /** * Only has an effect if smoothMotion is set to true and trailing is enabled * Sets the trailing sensitivity, the lower the value, the slower the camera will go in the target trail when it moves. * default is 0.5; * @param trailingSensitivity */ public void setTrailingSensitivity(float trailingSensitivity) { this.trailingSensitivity = trailingSensitivity; } /** * returns the zoom sensitivity * @return */ public float getZoomSensitivity() { return zoomSensitivity; } /** * Sets the zoom sensitivity, the lower the value, the slower the camera will zoom in and out. * default is 5. * @param zoomSensitivity */ public void setZoomSensitivity(float zoomSensitivity) { this.zoomSensitivity = zoomSensitivity; } /** * Sets the default distance at start of applicaiton * @param defaultDistance */ public void setDefaultDistance(float defaultDistance) { distance = defaultDistance; targetDistance = distance; } /** * sets the default horizontal rotation of the camera at start of the application * @param angle */ public void setDefaultHorizontalRotation(float angle) { rotation = angle; targetRotation = angle; } /** * sets the default vertical rotation of the camera at start of the application * @param angle */ public void setDefaultVerticalRotation(float angle) { vRotation = angle; targetVRotation = angle; } /** * @return If drag to rotate feature is enabled. * * @see FlyByCamera#setDragToRotate(boolean) */ public boolean isDragToRotate() { return dragToRotate; } /** * @param dragToRotate When true, the user must hold the mouse button * and drag over the screen to rotate the camera, and the cursor is * visible until dragged. Otherwise, the cursor is invisible at all times * and holding the mouse button is not needed to rotate the camera. * This feature is disabled by default. */ public void setDragToRotate(boolean dragToRotate) { this.dragToRotate = dragToRotate; this.canRotate = !dragToRotate; inputManager.setCursorVisible(dragToRotate); } /** * return the current distance from the camera to the target * @return */ public float getDistanceToTarget() { return distance; } /** * returns the current horizontal rotation around the target in radians * @return */ public float getHorizontalRotation() { return rotation; } /** * returns the current vertical rotation around the target in radians. * @return */ public float getVerticalRotation() { return vRotation; } /** * returns the offset from the target's position where the camera looks at * @return */ public Vector3f getLookAtOffset() { return lookAtOffset; } /** * Sets the offset from the target's position where the camera looks at * @param lookAtOffset */ public void setLookAtOffset(Vector3f lookAtOffset) { this.lookAtOffset = lookAtOffset; } /** * Sets the up vector of the camera used for the lookAt on the target * @param up */ public void setUpVector(Vector3f up){ initialUpVec=up; } /** * Returns the up vector of the camera used for the lookAt on the target * @return */ public Vector3f getUpVector(){ return initialUpVec; } /** * invert the vertical axis movement of the mouse * @param invertYaxis */ public void setInvertVerticalAxis(boolean invertYaxis) { this.invertYaxis = invertYaxis; inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamDown); inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamUp); if (!invertYaxis) { inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamDown, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, true)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamUp, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, false)); } else { inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamDown, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, false)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamUp, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_Y, true)); } inputManager.addListener(this, ChaseCamDown, ChaseCamUp); } /** * invert the Horizontal axis movement of the mouse * @param invertXaxis */ public void setInvertHorizontalAxis(boolean invertXaxis) { this.invertXaxis = invertXaxis; inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamMoveLeft); inputManager.deleteMapping(ChaseCamMoveRight); if(!invertXaxis){ inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveLeft, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, true)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveRight, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, false)); }else{ inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveLeft, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, false)); inputManager.addMapping(ChaseCamMoveRight, new MouseAxisTrigger(MouseInput.AXIS_X, true)); } inputManager.addListener(this, ChaseCamMoveLeft, ChaseCamMoveRight); } }