package org.junit.internal.runners.rules; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.List; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkField; import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass; /** * A RuleFieldValidator validates the rule fields of a * {@link TestClass}. All reasons for rejecting the * {@code TestClass} are written to a list of errors. * * There are two slightly different validators. The {@link #CLASS_RULE_VALIDATOR} * validates fields with a {@link ClassRule} annotation and the * {@link #RULE_VALIDATOR} validates fields with a {@link Rule} annotation. */ public enum RuleMemberValidator { /** * Validates fields with a {@link ClassRule} annotation. */ CLASS_RULE_VALIDATOR(ClassRule.class, true), /** * Validates fields with a {@link Rule} annotation. */ RULE_VALIDATOR(Rule.class, false); private final Class fAnnotation; private final boolean fOnlyStaticFields; private RuleMemberValidator(Class annotation, boolean onlyStaticFields) { this.fAnnotation= annotation; this.fOnlyStaticFields= onlyStaticFields; } /** * Validate the {@link TestClass} and adds reasons * for rejecting the class to a list of errors. * @param target the {@code TestClass} to validate. * @param errors the list of errors. */ public void validate(TestClass target, List errors) { List fields= target.getAnnotatedFields(fAnnotation); for (FrameworkField each : fields) validateField(each, errors); } private void validateField(FrameworkField field, List errors) { optionallyValidateStatic(field, errors); validatePublic(field, errors); validateTestRuleOrMethodRule(field, errors); } private void optionallyValidateStatic(FrameworkField field, List errors) { if (fOnlyStaticFields && !field.isStatic()) addError(errors, field, "must be static."); } private void validatePublic(FrameworkField field, List errors) { if (!field.isPublic()) addError(errors, field, "must be public."); } private void validateTestRuleOrMethodRule(FrameworkField field, List errors) { if (!isMethodRule(field) && !isTestRule(field)) addError(errors, field, "must implement MethodRule or TestRule."); } private boolean isTestRule(FrameworkField target) { return TestRule.class.isAssignableFrom(target.getType()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private boolean isMethodRule(FrameworkField target) { return org.junit.rules.MethodRule.class.isAssignableFrom(target .getType()); } private void addError(List errors, FrameworkField field, String suffix) { String message= "The @" + fAnnotation.getSimpleName() + " '" + field.getName() + "' " + suffix; errors.add(new Exception(message)); } }